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2023 Sep (364)
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2021 Aug (343)
2021 Jul (339)
2021 Jun (320)
2021 May (310)
2021 Apr (347)
2021 Mar (370)
2021 Feb (344)
2021 Jan (304)
1. Unconditioned and learned morphine tolerance influence hippocampal-dependent short-term memory and the subjacent expression of GABA-A receptor alpha subunits.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 9
Ghamkharinejad G, Marashi SH, Foolad F
2. Association between gestational period and obesity in children with the use of dermatoglyphic traits: A preliminary study.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 9
Alberti A, Traebert J, Traebert E
3. A low direct electrical signal attenuates oxidative stress and inflammation in septic rats.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 9
Ustunova S, Haciosmanoglu E, Bulut H
4. Local infiltration analgesia with bupivacaine and adrenaline does not reduce perioperative blood loss in total hip arthroplasty.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 9
Ceynowa M, Sikora T, Rocławski M
5. An observational cohort study comparing ibuprofen and oxycodone in children with fractures.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 9
Ali S, Manaloor R, Johnson DW
6. Improved bacterial leaf blight disease resistance in the major elite Vietnamese rice cultivar TBR225 via editing of the OsSWEET14 promoter.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 9
Duy PN, Lan DT, Pham Thu H
7. Evidence that synergism between potassium and nitrate enhances the alleviation of ammonium toxicity in rice seedling roots.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 9
Fang G, Yang J, Sun T
8. Immunogenic amino acid motifs and linear epitopes of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 9
Wisnewski AV, Redlich CA, Liu J
9. Magnitude, trends and determinants of skilled delivery from Kilite-Awlaelo Health Demographic Surveillance System, Northern Ethiopia, 2009- 2017.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 9
Abebe HT, Adhana MT, Gebremichael MW
10. COVID-19 vaccines and mental distress.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 8
Perez-Arce F, Angrisani M, Bennett D
11. Global adoption of personal and social mitigation behaviors during COVID-19: The role of trust & confidence.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 8
Jones P, Menon A, Hicken A
12. Modelling the effects of the repellent scent marks of pollinators on their foraging efficiency and the plant-pollinator community.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 8
Verrier E, Baudry E, Bessa-Gomes C.
13. Analysis of electric cigarette liquid effect on mouse brain tumor growth through EGFR and ERK activation.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 8
Kwon HJ, Oh YT, Park S
14. Impact of the collaboration mechanism of PPP projects based on consumer participation: A system dynamics model of tripartite evolutionary game.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 8
Liu W, Wang X, Guo Q.
15. Prevalence and determinants of non-communicable disease risk factors among adult population of Kathmandu.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 8
Dahal S, Sah RB, Niraula SR
16. Livestock as vectors of organic matter and nutrient loading in aquatic ecosystems in African savannas.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 8
Iteba JO, Hein T, Singer GA
17. Glioblastoma signature in the DNA of blood-derived cells.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 8
Jain S, Mazaheri B, Raviv N
18. Projection of the health and economic impacts of Chronic kidney disease in the Chilean population.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 8
Walbaum M, Scholes S, Rojas R
19. A Late Cretaceous dinosaur and crocodyliform faunal association-based on isolate teeth and osteoderms-at Cerro Fortaleza Formation (Campanian-Maastrichtian) type locality, Santa Cruz, Argentina.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 8
Paulina-Carabajal A, Barrios FT, Méndez AH
20. General and specific stress mindsets: Links with college student health and academic performance.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 8
Jenkins A, Weeks MS, Hard BM.
21. Preventive training does not interfere with mRNA-encoding myosin and collagen expression during pulmonary arterial hypertension.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 8
Mariano TB, de Souza Castilho AC, de Almeida Sabela AKD
22. Gut microbiota alterations in response to sleep length among African-origin adults.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 8
Fei N, Choo-Kang C, Reutrakul S
23. Multivariate random forest prediction of poverty and malnutrition prevalence.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 8
Browne C, Matteson DS, McBride L
24. Molecular analysis of mitochrondrial cytb of Pediculus humanus capitis in Thailand revealed potential historical connection with South Asia.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 7
Phadungsaksawasdi K, Sunantaraporn S, Seatamanoch N
25. Safety and image quality at 7T MRI for deep brain stimulation systems: Ex vivo study with lead-only and full-systems.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 7
Bhusal B, Stockmann J, Guerin B
26. Social distancing and preventive practices of government employees in response to COVID-19 in Ethiopia.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 7
Deressa W, Worku A, Abebe W
27. Under-five mortality and associated factors in southeastern Ethiopia.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 7
Kitila FL, Petros RM, Jima GH
28. Association of the functionally significant polymorphisms of the MMP9 gene with H. pylori-positive gastric ulcer in the Caucasian population of Central Russia.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 7
Dvornyk V, Ponomarenko I, Minyaylo O
29. Subjective well-being and month-long LF/HF ratio among deskworkers.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 7
Shiga K, Izumi K, Minato K
30. NSAID use is not associated with Parkinson's disease incidence: A Norwegian Prescription Database study.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 7
Brakedal B, Tzoulis C, Tysnes OB
31. Evaluating malformations of the lacrimal drainage system in brachycephalic dog breeds: A comparative computed tomography analysis.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 7
Sahr S, Dietrich A, Oechtering G.
32. Evaluation of the long-term effect of polyhexamethylene guanidine phosphate in a rat lung model using conventional chest computed tomography with histopathologic analysis.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 7
Kim C, Jeong SH, Kim J
33. Monitoring adherence to pharmacological therapy and follow-up examinations among patients with type 2 diabetes in community pharmacies. Results from an experience in Italy.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 7
Spadea T, Onorati R, Baratta F
34. RGB images-based vegetative index for phenotyping kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.).
PLoS One
2021 Sep 7
Han GD, Jang G, Kim J
35. Beyond identity: Understanding the contribution of the 5' nucleotide of the antisense strand to RNAi activity.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 7
Yang P, Havecker E, Bauer M
36. Health knowledge, health behaviors and attitudes during pandemic emergencies: A systematic review.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 7
Rincón Uribe FA, Godinho RCS, Machado MAS
37. Optimization of substation grounding grid design for horizontal and vertical multilayer and uniform soil condition using Simulated Annealing method.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 7
Permal N, Osman M, Mohd Ariffin A
38. Serological investigation and genotyping of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in sheep and goats in Inner Mongolia, China.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 7
Zhao L, Wang Y, Wang JL
39. New records and modelling the impacts of climate change on the black-tailed marmosets.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 7
Gusmão AC, Evangelista-Vale JC, Pires-Oliveira JC
40. Comparison of antigen- and RT-PCR-based testing strategies for detection of SARS-CoV-2 in two high-exposure settings.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 7
Love J, Wimmer MT, Toth DJA
41. SARS-CoV-2 infections among Australian passengers on the Diamond Princess cruise ship: A retrospective cohort study.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 7
Walker LJ, Codreanu TA, Armstrong PK
42. Survival analysis in lung cancer patients with interstitial lung disease.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 7
Alomaish H, Ung Y, Wang S
43. Dental health assessed using panoramic radiograph and adverse events in chronic kidney disease stage 4-5 patients transitioning to dialysis and transplantation-A prospective cohort study.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 30
Järvisalo MJ, Jokihaka V, Hakamäki M
44. How the scientific community responded to the COVID-19 pandemic: A subject-level time-trend bibliometric analysis.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 30
Malekpour MR, Abbasi-Kangevari M, Azadnajafabad S
45. Effects on annual income changes after radical radiotherapy versus after prostatectomy in patients with localized prostate cancer with a specific employment status: A web-based pilot study.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 30
Minamitani M, Mukai T, Yamashita H
46. Postcranial osteology of Beipiaosaurus inexpectus (Theropoda: Therizinosauria).
PLoS One
2021 Sep 30
Liao CC, Zanno LE, Wang S
47. Respiratory virus deterrence induced by modified mask filter.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 30
Lee SH, Chu KB, Kang HJ
48. An analysis of unconscious gender bias in academic texts by means of a decision algorithm.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 30
Orgeira-Crespo P, Míguez-Álvarez C, Cuevas-Alonso M
49. Evaluation of the involvement of Th17-cells in the pathogenesis of canine spinal cord injury.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 30
Kämpe A, Knebel A, Carlson R
50. Chromosomal variations of Lycoris species revealed by FISH with rDNAs and centromeric histone H3 variant associated DNAs.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 30
Liu MS, Tseng SH, Tsai CC
51. Association between companion animal ownership and overall life satisfaction in Seoul, Korea.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 30
Kim J, Chun BC.
52. Classical complement pathway inhibition reduces brain damage in a hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy animal model.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 30
Kumar P, Hair P, Cunnion K
53. Detection of six soil-transmitted helminths in human stool by qPCR- a systematic workflow.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 30
Azzopardi KI, Hardy M, Baker C
54. Combination of generalist predators, Nesidiocoris tenuis and Macrolophus pygmaeus, with a companion plant, Sesamum indicum: What benefit for biological control of Tuta absoluta?
PLoS One
2021 Sep 30
Konan KAJ, Monticelli LS, Ouali-N'goran SM
55. Comparison of methods for pre-processing, exosome isolation, and RNA extraction in unpasteurized bovine and human milk.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 30
Wijenayake S, Eisha S, Tawhidi Z
56. Gender-based comparison of factors affecting regular exercise of patients with Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM) based on the 7th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES).
PLoS One
2021 Sep 30
Choi JY, Shin J, Baek S.
57. It ain't what you do, it's the way that you do it: The pitfalls of using routine data to measure early infant HIV diagnosis in HIV-exposed infants.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 30
Chappell E, Thorne C, Collins IJ
58. How does social evaluation influence Hot and Cool inhibitory control in adolescence?
PLoS One
2021 Sep 30
Bouhours L, Camarda A, Ernst M
59. Cross-cultural validation of the decisional balance scale in exercise across countries.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 30
Kueh YC, Sabo A, Kim Y
60. Proteomic analysis identifies novel binding partners of BAP1.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 30
Baas R, J van der Wal F, Bleijerveld OB
61. The cost-effectiveness of common strategies for the prevention of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in universities.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 30
Zafari Z, Goldman L, Kovrizhkin K
62. Having a latrine facility is not a guarantee for eliminating open defecation owing to socio-demographic and environmental factors: The case of Machakel district in Ethiopia.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 30
Temesgen A, Molla Adane M, Birara A
63. Targeting anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) gene alterations in neuroblastoma by using alkylating pyrrole-imidazole polyamides.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 30
Ota Y, Yoda H, Inoue T
64. Occupational health and safety in mining: Predictive probabilities of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) use among artisanal goldminers in Ghana.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 30
Aram SA, Saalidong BM, Appiah A
65. Applying heat and humidity using stove boiled water for decontamination of N95 respirators in low resource settings.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 30
Doshi S, Banavar SP, Flaum E
66. Ontogenetic niche shifts in a locally endangered tree species (Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata) in a disturbed forest in Northern Ethiopia: Implications for conservation.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 30
Ourge Wegasie M, Klanderud K, Totland Ø
67. How do farmland rental markets affect farmers' income? Evidence from a matched renting-in and renting-out household survey in Northeast China.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 30
Geng N, Gao Z, Sun C
68. Magnetophoretic and spectral characterization of oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin: Chemical versus enzymatic processes.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 3
Weigand MRH, Gómez-Pastora J, Kim J
69. Longitudinal detection of somatic mutations in saliva and plasma for the surveillance of oral squamous cell carcinomas.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 3
Cui Y, Kim HS, Cho ES
70. Prevalence and correlates of voluntary medical male circumcision adverse events among adult males in the Copperbelt Province of Zambia: A cross-sectional study.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 3
Mutanekelwa I, Siziya S, Daka V
71. Mitochondria are specifically vulnerable to 420nm light in drosophila which undermines their function and is associated with reduced fly mobility.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 3
Kam JH, Hogg C, Fosbury R
72. Transcriptome characterization and expression profile of Coix lacryma-jobi L. in response to drought.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 3
Miao G, Qin Y, Guo J
73. Use of pharmacotherapy for alcohol use disorder in Manitoba, Canada: A whole-population cohort study.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 3
Konrad G, Leong C, Bolton JM
74. Early development and coloniality in Oligophylloides from the Devonian of Morocco-Are Heterocorallia Palaeozoic octocorals?
PLoS One
2021 Sep 29
Berkowski B, Zapalski MK, Jarochowska E
75. Molecular dynamics and protein frustration analysis of human fused in Sarcoma protein variants in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis type 6: An In Silico approach.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 29
Bonet LFS, Loureiro JP, Pereira GRC
76. Does nicotine exposure during adolescence modify the course of schizophrenia-like symptoms? Behavioral analysis in a phencyclidine-induced mice model.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 29
Dutra-Tavares AC, Manhães AC, Semeão KA
77. Policy options for surgical mentoring: Lessons from Zambia based on stakeholder consultation and systems science.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 29
Broekhuizen H, Ifeanyichi M, Cheelo M
78. Large-scale identification of extracellular plant miRNAs in mammals implicates their dietary intake.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 29
Chen X, Liu L, Chu Q
79. Highly sensitive scent-detection of COVID-19 patients in vivo by trained dogs.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 29
Vesga O, Agudelo M, Valencia-Jaramillo AF
80. Anchoring effects in the assessment of papers: The proposal for an empirical survey of citing authors.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 29
Bornmann L, Ganser C, Tekles A.
81. The varying impacts of COVID-19 and its related measures in the UK: A year in review.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 29
Zhou M, Kan MY.
82. Comparison of two-view versus single-view digital breast tomosynthesis and 2D-mammography in breast cancer surveillance imaging.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 29
Hadjipanteli A, Polyviou P, Kyriakopoulos I
83. Anti-inflammatory activity of lefamulin versus azithromycin and dexamethasone in vivo and in vitro in a lipopolysaccharide-induced lung neutrophilia mouse model.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 29
Hafner M, Paukner S, Wicha WW
84. Soil fertility interactions with Sinorhizobium-legume symbiosis in a simulated Martian regolith; effects on nitrogen content and plant health.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 29
Harris F, Dobbs J, Atkins D
85. An integrated model for interdisciplinary graduate education: Computation and mathematics for biological networks.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 28
McKee KE, Serrano D, Girvan M
86. Drug repurposing for COVID-19 based on an integrative meta-analysis of SARS-CoV-2 induced gene signature in human airway epithelium.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 28
Gupta RK, Nwachuku EL, Zusman BE
87. Risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection in healthcare workers outside hospitals: A real-life immuno-virological study during the first wave of the COVID-19 epidemic.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 28
Fröberg M, Hassan SS, Pimenoff VN
88. Synchronising institutions and value systems: A model of opinion dynamics mediated by proportional representation.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 28
Segovia-Martin J, Tamariz M.
89. Performance of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody testing in asymptomatic or mild COVID-19 patients: A retrospective study in outbreak on a cruise ship.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 28
Kaku N, Nishimura F, Shigeishi Y
90. Stability analysis and novel solutions to the generalized Degasperis Procesi equation: An application to plasma physics.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 28
El-Tantawy SA, Salas AH, Jairo E CH.
91. The association between competitor level and the physical preparation practices of amateur boxers.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 27
Finlay MJ, Page RM, Greig M
92. A workflow for the relative quantification of multiple fish species from oceanic water samples using environmental DNA (eDNA) to support large-scale fishery surveys.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 27
Ramón-Laca A, Wells A, Park L.
93. Identification and validation of circulating miRNAs as potential new biomarkers for severe liver disease in patients with leptospirosis.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 27
Chuaypen N, Limothai U, Kunadirek P
94. Computerized history-taking improves data quality for clinical decision-making-Comparison of EHR and computer-acquired history data in patients with chest pain.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 27
Zakim D, Brandberg H, El Amrani S
95. Food insecurity status and determinants among Urban Productive Safety Net Program beneficiary households in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 27
Derso A, Bizuneh H, Keleb A
96. Prevalence and contextual factors associated with compassion fatigue among nurses in northern Uganda.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 27
Kabunga A, Anyayo LG, Okalo P
97. Relationship between socio-demographics, body composition, emotional state, and social support on metabolic syndrome risk among adults in rural Mongolia.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 27
Kim JH, Kim HL, Battushig B
98. Leadership styles and employee knowledge sharing: Exploring the mediating role of introjected motivation.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 27
Chaman S, Zulfiqar S, Shaheen S
99. Large-scale analysis of SARS-CoV-2 spike-glycoprotein mutants demonstrates the need for continuous screening of virus isolates.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 27
Schrörs B, Riesgo-Ferreiro P, Sorn P
100. Fine-scale movement patterns and habitat selection of little owls (Athene noctua) from two declining populations.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 27
Mayer M, Šálek M, Fox AD
101. Hypoglycemic active principles from the leaves of Bauhinia holophylla: Comprehensive phytochemical characterization and in vivo activity profile.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 24
Saldanha LL, Quintiliano Delgado A, Marcourt L
102. Transcriptome analysis reveals the molecular mechanism of yield increases in maize under stable soil water supply.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 24
Zhang J, Wang P, Ji J
103. Effects of spray-dried animal plasma on growth performance, survival, feed utilization, immune responses, and resistance to Vibrio parahaemolyticus infection of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei).
PLoS One
2021 Sep 24
Chuchird N, Rairat T, Keetanon A
104. Examining the impact of a community-based exercise intervention on cardiorespiratory fitness, cardiovascular health, strength, flexibility and physical activity among adults living with HIV: A three-phased intervention study.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 24
O'Brien KK, Davis AM, Chan Carusone S
105. Biosafety of a novel covered self-expandable metal stent coated with poly(2-methoxyethyl acrylate) in vivo.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 24
Ishizawa T, Makino N, Kakizaki Y
106. Challenges and opportunities for assisted regional ecosystem adaptation: International experience and implications for adaptation research.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 24
Vella K, Baresi U, Lockie S
107. Individual differences in thinking style and dealing with contradiction: The mediating role of mixed emotions.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 24
Santos D, Requero B, Martín-Fernández M.
108. Forecasting care seekers satisfaction with telemedicine using machine learning and structural equation modeling.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 24
Zobair KM, Sanzogni L, Houghton L
109. Does seniority always correlate with simulated intubation performance? Comparing endotracheal intubation performance across medical students, residents, and physicians using a high-fidelity simulator.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 24
Yau SY, Chang YC, Wu MY
110. Assessed and perceived oral health of older people who visit the dental practice, an exploratory cross-sectional study.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 24
Bots-VantSpijker PC, van der Maarel-Wierink CD, Schols JMGA
111. Altered smell and taste: Anosmia, parosmia and the impact of long Covid-19.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 24
Burges Watson DL, Campbell M, Hopkins C
112. Comparative analysis of transcriptomic profiles among ascidians, zebrafish, and mice: Insights from tissue-specific gene expression.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 24
Matsubara S, Osugi T, Shiraishi A
113. Transboundary spread of peste des petits ruminants virus in western China: A prediction model.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 23
Gao S, Xu G, Zeng Z
114. Time to publish? Turnaround times, acceptance rates, and impact factors of journals in fisheries science.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 23
Runde BJ.
115. Revelations of service-learning project: Multiple perspectives of college students' reflection.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 23
Lin TH.
116. Dear student, what should I write on my wall? A case study on academic uses of Facebook and Instagram during the pandemic.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 23
Coman C, Mesesan-Schmitz L, Tiru LG
117. Megafire affects stream sediment flux and dissolved organic matter reactivity, but land use dominates nutrient dynamics in semiarid watersheds.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 23
Crandall T, Jones E, Greenhalgh M
118. Gallbladder fossa volume decreased in livers without gallbladders: A cadaveric study.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 23
Rhodes DCJ, Walser RF, Rhodes JA.
119. Evaluation of the discriminatory potential of antibodies created from synthetic peptides derived from wheat, barley, rye and oat gluten.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 23
Poirier D, Théolier J, Marega R
120. A diagnostic primer pair to distinguish between wMel and wAlbB Wolbachia infections.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 23
Lau MJ, Hoffmann AA, Endersby-Harshman NM.
121. Guiding cell adhesion and motility by modulating cross-linking and topographic properties of microgel arrays.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 23
Riegert J, Töpel A, Schieren J
122. Small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) combined with allogeneic intrastromal lenticule inlay for hyperopia with astigmatism.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 23
Zhang J, Zhou Y.
123. The new evidence of China's economic downturn: From structural bonus to structural imbalance.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 23
Chen Y, Liu Y, Fang X.
124. Exposure to organochlorine pesticides as a predictor to breast cancer: A case-control study among Ethiopian women.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 23
Mekonen S, Ibrahim M, Astatkie H
125. Effect of food source availability in the salivary gland transcriptome of the unique burying beetle Nicrophorus pustulatus (Coleoptera: Silphidae).
PLoS One
2021 Sep 23
Ayala-Ortiz CO, Farriester JW, Pratt CJ
126. Tertiary lymphoid structures (TLS) identification and density assessment on H&E-stained digital slides of lung cancer.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 23
Barmpoutis P, Di Capite M, Kayhanian H
127. Signal to noise and b-value analysis for optimal intra-voxel incoherent motion imaging in the brain.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 23
Merisaari H, Federau C.
128. Teachers' mental health during the first two waves of the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 23
Jakubowski TD, Sitko-Dominik MM.
129. Effect of advanced periodontal self-care in patients with early-stage periodontal diseases on endothelial function: An open-label, randomized controlled trial.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 23
Okada A, Murata T, Matin K
130. Distribution, dynamics, and physiological races of wheat stem rust (Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici) on irrigated wheat in the Awash River Basin of Ethiopia.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 23
Yesuf NS, Getahun S, Hassen S
131. Associations between gestational age at birth and infection-related hospital admission rates during childhood in England: Population-based record linkage study.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 23
Coathup V, Carson C, Kurinczuk JJ
132. Disparities in childhood composite index of anthropometric failure prevalence and determinants across Ethiopian administrative zones.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 23
Fenta HM, Zewotir T, Muluneh EK.
133. Development of a 3-transcript host expression assay to differentiate between viral and bacterial infections in pigs.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 23
Hjertner B, Lützelschwab C, Schieck E
134. Environmental regulation, environmental responsibility, and green technology innovation: Empirical research from China.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 22
Wang Y, Yang Y, Fu C
135. Collective conceptualization of parental support of dual career athletes: The EMPATIA framework.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 22
Varga K, MacDonncha C, Blondel L
136. Influence of smoking and other cardiovascular risk factors on heart rate circadian rhythm in normotensive and hypertensive subjects.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 22
Accardo A, Silveri G, Ajčević M
137. Mapping and modeling human-black bear interactions in the Catskills region of New York using resource selection probability functions.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 22
Hagani JS, Kross SM, Clark M
138. Pore-throat structure characterization of carbon fiber reinforced resin matrix composites: Employing Micro-CT and Avizo technique.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 22
Li Y, Chi Y, Han S
139. Measles antibody seropositivity among children with allergic diseases: A cross-sectional study in the Japan Environment & Children's Pilot Study.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 22
Saito-Abe M, Yamamoto-Hanada K, Shoji K
140. Auditory speed processing in sighted and blind individuals.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 22
Bertonati G, Amadeo MB, Campus C
141. Gap analysis between expectations and perceptions of pregnant women attending Prevention of Maternal to Child Transmission of HIV services in a private referral hospital in northern Tanzania: A cross-sectional descriptive study.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 22
John L, Odero N, Nziku J
142. In silico analysis enabling informed design for genome editing in medicinal cannabis; gene families and variant characterisation.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 22
Matchett-Oates L, Braich S, Spangenberg GC
143. Quality assessment of selected co-trimoxazole suspension brands marketed in Nairobi County, Kenya.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 22
Irungu BN, Koech LC, Ondicho JM
144. The influences of electric field intensity and driving force on the slip behaviour of water flow in a nanochannel.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 22
Liu Q, Wang D, Yu M
145. Machine learning methods for automated classification of tumors with papillary thyroid carcinoma-like nuclei: A quantitative analysis.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 22
Böhland M, Tharun L, Scherr T
146. Right ventricular function and vasoactive peptides for early prediction of bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 22
Neumann RP, Schulzke SM, Pohl C
147. Rewinding the molecular clock in the genus Carabus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in light of fossil evidence and the Gondwana split: A reanalysis.
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2021 Sep 22
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148. The PPLD has advantages over conventional regression methods in application to moderately sized genome-wide association studies.
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2021 Sep 22
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149. Genomic signatures of Lake Erie bacteria suggest interaction in the Microcystis phycosphere.
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2021 Sep 22
Hoke AK, Reynoso G, Smith MR
150. Implementation of artificial intelligence algorithms for melanoma screening in a primary care setting.
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2021 Sep 22
Giavina-Bianchi M, de Sousa RM, Paciello VZA
151. Intent to purchase IoT home security devices: Fear vs privacy.
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2021 Sep 21
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152. Health expenditures of asthma-COPD overlap in Northern Jordan.
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2021 Sep 21
Altawalbeh SM, Hijazi B, Kufoof L
153. Cyclic connectivity index of fuzzy incidence graphs with applications in the highway system of different cities to minimize road accidents and in a network of different computers.
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2021 Sep 21
Nazeer I, Rashid T, Hussain MT.
154. Environmental DNA gives comparable results to morphology-based indices of macroinvertebrates in a large-scale ecological assessment.
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2021 Sep 21
Brantschen J, Blackman RC, Walser JC
155. How COVID-19 kick-started online learning in medical education-The DigiMed study.
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2021 Sep 21
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156. Prevalence of corneal arcus and associated factors in a German population-Results from the Gutenberg Health Study.
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2021 Sep 21
Wasielica-Poslednik J, Hampel U, Ries L
157. Hepatitis B vaccination status and associated factors among students of medicine and health sciences in Wolkite University, Southwest Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study.
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2021 Sep 21
Haile K, Timerga A, Mose A
158. Risk factor for breast cancer development under exposure to bovine leukemia virus in Colombian women: A case-control study.
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2021 Sep 21
Olaya-Galán NN, Salas-Cárdenas SP, Rodriguez-Sarmiento JL
159. Efficacy of Sphincter Control Training and medical device in the treatment of premature ejaculation: A multicenter randomized controlled clinical trial.
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2021 Sep 21
Rodríguez JE, Picazo JA, Marzo JC
160. Cross-sectional study of approaches to diagnosis and management of dogs with immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia in primary care and referral veterinary practices in the United Kingdom.
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2021 Sep 20
Swann JW, Tayler S, Hall H
161. The assessment of yield and quality traits of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) genotypes in middle Black Sea region, Turkey.
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2021 Sep 20
Karan YB, Şanli ÖG.
162. Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of face mask utilization and associated factors in COVID-19 pandemic among Wachemo University Students, Southern Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study.
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2021 Sep 20
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163. Evaluation of thrombophilia testing in the inpatient setting: A single institution retrospective review.
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2021 Sep 20
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164. A potential diagnostic serum immunological marker panel to differentiate between primary and secondary knee osteoarthritis.
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2021 Sep 20
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165. Estuarine tidal range dynamics under rising sea levels.
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2021 Sep 20
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166. Spatial distribution and determinants of undernutrition among reproductive age women of Ethiopia: A multilevel analysis.
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2021 Sep 20
Kassie Tesema A, Liyew AM, Alem AZ
167. Does reactogenicity after a second injection of the BNT162b2 vaccine predict spike IgG antibody levels in healthy Japanese subjects?
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2021 Sep 20
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168. Cost-effectiveness analysis of domiciliary topical sevoflurane for painful leg ulcers.
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2021 Sep 20
Selva-Sevilla C, Fernández-Ginés FD, Cortiñas-Sáenz M
169. Efficacy and safety of Qingre-Chushi therapies in active ulcerative colitis: A network meta-analysis.
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2021 Sep 20
Zhang L, Wu YB, Dai YK
170. Knowledge of mothers regarding children's vaccinations in Cyprus: A cross-sectional study.
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2021 Sep 20
Kyprianidou M, Tzira E, Galanis P
171. Emotion dynamics in movie dialogues.
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2021 Sep 20
Hipson WE, Mohammad SM.
172. Apparent diet digestibility of captive colobines in relation to stomach types with special reference to fibre digestion.
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2021 Sep 20
Hoshino S, Seino S, Funahashi T
173. Optimizing community linkage to care and antiretroviral therapy Initiation: Lessons from the Nigeria HIV/AIDS Indicator and Impact Survey (NAIIS) and their adaptation in Nigeria ART Surge.
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2021 Sep 20
Jahun I, Said I, El-Imam I
174. Distribution of spontaneous combustion three zones and optimization of nitrogen injection location in the goaf of a fully mechanized top coal caving face.
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2021 Sep 20
Qi Y, Wang W, Qi Q
175. The relation between home numeracy practices and a variety of math skills in elementary school children.
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2021 Sep 20
Girard C, Bastelica T, Léone J
176. Creep behavior of reinforced concrete-filled steel tubular columns under axial compression.
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2021 Sep 20
Zhang N, Zheng C, Sun Q.
177. The short-term effect of residential home energy retrofits on indoor air quality and microbial exposure: A case-control study.
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2021 Sep 20
Nguyen M, Holmes EC, Angenent LT.
178. Effective vaccine allocation strategies, balancing economy with infection control against COVID-19 in Japan.
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2021 Sep 2
Sunohara S, Asakura T, Kimura T
179. Determinants of birth registration in India: Evidence from NFHS 2015-16.
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2021 Sep 2
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180. Exploring the topology and dynamic growth properties of co-invention networks and technology fields.
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2021 Sep 2
Pinto PE, Honores G, Vallone A.
181. Influence of the visuo-proprioceptive illusion of movement and motor imagery of the wrist on EEG cortical excitability among healthy participants.
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2021 Sep 2
Le Franc S, Fleury M, Jeunet C
182. Smoking habits and the influence of war on cigarette and shisha smoking in Syria.
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2021 Sep 2
Kakaje A, Alhalabi MM, Alyousbashi A
183. Characterization of the spontaneous degenerative mitral valve disease in FVB mice.
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2021 Sep 2
Ayme-Dietrich E, Da Silva S, Bouabout GA
184. Machine learning model for predicting the optimal depth of tracheal tube insertion in pediatric patients: A retrospective cohort study.
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2021 Sep 2
Shim JG, Ryu KH, Lee SH
185. Nafamostat mesilate, a nuclear factor kappa B inhibitor, enhances the antitumor action of radiotherapy on gallbladder cancer cells.
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2021 Sep 2
Takada N, Sugano H, Shirai Y
186. Chronic presence of blood circulating anti-NMDAR1 autoantibodies impairs cognitive function in mice.
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2021 Sep 2
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187. Predicting affinity ties in a surname network.
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2021 Sep 2
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188. Historical changes in plant water use and need in the continental United States.
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2021 Sep 2
Tercek MT, Thoma D, Gross JE
189. Firing on all cylinders: Configuring information technology around the constituents of corporate entrepreneurship to outperform in SME sector.
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2021 Sep 2
Rehman N, Mahmood A, Ikram A
190. The influence of culture on care receivers' satisfaction and aggressive tendencies in the emergency department.
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2021 Sep 2
Lisak A, Efrat-Treister D, Glikson E
191. Novel diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers of colorectal cancer: Capable to overcome the heterogeneity-specific barrier and valid for global applications.
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2021 Sep 2
Hameed Y, Usman M, Liang S
192. Melatonin improves rate of monospermic fertilization and early embryo development in a bovine IVF system.
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2021 Sep 2
Gutiérrez-Añez JC, Henning H, Lucas-Hahn A
193. Intimate partner violence types and symptoms of common mental disorders in a rural community of Chiapas, Mexico: Implications for global mental-health practice.
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2021 Sep 2
Aguerrebere M, Frías SM, Smith Fawzi MC
194. A novel angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitory peptide derived from the trypsin hydrolysates of salmon bone proteins.
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2021 Sep 2
Kaewsahnguan T, Noitang S, Sangtanoo P
195. Why do patients interrupt and return to antiretroviral therapy? Retention in HIV care from the patient's perspective in Johannesburg, South Africa.
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2021 Sep 2
Bisnauth MA, Davies N, Monareng S
196. Determining passenger car equivalent (PCEs) for pretimed signalized intersections with severe motorcycle composition using Bayesian linear regression.
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2021 Sep 2
Sugiarto S, Apriandy F, Darma Y
197. A real-time assay for cell-penetrating peptide-mediated delivery of molecular cargos.
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2021 Sep 2
Gentry SB, Nowak SJ, Ni X
198. Systematic revision of Gatesona (Crassiclitellata, Lumbricidae), an endemic earthworm genus from the Massif Central (France).
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2021 Sep 2
Marchán DF, Jiménez S, Decaëns T
199. phase1RMD: An R package for repeated measures dose-finding designs with novel toxicity and efficacy endpoints.
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2021 Sep 2
Yin J, Du Y, Qin R
200. MCHP (Monte Carlo + Human Phantom): Platform to facilitate teaching nuclear radiation physics.
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2021 Sep 17
Shahmohammadi Beni M, Watabe H, Krstic D
201. Macro and micro analysis on coal-bearing soil slopes instability based on CFD-DEM coupling method.
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2021 Sep 17
Zhang H, Zhang B, Wu C
202. The inhibitory effects of toothpaste and mouthwash ingredients on the interaction between the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and ACE2, and the protease activity of TMPRSS2 in vitro.
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2021 Sep 17
Tateyama-Makino R, Abe-Yutori M, Iwamoto T
203. Estimating the cost and value of functional changes in communication ability following telepractice treatment for aphasia.
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2021 Sep 17
Jacobs M, Ellis C.
204. Effect of warm-up and muscle fatiguing exercise on knee joint sounds in motion by vibroarthrography: A randomized crossover trial.
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2021 Sep 17
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205. Verification of Thai ethnobotanical medicine "Kamlang Suea Khrong" driven by multiplex PCR and powerful TLC techniques.
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2021 Sep 17
Yanaso S, Phrutivorapongkul A, Hongwiset D
206. Examining performance and likelihood ratios for two likelihood ratio systems using the PROVEDIt dataset.
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2021 Sep 17
Riman S, Iyer H, Vallone PM.
207. Spatiotemporal analysis and the characteristics of the case transmission network of 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Zhejiang Province, China.
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2021 Sep 17
Wu H, Wu C, Lu Q
208. Is left-behind a real reason for children's social cognition deficit? An fNIRS study on the effect of social interaction on left-behind preschooler's prefrontal activation.
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2021 Sep 17
Ding K, Li C, Jia H
209. Infective prey leads to a partial role reversal in a predator-prey interaction.
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2021 Sep 17
Kaitala V, Koivu-Jolma M, Laakso J.
210. Modelling and optimal control of multi strain epidemics, with application to COVID-19.
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2021 Sep 16
Arruda EF, Das SS, Dias CM
211. WHotLAMP: A simple, inexpensive, and sensitive molecular test for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 in saliva.
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2021 Sep 16
Ng D, Pinharanda A, Vogt MC
212. A low-threshold intervention to increase physical activity and reduce physical inactivity in a group of healthy elderly people in Germany: Results of the randomized controlled MOVING study.
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2021 Sep 16
Kleinke F, Ulbricht S, Dörr M
213. Association between the degree of obstructive sleep apnea and the severity of COVID-19: An explorative retrospective cross-sectional study.
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2021 Sep 16
Ho JPTF, Donders HCM, Zhou N
214. Nasopharyngeal microbiome composition associated with Streptococcus pneumoniae colonization suggests a protective role of Corynebacterium in young children.
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2021 Sep 16
Xu L, Earl J, Pichichero ME.
215. An improved ant colony optimization algorithm based on context for tourism route planning.
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2021 Sep 16
Liang S, Jiao T, Du W
216. Spatio-temporal characteristics of the novel coronavirus attention network and its influencing factors in China.
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2021 Sep 16
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217. A comprehensive integrated post-GWAS analysis of Type 1 diabetes reveals enhancer-based immune dysregulation.
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2021 Sep 16
Kim SS, Hudgins AD, Yang J
218. Word learning in the field: Adapting a laboratory-based task for testing in remote Papua New Guinea.
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2021 Sep 16
Mulak KE, Sarvasy HS, Tuninetti A
219. Mild phenotype of knockouts of the major apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease APEX1 in a non-cancer human cell line.
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2021 Sep 16
Kim DV, Kulishova LM, Torgasheva NA
220. Structural analysis of the GPI glycan.
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2021 Sep 16
Nakano M, Sabido-Bozo S, Okazaki K
221. A high-frequency single nucleotide polymorphism in the MtrB sensor kinase in clinical strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis alters its biochemical and physiological properties.
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2021 Sep 16
Waturuocha UW, P J A, Singh KK
222. Service user experiences and views regarding telemental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: A co-produced framework analysis.
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2021 Sep 16
Vera San Juan N, Shah P, Schlief M
223. Longitudinal study of calf morbidity and mortality on smallholder farms in southern Ethiopia.
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2021 Sep 16
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224. Barbarigenesis and the collapse of complex societies: Rome and after.
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2021 Sep 16
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225. Effects of seed priming treatments on the germination and development of two rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) varieties under the co-influence of low temperature and drought.
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2021 Sep 16
Zhu ZH, Sami A, Xu QQ
226. Lower p66Shc promoter methylation in subjects with chronic renal failure.
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2021 Sep 16
Hamdi R, Saadallah-Kallel A, Ferchichi-Trimeche S
227. Intraspecific genetic variability and diurnal activity affect environmental DNA detection in Japanese eel.
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2021 Sep 16
Takahashi S, Takada S, Yamanaka H
228. Biomedical graduate student experiences during the COVID-19 university closure.
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2021 Sep 16
Varadarajan J, Brown AM, Chalkley R.
229. The role of local impedance drop in the acute lesion efficacy during pulmonary vein isolation performed with a new contact force sensing catheter-A pilot study.
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2021 Sep 16
Szegedi N, Salló Z, Perge P
230. SARS-CoV-2 infection: Initial viral load (iVL) predicts severity of illness/outcome, and declining trend of iVL in hospitalized patients corresponds with slowing of the pandemic.
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2021 Sep 16
El Zein S, Chehab O, Kanj A
231. HAV infection in Brazilian men who have sex with men: The importance of surveillance to avoid outbreaks.
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2021 Sep 16
Castro LS, Rezende GR, Pires Fernandes FR
232. Identification of key genes and immune infiltration modulated by CPAP in obstructive sleep apnea by integrated bioinformatics analysis.
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2021 Sep 16
Fan C, Huang S, Xiang C
233. Epidemiology and molecular characterization of Theileria annulata in cattle from central Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
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2021 Sep 16
Ullah R, Shams S, Khan MA
234. Reduced mood variability is associated with enhanced performance during ultrarunnning.
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2021 Sep 16
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235. Essential roles of Lon protease in the morpho-physiological traits of the rice pathogen Burkholderia glumae.
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2021 Sep 15
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236. Applications of statistical experimental designs to improve statistical inference in weed management.
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2021 Sep 15
Kim SB, Kim DS, Magana-Ramirez C.
237. Required warfarin dose and time in therapeutic range in patients with diagnosed Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) or Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH).
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2021 Sep 15
Wen X, Wang S, Taveira TH
238. Colorectal cancer in the Linxian China Nutrition Intervention Trial: Risk factors and intervention results.
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2021 Sep 15
Keskin H, Wang SM, Etemadi A
239. Selenium inhibits growth of trastuzumab-resistant human breast cancer cells via downregulation of Akt and beclin-1.
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2021 Sep 15
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240. Development of non-transgenic glyphosate tolerant wheat by TILLING.
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2021 Sep 15
Moehs CP, Austill WJ, Facciotti D
241. Linguistic effects on news headline success: Evidence from thousands of online field experiments (Registered Report Protocol).
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2021 Sep 15
Gligorić K, Lifchits G, West R
242. Stromal marker fibroblast activation protein drives outcome in T1 non-muscle invasive bladder cancer.
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2021 Sep 15
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243. Brain water as a function of age and weight in normal rats.
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2021 Sep 15
Gottschalk A, Scafidi S, Toung TJK.
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2021 Sep 15
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245. Resilient SARS-CoV-2 diagnostics workflows including viral heat inactivation.
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2021 Sep 15
Lista MJ, Matos PM, Maguire TJA
246. Speeding-up while growing-up: Synchronous functional development of motor and non-motor processes across childhood and adolescence.
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247. Not just words! Effects of a light-touch randomized encouragement intervention on students' exam grades, self-efficacy, motivation, and test anxiety.
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2021 Sep 15
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248. Individual corporate reputation and perception of collective corporate reputation regarding stock market investments.
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2021 Sep 14
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249. Development of in-house, indirect ELISAs for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-associated serology in COVID-19 patients in Panama.
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2021 Sep 14
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250. Analysis of amyloid-like secondary structure in the Cryab-R120G knock-in mouse model of hereditary cataracts by two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy.
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2021 Sep 14
Alperstein AM, Molnar KS, Dicke SS
251. Difference in racket head trajectory and muscle activity between the standard volley and the drop volley in tennis.
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Furuya R, Yokoyama H, Dimic M
252. Influence of coronavirus disease 2019 on myopic progression in children treated with low-concentration atropine.
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253. Is adiposity associated with back and lower limb pain? A systematic review.
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2021 Sep 14
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254. An automatic water-occluding device to enable laryngectomee participation in water activities.
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2021 Sep 13
Denning SK, Valleau MA, Pelowski WJ
255. Hepatobiliary phase signal intensity: A potential method of diagnosing HCC with atypical imaging features among LR-M observations.
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2021 Sep 13
Park JH, Chung YE, Seo N
256. Diagnostic accuracy and acceptability of molecular diagnosis of COVID-19 on saliva samples relative to nasopharyngeal swabs in tropical hospital and extra-hospital contexts: The COVISAL study.
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2021 Sep 13
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257. Genomic mutation profile in progressive chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients prior to first-line chemoimmunotherapy with FCR and rituximab maintenance (REM).
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2021 Sep 10
González-Rincón J, Garcia-Vela JA, Gómez S
258. Improving health care from the bottom up: Factors for the successful implementation of kaizen in acute care hospitals.
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2021 Sep 10
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259. H2O2 gel bleaching induces cytotoxicity and pain conduction in dental pulp stem cells via intracellular reactive oxygen species on enamel/dentin disc.
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2021 Sep 10
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260. Deep generative models for automated muscle segmentation in computed tomography scanning.
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2021 Sep 10
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261. Quantitative analyses of squamate dentition demonstrate novel morphological patterns.
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2021 Sep 10
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262. Gene signatures associated with barrier dysfunction and infection in oral lichen planus identified by analysis of transcriptomic data.
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2021 Sep 10
Vo PT, Choi SS, Park HR
263. Duration of intervals in the care seeking pathway for lung cancer in Bangladesh: A journey from symptoms triggering consultation to receipt of treatment.
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2021 Sep 10
Ansar A, Lewis V, McDonald CF
264. Diagnostic accuracy of the Xpert MTB/RIF assay for tuberculous pericarditis: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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2021 Sep 10
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265. Assessing feasibility and maternal acceptability of a biomechanically-optimized supine birth position: A pilot study.
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2021 Sep 10
Bouille L, Sichitiu J, Favre J
266. Effects of blood urea nitrogen independent of the estimated glomerular filtration rate on the development of anemia in non-dialysis chronic kidney disease: The results of the KNOW-CKD study.
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Kim HJ, Kim TE, Han M
267. Postural sway in the moving room scenario: New evidence for functional dissociation between self-motion perception and postural control.
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2021 Sep 10
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2021 Sep 10
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269. Transforming the German ICD-10 (ICD-10-GM) into Injury Severity Score (ISS)-Introducing a new method for automated re-coding.
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2021 Sep 10
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2021 Sep 10
Bradshaw CJA, Chalker JM, Crabtree SA
271. Experiences of transgender and non-binary youth accessing gender-affirming care: A systematic review and meta-ethnography.
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2021 Sep 10
Kearns S, Kroll T, O'Shea D
272. Risk factor of plasmodium knowlesi infection in Sabah Borneo Malaysia, 2020: A population-based case-control study.
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2021 Sep 10
Chin AZ, Avoi R, Atil A
273. Social, economic, and health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescents retained in or recently disengaged from HIV care in Kenya.
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2021 Sep 10
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274. AIR-BT, a new badminton-specific incremental easy-to-use test.
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2021 Sep 10
Abián-Vicén J, Bravo-Sánchez A, Abián P.
275. Impact of short-term change of adiposity on risk of high blood pressure in children: Results from a follow-up study in China.
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2021 Sep 10
Yang YD, Xie M, Zeng Y
276. Coupling coordination relationship between ecosystem services and water-land resources for the Daguhe River Basin, China.
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277. Construction of an evapotranspiration model and analysis of spatiotemporal variation in Xilin River Basin, China.
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278. Traditional practices influencing the use of maternal health care services in Indonesia.
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2021 Sep 10
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279. Designing and validating a Markov model for hospital-based addiction consult service impact on 12-month drug and non-drug related mortality.
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2021 Sep 10
King CA, Englander H, Korthuis PT
280. Unmet need of essential treatments for critical illness in Malawi.
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2021 Sep 10
Kayambankadzanja RK, Schell CO, Mbingwani I
281. Adherence to community versus facility-based delivery of monthly malaria chemoprevention with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine for the post-discharge management of severe anemia in Malawian children: A cluster randomized trial.
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2021 Sep 10
Nkosi-Gondwe T, Robberstad B, Mukaka M
282. Hemorrhagic and thrombotic manifestations in the central nervous system in COVID-19: A large observational study in the Brazilian Amazon with a complete autopsy series.
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2021 Sep 10
Santana MF, Frank CHM, Almeida TVR
283. Clinical impact of serum exosomal microRNA in liver fibrosis.
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2021 Sep 10
Chang Y, Han JA, Kang SM
284. Provider and administrator-level perspectives on strategies to reduce fear and improve patient trust in the emergency department in times of heightened immigration enforcement.
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2021 Sep 10
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285. Controlling the surface charge of simple viruses.
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2021 Sep 10
Duran-Meza AL, Villagrana-Escareño MV, Ruiz-García J
286. A Focal Adhesion Filament Cross-correlation Kit for fast, automated segmentation and correlation of focal adhesions and actin stress fibers in cells.
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2021 Sep 10
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287. A rapid screening method to select microdialysis carriers for hydrophobic compounds.
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2021 Sep 1
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2021 Sep 1
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289. Effectiveness of blended learning in pharmacy education: An experimental study using clinical research modules.
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2021 Sep 1
Balakrishnan A, Nair S, Kunhikatta V
290. A systematic review and narrative synthesis of the research provisions under the Mental Capacity Act (2005) in England and Wales: Recruitment of adults with capacity and communication difficulties.
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2021 Sep 1
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291. Recovery of the maternal skeleton after lactation is impaired by advanced maternal age but not by reduced IGF availability in the mouse.
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292. Testing silicone digit extensions as a way to suppress natural sensation to evaluate supplementary tactile feedback.
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293. Platelets' RNA as biomarker trove for differentiation of early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma from underlying cirrhotic nodules.
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2021 Sep 1
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294. Human papillomavirus 16 L1 gene methylation as a potential biomarker for predicting anal intraepithelial neoplasia in men who have sex with men (MSM).
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295. Spectral and time-resolved photoluminescence of human platelets doped with platinum nanoparticles.
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2021 Sep 1
Matveeva K, Zyubin A, Demishkevich E
296. Inter-metropolitan land price characteristics and pattern in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration, China.
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2021 Sep 1
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297. Effect of different long-term fertilizer managements on soil nitrogen fixing bacteria community in a double-cropping rice paddy field of southern China.
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2021 Sep 1
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298. Incidence of stroke in the first year after diagnosis of cancer-A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis.
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299. Findings from the Kids in Communities Study (KiCS): A mixed methods study examining community-level influences on early childhood development.
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2021 Sep 1
Goldfeld S, Villanueva K, Tanton R
300. The impact of COVID-19 on trips to urban amenities: Examining travel behavior changes in Somerville, MA.
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2021 Sep 1
Sevtsuk A, Hudson A, Halpern D
301. Vocal correlates of arousal in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp.) in human care.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 1
Probert R, Bastian A, Elwen SH
302. Skepticism and defiance: Assessing credibility and representations of science.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 1
Tavani JL, Piermattéo A, Lo Monaco G
303. Real-world evaluation of costs of illness for pneumonia in adult patients in Dubai-A claims database study.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 1
Al Dallal SAM, Farghaly M, Ghorab A
304. Plant strategies for maximizing growth during water stress and subsequent recovery in Solanum melongena L. (eggplant).
PLoS One
2021 Sep 1
Delfin EF, Drobnitch ST, Comas LH.
305. Modeling the effects of contact-tracing apps on the spread of the coronavirus disease: Mechanisms, conditions, and efficiency.
PLoS One
2021 Sep 1
Chiba A.
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