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1. RTEL1 is required for silencing and epigenome stability.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Olivier M, Hesketh A, Pouch-Pélissier MN
2. Transcriptome-wide profiling of A-to-I RNA editing by Slic-seq.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Wei Q, Han S, Yuan K
3. Crystal structure of a cap-independent translation enhancer RNA.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Lewicka A, Roman C, Jones S
4. Genetically encoded RNA-based sensors with Pepper fluorogenic aptamer.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Chen Z, Chen W, Reheman Z
5. Structural basis for cloverleaf RNA-initiated viral genome replication.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Gottipati K, McNeme SC, Tipo J
6. TLK1-mediated RAD54 phosphorylation spatio-temporally regulates Homologous Recombination Repair.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Ghosh I, Kwon Y, Shabestari AB
7. Human TRMT2A methylates tRNA and contributes to translation fidelity.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Witzenberger M, Burczyk S, Settele D
8. SARS-CoV-2 NSP1 induces mRNA cleavages on the ribosome.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Tardivat Y, Sosnowski P, Tidu A
9. iSMOD: an integrative browser for image-based single-cell multi-omics data.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Zhang W, Suo J, Yan Y
10. G-quadruplex DNA contributes to RNA polymerase II-mediated 3D chromatin architecture.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Yuan J, He X, Wang Y.
11. Hop2-Mnd1 and Swi5-Sfr1 stimulate Dmc1 filament assembly using distinct mechanisms.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Lee W, Iwasaki H, Tsubouchi H
12. Dimerization of an umbravirus RNA genome activates subgenomic mRNA transcription.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Chkuaseli T, White KA.
13. Surveillance of 3' mRNA cleavage during transcription termination requires CF IB/Hrp1.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Li J, Querl L, Coban I
14. NAT10-mediated N4-acetylcytidine mRNA modification regulates self-renewal in human embryonic stem cells.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Liu R, Wubulikasimu Z, Cai R
15. Nucleosome retention by histone chaperones and remodelers occludes pervasive DNA-protein binding.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Jonas F, Vidavski M, Benuck E
16. Archaeal Hel308 suppresses recombination through a catalytic switch that controls DNA annealing.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Lever RJ, Simmons E, Gamble-Milner R
17. Identification of mammalian transcription factors that bind to inaccessible chromatin.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Pop RT, Pisante A, Nagy D
18. A comprehensive survey of long-range tertiary interactions and motifs in non-coding RNA structures.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Bohdan DR, Voronina VV, Bujnicki JM
19. The translational repressor Glorund uses interchangeable RNA recognition domains to recognize Drosophila nanos.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Warden MS, DeRose EF, Tamayo JV
20. Asymmetric dimerization in a transcription factor superfamily is promoted by allosteric interactions with DNA.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Patel AKM, Vilela P, Shaik TB
21. The fission yeast methyl phosphate capping enzyme Bmc1 guides 2'-O-methylation of the U6 snRNA.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Porat J, Slat VA, Rader SD
22. BurstDECONV: a signal deconvolution method to uncover mechanisms of transcriptional bursting in live cells.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Douaihy M, Topno R, Lagha M
23. IGHV allele similarity clustering improves genotype inference from adaptive immune receptor repertoire sequencing data.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Peres A, Lees WD, Rodriguez OL
24. Click display: a rapid and efficient in vitro protein display method for directed evolution.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Zeng Y, Woolley M, Chockalingam K
25. Structures of CTCF-DNA complexes including all 11 zinc fingers.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Yang J, Horton JR, Liu B
26. The FLIP-FIGNL1 complex regulates the dissociation of RAD51/DMC1 in homologous recombination and replication fork restart.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Zhang Q, Fan J, Xu W
27. Direct m6A recognition by IMP1 underlays an alternative model of target selection for non-canonical methyl-readers.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Nicastro G, Abis G, Klein P
28. Paralogous translation factors target distinct mRNAs to differentially regulate tolerance to oxidative stress in yeast.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Cunningham J, Sfakianos AP, Kritsiligkou P
29. DeSUMOylation of chromatin-bound proteins limits the rapid transcriptional reprogramming induced by daunorubicin in acute myeloid leukemias.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Boulanger M, Aqrouq M, Tempé D
30. Dynamic structure of T4 gene 32 protein filaments facilitates rapid noncooperative protein dissociation.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Cashen BA, Morse M, Rouzina I
31. Structure-function analysis of an ancient TsaD-TsaC-SUA5-TcdA modular enzyme reveals a prototype of tRNA t6A and ct6A synthetases.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Jin M, Zhang Z, Yu Z
32. A systematic approach to classify and characterize genomic islands driven by conjugative mobility using protein signatures.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Audrey B, Cellier N, White F
33. Engineering of the DNA replication and repair machinery to develop binary mutators for rapid genome evolution of Corynebacterium glutamicum.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Cai N, Chen J, Gao N
34. Enhanced frequency of transcription pre-initiation complexes assembly after exposure to UV irradiation results in increased repair activity and reduced probabilities for mutagenesis.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Liakos A, Synacheri AC, Konstantopoulos D
35. JGI Plant Gene Atlas: an updateable transcriptome resource to improve functional gene descriptions across the plant kingdom.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Sreedasyam A, Plott C, Hossain MS
36. Large-scale expansions of Friedreich's ataxia GAA•TTC repeats in an experimental human system: role of DNA replication and prevention by LNA-DNA oligonucleotides and PNA oligomers.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Rastokina A, Cebrián J, Mozafari N
37. Engineered lentivirus-derived nanoparticles (LVNPs) for delivery of CRISPR/Cas ribonucleoprotein complexes supporting base editing, prime editing and in vivo gene modification.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Haldrup J, Andersen S, Labial ARL
38. A novel Queuovirinae lineage of Pseudomonas aeruginosa phages encode dPreQ0 DNA modifications with a single GA motif that provide restriction and CRISPR Cas9 protection in vitro.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Olsen NS, Nielsen TK, Cui L
39. Steric hindrance and structural flexibility shape the functional properties of a guanine-rich oligonucleotide.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 8
Troisi R, Napolitano V, Rossitto E
40. RIBFIND2: Identifying rigid bodies in protein and nucleic acid structures.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 6
Malhotra S, Mulvaney T, Cragnolini T
41. Post-transcriptional repression of CFP-1 expands the regulatory repertoire of LIN-41/TRIM71.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 6
Kumari P, Thuestad LH, Ciosk R.
42. Genome-wide screening reveals metabolic regulation of stop-codon readthrough by cyclic AMP.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 6
Lyu Z, Villanueva P, O'Malley L
43. Real-time imaging of drug-induced trapping of cellular topoisomerases and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 at the single-molecule level.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 6
Sun Y, Chen J, Pommier Y.
44. ZEB1 promotes non-homologous end joining double-strand break repair.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 4
Genetta TL, Hurwitz JC, Clark EA
45. SARS-CoV-2 Nsp8 N-terminal domain folds autonomously and binds dsRNA.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 4
Treviño MÁ, Pantoja-Uceda D, Laurents DV
46. Structural basis of transcriptional activation by the OmpR/PhoB-family response regulator PmrA.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 4
Lou YC, Huang HY, Yeh HH
47. Open Genes-a new comprehensive database of human genes associated with aging and longevity.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 4
Rafikova E, Nemirovich-Danchenko N, Ogmen A
48. Novobiocin blocks nucleic acid binding to Polθ and inhibits stimulation of its ATPase activity.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 4
Syed A, Filandr F, Patterson-Fortin J
49. Assessing base-resolution DNA mechanics on the genome scale.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 11
Jiang WJ, Hu C, Lai F
50. FLIBase: a comprehensive repository of full-length isoforms across human cancers and tissues.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 11
Shi Q, Li X, Liu Y
51. Unraveling the role of ZNF506 as a human PBS-pro-targeting protein for ERVP repression.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 11
Wu Q, Fang L, Wang Y
52. Sustained pigmentation causes DNA damage and invokes translesion polymerase Polκ for repair in melanocytes.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 11
Ghazi M, Khanna S, Subramaniam Y
53. Srsf1 and Elavl1 act antagonistically on neuronal fate choice in the developing neocortex by controlling TrkC receptor isoform expression.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 11
Weber AI, Parthasarathy S, Borisova E
54. RNF8 ubiquitylation of XRN2 facilitates R-loop resolution and restrains genomic instability in BRCA1 mutant cells.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 11
Krishnan R, Lapierre M, Gautreau B
55. Lipid kinase PIP5K1A regulates let-7 microRNA biogenesis through interacting with nuclear export protein XPO5.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Sep 1
Li C, Yoon B, Stefani G
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