期刊文献 > BMC Genomics期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (29)
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2021 Sep (64)
2021 Aug (49)
2021 Jul (84)
2021 Jun (92)
2021 May (84)
2021 Apr (85)
2021 Mar (80)
2021 Feb (48)
2021 Jan (93)
1. A machine learning approach for accurate and real-time DNA sequence identification.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 9
Wang Y, Alangari M, Hihath J
2. Trehalose in pine wood nematode participates in DJ3 formation and confers resistance to low-temperature stress.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 9
Chen Q(#), Zhang R(#), Li D
3. Dual species dynamic transcripts reveal the interaction mechanisms between Chrysanthemum morifolium and Alternaria alternata.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 9
Liu L, Chen F, Chen S
4. Pangenome analysis and virulence profiling of Streptococcus intermedius.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 9
Sinha D(#), Sun X(#), Khare M
5. Whole transcriptome analysis resulted in the identification of Chinese sprangletop (Leptochloa chinensis) genes involved in cyhalofop-butyl tolerance.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 9
Chen K(#), Peng Y(#), Zhang L
6. Amino acid transporter (AAT) gene family in foxtail millet (Setaria italica L.): widespread family expansion, functional differentiation, roles in quality formation and response to abiotic stresses.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 8
Yang Y(#), Chai Y(#), Liu J
7. Venom-gland transcriptomic, venomic, and antivenomic profiles of the spine-bellied sea snake (Hydrophis curtus) from the South China Sea.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 8
Zhao HY, Wen L, Miao YF
8. Mendelian randomization analysis identified genes pleiotropically associated with central corneal thickness.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 7
Yang Z, Yang J, Liu D
9. The CCCH zinc finger family of soybean (Glycine max L.): genome-wide identification, expression, domestication, GWAS and haplotype analysis.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 7
Hu X(#), Zuo J(#).
10. Sequoia: an interactive visual analytics platform for interpretation and feature extraction from nanopore sequencing datasets.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 7
Koonchanok R(#), Daulatabad SV(#), Mir Q
11. Selection of functional EPHB2 genotypes from ENU mutated grass carp treated with GCRV.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 7
Nissa MU(#), Jiang ZX(#), Zheng GD
12. Genomic prediction with non-additive effects in beef cattle: stability of variance component and genetic effect estimates against population size.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 7
Onogi A, Watanabe T, Ogino A
13. Genome-wide identification, expression analysis, and functional study of the GRAS transcription factor family and its response to abiotic stress in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench].
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 6
Fan Y, Yan J, Lai D
14. Transcriptome analysis of five ovarian stages reveals gonad maturation in female Macrobrachium nipponense.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 6
Zhang Y, Jiang S, Qiao H
15. Using carrot centromeric repeats to study karyotype relationships in the genus Daucus (Apiaceae).
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 6
Kadluczka D, Grzebelus E.
16. Genotyping and lipid profiling of 601 cultivated sunflower lines reveals novel genetic determinants of oil fatty acid content.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 5
Chernova AI, Gubaev RF, Singh A
17. Transcriptomics unravels molecular players shaping dorsal lip hypertrophy in the vacuum cleaner cichlid, Gnathochromis permaxillaris.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 5
Lecaudey LA, Singh P, Sturmbauer C
18. Two homologous Salmonella serogroup C1-specific genes are required for flagellar motility and cell invasion.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 5
Zhou X, Liu B, Liu Y
19. Genome-wide identification and characterization of caffeoyl-coenzyme A O-methyltransferase genes related to the Fusarium head blight response in wheat.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 4
Yang G(#), Pan W(#), Zhang R
20. Comparative analyses of the Hymenoscyphus fraxineus and Hymenoscyphus albidus genomes reveals potentially adaptive differences in secondary metabolite and transposable element repertoires.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 4
Elfstrand M, Chen J, Cleary M
21. Genomic signatures of natural selection at phenology-related genes in a widely distributed tree species Fagus sylvatica L.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 31
Meger J, Ulaszewski B, Burczyk J.
22. InvertypeR: Bayesian inversion genotyping with Strand-seq data.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 31
Hanlon VCT, Mattsson CA, Spierings DCJ
23. A chromosome-level genome assembly of Cairina moschata and comparative genomic analyses.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 30
Jiang F, Jiang Y, Wang W
24. TAD cliques predict key features of chromatin organization.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 3
Liyakat Ali TM, Brunet A, Collas P
25. Analysis of merged whole blood transcriptomic datasets to identify circulating molecular biomarkers of feed efficiency in growing pigs.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 3
Messad F, Louveau I, Renaudeau D
26. Maternal cold exposure induces distinct transcriptome changes in the placenta and fetal brown adipose tissue in mice.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 3
Ghosh S(#), Park CH(#), Lee J(#)
27. Genome sequencing identified novel mechanisms underlying virescent mutation in upland cotton Gossypiuma hirsutum.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 3
Gao J, Shi Y, Wang W
28. Identification of long noncoding RNAs reveals the effects of dinotefuran on the brain in Apis mellifera (Hymenopptera: Apidae).
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 3
Huang M, Dong J, Guo H
29. A functional map of genomic HIF1α-DNA complexes in the eye lens revealed through multiomics analysis.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 3
Disatham J, Brennan L, Chauss D
30. Comparative transcriptome profiling of heat stress response of the mangrove crab Scylla serrata across sites of varying climate profiles.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 29
Shrestha AMS, I Lilagan CA, B Guiao JE
31. Putative genes in alkaloid biosynthesis identified in Dendrobium officinale by correlating the contents of major bioactive metabolites with genes expression between Protocorm-like bodies and leaves.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 29
Wang Z(#), Jiang W(#), Liu Y
32. Identification of ferroptosis genes in immune infiltration and prognosis in thyroid papillary carcinoma using network analysis.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 27
Lin R(#), Fogarty CE(#), Ma B
33. Determination of genetic effects and functional SNPs of bovine HTR1B gene on milk fatty acid traits.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 27
Cao M(#), Shi L(#), Peng P
34. LncGSEA: a versatile tool to infer lncRNA associated pathways from large-scale cancer transcriptome sequencing data.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 27
Ren Y, Wang TY, Anderton LC
35. Whole-genome sequencing of two Streptomyces strains isolated from the sand dunes of Sahara.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 27
Zerouki C, Bensalah F, Kuittinen S
36. Dynamic changes of miRNAs in skeletal muscle development at New Zealand rabbits.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 27
Jing J(#), Jiang X(#), Zhu C(#)
37. Biofilm associated genotypes of multiple antibiotic resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 26
Redfern J, Wallace J, van Belkum A
38. Exploring the genomic resources and analysing the genetic diversity and population structure of Chinese indigenous rabbit breeds by RAD-seq.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 26
Liu C, Wang S, Dong X
39. Comprehensive analysis of formin gene family highlights candidate genes related to pollen cytoskeleton and male fertility in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 24
Duan WJ(#), Liu ZH(#), Bai JF(#)
40. Comparative chloroplast genome analysis of Impatiens species (Balsaminaceae) in the karst area of China: insights into genome evolution and phylogenomic implications.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 24
Luo C, Huang W, Sun H
41. Research on the drought tolerance mechanism of Pennisetum glaucum (L.) in the root during the seedling stage.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 23
Zhang A(#), Ji Y(#), Sun M(#)
42. Fine dissection of limber pine resistance to Cronartium ribicola using targeted sequencing of the NLR family.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 23
Liu JJ, Schoettle AW, Sniezko RA
43. Comparative genome and transcriptome analyses reveal innate differences in response to host plants by two color forms of the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 23
Huo SM(#), Yan ZC(#), Zhang F
44. Genetic mapping of novel modifiers for Apc(Min) induced intestinal polyps' development using the genetic architecture power of the collaborative cross mice.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 22
Dorman A, Binenbaum I, Abu-Toamih Atamni HJ
45. Identification and characterization of amphibian SLC26A5 using RNA-Seq.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 22
Wang Z, Wang Q, Wu H
46. Single nucleotide replacement in the Atlantic salmon genome using CRISPR/Cas9 and asymmetrical oligonucleotide donors.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 22
Straume AH, Kjærner-Semb E, Skaftnesmo KO
47. Genome-wide analysis of MYB transcription factors of Vaccinium corymbosum and their positive responses to drought stress.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 22
Wang A, Liang K, Yang S
48. Evolution of Toll, Spatzle and MyD88 in insects: the problem of the Diptera bias.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 21
Lima LF, Torres AQ, Jardim R
49. Genome-wide characterization and expression profiling of B3 superfamily during ethylene-induced flowering in pineapple (Ananas comosus L.).
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 21
Ruan CC, Chen Z, Hu FC
50. Multi-omics approach highlights differences between RLP classes in Arabidopsis thaliana.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 20
Steidele CE, Stam R.
51. Genome-wide association screening and verification of potential genes associated with root architectural traits in maize (Zea mays L.) at multiple seedling stages.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 20
Moussa AA, Mandozai A, Jin Y
52. Identification of QTL related to anther color and hull color by RAD sequencing in a RIL population of Setaria italica.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 20
Xie H(#), Hou J(#), Fu N
53. Non-coding RNAs in the interaction between rice and Meloidogyne graminicola.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 20
Verstraeten B, Atighi MR, Ruiz-Ferrer V
54. Modelling segmental duplications in the human genome.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 2
Abdullaev ET, Umarova IR, Arndt PF.
55. Genome-wide profiling of long noncoding RNAs involved in wheat spike development.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 2
Cao P, Fan W, Li P
56. Female-specific genomic regions and molecular sex identification of the clearhead icefish (Protosalanx hyalocranius).
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 2
Xing TF, Li YL, Liu JX.
57. De novo transcriptome analysis of white teak (Gmelina arborea Roxb) wood reveals critical genes involved in xylem development and secondary metabolism.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 2
Yaya Lancheros ML, Rai KM, Balasubramanian VK
58. Comparative and functional genomics of the ABC transporter superfamily across arthropods.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 19
Denecke S, Rankić I, Driva O
59. Analyzing the gonadal transcriptome of the frog Hoplobatrachus rugulosus to identify genes involved in sex development.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 19
Tang Y(#), Chen JY(#), Ding GH
60. Transcriptomic analyses of cacao flavonoids produced in photobioreactors.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 19
Gallego AM, Rojas LF, Valencia WG
61. The CaCA superfamily genes in Saccharum: comparative analysis and their functional implications in response to biotic and abiotic stress.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 18
Su W, Zhang C, Wang D
62. Discovery of fibrillar adhesins across bacterial species.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 18
Monzon V, Lafita A, Bateman A.
63. Genome-wide analysis and expression patterns of lipid phospholipid phospholipase gene family in Brassica napus L.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 18
Su W(#), Raza A(#), Zeng L
64. Post-genotyping optimization of dataset formation could affect genetic diversity parameters: an example of analyses with alpine goat breeds.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 17
Pogorevc N(#), Simčič M(#), Khayatzadeh N
65. ARPEGGIO: Automated Reproducible Polyploid EpiGenetic GuIdance workflOw.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 17
Milosavljevic S, Kuo T, Decarli S
66. Deploying new generation sequencing for the study of flesh color depletion in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar).
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 17
Vo TTM, Nguyen TV, Amoroso G
67. Third-generation sequencing and metabolome analysis reveal candidate genes and metabolites with altered levels in albino jackfruit seedlings.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 16
Meng X, Xu J, Zhang M
68. Global analysis of protein lysine 2-hydroxyisobutyrylation (K(hib)) profiles in Chinese herb rhubarb (Dahuang).
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 15
Qi T(#), Li J(#), Wang H
69. The DUB family in Populus: identification, characterization, evolution and expression patterns.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 15
Zheng W, Du L.
70. Whole genome sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of six SARS-CoV-2 strains isolated during COVID-19 pandemic in Tunisia, North Africa.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 14
Fares W, Chouikha A, Ghedira K
71. Investigating the genetic architecture of disease resilience in pigs by genome-wide association studies of complete blood count traits collected from a natural disease challenge model.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 13
Bai X, Yang T, Putz AM
72. Genome sequence of Apostasia ramifera provides insights into the adaptive evolution in orchids.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 13
Zhang W(#), Zhang G(#), Zeng P(#)
73. Grid search approach to discriminate between old and recent inbreeding using phenotypic, pedigree and genomic information.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 13
Sumreddee P, Hay EH, Toghiani S
74. Transcriptome analysis uncovers the key pathways and candidate genes related to the treatment of Echinococcus granulosus protoscoleces with the repurposed drug pyronaridine.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 13
Yu Y(#), Li J(#), Wang W
75. Validation of a novel associative transcriptomics pipeline in Brassica oleracea: identifying candidates for vernalisation response.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 13
Woodhouse S, He Z, Woolfenden H
76. Linking genotype to phenotype in multi-omics data of small sample.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 13
Guo X, Song Y, Liu S
77. The BBX gene family in Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis): identification, characterization and expression profiles.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 13
Ma R, Chen J, Huang B
78. Epidemiological and genomic characteristics of Acinetobacter baumannii from different infection sites using comparative genomics.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 12
Bian X, Liu X, Zhang X
79. Population differentiated copy number variation of Bos taurus, Bos indicus and their African hybrids.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 12
Jang J, Terefe E, Kim K
80. Genome-wide identification of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) genes affecting adipocyte differentiation in cattle.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 12
Pan C(#), Lei Z(#), Wang S
81. Elevated methylation of the vault RNA2-1 promoter in maternal blood is associated with preterm birth.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 10
You YA, Kwon EJ, Hwang HS
82. Transcriptome and metabolome analyses of cold and darkness-induced pellicle cysts of Scrippsiella trochoidea.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 10
Guo X, Wang Z, Liu L
83. Benchmark of 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing using Japanese gut microbiome data from the V1-V2 and V3-V4 primer sets.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 10
Kameoka S, Motooka D, Watanabe S
84. Transcriptomal dissection of soybean circadian rhythmicity in two geographically, phenotypically and genetically distinct cultivars.
BMC Genomics
2021 Jul 10
Yue Y, Jiang Z, Sapey E
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