期刊文献 > BMC Genomics期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (29)
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2021 Aug (49)
2021 Jul (84)
2021 Jun (92)
2021 May (84)
2021 Apr (85)
2021 Mar (80)
2021 Feb (48)
2021 Jan (93)
1. Genome-wide association analysis of adaptation to oxygen stress in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus).
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 9
Yu X, Megens HJ, Mengistu SB
2. Genomic insights into body size evolution in Carnivora support Peto's paradox.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 9
Huang X, Sun D, Wu T
3. Genome-wide analysis of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in two contrasting soybean genotypes subjected to phosphate starvation.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 9
Zhang J(#), Xu H(#), Yang Y
4. DNAscent v2: detecting replication forks in nanopore sequencing data with deep learning.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 9
Boemo MA.
5. Multi-ethnic genome-wide association analyses of white blood cell and platelet traits in the Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) study.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 9
Hu Y(#), Bien SA(#), Nishimura KK(#)
6. Quantitative proteomic analyses reveal that energy metabolism and protein biosynthesis reinitiation are responsible for the initiation of bolting induced by high temperature in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.).
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 9
Hao JH(#), Su HN(#), Zhang LL(#)
7. Chloroplast phylogenomics and divergence times of Lagerstroemia (Lythraceae).
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 9
Dong W, Xu C, Liu Y
8. Global investigation of estrogen-responsive genes regulating lipid metabolism in the liver of laying hens.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 9
Ren J(#), Tian W(#), Jiang K
9. Transcriptome analysis of embryonic muscle development in Chengkou Mountain Chicken.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 9
Ren L(#), Liu A(#), Wang Q
10. Characterization of nucleic acids from extracellular vesicle-enriched human sweat.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 9
Bart G, Fischer D, Samoylenko A
11. Protein functional module identification method combining topological features and gene expression data.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 8
Zhao Z(#), Xu W(#), Chen A
12. Identification of long noncoding natural antisense transcripts (lncNATs) correlated with drought stress response in wild rice (Oryza nivara).
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 8
Xu YC(#), Zhang J(#), Zhang DY
13. Unravelling population structure heterogeneity within the genome of the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 8
Campos M, Rona LDP, Willis K
14. Genome-wide characterization of microsatellite DNA in fishes: survey and analysis of their abundance and frequency in genome-specific regions.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 7
Lei Y, Zhou Y, Price M
15. Exposure to hypoxia causes stress erythropoiesis and downregulates immune response genes in spleen of mice.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 5
Wang H, Liu D, Song P
16. Genome-wide association studies reveal candidate genes associated to bacteraemia caused by ST93-IV CA-MRSA.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 5
Pang S, Daley DA, Sahibzada S
17. Transcriptome analysis provides insights into copper toxicology in piebald naked carp (Gymnocypris eckloni).
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 5
Jin W, Li Z, Ran F
18. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of the bHLH transcription factor family and its response to abiotic stress in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench].
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 5
Fan Y, Yang H, Lai D
19. TMT-based quantitative proteomics analysis reveals the key proteins related with the differentiation process of goat intramuscular adipocytes.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 5
Du Y, Wang Y, Xu Q
20. The effect of methanol fixation on single-cell RNA sequencing data.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 5
Wang X, Yu L, Wu AR.
21. Uphyloplot2: visualizing phylogenetic trees from single-cell RNA-seq data.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 5
Kurtenbach S(#), Cruz AM(#), Rodriguez DA
22. SnoRNA copy regulation affects family size, genomic location and family abundance levels.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 5
Bergeron D(#), Laforest C(#), Carpentier S
23. Historical genomics reveals the evolutionary mechanisms behind multiple outbreaks of the host-specific coffee wilt pathogen Fusarium xylarioides.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 4
Peck LD, Nowell RW, Flood J
24. Transcriptional dynamics of transposable elements when converting fibroblast cells of Macaca mulatta to neuroepithelial stem cells.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 4
Liu D(#), Liu L, Duan K
25. Long non-coding RNA exploration for mesenchymal stem cell characterisation.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 4
Riquier S, Mathieu M, Bessiere C
26. Transcriptomic analysis of caecal tissue in inbred chicken lines that exhibit heritable differences in resistance to Campylobacter jejuni.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 4
Russell KM, Smith J, Bremner A
27. Insertion of an endogenous Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus element into the BCO2 - gene abolishes its function and leads to yellow discoloration of adipose tissue in Norwegian Spælsau (Ovis aries).
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 30
Kent M(#), Moser M(#), Boman IA
28. Validation of reference genes for whole blood gene expression analysis in cord blood of preterm and full-term neonates and peripheral blood of healthy adults.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 30
Hieronymus K, Dorschner B, Schulze F
29. Integrative analysis of histomorphology, transcriptome and whole genome resequencing identified DIO2 gene as a crucial gene for the protuberant knob located on forehead in geese.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 30
Deng Y(#), Hu S(#), Luo C(#)
30. Temporal dynamics of teleost populations during the Pleistocene: a report from publicly available genome data.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 30
Li J(#), Bian C(#), Yi Y
31. Embryonic thermal manipulation impacts the postnatal transcriptome response of heat-challenged Japanese quails.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 30
Vitorino Carvalho A, Hennequet-Antier C, Brionne A
32. Severe pantothenic acid deficiency induces alterations in the intestinal mucosal proteome of starter Pekin ducks.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 30
Tang J(#), Feng Y(#), Zhang B
33. The global gene expression outline of the bovine blastocyst: reflector of environmental conditions and predictor of developmental capacity.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 3
Salilew-Wondim D, Tesfaye D, Rings F
34. Distinctive gene expression patterns and imprinting signatures revealed in reciprocal crosses between cattle sub-species.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 3
Liu R, Tearle R, Low WY
35. Post-diapause transcriptomic restarts: insight from a high-latitude copepod.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 3
Roncalli V, Cieslak MC, Castelfranco AM
36. Cruxome: a powerful tool for annotating, interpreting and reporting genetic variants.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 3
Han Q(#), Yang Y(#), Wu S
37. Transcriptional responses in jejunum of two layer chicken strains following variations in dietary calcium and phosphorus levels.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 29
Reyer H, Oster M, Ponsuksili S
38. Genome wide effects of oleic acid on cultured bovine granulosa cells: evidence for the activation of pathways favoring folliculo-luteal transition.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 29
Yenuganti VR, Koczan D, Vanselow J.
39. Reproductive developmental transcriptome analysis of Tripidium ravennae (Poaceae).
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 28
Maren N, Zhao F, Aryal R
40. DNA methylation-based sex classifier to predict sex and identify sex chromosome aneuploidy.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 28
Wang Y, Hannon E, Grant OA
41. Construction of a high-density linkage map and graphical representation of the arrangement of transcriptome-based unigene markers on the chromosomes of onion, Allium cepa L.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 26
Fujito S, Akyol TY, Mukae T
42. UniBind: maps of high-confidence direct TF-DNA interactions across nine species.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 26
Puig RR, Boddie P, Khan A
43. Buffalo sperm surface proteome profiling reveals an intricate relationship between innate immunity and reproduction.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 26
Batra V, Bhushan V(#), Ali SA(#)
44. Exome-based investigation of the genetic basis of human pigmentary glaucoma.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 26
van der Heide C, Goar W, Meyer KJ
45. High resolution mapping and candidate gene identification of downy mildew race 16 resistance in spinach.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 26
Bhattarai G, Yang W, Shi A
46. LABRAT reveals association of alternative polyadenylation with transcript localization, RNA binding protein expression, transcription speed, and cancer survival.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 26
Goering R(#), Engel KL(#), Gillen AE
47. A scaling-free minimum enclosing ball method to detect differentially expressed genes for RNA-seq data.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 26
Zhou Y, Yang B, Wang J
48. Transcriptome profiling of the diaphragm in a controlled mechanical ventilation model reveals key genes involved in ventilator-induced diaphragmatic dysfunction.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 25
Liu R(#), Li G(#), Ma H
49. Reliable wolf-dog hybrid detection in Europe using a reduced SNP panel developed for non-invasively collected samples.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 25
Harmoinen J, von Thaden A, Aspi J
50. MicroPIPE: validating an end-to-end workflow for high-quality complete bacterial genome construction.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 25
Murigneux V(#), Roberts LW(#), Forde BM
51. A two-way rectification method for identifying differentially expressed genes by maximizing the co-function relationship.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 25
Chen B(#), Gao L(#), Shang X.
52. Comparative insights into genome signatures of ferric iron oxide- and anode-stimulated Desulfuromonas spp. strains.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 25
Guo Y, Aoyagi T, Hori T.
53. Fusarium head blight resistance in European winter wheat: insights from genome-wide transcriptome analysis.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 24
Buerstmayr M(#), Wagner C(#), Nosenko T
54. Morphological changes and functional circRNAs screening of rabbit skeletal muscle development.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 24
Zheng Q(#), Zhu C(#), Jing J
55. Genome-wide characterization of LTR retrotransposons in the non-model deep-sea annelid Lamellibrachia luymesi.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 23
Aroh O, Halanych KM.
56. RNA sequencing reveals transcriptomic changes in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) following NtCPS2 knockdown.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 23
He L, Liu H, Cheng C
57. Transcriptome profiling of developing leaf and shoot apices to reveal the molecular mechanism and co-expression genes responsible for the wheat heading date.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 23
Yang Y, Zhang X, Wu L
58. Genome analysis of Pseudomonas sp. OF001 and Rubrivivax sp. A210 suggests multicopper oxidases catalyze manganese oxidation required for cylindrospermopsin transformation.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 22
Martínez-Ruiz EB, Cooper M, Barrero-Canosa J
59. Identification, systematic evolution and expression analyses of the AAAP gene family in Capsicum annuum.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 22
Pan X, Hu M, Wang Z
60. Genome-wide expression and network analyses of mutants in key brassinosteroid signaling genes.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 22
Seyed Rahmani R(#), Shi T(#), Zhang D
61. Transcriptome analysis reveals Vernalization is independent of cold acclimation in Arabidopsis.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 21
Li F, Hu Q, Chen F
62. Complete genome sequence of Arthrobacter sp. PAMC25564 and its comparative genome analysis for elucidating the role of CAZymes in cold adaptation.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 2
Han SR, Kim B, Jang JH
63. Metagenomic diagnosis of severe psittacosis using multiple sequencing platforms.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 2
Wang K(#), Liu X(#), Liu H(#)
64. Identifying genomic islands with deep neural networks.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 2
Assaf R, Xia F, Stevens R.
65. Mendelian randomization studies of brain MRI yield insights into the pathogenesis of neuropsychiatric disorders.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 2
Song W(#), Qian W(#), Wang W
66. Chromatin accessibility profiling in Neurospora crassa reveals molecular features associated with accessible and inaccessible chromatin.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 19
Ferraro AR, Ameri AJ, Lu Z
67. Conversion between 100-million-year-old duplicated genes contributes to rice subspecies divergence.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 19
Wei C(#), Wang Z(#), Wang J(#)
68. Functional prediction of de novo uni-genes from chicken transcriptomic data following infectious bursal disease virus at 3-days post-infection.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 19
Azli B, Ravi S(#), Hair-Bejo M(#)
69. Analysis of the transcriptome of bovine endometrial cells isolated by laser micro-dissection (1): specific signatures of stromal, glandular and luminal epithelial cells.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 18
Chankeaw W, Lignier S, Richard C
70. Online database for brain cancer-implicated genes: exploring the subtype-specific mechanisms of brain cancer.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 18
Zhao M, Liu Y, Ding G
71. Analysis of the transcriptome of bovine endometrial cells isolated by laser micro-dissection (2): impacts of post-partum negative energy balance on stromal, glandular and luminal epithelial cells.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 18
Chankeaw W, Lignier S, Richard C
72. The genomes of precision edited cloned calves show no evidence for off-target events or increased de novo mutagenesis.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 17
Jivanji S, Harland C, Cole S
73. Genome-wide identification and expression profiling of DREB genes in Saccharum spontaneum.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 17
Li Z, Wang G, Liu X
74. Simultaneous changes in anthocyanin, chlorophyll, and carotenoid contents produce green variegation in pink-leaved ornamental kale.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 17
Liu Y, Feng X, Zhang Y
75. Triple RNA-Seq characterizes aphid gene expression in response to infection with unequally virulent strains of the endosymbiont Hamiltonella defensa.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 16
Kaech H, Dennis AB, Vorburger C.
76. Transcriptome profiling reveals the spatial-temporal dynamics of gene expression essential for soybean seed development.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 16
Zhang H(#), Hu Z(#), Yang Y
77. Downregulated luteolytic pathways in the transcriptome of early pregnancy bovine corpus luteum are mimicked by interferon-tau in vitro.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 16
Basavaraja R, Drum JN, Sapuleni J
78. Transcriptomic coordination at hepatic steatosis indicates robust immune cell engagement prior to inflammation.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 16
Zhang Y, Chatzistamou I, Kiaris H.
79. Identification and characterization of immune-related lncRNAs and lncRNA-miRNA-mRNA networks of Paralichthys olivaceus involved in Vibrio anguillarum infection.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 15
Ning X, Sun L.
80. RNA(seq) and quantitative proteomic analysis of Dictyostelium knock-out cells lacking the core autophagy proteins ATG9 and/or ATG16.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 15
Xiong Q, Song N, Li P
81. Characterizing the properties of bisulfite sequencing data: maximizing power and sensitivity to identify between-group differences in DNA methylation.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 15
Seiler Vellame D, Castanho I, Dahir A
82. Ovary-derived circular RNAs profile analysis during the onset of puberty in gilts.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 15
Pan X, Gong W, He Y
83. Comparisons among rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, populations of maternal transcript profile associated with egg viability.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 15
Weber GM, Birkett J, Martin K
84. Functional examination of lncRNAs in allotetraploid Gossypium hirsutum.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 13
Wang L, Han J, Lu K
85. kataegis: an R package for identification and visualization of the genomic localized hypermutation regions using high-throughput sequencing.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 12
Lin X(#), Hua Y(#), Gu S(#)
86. Candidate gene screening for lipid deposition using combined transcriptomic and proteomic data from Nanyang black pigs.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 12
Wang L, Zhang Y, Zhang B
87. Comprehensive identification and expression analysis of B-Box genes in cotton.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 12
Feng Z, Li M, Li Y
88. Molecular genetic diversity and population structure analyses of rutabaga accessions from Nordic countries as revealed by single nucleotide polymorphism markers.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 12
Yu Z(#), Fredua-Agyeman R(#), Hwang SF
89. Integrated proteomic and transcriptomic profiling identifies aberrant gene and protein expression in the sarcomere, mitochondrial complex I, and the extracellular matrix in Warmblood horses with myofibrillar myopathy.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 11
Williams ZJ, Velez-Irizarry D, Gardner K
90. Formation of autotriploid Carassius auratus and its fertility-related genes analysis.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 10
Wang C, Luo X, Qin H
91. A novel method to identify gene interaction patterns.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 10
Lu X, Liu F, Miao Q
92. Transcriptomic analysis of shell repair and biomineralization in the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jun 10
Yarra T, Ramesh K, Blaxter M
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