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2023 Sep (364)
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2021 Jan (304)
1. Altered growth and death in dilution-based viral predation assays.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Knowles B, Bonachela JA, Cieslik N
2. Indirect estimation of the need for palliative care during the COVID-19 pandemic: A descriptive cross-sectional study using mortality data in the Biobío Region, Chile.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Barría-Sandoval C, Espinoza Venegas M, Ferreira G.
3. Unconditioned and conditioned anxiolytic effects of Sodium Valproate on flavor neophobia and fear conditioning.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Cintado MÁ, González G, Cárcel L
4. Potential sources of contamination on textiles and hard surfaces identified as high-touch sites near the patient environment.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Nygren E, Gonzales Strömberg L, Logenius J
5. Scientific research input and output efficiency evaluation of universities in Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle based on data envelopment analysis.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Wang C, Zeng J, Zhong H
6. Alkaline-SDS cell lysis of microbes with acetone protein precipitation for proteomic sample preparation in 96-well plate format.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Chen Y, Gin JW, Wang Y
7. Plantar threshold sensitivity assessment using an automated tool-Clinical assessment comparison between a control population without type 2 diabetes mellitus, and populations with type 2 diabetes mellitus, with and without neuropathy symptoms.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Castellano VK, Commander J, Burch T
8. Vaccine hesitancy among healthcare workers in low- and middle-income countries during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from facility surveys across six countries.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Baral P, Ahmed T, Amor Fernandez P
9. Examining the attitudes of sexually abused and non-abused individuals towards marriage in terms of ambivalent sexism.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Çelik E, Dombak K, Kaya M
10. Insight in schizophrenia is associated with psychoeducation and social support: Testing a new more comprehensive insight tool in Turkish schizophrenia patients.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Gundogmus AG, Gerretsen P, Song J
11. Pathogen and human NDPK-proteins promote AML cell survival via monocyte NLRP3-inflammasome activation.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Trova S, Lin F, Lomada S
12. Correction: Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Odina wodier Roxb, an Indian Folk Remedy, through Inhibition of Toll-Like Receptor 4 Signaling Pathway.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Ojha D, Mukherjee H, Mondal S
13. Social world knowledge: Modeling and applications.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Lotan N, Minkov E.
14. Bayesian function registration with random truncation.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Lu Y, Herbei R, Kurtek S.
15. Learning important common data elements from shared study data: The All of Us program analysis.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Mayer CS, Huser V.
16. TERT expression is associated with metastasis from thin primaries, exhausted CD4+ T cells in melanoma and with DNA repair across cancer entities.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Kuhn CK, Meister J, Kreft S
17. The role of γ-aminobutyric acid and salicylic acid in heat stress tolerance under salinity conditions in Origanum vulgare L.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Garoosi MK, Sanjarian F, Chaichi M.
18. Bacterial cytological profiling reveals interactions between jumbo phage φKZ infection and cell wall active antibiotics in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Tsunemoto H, Sugie J, Enustun E
19. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and its legalisation in Africa: Insights from tertiary-level students in Ghana.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Acquah F, Botchwey CO, Adoma PO
20. Spatial distribution of mortality from colorectal cancer in the southern region of Brazil.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Castilho MJC, Massago M, Arruda CE
21. Repurposing the Medicines for Malaria Venture's COVID Box to discover potent inhibitors of Toxoplasma gondii, and in vivo efficacy evaluation of almitrine bismesylate (MMV1804175) in chronically infected mice.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Dos Santos BR, Ramos ABDSB, de Menezes RPB
22. Modular pipeline for reconstruction and localization of implanted intracranial ECoG and sEEG electrodes.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Soper DJ, Reich D, Ross A
23. Experimental study on pore structure characteristics and thermal conductivity of fibers reinforced foamed concrete.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Li L, Wang W, Wang Y
24. Does grit protect against the adverse effects of depression on academic achievement?
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Kilgore J, Collins AC, Miller JAM
25. Prevalence and factors associated with depression, anxiety, and stress among people with disabilities during COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh: A cross-sectional study.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Roy N, Amin MB, Mamun MA
26. Critical and steady-state characteristics of delay propagation in an airport network.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Yao HG, Zhang H.
27. Murine typhus is a common cause of acute febrile illness in Bandung, Indonesia.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Riswari SF, Prodjosoewojo S, Mony SR
28. Anthracological study of a Chalcolithic funerary deposit from Perdigões (Alentejo, Portugal): A new analytical methodology to establish the wood burning temperature.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Coradeschi G, Jiménez Morillo NT, Dias CB
29. Antenatal depression: Associations with birth and neonatal outcomes among women attending maternity care in Harare, Zimbabwe.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Kaiyo-Utete M, Langhaug L, Chingono A
30. Research on mobile learning platform interface design based on college students' visual attention characteristics.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Zhu T, Yang Y.
31. Developing and validating the Japanese version of the Referential Thinking Scale: A cross-sectional study.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Sasaki J, Muranaka S, Arahata K
32. MICFuzzy: A maximal information content based fuzzy approach for reconstructing genetic networks.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Nakulugamuwa Gamage H, Chetty M, Lim S
33. Ethical challenges of using remote monitoring technologies for clinical research: A case study of the role of local research ethics committees in the RADAR-AD study.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Muurling M, Pasmooij AMG, Koychev I
34. A national study confirms that Escherichia coli from Australian commercial layer hens remain susceptible to critically important antimicrobials.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Abraham R, Allison HS, Lee T
35. Predatory journals: Perception, impact and use of Beall's list by the scientific community-A bibliometric big data study.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Richtig G, Berger M, Koeller M
36. Stress symptoms and positive coping during coronavirus disease 2019: The need to look at health from a gender perspective.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Romo-González T, Barranca-Enríquez A, León-Díaz R
37. Generation and characterization of two immortalized dermal fibroblast cell lines from the spiny mouse (Acomys).
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Dill MN, Tabatabaei M, Kamat M
38. Comparative transcriptome analysis to identify putative genes involved in carvacrol biosynthesis pathway in two species of Satureja, endemic medicinal herbs of Iran.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Shams S, Ismaili A, Firouzabadi FN
39. A randomized stepped wedge trial of an intensive combination approach to roll back the HIV epidemic in Nigerian adolescents: iCARE Nigeria treatment support protocol.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Taiwo BO, Kuhns LM, Omigbodun O
40. Multi-layer laser cutting of electrical steel sheets applied to electric machine laminations.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Dodd N, Ballantyne E, Heron G
41. The influences of surface effect and elastic strain energy on structure and mechanical properties of dislocations in several diamond- and sphalerite-structured materials.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Zhang H.
42. Persistence and stability of generalized ribosome flow models with time-varying transition rates.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Vághy MA, Szederkényi G.
43. The associations between suicides, economic conditions and social isolation: Insights from Spain.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Blázquez-Fernández C, Cantarero-Prieto D.
44. Comparative study of multiple approaches for identifying cultivable microalgae population diversity from freshwater samples.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Badr AA, Fouad WM.
45. Arterial stiffness and biological parameters: A decision tree machine learning application in hypertensive participants.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Vallée A.
46. SUNi mutagenesis: Scalable and uniform nicking for efficient generation of variant libraries.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Mighell TL, Toledano I, Lehner B.
47. Infection prevention and control in neonatal units: An ethnographic study of social and clinical interactions among healthcare providers and mothers in Ghana.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Sunkwa-Mills G, Senah K, Tersbøl BP.
48. Health and wellness in the Australian coal mining industry: An analysis of pre-post findings from the RESHAPE workplace health promotion program.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Bezzina B A, Ashton L, Watson T
49. Contaminant occurrence, distribution and ecological risk assessment of phthalate esters in the Persian Gulf.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Khishdost M, Dobaradaran S, Goudarzi G
50. Effect of two weeks of training cessation on concentric and eccentric knee muscle strength in highly trained sprinters.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Yamashita D, Hirata K, Yamazaki K
51. Reduced protective efficacy of hepatitis B vaccine among fully vaccinated children in Ethiopia.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Adugna A, Demeke G, Toru M
52. Perceived sidedness and correlation to vertical movement asymmetries in young warmblood horses.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Leclercq A, Lundblad J, Persson-Sjodin E
53. Predictors and trends of Caesarean section and breastfeeding in the Eastern Mediterranean region: Data from the cross-sectional Cyprus Women's Health Research (COHERE) Initiative.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Swift B, Taneri B, Cagnan I
54. Gender-specific disease trajectories prior to the onset of COPD allow individualized screening and early intervention.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Hagmann M, Baty F, Rassouli F
55. Pressure sensing mat as an objective and sensitive tool for the evaluation of lameness in rabbits.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
von der Ahe C, Marahrens H, Schwarze M
56. Increased tissue modulus and hardness in the TallyHO mouse model of early onset type 2 diabetes mellitus.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Arora D, Taylor EA, King KB
57. Public perception of scientists: Experimental evidence on the role of sociodemographic, partisan, and professional characteristics.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Sonmez B, Makarovs K, Allum N.
58. What factors determine users' knowledge payment decisions? A mixed-method study.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Ying Q, Hoque MM, Lee SJ.
59. Prognostic value of the right ventricular ejection fraction using three-dimensional echocardiography: Systematic review and meta-analysis.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Kitano T, Nabeshima Y, Nagata Y
60. How do smoking, vaping, and nicotine affect people with epilepsy and seizures? A scoping review protocol.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Narrett JA, Khan W, Funaro MC
61. What mechanisms mediate prior probability effects on rapid-choice decision-making?
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Puri R, Hinder MR, Heathcote A.
62. Temporal and spatial trends in road traffic fatalities from 2001 to 2019 in Shandong Province, China.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Wang T, Yao ZY, Liu BP
63. Piloting the informed health choices resources in Barcelona primary schools: A mixed methods study.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Jofra LS, Alonso-Coello P, Martínez EC
64. Effectiveness of mental health interventions for older adults in South Asia: A scoping review.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Mazumder H, Faizah F, Gain EP
65. RNA structural probing of guanine and uracil nucleotides in yeast.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Xiao K, Ghalei H, Khoshnevis S.
66. Can red tourism lead to spiritual transformation? Evidence from tourists visiting the Red Army Long March Xiangjiang Battle Memorial Park.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Zhou H, Zhang Q, Jiang Y
67. Aqueous extract of Cordyceps cicadae (Miq.) promotes hyaluronan synthesis in human skin fibroblasts: A potential moisturizing and anti-aging ingredient.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Shao L, Jiang S, Li Y
68. Association between blood lipid levels and risk of gastric cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Xu S, Fan Y, Tan Y
69. Phenotypic quantification of root spatial distribution along circumferential direction for field paddy-wheat.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Chen X, Tang Y, Duan Q
70. Correction: Self-collected and clinician-collected anal swabs show modest agreement for HPV genotyping.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Dube Mandishora RS, Rounge TB, Fitzpatrick M
71. Physics scientific events in Brazil: Female participation.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Anteneodo C, Brito C, Menezes DP.
72. Correction: Tracking the Luminal Exposure and Lymphatic Drainage Pathways of Intravaginal and Intrarectal Inocula Used in Nonhuman Primate Models of HIV Transmission.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Smedley J, Turkbey B, Bernardo ML
73. An investigation into the associations between psychological skills, anaerobic fitness, and aerobic fitness in elite Iranian taekwondo athletes.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Nabilpour M, Samanipour MH, Bragazzi NL
74. Food safety knowledge, attitudes, and practices among Jordanian women handling food at home during COVID-19 pandemic.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Al-Jaberi TM, Al-Nabulsi AA, Osaili TM
75. Trends in self-reported cost barriers to dental care in Ontario.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Abdelrehim M, Ravaghi V, Quiñonez C
76. Factors associated with recovery from stunting at 24 months of age among infants and young children enrolled in the Pediatric Development Clinic (PDC): A retrospective cohort study in rural Rwanda.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Nemerimana M, Havugarurema S, Nshimyiryo A
77. Mining algorithm of accumulation sequence of unbalanced data based on probability matrix decomposition.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Mou S, Zhang H.
78. I am a scientist: Overcoming biased assumptions around diversity in science through explicit representation of scientists in lectures.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Henri DC, Coates K, Hubbard K.
79. Knowledge and attitudes of thalassaemia among high-risk indigenous university students in Bangladesh: A pilot study.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Hasan MM, Uddin KMK, Lokman SM
80. Association between fall-related serious injury and activity during fall in an acute care hospital.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Kobayashi K, Kido N, Wakabayashi S
81. Simulation of supply chain disruptions considering establishments and power outages.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Inoue H, Okumura Y, Torayashiki T
82. Integration degree of China's the new development pattern of dual circulation and industrial green development.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
He J.
83. An edge-based approach for virtual network embedding based on the graph edit distance.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Xu Z, Zhuang L, He M
84. Clinical and economic burden of pneumococcal disease among adults in Sweden: A population-based register study.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Zarabi N, Aldvén M, Sjölander S
85. Integration of point-of-care screening for type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension with COVID-19 rapid antigen screening in Johannesburg, South Africa.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Brennan AT, Vetter B, Majam M
86. Knowledge, attitude and practice of physicians and nurses at the cape coast teaching hospital in the Central Region of Ghana on spontaneous adverse drug reaction reporting.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Powell JF, Henneh IT, Ekor M.
87. Correction: Heterogeneous expression of CFTR in insulin-secreting β-cells of the normal human islet.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Fulvio MD, Bogdani M, Velasco M
88. Cite-seeing and reviewing: A study on citation bias in peer review.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Stelmakh I, Rastogi C, Liu R
89. Gene regulatory network inference in soybean upon infection by Phytophthora sojae.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Hale B, Ratnayake S, Flory A
90. Improved GWO and its application in parameter optimization of Elman neural network.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Liu W, Sun J, Liu G
91. Towards the development of a quality youth sport experience measure: Understanding participant and stakeholder perspectives.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Brown DMY, Cairney J, Azimi S
92. Adverse birth outcomes and associated factors among newborns delivered in Sao Tome & Principe: A case‒control study.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Vasconcelos A, Sousa S, Bandeira N
93. "My wellbeing-their wellbeing "- An eHealth intervention for managing obesity in early care and education: Protocol for the Go NAPSACC Cares cluster randomized control trial.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Willis EA, Burney R, Hales D
94. Homocysteine levels in patients with coronary slow flow phenomenon: A meta-analysis.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Yu H, Wang BB, Zhao M
95. Robust performance comparison of PMSM for flight control applications in more electric aircraft.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 7
Karboua D, Belgacem T, Khan ZH
96. Adverse pregnancy outcomes among women in Norway with gestational diabetes using three diagnostic criteria.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Rai AS, Sletner L, Jenum AK
97. Hepatitis C (HCV) among Black and Latino sexual minority men (SMM) in the Southern United States: Protocol of a prospective cohort epidemiological study.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Ogunbajo A, Brooks M, Oke T
98. Correction: Evaluating the detection ability of a range of epistasis detection methods on simulated data for pure and impure epistatic models.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Russ D, Williams JA, Cardoso VR
99. Efficacy and safety of non-pharmacological therapy under the guidance of TCM theory in the treatment of anxiety in patients with myocardial infarction: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Zhao W, Wang Y, Hou J
100. Risk factors for COVID-19 infections among health care workers in Ghana.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Lartey M, Kenu E, Ganu VJ
101. Tissue-specific reprogramming of glutamine metabolism maintains tolerance to sepsis.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Leitner BP, Lee WD, Zhu W
102. Diagnostic test accuracy of ultrasound for orbital cellulitis: A systematic review.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Anwar MR, Mahant S, Agbaje-Ojo T
103. Rhizosphere soil properties of waxy sorghum under different row ratio configurations in waxy sorghum-soybean intercropping systems.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Shao M, Wang C, Zhou L
104. The viral picture of well-being: Biggest concerns, losses, and unintended gifts of COVID-19 in the Philippines.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Tuason MT, Perniciaro K, Lamadrid R
105. Emotion dynamic patterns between intimate relationship partners predict their separation two years later: A machine learning approach.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Hilpert P, Vowels MR, Mestdagh M
106. Predictors of diarrhea among children under 24 months in Nepal: A multilevel analysis of multiple indicator cluster survey 2019.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Thapa B, Sapkota S, Hu Y.
107. Quality of life, self-reported outcomes and impact of education among people with moderate and severe hemophilia A: An integrated perspective from a Latin American country.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Torres L, Peñuela O, Forero MDR
108. Motives and attitudes of parents toward HPV vaccination: Results from the initial period of HPV vaccine rollout in Serbia.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Štrbac M, Vuković V, Pustahija T
109. Period shaming behavior among male students in Luang Prabang Province, Lao People's Democratic Republic: A cross-sectional study.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Inthaphatha S, Isin-Xiong L, Louangpradith V
110. Multi-center validation of Catquest-9SF visual function questionnaire in Ontario, Canada.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Kabanovski A, Shah B, D'Silva C
111. A deep learning approach to private data sharing of medical images using conditional generative adversarial networks (GANs).
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Sun H, Plawinski J, Subramaniam S
112. College transition Fall 2020 and 2021: Understanding the relationship of COVID-19 experiences and psychosocial correlates with anxiety and depression.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Lourie A, Kennedy S, Henshaw EJ
113. RT-DOb, a switch gene for the gene pair {Csf1r, Milr1}, can influence the onset of Alzheimer's disease by regulating communication between mast cell and microglia.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Khayer N, Motamed N, Marashi SA
114. Validation of the person-centered maternity care scale at governmental health facilities in Cambodia.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Naito YT, Fukuzawa R, Ganchimeg T
115. Ionized alkaline water reduces injury in BALB/c mice infected with Leishmania amazonensis.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Retamiro KM, Nunes KC, Zani AP
116. Emergence and retention of a collective memory in cockroaches.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Calvo Martín M, Rodriguez Palacio E, Deneubourg JL
117. Loneliness and its associated factors among university students during late stage of COVID-19 pandemic: An online cross-sectional study.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Simegn W, Sisay G, Seid AM
118. Fish assemblage structure, diversity and controls on reefs of South Kona, Hawai'i Island.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Fukunaga A, Asner GP, Grady BW
119. Evaluation of an onco-diet on body composition and inflammatory status of dogs with mammary tumor-Pilot study.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Bonder BSA, Teixeira FA, Porsani MYH
120. PET: Parameter-efficient Knowledge Distillation on Transformer.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Jeon H, Park S, Kim JG
121. Initial presentation of early rheumatoid arthritis.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Weman L, Salo H, Kuusalo L
122. Development and initial pilot validation of a treatment fidelity instrument for family-based interoceptive exposure for adolescents with low-weight eating disorders.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Peyser D, Costello K, Sysko R
123. A framework model for current land condition in Iceland.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Arnalds Ó, Marteinsdóttir B, Brink SH
124. Enhancing the land use efficiency of low-land rice (Oryza sativa L.)-Grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) additive series relay intercropping in North-Western Ethiopia: A farmer's indigenous knowledge.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Assefa E, Bitew Y.
125. The impact of electronic health record discontinuity on prediction modeling.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Kar S, Bessette LG, Wyss R
126. Dry EEG measurement of P3 to evaluate cognitive load during sitting, standing, and walking.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Swerdloff MM, Hargrove LJ.
127. Simultaneous analytical method for 296 pesticide multiresidues in root and rhizome based herbal medicines with GC-MS/MS.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Yang SH, Shin Y, Choi H.
128. Exploring family functioning and - hardiness in families' experiencing adult intensive care - A cross-sectional study.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Ahlberg M, Persson C, Berterö C
129. Correction: The rural-urban divide in Tanzania: Residential context and socioeconomic inequalities in maternal health care utilization.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Langa N, Bhatta T.
130. Physician experiences with and perceptions of risk evaluation and mitigation strategy programs with elements to assure safe use.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Sarpatwari A, Brown BL, McGraw SA
131. Socioeconomic, demographic, and cultural determinants of delivery by caesarian section in Ethiopia: Evidence from Ethiopia Mini Demographic and Health Survey 2019.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Faruk MO, Arafat ME, Shanta SH.
132. Verbal autopsy analysis of childhood deaths in rural Gambia.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Wutor BM, Osei I, Babila Galega L
133. Systemic cisplatin increases the number of patients showing positive off-frequency masking audiometry.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Hiraumi H, Oikawa SI, Shiga K
134. Perspectives and experiences of the first geriatricians trained in Canada.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Wong EK, Day A, Zorzitto M
135. Exploring Fear of Cancer Recurrence (FCR) in cancer survivors from a medical social work perspective: A qualitative study of medical social workers in South Korea.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Bae KR, Ahn Y, Park JW
136. Face/Off: Changing the face of movies with deepfakes.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Murphy G, Ching D, Twomey J
137. USA vs Russia in the scientific arena.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Abramo G, D'Angelo CA, Di Costa F.
138. Multimorbidity and food insecurity in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Kantilafti M, Giannakou K, Chrysostomou S.
139. Three-dimensional nonlinear model of rock creep under freeze-thaw cycles.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Wang Y, Wang D, Li G
140. A different method of fault feature extraction under noise disturbance and degradation trend estimation with system resilience for rolling bearings.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Zhang B, Guo J, Zhou F
141. Examining workweek variations in computer usage patterns: An application of ergonomic monitoring software.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Roh T, Esomonu C, Hendricks J
142. Internal incentives for carbon emission reduction in a capital-constrained supply chain: A financial perspective.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 6
Huang X, He J, Li Z.
143. Peripheral ischemic reserve in sepsis and septic shock as a new bedside prognostic enrichment tool: A Brazilian cohort study.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 5
de Miranda AC, De Stefani FDC, Dal Vesco BC
144. Visual feedback manipulation in virtual reality to influence pain-free range of motion. Are people with non-specific neck pain who are fearful of movement more susceptible?
PLoS One
2023 Jul 5
Kragting M, Voogt L, Coppieters MW
145. A nationwide survey of public COPD knowledge and awareness in Saudi Arabia: A population-based survey of 15,000 adults.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 5
Alqahtani JS, Aldhahir AM, Siraj RA
146. Multi-population Black Hole Algorithm for the problem of data clustering.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 5
Salih SQ, Alsewari AA, Wahab HA
147. Nucleic acid sensor STING drives remodeling and its inhibition enhances steroid responsiveness in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 5
Mdkhana B, Saheb Sharif-Askari N, Ramakrishnan RK
148. The effect of preoperative behaviour change interventions on pre- and post-surgery health behaviours, health outcomes, and health inequalities in adults: A systematic review and meta-analyses.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 5
Fong M, Kaner E, Rowland M
149. Breast cancer incidence in Yogyakarta, Indonesia from 2008-2019: A cross-sectional study using trend analysis and geographical information system.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 5
Ng B, Puspitaningtyas H, Wiranata JA
150. A new point-of-care test for the rapid antimicrobial susceptibility assessment of uropathogens.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 5
Arienzo A, Murgia L, Cellitti V
151. Construction and validation of a novel cuproptosis-mitochondrion prognostic model related with tumor immunity in osteosarcoma.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 5
Feng J, Wang J, Xu Y
152. Psychological barriers moderate the attitude-behavior gap for climate change.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 5
Vieira J, Castro SL, Souza AS.
153. What can drawings tell us about children's perceptions of nature?
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154. Contributions of neighborhood social environment and air pollution exposure to Black-White disparities in epigenetic aging.
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Yannatos I, Stites S, Brown RT
155. Prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in Galapagos birds: Inference of risk factors associated with diet.
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Mosquera JD, Valle CA, Nieto-Claudin A
156. Horizontal transfer of probable chicken-pathogenicity chromosomal islands between Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus agnetis.
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Rhoads DD, Pummil J, Ekesi NS
157. Toxoplasma infection and Rhesus blood group system: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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2023 Jul 5
Nayeri T, Moosazadeh M, Asl AD
158. Evolutionary diversity of the endemic genera of the vascular flora of Chile and its implications for conservation.
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Ramírez-Verdugo P, Tapia A, Forest F
159. Construction and validation of 3-genes hypoxia-related prognostic signature to predict the prognosis and therapeutic response of hepatocellular carcinoma patients.
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2023 Jul 5
Liu Y, Shen B, Huang T
160. Did people really drink bleach to prevent COVID-19? A guide for protecting survey data against problematic respondents.
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Litman L, Rosen Z, Hartman R
161. Incidence, prevalence, and treatment of anemia of non-dialysis-dependent chronic kidney disease: A retrospective database study in France.
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Dardim K, Fernandes J, Panes A
162. Conjoint application of nano-urea with conventional fertilizers: An energy efficient and environmentally robust approach for sustainable crop production.
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Upadhyay PK, Dey A, Singh VK
163. Abundance of Dendroctonus frontalis and D. mexicanus (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) along altitudinal transects in Mexico: Implications of climatic change for forest conservation.
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Sáenz-Romero C, Cambrón-Sandoval VH, Hammond W
164. Increased risk of pneumonia amongst residents living near goat farms in different livestock-dense regions in the Netherlands.
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Lotterman A, Baliatsas C, de Rooij MMT
165. Low recruitment drives the decline of red porgy (Pagrus pagrus) along the southeast USA Atlantic coast: Inferences from fishery-independent trap and video monitoring.
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166. Ethanol and caffeine age-dependently alter brain and retinal neurochemical levels without affecting morphology of juvenile and adult zebrafish (Danio rerio).
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167. Molehill Mountain feasibility study: Protocol for a non-randomised pilot trial of a novel app-based anxiety intervention for autistic people.
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168. Geo-climatic risk factors for chronic rhinosinusitis in southwest Iran.
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169. Influence of different primary surgical techniques on long-term intraocular pressure and medication in glaucoma after congenital cataract surgery.
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170. The measurement of mental fatigue following an overnight on-call duty among doctors using electroencephalogram.
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171. Do we need to accurately perceive our heartbeats? Cardioceptive accuracy and sensibility are independent from indicators of negative affectivity, body awareness, body image dissatisfaction, and alexithymia.
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172. Financial burden of heart failure in Malaysia: A perspective from the public healthcare system.
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173. Ex-ante impact of pest des petits ruminant control on micro and macro socioeconomic indicators in Senegal: A system dynamics modelling approach.
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174. Exploring health care professionals' experiences and knowledge of woman-centred care in a university hospital.
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175. Body mass index and all-cause mortality in a 21st century U.S. population: A National Health Interview Survey analysis.
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176. Lipoxin receptor agonist and inhibition of LTA4 hydrolase prevent tight junction disruption caused by P. aeruginosa filtrate in airway epithelial cells.
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178. The VIPR2-selective antagonist KS-133 changes macrophage polarization and exerts potent anti-tumor effects as a single agent and in combination with an anti-PD-1 antibody.
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179. Ultrasound measurements of interactive turn-taking in question-answer sequences: Articulatory preparation is delayed but not tied to the response.
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Frazier CJG, Gokool VA, Holness HK
182. The experience of intergenerational interactions and their influence on the mental health of older people living in residential care.
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183. Tributyrin alleviates gut microbiota dysbiosis to repair intestinal damage in antibiotic-treated mice.
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184. Prevalence and factors associated with long COVID and mental health status among recovered COVID-19 patients in southern Thailand.
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Goodman JR, Caines A, Foley RA.
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Mohammadi Z, Barzinpour F, Teimoury E.
187. Towards a Swiss health study with human biomonitoring: Learnings from the pilot phase about participation and design.
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Morand Bourqui R, Nusslé SG, von Goetz N
188. Characterizing clinical findings of Sjögren's Disease patients in community practices using matched electronic dental-health record data.
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189. Conditional autoencoder asset pricing models for the Korean stock market.
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192. Epidemiology of malaria, schistosomiasis, and geohelminthiasis amongst children 3-15 years of age during the dry season in Northern Cameroon.
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193. Tongue strength and endurance among typically developing children and children with idiopathic speech sound disorders in the United Arab Emirates.
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194. The relationship between wellness and training and match load in professional male soccer players.
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195. Species relationships within the genus Vitis based on molecular and morphological data.
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196. Client-centered counseling and facilitation in improving modern contraceptive uptake in urban slum of Karachi Pakistan.
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200. Can women's reports in client exit interviews be used to measure and track progress of antenatal care services quality? Evidence from a facility assessment census in Malawi.
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202. A longitudinal analysis of selective motor control during gait in individuals with cerebral palsy and the relation to gait deviations.
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203. Cohort profile: The Corona Behavioral Unit cohort, a longitudinal mixed-methods study on COVID-19-related behavior, well-being and policy support in the Netherlands.
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205. Risk prediction models for mortality and readmission in patients with acute heart failure: A protocol for systematic review, critical appraisal, and meta-analysis.
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206. Effect of goal-oriented prenatal education on birth preparedness, complication readiness and institutional delivery among semi-urban pregnant women in Nigeria: A quasi-experimental study.
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209. RISK aversion in Italian forensic and non-forensic patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders.
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211. Make a choice: A rapid strategy for minimizing peat in horticultural press pots substrates using a constrained mixture design and surface response approach.
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213. Epidemiology of bovine schistosomiasis and associated risk factors in Ethiopia: A systematic review with meta-analysis of published articles, 2008-2018.
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214. Nationwide implementation of personalized outcomes forecasts to support physical therapists in treating patients with intermittent claudication: Protocol for an interrupted time series study.
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215. Clinical features and outcomes of hospitalised patients with COVID-19 and Parkinsonian disorders: A multicentre UK-based study.
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216. The effect of body size and composition on lumbar spine trabecular bone score in morphologically diverse subjects.
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217. Acceptance of and adherence with long-term positive airway pressure treatment in adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A systematic review protocol.
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218. School-based physical activity interventions among children and adolescents in the Middle East and Arabic speaking countries: A systematic review.
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221. Breaking the mold: Study strategies of students who improve their achievement on introductory biology exams.
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223. Perception of the purchase budget (BGT) and purchase intention in smartphone selling industry: A cross-country analysis.
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224. Evidence from UK Research Ethics Committee members on what makes a good research ethics review, and what can be improved.
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225. The effectiveness of ergonomic intervention for preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders in agricultural workers: A systematic review protocol.
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226. Student nurse education and preparation for palliative care: A scoping review.
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230. Association of reduced serum EGF and leptin levels with the pathophysiology of major depressive disorder: A case-control study.
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232. Serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and self-paced time-trial performance in older untrained men.
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233. Clinical application of 4% sodium citrate and heparin in the locking of central venous catheters (excluding dialysis catheters) in intensive care unit patients: A pragmatic randomized controlled trial.
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234. "How is your thesis going?"-Ph.D. students' perspectives on mental health and stress in academia.
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Friedrich J, Bareis A, Bross M
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236. Effect of the INTER-ACT lifestyle intervention on maternal mental health during the first year after childbirth: A randomized controlled trial.
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237. Acoustic indices as proxies for bird species richness in an urban green space in Metro Manila.
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241. Gold Particle Analyser: Detection and quantitative assessment of electron microscopy gold probes.
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242. Return(s) on investment: Restoration spending in the Columbia River Basin and increased abundance of salmon and steelhead.
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244. Genetic diversity and drug sensitivity profile of Mycobacterium tuberculosis among children in Ethiopia.
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246. A comparative study to optimize experimental conditions of pentylenetetrazol and pilocarpine-induced epilepsy in zebrafish larvae.
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247. Cancer cells same as zombies reprogram normal cells via the secreted microenvironment.
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250. Effectiveness of a preoperative orlistat-based weight management plan and its impact on the results of one-anastomosis gastric bypass: A retrospective study.
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251. Brain MRI segmentation of Zika-Exposed normocephalic infants shows smaller amygdala volumes.
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262. Physical well-being recovery trajectories by reconstruction modality in women undergoing mastectomy and breast reconstruction: Significant predictors and health-related quality of life outcomes.
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264. An in-depth qualitative study of health care providers' experiences of performance-based financing program as a nation-wide adopted policy in Cameroon: A principal-agent perspective.
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267. Recreational and sexualised drug use among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (gbMSM) in Ireland-Findings from the European MSM internet survey (EMIS) 2017.
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270. Characterization of aminoglycoside resistance genes in multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae collected from tertiary hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Ahmed OB, Asghar AH, Bamaga M
271. Epidemiological clinical profile and closure of chronic plantar ulcers in patients with leprosy sequelae undergoing orthopedic surgery in a municipality in western Amazon.
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274. Estimating age of mule deer in the field: Can we move beyond broad age categories?
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276. An intercomparison of models predicting growth of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba): The importance of recognizing model specificity.
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277. Prevalence and predictors of COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy among healthcare workers in Sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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278. Assessing landscape aesthetic values: Do clouds in photographs influence people's preferences?
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279. Propofol suppresses hormones levels more obviously than sevoflurane in pediatric patients with craniopharyngioma: A prospective randomized controlled clinical trial.
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281. Space-environment relationship in the identification of potential areas of expansion of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in Didelphis aurita in the Atlantic Rainforest.
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282. Dietary diversity practice and associated factors among adolescents in Ethiopia, systematic review and meta-analysis.
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283. Discrete choice experiment versus swing-weighting: A head-to-head comparison of diabetic patient preferences for glucose-monitoring devices.
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296. Qualitative research concerning physiotherapy approaches to encourage physical activity in older adults with dementia.
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299. Ultrastructure of the nebenkern during spermatogenesis in the praying mantid Hierodula membranacea.
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300. Adapted tissue assay for the assessment of ileal granulocyte degranulation following in ovo inoculation with select bacteria or coccidial challenge in chickens.
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301. Intersections of informal work status, gender and tuberculosis diagnosis: Insights from a qualitative study from an Indian setting.
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302. JAK-inhibitors and risk on serious viral infection, venous thromboembolism and cardiac events in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A protocol for a prevalent new-user cohort study using the Danish nationwide DANBIO register.
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303. Optimal timing and cutoff range of lung ultrasound in predicting surfactant administration in neonates: A meta-analysis and systematic review.
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306. Ambition or comparison? Socioeconomic status and wellbeing differences between local and migrant workers.
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307. Family-authored ICU diaries to reduce fear in patients experiencing a cardiac arrest (FAID fear): A pilot randomized controlled trial.
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Cornelius T, Mendieta M, Cumella RM
308. Prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in African populations: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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2023 Jul 27
Bowo-Ngandji A, Kenmoe S, Ebogo-Belobo JT
309. CT radiomics for differentiating fat poor angiomyolipoma from clear cell renal cell carcinoma: Systematic review and meta-analysis.
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2023 Jul 27
Dehghani Firouzabadi F, Gopal N, Hasani A
310. Research on oil boom performance based on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method.
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2023 Jul 27
Liu J, Jiao P, Xu Y.
311. Prescription of oral antidiabetics in Mexico. A cross-sectional study.
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2023 Jul 27
Fierro I, Gallardo-Mora O, Alba-Leonel A
312. New failure mechanism for evaluating ultimate inclined load adjacent to slope.
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2023 Jul 27
Fang H, Wang N, Xu Y.
313. Evaluation of the coordinated development between Chinese cultural industry and scientific & technological innovation.
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2023 Jul 27
Yu Z, Yu J.
314. The challenges of managing patients with cancer in the workplace: Needs, opportunities and perspectives of occupational physicians.
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2023 Jul 27
Rondinone BM, Fontana L, Buresti G
315. Rethinking access to care: A spatial-economic analysis of the potential impact of pharmacy closures in the United States.
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2023 Jul 27
Adepoju OE, Kiaghadi A, Shokouhi Niaki D
316. The application of an isotropic crushable foam model to predict the femoral fracture risk.
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2023 Jul 27
Soltanihafshejani N, Peroni F, Toniutti S
317. Simulation and evaluation of increased imaging service capacity at the MRI department using reduced coil-setting times.
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2023 Jul 27
Sun YC, Wu HM, Guo WY
318. Perception, attitudes, and knowledge on infestation and management of bed bugs in major cities of Indonesia: A cross-sectional online survey.
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2023 Jul 27
Meisyara D, Guswenrivo I, Veera Singham G.
319. Chemical differences in cover crop residue quality are maintained through litter decay.
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2023 Jul 27
Thapa R, Cabrera M, Schomberg HH
320. Protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial of a telehealth-delivered counseling intervention to reduce suicidality and improve HIV care engagement in Tanzania.
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2023 Jul 27
Knettel BA, Knippler ET, Amiri I
321. Hip and trunk kinematics during reaching on a mobile and stable seat.
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2023 Jul 27
Haas MC, Sommer BB, Karrer S
322. Initial functional disability as a 1-year prognostic factor in geriatric patients hospitalized with SARS-CoV-2 infection.
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2023 Jul 27
Brière O, Otekpo M, Asfar M
323. Intelligent identification of natural gas pipeline defects based on improved pollination algorithm.
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2023 Jul 27
Gao Y, Luo Z, Wanng Y
324. Using whole blood cultures in interferon gamma release assays to detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex infection in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus).
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2023 Jul 27
Pongma C, Songthammanuphap S, Puthong S
325. Social support for postpartum women and associated factors including online support to reduce stress and depression amidst COVID-19: Results of an online survey in Thailand.
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2023 Jul 27
Kim SJ, Aye YM, Panyarachun D
326. Adding mechanical vibration to a half squat with different ballasts and rhythms increases movement variability.
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2023 Jul 27
Tuyà Viñas S, Fernández-Valdés Villa B, Pérez-Chirinos Buxadé C
327. Dual-energy computed tomography material decomposition improves prediction accuracy of hematoma expansion in traumatic intracranial hemorrhage.
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2023 Jul 27
Lee J, Park ST, Hwang SC
328. Harmonization of ICF Body Structures and ICD-11 Anatomic Detail: One foundation for multiple classifications.
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2023 Jul 27
Della Mea V, Almborg AH, Martinuzzi M
329. Workplace violence and its associated factors among health care workers of a tertiary hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal.
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2023 Jul 27
Bhusal A, Adhikari A, Singh Pradhan PM.
330. Participatory action research to address lack of safe water, a community-nominated health priority in rural South Africa.
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2023 Jul 27
Hove J, Mabetha D, van der Merwe M
331. Evaluation of disinfection methods for personal protective equipment (PPE) items for reuse during a pandemic.
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Archer J, Mikelonis A, Wyrzykowska-Ceradini B
332. Quantifying postprandial glucose responses using a hybrid modeling approach: Combining mechanistic and data-driven models in The Maastricht Study.
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2023 Jul 27
Erdős B, van Sloun B, Goossens GH
333. Exploring the barriers and enablers of diabetes care in a remote Australian context: A qualitative study.
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2023 Jul 27
Bourke S, Munira SL, Parkinson A
334. Sea star wasting syndrome reaches the high Antarctic: Two recent outbreaks in McMurdo Sound.
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Moran AL, McLachlan RH, Thurber AR.
335. Understanding factors influencing healthcare workers' intention towards the COVID-19 vaccine.
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Xie Z, Qalati SA, Limón MLS
336. Survival outcomes of breast cancer patients with recurrence after surgery according to period and subtype.
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Lee YJ, Yoo TK, Kim J
337. Member commitment in farmers' cooperatives in China: The role of contractual and relational governance mechanisms.
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Zeng L, Wan J, He Q.
338. Prevalence and appropriateness of in-person versus not-in-person ambulatory antibiotic prescribing in an integrated academic health system: A cohort study.
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Brown T, Lee JY, Guzman A
339. Representation of interactional metadiscourse in translated and native English: A corpus-assisted study.
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Chou I, Li W, Liu K.
340. YOLO-plum: A high precision and real-time improved algorithm for plum recognition.
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Niu Y, Lu M, Liang X
341. Models of care and the role of clinical pharmacists in UK primary care for older adults: A scoping review protocol.
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Davies N, Kolodin V, Woodward A
342. Assessing the knowledge and attitude towards HIV/AIDS among the general population and health care professionals in MENA region.
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2023 Jul 27
Elghazaly A, AlSaeed N, Islam S
343. Impact of climate change on SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in China.
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2023 Jul 27
Yu Z, Wang J, Tan Z
344. Antimicrobial resistance landscape and COVID-19 impact in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon: A survey-based study and expert opinion.
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2023 Jul 27
Bizri AR, El-Fattah AA, Bazaraa HM
345. Comparative analysis of experimental and numerical investigation on multiple projectile impact of AA5083 friction stir welded targets.
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Balaji S, Dharani Kumar S, Magarajan U
346. Admissions to psychiatric inpatient services and use of coercive measures in 2020 in a Swiss psychiatric department: An interrupted time-series analysis.
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Wullschleger A, Gonçalves L, Royston M
347. Understanding the role of veterinarians in antimicrobial stewardship on Canadian dairy farms: A mixed-methods study.
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Cobo-Angel C, Roche SM, LeBlanc SJ.
348. Regulation of the phagocytic activity of astrocytes by neuroimmune mediators endogenous to the central nervous system.
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Yang SS, Simtchouk S, Gibon J
349. Longitudinal multiplexity and structural constraints of online emergency collaborative networks: A tale of two Chinese societies.
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350. Exploring the concordance of recommendations across guidelines on chest imaging for the diagnosis and management of COVID-19: A proposed methodological approach based on a case study.
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Yaacoub S, Chamseddine F, Jaber F
351. Influence of learning styles on student performance in self-instructional courses.
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Oliveira A, Spinola V, Garrido D
352. Continuous speech with pauses inserted between words increases cortical tracking of speech envelope.
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2023 Jul 27
Deoisres S, Lu Y, Vanheusden FJ
353. Intraocular lens power calculation in eyes with a shallow anterior chamber depth and normal axial length.
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Lee Y, Kim MK, Oh JY
354. Crisis response during the COVID-19 pandemic: Changes in social contact and social participation of older Americans.
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Zhang Y, Luo A, Hou L
355. Genomic characterization and virulence of Streptococcus suis serotype 4 clonal complex 94 recovered from human and swine samples.
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2023 Jul 27
Hatrongjit R, Boueroy P, Jenjaroenpun P
356. A comprehensive protein interaction map and druggability investigation prioritized dengue virus NS1 protein as promising therapeutic candidate.
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2023 Jul 27
Farooq QUA, Aiman S, Ali Y
357. Genetic and environmental contributions to individual differences in sustainable working life-A Swedish twin cohort study.
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Ropponen A, Narusyte J, Wang M
358. A cyber-physical system to design 3D models using mixed reality technologies and deep learning for additive manufacturing.
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Malik A, Lhachemi H, Shorten R.
359. Strengthening the strategy to sustain optimal iodine status in the Republic of Moldova: Assessing the use of iodized salt in industrially processed foods.
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2023 Jul 27
Salaru I, Demiscan D, Turcan L.
360. Benefit finding and well-being over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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2023 Jul 27
Moore JB, Rubin KCR, Heaney CA.
361. Fungicides and strawberry pollination-Effects on floral scent, pollen attributes and bumblebee behavior.
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Voß AC, Hauertmann M, Laufer MC
362. Soliton solutions for the Zoomeron model applying three analytical techniques.
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2023 Jul 27
Ullah MS, Mostafa M, Ali MZ
363. M2b macrophages protect against doxorubicin induced cardiotoxicity via alternating autophagy in cardiomyocytes.
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2023 Jul 27
Chen S, Huang Y, Huang S
364. The selection and validation of reference genes for quantitative real-time PCR studies in near-isogenic susceptible and resistant tomato lines, infected with the geminivirus tomato curly stunt virus.
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2023 Jul 27
Bokhale M, Mwaba I, Allie F.
365. Effects of an academic detailing service on benzodiazepine prescribing patterns in primary care.
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2023 Jul 27
Lacroix M, Abdelmalek F, Everett K
366. Lifestyle interventions for patients with non-alcoholic steato-hepatitis-Design, rationale and protocol of the study "target group-specific optimisation of lifestyle interventions for behavior change in non-alcoholic steato-hepatitis (OPTI-NASH)".
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Krüger K, Oedingen C, Kautz A
367. Bi-frequency operation in a membrane external-cavity surface-emitting laser.
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Daykin J, Woods JRC, Bek R
368. The effect of playing e-sports games on young people's desire to engage in physical activity: Mediating effects of social presence perception and virtual sports experience.
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369. Exploring bacterial community composition and immune gene expression of European eel larvae (Anguilla anguilla) in relation to first-feeding diets.
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Bandara KA, Benini E, Politis SN
370. Experimental approach to the dislodging effect and the mortality of a pesticide in the yellow scorpion Tityus serrulatus.
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Murayama GP, Barbosa B, Willemart RH.
371. Secondary traumatic stress and work ability in death care workers: The moderating role of vicarious posttraumatic growth.
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2023 Jul 27
Grandi A, Rizzo M, Colombo L.
372. Indoor aeroallergens from American cockroaches and mites initiate atopic march via cutaneous contact in a murine model.
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Lee MF, Chu YW, Wu CS
373. Deliberative panels as a source of public knowledge: A large-sample test of the Citizens' Initiative Review.
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2023 Jul 27
Gastil J, Ársælsson KM, Knobloch KR
374. Using machine learning to design a short test from a full-length test of functional health literacy in adults-The development of a short form of the Danish TOFHLA.
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2023 Jul 27
Hæsum LKE, Cichosz SL, Hejlesen OK.
375. The assessment of molecular dynamics results of three-dimensional RNA aptamer structure prediction.
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2023 Jul 27
Ropii B, Bethasari M, Anshori I
376. Weight stigma after bariatric surgery: A qualitative study with Brazilian women.
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2023 Jul 27
Dimitrov Ulian M, Fernandez Unsain R, Rocha Franco R
377. W-Net: Convolutional neural network for segmenting remote sensing images by dual path semantics.
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2023 Jul 27
Liu G, Wang Q, Zhu J
378. Modeling Barcelona sidewalks: A high resolution urban scale assessment of the geometric attributes of the walkable network.
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379. Effect of place-based policy on regional economic growth: A quasi-natural experiment from China's Old Revolutionary Development Program.
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Pan D, Zhou P, Kong F.
380. Assessing the psychometric properties of the Arabic version of the Nursing Practice Readiness Scale among Saudi nursing students.
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2023 Jul 27
Alquwez N, Cruz JP, Balay-Odao E.
381. Organisation, staffing and resources of critical care units in Kenya.
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2023 Jul 27
Mwangi W, Kaddu R, Njoki Muiru C
382. Assessing the competitiveness of solar photovoltaic products in comprehensive and progressive agreement for trans-pacific partnership countries.
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Guo Q, You W.
383. Self-reported and measured anthropometric variables in association with cardiometabolic markers: A Danish cohort study.
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Zhang J, Olsen A, Halkjær J
384. Analytical performance of the digital morphology analyzer Sysmex DI-60 for body fluid cell differential counts.
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385. Choroidal vascularity index in different types of central serous chorioretinopathy: A meta-analysis.
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Xia Y, Li X, Zhang J
386. Safety and efficacy of mesenchymal stem cells therapy in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials.
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2023 Jul 27
Mesa LE, López JG, López Quiceno L
387. Subjective burden of government-imposed Covid-19 restrictions in Switzerland: Evidence from the 2022 LINK Covid-19 survey.
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Fink G, Förtsch K, Felder S.
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389. Scikick: A sidekick for workflow clarity and reproducibility during extensive data analysis.
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2023 Jul 27
Carlucci M, Bareikis T, Koncevičius K
390. ABVENTURE-P pilot trial of physical therapy versus standard of care following ventral hernia repair: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
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Di Stasi S, Chaudhari AMW, Renshaw S
391. Economic geography of innovation: The effect of gender-related aspects of co-inventor networks on country and regional innovation.
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Tahmooresnejad L, Turkina E.
392. Evaluation of an inducible knockout system in insect cells based on co-infection and CRISPR/Cas9.
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Hausjell CS, Klausberger M, Ernst W
393. The role of government policy, social infrastructure and Fengshui in intending to buy tourism real estate.
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2023 Jul 27
Ma KV, Nguyen PV, Ahmed ZU.
394. Assessment of the transmission blocking activity of antimalarial compounds by membrane feeding assays using natural Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte isolates from West-Africa.
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2023 Jul 26
B Henry N, Soulama I, S Sermé S
395. Description and genome-wide analysis of Profundicola chukchiensis gen. nov., sp. nov., marine bacteria isolated from bottom sediments of the Chukchi Sea.
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2023 Jul 26
Romanenko L, Otstavnykh N, Kurilenko V
396. Primary health care utilization in the first year after arrival by refugee sponsorship model in Ontario, Canada: A population-based cohort study.
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397. Imaging feature-based clustering of financial time series.
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398. The association of women's experience of abuse in childhood with depression during pregnancy and the role of emotional support as a moderator.
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Kim YM, Oh R, Cho SH
399. The unstudied effects of wording and answer formats in the analysis of impartiality in public service provision.
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Martín JC, Moreira P, Román C.
400. Ethical considerations in the prehospital treatment of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A multi-centre, qualitative study.
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401. Study protocol for FUTURES: Testing a web-based reproductive health education program for adolescent and young adult males with sickle cell disease.
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Colton ZA, Stanek CJ, Liles SM
402. Acceptance of and hesitancy about COVID-19 vaccination among nursing students in clinical practice.
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2023 Jul 26
Kim S, Lee J, Yang H
403. The role of perceived threat and self-efficacy in the use of Insecticide Treated Bednets (ITNs) to prevent malaria among pregnant women in Tororo District, Uganda.
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2023 Jul 26
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404. Learning effect on an isokinetic knee strength test protocol among male adolescent athletes.
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2023 Jul 26
Costa DC, Valente-Dos-Santos J, Celis-Moreno JM
405. Primary spontaneous pneumomediastinum: 237 cases in a single-center experience over a 10-year period and assessment of factors related with recurrence.
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Yu MH, Kim JK, Kim T
406. NIH funding for patents that contribute to market exclusivity of drugs approved 2010-2019 and the public interest protections of Bayh-Dole.
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407. La Sassa cave: Isotopic evidence for Copper Age and Bronze Age population dynamics in Central Italy.
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Romboni M, Arienzo I, Di Vito MA
408. The efficacy and safety of 0.01% atropine alone or combined with orthokeratology for children with myopia: A meta-analysis.
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Wang Z, Wang P, Jiang B
409. Transparency of COVID-19-related research: A meta-research study.
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Sofi-Mahmudi A, Raittio E, Uribe SE.
410. Worldviews and the role of social values that underlie them.
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Mifsud R, Sammut G.
411. SuperNatural inhibitors to reverse multidrug resistance emerged by ABCB1 transporter: Database mining, lipid-mediated molecular dynamics, and pharmacokinetics study.
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Ibrahim MAA, Abdeljawaad KAA, Abdelrahman AHM
412. Portable digital devices for paediatric height and length measurement: A scoping review and target product profile matching analysis.
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Soller T, Huang S, Horiuchi S
413. Individual and community-level factors associated with discrimination among women aged 15-49 years in Bangladesh: Evidence based on multiple indicator cluster survey.
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Haq I, Sarker MMR, Chakma S.
414. A network pharmacology approach to decipher the total flavonoid extract of Dracocephalum Moldavica L. in the treatment of cerebral ischemia- reperfusion injury.
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2023 Jul 26
Hu X, Mola Y, Su WL
415. Culicoides jiangchengensis, a new species of the subgenus Sinocoides (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) based on integrative taxonomy from China.
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2023 Jul 26
He Y, Meng J, Li N
416. Digital literacy and farmers' entrepreneurial behavior-Empirical analysis based on CHFS2019 micro data.
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2023 Jul 26
Bai Q, Chen H, Zhou J
417. "My brain freezes and I am blocked again": The subjective experience of post-migration living difficulties influenced by complex posttraumatic stress disorder of Afghan asylum seekers and refugees in Austria.
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2023 Jul 26
Schiess-Jokanovic J, Gösling-Steirer C, Kantor V
418. The Inventory of Nonordinary Experiences (INOE): Evidence of validity in the United States and India.
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Taves A, Ihm E, Wolf M
419. Overexpression of TCP9-like gene enhances salt tolerance in transgenic soybean.
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Zhang Z, Zhao Y, Chen Y
420. A multidisciplinary study on the social customs of the Tang Empire in the Medieval Ages.
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Zhao D, Chen Y, Xie G
421. Genomic alterations involved in fluoroquinolone resistance development in Staphylococcus aureus.
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2023 Jul 26
Huynh TQ, Tran VN, Thai VC
422. "The algorithm will screw you": Blame, social actors and the 2020 A Level results algorithm on Twitter.
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Heaton D, Nichele E, Clos J
423. Risky behavior during stair descent for young adults: Differences in men versus women.
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2023 Jul 26
Cho H, Arnold AJ, Cui C
424. Optimal planning and allocation of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles charging stations using a novel hybrid optimization technique.
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Subramaniam A, Ravi Singh LRS.
425. Caregivers' perception and acceptance of malaria vaccine for Children.
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Bam V, Mohammed A, Kusi-Amponsah A
426. Global depression in breast cancer patients: Systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Javan Biparva A, Raoofi S, Rafiei S
427. Development of an automatic device performing chest compression and external defibrillation: An animal-based pilot study.
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Roh YI, Jung WJ, Im HY
428. The impact of logistic environment and spatial spillover on agricultural economic growth: An empirical study based on east, central and west China.
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Li X, Jiang J, Cifuentes-Faura J.
429. Hospital length of stay throughout bed pathways and factors affecting this time: A non-concurrent cohort study of Colombia COVID-19 patients and an unCoVer network project.
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Ruiz Galvis LM, Pérez Aguirre CA, Pérez Bedoya JP
430. Inequality in electricity consumption and economic growth: Evidence from a small area estimation study.
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Nguyen CV, Nguyen KD, Tran TQ.
431. Lecturers' readiness for EMI in Malaysia higher education.
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Lo YY, Othman J.
432. A new specimen of Solnhofia parsonsi from the Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) Plattenkalk deposits of Painten (Bavaria, Germany) and comments on the relationship between limb taphonomy and habitat ecology in fossil turtles.
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Augustin FJ, Rabi M, Spindler F
433. Cost-effectiveness of repeat delayed imaging for spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage.
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Shang W, Jin H, Vastani A
434. Burden and factors associated with ongoing transmission of soil-transmitted helminths infections among the adult population: A community-based cross-sectional survey in Muleba district, Tanzania.
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435. Habitat isolation interacts with top-down and bottom-up processes in a seagrass ecosystem.
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Carroll EW, Freestone AL.
436. Characteristics of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria patients in Brazil: A retrospective administrative claims database analysis of PNH patients in Brazilian public healthcare system.
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Menosi Gualandro SF, Salvino MA, Bassolli de Oliveira Alves L
437. An early warning model of type 2 diabetes risk based on POI visit history and food access management.
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Xie H, Li D, Wang Y
438. Behavioural plasticity in activity and sexual interactions in a social lizard at high environmental temperatures.
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Rossi N, Chiaraviglio M, Cardozo G.
439. Molecular phylogeny of the Orthalicoidea land snails: Further support and surprises.
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Salvador RB, Silva FS, Cavallari DC
440. Can adults learn L2 grammar after prolonged exposure under incidental conditions?
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441. Matters of development and experience: Evaluation of dog and human emotional expressions by children and adults.
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Törnqvist H, Höller H, Vsetecka K
442. A qualitative analysis of women's postnatal experiences of breastfeeding supports during the perinatal period in Ireland.
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Lawlor N, Prihodova L, Byrne D
443. School closures significantly reduced arrests of black and latinx urban youth.
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Simes JT, Cowger TL, Jahn JL.
444. Educational outcomes in childhood cancer survivors: A Scotland-wide record-linkage study of 766,217 schoolchildren.
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Baughan N, Pell JP, Mackay DF
445. The resource team: A case study of a solitary confinement reform in Oregon.
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Cloud DH, Haney C, Augustine D
446. Circular RNA mediated gene regulation in human breast cancer: A bioinformatics analysis.
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Fiscon G, Funari A, Paci P.
447. How to optimize dust pollution control in opencast coal mines: Analysis of a joint social regulation model based on evolutionary game theory.
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Lian X, Wang W, Zhang J.
448. Life history, nest longevity, sex ratio, and nest architecture of the fungus-growing ant Mycetosoritis hartmanni (Formicidae: Attina).
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Mueller UG, Himler AG, Farrior CE.
449. Spontaneous urinary bladder regeneration after subtotal cystectomy increases YAP/WWTR1 signaling and downstream BDNF expression: Implications for smooth muscle injury responses.
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Aitken KJ, Yadav P, Sidler M
450. Genetic diversity and population structure of Vernonia amygdalina Del. in Uganda based on genome wide markers.
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Nantongo JS, Odoi JB, Agaba H
451. An examination of psychometric properties of study quality assessment scales in meta-analysis: Rasch measurement model applied to the firefighter cancer literature.
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Ahn S, Pinheiro PS, McClure LA
452. Different levels of hypoglycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes, their achieved mean HbA1c vs. all-cause and cardiovascular mortality.
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Ooi SW, Yeh ST, Chang YH
453. Trenches reduce crop foraging by elephants: Lessons from Kibale National Park, Uganda for elephant conservation in densely settled rural landscapes.
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Rogers A, Treves A, Karamagi R
454. Dog breeds and conformations in the UK in 2019: VetCompass canine demography and some consequent welfare implications.
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O'Neill DG, McMillan KM, Church DB
455. Integrated bioinformatics and statistical approach to identify the cmmon mlecular mchanisms of oesity that are linked to the development of two psychiatric disorders: Schizophrenia and major depressive disorder.
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Islam MK, Islam MR, Rahman MH
456. Aphid infestations reduce monarch butterfly colonization, herbivory, and growth on ornamental milkweed.
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Mach BM, Long W, Daniels JC
457. Genetics of cannabis use in opioid use disorder: A genome-wide association and polygenic risk score study.
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Hillmer A, Chawar C, Lamri A
458. Determinants of parent-reported child mental health status in San Diego public schools during the height of the COVID-19 omicron outbreak: A serial cross-sectional study.
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459. Wild mouse gut microbiota limits initial tuberculosis infection in BALB/c mice.
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Xie M, Tsai CY, McAdams ZL
460. Statistical modeling and evaluation of the impact of multiplicity classification thresholds on the COVID-19 pool testing accuracy.
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Cabrera OC, Alsehibani R.
461. Stakeholder collaboration for solid waste management in a small tourism island.
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462. Trends in cancer-free working life expectancy based on health insurance data from Germany-Is the increase as strong as in working life expectancy?
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Tetzlaff F, Nowossadeck E, Epping J
463. Incidence of chronic disease following smoking cessation treatment: A matched cohort study using linked administrative healthcare data in Ontario, Canada.
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2023 Jul 26
Baliunas D, Voci S, Selby P
464. Wood decay fungi show enhanced biodeterioration of low-density polyethylene in the absence of wood in culture media.
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2023 Jul 26
Perera P, Herath H, Paranagama PA
465. Prefabricated concrete components combination schemes selection based on comprehensive benefits analysis.
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Wang S, Wang Z, Ruan Y.
466. Small molecule antagonists of PTPmu identified by artificial intelligence-based computational screening block glioma cell migration and growth.
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Molyneaux K, Laggner C, Vincent J
467. Reassessing the terminal ballistic performance of trilobate and quadrilobate arrow points on Iron Age battlefields.
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Pettigrew DB, Taylor W.
468. Electrophysiological markers for anticipatory processing of nocebo-augmented pain.
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2023 Jul 26
Blythe JS, Peerdeman KJ, Veldhuijzen DS
469. Changes in context, typology and programme outcomes between early and recent periods of sex work among young female sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya: A cross-sectional study.
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Bhattacharjee P, Isac S, Musyoki H
470. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester suppresses metastasis of breast cancer cells by inactivating FGFR1 via MD2.
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Fang Q, Xin W, Chen L
471. The respiratory syncytial virus M2-2 protein is targeted for proteasome degradation and inhibits translation and stress granules assembly.
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Scudero OB, Santiago VF, Palmisano G
472. Surging trends of infertility and its behavioural determinants in India.
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Kundu S, Ali B, Dhillon P.
473. How innovation funding leads enterprises to engage in research and development: Small and medium enterprises' perspective.
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Sun H, Yang X, Tang X
474. Assessment of residual plant DNA in bulk milk for Grana Padano PDO production by a metabarcoding approach.
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Pozzi A, Nazzicari N, Capoferri R
475. Costs and models used in the economic analysis of Total Knee Replacement (TKR): A systematic review.
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Gandhi N, Qadeer AS, Meher A
476. Attitudes and perceptions of undergraduate nursing students towards the nursing profession.
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Neumbe IM, Ssenyonga L, Soita DJ
477. Continuous and early prediction of future moderate and severe Acute Kidney Injury in critically ill patients: Development and multi-centric, multi-national external validation of a machine-learning model.
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478. Impact of focus of attention on aiming performance in the first-person shooter videogame Aim Lab.
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Lamers James RG, O'Connor AR.
479. Patient experience in community health services and first choice for medical attention: A cross-sectional study in Wuhan, China.
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Tang C, Fang P, Bai X
480. Ungulate responses and habituation to unmanned aerial vehicles in Africa's savanna.
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481. COWAVE: A labelled COVID-19 wave dataset for building predictive models.
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Pradeep M, Raman K.
482. Spatial distribution, and predictors of late initiation of first antenatal care visit in Ethiopia: Spatial and multilevel analysis.
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483. Evaluation of China's provincial digital economy development level and its coupling coordination relationship.
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484. Tensor decomposition and machine learning for the detection of arteriovenous fistula stenosis: An initial evaluation.
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485. Universal screening or a universal risk assessment combined with risk-based screening for multidrug-resistant microorganisms upon admission: Comparing strategies.
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van der Schoor AS, Severin JA, Klaassen CHW
486. Timing and intensity of heat and drought stress determine wheat yield losses in Germany.
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Riedesel L, Möller M, Horney P
487. Low prevalence of current and past SARS-CoV-2 infections among visitors and staff members of homelessness services in Amsterdam at the end of the second wave of infections in the Netherlands.
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488. Clinical and genetic features of 334 Asian patients with Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome (BHDS) who presented with pulmonary cysts with or without a history of pneumothorax, with special reference to BHDS-associated pneumothorax.
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489. Knowledge exchange sessions on primary health care research findings in public libraries: A qualitative study with citizens in Quebec.
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Laberge M, Brundisini FK, Zomahoun HTV
490. In the mind of the beholder: The effects of familiarisation on the perception of atypical infant facial configurations.
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491. Endotoxin induced acute kidney injury modulates expression of AQP1, P53 and P21 in rat kidney, heart, lung and small intestine.
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492. Discussing blockchain applications in TED Talks: A fashion wave approach to understanding the blockchain phenomenon.
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Bonazzi R, Gautschi H, Viscusi G.
493. Association of mental health conditions and functional gastrointestinal disorders among Vietnamese new-entry medical students.
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494. Cross-checking journalistic fact-checkers: The role of sampling and scaling in interpreting false and misleading statements.
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Markowitz DM, Levine TR, Serota KB
495. Immune marker reductions in black and white Americans following sleeve gastrectomy in the short-term phase of surgical weight loss.
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Phillips CL, Le TT, Lirette ST
496. Patterns of testing in the extensive Danish national SARS-CoV-2 test set-up.
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497. Intraperitoneal transplant of Hepatocytes co-Encapsulated with mesenchymal stromal cells in modified alginate microbeads for the treatment of acute Liver failure in Pediatric patients (HELP)-An open-label, single-arm Simon's two stage phase 1 study protocol.
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498. Interlayer charge transfer in supported and suspended MoS2/Graphene/MoS2 vertical heterostructures.
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2023 Jul 25
Rocha Robledo AK, Flores Salazar M, Muñiz Martínez BA
499. Performance of cotton expressing Cry1Ac, Cry1F and Vip3Aa19 insecticidal proteins against Helicoverpa armigera, H. zea and their hybrid progeny, and evidence of reduced susceptibility of a field population of H. zea to Cry1 and Vip3Aa in Brazil.
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Marques LH, Ishizuka TK, Pereira RR
500. Clinical, laboratory, and molecular epidemiology of Orientia tsutsugamushi infection from Southwestern India.
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501. Synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles using methanol propolis extract (Pro-ZnO NPs) as antidiabetic and antioxidant.
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502. Parental knowledge and communication with their adolescent on sexual and reproductive health issues in Nepal.
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Singh DR, Shrestha S, Karki K
503. α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor interaction with G proteins in breast cancer cell proliferation, motility, and calcium signaling.
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504. An emerging field: An evaluation of biomedical graduate student and postdoctoral education and training research across seven decades.
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505. How has COVID-19 changed healthcare professionals' attitudes to self-care? A mixed methods research study.
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2023 Jul 24
Smith PS, Alaa A, Riboli Sasco E
506. A mixed-method study examined the reasons why pregnant women late initiate antenatal care in Northeast Ethiopia.
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507. Comparative performance of agricultural productivity in 44 SSA countries for a period of 59 years (1961-2019): A Malmquist productivity index approach.
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508. Severe udder cleft dermatitis lesion transcriptomics points to an impaired skin barrier, defective wound repair and a dysregulated inflammatory response as key elements in the pathogenesis.
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Vermeersch AS, Ali M, Gansemans Y
509. Gene identification and RNAi-silencing of p62/SQSTM1 in the vector Rhodnius prolixus reveals a high degree of sequence conservation but no apparent deficiency-related phenotypes in vitellogenic females.
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Pereira J, Santos-Araujo S, Bomfim L
510. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach to assess implementation fidelity of a group antenatal care trial in Rwanda.
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511. Temporal trends in the disease burden of osteoarthritis from 1990 to 2019, and projections until 2030.
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512. Haplotype-level metabarcoding of freshwater macroinvertebrate species: A prospective tool for population genetic analysis.
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513. The effect of political turnover on corporate ESG performance: Evidence from China.
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514. A method to assess the mitochondrial respiratory capacity of complexes I and II from frozen tissue using the Oroboros O2k-FluoRespirometer.
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515. Correction: Trends and patterns of North Korea's disease burden from 1990 to 2019: Results from Global Burden of Disease study 2019.
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516. How financial mechanisms can incentivize provision of ecosystem services from land restoration: A systematic review protocol.
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517. Don't touch that dial: Psychological reactance, transparency, and user acceptance of smart thermostat setting changes.
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518. A machine learning approach to model the impact of line edge roughness on gate-all-around nanowire FETs while reducing the carbon footprint.
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519. Scholars180: An effective oral presentation assessment for optometry students.
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520. Lifestyle factors related to prevalent chronic disease multimorbidity: A population-based cross-sectional study.
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521. Enhancement of VGG16 model with multi-view and spatial dropout for classification of mosquito vectors.
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522. Stakeholders' perceptions of the trends in contraceptive prevalence rate and total fertility rate in Ghana.
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523. Approach-avoidance orientations can predict young children's decision-making.
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524. Mapping, intensities and future prediction of land use/land cover dynamics using google earth engine and CA- artificial neural network model.
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525. Protein embeddings improve phage-host interaction prediction.
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526. Decrease in the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance in Escherichia coli isolates of Canadian turkey flocks driven by the implementation of an antimicrobial stewardship program.
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527. Validation of the StimQ2: A parent-report measure of cognitive stimulation in the home.
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528. Settlement on asphalt concrete pavement in permafrost regions under the dynamic load of aircraft.
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2023 Jul 21
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2023 Jul 21
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530. Evaluating the role of salt intake in achieving WHO NCD targets in the Eurasian Economic Union: A PRIME modeling study.
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531. The impact of IDH and NAT2 gene polymorphisms in acute myeloid leukemia risk and overall survival in an Arab population: A case-control study.
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532. Optimal decisions on price and inventory for a newsboy-type retailer with identifiable information and discount promotion.
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533. Factors associated with retention of mother-baby pairs in the elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV program in Kaberamaido district: A longitudinal analysis.
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534. Curve forming prediction of coal mine roadway based on RBF interpolation.
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535. Economic policy uncertainty and stock market in G7 Countries: A panel threshold effect perspective.
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536. Cooling effect of urban forests on the urban heat island in Seoul, South Korea.
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537. Homeobox transcription factor HbxA influences expression of over one thousand genes in the model fungus Aspergillus nidulans.
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538. Influence of cutting velocity on surface roughness during the ultra-precision cutting of titanium alloys based on a comparison between simulation and experiment.
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539. Modified activity-based anorexia paradigm dampens chronic food restriction-induced hyperadiponectinemia in adolescent female mice.
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540. How does environmental punishment affect regional green technology innovation?-Evidence from Chinese Provinces.
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542. Interpretable machine learning models to predict short-term postoperative outcomes following posterior cervical fusion.
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543. Neutrophil extracellular traps involved in the pathogenesis of IgA vasculitis: Confirmed in two IgAV rat models.
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544. Distinctive transnational city-to-city partnerships, decentralization, and local governance of China as a Global East Country.
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545. Timeliness of routine childhood vaccination among 12-35 months old children in The Gambia: Analysis of national immunisation survey data, 2019-2020.
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546. COVID-19 incidence and outcome by affluence/deprivation across three pandemic waves in Ireland: A retrospective cohort study using routinely collected data.
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547. Edge valency-based entropies of tetrahedral sheets of clay minerals.
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548. Neighborhood deprivation in relation to lung cancer in individuals with type 2 diabetes-A nationwide cohort study (2005-2018).
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549. Influenza vaccination from the perspective of health care workers at university hospitals.
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550. Evaluating the solubility of compounds intended for intramammary infusion based upon tests conducted across a range of milk matrices.
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551. Rational social distancing in epidemics with uncertain vaccination timing.
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552. Factors influencing the effectiveness of nature-based interventions (NBIs) aimed at improving mental health and wellbeing: Protocol of an umbrella review.
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553. Prolonged static stretching increases the magnitude and decreases the complexity of knee extensor muscle force fluctuations.
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554. Evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of two point-of-care tests for COVID-19 when used in symptomatic patients in community settings in the UK primary care COVID diagnostic accuracy platform trial (RAPTOR-C19).
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555. A macroecological perspective on genetic diversity in the human gut microbiome.
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556. Burnout and its associated factors among healthcare workers in COVID-19 isolation centres in Khartoum, Sudan: A cross-sectional study.
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Alfadul ESA, Idrees Abdalmotalib MM, Alrawa SSK
557. Ad hoc digital communication and assessment during clinical placements in nursing education; a qualitative research study of students', clinical instructors', and teachers' experiences.
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Svendsen EJ, Opheim R, Hermansen BE
558. Effects of Rhazya Stricta plant organic extracts on human induced pluripotent stem cells derived neural stem cells.
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559. Transcranial focused ultrasound stimulation of cortical and thalamic somatosensory areas in human.
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560. An evolutionary game analysis of digital transformation of multiagents in digital innovation ecosystems.
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562. Change management in higher education: A sequential mixed methods study exploring employees' perception.
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563. The experience of being a caregiver of patients with digestive cancer, from patients and caregivers' perception: A mixed study.
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564. Bioconversion of olive oil pomace by black soldier fly increases eco-efficiency in solid waste stream reduction producing tailored value-added insect meals.
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565. Accelerated high-throughput imaging and phenotyping system for small organisms.
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566. Comparison of oral versus intravenous methadone on postoperative pain and opioid use after adult spinal deformity surgery: A retrospective, non-inferiority analysis.
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567. Women's views about current and future management of Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS): A mixed-methods study.
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568. Evaluation of the feasibility and acceptability of an integrative group psychological intervention for people with Multiple Sclerosis: A study protocol.
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569. Investigation of anti-proliferative and anti-angiogenic properties of Parkia javanica bark and fruit extracts in zebrafish.
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570. Respected but stigmatized: Healthcare workers caring for COVID-19 patients.
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573. Barriers and facilitators associated with implementing interventions to support oral anticancer agent adherence in academic and community cancer center settings.
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574. Prediction of lymphoma response to CAR T cells by deep learning-based image analysis.
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575. Fathers' experiences of childcare and feeding: A photo-elicitation study in a low resource setting in urban Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
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576. "It feels like medically promoted disordered eating": The psychosocial impact of gestational diabetes mellitus in the perinatal period.
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580. A scoping review protocol on diagnostic strategies to detect occult malignancies in individuals with ischemic stroke.
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581. TMEM41A overexpression correlates with poor prognosis and immune alterations in patients with endometrial carcinoma.
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582. Evaluation of CRP as a marker for bacterial infection and malaria in febrile children at the Douala Gyneco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital.
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583. The doctor knows or the evidence shows: An online survey experiment testing the effects of source trust, pro-vaccine evidence, and dual-processing in expert messages recommending child COVID-19 vaccination to parents.
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584. Occupational exposure to dust and respiratory symptoms among Ethiopian factory workers: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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585. Impact of diabetes on COVID-19 patient health outcomes in a vulnerable racial minority community.
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586. Burnout: A predictor of oral health impact profile among Nigerian early career doctors.
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588. Improved Simultaneous Multi-slice imaging with Composition of k-space Interpolations (SMS-COOKIE) for myocardial T1 mapping.
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589. Association of indoor use of pesticides with CKD of unknown origin.
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590. Analysis of human invasive cytotrophoblasts demonstrates mosaic aneuploidy.
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591. Evaluating the impact of injury prevention interventions in child and adolescent sports using the RE-AIM framework and CERT: A systematic review.
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592. Exposure to long wavelength light that improves aged mitochondrial function shifts acute cytokine expression in serum and the retina.
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593. Influence of family parenting style on the formation of eating behaviors and habits in preschool children: The mediating role of quality of life and nutritional knowledge.
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594. Polyhydroxyalkanoate production in Pseudomonas putida from alkanoic acids of varying lengths.
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595. The impact of childcare availability on maternal employment: Evidence from Czech municipalities.
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596. Linkage disequilibrium block single-nucleotide polymorphisms in FTO alpha ketoglutarate dependent dioxygenase gene inference with breast cancer and Type II diabetes in Pakistani female population.
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600. Assessment of Bio-physiological damages and cytological aberrations in cowpea varieties treated with gamma rays and sodium azide.
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604. Using Readable English leads to reading gains for rural elementary students: An experimental study.
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605. Genome-wide data suggest a revision in management of the Caspian Sea trout Salmo caspius.
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606. The association between menstrual hygiene, workplace sanitation practices and self-reported urogenital symptoms in a cross-sectional survey of women working in Mukono District, Uganda.
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607. Distribution characteristics of FcμR positive cells in small intestinal lymph nodes of Bactrian camel.
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608. Purposeful listening in challenging conditions: A study of prediction during consecutive interpreting in noise.
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610. Detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater from an enclosed college campus serves as an early warning surveillance system.
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Kazenelson J, Jefferson T, Rhodes RG
611. The role of critical care nurses in shared decision-making for patients with severe heart failure: A qualitative study.
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612. Tuina (Chinese massage) for insulin resistance and sensitivity: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis of animal and human studies.
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613. SARS-CoV-2 protein structure and sequence mutations: Evolutionary analysis and effects on virus variants.
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614. Long-term exposure to outdoor air pollution and asthma in low-and middle-income countries: A systematic review protocol.
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615. Influence of FGF4 and BMP4 on FGFR2 dynamics during the segregation of epiblast and primitive endoderm cells in the pre-implantation mouse embryo.
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616. Acute nicotine abstinence amplifies subjective withdrawal symptoms and threat-evoked fear and anxiety, but not extended amygdala reactivity.
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617. Effects of repetitive mild traumatic brain injury on weight gain and chronic behavioral outcomes in male rats.
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618. Growth strains cause vascular browning and cavities in ´Nicoter´ apples.
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Grimm E, Peters M, Kaltenbach J
619. Code-switching functions in online advertisements on Snapchat.
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620. Youth and healthcare workers' perspectives on the feasibility and acceptability of self-testing for HIV, Hepatitis and Syphilis among young people: Qualitative findings from a pilot study in Gaborone, Botswana.
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2023 Jul 20
Nambusi K, Gbolahan A, Maureen SM
621. Media coverage, fake news, and the diffusion of xenophobic violence: A fine-grained county-level analysis of the geographic and temporal patterns of arson attacks during the German refugee crisis 2015-2017.
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2023 Jul 20
Hinz T, Walzenbach S, Laufer J
622. Indoor running temporal variability for different running speeds, treadmill inclinations, and three different estimation strategies.
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Zignoli A, Godin A, Mourot L.
623. Monitoring the elasticity of travel demand with respect to changes in the transport network for better policy decisions during disasters.
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2023 Jul 20
Safitri ND, Chikaraishi M.
624. Exome sequencing reveals IFT172 variants in patients with non-syndromic cholestatic liver disease.
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Neřoldová M, Ciara E, Slatinská J
625. Global long-term trends and spatial cluster analysis of pancreatic cancer incidence and mortality over a 30-year period using the global burden of disease study 2019 data.
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2023 Jul 20
Amini M, Azizmohammad Looha M, Rahimi Pordanjani S
626. The AMP deaminase of the mollusk Helix pomatia is an unexpected member of the adenosine deaminase-related growth factor (ADGF) family.
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Tzertzinis G, Ganatra MB, Ruse C
627. Study protocol: How does cognitive flexibility relate to other executive functions and learning in healthy young adults?
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Tong K, Chan YN, Cheng X
628. Doing our best and doing no harm: A focused ethnography of staff moral experiences of providing palliative care at a Médecins Sans Frontières pediatric hospital in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh.
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2023 Jul 20
Yantzi R, Hadiuzzaman M, Sen Gupta PK
629. Coping with the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study to investigate how mental health, lifestyle, and socio-demographic factors shape students' quality of life.
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Bou-Hamad I, Hoteit R, Hijazi S
630. Functional and structural outcomes and complications after pars plana vitrectomy for severe features of proliferative diabetic retinopathy in type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
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Kaźmierczak K, Żuchowski P, Stafiej J
631. Classification of multiple emotional states from facial expressions in head-fixed mice using a deep learning-based image analysis.
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Tanaka Y, Nakata T, Hibino H
632. Stigma and discrimination against transgender men in Bhutan.
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Saxena V, Xu A, Kinley K
633. Enhancement of germination and yield of cotton through optical seed priming: Lab. and diverse environment studies.
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Atta BM, Saleem M, Abro S
634. Assessment of temporomandibular disorders and their relationship with life quality and salivary biomarkers in patients with dentofacial deformities: A clinical observational study.
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Crescente BB, Bisatto NV, Rübensam G
635. Out-of-pocket costs for families and people living with cerebral palsy in Australia.
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2023 Jul 20
Henry G, Webb A, Galea C
636. Time to death and its predictors among under-five children on antiretroviral treatment in public hospitals of Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, a retrospective follow up study.
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Mekonnen E, Arega M, Belay DM
637. Prevalence and distribution of Plasmodium vivax Duffy Binding Protein gene duplications in Sudan.
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Ahmed S, Pestana K, Ford A
638. A risk scoring model of COVID-19 at hospital admission.
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Gomes JJF, Ferreira A, Alves A
639. Radioactive contamination in feral dogs in the Chernobyl exclusion zone: Population body-burden survey and implications for human radiation exposure.
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2023 Jul 20
Hecla J, Kambarian E, Tubbs R
640. Bone mineral density among children living with HIV failing first-line anti-retroviral therapy in Uganda: A sub-study of the CHAPAS-4 trial.
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Natukunda E, Szubert A, Otike C
641. Cryptic functional diversity within a grass mycobiome.
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Ndinga-Muniania C, Wornson N, Fulcher MR
642. Design and analysis of photovoltaic/wind operations at MPPT for hydrogen production using a PEM electrolyzer: Towards innovations in green technology.
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2023 Jul 20
Awad M, Mahmoud MM, Elbarbary ZMS
643. Key pathological features characterize minimal change disease-like IgA nephropathy.
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Wang TY, Chang FP, Yang AH
644. Promotion and prevention regulatory focus LIWC dictionary. Polish adaptation and validation.
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Marszałek M, Miązek A, Roczniewska M.
645. Association of chronic neutrophil activation with risk of mortality.
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Penn MS, MacRae C, Goldfaden RF
646. Making things work-In spite of a pandemic small scale enterprise managers' approach to business changes and health issues.
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Landstad BJ, Hedlund M, Tjulin Å
647. Development of EST-SSRs based on the transcriptome of Castanopsis carlesii and cross-species transferability in other Castanopsis species.
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Zhong X, Xu M, Li T
648. Long Covid active case finding study protocol: A co-produced community-based pilot within the STIMULATE-ICP study (Symptoms, Trajectory, Inequalities and Management: Understanding Long-COVID to Address and Transform Existing Integrated Care Pathways).
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Alwan NA, Clutterbuck D, Pantelic M
649. Effects of turmeric (Curcuma longa) supplementation on glucose metabolism in diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome: An umbrella review and updated meta-analysis.
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Pathomwichaiwat T, Jinatongthai P, Prommasut N
650. Geographical and spatial variations in bowel cancer screening participation, Australia, 2015-2020.
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Dasgupta P, Cameron JK, Goodwin B
651. "Help! I need some music!": Analysing music discourse & depression on Reddit.
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Singh B, Vaswani K, Paruchuri S
652. Boldness, activity, and aggression: Insights from a large-scale study in Baltic salmon (Salmo salar L).
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Axling J, Vossen LE, Peterson E
653. Predictors of Turkish individuals' online shopping adoption: An empirical study on regional difference.
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654. Exploring factors influencing nurses' attitudes towards their role in dental care.
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Gaffar B, Bakhurji E, AlKhateeb R
655. Simultaneous molecular detection of Anaplasma marginale and Theileria annulata in cattle blood samples collected from Pakistan-Afghanistan boarder region.
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2023 Jul 20
Jamil S, Chiou CC, Muqaddas H
656. Prolonged hypothermic storage of oocytes of the European common frog Rana temporaria in a gas mixture of oxygen and carbon monoxide.
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Gagarinskiy E, Uteshev V, Fesenko E Jr.
657. A novel application of statistical process control charts in financial market surveillance with the idea of profile monitoring.
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658. Adaptive experimental design produces superior and more efficient estimates of predator functional response.
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Papanikolaou NE, Moffat H, Fantinou A
659. Incarcerated individuals and education programmes in Nigeria: A task for social workers.
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660. Identifying opportunity, capability and motivation of Sri Lankan 5th grade schoolteachers to implement in-classroom physical activity breaks: A qualitative study.
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Peiris DLIHK, Duan Y, Vandelanotte C
661. Responsiveness to endurance training can be partly explained by the number of favorable single nucleotide polymorphisms an individual possesses.
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Chung HC, Keiller DR, Swain PM
662. The Dutch chronic lower limb-threatening ischemia registry (THRILLER): A study protocol for popliteal and infrapopliteal endovascular interventions.
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Nugteren MJ, Hazenberg CEVB, Akkersdijk GP
663. Stroke services in MENA: What is there and what is needed.
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Aref H, El Nahas N, Alrukn SA
664. Approximate solution of Newell-Whitehead-Segel model with time-fractional derivative.
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Liu J, Nadeem M, Alsayyad Y.
665. Insights and protocols for discrimination of sugarcane clones by dissimilarity measures on RGB and NIR data.
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Peternelli LA, Andrade ACB.
666. Cholinergic-estrogen interaction is associated with the effect of education on attenuating cognitive sex differences in a Thai healthy population.
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Chen C, Khanthiyong B, Charoenlappanit S
667. Anglers as potential vectors of aquatic invasive species: Linking inland water bodies in the Great Lakes region of the US.
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Morreale SJ, Lauber TB, Stedman RC.
668. Effect of implantable cardiac monitors on preventing stroke: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials.
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He J, Jiang Y, Xiao Y
669. Contradiction or harmony? Spatial and temporal relationships between new urbanization and rural revitalization in the Yellow River Basin from a coupling perspective.
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Qiao G, Wang L, Du P.
670. Validation of a parent proxy-reported beverage screener compared to a 24-hour dietary recall for the measurement of sugar-containing beverage intake among young children.
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Sharpe I, Kirkpatrick SI, Smith BT
671. The burden of visual impairment among Ethiopian adult population: Systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Fentie D, Solomon Y, Menberu T.
672. Prevalence and factors associated with depression, anxiety and stress in Malaysia during COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review.
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Mud Shukri MI, Minhat HS, Ahmad N
673. Clients' perspectives on the utilization of reproductive, maternal, neonatal, and child health services in primary health centers during COVID-19 pandemic in 10 States of Nigeria: A cross-sectional study.
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Adelekan B, Goldson E, Ntoimo LFC
674. In silico designing and immunoinformatics analysis of a novel peptide vaccine against metallo-beta-lactamase (VIM and IMP) variants.
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Motamedi H, Alvandi A, Fathollahi M
675. The C. elegans truncated insulin receptor DAF-2B regulates survival of L1 arrested larvae.
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676. Evaluation of healing progression at surgical incision sites and the use of antiseptics for enhancing post-operative survival in subyearling Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha).
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Cameron AS, Rub AMW, Sandford BP.
677. Recruitment and retention interventions in surgical and wound care trials: A systematic review.
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678. Real-time classification of longitudinal conveyor belt cracks with deep-learning approach.
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679. "It reminds me and motivates me": Human-centered design and implementation of an interactive, SMS-based digital intervention to improve early retention on antiretroviral therapy: Usability and acceptability among new initiates in a high-volume, public clinic in Malawi.
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Huwa J, Tweya H, Mureithi M
680. First genome-wide data from Italian European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.): Strong and ancient differentiation between Alps and Apennines.
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Marchesini A, Silverj A, Torre S
681. Optimization of infectious bronchitis virus-like particle expression in Nicotiana benthamiana as potential poultry vaccines.
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Sepotokele KM, O'Kennedy MM, Wandrag DBR
682. Determinants of sexual dysfunction in pregnancy in a large tertiary hospital in Ghana.
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683. Evolution and stages of China's economic inequality from 1978 to 2018.
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684. Enhancing the thermostability of Streptomyces cyaneofuscatus strain Ms1 tyrosinase by multi-factors rational design and molecular dynamics simulations.
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685. Flight behaviour monitoring and quantification of aedes aegypti using convolution neural network.
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686. Dendrogram of transparent feature importance machine learning statistics to classify associations for heart failure: A reanalysis of a retrospective cohort study of the Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care III (MIMIC-III) database.
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687. Advances and future trends in research on carbon emissions reduction in China from the perspective of bibliometrics.
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688. Biochar ageing improves soil properties, growth and yield of red radish (Raphanus sativus) in a Haplic Cambisol.
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2023 Jul 19
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689. Predictors of HIV testing among youth 15-24 years in urban Ethiopia, 2017-2018 Ethiopia population-based HIV impact assessment.
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Ajiboye AS, Eshetu F, Lulseged S
690. Leading wellness in healthcare: A qualitative study of leadership practices for wellness in hospital settings.
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691. Dyslipidemia paradox: Analysis from the veterans exercise testing study.
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693. Molecular insights into the inhibitory potential of anthocyanidins on glucokinase regulatory protein.
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694. A sensitive tissue factor activity assay determined by an optimized thrombin generation method.
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695. Evaluation of the introduction of a healthy food and drink policy in 13 community recreation centres on the healthiness and nutrient content of customer purchases and business outcomes: An observational study.
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696. Changes in reproductive behavior associated with the perception and individual experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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697. The analysis and solution for intercity travel behaviors during holidays in the post-epidemic era based on big data.
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698. Study protocol: A cross-sectional survey of clinicians to identify barriers to clinical practice guideline implementation in the assessment and treatment of persistent tic disorders.
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699. Kindness: Definitions and a pilot study for the development of a kindness scale in healthcare.
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700. The experiences of patients with peritoneal dialysis: A systematic review of qualitative evidence protocol.
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701. A biochemical analysis of Black Soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larval frass plant growth promoting activity.
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702. Treatment-induced increase in total body potassium in patients at high risk of ventricular arrhythmias; a randomized POTCAST substudy.
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703. Patient perspectives on the role of nurses in HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis care (PrEP-RN).
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704. Strategies to increase childhood tuberculosis case detection at the primary health care level: Lessons from an active case finding study in Zambia.
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Kagujje M, Nyangu S, Maimbolwa MM
705. Ear health and quality of life in pet rabbits of differing ear conformations: A UK survey of owner-reported signalment risk factors and effects on rabbit welfare and behaviour.
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706. Gradient-mixing LEGO robots for purifying DNA origami nanostructures of multiple components by rate-zonal centrifugation.
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707. Association between an inflammatory biomarker score and future dementia diagnosis in the population-based UK Biobank cohort of 500,000 people.
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708. A double-pointed wooden throwing stick from Schöningen, Germany: Results and new insights from a multianalytical study.
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709. Effect of conventional and household water treatment technologies on the removal of pesticide residues in drinking water, Jimma town, Southwestern, Ethiopia.
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710. Promoting insect farming and household consumption through agricultural training and nutrition education in Africa: A study protocol for a multisite cluster-randomized controlled trial.
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711. Market risk, financial distress and firm performance in Vietnam.
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712. Artificial shade as a heat abatement strategy to grazing beef cow-calf pairs in a subtropical climate.
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713. Radio frequency identification technology reduce intravenous thrombolysis time in acute ischemic stroke.
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714. United States Department of Agriculture nutrition assistance programs during the COVID-19 pandemic: A scoping review protocol.
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715. Child marriage in rural Bangladesh and impact on obstetric complications and perinatal death: Findings from a health and demographic surveillance system.
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Lee KH, Chowdhury AI, Rahman QS
716. Mothers' health care seeking behavior for neonatal danger sign in southern Ethiopia: Community based cross-sectional study.
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717. Understanding concerns after severe COVID-19: A self-imposed lockdown guarded by anxiety?
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718. The burden of disabilities in Sidama National Regional State, Ethiopia: A cross-sectional, descriptive study.
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719. The benefits of prosocial power motivation in leadership: Action orientation fosters a win-win.
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Friederichs KM, Waldenmeier K, Baumann N.
720. A data science approach for multi-sensor marine observatory data monitoring cold water corals (Paragorgia arborea) in two campaigns.
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721. The impact of working hours on pregnancy intention in childbearing-age women in Korea, the country with the world's lowest fertility rate.
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722. Machine learning-based Sr isoscape of southern Sardinia: A tool for bio-geographic studies at the Phoenician-Punic site of Nora.
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723. Exploring parents' views of the use of narratives to promote childhood vaccination online.
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724. Low-dose lipopolysaccharide inducing continuous and obvious increase in urinary protein in hyperglycemic rats and the underlying mechanism.
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725. Specific facial signals associate with categories of social actions conveyed through questions.
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726. Neoxanthin is undetectable in human blood after ingestion of fresh young spinach leaf.
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727. Enhancing fine retinal vessel segmentation: Morphological reconstruction and double thresholds filtering strategy.
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Abdushkour H, Soomro TA, Ali A
728. Interindividual variability in the benefits of personal sound amplification products on speech perception in noise: A randomized cross-over clinical trial.
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729. What influences parental decisions about antibiotic use with their children: A qualitative study in rural Australia.
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730. An AI-based intervention for improving undergraduate STEM learning.
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731. An analysis of the leverage effect of "Internet +" on the economic spillover of sports industry.
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732. Does entrepreneurship education in China develop entrepreneurial intention? the role of self-efficacy and experience.
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733. What is an "ArchintorTM?" A paradigm shift in teaching, facilitation, and learning: The impact of different types of coursework expectations on classroom network structures.
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734. Women drive efforts to highlight concealable stigmatized identities in U.S. academic science and engineering.
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735. FAVIS: Fast and versatile protocol for non-destructive metabarcoding of bulk insect samples.
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737. Antivenom preclinical efficacy testing against Asian snakes and their availability in Asia: A systematic review.
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738. Poor treatment outcome and associated risk factors among patients with isoniazid mono-resistant tuberculosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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739. Fault-tolerant control strategy of six-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor based on deadbeat current prediction.
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740. A qualitative analysis of the nurturing care environment of families participating in Brazil's Criança Feliz early childhood program.
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Dos Santos LMTD, Godoi L, de Andrade E Guimarães B
741. Differential impacts of vaccine scandal by ethnic and socioeconomic factors: Evidence from China.
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742. Ecological habitat partitioning and feeding specialisations of coastal minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) using a recently designated MPA in northeast Scotland.
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Robinson KP, MacDougall DAI, Bamford CCG
743. Physical activity, sedentary behavior and pancreatitis risk: Mendelian randomization study.
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744. Clients' and genetic counselors' perceptions of empathy in Japan: A pilot study of simulated consultations of genetic counseling.
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745. Validation of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) emotional subscale in assessing depression and anxiety across development.
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746. Yoga and Multiple Sclerosis: Maintaining engagement in physical activity.
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747. Spatial localization ability of planarians identified through a light maze paradigm.
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748. Does controlling shareholders' share pledge exacerbate excessive financialization of enterprises?-Evidence from performance pressure perspective.
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749. Lumicitabine, an orally administered nucleoside analog, in infants hospitalized with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection: Safety, efficacy, and pharmacokinetic results.
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750. Pricing decisions of risk averse logistic companies with carbon cap and trade under Stackelberg game.
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751. hGSuite HyperBrowser: A web-based toolkit for hierarchical metadata-informed analysis of genomic tracks.
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Kalyanasundaram S, Lefol Y, Gundersen S
752. Artificial intelligence tool for the study of COVID-19 microdroplet spread across the human diameter and airborne space.
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753. The communication path and improvement strategy of symbolic culture of sneaker consumption culture using the big data analysis.
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755. Solute carrier family 35 member A2 (SLC35A2) is a prognostic biomarker and correlated with immune infiltration in stomach adenocarcinoma.
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Huang Z, Yang H, Lao J
756. Antigen concentration, viral load, and test performance for SARS-CoV-2 in multiple specimen types.
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Golden A, Oliveira-Silva M, Slater H
757. Assessing afebrile malaria and bed-net use in a high-burden region of India: Findings from multiple rounds of mass screening.
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2023 Jul 18
Arish N, Izbicki G, Rokach A
760. Self-adherence to post-colonoscopy consults in patients undergoing diagnostic colonoscopy: Findings from a cross-sectional, quantitative survey at a South African quaternary hospital.
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Moodley Y, van Wyk J, Ning Y
761. Isolated abnormal diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (iso↓DLco) is associated with increased respiratory symptom burden in people with HIV infection.
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Byanova KL, Fitzpatrick J, Jan AK
762. Analysis on spatial structure characteristics and influencing factors of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region MICE cities.
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763. Spatial analysis of vaccine coverage in children under the age of 1 year by mesoregions in Paraíba a northeastern Brazilian state.
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Cunha NSP, de Olinda RA, Fahrat SCL
764. Unleashing the horizons of labor quality, digitalization on upgradation of industrial structure in Asian economies.
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Fayomi A, Hassan AS, Almetwally EM.
766. Association of OCT biomarkers and visual impairment in patients with diabetic macular oedema with vitreomacular adhesion.
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Subramanian B, Devishamani C, Raman R
767. Junior to senior transition pathway in Italian Football: The rocky road to the top is not determined by youth national team's selections.
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768. Exploring the artificial intelligence "Trust paradox": Evidence from a survey experiment in the United States.
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769. Lived experiences of caregivers of persons with epilepsy attending an epilepsy clinic at a tertiary hospital, eastern Uganda: A phenomenological approach.
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Okiah L, Olowo S, Iramiot SJ
770. Peritoneal dialysis after failed kidney allograft: Comparing patients with and without pd before transplant.
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771. Regression of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is associated with reduced risk of incident diabetes: A longitudinal cohort study.
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Sinn DH, Kang D, Guallar E
772. Determinants of undernutrition and overnutrition among reproductive-age women in Bangladesh: Trend analysis using spatial modeling.
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2023 Jul 18
Vatsa R, Ghimire U, Yasmin K
773. The effects of parental's cultural and economic capital and parental support on being an elite scientists.
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2023 Jul 18
Ciftci SK, Karadag E, Ergin-Kocaturk H.
774. Analytical validation, sample stability, and clinical evaluation of a new high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I immunoassay for use in dogs, with comparison to a previous ultrasensitive assay.
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2023 Jul 18
Wesselowski S, Lidbury J, Saunders AB
775. Patterns of mental health problems and well-being in children with disabilities in Sweden: A cross-sectional survey and cluster analysis.
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2023 Jul 18
Täljedal T, Granlund M, Almqvist L
776. Fibrinolytic and antibiotic treatment of prosthetic vascular graft infections in a novel rat model.
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2023 Jul 18
Johansen MI, Rahbek SJ, Jensen-Fangel S
777. Biochar-biofertilizer combinations enhance growth and nutrient uptake in silver maple grown in an urban soil.
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Sifton MA, Smith SM, Thomas SC.
778. Gell: A GPU-powered 3D hybrid simulator for large-scale multicellular system.
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2023 Jul 18
Du J, Zhou Y, Jin L
779. Improving continence management for people with dementia in the community in Aotearoa, New Zealand: Protocol for a mixed methods study.
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Burholt V, Peri K, Awatere S
780. Work-related stress, reason for consultation and diagnosis-specific sick leave: How do they add up?
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Hultén AM, Holmgren K, Bjerkeli P.
781. Cleavage of the V-ATPase associated prorenin receptor is mediated by PACE4 and is essential for growth of prostate cancer cells.
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Mohammad AH, Couture F, Gamache I
782. Garden-path sentences and the diversity of their (mis)representations.
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Ceháková M, Chromý J.
783. Study of risk perception consumption behavior of sports tourism in China.
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Li G, Cheng Y, Cai J.
784. Rosmarinic acid ameliorates HCl-induced cystitis in rats.
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Kitamura N, Yamamoto Y, Yamamoto N
785. Pro-fibrogenic and adipogenic aspects of chronic muscle degeneration are contributed by distinct stromal cell subpopulations.
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Özdemir C, Akçay D, Yöyen-Ermiş D
786. The correlation between NAFLD and serum uric acid to serum creatinine ratio.
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787. Exploring barriers and facilitators to women's intention and behavior to seek treatment for distressing sexual problems.
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788. Optimizing antiretroviral therapy for children living with HIV: Experience from an observational cohort in Lesotho.
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2023 Jul 17
Tukei VJ, Herrera N, Masitha M
789. Age-related response to mite parasitization and viral infection in the honey bee suggests a trade-off between growth and immunity.
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Zanni V, Frizzera D, Marroni F
790. Genotype profiles of high-risk human papillomavirus in women of reproductive age: A community-based study.
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Wulandari D, Meidyandra RW, Andrijono.
791. Family and personal history of cancer in the All of Us research program for precision medicine.
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Keeler Bruce L, Paul P, Kim KK
792. Co-crystallisation and humanisation of an anti-HER2 single-domain antibody as a theranostic tool.
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Sawmynaden K, Wong N, Davies S
793. Maternal saliva visfatin level in term and preterm labor: A case control study.
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Nasri K, Mehrabi M, Bayani M
794. Gamified assessment of cognitive performance during moderate hypoxia.
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Keeler JM, Tourula E, Hite MJ
795. Who should be first? How and when AI-human order influences procedural justice in a multistage decision-making process.
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Jiang L, Qin X, Yam KC
796. Family health partners in regional network structures (NEST): A non-randomized controlled trial among parents of chronically ill and disabled children.
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797. The morality and tax avoidance: A sentiment and position taking analysis.
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799. Social presence and dynamics of group communication: An analysis of a health professionals WhatsApp group chats.
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Mbada CE, Jeje OO, Akande M
800. STRategy: A support system for collecting and analyzing next-generation sequencing data of short tandem repeats for forensic science.
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Kulthammanit N, Sathirapatya T, Sukawutthiya P
801. Patient education interventions for adolescent and young adult kidney transplant recipients- a scoping review.
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802. Exploring the double burden of malnutrition at the household level in the Philippines: Analysis of National Nutrition Survey data.
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803. Hepatitis B status and associated factors among participants screened for simulated HIV vaccine efficacy trials in Kenya and Uganda.
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804. A longitudinal investigation of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on 2SLGBTQ+ youth experiencing homelessness.
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Abramovich A, Pang N, Kim KV
805. Sex difference in driving speed management: The mediation effect of impulse control.
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Pan C, Ma J, Li Y
806. 'When you give kindness out, you get it back ten times more': Ontario adults' prosocial behaviour during the first 16 months of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Shillington KJ, Yates J, Vanderloo LM
807. Ever-never heard of 'Malaysian Healthy Plate': How many people know and practice this healthy eating concept?
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808. The geographical pension gap: Understanding the causes of inequality in China's pension funds.
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Zhang S, Wang X, Li H
809. The advanced concepts for septal l-strut re-designing in septorhinoplasty for better strength and stability by considering of center of gravity.
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Wongchadakul P, Lohasammakul S, Rattanadecho P
810. Effects of plyometric training on technical skill performance among athletes: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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811. Nepalese version of Douleur Neuropathique 4 (DN4) questionnaire for detection of neuropathic pain signs and symptoms: Translation and psychometric properties.
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Shakya BM, Shrestha A, Poudyal AK
812. Cardiovascular burden and unemployment: A retrospective study in a large population-based French cohort.
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Sanchez Rico M, Plessz M, Airagnes G
813. High wax ester and triacylglycerol biosynthesis potential in coastal sediments of Antarctic and Subantarctic environments.
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814. The micro-economic effects of COVID-19 containment measures: A simple model and evidence from China.
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Chen W, Chao S, Ye J.
815. Seroprevalence of non-typhoidal Salmonella disease and associated factors in children in Mukuru settlement in Nairobi County, Kenya.
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Peter SK, Mutiso JM, Ngetich M
816. Research on the influencing factors and improvement paths of digital trade development in the Yangtze River Economic Belt--Based on entropy-weighting TOPSIS and fsQCA method.
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817. Optimization of differentiation and transcriptomic profile of THP-1 cells into macrophage by PMA.
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Liu T, Huang T, Li J
818. Repeat sprint fatigue and altered neuromuscular performance in recreationally trained basketball players.
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Philipp NM, Cabarkapa D, Eserhaut DA
819. A web-based survey on self-management for patients with inflammatory bowel disease in Japan.
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820. Biological investigation of resinous endodontic sealers containing calcium hydroxide.
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821. Impact of airway challenges on cardiovascular risk in asthma - a randomized controlled trial.
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822. Onset of ADL and IADL limitation among Chinese middle-aged and older adults.
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823. Evolutionary dynamics in financial markets with heterogeneities in investment strategies and reference points.
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824. Development and validation of a scoring system to predict mortality in patients hospitalized with COVID-19: A retrospective cohort study in two large hospitals in Ecuador.
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Dueñas-Espín I, Echeverría-Mora M, Montenegro-Fárez C
825. Prescription patterns of granulocyte colony-stimulating factors in patients with breast cancer: A real-world study.
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826. Availability and use of personal protective equipment in low- and middle-income countries during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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827. A new scoring system with simple preoperative parameters as predictors of early recurrence of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
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828. Epidemiological analysis of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) patients on ships arriving at Busan port in Korea, 2020.
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829. Comparison of the clinical characteristics and clinical outcomes of culture-positive septic shock and culture-negative septic shock among pediatric patients.
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830. Morpho-agronomic variability of okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench] genotypes in Dire Dawa, eastern Ethiopia.
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832. Which method is optimal for estimating variance components and their variability in generalizability theory? evidence form a set of unified rules for bootstrap method.
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833. Zero fruits/vegetables consumption and associated factors among Children aged 6-23 months in Ethiopia: Mixed effect logistic regression analysis.
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834. Hepmarc: A 96 week randomised controlled feasibility trial of add-on maraviroc in people with HIV and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
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835. Finger fractures: Epidemiology and treatment based on 21341 fractures from the Swedish Fracture register.
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837. Identifying multivariate disease trajectories and potential phenotypes of early knee osteoarthritis in the CHECK cohort.
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838. Third-trimester persistent maternal hypotension effects on late-onset small for gestational age and adverse perinatal outcomes.
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839. Variation in perceived health across gender, working status, educational level, and regional health care expenditure in Spain (2014-2017).
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840. Silkworm model of biofilm formation: In vivo evaluation of antimicrobial tolerance of a cross-kingdom dual-species (Escherichia coli and Candida albicans) biofilm on catheter material.
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Eshima S, Matsumoto Y, Kurakado S
841. Dynamic transcriptome profiling provides insights into rhizome enlargement in ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.).
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842. Supply chain finance and innovation efficiency: An empirical analysis based on manufacturing SMEs.
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843. Spatial distribution and influencing factors of high-quality tourist attractions in Shandong Province, China.
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844. Access to essential psychotropic medicines in Addis Ababa: A cross-sectional study.
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845. A multicentric, single arm, prospective, stratified clinical investigation to evaluate MammoWave's ability in breast lesions detection.
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Sánchez-Bayuela DÁ, Ghavami N, Tiberi G
846. Influence of chronic liver diseases on the course and outcome of COVID-19.
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847. Artificial intelligence for detecting temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis using radiographic image data: A systematic review and meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy.
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848. The impact of digital economy on regional technological innovation capability: An analysis based on China's provincial panel data.
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849. Home bias and local equity portfolio decisions of Chinese insurance institutional investors.
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850. Virus purification highlights the high susceptibility of SARS-CoV-2 to a chlorine-based disinfectant, chlorous acid.
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851. Expression of genes with biomarker potential identified in skin from DSLD-affected horses increases with age.
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852. Use of very short answer questions compared to multiple choice questions in undergraduate medical students: An external validation study.
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853. Standard diagnostics with and without urine-based lipoarabinomannan testing for tuberculosis disease in HIV-infected patients in a high-burden setting-A cost-effectiveness analysis.
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854. Spatial variability of the Po River food web and its comparison with the Danube River food web.
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855. The safety and efficacy of ultrasound-guided erector spinae plane block in postoperative analgesic of PCNL: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Liu J, Fang S, Wang Y
856. Determining the clinical and cost-effectiveness of nasal sprays and a physical activity and stress management intervention to reduce respiratory tract infections in primary care: A protocol for the 'Immune Defence' randomised controlled trial.
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2023 Jul 14
Vennik J, Geraghty AWA, Martinson K
857. Molecular epidemiology and antimicrobial susceptibility of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli isolated from children under age five with and without diarrhea in Central Ethiopia.
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Zelelie TZ, Eguale T, Yitayew B
858. Projected cancer burden, challenges, and barriers to cancer prevention and control activities in the state of Telangana.
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Mahajan H, Reddy N, Devi NGM
859. Nutritional status of tribal and non-tribal adults in rural Bangladesh: A comparative study.
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860. Microbiology sampling in non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis cases from northern Alberta.
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Wagner MJ, Dimitrov M, Lam GY
861. Examining influencing factors of express delivery stations' spatial distribution using the gradient boosting decision trees: A case study of Nanjing, China.
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863. Open-source 3-D printable autoinjector: Design, testing, and regulatory limitations.
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864. Large hydropower projects increase stress despite compensation efforts: Evidence from the Brazilian Amazon.
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865. Rapid and sensitive detection of waterfowl mycoplasmas using TaqMan assays.
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868. Metabolic and inflammatory profiles, gut microbiota and lifestyle factors in overweight and normal weight young thai adults.
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869. Utilization and factors associated with health facility delivery among women of reproductive age in rural Ethiopia: Mixed effect logistic regression analysis.
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870. Diabetes self-management education interventions and self-management in low-resource settings; a mixed methods study.
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874. Establishment of a value evaluation system for health and wellness tourism resources: Reflections on China's official tourism resource evaluation criteria.
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875. CHO-produced RBD-Fc subunit vaccines with alternative adjuvants generate immune responses against SARS-CoV-2.
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876. Short communication: Antibacterial effects of essential oils from Cinnamomum cassia bark and Eucalyptus globulus leaves-The involvements of major constituents.
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877. Effects of mobile device use on emotional and behavioral problems in the CBCL among preschoolers: Do shared reading and maternal depression matter?
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Wu HY, Lin WY, Huang JP
878. Malaria infection and its association with socio-demographics, long lasting insecticide nets usage and hematological parameters among adolescent patients in rural Southwestern Nigeria.
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Ibrahim AO, Agbesanwa TA, Aremu SK
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881. Quantifying inter-annual variability on the space-use of parental Northern Gannets (Morus bassanus) in pursuit of different prey types.
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Velázquez-Wallraf A, Caballero MJ, Fernández A
890. Developing evidence for building sanitation justice: A multi methods approach to understanding public restroom quantity, quality, accessibility, and user experiences.
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894. Emodin alleviates chronic constriction injury-induced neuropathic pain and inflammation via modulating PPAR-gamma pathway.
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895. Regional unevenness in the construction of digital villages: A case study of China.
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897. Influence of perinatal distress on adverse birth outcomes: A prospective study in the Tigray region, northern Ethiopia.
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901. Sex differences in pediatric caudal epidural anesthesia under sedation without primary airway instrumentation.
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903. Using real-time ascertainment rate estimate from infection and hospitalization dataset for modeling the spread of infectious disease: COVID-19 case study in the Czech Republic.
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904. Crowd-sourced observations of a polyphagous moth reveal evidence of allochronic speciation varying along a latitudinal gradient.
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917. Effects of improved on-farm crop storage on perceived stress and perceived coping in pregnant women-Evidence from a cluster-randomized controlled trial in Kenya.
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918. Standardized tissue sampling guidelines for histopathological and molecular analyses of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in ecotoxicological studies.
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921. Mental health in autistic adults: A rapid review of prevalence of psychiatric disorders and umbrella review of the effectiveness of interventions within a neurodiversity informed perspective.
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922. Has the COVID-19 pandemic changed the utilization and provision of essential health care services from 2019 to 2020 in the primary health care network in Lebanon? Results from a nationwide representative cross-sectional survey.
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923. Benefits and harms of gastric suction or lavage at birth for gastrointestinal outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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924. Development of a neural network model to predict the presence of fentanyl in community drug samples.
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925. Honey bees (Apis mellifera) modify plant-pollinator network structure, but do not alter wild species' interactions.
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926. An enigma of Malaysia's low-income young adults: Mediation of financial behaviour on financial well-being and locus of control cohesion.
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2023 Jul 13
Sabri MF, Wahab R, Mahdzan NS
927. On closing the inopportune gap with consistency transformation and iterative refinement.
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2023 Jul 13
João M Jr, Sena AC, Rebello VEF.
928. Exploring the barriers and facilitators to the uptake of smoking cessation services for people in treatment or recovery from problematic drug or alcohol use: A qualitative systematic review.
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2023 Jul 13
Iyahen EO, Omoruyi OO, Rowa-Dewar N
929. Feasibility study of Internet video-based speech-language activity for outpatients with primary progressive aphasia.
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2023 Jul 13
Higashi S, Koshibe Y, Miyazaki T
930. Can static Rorschach stimuli perceived as in motion affect corticospinal excitability?
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2023 Jul 13
Andò A, Garbarini F, Giromini L
931. Effects of personal and interpersonal factors on changes of food choices and physical activity among college students.
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2023 Jul 13
Cao J, Wang K, Shi Y
932. Video-based interventions to improve self-assessment accuracy among physicians: A systematic review.
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2023 Jul 13
Pattni C, Scaffidi M, Li J
933. Delayed treatment with ceftriaxone reverses the enhanced sensitivity of TBI mice to chemically-induced seizures.
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2023 Jul 13
Romariz SAA, Main BS, Harvey AC
934. The difficulty of aligning intrinsically disordered protein sequences as assessed by conservation and phylogeny.
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2023 Jul 13
Riley AC, Ashlock DA, Graether SP.
935. Food safety knowledge, attitude, and practice of street food vendors and associated factors in low-and middle-income countries: A Systematic review and Meta-analysis.
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2023 Jul 13
Desye B, Tesfaye AH, Daba C
936. Quantification of the capacity of vibrio fischeri to establish symbiosis with Euprymna scolopes.
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2023 Jul 13
Donnelly AR, Giacobe EJ, Cook RA
937. Multifaceted Empathy Test (MET): Validity evidence for the Brazilian population concerning the computer-based (face-to-face) and online versions.
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2023 Jul 13
Fernandes Vieira de Lima F, Rossi G, Dos Santos RG
938. Impact of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor on the China-Europe and China-Middle East trading route selection.
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2023 Jul 13
Alam KM, Xuemei L, Baig S
939. Capturing COVID-19 spread and interplay with multi-hop contact tracing intervention.
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2023 Jul 13
Kim J, Bidokhti SS, Sarkar S.
940. Evaluation of multiple sclerosis severity using a new OCT tool.
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2023 Jul 13
Viladés E, Cordón B, Pérez-Velilla J
941. Learning curve for flexible bronchoscope-guided orotracheal intubation for anesthesiology residents: A cumulative sum analysis.
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2023 Jul 13
Cai X, Yue M, Liu X
942. Structure of puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase and polyglutamine binding.
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2023 Jul 13
Madabushi S, Chow KM, Song ES
943. Perceived antimicrobial dispensing practices in medicine outlets in Ghana: A maximum difference experiment design.
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2023 Jul 13
Nyarko E, Akoto FM, Doku-Amponsah K.
944. Prevalence of occupational respiratory symptoms and associated factors among industry workers in Ethiopia: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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2023 Jul 13
Daba C, Debela SA, Atamo A
945. Exposure to the non-phthalate plasticizer di-heptyl succinate is less disruptive to C57bl/6N mouse recovery from a myocardial infarction than DEHP, TOTM or related di-octyl succinate.
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2023 Jul 13
Schwendt A, Chammas JB, Maric M
946. Development and validation of Medical Device Key Evidence Tool ('MeDKET'): An evidence-based framework to explain success in selected European and US companies.
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2023 Jul 13
Manetti S, Lettieri E, Ni MZ.
947. Dynamic parameter identification and adaptive control with trajectory scaling for robot-environment interaction.
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2023 Jul 13
Song K, Hu H.
948. Constitutive ALS3 expression in Candida albicans enhances adhesion and biofilm formation of efg1, but not cph1 mutant strains.
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2023 Jul 13
Schena NC, Baker KM, Stark AA
949. A combined monthly precipitation prediction method based on CEEMD and improved LSTM.
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950. Building a community-based open harmonised reference data repository for global crop mapping.
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2023 Jul 13
Boogaard H, Pratihast AK, Laso Bayas JC
951. The PiNe box: Development and validation of an electronic device to time-lock multimodal responses to sensory stimuli in hospitalised infants.
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2023 Jul 13
Worley A, Pillay K, Cobo MM
952. Married women decision making autonomy on health care utilization in high fertility sub-Saharan African countries: A multilevel analysis of recent Demographic and Health Survey.
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2023 Jul 13
Negash WD, Kefale GT, Belachew TB
953. Utilization of antiretroviral therapy services and associated factors among adolescents living with HIV in northern Uganda: A cross-sectional study.
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2023 Jul 13
Odongo I, Arim B, Ayer P
954. The relative importance of friendship to happiness increases with age.
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Song I, Kwon JW, Jeon SM.
955. Methionine metabolism and endocrine function of the pituitary gland in patients with suprasellar germinoma.
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Lee H, Lee JW, Cho HW
956. Multidisciplinary analyses on the 11th-12th century bronze doors of San Marco, Venice.
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Mödlinger M, Bernabei M, Bontadi J
957. Systemic immune-inflammation index as a predictor of prognosis after carotid artery stenting compared with C-reactive protein.
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2023 Jul 13
Morikawa S, Okumura K, Inoue N
958. Trends in road accidents on Brazil's highways: Evidence of persistence using fractional integration.
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2023 Jul 13
Wanke P, Gil-Alana LA, Tan Y.
959. Characterization of cysteine proteases from poultry red mite, tropical fowl mite, and northern fowl mite to assess the feasibility of developing a broadly efficacious vaccine against multiple mite species.
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2023 Jul 13
Win SY, Murata S, Fujisawa S
960. Mixed-methods education of mechanical ventilation for residents in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic: Preliminary interventional study.
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2023 Jul 13
Takeda K, Kasai H, Tajima H
961. Deficient AMPK activity contributes to hyperexcitability in peripheral nociceptive sensory neurons and thermal hyperalgesia in lupus mice.
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2023 Jul 13
Viatchenko-Karpinski V, Kong L, Weng HR.
962. Defining an optimal cut-off point for reticulocyte hemoglobin as a marker for iron deficiency anemia: An ROC analysis.
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2023 Jul 13
Alzu'bi M, Bawa'neh H, Alshorman A
963. Exposure levels of animal allergens, endotoxin, and β-(1,3)-glucan on a university campus of veterinary medicine.
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2023 Jul 13
Zahradnik E, Sander I, Lotz A
964. Change in the faunal composition of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) along a heterogeneous landscape gradient in the Brazilian Amazon.
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2023 Jul 13
Almeida JF, Belchior HCM, Batista FAJC
965. Neural network-based method to stratify people at risk for developing diabetic foot: A support system for health professionals.
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2023 Jul 13
Ferreira ACBH, Ferreira DD, Barbosa BHG
966. Accurate prediction of gaseous isotopes Xe and Kr concentrations from the burnup of nuclear fuel using simple regression algorithm.
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2023 Jul 13
Nafee SS, Al-Ramady AM, Mohamed NM
967. Genomic and phenotypic characterization of Pseudomonas sp. GOM7, a novel marine bacterial species with antimicrobial activity against multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
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2023 Jul 13
Romero-González LE, Rojas-Vargas J, Muriel-Millán LF
968. Interaction and integration among behaviors of adult Drosophila in nature.
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2023 Jul 13
Silva-López J, Godoy P, Jara L
969. Electrochemotherapy vs radiotherapy in the treatment of primary cutaneous malignancies or cutaneous metastases from primary solid organ malignancies: A systematic review and narrative synthesis.
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2023 Jul 13
McMillan AT, McElroy L, O'Toole L
970. Should I stay or should I go? Three-year-olds' reactions to appropriate motives to interrupt a joint activity.
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2023 Jul 13
Bonalumi F, Siposova B, Christensen W
971. A unique single nucleotide polymorphism in Agouti Signalling Protein (ASIP) gene changes coat colour of Sri Lankan leopard (Panthera pardus kotiya) to dark black.
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2023 Jul 13
Sooriyabandara MGC, Bandaranayake AU, Hathurusinghe HABM
972. A novel co-culture model for investigation of the effects of LPS-induced macrophage-derived cytokines on brain endothelial cells.
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2023 Jul 13
Yang J, Li Y, Bhalla A
973. The effects of caffeine and d-amphetamine on spatial span task in healthy participants.
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2023 Jul 13
Kassim FM, Lim JHM, Slawik SV
974. The management of cognitive labour in same-gender couples.
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2023 Jul 13
McLean C, Musolino C, Rose A
975. Beyond athletic development: The effects of parkour-based versus conventional neuromuscular exercises in pre-adolescent basketball players.
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2023 Jul 12
Williams MD, Hammond A, Moran J.
976. Better late than never: Optimising the proteomic analysis of field-collected octopus.
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2023 Jul 12
Hua QQH, Young C, Pukala TL
977. Molecular diagnosis of patients with hepatitis A virus infection using amplicon-based nanopore sequencing.
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2023 Jul 12
Lee GY, Park K, Lee YS
978. Pregnancy-induced differential expression of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza a viral entry factors in the lower respiratory tract.
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2023 Jul 12
Giri T, Panda S, Palanisamy A.
979. Overweight/Obesity-related microstructural alterations of the fimbria-fornix in the ABCD study: The role of aerobic physical activity.
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2023 Jul 12
Ma J, McGlade EC, Huber RS
980. Evidence and clinical relevance of maternal-fetal cardiac coupling: A scoping review.
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Nichting TJ, Bester M, Joshi R
981. A large scale randomized controlled trial on herding in peer-review discussions.
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Stelmakh I, Rastogi C, Shah NB
982. Knowledge and motivations of training in peer review: An international cross-sectional survey.
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Willis JV, Ramos J, Cobey KD
983. The synergistic impact of Spirulina and selenium nanoparticles mitigates the adverse effects of heat stress on the physiology of rabbits bucks.
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El-Ratel IT, Elbasuny ME, El-Nagar HA
984. The rate of species extinction in declining or fragmented ecological communities.
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Halley JM, Pimm SL.
985. YouTube as a source of information on ectopic pregnancy: A qualitative and quantitative analysis.
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2023 Jul 12
Bulle C, Lallemant M, Rigori C
986. Estimated energetic demands of thermoregulation during ancient canoe passages from Tahiti to Hawaii and New Zealand, a simulation analysis.
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2023 Jul 12
Montenegro A, Niclou A, Anderson A
987. Trichomonas vaginalis infection and risk of cervical neoplasia: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Fazlollahpour-Naghibi A, Bagheri K, Almukhtar M
988. Evaluating the role of MEN1 gene expression and its clinical significance in breast cancer patients.
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2023 Jul 12
Massey S, Khan MA, Rab SO
989. Leisure-time physical activity and gastric cancer risk: A pooled study within the Stomach cancer Pooling (StoP) Project.
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2023 Jul 12
Mariani M, Pastorino R, Pires Marafon D
990. Evaluation of a remote monitoring service for patients with COVID-19 discharged from University College London Hospital.
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2023 Jul 12
Crilly D, Shakeshaft P, Marks M
991. The evolution of scientific literature as metastable knowledge states.
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2023 Jul 12
Koneru SD, McCauley DR, Smith MC
992. The role of social support and social identification on challenge and threat cognitive appraisals, perceived stress, and life satisfaction in workplace employees.
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2023 Jul 12
Gillman JC, Turner MJ, Slater MJ.
993. Exercise improves the outcome of anticancer treatment with ultrasound-hyperthermia-enhanced nanochemotherapy and autophagy inhibitor.
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2023 Jul 12
Chiang CF, Wang ZZ, Hsu YH
994. Increases in income-support payments reduce the demand for charity: A difference-in-difference analysis of charitable-assistance data from Australia over the COVID-19 pandemic.
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2023 Jul 12
Ablaza C, Perales F, Parsell C
995. Prioritization of livestock diseases by pastoralists in Oloitoktok Sub County, Kajiado County, Kenya.
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Mburu CM, Bukachi S, Majiwa H
996. Associations between significant head injury in male juveniles in prison in Scotland UK and cognitive function, disability and crime: A cross sectional study.
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McMillan TM, McVean J, Aslam H
997. Estimating heterogeneous effects of internet use on environmental knowledge: Taking population heterogeneity into consideration.
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998. Four modifiable factors that mediate the effect of educational time on major depressive disorder risk: A network Mendelian randomization study.
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Wan B, Wu Y, Ma N
999. Seven naturally variant loci serve as genetic modifiers of Lamc2jeb induced non-Herlitz junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa in mice.
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2023 Jul 12
Sproule TJ, Philip VM, Chaudhry NA
1000. A new trigonometric modification of the Weibull distribution: Control chart and applications in quality control.
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2023 Jul 12
Alomair MA, Ahmad Z, Rao GS
1001. Standard RUTF vs. locally-made RUSF for acutely malnourished children: A quasi-experimental comparison of the impact on growth and compliance in a rural community of Pakistan.
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Sarfraz A, Ahmed S, Muhammad S
1002. Interfering with the ERC1-LL5β interaction disrupts plasma membrane-Associated platforms and affects tumor cell motility.
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Ribolla LM, Sala K, Tonoli D
1003. Corneal confocal microscopy demonstrates sensory nerve loss in children with autism spectrum disorder.
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2023 Jul 12
Khan A, Kamal M, Alhothi A
1004. Profile of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of organically and conventionally grown black-grain barley genotypes treated with biostimulant.
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2023 Jul 12
Nowak R, Szczepanek M, Kobus-Cisowska J
1005. The yield of procalcitonin and Interleukin-6 in predicting intraamniotic infection in the presence of intrapartum fever: A pilot study.
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2023 Jul 12
Ehrlich Z, Magen S, Alexandroni H
1006. Interventions towards barriers to the practice of physical activity in adolescence: A systematic review protocol.
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2023 Jul 12
Terra LF, Costa WPD, Silva RMF
1007. Kinetics of specific anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgM, IgA, and IgG responses during the first 12 months after SARS-CoV-2 infection: A prospective longitudinal study.
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Amellal H, Assaid N, Charoute H
1008. Cochlear coverage with lateral wall cochlear implant electrode arrays affects post-operative speech recognition.
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2023 Jul 12
Weller T, Timm ME, Lenarz T
1009. The population genetic structure and phylogeographic dispersal of Nodularia breviconcha in the Korean Peninsula based on COI and 16S rRNA genes.
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1010. Characterization of vaccine confidence among teachers in British Columbia, Canada: A population-based survey.
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Racey CS, Donken R, Fox E
1011. Environmental exposures and adverse pregnancy outcomes in Ethiopia: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Demelash Enyew H, Bogale BG, Hailu AB
1012. Prognostic value of RGS1 and mTOR Immunohistochemical expression in Egyptian multiple myeloma patients; A single center study.
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Hafez N, Refaat L, ElGebaly OK
1013. The investigation of constraints in implementing robust AI colorectal polyp detection for sustainable healthcare system.
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Bian H, Jiang M, Qian J.
1014. Minor changes in the incidence of primary and secondary involuntary childlessness across birth cohorts 1916 to 1975, but major differences in treatment success.
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1015. Towards a barrier-free anthropomorphic brain phantom for quantitative magnetic resonance imaging: Design, first construction attempt, and challenges.
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Kraft M, Ryger S, Berman BP
1016. Epidemiology and nomogram of pediatric and young adulthood osteosarcoma patients with synchronous lung metastasis: A SEER analysis.
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Liu T, Cui L, He Z
1017. Rediscovery of Rhyacoglanis pulcher (Boulenger, 1887) (Siluriformes: Pseudopimelodidae), a rare rheophilic bumblebee catfish from Ecuadorian Amazon.
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2023 Jul 12
Chuctaya J, Shibatta OA, Encalada AC
1018. Hidden mysteries in ancient Egyptian paintings from the Theban Necropolis observed by in-situ XRF mapping.
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Martinez P, Alfeld M, Defeyt C
1019. Gaussian hierarchical latent Dirichlet allocation: Bringing polysemy back.
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Yoshida T, Hisano R, Ohnishi T.
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McDonald J, Finka L, Foreman-Worsley R
1022. Histone methyltransferase SUV39H1 regulates the Golgi complex via the nuclear envelope-spanning LINC complex.
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1026. Estimated direct and indirect health care costs of severe infectious keratitis by cultured organisms in Thailand: An 8-year retrospective study.
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1027. Feasibility of microencapsulated phytochemical as disinfectant for inhibition of Candida albicans proliferation on denture base produced by digital light processing.
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1028. The impact of angles of insonation on left and right ventricular global longitudinal strain estimation in fetal speckle tracking echocardiography.
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Nichting TJ, de Vet CM, van der Ven M
1029. Heterogeneity of variance and genetic parameters for milk production in cattle, using Bayesian inference.
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Júnior RNCC, Fernandes LDS, do Carmo Panetto JC
1030. Modelling underreported spatio-temporal crime events.
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Riascos Villegas ÁJ, Ñungo JS, Gómez Tobón L
1031. In vitro and in silico studies for the identification of anti-cancer and antibacterial peptides from camel milk protein hydrolysates.
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2023 Jul 12
Taghipour MJ, Ezzatpanah H, Ghahderijani M.
1032. Subchondral defects resembling osteochondrosis dissecans in joint surfaces of the extinct saber-toothed cat Smilodon fatalis and dire wolf Aenocyon dirus.
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Schmökel H, Farrell A, Balisi MF.
1033. Staphylococcal species composition in the skin microbiota of domestic pigeons (Columba livia domestica).
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Szczuka E, Wesołowska M, Krawiec A
1034. The relationship between ambient temperature and match running performance of elite soccer players.
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2023 Jul 11
Morgans R, Bezuglov E, Rhodes D
1035. Characterization of the alternative splicing landscape in lung adenocarcinoma reveals novel prognosis signature associated with B cells.
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2023 Jul 11
Shao MM, Zhai K, Huang ZY
1036. Treatment and care received by children hospitalized with COVID-19 in a large hospital network in the United States, February 2020 to September 2021.
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Fuller CC, Cosgrove A, Shinde M
1037. The impact of COVID-19 on the mental health and well-being of ambulance care professionals: A rapid review.
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2023 Jul 11
Ebben RHA, Woensdregt T, Wielenga-Meijer E
1038. Genetic reanalysis of patients with a difference of sex development carrying the NR5A1/SF-1 variant p.Gly146Ala has discovered other likely disease-causing variations.
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2023 Jul 11
Martinez de Lapiscina I, Kouri C, Aurrekoetxea J
1039. Maternal occupational risk factors and preterm birth: Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Adane HA, Iles R, Boyle JA
1040. Combinatorial targeting of a specific EMT/MET network by macroH2A variants safeguards mesenchymal identity.
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Valakos D, Klagkou E, Kokkalis A
1041. Effects of nitrogen reduction combined with bio-organic fertilizer on soil bacterial community diversity of red raspberry orchard.
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Yuan X, Zhang J, Chang F
1042. Characteristics of perceived effective telesupervision practices: A case study of supervisees and supervisors.
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Martin P, Lizarondo L, Kumar S
1043. Assessing a biomarker's ability to reduce invasive procedures in patients with benign lung nodules: Results from the ORACLE study.
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Pritchett MA, Sigal B, Bowling MR
1044. Indonesian healthcare professionals' experiences in rural and urban settings during the first wave of COVID-19: A qualitative study.
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Sutrisni IA, Kekalih A, Friska D
1045. Deep data mining reveals variable abundance and distribution of microbial reproductive manipulators within and among diverse host species.
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Medina P, Russell SL, Corbett-Detig R.
1046. Dermokine mutations contribute to epithelial-mesenchymal transition and advanced melanoma through ERK/MAPK pathways.
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Ma W, Wu Z, Maghsoudloo M
1047. Understanding the characteristics of high users of hospital services in Singapore and their associations with healthcare utilisation and mortality: A cluster analysis.
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Ginting ML, Ang YH, Ho SH
1048. Divergence of cochlear transcriptomics between reference‑based and reference‑free transcriptome analyses among Rhinolophus ferrumequinum populations.
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Shi X, Li J, Liu T
1049. Avoidable diet-related deaths and cost-of-illness with culturally optimized modifications in diet: The case of Brazil.
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Verly E Jr, Machado ÍE, Meireles AL
1050. Correction: miR-146a Ameliorates Liver Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury by Suppressing IRAK1 and TRAF6.
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Jiang W, Kong L, Ni Q
1051. Income distribution in Thailand is scale-invariant.
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1052. Optimising quality of life for people living with heart failure in care homes: Protocol for the co-design and feasibility testing of a digital intervention.
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McMahon J, Brown Wilson C, Hill L
1053. Economic freedom, inclusive growth, and financial development: A heterogeneous panel analysis of developing countries.
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Yang Z, Vitenu-Sackey PA, Hao L
1054. The design and evaluation of a training program on culturally competent psychosocial care provision for men who have sex with men in Senegal.
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2023 Jul 11
Nabil F, Grachev K, Gasch-Gallén Á
1055. A comprehensive satellite-based assessment across the Pacific Arctic Distributed Biological Observatory shows widespread late-season sea surface warming and sea ice declines with significant influences on primary productivity.
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Frey KE, Comiso JC, Stock LV
1056. Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) level, but not ACE gene polymorphism, is associated with prognosis of COVID-19 infection: Implications for diabetes and hypertension.
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Elbasan O, Bayram F, Yazan CD
1057. Decision models of emission reduction considering CSR under reward-penalty policy.
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Wang Y, Chen X, Zhou X.
1058. National consensus on entrustable professional activities for competency-based training in anaesthesiology.
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Ganzhorn A, Schulte-Uentrop L, Küllmei J
1059. Metabolic multireactor: Practical considerations for using simple oxygen sensing optodes for high-throughput batch reactor metabolism experiments.
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Kaufman MH, Torgeson J, Stegen JC.
1060. A novel in vitro model to study prolonged Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in the cystic fibrosis bronchial epithelium.
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2023 Jul 11
Hirsch MJ, Hughes EM, Easter MM
1061. Fertility return after hormonal contraceptive discontinuation and associated factors among women attended Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia Dessie model clinic, Northeast Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study.
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Damtie Y, Kefale B, Arefaynie M
1062. Charitable giving: The role of framing and information.
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Keser C, Kliemt H, Späth M.
1063. Human-robot collaborative task planning using anticipatory brain responses.
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Ehrlich SK, Dean-Leon E, Tacca N
1064. Logistics hub location for high-speed rail freight transport with road-rail intermodal transport network.
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Li S, Lang M, Chen X
1065. Extending universal health coverage to informal workers: A systematic review of health financing schemes in low- and middle-income countries in Southeast Asia.
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Kaiser AH, Rotigliano N, Flessa S
1066. Endocardial versus whole-myocardial tracking global longitudinal strain analysis in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: A preliminary comparative study.
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Park J, Yoon YE, Chun EJ
1067. Extra-pancreatic manifestations reported in association with pancreatitis; an international survey report.
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Dike CR, Sun QK, Rahib L
1068. Magneto-optical trapping in a near-suface borehole.
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Vovrosh J, Wilkinson K, Hedges S
1069. Improving wheat seedling quality through deep ploughing and soil compaction at sowing in lime concretion black soil.
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Cui X, Wang Z, Zhuang T
1070. Sustainability practices and organizational performance during the COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis: A case of apparel and textile industry in Sri Lanka.
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Weerasinghe N, Weerasinghe A, Perera Y
1071. Effects of a low-carbohydrate diet in adults with type 1 diabetes management: A single arm non-randomised clinical trial.
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Turton JL, Brinkworth GD, Parker HM
1072. Association between hyperlipidemia and trigger finger: A nationwide population-based cohort study.
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2023 Jul 10
Chen PT, Zhang HW, Tsai ZR
1073. MicroRNA-29b-3p promotes intestinal permeability in IBS-D via targeting TRAF3 to regulate the NF-κB-MLCK signaling pathway.
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Wang Y, Ke W, Gan J
1074. Retinoic acid alters metalloproteinase action in red deer antler stem cells.
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Korzekwa AJ, Kononiuk A, Kordan W
1075. Physical activity and mental health experiences of people living with long term conditions during COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study.
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Ambrosio L, Morris J, Compton E
1076. Intellectual conflicts of interest among cardiology and pulmonology clinical practice guidelines.
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Brems JH, Wagner T, Diamant J
1077. How informed is informed consent?-Evaluating the quality of informed consent among surgical patients in a tertiary care hospital in Nepal.
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Basukala S, Shrestha O, Thapa N
1078. The global convergence properties of an adaptive QP-free method without a penalty function or a filter for minimax optimization.
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2023 Jul 10
Su K, Liu S, Lu W.
1079. Large-deviations of disease spreading dynamics with vaccination.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Feld Y, Hartmann AK.
1080. Anxiety classification in virtual reality using biosensors: A mini scoping review.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Mevlevioğlu D, Tabirca S, Murphy D.
1081. Does age matter?-Efficiency of mechanical food break down in Tupaia belangeri at different ages.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Schwermann AH, Schultz JA, Fuchs E
1082. Assessing microhabitat, landscape features and intraguild relationships in the occupancy of the enigmatic and threatened Andean tiger cat (Leopardus tigrinus pardinoides) in the cloud forests of northwestern Colombia.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Cepeda-Duque JC, Andrade-Ponce G, Montes-Rojas A
1083. Classifying invasive lobular carcinoma as special type breast cancer may be reducing its treatment success: A comparison of survival among invasive lobular carcinoma, invasive ductal carcinoma, and no-lobular special type breast cancer.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Cosar R, Sut N, Topaloglu S
1084. Comparative genomics and virulome analysis reveal unique features associated with clinical strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Klebsiella quasipneumoniae from Trinidad, West Indies.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Pustam A, Jayaraman J, Ramsubhag A.
1085. Identification of a partnership model between a university, for-profit, and not-for-profit organization to address health professions education and health inequality gaps through simulation-based education: A scoping review protocol.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Siraj S, Momand B, Brunton G
1086. The possible molecular mechanism underlying the involvement of the variable shear factor QKI in the epithelial-mesenchymal transformation of oesophageal cancer.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Cui Y, Wu Y, Zhu Y
1087. Comparing the diagnostic performance of ordinary, mixed, and lasso logistic regression models at identifying opioid and cannabinoid poisoning in U.S. dogs using pet demographic and clinical data reported to an animal poison control center (2005-2014).
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Howard-Azzeh M, Pearl DL, O'Sullivan TL
1088. Analytical comparability to evaluate impact of manufacturing changes of ARX788, an Anti-HER2 ADC in late-stage clinical development.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Yu W, Ramprasad MP, Pal M
1089. Are people really less moral in their foreign language? Proficiency and comprehension matter for the moral foreign language effect in Russian speakers.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Kirova A, Tang Y, Conway P.
1090. Effects of SmartStax® and SmartStax® PRO maize on western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) larval feeding injury and adult life history parameters.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Reinders JD, Moar WJ, Head GP
1091. Psychological factors and production behaviors of Chinese undergraduate EFL learners.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Wang Z.
1092. Current and future costs of cancer attributable to insufficient leisure-time physical activity in Brazil.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Ferreira da Silva RC, Malhão TA, Rezende LFM
1093. Differentiated service delivery models for antiretroviral treatment refills in Northern Nigeria: Experiences of people living with HIV and health care providers-A qualitative study.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Semo BW, Ezeokafor N, Adeyemi S
1094. Impact of the covid-19 pandemic on mental health and sexuality of female doctors.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
de Souza Ziegler N, Muller GC, Grossi FS
1095. Phase 1b study on the repurposing of meclizine hydrochloride for children with achondroplasia.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Matsushita M, Kitoh H, Mishima K
1096. Absolute quantification of neuromelanin in formalin-fixed human brains using absorbance spectrophotometry.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Chand DA, Scadeng M, Dieriks BV.
1097. Prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors among Asian migrant workers in South Korea.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Bhandari P.
1098. SIRT1 and antioxidants in infertile females: Exploration of the role of vitamin D.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Alam F, Shahid M, Riffat S
1099. A physics-based model of swarming jellyfish.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Gengel E, Kuplik Z, Angel D
1100. Evaluation of first trimester maternal serum inhibin-A for preeclampsia screening.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Moungmaithong S, Kwan AH, Tse AW
1101. A new surgical tape with a mesh designed to prevent skin tears and reduce pain during tape removal.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Rikihisa N, Mitsukawa N, Rikhisa H
1102. Mild antecedent COVID-19 associated with symptom-specific post-acute sequelae.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Walker TA, Truong AD, Summers A
1103. The role of photobehaviour in sponge larval dispersal and settlement.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Whalan S.
1104. Construction and application of an applicability evaluation system for garlic planters based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Song H, Dai X.
1105. Assigning harvested waterfowl to geographic origin using feather δ2H isoscapes: What is the best analytical approach?
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Kusack JW, Tozer DC, Harvey KM
1106. Innate attraction and aversion to odors in locusts.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Ray S, Sun K, Stopfer M.
1107. Eating disorders in weight-related therapy (EDIT): Protocol for a systematic review with individual participant data meta-analysis of eating disorder risk in behavioural weight management.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Jebeile H, Lister NB, Libesman S
1108. Categorical consistency facilitates implicit learning of color-number associations.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Retter TL, Eraßmy L, Schiltz C.
1109. Economic value in the Brain: A meta-analysis of willingness-to-pay using the Becker-DeGroot-Marschak auction.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Newton-Fenner A, Hewitt D, Henderson J
1110. Augmented reality-based affective training for improving care communication skill and empathy.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Nakazawa A, Iwamoto M, Kurazume R
1111. Exposure to self-reported traumatic events and probable PTSD in a national sample of Poles: Why does Poland's PTSD prevalence differ from other national estimates?
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Rzeszutek M, Dragan M, Lis-Turlejska M
1112. Contrastive multiple correspondence analysis (cMCA): Using contrastive learning to identify latent subgroups in political parties.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Fujiwara T, Liu TP.
1113. What does the demographic profile of convicts tell us about social equity in India?
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Mukhopadhyay P, Desouza S, Lolayekar AP.
1114. COVID-19 risk perception and public compliance with preventive measures: Evidence from a multi-wave household survey in the MENA region.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Abu Hatab A, Krautscheid L, Amuakwa-Mensah F.
1115. Association of plasma miRNAs with early life performance and aging in dairy cattle.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
MacLeay M, Banos G, Donadeu FX.
1116. Effects of heterozygous deletion of autism-related gene Cullin-3 in mice.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Xia QQ, Walker AK, Song C
1117. Development and validation of an environmental DNA assay to detect federally threatened groundwater salamanders in central Texas.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Adcock ZC, Adcock ME, Forstner MRJ.
1118. Expression analysis of box C/D snoRNAs with SNPs between C57BL/6 and MSM/Ms strains in male mouse.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Saito R, Otsu M, Kiyosawa H
1119. Establishment of the lymphoid ETS-code reveals deregulated ETS genes in Hodgkin lymphoma.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Nagel S, Meyer C, Pommerenke C.
1120. Deep audio embeddings for vocalisation clustering.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Best P, Paris S, Glotin H
1121. Validation of a French version of the Breakthrough Pain Assessment Tool in cancer patients: Factorial structure, reliability and responsiveness.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Perceau-Chambard E, Roche S, Tricou C
1122. Multi-objective sustainable supply chain network optimization based on chaotic particle-Ant colony algorithm.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Zhang T, Xie W, Wei M
1123. Prevalence and associated factors of pediatric hypertension in Jazan region, south of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A pilot cross-sectional study.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
El-Setouhy M, Safhi AM, Dallak MY
1124. Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection among patients of a tertiary hospital in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, PR China.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Guan YB, Sun XX, Chen SL
1125. Surface-Framework structure: A neural network structure for weakening gridding effect in PCB mark-point semantic segmentation.
PLoS One
2023 Jul 10
Wang Y, Song J, Wang S
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