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2021 Jan (51)
1. Programmed genomic instability regulates neural transdifferentiation of human brain microvascular pericytes.
Genome Biol
2021 Dec 9
Rezaei-Lotfi S, Vujovic F, Simonian M
2. The SEQC2 epigenomics quality control (EpiQC) study.
Genome Biol
2021 Dec 6
Foox J(#), Nordlund J(#), Lalancette C(#)
3. Single-cell characterization of CRISPR-modified transcript isoforms with nanopore sequencing.
Genome Biol
2021 Dec 6
Kim HS, Grimes SM, Hooker AC
4. Interferon inducible pseudouridine modification in human mRNA by quantitative nanopore profiling.
Genome Biol
2021 Dec 6
Huang S, Zhang W, Katanski CD
5. geneBasis: an iterative approach for unsupervised selection of targeted gene panels from scRNA-seq.
Genome Biol
2021 Dec 6
Missarova A, Jain J, Butler A
6. Cobolt: integrative analysis of multimodal single-cell sequencing data.
Genome Biol
2021 Dec 28
Gong B, Zhou Y, Purdom E.
7. An accessible, efficient and global approach for the large-scale sequencing of bacterial genomes.
Genome Biol
2021 Dec 21
Perez-Sepulveda BM, Heavens D(#), Pulford CV(#)
8. Hidden biases in germline structural variant detection.
Genome Biol
2021 Dec 20
Khayat MM, Sahraeian SME, Zarate S
9. MultiMAP: dimensionality reduction and integration of multimodal data.
Genome Biol
2021 Dec 20
Jain MS, Polanski K, Conde CD
10. SCEPTRE improves calibration and sensitivity in single-cell CRISPR screen analysis.
Genome Biol
2021 Dec 20
Barry T, Wang X, Morris JA
11. Quantitative-enhancer-FACS-seq (QeFS) reveals epistatic interactions among motifs within transcriptional enhancers in developing Drosophila tissue.
Genome Biol
2021 Dec 20
Waters CT(#), Gisselbrecht SS(#), Sytnikova YA
12. The economics of organellar gene loss and endosymbiotic gene transfer.
Genome Biol
2021 Dec 20
Kelly S.
13. Chronos: a cell population dynamics model of CRISPR experiments that improves inference of gene fitness effects.
Genome Biol
2021 Dec 20
Dempster JM, Boyle I, Vazquez F
14. Functional enrichment of alternative splicing events with NEASE reveals insights into tissue identity and diseases.
Genome Biol
2021 Dec 2
Louadi Z, Elkjaer ML, Klug M
15. DropletQC: improved identification of empty droplets and damaged cells in single-cell RNA-seq data.
Genome Biol
2021 Dec 2
Muskovic W, Powell JE.
16. Malignancy and NF-κB signalling strengthen coordination between expression of mitochondrial and nuclear-encoded oxidative phosphorylation genes.
Genome Biol
2021 Dec 2
Perez MF, Sarkies P.
17. splatPop: simulating population scale single-cell RNA sequencing data.
Genome Biol
2021 Dec 15
Azodi CB, Zappia L, Oshlack A
18. A benchmark of structural variation detection by long reads through a realistic simulated model.
Genome Biol
2021 Dec 15
Dierckxsens N, Li T, Vermeesch JR
19. A cis-regulatory-directed pipeline for the identification of genes involved in cardiac development and disease.
Genome Biol
2021 Dec 15
Nim HT, Dang L, Thiyagarajah H
20. Reprogramming of RNA silencing triggered by cucumber mosaic virus infection in Arabidopsis.
Genome Biol
2021 Dec 15
Annacondia ML, Martinez G.
21. Benchmarking UMI-based single-cell RNA-seq preprocessing workflows.
Genome Biol
2021 Dec 14
You Y, Tian L, Su S
22. Flimma: a federated and privacy-aware tool for differential gene expression analysis.
Genome Biol
2021 Dec 14
Zolotareva O(#), Nasirigerdeh R(#), Matschinske J
23. CIDER: an interpretable meta-clustering framework for single-cell RNA-seq data integration and evaluation.
Genome Biol
2021 Dec 13
Hu Z, Ahmed AA, Yau C.
24. Microbial co-occurrence complicates associations of gut microbiome with US immigration, dietary intake and obesity.
Genome Biol
2021 Dec 10
Wang Z, Usyk M, Vázquez-Baeza Y
25. Feature selection revisited in the single-cell era.
Genome Biol
2021 Dec 1
Yang P, Huang H, Liu C.
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