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2021 Jan (93)
1. Revealing the characteristics of ZIKV infection through tissue-specific transcriptome sequencing analysis.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 8
Chen ZL(#), Yin ZJ(#), Qiu TY(#)
2. De novo full length transcriptome analysis and gene expression profiling to identify genes involved in phenylethanol glycosides biosynthesis in Cistanche tubulosa.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 8
Hou L, Li G, Chen Q
3. Comprehensive ceRNA network for MACF1 regulates osteoblast proliferation.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 7
Jiang S(#), Yin C(#), Dang K
4. PMEL p.Leu18del dilutes coat color of Kumamoto sub-breed of Japanese Brown cattle.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 7
Kimura S, Hatakeyama T, Koutaka T
5. Convergence of two serotypes within the epidemic ST11 KPC-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae creates the "Perfect Storm" in a teaching hospital.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 7
Liu C(#), Yang P(#), Zheng J
6. Genome-wide identification, new classification, expression analysis and screening of drought & heat resistance related candidates in the RING zinc finger gene family of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 7
Li Y(#), Qin P(#), Sun A
7. A genome-wide landscape of mRNAs, lncRNAs, circRNAs and miRNAs during intramuscular adipogenesis in cattle.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 6
Yang X(#), Ma X(#), Mei C
8. Global diversity and distribution of prophages are lineage-specific within the Ralstonia solanacearum species complex.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 6
Greenrod STE, Stoycheva M, Elphinstone J
9. Genome-resolved analyses show an extensive diversification in key aerobic hydrocarbon-degrading enzymes across bacteria and archaea.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 6
Somee MR, Amoozegar MA, Dastgheib SMM
10. Identification and expression analysis of BURP domain-containing genes in jujube and their involvement in low temperature and drought response.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 6
Wang W, Zhang Z, Li X.
11. BLNIMDA: identifying miRNA-disease associations based on weighted bi-level network.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 5
Shang J, Yang Y, Li F
12. High-throughput detection of T-DNA insertion sites for multiple transgenes in complex genomes.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 5
Edwards B, Hornstein ED, Wilson NJ
13. Identification of microRNAs responsive to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Panicum virgatum (switchgrass).
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 5
Johnson AC, Pendergast TH 4th, Chaluvadi S
14. Design and validation of a 63K genome-wide SNP-genotyping platform for caribou/reindeer (Rangifer tarandus).
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 5
Carrier A(#), Prunier J(#), Poisson W
15. Correlation scan: identifying genomic regions that affect genetic correlations applied to fertility traits.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 5
Olasege BS, Porto-Neto LR, Tahir MS
16. New cycle, same old mistakes? Overlapping vs. discrete generations in long-term recurrent selection.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 31
Labroo MR, Rutkoski JE.
17. Genome-wide detection of RNA editing events during the hair follicles cycle of Tianzhu white yak.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 31
Zhou X, Bao P, Zhang X
18. Structural and functional analysis of stress-inducible genes and their promoters selected from young oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) under salt stress.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 31
Ferreira TMM, Ferreira Filho JA, Leão AP
19. Genome-wide analysis of polyamine biosynthesis genes in wheat reveals gene expression specificity and involvement of STRE and MYB-elements in regulating polyamines under drought.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 30
Ebeed HT.
20. iPromoter-Seqvec: identifying promoters using bidirectional long short-term memory and sequence-embedded features.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 3
Nguyen-Vo TH, Trinh QH, Nguyen L
21. Genomic insight into the nocturnal adaptation of the black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax).
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 3
Luo H, Luo S, Fang W
22. SPARC plays an important role in the oviposition and nymphal development in Nilaparvata lugens Stål.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 3
Wang W, Zhu T, Wan P
23. Genome-wide meta-QTL analyses provide novel insight into disease resistance repertoires in common bean.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 3
Rahmanzadeh A(#), Khahani B(#), Taghavi SM
24. Full-length fruit transcriptomes of southern highbush (Vaccinium sp.) and rabbiteye (V. virgatum Ait.) blueberry.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 29
Wang YW, Nambeesan SU.
25. Characteristics and potential functional effects of long insertions in Asian butternuts.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 28
Chen Y, Miao Y, Bai W
26. High density linkage maps, genetic architecture, and genomic prediction of growth and wood properties in Pinus radiata.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 28
Freeman JS, Slavov GT, Butler JB
27. The distribution of bioactive gibberellins along peach annual shoots is closely associated with PpGA20ox and PpGA2ox expression profiles.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 28
Zhang M(#), Ma Y(#), Zheng X
28. Transcriptomic stability or lability explains sensitivity to climate stressors in coralline algae.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 27
Page TM, McDougall C, Bar I
29. Genome sequence of the entomopathogenic Serratia entomophila isolate 626 and characterisation of the species specific itaconate degradation pathway.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 27
Vaughan AL, Altermann E, Glare TR
30. Transcriptional regulation mechanism of wheat varieties with different nitrogen use efficiencies in response to nitrogen deficiency stress.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 26
Wang H, Ma Q, Shan F
31. Structural and developmental dynamics of Matrix associated regions in Drosophila melanogaster genome.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 25
Sureka R(#), Avvaru AK(#), Sowpati DT
32. Functional transcriptome analyses of Drosophila suzukii midgut reveal mating-dependent reproductive plasticity in females.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 25
Xing S, Deng D, Wen W
33. Multi-omics reveals the key and specific miRNA-mRNA modules underlying salt tolerance in wild emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccoides L.).
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 25
Yang G, Pan W, Cao R
34. Quantitative analysis of transcriptome dynamics provides novel insights into developmental state transitions.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 23
Johnson K, Freedman S, Braun R
35. Transcriptome and population structure of glassy-winged sharpshooters (Homalodisca vitripennis) with varying insecticide resistance in southern California.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 22
Ettinger CL, Byrne FJ, de Souza Pacheco I
36. Integrated analysis of miRNAs and mRNA profiling reveals the potential roles of miRNAs in sheep hair follicle development.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 22
He J, Huang X, Zhao B
37. Association of mTORC1‑dependent circulating protein levels with cataract formation: a mendelian randomization study.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 21
Cai Y, Liu K, Wu P
38. A chromosome-level genome of Semiothisa cinerearia provides insights into its genome evolution and control.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 21
Chi S(#), Wang Y(#), Wang Z(#)
39. Species diversity analysis of commercial Mantidis Ootheca samples contaminated by store pests based on DNA metabarcoding.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 21
Xu L, Zhang X, Guo H
40. Construction and analysis of sample-specific driver modules for breast cancer.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 20
Chen Y, Li H, Sun X.
41. The resistomes of Mycobacteroides abscessus complex and their possible acquisition from horizontal gene transfer.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 20
Chong SL, Tan JL, Ngeow YF.
42. Comparative analysis of the complete chloroplast genomes of six threatened subgenus Gynopodium (Magnolia) species.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 20
Xie H(#), Zhang L(#), Zhang C
43. Cov2clusters: genomic clustering of SARS-CoV-2 sequences.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 19
Sobkowiak B, Kamelian K, Zlosnik JEA
44. Bioinformatics methods in biomarkers of preeclampsia and associated potential drug applications.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 19
Peng Y(#), Hong H(#), Gao N
45. Complete genome sequencing and comparison of two nitrogen-metabolizing bacteria isolated from Antarctic deep-sea sediment.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 19
Liu W, Cong B, Lin J
46. A map of cis-regulatory modules and constituent transcription factor binding sites in 80% of the mouse genome.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 19
Ni P, Wilson D, Su Z.
47. Genetic dissection of fruit maturity date in apricot (P. armeniaca L.) through a Single Primer Enrichment Technology (SPET) approach.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 19
Baccichet I, Chiozzotto R, Scaglione D
48. Identification and characteristics of SnRK genes and cold stress-induced expression profiles in Liriodendron chinense.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 18
Li R, Radani Y, Ahmad B
49. Human impact on the recent population history of the elusive European wildcat inferred from whole genome data.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 18
Nieto-Blázquez ME, Schreiber D, Mueller SA
50. A web-based database server using 43,710 public RNA-seq samples for the analysis of gene expression and alternative splicing in livestock animals.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 17
Liu J, Lang K, Tan S
51. ELOVL gene family plays a virtual role in response to breeding selection and lipid deposition in different tissues in chicken (Gallus gallus).
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 17
Wang D, Li X, Zhang P
52. Genome-wide identification of biotin carboxyl carrier subunits of acetyl-CoA carboxylase in Brassica and their role in stress tolerance in oilseed Brassica napus.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 17
Megha S, Wang Z, Kav NNV
53. Comparative genome analysis of mycobacteria focusing on tRNA and non-coding RNA.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 15
Behra PRK(#), Pettersson BMF(#), Ramesh M
54. Co-expression network analysis identifies potential candidate hub genes in severe influenza patients needing invasive mechanical ventilation.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 15
Chen L, Hua J, He X.
55. Comparison of meiotic transcriptomes of three maize inbreds with different origins reveals differences in cell cycle and recombination.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 12
Garcia N(#), Yin L(#), Dukowic-Schulze S
56. The long non-coding RNA lncMYOZ2 mediates an AHCY/MYOZ2 axis to promote adipogenic differentiation in porcine preadipocytes.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 11
Yang Y(#), Wu Y(#), Ji M
57. Transcriptome profiling of lung immune responses potentially related to acute respiratory distress syndrome in forest musk deer.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 11
Tang J, Suo L, Li F
58. The transcriptomic landscape of Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense during magnetosome biomineralization.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 10
Riese CN, Wittchen M, Jérôme V
59. Transcriptomic analysis of paternal behaviors in prairie voles.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 1
Duclot F, Liu Y, Saland SK
60. Leveraging family history in genetic association analyses of binary traits.
BMC Genomics
2022 Oct 1
Zhang Y, Meigs JB, Liu CT
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