期刊文献 > Proteomics期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (9)
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20 2 (43)
1. The effects of extracellular vesicles and their cargo on metabolism and its adaptation to physical exercise in insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
2023 Jul 31
Mastrototaro L, Roden M.
2. A random forest model for predicting exosomal proteins using evolutionary information and motifs.
2023 Jul 31
Arora A, Patiyal S, Sharma N
3. Multi-omics approach to socioeconomic disparity in metabolic syndrome reveals roles of diet and microbiome.
2023 Jul 31
Bishehsari F, Drees M, Adnan D
4. State-of-the-art computational methods to predict protein-protein interactions with high accuracy and coverage.
2023 Jul 3
Kewalramani N, Emili A, Crovella M.
5. Comparative proteomic analysis of three major extracellular vesicle classes secreted from human primary and metastatic colorectal cancer cells: Exosomes, microparticles, and shed midbody remnants.
2023 Jul 28
Suwakulsiri W, Xu R, Rai A
6. On the excessive use of coefficient of variation as a metric of quantitation quality in proteomics.
2023 Jul 26
Ivanov MV, Garibova LA, Postoenko VI
7. Tissue-based absolute quantification using large-scale TMT and LFQ experiments.
2023 Jul 24
Wang H, Dai C, Pfeuffer J
8. Towards deciphering glioblastoma intra-tumoral heterogeneity: The importance of integrating multidimensional models.
2023 Jul 24
Sajid RS, van Winden LJ, Diamandis P.
9. Effects of multiple stressors on pancreatic human islets proteome reveal new insights into the pathways involved.
2023 Jul 24
Weldemariam MM, Sudhir PR, Woo J
10. Monitoring mAb proteoforms in mouse plasma using an automated immunocapture combined with top-down and middle-down mass spectrometry.
2023 Jul 21
Dhenin J, Lafont V, Dupré M
11. Comprehensive review of MS-based studies on N-glycoproteome and N-glycome of extracellular vesicles.
2023 Jul 20
Li Y, Wang J, Chen W
12. Heterotypic communication as the promoter of phenotypic plasticity of cancer cells: The role of cancer secretomes.
2023 Jul 20
Zelanis A, Barcick U, Racorti NV
13. Comprehensive serum N-glycan profiling identifies a biomarker panel for early diagnosis of non-small-cell lung cancer.
2023 Jul 20
Wang Y, Liu S, Li J
14. Effects of pejus and pessimum zone salinity stress on gill proteome networks and energy homeostasis in Oreochromis mossambicus.
2023 Jul 20
Root L, Kültz D.
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