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2021 Jul (84)
2021 Jun (92)
2021 May (84)
2021 Apr (85)
2021 Mar (80)
2021 Feb (48)
2021 Jan (93)
1. Significance of linkage disequilibrium and epistasis on genetic variances in noninbred and inbred populations.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 9
Viana JMS, Garcia AAF.
2. ProbC: joint modeling of epigenome and transcriptome effects in 3D genome.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 9
Sefer E.
3. Association mapping reveals a reciprocal virulence/avirulence locus within diverse US Pyrenophora teres f. maculata isolates.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 9
Clare SJ(#), Duellman KM(#), Richards JK
4. Secure tumor classification by shallow neural network using homomorphic encryption.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 9
Hong S, Park JH, Cho W
5. Transcriptomic analyses of the HPG axis-related tissues reveals potential candidate genes and regulatory pathways associated with egg production in ducks.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 8
Yan X, Liu H, Hu J
6. Fragmented mitochondrial genomes of seal lice (family Echinophthiriidae) and gorilla louse (family Pthiridae): frequent minichromosomal splits and a host switch of lice between seals.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 8
Dong Y, Zhao M, Shao R.
7. Zinc supplementation modifies brain tissue transcriptome of Apis mellifera honeybees.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 8
Camilli MP, Kadri SM, Alvarez MVN
8. FindIT2: an R/Bioconductor package to identify influential transcription factor and targets based on multi-omics data.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 7
Shang GD, Xu ZG, Wan MC
9. Gene expression analysis of resistant and susceptible rice cultivars to sheath blight after inoculation with Rhizoctonia solani.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 7
Yang X, Gu X, Ding J
10. Chromosome-level genome assembly of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) provides insights into its genome evolution.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 7
Wu CS, Ma ZY, Zheng GD
11. RNA-seq coupling two different methods of castration reveals new insights into androgen deficiency-caused degeneration of submaxillary gland in male Sprague Dawley rats.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 7
Han X, Xia X, Zhuo Y
12. Rates of evolutionary change of resident Escherichia coli O157:H7 differ within the same ecological niche.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 7
Weinroth MD, Clawson ML, Arthur TM
13. Transposon activity, local duplications and propagation of structural variants across haplotypes drive the evolution of the Drosophila S2 cell line.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 7
Lewerentz J, Johansson AM, Larsson J
14. A cautionary signal from the Red Sea on the impact of increased dust activity on marine microbiota.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 7
Behzad H, Ohyanagi H, Alharbi B
15. Physiological attributes and transcriptomics analyses reveal the mechanism response of Helictotrichon virescens to low temperature stress.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 7
Cheng M, Cui K, Zheng M
16. Comprehensive analysis of lncRNA-mRNAs co-expression network identifies potential lncRNA biomarkers in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 7
Hu Y(#), Li R(#), Chen H
17. Characterization of tRNA expression profiles in large offspring syndrome.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 7
Goldkamp AK, Li Y, Rivera RM
18. The evolution of microtubule associated proteins - a reference proteomic perspective.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 6
Gottschalk AC, Hefti MM.
19. Explore potential disease related metabolites based on latent factor model.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 6
Wang Y, Juan L, Peng J
20. Relationship and distribution of Salmonella enterica serovar I 4,[5],12:i:- strain sequences in the NCBI Pathogen Detection database.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 6
Trachsel JM(#), Bearson BL(#), Brunelle BW
21. CircUBE2Q2 promotes differentiation of cattle muscle stem cells and is a potential regulatory molecule of skeletal muscle development.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 6
Zhang RM(#), Pan Y(#), Zou CX
22. Genome-wide identification, expression analysis and evolutionary relationships of the IQ67-domain gene family in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and its progenitors.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 5
Ke Q(#), Sun H(#), Tang M
23. Transcriptome sequencing and differential expression analysis of natural and BTH-treated wound healing in potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.).
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 5
Jiang H, Li X, Ma L
24. Panakeia - a universal tool for bacterial pangenome analysis.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 5
Beier S, Thomson NR.
25. Weighted gene co-expression network indicates that the DYNLL2 is an important regulator of chicken breast muscle development and is regulated by miR-148a-3p.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 4
Li Y, Yuan P, Fan S
26. Abundant small RNAs in the reproductive tissues and eggs of the honey bee, Apis mellifera.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 4
Watson OT, Buchmann G, Young P
27. Transcriptome analysis of blastoderms exposed to prolonged egg storage and short periods of incubation during egg storage.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 4
Brady K, Talbot CC Jr, Long JA
28. Genomic epidemiology of the Los Angeles COVID-19 outbreak and the early history of the B.1.43 strain in the USA.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 4
Guo L(#), Boocock J(#), Hilt EE
29. Identification and functional validation of HLA-C as a potential gene involved in colorectal cancer in the Korean population.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 4
Lim EB(#), Oh HS(#), Kim KC
30. A large-scale population based organelle pan-genomes construction and phylogeny analysis reveal the genetic diversity and the evolutionary origins of chloroplast and mitochondrion in Brassica napus L.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 30
Liu H(#), Zhao W(#), Hua W
31. Chromosomal localization of cohesin is differentially regulated by WIZ, WAPL, and G9a.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 30
Justice M, Bryan AF, Limas JC
32. Single-cell transcriptomic and chromatin accessibility analyses of dairy cattle peripheral blood mononuclear cells and their responses to lipopolysaccharide.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 30
Gao Y(#), Li J(#), Cai G(#)
33. Research on lncRNA related to drought resistance of Shanlan upland rice.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 30
Yang X, Liu C, Niu X
34. Anaplasma phagocytophilum in Marmota himalayana.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 30
Duan R(#), Lv D(#), Fan R(#)
35. Differential gene expression in aphids following virus acquisition from plants or from an artificial medium.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 30
Marmonier A, Velt A, Villeroy C
36. Insights into the trihelix transcription factor responses to salt and other stresses in Osmanthus fragrans.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 30
Zhu M, Bin J, Ding H
37. Elevated ASCL1 activity creates de novo regulatory elements associated with neuronal differentiation.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 3
Woods LM(#), Ali FR(#), Gomez R
38. Genome-wide survey of the GATA gene family in camptothecin-producing plant Ophiorrhiza pumila.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 3
Shi M(#), Huang Q(#), Wang Y
39. NGS-based targeted sequencing identified two novel variants in Southwestern Chinese families with oculocutaneous albinism.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 29
Xiao Y, Zhou C, Xie H
40. Identifying pleiotropic variants and candidate genes for fertility and reproduction traits in Holstein cattle via association studies based on imputed whole-genome sequence genotypes.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 28
Chen SY, Schenkel FS, Melo ALP
41. Identification of crucial circRNAs in skeletal muscle during chicken embryonic development.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 28
Wu P, Zhou K, Zhang J
42. Comparative analysis of Thalassionema chloroplast genomes revealed hidden biodiversity.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 27
Zhang M, Chen N.
43. Identification of ARF family in blueberry and its potential involvement of fruit development and pH stress response.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 27
Li X(#), Zhang X(#), Shi T(#)
44. Findzx: an automated pipeline for detecting and visualising sex chromosomes using whole-genome sequencing data.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 27
Sigeman H, Sinclair B, Hansson B.
45. Identification of accession-specific variants and development of KASP markers for assessing the genetic makeup of Brassica rapa seeds.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 25
Hong S, Choi SR, Kim J
46. Effects of growth years on ginsenoside biosynthesis of wild ginseng and cultivated ginseng.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 23
Fang X, Wang M, Zhou X
47. Comprehensive evaluation of structural variant genotyping methods based on long-read sequencing data.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 23
Duan X, Pan M, Fan S.
48. Developmental dynamics of sex reprogramming by high incubation temperatures in a dragon lizard.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 22
Whiteley SL, Holleley CE, Georges A.
49. Whole genome sequencing and the application of a SNP panel reveal primary evolutionary lineages and genomic variation in the lion (Panthera leo).
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 22
Bertola LD, Vermaat M, Lesilau F
50. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of the bZIP transcription factor family genes in response to abiotic stress in Nicotiana tabacum L.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 22
Duan L, Mo Z, Fan Y
51. Transcriptome-based biomarker gene screening and evaluation of the extracellular fatty acid-binding protein (Ex-FABP) on immune and angiogenesis-related genes in chicken erythrocytes of tibial dyschondroplasia.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 22
Jahejo AR, Bukhari SAR, Rajput N
52. Are we there yet? Benchmarking low-coverage nanopore long-read sequencing for the assembling of mitochondrial genomes using the vulnerable silky shark Carcharhinus falciformis.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 22
Baeza JA, García-De León FJ.
53. Comparison of SARS-CoV-2 sequencing using the ONT GridION and the Illumina MiSeq.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 22
Tshiabuila D, Giandhari J, Pillay S
54. Oxford Nanopore and Bionano Genomics technologies evaluation for plant structural variation detection.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 21
Canaguier A, Guilbaud R, Denis E
55. Genome sequencing of Inonotus obliquus reveals insights into candidate genes involved in secondary metabolite biosynthesis.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 20
Duan Y, Han H, Qi J
56. Genomic and resistome analysis of Alcaligenes faecalis strain PGB1 by Nanopore MinION and Illumina Technologies.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 20
Lang J(#), Li Y(#), Yang W
57. Predict the role of lncRNA in kidney aging based on RNA sequencing.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 2
Li J, Gao F, Wei L
58. Phylogenetic position of Bopyroides hippolytes, with comments on the rearrangement of the mitochondrial genome in isopods (Isopoda: Epicaridea: Bopyridae).
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 2
Wu R(#), Guo R(#), Xi Q
59. Gene expression profiles provide insights into the survival strategies in deep-sea mussel (Bathymodiolus platifrons) of different developmental stages.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 19
Huang J(#), Huang P(#), Lu J
60. Cross-species transcriptomes reveal species-specific and shared molecular adaptations for plants development on iron-rich rocky outcrops soils.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 19
Dias MC, Caldeira C, Gastauer M
61. Methylome and transcriptome analyses of three different degrees of albinism in apple seedlings.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 19
Sun T, Zhang J, Zhang Q
62. Amplicon-based sequencing and co-occurence network analysis reveals notable differences of microbial community structure in healthy and dandruff scalps.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 19
Wang L(#), Yu T(#), Zhu Y
63. Development and application of specific FISH probes for karyotyping Psathyrostachys huashanica chromosomes.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 18
Zhang H(#), Wang F(#), Zeng C
64. Construction of a high-density genetic map and identification of QTLs related to agronomic and physiological traits in an interspecific (Gossypium hirsutum × Gossypium barbadense) F(2) population.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 15
Si Z(#), Jin S(#), Chen J
65. Genome-wide investigations reveal the population structure and selection signatures of Nigerian cattle adaptation in the sub-Saharan tropics.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 15
Mauki DH, Tijjani A, Ma C
66. Differential regulation of intramuscular fat and abdominal fat deposition in chickens.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 15
Luo N(#), Shu J(#), Yuan X
67. Intermittent fasting induces chronic changes in the hepatic gene expression of Red Jungle Fowl (Gallus gallus).
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 14
Lindholm C, Batakis P, Altimiras J
68. Comparative study on molecular epidemiology of measles H1 outbreak and sporadic cases in Shandong Province, 2013-2019.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 14
Wang S(#), Wang C(#), Liu X
69. Identification and comparative analysis of long non-coding RNAs in the brain of fire ant queens in two different reproductive states.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 13
Tsai CH, Lin TC, Chang YH
70. Nucleosome positioning based on DNA sequence embedding and deep learning.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 13
Han GS(#), Li Q(#), Li Y.
71. A systematic review and functional bioinformatics analysis of genes associated with Crohn's disease identify more than 120 related genes.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 13
Garza-Hernandez D, Sepulveda-Villegas M, Garcia-Pelaez J
72. A comparison of mRNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) library preparation methods for transcriptome analysis.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 13
Ura H, Togi S, Niida Y.
73. Whole blood transcriptome profiling identifies candidate genes associated with alopecia in male giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 12
Shen H(#), Li C(#), He M
74. Comparative transcriptome analysis provides insights into the molecular mechanisms of high-frequency hearing differences between the sexes of Odorrana tormota.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 12
Chen Z, Liu Y, Liang R
75. Effects of salinity acclimation on histological characteristics and miRNA expression profiles of scales in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 12
Zhou QL, Wang LY, Zhao XL
76. GenomicDistributions: fast analysis of genomic intervals with Bioconductor.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 12
Kupkova K(#), Mosquera JV(#), Smith JP
77. Multi-trait genomic prediction using in-season physiological parameters increases prediction accuracy of complex traits in US wheat.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 12
Shahi D, Guo J, Pradhan S
78. Neural network modeling of differential binding between wild-type and mutant CTCF reveals putative binding preferences for zinc fingers 1-2.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 12
Kaplow IM, Banerjee A, Foo CS.
79. Identification of circRNA-associated ceRNA networks using longissimus thoracis of pigs of different breeds and growth stages.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 11
Zhuang X, Lin Z, Xie F
80. Molecular detection and phylogenetic analysis of pigeon circovirus from racing pigeons in Northern China.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 11
Wang H, Gao H, Jiang Z
81. DeepSARS: simultaneous diagnostic detection and genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 11
Yermanos A(#), Hong KL(#), Agrafiotis A
82. Inferring mammalian tissue-specific regulatory conservation by predicting tissue-specific differences in open chromatin.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 11
Kaplow IM, Schäffer DE, Wirthlin ME
83. High-quality chromosome-scale de novo assembly of the Paspalum notatum 'Flugge' genome.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 11
Yan Z, Liu H, Chen Y
84. Genome-wide analysis of the VQ motif-containing gene family and expression profiles during phytohormones and abiotic stresses in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 11
Zhang L, Wang K, Han Y
85. Identification and characterization of circular RNAs in association with the feed efficiency in Hu lambs.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 10
Zhang D, Zhang X, Li F
86. High frequency of complex CFTR alleles associated with c.1521_1523delCTT (F508del) in Russian cystic fibrosis patients.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 1
Petrova NV, Kashirskaya NY, Vasilyeva TA
87. Gene-coexpression network analysis identifies specific modules and hub genes related to cold stress in rice.
BMC Genomics
2022 Apr 1
Zeng Z, Zhang S, Li W
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