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2021 Jul (84)
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2021 May (84)
2021 Apr (85)
2021 Mar (80)
2021 Feb (48)
2021 Jan (93)
1. A positive correlation between GC content and growth temperature in prokaryotes.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 9
Hu EZ(#), Lan XR(#), Liu ZL
2. Genome sequencing-based coverage analyses facilitate high-resolution detection of deletions linked to phenotypes of gamma-irradiated wheat mutants.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 9
Komura S(#), Jinno H(#), Sonoda T(#)
3. The interactions between interleukin-1 family genes: IL1A, IL1B, IL1RN, and obesity parameters.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 9
Maculewicz E, Antkowiak B, Antkowiak O
4. Genomewide transcriptional response of Escherichia coli O157:H7 to norepinephrine.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 8
Sharma VK, Akavaram S, Bayles DO.
5. Evaluation of methods to detect circular RNAs from single-end RNA-sequencing data.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 8
Nguyen MH, Nguyen HN(#), Vu TN(#).
6. Mapping the m1A, m5C, m6A and m7G methylation atlas in zebrafish brain under hypoxic conditions by MeRIP-seq.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 8
Li W(#), Li X(#), Ma X(#)
7. Combined transcriptomic and metabolomic analysis reveals the potential mechanism of seed germination and young seedling growth in Tamarix hispida.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 8
Pang X(#), Suo J(#), Liu S(#)
8. The potential use of mitochondrial ribosomal genes (12S and 16S) in DNA barcoding and phylogenetic analysis of trematodes.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 7
Chan AHE, Saralamba N, Saralamba S
9. Genetic testing of dogs predicts problem behaviors in clinical and nonclinical samples.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 7
Zapata I, Lilly ML, Herron ME
10. Chitosan induces differential transcript usage of chitosanase 3 encoding gene (csn3) in the biocontrol fungus Pochonia chlamydosporia 123.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 5
Sambles C(#), Suarez-Fernandez M(#), Lopez-Moya F
11. Genetic architecture of salt tolerance in a Multi-Parent Advanced Generation Inter-Cross (MAGIC) cowpea population.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 5
Ravelombola W(#), Shi A(#), Huynh BL
12. Comparison of mixed model based approaches for correcting for population substructure with application to extreme phenotype sampling.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 4
Onifade M, Roy-Gagnon MH, Parent MÉ
13. Mutation analysis of disease causing genes in patients with early onset or familial forms of Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementia.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 4
Pagnon de la Vega M, Näslund C, Brundin R
14. Assembly-free rapid differential gene expression analysis in non-model organisms using DNA-protein alignment.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 4
Shrestha AMS, B Guiao JE, R Santiago KC.
15. Genome-wide identification of MAPK gene family members in Fagopyrum tataricum and their expression during development and stress responses.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 3
Yao Y(#), Zhao H(#), Sun L
16. Dissection of canopy layer-specific genetic control of leaf angle in Sorghum bicolor by RNA sequencing.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 3
Natukunda MI, Mantilla-Perez MB, Graham MA
17. Genome variation in tick infestation and cryptic divergence in Tunisian indigenous sheep.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 28
Ahbara AM, Khbou MK, Rhomdhane R
18. Analysis of global Aeromonas veronii genomes provides novel information on source of infection and virulence in human gastrointestinal diseases.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 28
Liu F(#), Yuwono C(#), Tay ACY
19. Network meta-analysis of transcriptome expression changes in different manifestations of dengue virus infection.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 27
Winter C, Camarão AAR, Steffen I
20. A versatile 5' RACE-Seq methodology for the accurate identification of the 5' termini of mRNAs.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 26
Adamopoulos PG(#), Tsiakanikas P(#), Stolidi I
21. Identification of drought responsive Elaeis guineensis WRKY transcription factors with sensitivity to other abiotic stresses and hormone treatments.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 26
Lee FC, Yeap WC, Appleton DR
22. The transcriptomic responses of blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala) to acute hypoxia stress alone, and in combination with bortezomib.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 25
Zhao SS(#), Su XL(#), Pan RJ
23. Complete genome sequence of biocontrol strain Paenibacillus peoriae HJ-2 and further analysis of its biocontrol mechanism.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 24
Jiang A, Zou C, Xu X
24. Evaluation of four methods to identify the homozygotic sex chromosome in small populations.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 24
Hansen CCR(#), Westfall KM, Pálsson S(#).
25. Nebbiolo' genome assembly allows surveying the occurrence and functional implications of genomic structural variations in grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.).
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 24
Maestri S, Gambino G, Lopatriello G
26. Systematic benchmark of state-of-the-art variant calling pipelines identifies major factors affecting accuracy of coding sequence variant discovery.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 22
Barbitoff YA, Abasov R, Tvorogova VE
27. De novo genome assembly and functional annotation for Fusarium langsethiae.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 22
Zuo Y, Verheecke-Vaessen C, Molitor C
28. The EurOPDX Data Portal: an open platform for patient-derived cancer xenograft data sharing and visualization.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 22
Dudová Z(#), Conte N(#), Mason J
29. HiFiAdapterFilt, a memory efficient read processing pipeline, prevents occurrence of adapter sequence in PacBio HiFi reads and their negative impacts on genome assembly.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 22
Sim SB, Corpuz RL, Simmonds TJ
30. Global invasion history of the emerging plant pathogen Phytophthora multivora.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 22
Tsykun T, Prospero S, Schoebel CN
31. Genome-wide identification of MITE-derived microRNAs and their targets in bread wheat.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 22
Crescente JM, Zavallo D, Del Vas M
32. Genome-wide investigation of the ZF-HD gene family in two varieties of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and its expression pattern under alkaline stress.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 21
He K, Li C, Zhang Z
33. Biocontrol properties from phyllospheric bacteria isolated from Solanum lycopersicum and Lactuca sativa and genome mining of antimicrobial gene clusters.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 21
Muñoz CY, Zhou L, Yi Y
34. Transcriptomic comparison of ovarian granulosa cells between adult sheep and prepubertal lambs.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 21
Tian H(#), Ren P(#), Liu K
35. TC-hunter: identification of the insertion site of a transgenic gene within the host genome.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 20
Börjesson V, Martinez-Monleon A, Fransson S
36. Analysis of autosomal dominant genes impacted by copy number loss in 24,844 fetuses without structural abnormalities.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 2
Chen L, Wang L, Yin D
37. Identification of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and candidate genes of seed Iron and zinc content in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.].
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 19
Wang H(#), Jia J(#), Cai Z(#)
38. Rare coding variants in RCN3 are associated with blood pressure.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 19
He KY, Kelly TN, Wang H
39. Complete mitochondrial genomes of three Mangifera species, their genomic structure and gene transfer from chloroplast genomes.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 19
Niu Y, Gao C, Liu J.
40. Quantitative multiplexed proteomics analysis reveals reshaping of the lysine 2-hydroxyisobutyrylome in Fusarium graminearum by tebuconazole.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 18
Zhao Y, Zhang L, Ju C
41. Multi-omics data integration reveals link between epigenetic modifications and gene expression in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris) in response to cold.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 17
Gutschker S, Corral JM, Schmiedl A
42. Emergence of distinct syntenic density regimes is associated with early metazoan genomic transitions.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 17
Robert NSM, Sarigol F, Zimmermann B
43. miR-486-5p expression is regulated by DNA methylation in osteosarcoma.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 17
Namløs HM, Skårn M, Ahmed D
44. Time-course RNA-seq analysis reveals stage-specific and melatonin-triggered gene expression patterns during the hair follicle growth cycle in Capra hircus.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 16
Li C(#), Feng C(#), Ma G(#)
45. Genetic effect of an InDel in the promoter region of the NUDT15 and its effect on myoblast proliferation in chickens.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 16
Wei C(#), Niu Y(#), Chen B
46. MutationalPatterns: the one stop shop for the analysis of mutational processes.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 15
Manders F, Brandsma AM, de Kanter J
47. Transcriptome analysis and differential gene expression profiling of wucai (Brassica campestris L.) in response to cold stress.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 15
Wang C(#), Zhang M(#), Zhou J
48. Whole-genome analyses reveal a novel prophage and cgSNPs-derived sublineages of Brachyspira hyodysenteriae ST196.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 15
García-Martín AB, Roder T, Schmitt S
49. Large-scale association study on daily weight gain in pigs reveals overlap of genetic factors for growth in humans.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 15
Cai Z, Christensen OF, Lund MS
50. Genome-wide profiling of long non-coding RNA of the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae during infection.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 15
Choi G, Jeon J, Lee H
51. Benchmarking phasing software with a whole-genome sequenced cattle pedigree.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 15
Oget-Ebrad C, Kadri NK, Moreira GCM
52. Computational identification of clonal cells in single-cell CRISPR screens.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 15
Wang Y, Xie S, Armendariz D
53. Comparative transcriptome analysis identifies crucial candidate genes and pathways in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis during external genitalia development of male geese.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 15
Tang B, Hu S, Ouyang Q
54. Genome-wide localization of histone variants in Toxoplasma gondii implicates variant exchange in stage-specific gene expression.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 14
Nardelli SC(#), Silmon de Monerri NC(#), Vanagas L
55. Genion, an accurate tool to detect gene fusion from long transcriptomics reads.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 14
Karaoglanoglu F, Chauve C, Hach F.
56. Natterin-like depletion by CRISPR/Cas9 impairs zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryonic development.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 12
Seni-Silva AC(#), Maleski ALA(#), Souza MM
57. Differential gene expression associated with a floral scent polymorphism in the evening primrose Oenothera harringtonii (Onagraceae).
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 12
Bechen LL, Johnson MG, Broadhead GT
58. Genomic architecture of phenotypic extremes in a wild cervid.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 12
Anderson SJ, Côté SD, Richard JH
59. Genome-wide identification and expression profiling analysis of maize AP2/ERF superfamily genes reveal essential roles in abiotic stress tolerance.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 12
Zhang J(#), Liao J(#), Ling Q
60. Pango lineage designation and assignment using SARS-CoV-2 spike gene nucleotide sequences.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 11
O'Toole Á, Pybus OG, Abram ME
61. Single-molecule long-read sequencing reveals the potential impact of posttranscriptional regulation on gene dosage effects on the avian Z chromosome.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 11
Wang J, Xi Y, Ma S
62. Cellular diversity and gene expression profiles in the male and female brain of Aedes aegypti.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 10
Cui Y, Behura SK(#), Franz AWE(#).
63. Long-read sequencing of the zebrafish genome reorganizes genomic architecture.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 10
Chernyavskaya Y(#), Zhang X(#), Liu J
64. Micronutrient supplementation affects DNA methylation in male gonads with potential intergenerational epigenetic inheritance involving the embryonic development through glutamate receptor-associated genes.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 10
Saito T, Whatmore P, Taylor JF
65. High male specific contribution of the X-chromosome to individual global recombination rate in dairy cattle.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 10
Kadri NK, Zhang J, Oget-Ebrad C
66. Genome-wide identification of the NLR gene family in Haynaldia villosa by SMRT-RenSeq.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 10
Huang Z, Qiao F, Yang B
67. Chromosomal genome and population genetic analyses to reveal genetic architecture, breeding history and genes related to cadmium accumulation in Lentinula edodes.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 10
Yu H(#), Zhang L(#), Shang X
68. Complete pan-plastome sequences enable high resolution phylogenetic classification of sugar beet and closely related crop wild relatives.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 10
Sielemann K, Pucker B, Schmidt N
69. Amphioxus muscle transcriptomes reveal vertebrate-like myoblast fusion genes and a highly conserved role of insulin signalling in the metabolism of muscle.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 1
Aase-Remedios ME(#), Coll-Lladó C(#), Ferrier DEK.
70. Optimization of enzymatic fragmentation is crucial to maximize genome coverage: a comparison of library preparation methods for Illumina sequencing.
BMC Genomics
2022 Feb 1
Ribarska T(#), Bjørnstad PM(#), Sundaram AYM
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