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2021 Jan (304)
1. Upright epiglottis prevents aspiration in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma post-chemoradiation.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 9
Tamin S, Adham M, Noer A
2. Relationship between the sFlt-1/PlGF ratio and the optical coherence tomographic features of chorioretina in patients with preeclampsia.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 9
Lee J, Bae JG, Kim YC.
3. Reoperation rates for recurrence of fibroids after abdominal myomectomy in women with large uterus.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 9
Kramer KJ, Ottum S, Gonullu D
4. Idiosyncratic multisensory reweighting as the common cause for motion sickness susceptibility and adaptation to postural perturbation.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 9
Dida M, Cian C, Barraud PA
5. Gene network expression of whole blood leukocytes in dairy cows with different milk yield at dry-off.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 9
Cattaneo L, Mezzetti M, Lopreiato V
6. COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among the adult population in Bangladesh: A nationwide cross-sectional survey.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 9
Hossain MB, Alam MZ, Islam MS
7. Key role of Extracellular RNA in hypoxic stress induced myocardial injury.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 9
Bhagat S, Biswas I, Alam MI
8. Risk factors of hepatocellular carcinoma in type 2 diabetes patients: A two-centre study in a developing country.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 9
Azit NA, Sahran S, Voon Meng L
9. Water tank and swimming pool detection based on remote sensing and deep learning: Relationship with socioeconomic level and applications in dengue control.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 9
Cunha HS, Sclauser BS, Wildemberg PF
10. Social capital dimensions are differentially associated with COVID-19 vaccinations, masks, and physical distancing.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 9
Ferwana I, Varshney LR.
11. How to assure the quality of clinical records? A 7-year experience in a large academic hospital.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 9
Scarpis E, Brunelli L, Tricarico P
12. A systematic review on fake news research through the lens of news creation and consumption: Research efforts, challenges, and future directions.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 9
Kim B, Xiong A, Lee D
13. Variable expression of eighteen common housekeeping genes in human non-cancerous kidney biopsies.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 9
Strauss P, Mikkelsen H, Furriol J.
14. Good news reduces trust in government and its efficacy: The case of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine announcement.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 9
Hargreaves Heap SP, Koop C, Matakos K
15. Preferences of seniors living in selected Baltic Sea region countries towards the use of indoor public space furniture.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 9
Fabisiak B, Jankowska A, Kłos R
16. A continent-wide high genetic load in African buffalo revealed by clines in the frequency of deleterious alleles, genetic hitchhiking and linkage disequilibrium.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 9
van Hooft P, Getz WM, Greyling BJ
17. Citizen-led sampling to monitor phosphate levels in freshwater environments using a simple paper microfluidic device.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 9
Richardson S, Iles A, Rotchell JM
18. Nature of the liver volume depending on the gender and age assessing volumetry from a reconstruction of the computed tomography.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 8
Harada K, Ishinuki T, Ohashi Y
19. Social incentive factors in interventions promoting sustainable behaviors: A meta-analysis.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 8
Nguyen-Van P, Stenger A, Tiet T.
20. Citizen journalism reduces the credibility deficit of authoritarian government in risk communication amid COVID-19 outbreaks.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 8
Sheen GC, Tung HH, Wu WC.
21. Consumer perceptions of antimicrobial use in animal husbandry: A scoping review.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 8
Barrett JR, Innes GK, Johnson KA
22. Preloaded D-methionine protects from steady state and impulse noise-induced hearing loss and induces long-term cochlear and endogenous antioxidant effects.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 8
Campbell K, Cosenza N, Meech R
23. Case management programs for people with complex needs: Towards better engagement of community pharmacies and community-based organisations.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 8
Chouinard MC, Bisson M, Danish A
24. Clinical spectrum of endemic leptospirosis in relation to cytokine response.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 8
Dahanayaka NJ, Agampodi SB, Seneviratna I
25. Taking action" to reduce pain-Has interpretation of the motor adaptation to pain been too simplistic?
PLoS One
2021 Dec 8
Bergin M, Tucker K, Vicenzino B
26. Comparison of point and roadside transect methods to evaluate the abundance and richness of diurnal raptors in the arid region of Rajasthan.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 8
Tiwari G, Pandey P, Kaul R
27. Integrated analysis of the functions and prognostic values of RNA-binding proteins in neuroblastoma.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 8
Yang J, Zhou J, Li C
28. A network-based method for predicting disease-associated enhancers.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 8
Le DH.
29. Glomerulotubular pathology in dogs with subclinical ehrlichiosis.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 8
Crivellenti LZ, Cintra CA, Maia SR
30. Self-care appraisal in nursing assistant students: Adaptation, validation and psychometric properties of the Spanish ASAS.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 8
Colomer-Pérez N, Useche SA.
31. Consistency in identity-related sequential decisions.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 8
Perez D, Steinhart Y, Grinstein A
32. Deciphering the microbial and molecular responses of geographically diverse Setaria accessions grown in a nutrient-poor soil.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 8
Peterson MJ, Handakumbura PP, Thompson AM
33. Role of miR-181c in Diet-induced obesity through regulation of lipid synthesis in liver.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 8
Akiyoshi K, Boersma GJ, Johnson MD
34. How do gender disparities in entrepreneurial aspirations emerge in Pakistan? An approach to mediation and multi-group analysis.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 7
Sargani GR, Jiang Y, Zhou D
35. On the generalizability of same-day partial knee replacement surgery-A non-selective interventional study evaluating efficacy, patient satisfaction, and safety in a public hospital setting.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 7
Tveit M.
36. Enhancement of loudness discrimination acuity for self-generated sound is independent of musical experience.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 7
Endo N, Ito T, Watanabe K
37. Reduction of breast tumor drug resistance by 2,3,5,4'-tetrahydroxystilbene for exhibition synergic chemotherapeutic effect.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 7
Chang YY, Lin HJ, Hsiao LC
38. Nurses and physicians attitudes towards factors related to hospitalized patient safety.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 7
Malinowska-Lipień I, Micek A, Gabryś T
39. A genome-wide association study identifies novel candidate genes for susceptibility to diabetes mellitus in non-obese cats.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 7
Forcada Y, Boursnell M, Catchpole B
40. A comparative study of hematological parameters between hypertensive and normotensive individuals in Harar, eastern Ethiopia.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 7
Sileshi B, Urgessa F, Wordofa M.
41. Gene excavation and expression analysis of CYP and UGT related to the post modifying stage of gypenoside biosynthesis in Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino by comprehensive analysis of RNA and proteome sequencing.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 7
Zhang Y, Chen Q, Huang Y
42. Prediction of post transarterial chemoembolization MR images of hepatocellular carcinoma using spatio-temporal graph convolutional networks.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 7
Svecic A, Mansour R, Tang A
43. Effects of teaching experience and culture on choral directors' descriptions of choral tone.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 7
Frizzell EY, Windsor LC.
44. The systematic evaluation of an embodied control interface for virtual reality.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 7
Bektaş K, Thrash T, van Raai MA
45. Woman authorship in pre-print versus peer-reviewed oral health-related publications: A two-year observational study.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 6
Rajendran L, Khandelwal N, Feine J
46. Unmet need for family planning and associated factors among currently married women of reproductive age in Bishoftu town, Eastern Ethiopia.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 6
Girma Garo M, Garoma Abe S, Dugasa Girsha W
47. Multi-membrane search algorithm.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 6
Song Q, Huang Y, Lai W
48. New correlations between ocular parameters and disease severity in Spanish patients with Gaucher's disease Type I.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 6
Esteban O, Torralba MA, Olivera S
49. Trends in incidence and prevalence of type 1 diabetes between 1999 and 2019 based on the Childhood Diabetes Registry of Saxony, Germany.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 31
Manuwald U, Schoffer O, Kugler J
50. COVID-positive ankle fracture patients are at increased odds of perioperative surgical complications following open reduction internal fixation surgery.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 31
Mercier MR, Galivanche AR, Brand JP
51. Mild anemia and 11- to 15-year mortality risk in young-old and old-old: Results from two population-based cohort studies.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 31
Galbussera AA, Mandelli S, Rosso S
52. Patient and retina specialists' preferences in neovascular age-related macular degeneration treatment. A discrete choice experiment.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 31
Gallego-Pinazo R, Pina-Marin B, Comellas M
53. A double-blind, randomized controlled trial to examine the effect of Moringa oleifera leaf powder supplementation on the immune status and anthropometric parameters of adult HIV patients on antiretroviral therapy in a resource-limited setting.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 31
Gambo A, Moodley I, Babashani M
54. Toxicological safety of VOHO Hemp Oil; a supercritical fluid extract from the aerial parts of hemp.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 31
Dziwenka M, Dolan L, Mitchell J.
55. Super.Complex: A supervised machine learning pipeline for molecular complex detection in protein-interaction networks.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 31
Palukuri MV, Marcotte EM.
56. Tweezepy: A Python package for calibrating forces in single-molecule video-tracking experiments.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 31
Morgan IL, Saleh OA.
57. Predicting speech discrimination scores from pure-tone thresholds-A machine learning-based approach using data from 12,697 subjects.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 31
Kim H, Park J, Choung YH
58. Effects of photosynthetic models on the calculation results of photosynthetic response parameters in young Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr. plantation.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 31
Ma X, Liu Q, Zhang Z
59. Food safety knowledge, attitudes, and eating behavior in the advent of the global coronavirus pandemic.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 31
Liu Z, Mutukumira AN, Shen C.
60. Evidence for use of a healthy relationships assessment tool in the CHARISMA pilot study.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 31
Tolley EE, Martinez A, Zissette S
61. How populist attitudes scales fail to capture support for populists in power.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 31
Jungkunz S, Fahey RA, Hino A.
62. Are lifestyle changes from online information associated with discussing the information with a doctor? A cross -sectional study.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 31
Midthassel TC, Hansen AH.
63. Comparison of urine proteome among rat models by intraperitoneal injection with single bacteria and co-injection with two bacteria.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 31
Meng W, Zhao C, Gao Y.
64. Midterm outcomes of 455 patients receiving the AFX2 endovascular graft for the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm: A retrospective multi-center analysis.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 31
Vetsch R, Garrett HE Jr, Stout CL
65. Risk factors and pharmacotherapy for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in paclitaxel-treated female cancer survivors: A retrospective study in Japan.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 31
Hiramoto S, Asano H, Miyamoto T
66. Evaluating the citywide Edinburgh 20mph speed limit intervention effects on traffic speed and volume: A pre-post observational evaluation.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 31
Nightingale GF, Williams AJ, Hunter RF
67. The off-line effect of affective touch on multisensory integration and tactile perceptual accuracy during the somatic signal detection task.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 31
Sacchetti S, McGlone F, Cazzato V
68. The annual cycle for whimbrel populations using the Western Atlantic Flyway.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 31
Watts BD, Smith FM, Hines C
69. Expanding or shrinking? range shifts in wild ungulates under climate change in Pamir-Karakoram mountains, Pakistan.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 31
Ali H, Din JU, Bosso L
70. Community vibrancy and its relationship with safety in Philadelphia.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 31
Sinchaisri WP, Jensen ST.
71. Online public opinion evaluation through the functional resonance analysis method and deep analysis.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 31
Yu L, Chen H, Luo W
72. Cultural differences in social support seeking: The mediating role of empathic concern.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 30
Zheng S, Masuda T, Matsunaga M
73. Inter-specialty collaboration in the formalization of a new foregut subspecialty.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 30
Vassaur H, Martelli P.
74. Disinvestment in the presence of uncertainty: Description of a novel, multi-group, disinvestment trial design and protocol for an application to reduce or cease use of mobilisation alarms for preventing falls in hospitals.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 30
Haines TP, Botti M, Brusco N
75. Implementation of an electronic patient-reported measure of barriers to antiretroviral therapy adherence with the Opal patient portal: Protocol for a mixed method type 3 hybrid pilot study at a large Montreal HIV clinic.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 30
Engler K, Vicente S, Ma Y
76. Geometrical analysis of motion schemes on fencing experts from competition videos.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 30
Magnani C, Defrasne Ait-Said E.
77. Embodied metaphor in communication about lived experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic in Wuhan, China.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 30
Deng Y, Yang J, Wan W.
78. Determinants of condom use during last sexual intercourse among male college youth of Kaski, Nepal: A cross-sectional survey.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 30
Parajuli B, Adhikari C, Tripathi N.
79. Standard precautions for preventing Tuberculosis and HIV: Compliance of Eswatini university student nurses.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 30
Gina NSV, Rasweswe MM, Moagi MM.
80. The challenge of involving old patients with polypharmacy in their medication during hospitalization in a medical emergency department: An ethnographic study.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 30
Fabricius PK, Andersen O, Steffensen KD
81. Identification of hub genes and construction of an mRNA-miRNA-lncRNA network of gastric carcinoma using integrated bioinformatics analysis.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 30
Wei G, Dong Y, He Z
82. Perceptions of professional soccer coaches, support staff and players toward virtual reality and the factors that modify their intention to use it.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 30
Greenhough B, Barrett S, Towlson C
83. A systematic bibliometric review of clean energy transition: Implications for low-carbon development.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 3
Zhang W, Li B, Xue R
84. Prevalence, types and severity of medication errors associated with the use of automated medication use systems in ambulatory and institutionalized care settings: A systematic review protocol.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 3
Yusuff KB, Mustafa M, Al-Qahtani NH.
85. Design and evaluation of a cognitive health education pilot program according to the RE-AIM framework.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 3
Yuan M, Xiao X, Wang Y
86. RFARN: Retinal vessel segmentation based on reverse fusion attention residual network.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 3
Liu W, Jiang Y, Zhang J
87. COVID-19 testing, timeliness and positivity from ICMR's laboratory surveillance network in India: Profile of 176 million individuals tested and 188 million tests, March 2020 to January 2021.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 3
Ponnaiah M, Suliankatchi Abdulkader R, Bhatnagar T
88. Investigation of extramammary sources of Group B Streptococcus reveals its unusual ecology and epidemiology in camels.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 3
Seligsohn D, Crestani C, Gitahi N
89. A three-dimensional intelligent engineering management and control system for the construction of a long-span valve hall project based on a microservice architecture.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 3
Zeng Q, Ming W, Luo J
90. Computed tomography with 6-year follow-up demonstrates the evolution of HTLV-1 related lung injuries: A cohort study.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 29
Dias ARN, Vieira WB, Normando VMF
91. Bias-corrected maximum-likelihood estimation of multiplicity of infection and lineage frequencies.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 29
Hashemi M, Schneider KA.
92. Making sense of unfamiliar COVID-19 vaccines: How national origin affects vaccination willingness.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 29
Jensen EA, Wagoner B, Pfleger A
93. Determinants of severity among hospitalised COVID-19 patients: Hospital-based case-control study, India, 2020.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 29
Zodpey SP, Negandhi H, Kamal VK
94. Controlling forever love.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 29
Herrera de la Cruz J, Rey JM.
95. HIV-1 Vpr protein upregulates microRNA-210-5p expression to induce G2 arrest by targeting TGIF2.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 29
Qiao J, Peng Q, Qian F
96. Maternal dietary diversity during lactation and associated factors in Palghar district, Maharashtra, India.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 29
Rajpal S, Kumar A, Alambusha R
97. Damage evaluation and precursor of sandstone under the uniaxial compression: Insights from the strain-field heterogeneity.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 29
Cheng H, Yang X, Zhang Z
98. Hand-in-hand in the golden years: Cognitive interdependence, partner involvement in retirement planning, and the transition into retirement.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 29
Lamarche VM, Rolison JJ.
99. Influence of scattered trees in grazing areas on soil properties in the Piedmont region of the Colombian Amazon.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 29
Álvarez F, Casanoves F, Suárez JC.
100. Combined mRNAs and clinical factors model on predicting prognosis in patients with triple-negative breast cancer.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 29
Hu Y, Zou D.
101. Designing the best breeding strategy for Coffea canephora: Genetic evaluation of pure and hybrid individuals aiming to select for productivity and disease resistance traits.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 29
Alkimim ER, Caixeta ET, Sousa TV
102. Elevated serum expression of p53 and association of TP53 codon 72 polymorphisms with risk of cervical cancer in Bangladeshi women.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 28
Mostaid MS, Mumu SB, Haque MA
103. Husbands' participation in birth preparedness and complication readiness plan in Kucha district, Gamo Zone, Southern Ethiopia.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 28
Gultie T, Tanto Z, Estifanos W
104. Enhanced location tracking in sensor fusion-assisted virtual reality micro-manipulation environments.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 28
Prieto Prada JD, Im J, Oh H
105. Diagnosis of tuberculosis among COVID-19 suspected cases in Ghana.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 28
Afum T, Asare P, Asante-Poku A
106. The circuits of healthcare: Understanding healthcare seeking behaviour-A qualitative study with tuberculosis patients in Lisbon, Portugal.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 28
Ribeiro RM, Havik PJ, Craveiro I.
107. Epidemiological evidence relating risk factors to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in China: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 28
Chen H, Liu X, Gao X
108. Colchicine use in patients with COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 28
Chiu L, Lo CH, Shen M
109. A study to investigate the implementation process and fidelity of a hospital to community pharmacy transfer of care intervention.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 28
Khayyat SM, Nazar Z, Nazar H.
110. Real-world treatment patterns and clinical outcomes for inpatients with COVID-19 in the US from September 2020 to February 2021.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 28
Ayodele O, Ren K, Zhao J
111. Clinical and radiological characteristics of acute pulmonary embolus in relation to 28-day and 6-month mortality.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 28
Norton L, Cooper G, Sheerins O
112. Assessment of farm households' perception, beliefs and attitude toward climatic risks: A case study of rural Vietnam.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 28
Nguyen-Thi-Lan H, Fahad S, Nguyen-Anh T
113. Three-dimensional evaluation of upper airway changes following rapid maxillary expansion: A retrospective comparison with propensity score matched controls.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 23
Aljawad H, Lee KM, Lim HJ.
114. Diagnostic and prognostic significance of premature ventricular complexes in community and hospital-based participants: A scoping review.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 23
Suba S, Fleischmann KE, Schell-Chaple H
115. Predicting online participation through Bayesian network analysis.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 23
Kopacheva E.
116. Phytochemical and proximate content of Carapa procera bark and its antimicrobial potential against selected pathogens.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 23
Owusu DA, Afedzi AEK, Quansah L.
117. Changes in attitudes to vaccination as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study of older adults in the UK.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 23
Gallant AJ, Nicholls LAB, Rasmussen S
118. Multiplexed CRISPR-mediated engineering of protein secretory pathway genes in the thermotolerant methylotrophic yeast Ogataea thermomethanolica.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 23
Kruasuwan W, Puseenam A, Tanapongpipat S
119. Assessing changes in mood state in university students following short-term study abroad.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 23
Yamanaka T, Yamagishi N, Nawa NE
120. Efficacy of vonoprazan against bleeding from endoscopic submucosal dissection-induced gastric ulcers under antithrombotic medication: A cross-design synthesis of randomized and observational studies.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 23
Hidaka Y, Imai T, Inaba T
121. The diagnostic accuracy and prognostic value of OCT for the evaluation of the visual function in children with a brain tumour: A systematic review.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 23
Nuijts MA, Imhof SM, Veldhuis N
122. Psychosocial stress and neuroendocrine biomarker concentrations among women living with or without HIV.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 23
Levy ME, Waters A, Sen S
123. Epidemiological analysis of intramuscular hemorrhage of respiratory and accessory respiratory muscles in fatal drowning cases.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 23
Onitsuka D, Nakamae T, Katsuyama M
124. Whole embryonic detection of maternal microchimeric cells highlights significant differences in their numbers among individuals.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 23
Fujimoto K, Nakajima A, Hori S
125. Cryotherapy in extra-abdominal desmoid tumors: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 23
Vora BMK, Munk PL, Somasundaram N
126. Comparison of biosimilar Tigerase and Pulmozyme in long-term symptomatic therapy of patients with cystic fibrosis and severe pulmonary impairment (subgroup analysis of a Phase III randomized open-label clinical trial (NCT04468100)).
PLoS One
2021 Dec 23
Amelina EL, Krasovsky SA, Akhtyamova-Givirovskaya NE
127. Improving mariculture insurance premium rate calculation using an information diffusion model.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 23
Zhang Q.
128. A non-randomized clinical trial to examine patients' experiences and communication during telemonitoring of pacemakers after five years follow-up.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 23
Catalan-Matamoros D, Lopez-Villegas A, Leal Costa C
129. What part of the brain is involved in graphic design thinking in landscape architecture?
PLoS One
2021 Dec 23
Tsai YP, Hung SH, Huang TR
130. Diagnostic and prognostic potential of eight whole blood microRNAs for equine sarcoid disease.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 23
Cosandey J, Hamza E, Gerber V
131. We're all in this together: Focus on community attenuates effects of pandemic-related financial hardship on reactance to COVID-19 public health regulations.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 23
Knapp ME, Partington LC, Hodge RT
132. Network science inspires novel tree shape statistics.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 23
Chindelevitch L, Hayati M, Poon AFY
133. Recent trends of refractive surgery rate and detailed analysis of subjects with refractive surgery: The 2008-2015 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 23
Lee Y, Kim JS, Park UC
134. Multi-state model for predicting ocular progression in acute Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 23
Kinoshita F, Yokota I, Mieno H
135. Hepatic transcriptome analysis identifies genes, polymorphisms and pathways involved in the fatty acids metabolism in sheep.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 23
Gunawan A, Listyarini K, Harahap RS
136. Reasons for loss to follow-up (LTFU) of pulmonary TB (PTB) patients: A qualitative study among Saharia, a particularly vulnerable tribal group of Madhya Pradesh, India.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 23
Mishra P, Sharma RK, Yadav R
137. Prevalence and predictive factors for bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome by electrodiagnosis: A retrospective study.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 23
Singjam A, Charoentanyarak K, Saengsuwan J.
138. Alteration of the corpus callosum in patients with Alzheimer's disease: Deep learning-based assessment.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 23
Kamal S, Park I, Kim YJ
139. Higher-order structure of DNA determines its positioning in cell-size droplets under crowded conditions.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 22
Nishio T, Yoshikawa Y, Yoshikawa K.
140. Efficacy of a sonic toothbrush on plaque removal-A video-controlled explorative clinical trial.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 22
Schlueter N, Fiedler S, Mueller M
141. Profiling the most elderly parkinson's disease patients: Does age or disease duration matter?
PLoS One
2021 Dec 22
Virameteekul S, Phokaewvarangkul O, Bhidayasiri R.
142. Bilateral internal thoracic artery use in two-vessel disease does not increase the perioperative risk-A propensity score matched analysis.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 22
Konstanty-Kalandyk J, Kędziora A, Mazur P
143. Long-term changes in populations of rainforest birds in the Australia Wet Tropics bioregion: A climate-driven biodiversity emergency.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 22
Williams SE, de la Fuente A.
144. It is not fashionable to suffer nowadays': Community motivations to repeatedly participate in outreach HIV testing indicate UHC potential in Tanzania.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 22
de Klerk J, Bortolani A, Meta J
145. On predicting particle capture rates in aquatic ecosystems.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 22
Espinosa-Gayosso A, Ghisalberti M, Shimeta J
146. Extracellular domains of E-cadherin determine key mechanical phenotypes of an epithelium through cell- and non-cell-autonomous outside-in signaling.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 22
Aladin DMK, Chu YS, Shen S
147. Reading the ground: Understanding the response of bioelectric microbes to anthropogenic compounds in soil based terrestrial microbial fuel cells.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 22
Barbato RA, Jones RM, Musty MA
148. Knowledge management process, knowledge based innovation: Does academic researcher's productivity mediate during the pandemic of covid-19?
PLoS One
2021 Dec 22
Rehman FU, Ismail H, Al Ghazali BM
149. Expansion of invariant natural killer T cells from systemic lupus erythematosus patients by alpha-Galactosylceramide and IL-15.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 22
Hsu CY, Chueh YS, Kuo ML
150. SARS-CoV-2 spike-specific memory B cells express higher levels of T-bet and FcRL5 after non-severe COVID-19 as compared to severe disease.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 22
Reyes RA, Clarke K, Gonzales SJ
151. The future of fish in Africa: Employment and investment opportunities.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 22
Chan CY, Tran N, Cheong KC
152. Platelet microRNAs inhibit primary tumor growth via broad modulation of tumor cell mRNA expression in ectopic pancreatic cancer in mice.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 22
Wurtzel JGT, Lazar S, Sikder S
153. Financial inclusion and monetary policy effectiveness: A sustainable development approach of developed and under-developed countries.
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2021 Dec 22
Arshad MU, Ahmed Z, Ramzan A
154. Nonadherence in diabetes care among US adults with diabetes by stroke status.
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2021 Dec 22
Tran P, Tran L, Tran L.
155. Understanding the implementation, impact and sustainable use of an electronic pharmacy referral service at hospital discharge: A qualitative evaluation from a sociotechnical perspective.
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2021 Dec 22
Jeffries M, Keers RN, Belither H
156. Clinical evaluation of the SD Biosensor SARS-CoV-2 saliva antigen rapid test with symptomatic and asymptomatic, non-hospitalized patients.
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2021 Dec 22
Igloi Z, Velzing J, Huisman R
157. The impact of positive and negative testimony on children's attitudes toward others.
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2021 Dec 22
Shinohara A, Kanakogi Y, Okumura Y
158. Using a ligate intestinal loop mouse model to investigate Clostridioides difficile adherence to the intestinal mucosa in aged mice.
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2021 Dec 22
Castro-Córdova P, Mendoza-León MJ, Paredes-Sabja D.
159. Metabolic engineering of Bacillus subtilis with an endopolygalacturonase gene isolated from Pectobacterium. carotovorum; a plant pathogenic bacterial strain.
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2021 Dec 22
Rafique N, Bashir S, Khan MZ
160. A rare CTSC mutation in Papillon-Lefèvre Syndrome results in abolished serine protease activity and reduced NET formation but otherwise normal neutrophil function.
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2021 Dec 21
Sanchez Klose FP, Björnsdottir H, Dahlstrand Rudin A
161. DHEA and polycystic ovarian syndrome: Meta-analysis of case-control studies.
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2021 Dec 21
Benjamin JJ, K M, Koshy T
162. Coverage evaluation surveys following soil-transmitted helminthiasis and schistosomiasis mass drug administration in Wolaita Zone of Ethiopia-The Geshiyaro project.
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2021 Dec 21
Liyew EF, Chernet M, Belay H
163. Is there really a proportional relationship between VO2max and body weight? A review article.
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2021 Dec 21
Lee J, Zhang X.
164. Maternal mortality associated with COVID-19 in Brazil in 2020 and 2021: Comparison with non-pregnant women and men.
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2021 Dec 21
Gonçalves BMM, Franco RPV, Rodrigues AS.
165. Prevalence of unrecognized depression and associated factors among medical outpatient department attendees; a cross sectional study.
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2021 Dec 21
Lemma A, Mulat H, Nigussie K
166. Time trends, factors associated with, and reasons for COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: A massive online survey of US adults from January-May 2021.
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2021 Dec 21
King WC, Rubinstein M, Reinhart A
167. Primer extension coupled with fragment analysis for rapid and quantitative evaluation of 5.8S rRNA isoforms.
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2021 Dec 21
Venturi G, Zacchini F, Vaccari CL
168. Women's post-abortion contraceptive use: Are predictors the same for immediate and future uptake of contraception? Evidence from Ghana.
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2021 Dec 21
Kayi EA, Biney AAE, Dodoo ND
169. Identification of starch candidate genes using SLAF-seq and BSA strategies and development of related SNP-CAPS markers in tetraploid potato.
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2021 Dec 21
Li J, Yu X, Zhang S
170. Belly fat or bloating? New insights into the physical appearance of St Anthony of Padua.
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2021 Dec 21
Mongillo J, Vescovo G, Bramanti B.
171. Top-down, bottom-up, and history-driven processing of multisensory attentional cues in intellectual disability: An experimental study in virtual reality.
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2021 Dec 21
Kim J, Hwang E, Shin H
172. Perceived safety and trust in SAE Level 2 partially automated cars: Results from an online questionnaire.
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2021 Dec 21
Nordhoff S, Stapel J, He X
173. Analysis of PET parameters predicting response to radiotherapy for myeloid sarcoma.
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2021 Dec 20
Choi KH, Song JH, Kwak YK
174. Different domains of dengue research in the Philippines: A systematic review and meta-analysis of questionnaire-based studies.
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2021 Dec 20
Guad RM, Carandang RR, Solidum JN
175. Suicide preceded by health services contact - A whole-of-population study in New Zealand 2013-2015.
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2021 Dec 20
Chiang A, Paynter J, Edlin R
176. Leg length discrepancy: A systematic review on the validity and reliability of clinical assessments and imaging diagnostics used in clinical practice.
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2021 Dec 20
Alfuth M, Fichter P, Knicker A.
177. Crisis propagation in a heterogeneous self-reflexive DSGE model.
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2021 Dec 20
Morelli F, Benzaquen M, Bouchaud JP
178. Is intuition allied with jumping to conclusions in decision-making? An intensive longitudinal study in patients with delusions and in non-clinical individuals.
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2021 Dec 20
Zander-Schellenberg T, Kuhn SAK, Möller J
179. Prevalence of perceived stigma and associated factors among primary caregivers of children and adolescents with mental illness, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Cross-sectional study.
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2021 Dec 20
Minichil W, Getinet W, Kassew T.
180. Mean square displacement for a discrete centroid model of cell motion.
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2021 Dec 20
Rosen ME, Grant CP, Dallon JC.
181. Short-term memory, attention, and temporal orientation as predictors of the cognitive impairment in older adults: A cross-sectional observational study.
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2021 Dec 20
Gómez-Soria I, Ferreira C, Oliván Blazquez B
182. Characterization of the adaptive immune response of donors receiving live anthrax vaccine.
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2021 Dec 20
Firstova VV, Shakhova AS, Riabko AK
183. Streptococcus gordonii DL1 evades polymorphonuclear leukocyte-mediated killing via resistance to lysozyme.
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2021 Dec 20
Urano-Tashiro Y, Saiki K, Yamanaka Y
184. Modelling RT-qPCR cycle-threshold using digital PCR data for implementing SARS-CoV-2 viral load studies.
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2021 Dec 20
Gentilini F, Turba ME, Taddei F
185. Exogenous salicylic acid-induced drought stress tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown under hydroponic culture.
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2021 Dec 20
Ahmad A, Aslam Z, Naz M
186. Spatial associations between plants and vegetation community characteristics provide insights into the processes influencing plant rarity.
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2021 Dec 20
Sritharan MS, Scheele BC, Blanchard W
187. Data protection, data management, and data sharing: Stakeholder perspectives on the protection of personal health information in South Africa.
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2021 Dec 20
Staunton C, Tschigg K, Sherman G.
188. ThinPrep cytology combined with HPV detection in the diagnosis of cervical lesions in 1622 patients.
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2021 Dec 2
Husaiyin S, Jiao Z, Yimamu K
189. Diversity and heterogeneity of immune states in non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer.
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2021 Dec 2
Rice SJ, Belani CP.
190. Low frequency weak electric fields can induce structural changes in water.
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2021 Dec 2
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191. Potential role of the ABCG2-Q141K polymorphism in type 2 diabetes.
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2021 Dec 2
Szabó E, Kulin A, Mózner O
192. Factors associated with female students' past year experience of sexual violence in South African public higher education settings: A cross-sectional study.
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2021 Dec 2
Machisa MT, Chirwa ED, Mahlangu P
193. Comparison of TCF4 repeat expansion length in corneal endothelium and leukocytes of patients with Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy.
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2021 Dec 2
Wieben ED, Aleff RA, Rinkoski TA
194. Comparison of post-activation performance enhancement (PAPE) after isometric and isotonic exercise on vertical jump performance.
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2021 Dec 2
Vargas-Molina S, Salgado-Ramírez U, Chulvi-Medrano I
195. Assessing BRCA1 activity in DNA damage repair using human induced pluripotent stem cells as an approach to assist classification of BRCA1 variants of uncertain significance.
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2021 Dec 2
Ozgencil M, Barwell J, Tischkowitz M
196. Walking on the bright side: Associations between affect, depression, and gait.
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2021 Dec 2
Kumar D, Villarreal DJ, Meuret AE.
197. A model framework for projecting the prevalence and impact of Long-COVID in the UK.
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2021 Dec 2
Martin C, Luteijn M, Letton W
198. An investigation into the deep learning approach in sentimental analysis using graph-based theories.
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2021 Dec 2
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199. Role of tissue factor in delayed bone repair induced by diabetic state in mice.
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2021 Dec 2
Ehara H, Tatsumi K, Takafuji Y
200. Time-to-event estimation of birth prevalence trends: A method to enable investigating the etiology of childhood disorders including autism.
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2021 Dec 2
MacInnis AG.
201. Genome wide association study of plant height and tiller number in hulless barley.
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2021 Dec 2
Bai Y, Zhao X, Yao X
202. Vague data analysis using neutrosophic Jarque-Bera test.
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2021 Dec 2
Aslam M, Sherwani RAK, Saleem M.
203. Utilization rate and usage patterns of phakic and pseudophakic donor corneas recovered by the Singapore Eye Bank.
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2021 Dec 2
Kyauk S, Cajucom-Uy HY, Htoon HM
204. Serial measurement of cytokines strongly predict COVID-19 outcome.
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2021 Dec 2
Ozger HS, Karakus R, Kuscu EN
205. Treatment of necrotizing enterocolitis by conditioned medium derived from human amniotic fluid stem cells.
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2021 Dec 2
O'Connell JS, Li B, Zito A
206. The inflammatory biomarkers profile of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 and its association with patient's outcome: A single centered study.
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2021 Dec 2
Hachim IY, Hachim MY, Hannawi H
207. Prevalence of Burnout Syndrome and other psychiatric disorders among health professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis protocol.
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2021 Dec 2
Medeiros KS, Ferreira de Paiva LM, Macêdo LTA
208. Do manual therapies have a specific autonomic effect? An overview of systematic reviews.
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2021 Dec 2
Roura S, Álvarez G, Solà I
209. Fire behaviors along timber linings affixed to tunnel walls in mines.
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2021 Dec 2
Gao K, Liu Z, Tao C
210. Female mentors positively contribute to undergraduate STEM research experiences.
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2021 Dec 2
Moghe S, Baumgart K, Shaffer JJ
211. Characterizing health care provider knowledge: Evidence from HIV services in Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, and Zambia.
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2021 Dec 2
Pineda-Antunez C, Contreras-Loya D, Rodriguez-Atristain A
212. The Dickman Impulsivity Inventory: Validation and measurement invariance among Portuguese young adults.
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2021 Dec 2
Pechorro P, Revilla R, Resende M
213. 3D fluorescence microscopy data synthesis for segmentation and benchmarking.
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2021 Dec 2
Eschweiler D, Rethwisch M, Jarchow M
214. Physical-mental health comorbidity: A population-based cross-sectional study.
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2021 Dec 2
Jürisson M, Pisarev H, Uusküla A
215. Influenza vaccination coverage and factors associated with severe laboratory-confirmed influenza-related illness in patients receiving care at a tertiary hospital in Catalonia (Spain) during the 2018-2019 epidemic season.
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2021 Dec 2
Mena G, Casas I, Casañ C
216. Effects of spousal migration on access to healthcare for women left behind: A cross-sectional follow-up study.
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2021 Dec 2
West HS, Robbins ME, Moucheraud C
217. Magnitude and associated factors of low back pain among nurses working at intensive care unit of public hospitals in Amhara region, Ethiopia.
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2021 Dec 2
Tefera BZ, Zeleke H, Abate A
218. The mucosal barrier and anti-viral immune responses can eliminate portions of the viral population during transmission and early viral growth.
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2021 Dec 2
Moriarty RV, Golfinos AE, Gellerup DD
219. Primary school staff perspectives of school closures due to COVID-19, experiences of schools reopening and recommendations for the future: A qualitative survey in Wales.
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2021 Dec 2
Marchant E, Todd C, James M
220. Combining research and design: A mixed methods approach aimed at understanding and optimising inpatient medication storage systems.
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2021 Dec 2
Wheeler C, Blencowe A, Jacklin A
221. The role of OCT- angiography in predicting anatomical and functional recovery after endoscopic endonasal pituitary surgery: A 1-year longitudinal study.
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2021 Dec 2
Cennamo G, Solari D, Montorio D
222. Nerve recovery from treatment with a vascularized nerve graft compared to an autologous non-vascularized nerve graft in animal models: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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2021 Dec 2
Broeren BO, Duraku LS, Hundepool CA
223. Nest parasitism, promiscuity, and relatedness among wood ducks.
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2021 Dec 2
Harvey K, Lavretsky P, Foth J
224. Investigating the risk factors for seroprevalence and the correlation between CD4+ T-cell count and humoral antibody responses to Toxoplasma gondii infection amongst HIV patients in the Bamenda Health District, Cameroon.
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2021 Dec 2
Fang EE, Nyasa RB, Ndi EM
225. COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among Ethiopian healthcare workers.
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2021 Dec 17
Mohammed R, Nguse TM, Habte BM
226. A pragmatic approach for producing theoretical syntheses in ecology.
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2021 Dec 17
Travassos-Britto B, Pardini R, El-Hani CN
227. Use of spineless cactus associated with legume hay in the feedlot-finishing of lambs in semi-arid regions.
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2021 Dec 17
da Trindade Silva MG, Geraldo Costa M, Campelo Medeiros M
228. Ovicidal, larvicidal and pupicidal efficacy of silver nanoparticles synthesized by Bacillus marisflavi against the chosen mosquito species.
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2021 Dec 17
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229. Potential SARS-CoV-2 infectiousness among asymptomatic healthcare workers.
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2021 Dec 17
Pimenoff VN, Elfström M, Conneryd Lundgren K
230. Oncologists' reflections on patient rights and access to compassionate use drugs: A qualitative interview study from an academic cancer center.
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2021 Dec 17
Stout J, Smith C, Buckner J
231. COVID-19 affected the food behavior of different age groups in Chinese households.
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2021 Dec 17
Chen T, Wang C, Cui Z
232. Evaluation of multi-assay algorithms for identifying individuals with recent HIV infection: HPTN 071 (PopART).
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2021 Dec 17
Grant-McAuley W, Klock E, Laeyendecker O
233. Viral burden and diversity in acute respiratory tract infections in hospitalized children in wet and dry zones of Sri Lanka.
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2021 Dec 17
Jayaweera JAAS, Morel AJ, Abeykoon AMSB
234. Technical efficiency evaluation of colorectal cancer care for older patients in Dutch hospitals.
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2021 Dec 17
Heil TC, Melis RJF, Maas HAAM
235. The pink salmon genome: Uncovering the genomic consequences of a two-year life cycle.
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2021 Dec 17
Christensen KA, Rondeau EB, Sakhrani D
236. Human mobility data and machine learning reveal geographic differences in alcohol sales and alcohol outlet visits across U.S. states during COVID-19.
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2021 Dec 17
Hu Y, Quigley BM, Taylor D.
237. Exploration of Klebsiella pneumoniae M6 for paclobutrazol degradation, plant growth attributes, and biocontrol action under subtropical ecosystem.
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2021 Dec 16
Kumar G, Lal S, Maurya SK
238. Binary matrix factorization on special purpose hardware.
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2021 Dec 16
Malik OA, Ushijima-Mwesigwa H, Roy A
239. Association of microbial dynamics with urinary estrogens and estrogen metabolites in patients with endometriosis.
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2021 Dec 16
Le N, Cregger M, Brown V
240. A data-driven approach for examining the demand for relaxation games on Steam during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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2021 Dec 16
Croissant M, Frister M.
241. Pathogenicity of field strain of fowl aviadenovirus serotype 11 isolated from chickens with inclusion body hepatitis in Morocco.
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2021 Dec 16
Abghour S, Mouahid M, Darkaoui S
242. Universities' Scientific and Technological Transformation in China: Its Efficiency and Influencing Factors in the Yangtze River Economic Belt.
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2021 Dec 16
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243. Validation and measurement invariance of the Occupational Depression Inventory in South Africa.
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2021 Dec 16
Hill C, de Beer LT, Bianchi R.
244. The impact of the caregiver mobility on child HIV care in the Manhiça District, Southern Mozambique: A clinical based study.
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2021 Dec 16
Nhampossa T, Fernández-Luis S, Fuente-Soro L
245. Study protocol for a two-site clinical trial to validate a smartphone-based artificial intelligence classifier identifying cervical precancer and cancer in HPV-positive women in Cameroon.
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2021 Dec 16
Baleydier I, Vassilakos P, Viñals R
246. Association between salt intake and long-term mortality in hemodialysis patients: A retrospective cohort study.
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2021 Dec 16
Suzuki N, Hitomi Y, Takata H
247. Analysis of migration of pathogenic drug-resistant bacteria to soils and groundwater after fertilization with sewage sludge.
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2021 Dec 16
Stańczyk-Mazanek E, Stępniak L.
248. Biological laterality and peripheral nerve DTI metrics.
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2021 Dec 16
Holmes SA, Staffa SJ, Karapanagou A
249. An absence of equipoise: Examining surgeons' decision talk during encounters with women considering breast cancer surgery.
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2021 Dec 16
Politi MC, Saunders CH, Grabinski VF
250. Height-diameter allometry for tropical forest in northern Amazonia.
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2021 Dec 16
Lima RB, Görgens EB, Elias F
251. How to attract and retain health workers in rural areas of a fragile state: Findings from a labour market survey in Guinea.
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2021 Dec 16
Witter S, Herbst CH, Smitz M
252. Green credit, environmental protection investment and debt financing for heavily polluting enterprises.
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2021 Dec 15
Ji L, Jia P, Yan J.
253. National Early Warning Score 2 (NEWS2) to predict poor outcome in hospitalised COVID-19 patients in India.
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2021 Dec 15
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254. Key determinants of deposits volume using CAMEL rating system: The case of Saudi banks.
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2021 Dec 15
Al-Najjar D, Assous HF.
255. Divergent evolution of Corynebacterium diphtheriae in India: An update from National Diphtheria Surveillance network.
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2021 Dec 15
Devanga Ragupathi NK, Muthuirulandi Sethuvel DP, Murugan D
256. Outcomes of early oseltamivir treatment for hospitalized adult patients with community-acquired influenza pneumonia.
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2021 Dec 15
Kositpantawong N, Surasombatpattana S, Siripaitoon P
257. Prevalence, incidence and predictors of renal impairment in persons with HIV receiving protease-inhibitors in rural Tanzania.
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2021 Dec 15
Mapesi H, Okuma J, Franzeck F
258. Plasticity of the bony carotid canal and its clinical use for assessing negative remodeling of the internal carotid artery.
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2021 Dec 15
Oichi Y, Mineharu Y, Agawa Y
259. The mechanism of goal-setting participation's impact on employees' proactive behavior, moderated mediation role of power distance.
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2021 Dec 15
Pervaiz S, Li G, He Q.
260. Mindfulness predicts less depression, anxiety, and social impairment in emergency care personnel: A longitudinal study.
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2021 Dec 15
Westphal M, Wall M, Corbeil T
261. CANDIDATE: A tool for generating anonymous participant-linking IDs in multi-session studies.
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2021 Dec 15
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262. A method for tracking blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) with a widely spaced network of ocean bottom seismometers.
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2021 Dec 15
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263. Exploring anxiety awareness during academic science examinations.
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2021 Dec 15
Apostolidis H, Tsiatsos T.
264. Improving phylogenetic resolution of the Lamiales using the complete plastome sequences of six Penstemon species.
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2021 Dec 15
Stettler JM, Stevens MR, Meservey LM
265. Prevalence of tobacco dependence and associated factors among patients with schizophrenia attending their treatments at southwest Ethiopia; hospital-based cross-sectional study.
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2021 Dec 15
Desalegn D, Abdu Z, Hajure M.
266. Dementia and autopsy-verified causes of death in racially-diverse older Brazilians.
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2021 Dec 15
Farfel JM, Leurgans SE, Capuano AW
267. Spatial epidemiology and genetic diversity of SARS-CoV-2 and related coronaviruses in domestic and wild animals.
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2021 Dec 15
Islam A, Ferdous J, Sayeed MA
268. Essential roles of buried phenylalanine in the structural stability of thioredoxin from a psychrophilic Arctic bacterium Sphingomonas sp.
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2021 Dec 15
Nguyen TT, Hoang T, Tran KN
269. Optical bench simulation for intraocular lenses using field-tracing technology.
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2021 Dec 15
Song SH, Song IS, Oh SJ
270. Contributions of park constructions to residents' demands of ecosystem services consumption: A case study of urban public parks in Beijing.
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2021 Dec 15
Wang S, Li T, Li D
271. A comparison of host response strategies to distinguish bacterial and viral infection.
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2021 Dec 14
Ross M, Henao R, Burke TW
272. Quantitative photogrammetric methodology for measuring mammalian belly score in the painted dog.
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2021 Dec 14
Rasmussen G, Smultea M, Cloutier T
273. Imputing pre-diagnosis health behaviour in cancer registry data and investigating its relationship with oesophageal cancer survival time.
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2021 Dec 14
Fahey PP, Page A, Astell-Burt T
274. Prevalence and clinical course of upper airway respiratory virus infection in critically ill patients with hematologic malignancies.
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2021 Dec 14
Lee J, Kim SC, Rhee CK
275. Health and well-being of university students before and during COVID-19 pandemic: A gender comparison.
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2021 Dec 14
Gestsdottir S, Gisladottir T, Stefansdottir R
276. Lifestyle patterns associated with common mental disorders in Brazilian adolescents: Results of the Study of Cardiovascular Risks in Adolescents (ERICA).
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2021 Dec 14
Silva SA, do Carmo AS, Carvalho KMB.
277. Personalised reprogramming to prevent progressive pacemaker-related left ventricular dysfunction: A phase II randomised, controlled clinical trial.
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2021 Dec 13
Paton MF, Gierula J, Lowry JE
278. A framework of artificial light management for optimal plant development for smart greenhouse application.
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2021 Dec 13
Pereira J, Mouazen AM, Foo M
279. Preoperative assessment of cervical lymph node metastases in patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma: Incremental diagnostic value of dual-energy CT combined with ultrasound.
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2021 Dec 13
Yoon J, Choi Y, Jang J
280. Menstrual health and factors associated with school absence among secondary school girls in Luang Prabang Province, Lao People's Democratic Republic: A cross-sectional study.
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2021 Dec 13
Inthaphatha S, Louangpradith V, Xiong LI
281. Comparison of photosynthetic activity and heat tolerance between near isogenic lines of wheat with different photosynthetic rates.
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2021 Dec 13
Li C, Ma M, Zhang T
282. Origin and evolution of HIV-1 subtype A6.
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2021 Dec 13
Abidi SH, Aibekova L, Davlidova S
283. Behavior and Fos activation reveal that male and female rats differentially assess affective valence during CTA learning and expression.
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2021 Dec 13
Bernanke A, Burnette E, Murphy J
284. Prevalence and predictive risk factors of hypertension in patients hospitalized in Kamenge Military hospital and Kamenge University teaching hospital in 2019: A fixed effect modelling study in Burundi.
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2021 Dec 13
Iradukunda A, Odjidja EN, Ndayishima SK
285. The association between Helicobacter pylori with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease assessed by controlled attenuation parameter and other metabolic factors.
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2021 Dec 13
Han YM, Lee J, Choi JM
286. Investigating the role of the carbon storage regulator A (CsrA) in Leptospira spp.
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2021 Dec 13
Phoka T, Fule L, Da Fonseca JP
287. A strengths-based approach to exploring diabetes management in an Indigenous minority population: A mixed methods study.
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2021 Dec 10
Abu-Saad K, Daoud N, Kaplan G
288. Evaluation of YouTube videos for patients' education on periradicular surgery.
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2021 Dec 10
Jamleh A, Nassar M, Alissa H
289. Assessment of practice of Covid-19 preventive measures and associated factors among residents in Southern, Ethiopia.
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2021 Dec 10
Kaso AW, Hareru HE, Agero G
290. Sleep quality and associated factors among adult patients with epilepsy attending follow-up care at referral hospitals in Amhara region, Ethiopia.
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2021 Dec 10
Simie Tsega S, Yazew BG, Mekonnen K.
291. Ozone ultrafine bubble water inhibits the early formation of Candida albicans biofilms.
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2021 Dec 10
Shichiri-Negoro Y, Tsutsumi-Arai C, Arai Y
292. Midwives' perspectives on person-centred maternity care in public hospitals in South-east Nigeria: A mixed-method study.
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2021 Dec 10
Ogbuabor DC, Okoronkwo IL.
293. The risk of laryngitis with herpes zoster infection: A nested case-control study using data from the Korean National Sample Cohort.
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2021 Dec 10
Joo YH, Lee HJ, Park JO
294. Fatigue during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence of social distancing adherence from a panel study of young adults in Switzerland.
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2021 Dec 10
Franzen A, Wöhner F.
295. 3,3'-Diindolylmethane induces apoptosis and autophagy in fission yeast.
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2021 Dec 10
Emami P, Ueno M.
296. Implementation of a lung cancer screening initiative in HIV-infected subjects.
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2021 Dec 10
Díaz-Álvarez J, Roiz P, Gorospe L
297. Towards women-inclusive ecology: Representation, behavior, and perception of women at an international conference.
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2021 Dec 10
Lupon A, Rodríguez-Lozano P, Bartrons M
298. Prevalence of hepatitis B and C among female sex workers in Togo, West Africa.
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2021 Dec 10
Bitty-Anderson AM, Ferré V, Gbeasor-Komlanvi FA
299. Examining area-level variation in service organisation and delivery across the breadth of primary healthcare. Usefulness of measures constructed from routine data.
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2021 Dec 1
Butler DC, Jorm LR, Larkins S
300. Performance of a new symptom checker in patient triage: Canadian cohort study.
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2021 Dec 1
Chan F, Lai S, Pieterman M
301. Direct medical costs after surgical or nonsurgical treatment for degenerative lumbar spinal disease: A nationwide matched cohort study with a 10-year follow-up.
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2021 Dec 1
Kim CH, Chung CK, Choi Y
302. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy and child development at 36 months in the All Our Families prospective cohort study.
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2021 Dec 1
Scime NV, Hetherington E, Tomfohr-Madsen L
303. Simulating the impact of piers on hydrodynamics and pollutant transport: A case study in the Middle Yangtze River.
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2021 Dec 1
Xiong H, Chen L, Sun Z
304. The relationship between the professional, social, and political experience and leadership style of mayors and organisational culture in local government. Empirical evidence from Poland.
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2021 Dec 1
Podgórniak-Krzykacz A.
305. Towards risk stratification and prediction of disease severity and mortality in COVID-19: Next generation metabolomics for the measurement of host response to COVID-19 infection.
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2021 Dec 1
D'Amora P, Silva IDCG, Budib MA
306. Public consultation in the evaluation of animal research protocols.
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2021 Dec 1
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307. COVID surveillance robot: Monitoring social distancing constraints in indoor scenarios.
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2021 Dec 1
Sathyamoorthy AJ, Patel U, Paul M
308. Markovian city-scale modelling and mitigation of micro-particles from tires.
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2021 Dec 1
Singer G, Overko R, Yilmaz S
309. When election expectations fail: Polarized perceptions of election legitimacy increase with accumulating evidence of election outcomes and with polarized media.
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2021 Dec 1
Grant MD, Flores A, Pedersen EJ
310. Quantitative assessment of photic phenomena in the presbyopia-correcting intraocular lens.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 1
Ukai Y, Okemoto H, Seki Y
311. The reliability of the angle of deviation measurement from the Photo-Hirschberg tests and Krimsky tests.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 1
Tengtrisorn S, Tungsattayathitthan A, Na Phatthalung S
312. The Polish COVID Stress Scales: Considerations of psychometric functioning, measurement invariance, and validity.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 1
Adamczyk K, Clark DA, Pradelok J.
313. Differential retention contributes to racial/ethnic disparity in U.S. academia.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 1
Shaw AK, Accolla C, Chacón JM
314. Diuretic effect of co-administration of furosemide and albumin in comparison to furosemide therapy alone: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis.
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2021 Dec 1
Lee TH, Kuo G, Chang CH
315. The worldwide burden of HIV in transgender individuals: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 1
Stutterheim SE, van Dijk M, Wang H
316. Do exhausted primary school students cheat more? A randomized field experiment.
PLoS One
2021 Dec 1
Keller T, Kiss HJ.
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