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2021 Aug (49)
2021 Jul (84)
2021 Jun (92)
2021 May (84)
2021 Apr (85)
2021 Mar (80)
2021 Feb (48)
2021 Jan (93)
1. Exploring the transportome of the biosurfactant producing yeast Starmerella bombicola.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 9
Claus S, Jezierska S, Elbourne LDH
2. oCEM: Automatic detection and analysis of overlapping co-expressed gene modules.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 8
Nguyen QH, Le DH.
3. Carriage of distinct bla(KPC-2) and bla(OXA-48) plasmids in a single ST11 hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae isolate in Egypt.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 8
Yang Y(#), Yang Y(#), Ahmed MAEE(#)
4. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of the coronatine-insensitive 1 (COI1) gene family in response to biotic and abiotic stresses in Saccharum.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 8
Sun T, Meng Y, Cen G
5. Long-read transcriptome sequencing provides insight into lignan biosynthesis during fruit development in Schisandra chinensis.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 8
Hong CP, Kim CK, Lee DJ
6. Computational modeling of chromatin accessibility identified important epigenomic regulators.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 8
Zhao Y, Dong Y, Hong W
7. Development and evaluation of a meat mitochondrial metagenomic (3MG) method for composition determination of meat from fifteen mammalian and avian species.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 7
Jiang M, Xu SF, Tang TS
8. HLA-SPREAD: a natural language processing based resource for curating HLA association from PubMed abstracts.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 7
Dholakia D(#), Kalra A(#), Misir BR
9. Predicting the targets of IRF8 and NFATc1 during osteoclast differentiation using the machine learning method framework cTAP.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 7
Wang H, Joshi P, Hong SH
10. Comparative genome analysis of plant ascomycete fungal pathogens with different lifestyles reveals distinctive virulence strategies.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 7
Wang Y, Wu J, Yan J
11. Transcriptome shifts triggered by vitamin A and SCD genotype interaction in Duroc pigs.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 7
Solé E, González-Prendes R, Oliinychenko Y
12. N7-methylguanosine modification of lncRNAs in a rat model of hypoxic pulmonary hypertension: a comprehensive analysis.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 7
Wang H(#), Chen RB(#), Zhang SN
13. A novel graph-based k-partitioning approach improves the detection of gene-gene correlations by single-cell RNA sequencing.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 7
Xu H(#), Hu Y(#), Zhang X
14. Combined assembly of long and short sequencing reads improve the efficiency of exploring the soil metagenome.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 7
Xu G(#), Zhang L(#), Liu X
15. Long range PCR-based deep sequencing for haplotype determination in mixed HCMV infections.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 6
Brait N(#), Külekçi B(#), Goerzer I.
16. Characterization of histone deacetylases and their roles in response to abiotic and PAMPs stresses in Sorghum bicolor.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 6
Du Q(#), Fang Y(#), Jiang J(#)
17. Complete chloroplast genomes of Rubus species (Rosaceae) and comparative analysis within the genus.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 6
Yu J, Fu J, Fang Y
18. Divergence of X-linked trans regulatory proteins and the misexpression of gene targets in sterile Drosophila pseudoobscura hybrids.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 6
Go AC, Civetta A.
19. Transcriptomics analysis reveals the signal transduction mechanism of brassinolides in tea leaves and its regulation on the growth and development of Camellia sinensis.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 6
Jin Q, Wang Z, Chen Y
20. Comparative genomics and phylogenetic relationships of two endemic and endangered species (Handeliodendron bodinieri and Eurycorymbus cavaleriei) of two monotypic genera within Sapindales.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 6
Yang J, Hu G, Hu G.
21. Genome-wide association study identifies SNPs for growth performance and serum indicators in Valgus-varus deformity broilers (Gallus gallus) using ddGBS sequencing.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 6
Guo Y(#), Huang H(#), Zhang Z
22. Caenorhabditis elegans ETR-1/CELF has broad effects on the muscle cell transcriptome, including genes that regulate translation and neuroblast migration.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 6
Ochs ME, McWhirter RM, Unckless RL
23. Evaluation of CRISPR gene-editing tools in zebrafish.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 6
Uribe-Salazar JM, Kaya G, Sekar A
24. Transcriptional analysis of Bemisia tabaci MEAM1 cryptic species under the selection pressure of neonicotinoids imidacloprid, acetamiprid and thiamethoxam.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 5
Zhou CS, Lv HH, Guo XH
25. Gene regulation network analyses of pistil development in papaya.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 5
Liao Z, Dong F, Liu J
26. Identification and expression analysis of histone modification gene (HM) family during somatic embryogenesis of oil palm.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 5
Zhou L(#), Yarra R(#), Jin L
27. Expression of immune response genes in human corneal epithelial cells interacting with Aspergillus flavus conidia.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 5
Arunachalam D, Ramanathan SM, Menon A
28. Nearby transposable elements impact plant stress gene regulatory networks: a meta-analysis in A. thaliana and S. lycopersicum.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 4
Deneweth J, Van de Peer Y, Vermeirssen V.
29. Transcriptomic analysis of the maize inbred line Chang7-2 and a large-grain mutant tc19.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 4
Zhang Y(#), Jiao F(#), Li J
30. The genomic structure of isolation across breed, country and strain for important South African and Australian sheep populations.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 4
Nel C, Gurman P, Swan A
31. Genome-wide identification and functional analysis of circRNAs in Trichophyton rubrum conidial and mycelial stages.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 4
Cao X(#), Xu X(#), Dong J
32. Comparative pangenomics: analysis of 12 microbial pathogen pangenomes reveals conserved global structures of genetic and functional diversity.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 4
Hyun JC, Monk JM, Palsson BO.
33. Regulation of fatty acid desaturase- and immunity gene-expression by mbk-1/DYRK1A in Caenorhabditis elegans.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 4
Mack HID, Kremer J, Albertini E
34. Developmental and Injury-induced Changes in DNA Methylation in Regenerative versus Non-regenerative Regions of the Vertebrate Central Nervous System.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 4
Reverdatto S, Prasad A, Belrose JL
35. Gene expression profiling of trout muscle during flesh quality recovery following spawning.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 4
Ahongo YD, Le Cam A, Montfort J
36. Identification of an integrated stress and growth response signaling switch that directs vertebrate intestinal regeneration.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 4
Westfall AK, Perry BW, Kamal AHM
37. Inferring the genetic responses to acute drought stress across an ecological gradient.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 4
Devitt JK, Chung A, Schenk JJ.
38. De novo and comparative transcriptomic analysis explain morphological differences in Panax notoginseng taproots.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 31
Yang L, Wang H, Wang P
39. Genome-wide analysis of TALE superfamily in Triticum aestivum reveals TaKNOX11-A is involved in abiotic stress response.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 31
Han Y, Zhang L, Yan L
40. Genome-wide run of homozygosity analysis reveals candidate genomic regions associated with environmental adaptations of Tibetan native chickens.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 31
Yuan J, Li S, Sheng Z
41. Comparative genomic analyses of Polymyxin-resistant Enterobacteriaceae strains from China.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 31
He Z, Yang Y, Li W
42. Genomic insight into the scale specialization of the biological control agent Novius pumilus (Weise, 1892).
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 31
Tang XF(#), Huang YH(#), Li HS
43. Context dependency of nucleotide probabilities and variants in human DNA.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 31
Liang Y, Grønbæk C, Fariselli P
44. Comprehensive analysis of the long noncoding RNA-associated competitive endogenous RNA network in the osteogenic differentiation of periodontal ligament stem cells.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 3
Lai L, Wang Z, Ge Y
45. Genome-Wide association study of quantitative biomarkers identifies a novel locus for alzheimer's disease at 12p12.1.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 28
Lee B, Yao X, Shen L; Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative.
46. Progesterone differentially affects the transcriptomic profiles of cow endometrial cell types.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 27
Pereira G(#), Guo Y(#), Silva E
47. Uncovering the first complete plastome genomics, comparative analyses, and phylogenetic dispositions of endemic medicinal plant Ziziphus hajarensis (Rhamnaceae).
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 27
Asaf S(#), Ahmad W(#), Al-Harrasi A
48. Structural characterization of Platanthera ussuriensis chloroplast genome and comparative analyses with other species of Orchidaceae.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 27
Han C(#), Ding R(#), Zong X
49. AMPlify: attentive deep learning model for discovery of novel antimicrobial peptides effective against WHO priority pathogens.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 25
Li C, Sutherland D, Hammond SA
50. Detection and identification of cis-regulatory elements using change-point and classification algorithms.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 25
Maderazo D, Flegg JA, Algama M
51. Transcriptome and methylome changes in two contrasting mungbean genotypes in response to drought stress.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 25
Zhao P(#), Ma B(#), Cai C
52. A spatiotemporal atlas of the lepidopteran pest Helicoverpa armigera midgut provides insights into nutrient processing and pH regulation.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 24
Ioannidis P, Buer B, Ilias A
53. The genome of medicinal leech (Whitmania pigra) and comparative genomic study for exploration of bioactive ingredients.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 24
Tong L(#), Dai SX(#), Kong DJ(#)
54. Genome-wide survey of the dehydrin genes in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and its relatives: identification, evolution and expression profiling under various abiotic stresses.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 23
Hao Y(#), Hao M(#), Cui Y
55. Genome-wide association study of beef bull semen attributes.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 23
Butler ML, Hartman AR, Bormann JM
56. Comparative transcriptomics and eQTL mapping of response to Melampsora americana in selected Salix purpurea F(2) progeny.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 22
Wilkerson DG(#), Crowell CR(#), Carlson CH
57. Third generation cephalosporin-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae thriving in patients and in wastewater: what do they have in common?
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 22
Rocha J, Ferreira C, Mil-Homens D
58. Gene expression profiles in Malpighian tubules of the vector leafhopper Psammotettix striatus (L.) revealed regional functional diversity and heterogeneity.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 21
Yuan F, Wei C.
59. Genome-scale analysis of genetic regulatory elements in Streptomyces avermitilis MA-4680 using transcript boundary information.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 21
Lee Y, Lee N, Hwang S
60. Neural transcriptomic signature of chronic wasting disease in white-tailed deer.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 21
O'Hara E, Herbst A, Kommadath A
61. Genome insights into the pharmaceutical and plant growth promoting features of the novel species Nocardia alni sp. nov.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 21
Nouioui I, Ha SM, Baek I
62. Differential microRNA expression, microRNA arm switching, and microRNA:long noncoding RNA interaction in response to salinity stress in soybean.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 20
Li C(#), Nong W(#), Zhao S(#)
63. Modified Northern blot protocol for easy detection of mRNAs in total RNA using radiolabeled probes.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 20
Yang T, Zhang M, Zhang N.
64. Geometric morphology and population genomics provide insights into the adaptive evolution of Apis cerana in Changbai Mountain.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 19
Nannan L, Huamiao L, Yan J
65. The inconsistency between two major aneuploidy-screening platforms-single-nucleotide polymorphism array and next-generation sequencing-in the detection of embryo mosaicism.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 18
Chen D(#), Xu Y(#), Ding C
66. Ferroptosis-associated DNA methylation signature predicts overall survival in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 18
Xu Y, Hong M, Kong D
67. First analyses of lysine succinylation proteome and overlap between succinylation and acetylation in Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 17
Ye J, Li J.
68. Identification of a ferroptosis-related gene pair biomarker with immune infiltration landscapes in ischemic stroke: a bioinformatics-based comprehensive study.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 16
Fan J, Chen M, Cao S
69. Genome-wide analysis reveals the spatiotemporal expression patterns of SOS3 genes in the maize B73 genome in response to salt stress.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 16
Cao Y(#), Shan T(#), Fang H(#)
70. Dictionary learning allows model-free pseudotime estimation of transcriptomic data.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 15
Rams M, Conrad TOF.
71. Investigating the genomic alteration improved the clinical outcome of aged patients with lung carcinoma.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 15
Chen S(#), Fu A(#), Lu Y
72. Time-course RNASeq of Camponotus floridanus forager and nurse ant brains indicate links between plasticity in the biological clock and behavioral division of labor.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 15
Das B, de Bekker C.
73. Transcriptome analysis of Auricularia fibrillifera fruit-body responses to drought stress and rehydration.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 15
Wang Y(#), Yang Z(#), Shi L
74. Degradome comparison between wild and cultivated rice identifies differential targeting by miRNAs.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 14
Swetha C, Narjala A, Pandit A
75. Phenotypic and molecular characterization of a set of tropical maize inbred lines from a public breeding program in Brazil.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 14
de Faria SV, Zuffo LT, Rezende WM
76. Analysis of the transcriptome of the needles and bark of Pinus radiata induced by bark stripping and methyl jasmonate.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 13
Nantongo JS, Potts BM, Frickey T
77. Combined PD-1/PD-L1 and tumor-infiltrating immune cells redefined a unique molecular subtype of high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 13
Liu P(#), Chen R(#), Zhang X(#)
78. Integrated analysis of long non-coding RNAs and mRNAs reveals the regulatory network of maize seedling root responding to salt stress.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 13
Liu P, Zhang Y, Zou C
79. Genome-wide investigation of microRNAs and expression profiles during rhizome development in ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe).
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 13
Xing H(#), Li Y(#), Ren Y
80. Genome-wide high-throughput signal peptide screening via plasmid pUC256E improves protease secretion in Lactiplantibacillus plantarum and Pediococcus acidilactici.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 12
Chen B, Loo BZL, Cheng YY
81. Identification of cardiomyopathy-related core genes through human metabolic networks and expression data.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 12
Rong Z, Chen H, Zhang Z
82. A scaffold-level genome assembly of a minute pirate bug, Orius laevigatus (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae), and a comparative analysis of insecticide resistance-related gene families with hemipteran crop pests.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 11
Bailey E, Field L, Rawlings C
83. A modified decision tree approach to improve the prediction and mutation discovery for drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 11
Deelder W, Napier G, Campino S
84. Spatiotemporal expression profile of novel and known small RNAs throughout rice plant development focussing on seed tissues.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 11
Meijer A, De Meyer T, Vandepoele K(#)
85. Long read sequencing reveals novel isoforms and insights into splicing regulation during cell state changes.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 10
Wright DJ, Hall NAL, Irish N
86. Investigation of genetic relationships within three Miscanthus species using SNP markers identified with SLAF-seq.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 10
Chen Z(#), He Y(#), Iqbal Y
87. RAD gene family analysis in cotton provides some key genes for flowering and stress tolerance in upland cotton G. hirsutum.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 10
Kabir N(#), Zhang X(#), Liu L
88. Genome-wide association studies for immunoglobulin concentrations in colostrum and serum in Chinese Holstein.
BMC Genomics
2022 Jan 10
Lin S(#), Ke C(#), Liu L
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