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1. CONET: copy number event tree model of evolutionary tumor history for single-cell data.
Genome Biol
2022 Jun 9
Markowska M(#), Cąkała T(#), Miasojedow B
2. Dissection of multiple sclerosis genetics identifies B and CD4+ T cells as driver cell subsets.
Genome Biol
2022 Jun 7
Guo MH, Sama P, LaBarre BA
3. Implicating effector genes at COVID-19 GWAS loci using promoter-focused Capture-C in disease-relevant immune cell types.
Genome Biol
2022 Jun 3
Pahl MC, Le Coz C, Su C
4. De novo reconstruction of cell interaction landscapes from single-cell spatial transcriptome data with DeepLinc.
Genome Biol
2022 Jun 3
Li R, Yang X.
5. Storing and analyzing a genome on a blockchain.
Genome Biol
2022 Jun 29
Gürsoy G, Brannon CM, Ni E
6. Bookend: precise transcript reconstruction with end-guided assembly.
Genome Biol
2022 Jun 29
Schon MA, Lutzmayer S, Hofmann F
7. Deep oncopanel sequencing reveals within block position-dependent quality degradation in FFPE processed samples.
Genome Biol
2022 Jun 29
Zhang Y(#), Blomquist TM(#), Kusko R(#)
8. Dynamic rewiring of biological activity across genotype and lineage revealed by context-dependent functional interactions.
Genome Biol
2022 Jun 29
Kim E, Novak LC, Lin C
9. A theory-based practical solution to correct for sex-differential participation bias.
Genome Biol
2022 Jun 27
Lee H, Han B.
10. Widespread redundancy in -omics profiles of cancer mutation states.
Genome Biol
2022 Jun 27
Crawford J, Christensen BC, Chikina M
11. scDART: integrating unmatched scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq data and learning cross-modality relationship simultaneously.
Genome Biol
2022 Jun 27
Zhang Z, Yang C, Zhang X.
12. Epigenomic analysis reveals a dynamic and context-specific macrophage enhancer landscape associated with innate immune activation and tolerance.
Genome Biol
2022 Jun 24
Zhang P, Amarasinghe HE, Whalley JP
13. Comprehensive benchmarking of CITE-seq versus DOGMA-seq single cell multimodal omics.
Genome Biol
2022 Jun 23
Xu Z, Heidrich-O'Hare E, Chen W
14. Open problems in human trait genetics.
Genome Biol
2022 Jun 20
Brandes N, Weissbrod O, Linial M.
15. SeqScreen: accurate and sensitive functional screening of pathogenic sequences via ensemble learning.
Genome Biol
2022 Jun 20
Balaji A(#), Kille B(#), Kappell AD
16. An analysis of proteogenomics and how and when transcriptome-informed reduction of protein databases can enhance eukaryotic proteomics.
Genome Biol
2022 Jun 20
Fancello L, Burger T.
17. Gene fusion as an important mechanism to generate new genes in the genus Oryza.
Genome Biol
2022 Jun 15
Zhou Y, Zhang C, Zhang L
18. SCADIE: simultaneous estimation of cell type proportions and cell type-specific gene expressions using SCAD-based iterative estimating procedure.
Genome Biol
2022 Jun 15
Tang D, Park S, Zhao H.
19. Virtual ChIP-seq: predicting transcription factor binding by learning from the transcriptome.
Genome Biol
2022 Jun 10
Karimzadeh M, Hoffman MM.
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