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1. KAGE: fast alignment-free graph-based genotyping of SNPs and short indels.
Genome Biol
2022 Oct 4
Grytten I, Dagestad Rand K, Sandve GK.
2. Folliculin-interacting protein FNIP2 impacts on overweight and obesity through a polymorphism in a conserved 3' untranslated region.
Genome Biol
2022 Oct 31
Fernández LP(#), Deleyto-Seldas N(#), Colmenarejo G
3. H3K18 lactylation marks tissue-specific active enhancers.
Genome Biol
2022 Oct 3
Galle E(#), Wong CW(#), Ghosh A(#)
4. Parental genomes segregate into distinct blastomeres during multipolar zygotic divisions leading to mixoploid and chimeric blastocysts.
Genome Biol
2022 Oct 3
De Coster T, Masset H, Tšuiko O
5. Population structure discovery in meta-analyzed microbial communities and inflammatory bowel disease using MMUPHin.
Genome Biol
2022 Oct 3
Ma S, Shungin D, Mallick H
6. scTAM-seq enables targeted high-confidence analysis of DNA methylation in single cells.
Genome Biol
2022 Oct 28
Bianchi A(#), Scherer M(#), Zaurin R
7. INSERT-seq enables high-resolution mapping of genomically integrated DNA using Nanopore sequencing.
Genome Biol
2022 Oct 25
Ivančić D(#), Mir-Pedrol J(#), Jaraba-Wallace J
8. ReadZS detects cell type-specific and developmentally regulated RNA processing programs in single-cell RNA-seq.
Genome Biol
2022 Oct 25
Meyer E(#), Chaung K(#), Dehghannasiri R
9. CRISPR-KRISPR: a method to identify on-target and random insertion of donor DNAs and their characterization in knock-in mice.
Genome Biol
2022 Oct 25
Tanaka M(#), Yokoyama K(#), Hayashi H
10. Significant variation in the performance of DNA methylation predictors across data preprocessing and normalization strategies.
Genome Biol
2022 Oct 24
Ori APS, Lu AT, Horvath S
11. Replication stress generates distinctive landscapes of DNA copy number alterations and chromosome scale losses.
Genome Biol
2022 Oct 20
Shaikh N(#), Mazzagatti A(#), De Angelis S
12. Normalization and de-noising of single-cell Hi-C data with BandNorm and scVI-3D.
Genome Biol
2022 Oct 17
Zheng Y(#), Shen S(#), Keleş S.
13. iDNA-ABF: multi-scale deep biological language learning model for the interpretable prediction of DNA methylations.
Genome Biol
2022 Oct 17
Jin J, Yu Y, Wang R
14. Evolutionary dynamics of pseudoautosomal region 1 in humans and great apes.
Genome Biol
2022 Oct 17
Bergman J, Schierup MH.
15. Local CpG density affects the trajectory and variance of age-associated DNA methylation changes.
Genome Biol
2022 Oct 17
Higham J, Kerr L, Zhang Q
16. scGWAS: landscape of trait-cell type associations by integrating single-cell transcriptomics-wide and genome-wide association studies.
Genome Biol
2022 Oct 17
Jia P, Hu R, Yan F
17. Evaluation of cell-cell interaction methods by integrating single-cell RNA sequencing data with spatial information.
Genome Biol
2022 Oct 17
Liu Z, Sun D, Wang C.
18. Global early replication disrupts gene expression and chromatin conformation in a single cell cycle.
Genome Biol
2022 Oct 17
Santos MM(#), Johnson MC(#), Fiedler L
19. A quantitative metric of pioneer activity reveals that HNF4A has stronger in vivo pioneer activity than FOXA1.
Genome Biol
2022 Oct 17
Hansen JL, Cohen BA.
20. Enhanced mitochondrial DNA editing in mice using nuclear-exported TALE-linked deaminases and nucleases.
Genome Biol
2022 Oct 12
Lee S(#), Lee H(#), Baek G
21. A low-cost genomics workflow enables isolate screening and strain-level analyses within microbiomes.
Genome Biol
2022 Oct 12
Sanders JG, Yan W, Mjungu D
22. PCA outperforms popular hidden variable inference methods for molecular QTL mapping.
Genome Biol
2022 Oct 11
Zhou HJ, Li L, Li Y
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