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2021 May (84)
2021 Apr (85)
2021 Mar (80)
2021 Feb (48)
2021 Jan (93)
1. Improving protein domain classification for third-generation sequencing reads using deep learning.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 9
Du N(#), Shang J(#), Sun Y.
2. Transcriptomic, proteomic and ultrastructural studies on salinity-tolerant Aedes aegypti in the context of rising sea levels and arboviral disease epidemiology.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 9
Ramasamy R, Thiruchenthooran V, Jayadas TTP
3. Evolutionary research on the expansin protein family during the plant transition to land provides new insights into the development of Tartary buckwheat fruit.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 9
Sun W(#), Yu H(#), Liu M(#)
4. Effect of genome composition and codon bias on infectious bronchitis virus evolution and adaptation to target tissues.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 7
Franzo G, Tucciarone CM, Legnardi M
5. Comparative genome analyses of four rice-infecting Rhizoctonia solani isolates reveal extensive enrichment of homogalacturonan modification genes.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 7
Lee DY(#), Jeon J(#), Kim KT
6. Removal of beneficial insertion effects prevent the long-term persistence of transposable elements within simulated asexual populations.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 7
Butler CL, Bell EA, Taylor MI.
7. Integration of Infinium and Axiom SNP array data in the outcrossing species Malus × domestica and causes for seemingly incompatible calls.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 7
Howard NP, Troggio M, Durel CE
8. Transcriptomic analysis of the poultry red mite, Dermanyssus gallinae, across all stages of the lifecycle.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 7
Bartley K(#), Chen W(#), Lloyd Mills RI(#)
9. Gene expression profiles underlying aggressive behavior in the prefrontal cortex of cattle.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 7
Eusebi PG, Sevane N, O'Rourke T
10. Unexpected genomic, biosynthetic and species diversity of Streptomyces bacteria from bats in Arizona and New Mexico, USA.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 7
Park CJ, Caimi NA, Buecher DC
11. The draft genome of the specialist flea beetle Altica viridicyanea (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 7
Xue HJ(#), Niu YW(#), Segraves KA
12. Identification of a major-effect QTL associated with pre-harvest sprouting in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) using the QTL-seq method.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 7
Cao M, Li S, Deng Q
13. Assessment of the mechanism of drug resistance in Trichophyton mentagrophytes in response to various substances.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 7
Xiao C, Wang J, Liao Z
14. The transcriptional landscape of a hepatoma cell line grown on scaffolds of extracellular matrix proteins.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 6
Ghosh S(#), Börsch A(#), Ghosh S
15. Genome-scale analyses of transcriptional start sites in Mycobacterium marinum under normoxic and hypoxic conditions.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 6
Huang S, Zhou W, Tang W
16. Gene co-expression network analysis reveals key pathways and hub genes in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L.) during vernalization.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 6
Dai Y(#), Sun X(#), Wang C
17. Adaptation of codon and amino acid use for translational functions in highly expressed cricket genes.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 6
Whittle CA, Kulkarni A, Chung N
18. Functional genomics of a Spiroplasma associated with the carmine cochineals Dactylopius coccus and Dactylopius opuntiae.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 6
Vera-Ponce León A, Dominguez-Mirazo M, Bustamante-Brito R
19. Mitogenomic phylogeny of Callithrix with special focus on human transferred taxa.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 6
Malukiewicz J, Cartwright RA, Curi NHA
20. Integrative microRNAome analysis of skeletal muscle of Colossoma macropomum (tambaqui), Piaractus mesopotamicus (pacu), and the hybrid tambacu, based on next-generation sequencing data.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 6
Fantinatti BEA, Perez ES, Zanella BTT
21. Linkage disequilibrium patterns, population structure and diversity analysis in a worldwide durum wheat collection including Argentinian genotypes.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 5
Roncallo PF, Larsen AO, Achilli AL
22. Comparative genomics of the coconut crab and other decapod crustaceans: exploring the molecular basis of terrestrial adaptation.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 30
Veldsman WP, Ma KY, Hui JHL
23. Decoding first complete chloroplast genome of toothbrush tree (Salvadora persica L.): insight into genome evolution, sequence divergence and phylogenetic relationship within Brassicales.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 30
Khan AL, Asaf S, Lubna
24. Identification of the molecular regulation of differences in lipid deposition in dedifferentiated preadipocytes from different chicken tissues.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 3
Ma Z(#), Luo N(#), Liu L
25. Genome-wide analyses of the relict gull (Larus relictus): insights and evolutionary implications.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 29
Yang C(#), Li X(#), Wang Q
26. Genome-wide identification and transcriptional characterization of DNA methyltransferases conferring temperature-sensitive male sterility in wheat.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 29
Li D(#), Feng BE(#), Liu YJ
27. LCM and RNA-seq analyses revealed roles of cell cycle and translational regulation and homoeolog expression bias in cotton fiber cell initiation.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 29
Ando A(#), Kirkbride RC(#), Jones DC
28. Knock out of specific maternal vitellogenins in zebrafish (Danio rerio) evokes vital changes in egg proteomic profiles that resemble the phenotype of poor quality eggs.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 28
Yilmaz O, Patinote A, Com E
29. Comparative genomics and physiological investigation supported safety, cold adaptation, efficient hydrolytic and plant growth-promoting potential of psychrotrophic Glutamicibacter arilaitensis LJH19, isolated from night-soil compost.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 28
Borker SS, Thakur A, Kumar S
30. Genome sequence, transcriptome, and annotation of rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium yoelii nigeriensis N67.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 26
Zhang C(#), Oguz C(#), Huse S
31. Genome of the destructive oomycete Phytophthora cinnamomi provides insights into its pathogenicity and adaptive potential.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 26
Engelbrecht J, Duong TA, Prabhu SA
32. Genome-wide identification of sucrose nonfermenting-1-related protein kinase (SnRK) genes in barley and RNA-seq analyses of their expression in response to abscisic acid treatment.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 26
Chen Z(#), Zhou L(#), Jiang P
33. Dense time-course gene expression profiling of the Drosophila melanogaster innate immune response.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 26
Schlamp F, Delbare SYN, Early AM
34. A genome-wide scan of copy number variants in three Iranian indigenous river buffaloes.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 26
Strillacci MG, Moradi-Shahrbabak H, Davoudi P
35. Draft genome of a biparental beetle species, Lethrus apterus.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 26
Nagy NA, Rácz R, Rimington O
36. Identification of polycistronic transcriptional units and non-canonical introns in green algal chloroplasts based on long-read RNA sequencing data.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 23
Zou X, Verbruggen H, Li T
37. Transcriptome analysis reveals gene responses to herbicide, tribenuron methyl, in Brassica napus L. during seed germination.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 23
Wang L, Wang R, Lei W
38. Transcriptomic analysis of α-linolenic acid content and biosynthesis in Paeonia ostii fruits and seeds.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 23
Yu SY(#), Zhang X(#), Huang LB
39. Transcriptome-wide N6-methyladenosine modification profiling of long non-coding RNAs during replication of Marek's disease virus in vitro.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 22
Sun A(#), Zhu X(#), Liu Y
40. Chloroplast phylogenomic insights into the evolution of Distylium (Hamamelidaceae).
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 22
Dong W, Liu Y, Xu C
41. Transcriptome profiling of immune response to Yersinia ruckeri in spleen of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 22
Wang D, Sun S, Li S
42. Transcriptome analysis of early stages of sorghum grain mold disease reveals defense regulators and metabolic pathways associated with resistance.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 22
Nida H, Lee S, Li Y
43. Genome-wide association and transcriptome studies identify candidate genes and pathways for feed conversion ratio in pigs.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 22
Miao Y, Mei Q, Fu C
44. Resilience, plasticity and robustness in gene expression during aging in the brain of outbred deer mice.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 21
Soltanmohammadi E(#), Zhang Y(#), Chatzistamou I
45. Dynamics of rumen gene expression, microbiome colonization, and their interplay in goats.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 21
Pan X(#), Li Z(#), Li B
46. Characterization of a haplotype-reference panel for genotyping by low-pass sequencing in Swiss Large White pigs.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 21
Nosková A, Bhati M, Kadri NK
47. Comprehensive analysis and identification of drought-responsive candidate NAC genes in three semi-arid tropics (SAT) legume crops.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 21
Singh S, Kudapa H, Garg V
48. Effects of AGXT2 variants on blood pressure and blood sugar among 750 older Japanese subjects recruited by the complete enumeration survey method.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 20
Yoshino Y, Kumon H, Mori T
49. Variation of microRNA expression in the human placenta driven by population identity and sex of the newborn.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 20
Guo S, Huang S, Jiang X
50. Zea mays RNA-seq estimated transcript abundances are strongly affected by read mapping bias.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 20
Zhan S, Griswold C, Lukens L.
51. Insights into phylogenetic relationships and genome evolution of subfamily Commelinoideae (Commelinaceae Mirb.) inferred from complete chloroplast genomes.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 2
Jung J, Kim C, Kim JH.
52. Identification of the specific long-noncoding RNAs involved in night-break mediated flowering retardation in Chenopodium quinoa.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 19
Wu Q, Luo Y, Wu X
53. Molecular characterization of cytidine monophospho-N-acetylneuraminic acid hydroxylase (CMAH) gene and frequency of blood types in stray cats of İzmir, Turkey.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 19
Can H, Erkunt Alak S, Köseoğlu AE
54. Genome-wide analysis of SET-domain group histone methyltransferases in apple reveals their role in development and stress responses.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 19
Li W(#), Yan J(#), Wang S
55. Unique adaptations in neonatal hepatic transcriptome, nutrient signaling, and one-carbon metabolism in response to feeding ethyl cellulose rumen-protected methionine during late-gestation in Holstein cows.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 17
Palombo V, Alharthi A, Batistel F
56. An enhanced photosynthesis and carbohydrate metabolic capability contributes to heterosis of the cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) hybrid 'Huaza Mian H318', as revealed by genome-wide gene expression analysis.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 17
Ding Y, Zhang R, Zhu L
57. Population and subspecies diversity at mouse centromere satellites.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 17
Arora UP, Charlebois C, Lawal RA
58. Wild rice harbors more root endophytic fungi than cultivated rice in the F1 offspring after crossbreeding.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 17
Tian L(#), Wang E(#), Lin X
59. Long non-coding RNA pairs to assist in diagnosing sepsis.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 16
Zheng X, Leung KS, Wong MH
60. Genome sequencing and comparative genomic analysis of highly and weakly aggressive strains of Sclerotium rolfsii, the causal agent of peanut stem rot.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 16
Yan L, Wang Z, Song W
61. Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Monogenea, Diplozoidae) and its adaptation to haematophagy as revealed by transcriptome and secretome profiling.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 15
Vorel J, Cwiklinski K, Roudnický P
62. RNA sequencing describes both population structure and plasticity-selection dynamics in a non-model fish.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 15
Thorstensen MJ, Baerwald MR, Jeffries KM.
63. Transcriptomic and proteomic analysis of putative digestive proteases in the salivary gland and gut of Empoasca (Matsumurasca) onukii Matsuda.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 15
Shao E, Song Y, Wang Y
64. Predicting tumor response to drugs based on gene-expression biomarkers of sensitivity learned from cancer cell lines.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 15
Li Y, Umbach DM, Krahn JM
65. The Pectobacterium pangenome, with a focus on Pectobacterium brasiliense, shows a robust core and extensive exchange of genes from a shared gene pool.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 14
Jonkheer EM, Brankovics B, Houwers IM
66. Transcriptome-wide study revealed m6A regulation of embryonic muscle development in Dingan goose (Anser cygnoides orientalis).
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 14
Xu T(#), Xu Z(#), Lu L(#)
67. A QTL for conformation of back and croup influences lateral gait quality in Icelandic horses.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 14
Rosengren MK(#), Sigurðardóttir H(#), Eriksson S
68. The molecular signatures of compatible and incompatible pollination in Arabidopsis.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 14
Kodera C, Just J, Da Rocha M
69. Analysis of temporal gene regulation of Listeria monocytogenes revealed distinct regulatory response modes after exposure to high pressure processing.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 14
Nikparvar B, Andreevskaya M, Duru IC
70. Rapid genetic adaptation to recently colonized environments is driven by genes underlying life history traits.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 14
Yin X, Martinez AS, Sepúlveda MS
71. Factors affecting the rapid changes of protein under short-term heat stress.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 13
Wu B, Qiao J, Wang X
72. Comparative analysis of chloroplast genomes of cultivars and wild species of sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas [L.] Lam).
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 13
Xiao S(#), Xu P(#), Deng Y(#)
73. Imprints of independent allopolyploid formations on patterns of gene expression in two sibling yarrow species (Achillea, Asteraceae).
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 13
Chen D(#), Yan PC(#), Guo YP.
74. Long-term TE persistence even without beneficial insertion.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 12
Kremer SC, Linquist S, Saylor B
75. Characterization and transcriptomic analysis of a novel yellow-green leaf wucai (Brassica campestris L.) germplasm.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 12
Nie L, Zheng Y, Zhang L
76. Methamphetamine-induced changes in myocardial gene transcription are sex-dependent.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 12
Chavva H, Brazeau DA, Denvir J
77. The transcriptomic responses of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) to high temperature stress alone, and in combination with moderate hypoxia.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 12
Beemelmanns A, Zanuzzo FS, Xue X
78. Identification and evolution analysis of the JAZ gene family in maize.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 10
Han Y, Luthe D.
79. Identification of co-expression network correlated with different periods of adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation of BMSCs by weighted gene co-expression network analysis (WGCNA).
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 10
Liu Y, Tingart M, Lecouturier S
80. First comprehensive analysis of lysine succinylation in paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera).
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 10
Dong Y, Li P, Li P
81. Aging features of the migratory locust at physiological and transcriptional levels.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 10
Guo S(#), Yang P(#), Liang B
82. Verticillium wilt resistant and susceptible olive cultivars express a very different basal set of genes in roots.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 1
Ramírez-Tejero JA, Jiménez-Ruiz J, Serrano A
83. Episodes of gene flow and selection during the evolutionary history of domesticated barley.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 1
Civáň P, Drosou K, Armisen-Gimenez D
84. A high-density genetic map construction and sex-related loci identification in Chinese Giant salamander.
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 1
Hu Q(#), Liu Y(#), Liao X
85. A tail of two pandas- whole genome k-mer signature analysis of the red panda (Ailurus fulgens) and the Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).
BMC Genomics
2021 Apr 1
Cserhati M.
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