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2021 Jan (51)
1. ACME dissociation: a versatile cell fixation-dissociation method for single-cell transcriptomics.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 8
García-Castro H, Kenny NJ, Iglesias M
2. Response to "Reproducibility of CRISPR-Cas9 methods for generation of conditional mouse alleles: a multi-center evaluation".
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 7
Yang H, Wang H, Jaenisch R.
3. PCIP-seq: simultaneous sequencing of integrated viral genomes and their insertion sites with long reads.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 6
Artesi M(#), Hahaut V(#), Cole B(#)
4. Simplitigs as an efficient and scalable representation of de Bruijn graphs.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 6
Břinda K, Baym M(#), Kucherov G(#).
5. Genetic impacts on DNA methylation: research findings and future perspectives.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 30
Villicaña S, Bell JT.
6. MARS: leveraging allelic heterogeneity to increase power of association testing.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 30
Hormozdiari F(#), Jung J(#), Eskin E
7. Ten-eleven translocation protein 1 modulates medulloblastoma progression.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 29
Kim H(#), Kang Y(#), Li Y
8. nPhase: an accurate and contiguous phasing method for polyploids.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 29
Abou Saada O, Tsouris A, Eberlein C
9. The impact of cell type and context-dependent regulatory variants on human immune traits.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 29
Mu Z(#), Wei W(#), Fair B
10. PseudotimeDE: inference of differential gene expression along cell pseudotime with well-calibrated p-values from single-cell RNA sequencing data.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 29
Song D, Li JJ.
11. Best practices on the differential expression analysis of multi-species RNA-seq.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 29
Chung M, Bruno VM, Rasko DA
12. Next-generation microbiology: from comparative genomics to gene function.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 29
Kobras CM, Fenton AK, Sheppard SK.
13. Complete vertebrate mitogenomes reveal widespread repeats and gene duplications.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 29
Formenti G, Rhie A, Balacco J
14. Cotton pan-genome retrieves the lost sequences and genes during domestication and selection.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 23
Li J, Yuan D, Wang P
15. Drosophila primary microRNA-8 encodes a microRNA-encoded peptide acting in parallel of miR-8.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 23
Montigny A, Tavormina P, Duboe C
16. G-quadruplexes are transcription factor binding hubs in human chromatin.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 23
Spiegel J, Cuesta SM, Adhikari S
17. Human brain region-specific variably methylated regions are enriched for heritability of distinct neuropsychiatric traits.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 22
Rizzardi LF, Hickey PF, Idrizi A
18. AFLAP: assembly-free linkage analysis pipeline using k-mers from genome sequencing data.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 21
Fletcher K, Zhang L, Gil J
19. Genomic insights into the origin, domestication and genetic basis of agronomic traits of castor bean.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 20
Xu W, Wu D, Yang T
20. scMET: Bayesian modeling of DNA methylation heterogeneity at single-cell resolution.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 20
Kapourani CA(#), Argelaguet R(#), Sanguinetti G
21. Personalized genome structure via single gamete sequencing.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 19
Lyu R(#), Tsui V(#), McCarthy DJ
22. A verified genomic reference sample for assessing performance of cancer panels detecting small variants of low allele frequency.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 16
Jones W, Gong B, Novoradovskaya N
23. Identification of X-chromosomal genes that drive sex differences in embryonic stem cells through a hierarchical CRISPR screening approach.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 16
Genolet O, Monaco AA, Dunkel I
24. Cross-oncopanel study reveals high sensitivity and accuracy with overall analytical performance depending on genomic regions.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 16
Gong B(#), Li D(#), Kusko R(#)
25. Mechanisms of enhancer action: the known and the unknown.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 15
Panigrahi A, O'Malley BW.
26. Subtype-associated epigenomic landscape and 3D genome structure in bladder cancer.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 15
Iyyanki T(#), Zhang B(#), Wang Q(#)
27. PD-L1 lncRNA splice isoform promotes lung adenocarcinoma progression via enhancing c-Myc activity.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 13
Qu S(#), Jiao Z(#), Lu G(#)
28. Comparative regulomics supports pervasive selection on gene dosage following whole genome duplication.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 13
Gillard GB(#), Grønvold L(#), Røsæg LL
29. Computational methods for chromosome-scale haplotype reconstruction.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 12
Garg S.
30. Comparative genomics identifies thousands of candidate structured RNAs in human microbiomes.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 12
Fremin BJ, Bhatt AS.
31. A benchmark for RNA-seq deconvolution analysis under dynamic testing environments.
Genome Biol
2021 Apr 12
Jin H, Liu Z.
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