期刊文献 > Genome Biol期刊 选择月份
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2021 Jan (51)
1. Intronic small nucleolar RNAs regulate host gene splicing through base pairing with their adjacent intronic sequences.
Genome Biol
2023 Jul 6
Bergeron D, Faucher-Giguère L, Emmerichs AK
2. HiCognition: a visual exploration and hypothesis testing tool for 3D genomics.
Genome Biol
2023 Jul 5
Langer CCH(#), Mitter M(#), Stocsits RR
3. Protocadherin 20 maintains intestinal barrier function to protect against Crohn's disease by targeting ATF6.
Genome Biol
2023 Jul 5
Huang S(#), Xie Z(#), Han J(#)
4. Characterization of large-scale genomic differences in the first complete human genome.
Genome Biol
2023 Jul 4
Yang X(#), Wang X(#), Zou Y
5. Genetic impacts on DNA methylation help elucidate regulatory genomic processes.
Genome Biol
2023 Jul 31
Villicaña S, Castillo-Fernandez J, Hannon E
6. An Atlas of Variant Effects to understand the genome at nucleotide resolution.
Genome Biol
2023 Jul 3
Fowler DM, Adams DJ, Gloyn AL
7. vamos: variable-number tandem repeats annotation using efficient motif sets.
Genome Biol
2023 Jul 27
Ren J(#), Gu B(#), Chaisson MJP.
8. ISLET: individual-specific reference panel recovery improves cell-type-specific inference.
Genome Biol
2023 Jul 26
Feng H, Meng G, Lin T
9. Genetic history of East-Central Europe in the first millennium CE.
Genome Biol
2023 Jul 24
Stolarek I, Zenczak M, Handschuh L
10. Predicting disease severity in metachromatic leukodystrophy using protein activity and a patient phenotype matrix.
Genome Biol
2023 Jul 21
Trinidad M(#), Hong X(#), Froelich S
11. L-GIREMI uncovers RNA editing sites in long-read RNA-seq.
Genome Biol
2023 Jul 20
Liu Z, Quinones-Valdez G, Fu T
12. Sensitive inference of alignment-safe intervals from biodiverse protein sequence clusters using EMERALD.
Genome Biol
2023 Jul 17
Grigorjew A(#), Gynter A(#), Dias FHC
13. Identifying and quantifying isoforms from accurate full-length transcriptome sequencing reads with Mandalorion.
Genome Biol
2023 Jul 17
Volden R, Schimke KD, Byrne A
14. Comprehensive analysis of neoantigens derived from structural variation across whole genomes from 2528 tumors.
Genome Biol
2023 Jul 17
Shi Y(#), Jing B(#), Xi R.
15. MSV: a modular structural variant caller that reveals nested and complex rearrangements by unifying breakends inferred directly from reads.
Genome Biol
2023 Jul 17
Schmidt M, Kutzner A.
16. Stable maternal proteins underlie distinct transcriptome, translatome, and proteome reprogramming during mouse oocyte-to-embryo transition.
Genome Biol
2023 Jul 13
Zhang H(#), Ji S(#), Zhang K(#)
17. SEESAW: detecting isoform-level allelic imbalance accounting for inferential uncertainty.
Genome Biol
2023 Jul 12
Wu EY, Singh NP, Choi K
18. CMOT: Cross-Modality Optimal Transport for multimodal inference.
Genome Biol
2023 Jul 11
Alatkar SA, Wang D.
19. GreenHill: a de novo chromosome-level scaffolding and phasing tool using Hi-C.
Genome Biol
2023 Jul 11
Ouchi S, Kajitani R, Itoh T.
20. Mapping genetic variants for nonsense-mediated mRNA decay regulation across human tissues.
Genome Biol
2023 Jul 11
Sun B, Chen L.
21. CimpleG: finding simple CpG methylation signatures.
Genome Biol
2023 Jul 10
Maié T(#), Schmidt M(#), Erz M
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