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1. The career paths of researchers in long-term employment on short-term contracts: Case study from a UK university.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Menard CB, Shinton S.
2. Methodology to estimate natural- and vaccine-induced antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in a large geographic region.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
DeSantis SM, León-Novelo LG, Swartz MD
3. The complexity of examining laboratory-based biological markers associated with mortality in hospitalized patients during early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and evidence map.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Griffith LE, Ali MU, Andreacchi A
4. Evaluation of transabdominal and transperineal ultrasound-derived prostate specific antigen (PSA) density and clinical utility compared to MRI prostate volumes: A feasibility study.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Pantelidou M, Caglic I, George A
5. Associations between self-reported masticatory dysfunction and frailty: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Kojima G, Taniguchi Y, Iwasaki M
6. Vaccine effectiveness against severe COVID-19 outcomes within the French overseas territories: A cohort study of 2-doses vaccinated individuals matched to unvaccinated ones followed up until September 2021 and based on the National Health Data System.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Semenzato L, Botton J, Baricault B
7. Predictors of early resumption of post-partum sexual intercourse among post-partum period women in Ethiopia: A multilevel analysis based on Ethiopian demographic and health survey 2016.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Asratie MH, Andualem Z.
8. Utilisation and costs of mental health-related service use among adolescents.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Ziebold C, Silva-Ribeiro W, King D
9. Community-based medication delivery program for antihypertensive medications improves adherence and reduces blood pressure.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Tran DN, Kangogo K, Amisi JA
10. Biperiden for prevention of post-traumatic epilepsy: A protocol of a double-blinded placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial (BIPERIDEN trial).
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Foresti ML, Garzon E, Pinheiro CCG
11. Development of lab score system for predicting COVID-19 patient severity: A retrospective analysis.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Sarkar A, Sanyal S, Majumdar A
12. The vaccination is positive; I don't think it's the panacea": A qualitative study on COVID-19 vaccine attitudes among ethnically diverse healthcare workers in the United Kingdom.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Gogoi M, Wobi F, Qureshi I
13. Like the new and hate the old: The impact of fiscal decentralization on regional development strategy.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Liu M, Gong F, Song W.
14. Multiple criteria decision analysis for therapeutic innovations in a hemophilia care center: A pilot study of the organizational impact of innovation in hemophilia care management.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Beny K, Dubromel A, du Sartz de Vigneulles B
15. Identifying family-child activities among children with prenatal drug exposure in a Tribal Nation: Caregiver perspectives on barriers, facilitators and positive outcomes.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Russette H, Brown J, Belcourt A
16. What can we do to actually reach all these animals?" Evaluating approaches to improving working equid welfare.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Haddy E, Brown J, Burden F
17. Discussing prognosis and the end of life with patients with advanced cancer or COPD: A qualitative study.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Owusuaa C, van Lent LGG, van 't Spijker A
18. An open-source, low-cost voluntary running activity tracking tool for in vivo rodent studies.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Deitzler GE, Bira NP, Davidson JR
19. Understanding the role of e-cigarette use in smoking cessation based on the stages of change model.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Yoon W, Cho I, Cho SI.
20. Improving lifestyle behaviours among women in Kisantu, the Democratic Republic of the Congo: A protocol of a cluster randomised controlled trial.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Sagastume D, Sibongwere DK, Kidima O
21. Structural modeling for Oxford histological classifications of immunoglobulin A nephropathy.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Joh K, Nakazato T, Hashiguchi A
22. Parity and mode of birth and their relationships with quality of life: A longitudinal study.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Davis DL, Wu C, Brown WJ
23. A comparative phytochemical study of nine Lauraceae species by using chemometric data analysis.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Oh M, Park HS, Um S
24. Prevention of non-infectious pulmonary complications after intra-bone marrow stem cell transplantation in mice.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Yamasuji-Maeda Y, Nishimori H, Seike K
25. Determinants of the health care service choices of long-term mechanical ventilation patients: Applying andersen's behavioral model.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Liang HY, Lee MD, Lin KC
26. Arsenic exposure and respiratory outcomes during childhood in the INMA study.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Signes-Pastor AJ, Díaz-Coto S, Martinez-Camblor P
27. Opinions on integrating couple counselling and female sexual reproductive health services into Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision services in Lilongwe, Malawi.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Maseko B, Bula A, Sasse S
28. Outdoor residual spraying for malaria vector-control in Kayin (Karen) state, Myanmar: A cluster randomized controlled trial.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Chaumeau V, Kajeechiwa L, Kulabkeeree T
29. Association between retinitis pigmentosa and an increased risk of primary angle closure glaucoma: A population-based cohort study.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Hung MC, Chen YY.
30. The associations between ADHD, pain, inflammation, and quality of life in children and adolescents-a clinical study protocol.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Kerekes N, Lundqvist S, Schubert Hjalmarsson E
31. Colorectal cancers with a residual adenoma component: Clinicopathologic features and KRAS mutation.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Lee HW, Song B, Kim K.
32. Cohort profile: The Australian Paediatric Exposure to Radiation Cohort (Aust-PERC).
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
McBain-Miller J, Scurrah KJ, Brady Z
33. Natural diversity of the honey bee (Apis mellifera) gut bacteriome in various climatic and seasonal states.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Papp M, Békési L, Farkas R
34. Postoperative C-reactive protein as a predictive marker for surgical site infection after cesarean section: Retrospective analysis of 748 patients at a Japanese academic institution.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Miyazaki K, Jwa SC, Katayama E
35. Psychometric properties of performance-based measures of physical function administered via telehealth among people with chronic conditions: A systematic review.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Barry Walsh C, Cahalan R, Hinman RS
36. Dynamics of anti-SARS-CoV-2 seroconversion in individual patients and at the population level.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Szewczyk-Dąbrowska A, Budziar W, Baniecki K
37. Sexual dimorphism in response to repetitive bouts of acute aerobic exercise in rodents with type 1 diabetes mellitus.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 9
Larocque JC, Gardy S, Sammut M
38. Decoding declarative memory process for predicting memory retrieval based on source localization.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 8
Kalafatovich J, Lee M, Lee SW.
39. Safety assessment of Mpp75Aa1.1, a new ETX_MTX2 protein from Brevibacillus laterosporus that controls western corn rootworm.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 8
Wang C, Bean GJ, Chen CJ
40. Predominance of t355/ST152/SCCmec V clonal type among PVL-positive MRSA isolates in a tertiary care hospital in Belgrade, Serbia.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 8
Rakonjac B, Lepšanović Z, Šuljagić V
41. The pattern and use of Twitter among dental schools in Saudi Arabia.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 8
Al-Khalifa KS, AlMuhammadi FN, AlOraifi NY
42. Hybrid of deep learning and exponential smoothing for enhancing crime forecasting accuracy.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 7
Butt UM, Letchmunan S, Hassan FH
43. Morbidities, health problems, health care seeking and utilization behaviour among elderly residing on urban areas of eastern Nepal: A cross-sectional study.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 7
Poudel M, Ojha A, Thapa J
44. An investigation into the effects and effectiveness of correlation network filtration methods with financial returns.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 7
Millington T.
45. Dialysate calcium, alfacalcidol, and clinical outcomes: A post-hoc analysis of the J-DAVID trial.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 7
Iseki K, Kabata D, Shoji T
46. Generation of full-length circular RNA libraries for Oxford Nanopore long-read sequencing.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 7
Fuchs S, Babin L, Andraos E
47. Comparison of species-specific qPCR and metabarcoding methods to detect small pelagic fish distribution from open ocean environmental DNA.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 7
Yu Z, Ito SI, Wong MK
48. Origin and diversification of free-living stick spiders of Sri Lanka including the description of four new species of Rhomphaea L. Koch, 1872 and two new species of Neospintharus Exline, 1950.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 7
Tharmarajan M, Benjamin SP.
49. Human-Plant Coevolution: A modelling framework for theory-building on the origins of agriculture.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 7
Angourakis A, Alcaina-Mateos J, Madella M
50. Prosocial spending encourages happiness: A replication of the only experiment reported in Dunn, Aknin, and Norton (2008).
PLoS One
2022 Sep 7
Kim G, Adams I, Diaw M
51. Effects of aging on neural processing during an active listening task.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 7
Kuruvilla-Mathew A, Thorne PR, Purdy SC.
52. Colorectal cancer-associated SNP rs17042479 is involved in the regulation of NAF1 promoter activity.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 6
Olsson JB, Gugerel MB, Jessen SB
53. Parents'/caregivers' fears and concerns about their child's epilepsy: A scoping review.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 6
Carter B, Cook G, Bray L
54. Overlap between dengue, Zika and chikungunya hotspots in the city of Rio de Janeiro.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 6
Queiroz ERDS, Medronho RA.
55. Sexual reproduction and auxospore development in the diatom Biddulphia biddulphiana.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 6
Kaczmarska I, Ehrman JM, Ashworth MP.
56. Evaluation of a standardized test protocol to measure wheelchair-specific anaerobic and aerobic exercise capacity in healthy novices on an instrumented roller ergometer.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 6
Janssen RJF, Vegter RJK, Houdijk H
57. Geographic proximity to primary care providers as a risk-assessment criterion for quality performance measures.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 6
Bell N, Lòpez-De Fede A, Cai B
58. Little noticed, but very important: The role of breeding sites formed by bamboos in maintaining the diversity of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Atlantic Forest biome.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 6
Müller GA, de Mello CF, Bueno AS
59. Methylation levels assessment with Methylation-Sensitive High-Resolution Melting (MS-HRM).
PLoS One
2022 Sep 6
Samsø Mathiasen S, Bińkowski J, Kjeldsen T
60. COMPASS II-Coordination of Medical Professions Aiming at Sustainable Support Protocol for a feasibility study of cooperation between general practitioner practices and community care points.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 6
Peter L, Stumm J, Wäscher C
61. An assessment of prevalence of Type 1 CFI rare variants in European AMD, and why lack of broader genetic data hinders development of new treatments and healthcare access.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 6
Jones AV, Curtiss D, Harris C
62. Optimization of technique parameters of pneumatic molding for rice straw bowl tray.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 6
Li H, Wang C, Sun H
63. Cancer symptom clusters in adult patients undergoing chemotherapy: A systematic review and meta-analysis protocol.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 6
Lopes-Júnior LC, Ferrarini T, Pires LBC
64. Spinal pain patients seeking care in primary care and referred to physiotherapy: A cross-sectional study on patients characteristics, referral information and physiotherapy care offered by general practitioners and physiotherapists in France.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 6
Demont A, Benaïssa L, Recoque V
65. A joint ventricle and WMH segmentation from MRI for evaluation of healthy and pathological changes in the aging brain.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 6
Atlason HE, Love A, Robertsson V
66. Screw analysis and experimental study of spatial noncircular gear compound transmission.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 30
Yu Y, Lin C.
67. Combined short-axis out-of-plane and long-axis in-plane approach versus long-axis in-plane approach for ultrasound-guided central venous catheterization in infants and small children: A randomized controlled trial.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 30
Takeshita J, Nakajima Y, Tachibana K
68. Key topics in pandemic health risk communication: A qualitative study of expert opinions and knowledge.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 30
Berg SH, Shortt MT, Røislien J
69. A multi-method characterization of Elasmobranch & Cheloniidae communities of the north-eastern Red Sea and Gulf of Aqaba.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 30
Garzon F, Williams CT, Cochran JEM
70. Performance of novel antibodies for lipoarabinomannan to develop diagnostic tests for Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 30
Cantera JL, Lillis LM, Peck RB
71. Barriers to anti-retroviral therapy adherence among adolescents aged 10 to 19 years living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa: A mixed-methods systematic review protocol.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 30
Hlophe LD, Tamuzi JL, Shumba C
72. Numerical study of sediment scour at meander flume outlet of boxed culvert diversion work.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 30
Le HTT, Nguyen CV, Le DH.
73. Demographic and cultural correlates of traditional eating among Alaska Native adults at risk for cardiovascular disease.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 30
Sanders MA, Oppezzo M, Skan J
74. Association of androgen receptor expression with glucose metabolic features in triple-negative breast cancer.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 30
Lee R, Lee HB, Paeng JC
75. Key factors influencing motivation among health extension workers and health care professionals in four regions of Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 30
Abate M, Mulissa Z, Magge H
76. Tumor growth monitoring in breast cancer xenografts: A good technique for a strong ethic.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 30
Rodallec A, Vaghi C, Ciccolini J
77. Health sector readiness for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases: A multi-method qualitative assessment in Nepal.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 30
Sapkota BP, Baral KP, Berger U
78. Institutional factors associated with the incidence rates of central line-associated bloodstream infection in California community hospitals.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 30
Nelson EC, Wang CH, Huang G
79. Analysis of a brief biodata scale as a predictor of job performance and its incremental validity over the Big Five and Dark Tetrad personality traits.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 30
Ramos-Villagrasa PJ, Fernández-Del-Río E, Castro Á.
80. Application of minimum error entropy unscented Kalman filter in table tennis trajectory prediction.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 30
Luo S, Niu J, Zheng P
81. Compliance to HIV testing and counseling guidelines at antenatal care clinics in the Kassena-Nankana districts of northern Ghana: A qualitative study.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 30
Choi WA, Sakeah E, Oduro AR
82. Seed production of wild soybean (Glycine soja Sieb. et Zucc.) under favorable, ruderal, and natural growing conditions.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 29
Mizuguti A, Aoki D, Takamoto K
83. Preferences of oral nutritional supplement therapy among postoperative patients with gastric cancer: Attributes development for a discrete choice experiment.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 29
Wang Q, Chen Y, Peng Y
84. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on human-nature relations in a remote nature-based tourism destination.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 29
Mul E, Ancin Murguzur FJ, Hausner VH.
85. Apple fruit periderms (russeting) induced by wounding or by moisture have the same histologies, chemistries and gene expressions.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 29
Chen YH, Straube J, Khanal BP
86. Strengthening government's response to COVID-19 in Indonesia: A modified Delphi study of medical and health academics.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 29
Mahendradhata Y, Lestari T, Djalante R.
87. Association between frequency of mass media exposure and maternal health care service utilization among women in sub-Saharan Africa: Implications for tailored health communication and education.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 29
Aboagye RG, Seidu AA, Ahinkorah BO
88. Perinatal outcome of twin pregnancies among mothers who gave birth in Adama Hospital Medical College, Central Ethiopia.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 29
Beyene M, Abdo Komicha M, Hussien H
89. Atomic force microscopy identifies the alteration of rheological properties of the cardiac fibroblasts in idiopathic restrictive cardiomyopathy.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 29
Matsumoto M, Tsuru H, Suginobe H
90. Sex differences in the impact of resistance exercise load on muscle damage: A protocol for a randomised parallel group trial.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 29
Pearson AG, Macnaughton LS, Hind K.
91. Associations between cardiorespiratory fitness and diverticulitis in older adults.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 29
Song BK, Saavedra JM, Lefferts EC
92. Identification and mitigation of high-risk pregnancy with the Community Maternal Danger Score Mobile Application in Gboko, Nigeria.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 29
Bola R, Ujoh F, Lett R.
93. Percutaneous coronary intervention using new-generation drug-eluting stents versus coronary arterial bypass grafting in stable patients with multi-vessel coronary artery disease: From the CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry Cohort-3.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 29
Watanabe H, Yamamoto K, Shiomi H
94. Rapid assessment of hand reaching using virtual reality and application in cerebellar stroke.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 29
Isenstein EL, Waz T, LoPrete A
95. Evaluating the impact of maternal health care policy on stillbirth and perinatal mortality in Ghana; a mixed method approach using two rounds of Ghana demographic and health survey data sets and qualitative design technique.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 29
Azaare J, Akweongo P, Aryeteey GC
96. Health professionals' readiness and its associated factors to implement Telemedicine system at private hospitals in Amhara region, Ethiopia 2021.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 29
Wubante SM, Nigatu AM, Jemere AT.
97. Sexual and addictive risk behaviors and sexually transmitted infections in illegal gold miners in French Guiana: A multicenter observational study.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 29
Mutricy-Hureau L, Pisoni A, Suarez-Mutis M
98. Maize variety preferences among smallholder farmers in Ethiopia: Implications for demand-led breeding and seed sector development.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 29
Marenya P, Wanyama R, Alemu S
99. A transcriptome-wide association study of uterine fibroids to identify potential genetic markers and toxic chemicals.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 29
Kim G, Jang G, Song J
100. Projection in genomic analysis: A theoretical basis to rationalize tensor decomposition and principal component analysis as feature selection tools.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 29
Taguchi YH, Turki T.
101. Applicability of tools to identify potentially inappropriate prescribing in elderly during medication review: Comparison of STOPP/START version 2, Beers 2019, EU(7)-PIM list, PRISCUS list, and Amsterdam tool-A pilot study.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 29
Lisowska A, Czepielewska E, Rydz M
102. A novel assessment method for COVID-19 humoral immunity duration using serial measurements in naturally infected and vaccinated subjects.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 29
de Boer J, Saade U, Granjon E
103. Composted invasive plant Ageratina adenophora enhanced barley (Hordeum vulgare) growth and soil conditions.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 29
Liu H, Zhao Q, Cheng Y.
104. Utility of periodic medical questionnaires and examinations for immune-related adverse event screening: A prospective observational study.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 29
Azuma T, Kano M, Iwata S
105. Intracellular cytokine detection based on flow cytometry in hemocytes from Galleria mellonella larvae: A new protocol.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 29
Wrońska AK, Kaczmarek A, Sobich J
106. Molecular structure characterization analysis and molecular model construction of anthracite.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 28
Jia J, Wu Y, Zhao D
107. Hybrid encryption technique: Integrating the neural network with distortion techniques.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 28
Abu Zitar R, Al-Muhammed MJ.
108. Joint effect of temperature and insect chitosan on the heat resistance of Bacillus cereus spores in rice derivatives.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 28
Valdez MI, Úbeda-Manzanaro M, Narvaes C
109. Mutations of tyrosine 467 in the human norepinephrine transporter attenuate HIV-1 Tat-induced inhibition of dopamine transport while retaining physiological function.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 28
Strauss MJ, Porter KD, Quizon PM
110. Women's status, breastfeeding support, and breastfeeding practices in the United States.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 28
Yourkavitch J, Hall Smith P.
111. A pilot study investigating human behaviour towards DAVE (Dog Assisted Virtual Environment) and interpretation of non-reactive and aggressive behaviours during a virtual reality exploration task.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 28
Oxley JA, Meyer G, Cant I
112. Optimized protocol for translatome analysis of mouse brain endothelial cells.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 28
Kim N, Jun MH, Jeong JY
113. Women with perinatal suicidal ideation-A scoping review of the biopsychosocial risk factors to inform health service provision and research.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 28
Bright AM, Doody O, Tuohy T.
114. Are interferon-gamma release assays reliable to detect tuberculosis infection in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with Janus kinase inhibitors?
PLoS One
2022 Sep 28
Scrivo R, Molteni E, Castellani C
115. Demand-supply-side barriers affecting maternal health service utilization among rural women of West Shoa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia: A qualitative study.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 28
Shallo SA, Daba DB, Abubekar A.
116. Understanding the expression of loneliness on Twitter across age groups and genders.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 28
Andy A, Sherman G, Guntuku SC.
117. Obesity and acute stress modulate appetite and neural responses in food word reactivity task.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 28
Carnell S, Benson L, Papantoni A
118. Form for planning and elaborating high fidelity simulation scenarios: A validation study.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 28
Kaneko RMU, Monteiro I, Lopes MHBM.
119. Saliva sample for detection of SARS-CoV-2: A possible alternative for mass testing.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 28
Salu OB, Akase IE, Anyanwu RA
120. How much does it cost to implement the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative training step in the United States and Mexico?
PLoS One
2022 Sep 28
Arslanian KJ, Vilar-Compte M, Teruel G
121. Dogs can discriminate between human baseline and psychological stress condition odours.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 28
Wilson C, Campbell K, Petzel Z
122. Relationships among creativity indices: Creative potential, production, achievement, and beliefs about own creative personality.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 28
Ishiguro C, Sato Y, Takahashi A
123. Exploring contextual adaptations in caregiver interventions for families raising children with developmental disabilities.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 28
Szlamka Z, Hanlon C, Tekola B
124. Registered report protocol: A scoping review to identify potential predictors as features for developing automated estimation of the probability of being frail in secondary care.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 27
van Dalen DH, Kerckhoffs APM, de Vries E.
125. Healthcare resource utilization in patients with treatment-resistant depression-A Danish national registry study.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 27
Jensen KJ, Gronemann FH, Ankarfeldt MZ
126. Preservation of microscopic fur, feather, and bast fibers in the Mesolithic ochre grave of Majoonsuo, Eastern Finland.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 27
Kirkinen T, López-Costas O, Martínez Cortizas A
127. Analysis of water quality over non-condensable gases concentration on steam used for sterilization.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 27
Miguel EA, Laranjeira PR, Ishii M
128. Laboratory and field evaluation of the STANDARD Q and Panbio™ SARS-CoV-2 antigen rapid test in Namibia using nasopharyngeal samples.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 27
Konstantinus I, Chiwara D, Ndevaetela EE
129. The presence of spin in systematic reviews focused on diabetic neuropathy: A cross-sectional analysis.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 26
Khan A, Riley H, Ottwell R
130. Social expectations and government incentives in Malaysia's COVID-19 vaccine uptake.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 26
Abdul Aziz NI, Flanders S, Nungsari M.
131. Intention to obtain a COVID-19 vaccine among Brazilian immigrant women in the U.S.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 26
Allen JD, Priebe Rocha L, Rose R
132. Application of optical coherence tomography angiography to assess systemic severity in patients with hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 26
Kakihara S, Hirano T, Kitahara J
133. Impulse dispersion of aerosols during playing the recorder and evaluation of safety measures.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 26
Köberlein M, Hermann L, Gantner S
134. Trends and outcomes of percutaneous coronary intervention during the COVID-19 pandemic in Michigan.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 26
Azzalini L, Seth M, Sukul D
135. The use of telehealth in the provision of after-hours palliative care services in rural and remote Australia: A scoping review.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 26
Namasivayam P, Bui DT, Low C
136. Inadvertent QRS prolongation by an optimization device-based algorithm in patients with cardiac resynchronization therapy.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 26
Sedláček K, Polášek R, Jansová H
137. Prevalence of self-reported diabetes risk factors and integration of diabetes screening and referral at two urban HIV care and treatment clinics in Zambia.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 26
Baumgartner JN, Nyambe N, Vasudevan L
138. Investigation of urinary metabolomics in a phase I hookworm vaccine trial in Gabon.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 26
Betouke Ongwe ME, Mouwenda YD, Stam KA
139. Deep learning recommendation algorithm based on semantic mining.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 26
Huang Y, Wang H, Wang R.
140. Non-communicable diseases prevention in remote areas of Vietnam: Limited roles of health education and community workers.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 26
Le HT, Le TA, Mac TD
141. Developing a socio-ecological model for community engagement in a health programme in an underserved urban area.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 26
Caperon L, Saville F, Ahern S.
142. New methodology of TMB assessment from tissue and liquid biopsy in NSCLC.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 26
Křížová Ľ, Šafaříková M, Kalousová M
143. Three dimensional analysis of hip joint reaction force using Q Hip Force (AQHF) software: Implication as a diagnostic tool.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 26
Abd El-Tawab AE, Farhana A.
144. Low rate of SARS-CoV-2 incident infection identified by weekly screening PCR in a prospective year-long cohort study.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 26
Harrington WE, Yeung W, Beck IA
145. Photosymbiont associations persisted in planktic foraminifera during early Eocene hyperthermals at Shatsky Rise (Pacific Ocean).
PLoS One
2022 Sep 26
Davis CV, Shaw JO, D'haenens S
146. Association between predialysis creatinine and mortality in acute kidney injury patients requiring dialysis.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 26
Chang HH, Wu CL, Tsai CC
147. Algorithms for the executable programs planning on supercomputers.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 26
Algashami AM.
148. Self-care practice and its associated factors among diabetic patients attending public hospitals in Gurage zone southwest, Ethiopia.
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2022 Sep 26
Emire MS, Zewudie BT, Tarekegn TT
149. Acute melanization of silkworm hemolymph by peptidoglycans of the human commensal bacterium Cutibacterium acnes.
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2022 Sep 26
Matsumoto Y, Sato E, Sugita T.
150. Muscle contractile exercise through a belt electrode device prevents myofiber atrophy, muscle contracture, and muscular pain in immobilized rat gastrocnemius muscle.
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2022 Sep 23
Honda Y, Takahashi A, Tanaka N
151. Did Covid-19 lockdown positively affect the urban environment and UN- Sustainable Development Goals?
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2022 Sep 23
Nigam R, Tripathi G, Priya T
152. Number of transurethral procedures after non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer and survival in causes other than bladder cancer.
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2022 Sep 23
Holmberg L, Hagberg O, Häggström C
153. Time to non-adherence to iron and folic acid supplementation and associated factors among pregnant women in Hosanna town, South Ethiopia: Cox-proportional hazard model.
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2022 Sep 23
Bancha B, Lajore BA, Petros L
154. Status of the HIV epidemic in Manicaland, east Zimbabwe prior to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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2022 Sep 23
Rao A, Moorhouse L, Maswera R
155. Versatile seamless DNA vector production in E. coli using enhanced phage lambda integrase.
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2022 Sep 23
Roy S, Peter S, Dröge P.
156. Evaluation of family planning service delivery in Gondar city public health facilities, Northwest Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study.
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2022 Sep 23
Abay S, Hagos T, Dellie E
157. Design, synthesis, anti-proliferative evaluation, docking, and MD simulations studies of new thiazolidine-2,4-diones targeting VEGFR-2 and apoptosis pathway.
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2022 Sep 23
Taghour MS, Elkady H, Eldehna WM
158. How do people think about the implementation of speech and video recognition technology in emergency medical practice?
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2022 Sep 23
Kim KH, Hong KJ, Shin SD
159. A computational model to explore how temporal stimulation patterns affect synapse plasticity.
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2022 Sep 23
Amano R, Nakao M, Matsumiya K
160. Use of machine learning to examine disparities in completion of substance use disorder treatment.
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2022 Sep 23
Baird A, Cheng Y, Xia Y.
161. Ethno-pharmacological investigations of Moringa stenopetala Bak. Cuf. and its production challenges in southern Ethiopia.
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2022 Sep 23
Tesfaye A, Anjulo A, Fekadu A
162. Effectiveness and safety of apixaban vs warfarin among venous thromboembolism patients at high-risk of bleeding.
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2022 Sep 23
Cohen AT, Sah J, Dhamane AD
163. Antifungal compounds, GC-MS analysis and toxicity assessment of methanolic extracts of Trichoderma species in an animal model.
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Mulatu A, Megersa N, Tolcha T
164. Backlash policy diffusion to populists in power.
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2022 Sep 23
Adams JF, Böhmelt T, Ezrow L
165. Edge effects and vertical stratification of aerial insectivorous bats across the interface of primary-secondary Amazonian rainforest.
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2022 Sep 23
Yoh N, Clarke JA, López-Baucells A
166. Pose-gait analysis for cetacean biologging tag data.
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Zhang D, Goodbar K, West N
167. TARGETing secondary school students' motivation towards physical education: The role of student-perceived mastery climate teaching strategies.
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2022 Sep 22
Weeldenburg G, Borghouts L, Laak TV
168. Objective and subjective measures of sleep in men with Muscular Dystrophy.
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2022 Sep 22
Morse CI, Onambele-Pearson G, Edwards B
169. Safety and feasibility of continuous ketamine infusion for analgosedation in medical and cardiac ICU patients who received mechanical ventilation support: A retrospective cohort study.
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2022 Sep 22
Jung H, Lee J, Ahn HY
170. Comparison of radiographic methods for detecting radiolucent uroliths in dogs.
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2022 Sep 22
Faria LA, Meirelles AÉWB, Froes TR
171. Sure-thing vs. probabilistic charitable giving: Experimental evidence on the role of individual differences in risky and ambiguous charitable decision-making.
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2022 Sep 22
Schoenegger P, Costa-Gomes M.
172. Tax preference, financing constraints and enterprise investment efficiency-Experience, of China's enterprises investment.
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Zhai L, Feng Y, Li F
173. Enhancing grant-writing expertise in BUILD institutions: Building infrastructure leading to diversity.
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2022 Sep 22
Hiatt RA, Carrasco YP, Paciorek AL
174. A study measuring the degree of integration between the digital economy and logistics industry in China.
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2022 Sep 22
Zhang W, Liu H, Yao Y
175. Regional variation in brain tissue texture in patients with tonic-clonic seizures.
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2022 Sep 22
Ogren JA, Allen LA, Roy B
176. Patient-derived monoclonal antibody neutralizes HCV infection in vitro and vivo without generating escape mutants.
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2022 Sep 22
Yokokawa H, Shinohara M, Teraoka Y
177. The effects of aging and musicianship on the use of auditory streaming cues.
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2022 Sep 22
Sauvé SA, Marozeau J, Rich Zendel B.
178. Alteration of plasma von Willebrand factor in the treatment of retinal vein occlusion with cystoid macular edema.
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2022 Sep 22
Hirai H, Yamashita M, Matsumoto M
179. Endophytic Metarhizium robertsii suppresses the phytopathogen, Cochliobolus heterostrophus and modulates  maize defenses.
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2022 Sep 22
Ahmad I, Jiménez-Gasco MDM, Luthe DS
180. Do disease status and race affect the efficacy of zoledronic acid in patients with prostate cancer? A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized control trials.
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2022 Sep 22
Chen C, Lin M, Yu D
181. Dental health in patients with and without HPV-positive oropharyngeal and tongue cancer.
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2022 Sep 22
Jouhi L, Sikiö J, Suomalainen A
182. Soil quality under different land uses in eastern India: Evaluation by using soil indicators and quality index.
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2022 Sep 22
De P, Deb S, Deb D
183. C-reactive protein concentrations are higher in dogs with stage IV chronic kidney disease treated with intermittent hemodialysis.
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2022 Sep 22
Picelli de Azevedo MG, Salgueiro Geraldes S, Bilbau Sant'Anna P
184. Unilateral cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation over the parietal area modulates postural control depending with eyes open and closed.
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2022 Sep 22
Oka S, Ikeda T, Mitsutake T
185. Analysis of the extent of limbic system changes in multiple sclerosis using FreeSurfer and voxel-based morphometry approaches.
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2022 Sep 22
Abuaf AF, Bunting SR, Klein S
186. Mitochondrial DNA barcoding of mosquito species (Diptera: Culicidae) in Thailand.
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2022 Sep 22
Chaiphongpachara T, Changbunjong T, Laojun S
187. Effects of sex and soil water chemistry on leaf morphology and physiology of Myrica gale var. tomentosa.
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2022 Sep 22
Mizuki I, Sango Y, Ishida K
188. Magnetoencephalographic evaluation of repaired lip sensation in patients with cleft lip.
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2022 Sep 22
Kitayama C, Shimada E, Hihara H
189. The impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on students' mental health: A cross-sectional study.
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2022 Sep 22
Mirilović N, Janković J, Latas M.
190. Machine-learning-derived predictive score for early estimation of COVID-19 mortality risk in hospitalized patients.
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2022 Sep 22
González-Cebrián A, Borràs-Ferrís J, Ordovás-Baines JP
191. Nucleation status of Day 2 pre-implantation embryos, acquired by time-lapse imaging during IVF, is associated with live birth.
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2022 Sep 22
Sayed S, Reigstad MM, Petersen BM
192. Cell death induced in glioblastoma cells by Plasma-Activated-Liquids (PAL) is primarily mediated by membrane lipid peroxidation and not ROS influx.
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2022 Sep 22
Gunes S, He Z, Tsoukou E
193. Differential effects of RYGB surgery and best medical treatment for obesity-diabetes on intestinal and islet adaptations in obese-diabetic ZDSD rats.
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2022 Sep 22
Sridhar A, Khan D, Abdelaal M
194. The use of non-model Drosophila species to study natural variation in TOR pathway signaling.
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2022 Sep 22
Steenwinkel TE, Hamre KK, Werner T.
195. Experimental evaluation of DPF performance loaded over Pt and sulfur-resisting material for marine diesel engines.
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2022 Sep 22
Li X, Li K, Yang H
196. Genetic diversity of Ralstonia solanacearum causing vascular bacterial wilt under different agro-climatic regions of West Bengal, India.
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2022 Sep 22
Ghorai AK, Dutta S, Roy Barman A.
197. A comprehensive mobility discharge assessment framework for older adults transitioning from hospital-to-home in the community-What mobility factors are critical to include? Protocol for an international e-Delphi study.
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2022 Sep 22
Kalu ME, Dal Bello-Haas V, Griffin M
198. Self-efficacy and perceived recognition by peers, instructors, and teaching assistants in physics predict bioscience majors' science identity.
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2022 Sep 22
Cwik S, Singh C.
199. Seasonal changes in proportion of cardiac surgeries associated with diabetes, smoking and elderly age.
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2022 Sep 22
Peták F, Kovács BN, Agócs S
200. The ITS analysis and identification of Actinidia eriantha and its related species.
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2022 Sep 22
Zhang X, Zhang Y, Mao J
201. Mapping artisanal and small-scale mines at large scale from space with deep learning.
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2022 Sep 22
Couttenier M, Di Rollo S, Inguere L
202. Geographically weighted regression analysis of anemia and its associated factors among reproductive age women in Ethiopia using 2016 demographic and health survey.
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2022 Sep 22
Belay DG, Adane SM, Ferede OL
203. MicroRNA-206 suppresses growth and metastasis of breast cancer stem cells via blocking EVI-1-mediated CALR expression.
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2022 Sep 22
Sun D, Li C, Zhang F.
204. Allelic variation in shrunken2 gene affecting kernel sweetness in exotic-and indigenous-maize inbreds.
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2022 Sep 22
Chhabra R, Muthusamy V, Baveja A
205. Internationalization, cultural appreciation and institutional governmentality for quality control in transnational higher education cooperation: An empirical assessment.
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2022 Sep 22
Zhu JJ, Wang S.
206. HLA-DRB1: A new potential prognostic factor and therapeutic target of cutaneous melanoma and an indicator of tumor microenvironment remodeling.
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2022 Sep 21
Deng H, Chen Y, Wang J
207. Cost-effectiveness of LiveLighter® - a mass media public education campaign for obesity prevention.
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2022 Sep 21
Ananthapavan J, Tran HNQ, Morley B
208. Predictors for self-discontinuation of anti-osteoporosis medication: A hospital-based real-world study.
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2022 Sep 21
Deng YL, Hsu CS, Hsu CY
209. Epidemiology and infection control of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a German tertiary neonatal intensive and intermediate care unit: A retrospective study (2013-2020).
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2022 Sep 21
Böhne C, Knegendorf L, Schwab F
210. Perceptions and knowledge of breast cancer and breast self-examination among young adult women in southwest Ethiopia: Application of the health belief model.
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2022 Sep 21
Assfa Mossa K.
211. Reverse mutants of the catalytic 19 kDa mutant protein (nanoKAZ/nanoLuc) from Oplophorus luciferase with coelenterazine as preferred substrate.
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2022 Sep 21
Inouye S, Sato JI, Sahara-Miura Y
212. Liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry metabolomics: A useful tool for investigating tumor secretome based on a three-dimensional co-culture model.
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2022 Sep 21
Pelosi AC, Fernandes AMAP, Maciel LF
213. Sea lice (Lepeophtherius salmonis) detection and quantification around aquaculture installations using environmental DNA.
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2022 Sep 21
Krolicka A, Mæland Nilsen M, Klitgaard Hansen B
214. Recurrence pattern predicts aneurysm rupture after coil embolization.
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2022 Sep 21
Nambu I, Misaki K, Uno T
215. Two-step nationwide epidemiological survey of myasthenia gravis in Japan 2018.
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2022 Sep 21
Yoshikawa H, Adachi Y, Nakamura Y
216. A DSM-5 AMPD and ICD-11 compatible measure for an early identification of personality disorders in adolescence-LoPF-Q 12-18 latent structure and short form.
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2022 Sep 21
Zimmermann R, Steppan M, Zimmermann J
217. Risk factors affecting cataract surgery outcome: The Malaysian cataract surgery registry.
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2022 Sep 21
Yong GY, Mohamed-Noor J, Salowi MA
218. Pregestational neurological disorders among women of childbearing age-Nationwide data from a 13-year period in Hungary.
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2022 Sep 21
Bereczki D, Bálint M, Ajtay A
219. Genetic signature of blind reintroductions of Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica) in Catalonia, Northeast Spain.
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2022 Sep 21
Barros T, Fernandes JM, Ferreira E
220. Epidemiology and risk factors related to severity of clinical manifestations of COVID-19 in outpatients: A retrospective study in Haiti.
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Lucien MAB, Pierre K, Jean-Denis G
221. Non-prescription acquisition of antibiotics: Prevalence, motives, pathways and explanatory factors in the Swedish population.
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Munthe C, Malmqvist E, Rönnerstrand B.
222. Learning how a tree branches out: A statistical modeling approach.
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2022 Sep 21
Dutilleul P, Mudalige N, Rivest LP.
223. Same-gender citations do not indicate a substantial gender homophily bias.
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2022 Sep 20
Tekles A, Auspurg K, Bornmann L.
224. Diagnosis and treatment of digestive cancers during COVID-19 in Japan: A Cancer Registry-based Study on the Impact of COVID-19 on Cancer Care in Osaka (CanReCO).
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2022 Sep 20
Kajiwara Saito M, Morishima T, Ma C
225. Bystanders of intimate partner violence against women and their willingness to intervene: An analysis of secondary data in Spain (2005-2020).
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2022 Sep 20
Sánchez-Prada A, Delgado-Alvarez C, Bosch-Fiol E
226. Big data: Airway management at a university hospital over 16 years; a retrospective analysis.
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2022 Sep 20
Hummel R, Wollschläger D, Baldering HJ
227. Explosive transitions to synchronization in networks of frequency dipoles.
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2022 Sep 20
Zhu L, Zhu S.
228. Molecular characterization and biofilm-formation analysis of Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp., and Escherichia coli isolated from Brazilian swine slaughterhouses.
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2022 Sep 20
Dos Santos RL, Davanzo EFA, Palma JM
229. Air pollution in Delhi, India: It's status and association with respiratory diseases.
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2022 Sep 20
Dutta A, Jinsart W.
230. Physician perceptions of drug utilization management: Results of a national survey.
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2022 Sep 20
Edwards ML, Yin PT, Kuehn M
231. Population history and genome wide association studies of birth weight in a native high altitude Ladakhi population.
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Bhandari S, Dolma P, Mukerji M
232. Interspecific forced copulations generate most hybrids in broadly sympatric ducks.
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Rohwer S, Wood CS, Peters JL
233. Trend of hand, foot, and mouth disease from 2010 to 2021 and estimation of the reduction in enterovirus 71 infection after vaccine use in Zhejiang Province, China.
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Wu H, Xue M, Wu C
234. Knowledge transfer of eLearning objects: Lessons learned from an intercontinental capacity building project.
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Lim HM, Ng CJ, Wharrad H
235. Second Intermediate Period date for the Thera (Santorini) eruption and historical implications.
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2022 Sep 20
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236. Photoacclimation of the polar diatom Chaetoceros neogracilis at low temperature.
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Lacour T, Larivière J, Ferland J
237. The elementary forms of digital communication.
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2022 Sep 2
Brown LS, Lewis K.
238. Role of FruR transcriptional regulator in virulence of Listeria monocytogenes and identification of its regulon.
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2022 Sep 2
Abdelhamed H, Ramachandran R, Narayanan L
239. Editorial board interlocking across the social sciences: Modelling the geographic, gender, and institutional representation within and between six academic fields.
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2022 Sep 2
Goyanes M, de-Marcos L, Demeter M
240. The impact of the demographic shift on limb amputation incidence in Saskatchewan, Canada, 2006-2019.
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2022 Sep 2
Essien SK, Zucker-Levin A.
241. Human papillomavirus vaccination of girls in the German model region Saarland: Insurance data-based analysis and identification of starting points for improving vaccination rates.
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Sternjakob-Marthaler A, Berkó-Göttel B, Rissland J
242. Modeling and validation of oviposition by a polyphagous insect pest as a function of temperature and host plant species.
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2022 Sep 2
Lee H, Wintermantel WM, Trumble JT
243. Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) shows therapeutic effect on dimethylnitrosamine (DMN)-induced liver fibrosis in rats.
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Karmacharya MB, Hada B, Park SR
244. Widely targeted metabolomics reveals stamen petaloid tissue of Paeonia lactiflora Pall. being a potential pharmacological resource.
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2022 Sep 2
Liu X, Chen Y, Zhang J
245. Global change differentially modulates Caribbean coral physiology.
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246. Dietary fiber intake and metabolic syndrome in postmenopausal African American women with obesity.
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Lepping K, Adams-Campbell LL, Hicks J
247. A model for designing intraocular pressure-regulating glaucoma implants.
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Pereira ICF, Wyss HM, Pinchuk L
248. Prevalence and factors associated with anaemia in children aged 6-24 months living a high malaria transmission setting in Burundi.
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Nkurunziza JC, Nabukeera-Barungi N, Kalyango JN
249. The relationship between myodural bridges, hyperplasia of the suboccipital musculature, and intracranial pressure.
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2022 Sep 2
Li C, Yue C, Liu ZC
250. Rhinovirus/enterovirus was the most common respiratory virus detected in adults with severe acute respiratory infections pre-COVID-19 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
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Chong YM, Chan YF, Jamaluddin MFH
251. Examining post-conflict stressors in northern Sri Lanka: A qualitative study.
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Thomas FC, D'souza M, Magwood O
252. Accuracy of hepatitis B disease surveillance, Gannan prefecture, Gansu province, China; 2017.
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2022 Sep 19
Wang P, Zhang L, He J
253. Aggregate population-level models informed by genetics predict more suitable habitat than traditional species-level model across the range of a widespread riparian tree.
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Bayliss SLJ, Papeş M, Schweitzer JA
254. On the interplay of temporal resolution power and spatial suppression in their prediction of psychometric intelligence.
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Makowski LM, Rammsayer TH, Tadin D
255. Comparing the Indian Autism Screening Questionnaire (IASQ) and the Indian Scale for Assessment of Autism (ISAA) with the Childhood Autism Rating Scale-Second Edition (CARS2) in Indian settings.
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Chakraborty S, Bhatia T, Antony N
256. A novel machine learning-based approach for the detection and analysis of spontaneous synaptic currents.
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Pircher T, Pircher B, Feigenspan A.
257. Understanding factors influencing uptake and sustainable use of the PINCER intervention at scale: A qualitative evaluation using Normalisation Process Theory.
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Laing L, Salema NE, Jeffries M
258. Acceptance of evolution by high school students: Is religion the key factor?
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Oliveira GDS, Pellegrini G, Araújo LAL
259. Bioelectrical impedance analysis for early screening of upper limb subclinical lymphedema: A case-control study.
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Zhuang L, Chen H, Zheng X
260. Comparison of patient-reported outcomes at one year after injury between limb salvage and amputation: A prospective cohort study.
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Kurozumi T, Inui T, Nakayama Y
261. The effect of footwear on mechanical behaviour of the human ankle plantar-flexors in forefoot runners.
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Bonacci J, Spratford W, Kenneally-Dabrowski C
262. Effect of socioeconomic status on smoking cessation behavior in selected African countries: Secondary analysis of Global Adult Tobacco Survey data (2014-2018).
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Vilane ZG, Kodali PB, Thankappan KR.
263. A lightweight noise-tolerant encryption scheme for secure communication: An unmanned aerial vehicle application.
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Shafique A, Mehmood A, Elhadef M
264. Differences in risk factors for surgical site infection between laparotomy and laparoscopy in gastrointestinal surgery.
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Utsumi M, Yamada T, Yamabe K
265. Comparative efficacy and safety of caffeine citrate and aminophylline in treating apnea of prematurity: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Miao Y, Zhou Y, Zhao S
266. COVID-19 cross-sectional study in Maricá, Brazil: The impact of vaccination coverage on viral incidence.
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Frauches TS, Costa CAS, Rodrigues CDS
267. Prevalence estimates of putatively pathogenic leptin variants in the gnomAD database.
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Rajcsanyi LS, Zheng Y, Fischer-Posovszky P
268. Improving business performance through TPM method: The evidence from the production and processing of crude oil.
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269. Is there a place for a molecular diagnostic test for pelvic inflammatory disease in primary care? An exploratory qualitative study.
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Bittleston H, Hocking JS, Goller JL
270. Efficacy and safety of temperature-sensitive acellular dermal matrix in prevention of postoperative adhesion after thyroidectomy: A randomized, multicenter, double-blind, non-inferiority study.
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Kim JK, Lee CR, Kang SW
271. High visibility colored fabrics for normal trichromats and individuals with color vision defects in a sunset-simulated environment.
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2022 Sep 16
Iizuka T, Kawamorita T, Tsuji H
272. Clinical feature and sural biopsy study in nitrous oxide-induced peripheral neuropathy.
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Wang Q, Duan X, Dong M
273. Health care providers' and persons with disabilities' recommendations for improving access to primary health care services in rural northern Ghana: A qualitative study.
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Dassah E, Aldersey HM, McColl MA
274. Variational mode decomposition combined fuzzy-Twin support vector machine model with deep learning for solar photovoltaic power forecasting.
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Balraj G, Victoire AA, S J
275. Detraque: Dynamic execution tracing techniques for automatic fault localization of hardware design code.
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Wu J, Zhang Z, Xu J
276. Empiric recommendations for population disaggregation under different data scenarios.
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Sapena M, Kühnl M, Wurm M
277. Minimal overall divergence of the gut microbiome in an adaptive radiation of Cyprinodon pupfishes despite potential adaptive enrichment for scale-eating.
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278. Genetic profiles to identify talents in elite endurance athletes and professional football players.
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Varillas-Delgado D, Morencos E, Gutiérrez-Hellín J
279. Effect of lateral wedge-shaped orthopedic insole on patients with genu varus: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Deng Z, Yang X, Li X
280. High throughput embryonic zebrafish test with automated dechorionation to evaluate nanomaterial toxicity.
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Carbaugh CM, van der Schalie WH, Widder MW.
281. Chronic disease relapses: A cross-sectional study of the associated factors and socioeconomic inequalities during the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru.
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Visconti-Lopez FJ, Hernández-Vásquez A, Solorzano-Salazar DM
282. Single- and duplex TaqMan-quantitative PCR for determining the copy numbers of integrated selection markers during site-specific mutagenesis in Toxoplasma gondii by CRISPR-Cas9.
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Hänggeli KPA, Hemphill A, Müller N
283. Does Poland's agri-food industry gain comparative advantage in trade with non-EU countries? Evidence from the transatlantic market.
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284. Longitudinal study of the immune response and memory following natural bovine respiratory syncytial virus infections in cattle of different age.
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Hägglund S, Näslund K, Svensson A
285. Associations of four indexes of social determinants of health and two community typologies with new onset type 2 diabetes across a diverse geography in Pennsylvania.
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Schwartz BS, Kolak M, Pollak JS
286. Self-assembling protein nanoparticles and virus like particles correctly display β-barrel from meningococcal factor H-binding protein through genetic fusion.
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Cappelli L, Cinelli P, Giusti F
287. Factors affecting patient satisfaction in refugee health centers in Turkey.
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Zikusooka M, Hanna R, Malaj A
288. The associations of BMI, chronic conditions and lifestyle factors with insomnia symptoms among older adults in India.
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2022 Sep 15
Muhammad T, Gharge S, Meher T.
289. Time series strain tracking analysis post fecal transplantation identifies individual specific patterns of fecal dominant donor, recipient, and unrelated microbial strains.
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Koo H, Morrow CD.
290. Impact of sociodemographic factors and screening, diagnosis, and treatment strategies on colorectal cancer mortality in Brazil: A 20-year ecological study.
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Nascimento AQ, Dantas DB, Melo GS
291. Learning and memory function in young people with and without perinatal HIV in England.
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Arenas-Pinto A, Judd A, Melvin D
292. On network backbone extraction for modeling online collective behavior.
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Gomes Ferreira CH, Murai F, Silva APC
293. Emotion-focused coping mediates the relationship between COVID-related distress and compulsive buying.
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Kovács LN, Katzinger E, Yi S
294. Determinants of care-seeking behaviour for fever, acute respiratory infection and diarrhoea among children under five in Nigeria.
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Adeoti IG, Cavallaro FL.
295. Intelligibility of speech produced by sighted and blind adults.
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Ménard L, Trudeau-Fisette P, Tiede MK.
296. IL-23 signaling is not an important driver of liver inflammation and fibrosis in murine non-alcoholic steatohepatitis models.
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Heredia JE, Sorenson C, Flanagan S
297. Stop and think: Additional time supports monitoring processes in young children.
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298. Beyond opioid prescribing: Evaluation of a substance use disorder curriculum for OBGYN residents.
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Martin CE, Thakkar B, Cox L
299. Development of the awareness, skills, knowledge: General (ASK-G) scale for measuring cultural competence in the general population.
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Domenech Rodríguez MM, Reveles AK, Litson K
300. The metabolomic profile associated with clustering of cardiovascular risk factors-A multi-sample evaluation.
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Lind L, Sundström J, Elmståhl S
301. The Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics, an emerging paradigm of a gender egalitarian organisation.
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Xenophontos S, Zachariou M, Polycarpou P
302. Prevalence, etiology and antibiotic resistance patterns of community-acquired urinary tract infections in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
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2022 Sep 15
Islam MA, Islam MR, Khan R
303. The bidirectional association between depressive symptoms, assessed by the HADS, and albuminuria-A longitudinal population-based cohort study with repeated measures from the HUNT2 and HUNT3 Study.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 15
Gustad LT, Holand AM, Hynnekleiv T
304. The effectiveness of weighted least squares means and variance adjusted based fit indices in assessing local dependence of the rasch model: Comparison with principal component analysis of residuals.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 15
Han H.
305. In vitro sepsis induces Nociceptin/Orphanin FQ receptor (NOP) expression in primary human vascular endothelial but not smooth muscle cells.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 15
Bird MF, Gallacher-Horley B, McDonald J
306. Patient perceptions by race of educational animations about living kidney donation made for a diverse population.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 15
Keller MM, Lucas T, Cadzow R
307. Study of pulsed electrostatic field (PESF) in the perfusion of peripheral tissues: Microangiopathy, nutrition and quality of perceiver life.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 15
Liani R, La Torre S, Liani V
308. Dietary patterns and associated factors among pregnant women in Ibadan, Nigeria: Evidence from Ibadan pregnancy cohort study.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 15
Adeoye IA, Okekunle AP.
309. Exploring the feasibility of a network of organizations for pain rehabilitation: What are the lessons learned?
PLoS One
2022 Sep 15
Lamper C, Huijnen IPJ, Kroese MEAL
310. Paranormal experiences, sensory-processing sensitivity, and the priming of pareidolia.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 14
Williams JM, Blagrove M.
311. Objective stress values during radiation emergency medicine for future human resources: Findings from a survey of nurses.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 14
Iyama K, Sato Y, Ohba T
312. Motion correction in MR image for analysis of VSRAD using generative adversarial network.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 14
Yoshida N, Kageyama H, Akai H
313. An assessment of organisational culture in Australian hospitals using employee online reviews.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 14
Pavithra A, Westbrook J.
314. Impact of COVID-19 on out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A registry-based cohort-study from the German Resuscitation Registry.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 14
Ristau P, Wnent J, Gräsner JT
315. Reactive silver inks for antiviral, repellent medical textiles with ultrasonic bleach washing durability compared to silver nanoparticles.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 14
Galante AJ, Pilsbury BC, Yates KA
316. Using a learning health system framework to examine COVID-19 pandemic planning and response at a Canadian Health Centre.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 14
Cassidy C, Sim M, Somerville M
317. Quantifying protocols for safe school activities.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 14
Genari J, Goedert GT, Lira SHA
318. Sequence characterization of eccDNA content in glyphosate sensitive and resistant Palmer amaranth from geographically distant populations.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 14
Spier Camposano H, Molin WT, Saski CA.
319. The differential impacts of early detection and accelerated antiretroviral therapy on the epidemiologic trend of sexually acquired HIV infection in Hong Kong.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 14
Poon PK, Wong NS, Leung WS
320. Real-world evidence of the impact of obesity on residual teeth in the Japanese population: A cross-sectional study.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 14
Hayashi M, Morino K, Harada K
321. Research on a rapid identification method for counting universal grain crops.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 14
Zhang J, Liu S, Wu W
322. Clinical usefulness of the pattern of non-adherence to anti-platelet regimen in stented patients (PARIS) thrombotic risk score to predict long-term all-cause mortality and heart failure hospitalization after percutaneous coronary intervention.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 13
Akama J, Shimizu T, Ando T
323. Evaluating profitability of beef cattle farming and its determinants among smallholder beef cattle farmers in the Baljovan District of Khatlon region, Tajikistan.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 13
Jobirov F, Yuejie Z, Kibona CA.
324. Mortality burden due to liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma in Ghana; prevalence of risk factors and predictors of poor in-hospital survival.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 13
Nartey YA, Antwi SO, Bockarie AS
325. Measuring industrial lumber production using nighttime lights: A focus study on lumber mills in British Columbia, Canada.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 13
Jarron LR, Coops NC, Roeser D.
326. CMRSegTools: An open-source software enabling reproducible research in segmentation of acute myocardial infarct in CMR images.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 13
Romero R WA, Viallon M, Spaltenstein J
327. Comparison of genetic variation between rare and common congeners of Dipodomys with estimates of contemporary and historical effective population size.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 13
Halsey MK, Stuhler JD, Bayona-Vásquez NJ
328. Center point to pose: Multiple views 3D human pose estimation for multi-person.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 13
Liu H, Wu J, He R.
329. Physicians' perspectives on Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs) in the clinical setting: Challenges and opportunities for gun violence prevention.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 13
Hollo A, VanderStoep A, Frattaroli S.
330. Minimum inhibitory concentrations of rifampin and isoniazid among multidrug and isoniazid resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Ethiopia.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 13
Getahun M, Blumberg HM, Ameni G
331. Opportunities: Source of synergy, or of conflict? Positioning of creative industry actors within a European Capital of Culture Project.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 13
Popa N, Dragan A, Marian-Potra AC
332. Improving the accuracy of fatty liver index to reflect liver fat content with predictive regression modelling.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 13
Asaturyan HA, Basty N, Thanaj M
333. Heterogeneous run-and-tumble motion accounts for transient non-Gaussian super-diffusion in haematopoietic multi-potent progenitor cells.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 13
Partridge B, Gonzalez Anton S, Khorshed R
334. Multimodal detection of hateful memes by applying a vision-language pre-training model.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 12
Chen Y, Pan F.
335. Socially assistive robotics and older family caregivers of young adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD): A pilot study exploring respite, acceptance, and usefulness.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 12
Xu L, Fields NL, Greer JA
336. Understanding the impacts of health information systems on patient flow management: A systematic review across several decades of research.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 12
Nguyen Q, Wybrow M, Burstein F
337. Changing temporal trends in patient volumes in a pediatric emergency department during a COVID-19 pandemic lockdown: A retrospective cohort study.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 12
Mullan PC, Vazifedan T.
338. Choriocapillaris flow deficit in a pachychoroid spectrum disease using en face optical coherence tomography angiography averaging.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 12
Tagawa M, Ooto S, Yamashiro K
339. Histopathological profile of cervical punch biopsies and risk factors associated with high-grade cervical precancerous lesions and cancer in northwest Ethiopia.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 12
Derbie A, Amare B, Misgan E
340. Effectiveness of birth plan counselling based on shared decision making: A cluster randomized controlled trial (APLANT).
PLoS One
2022 Sep 12
López-Gimeno E, Seguranyes G, Vicente-Hernández M
341. Factors affecting local plant knowledge in isolated communities from Patagonian steppe: Metacommunity theory is revealed as a methodological approach.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 12
Santoro FR, Richeri M, Ladio AH.
342. Proteomic analysis of rat colonic mucosa following acupuncture treatment for irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 12
Liu J, Peng R, Tan Q
343. Some performance considerations when using multi-armed bandit algorithms in the presence of missing data.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 12
Chen X, Lee KM, Villar SS
344. Stopping syphilis transmission in Arctic communities through rapid diagnostic testing: The STAR study protocol.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 12
Caya C, Maheu-Giroux M, Xia Y
345. Prognostic variables and 4-year survival outcomes in CD20 Positive AIDS-Related Lymphoma in the Anti-retroviral treatment era: A Retrospective Review from a Single Centre in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 1
Rapiti N, Abdelatif N, Moosa MS.
346. Factors associated with modern contraceptive use among men in Pakistan: Evidence from Pakistan demographic and health survey 2017-18.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 1
Ali A, Zar A, Wadood A.
347. Humans and the core partition: An agent-based modeling experiment.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 1
Collins AJ, Etemadidavan S.
348. Views of advance care planning in older hospitalized patients following an emergency admission: A qualitative study.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 1
Bielinska AM, Soosaipillai G, Riley J
349. Anterior segment characteristics in normal and keratoconus eyes evaluated with a new type of swept-source optical coherence tomography.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 1
Kim KY, Lee S, Jeon YJ
350. A new anthropometric model for body composition estimation: Comparison with a bioelectrical impedance consumer device.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 1
Dahlmann N, Demond V.
351. Mansonone G and its derivatives exhibit membrane permeabilizing activities against bacteria.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 1
Htoo HH, Tuyet NNT, Nakprasit K
352. Alkaline ceramidase catalyzes the hydrolysis of ceramides via a catalytic mechanism shared by Zn2+-dependent amidases.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 1
Yi JK, Xu R, Obeid LM
353. AICAR attenuates postoperative abdominal adhesion formation by inhibiting oxidative stress and promoting mesothelial cell repair.
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2022 Sep 1
Wu Y, Duan X, Gao Z
354. Factors associated with symptoms of major depression disorder among transgender women in Northeast Brazil.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 1
Almeida MM, Silva LAVD, Bastos FI
355. The deviation-from-familiarity effect: Expertise increases uncanniness of deviating exemplars.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 1
Diel A, Lewis M.
356. Loaded inter-set stretch may selectively enhance muscular adaptations of the plantar flexors.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 1
Van Every DW, Coleman M, Rosa A
357. The effectiveness of low-dosed outpatient biopsychosocial interventions compared to active physical interventions on pain and disability in adults with nonspecific chronic low back pain: A protocol for a systematic review with meta-analysis.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 1
Hochheim M, Ramm P, Amelung V.
358. Acute febrile illness among outpatients seeking health care in Bangladeshi hospitals prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 1
Das P, Rahman MZ, Banu S
359. Overview of systematic reviews: Management of common Traumatic Brain Injury-related complications.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 1
Vasudevan V, Amatya B, Khan F.
360. Psychometric properties of the English version of the Audio Processor Satisfaction Questionnaire (APSQ).
PLoS One
2022 Sep 1
Felder J, Amann E, Anderson I
361. Long term follow up of direct oral anticoagulants and warfarin therapy on stroke, with all-cause mortality as a competing risk, in people with atrial fibrillation: Sentinel network database study.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 1
de Lusignan S, Hobbs FDR, Liyanage H
362. Traffic-driven ions motion optimization-based clustering routing protocol for cognitive radio sensor networks.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 1
Wang J, Ni H, Ge Y
363. Patients' and physicians' gender and perspective on shared decision-making: A cross-sectional study from Dubai.
PLoS One
2022 Sep 1
Alameddine M, Otaki F, Bou-Karroum K
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