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1. Discovery and characterization of novel Cre-type tyrosine site-specific recombinases for advanced genome engineering.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 9
Jelicic M, Schmitt LT, Paszkowski-Rogacz M
2. Base excision repair of the N-(2-deoxy-d-erythro-pentofuranosyl)-urea lesion by the hNEIL1 glycosylase.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Tomar R, Minko IG, Sharma P
3. The Escherichia coli Fur pan-regulon has few conserved but many unique regulatory targets.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Gao Y, Bang I, Seif Y
4. A computationally-enhanced hiCLIP atlas reveals Staufen1-RNA binding features and links 3' UTR structure to RNA metabolism.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Chakrabarti AM, Iosub IA, Lee FCY
5. Characterization of the dual role of Plasmodium falciparum DNA methyltransferase in regulating transcription and translation.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Lucky AB, Wang C, Li X
6. The temporal transcriptomic signature of cartilage formation.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Takács R, Vágó J, Póliska S
7. Cryo-EM reconstruction of the human 40S ribosomal subunit at 2.15 Å resolution.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Pellegrino S, Dent KC, Spikes T
8. Structural basis for the tRNA-dependent activation of the terminal complex of selenocysteine synthesis in humans.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Puppala AK, Castillo Suchkou J, French RL
9. Cell-to-cell natural transformation in Bacillus subtilis facilitates large scale of genomic exchanges and the transfer of long continuous DNA regions.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Deng L, Wang C, Zhang X
10. G-quadruplex-based CRISPR photoswitch for spatiotemporal control of genomic modulation.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Deng H, Xu H, Wang Y
11. Structural basis of a two-step tRNA recognition mechanism for plastid glycyl-tRNA synthetase.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Yu Z, Wu Z, Li Y
12. Goldilocks and RNA: where Mg2+ concentration is just right.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Guth-Metzler R, Mohamed AM, Cowan ET
13. RNA binding proteins Smaug and Cup induce CCR4-NOT-dependent deadenylation of the nanos mRNA in a reconstituted system.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Pekovic F, Rammelt C, Kubíková J
14. 7-Deazaguanines in DNA: functional and structural elucidation of a DNA modification system.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Gedara SH, Wood E, Gustafson A
15. Multi-task learning from multimodal single-cell omics with Matilda.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Liu C, Huang H, Yang P.
16. Interaction with the carboxy-terminal tip of SSB is critical for RecG function in E. coli.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Bonde NJ, Henry C, Wood EA
17. The ubiquitin-specific protease USP36 SUMOylates EXOSC10 and promotes the nucleolar RNA exosome function in rRNA processing.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Chen Y, Li Y, Dai RS
18. Synergistic binding of actinomycin D and echinomycin to DNA mismatch sites and their combined anti-tumour effects.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Satange R, Chang CC, Li LY
19. DNA rehybridization drives product release from Cas9 ribonucleoprotein to enable multiple-turnover cleavage.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Pan J, Mabuchi M, Robb GB.
20. Basis for the discrimination of supercoil handedness during DNA cleavage by human and bacterial type II topoisomerases.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Jian JY, McCarty KD, Byl JAW
21. A dual-purpose polymerase engineered for direct sequencing of pseudouridine and queuosine.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Huber LB, Kaur N, Henkel M
22. Super-enhancer-associated transcription factors collaboratively regulate trophoblast-active gene expression programs in human trophoblast stem cells.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Kim M, Adu-Gyamfi EA, Kim J
23. Structural basis of tRNAPro acceptor stem recognition by a bacterial trans-editing domain.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Ma X, Bakhtina M, Shulgina I
24. Cavity hairpin ThT-light nucleic acid switches: the construction of label- and enzyme-free sensing and imaging platforms.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Lan X, Zhu L, Zhang Y
25. SPIDR is required for homologous recombination during mammalian meiosis.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Huang T, Wu X, Wang S
26. Differential requirements for Gcn5 and NuA4 HAT activities in the starvation-induced versus basal transcriptomes.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Zheng Q, Qiu H, Zhang H
27. Structure, substrate binding and activity of a unique AAA+ protein: the BrxL phage restriction factor.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Shen BW, Doyle LA, Werther R
28. Fission yeast Swi2 designates cell-type specific donor and stimulates Rad51-driven strand exchange for mating-type switching.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Maki T, Thon G, Iwasaki H.
29. CAF-1 deposits newly synthesized histones during DNA replication using distinct mechanisms on the leading and lagging strands.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Rouillon C, Eckhardt BV, Kollenstart L
30. The spatial landscape of gene expression isoforms in tissue sections.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Lebrigand K, Bergenstråhle J, Thrane K
31. Rye: genetic ancestry inference at biobank scale.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Conley AB, Rishishwar L, Ahmad M
32. Widely spaced and divergent inverted repeats become a potent source of chromosomal rearrangements in long single-stranded DNA regions.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Ait Saada A, Guo W, Costa AB
33. Generating minimum set of gRNA to cover multiple targets in multiple genomes with MINORg.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Lee RRQ, Cher WY, Wang J
34. SCRAPT: an iterative algorithm for clustering large 16S rRNA gene data sets.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
Luan T, Muralidharan HS, Alshehri M
35. PBRM1 bromodomains associate with RNA to facilitate chromatin association.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 8
De Silva SM, Dhiman A, Sood S
36. Inferring ligand-receptor cellular networks from bulk and spatial transcriptomic datasets with BulkSignalR.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 5
Villemin JP, Bassaganyas L, Pourquier D
37. Novel molecular requirements for CRISPR RNA-guided transposition.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Walker MWG, Klompe SE, Zhang DJ
38. The ADAR1 editome reveals drivers of editing-specificity for ADAR1-isoforms.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Kleinova R, Rajendra V, Leuchtenberger AF
39. Crystal structures and identification of novel Cd2+-specific DNA aptamer.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Liu H, Gao Y, Mathivanan J
40. Reconstructing the landscape of gut microbial species across 29,000 diverse individuals.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Segota I, Watrous JD, Kantz ED
41. CircularSTAR3D: a stack-based RNA 3D structural alignment tool for circular matching.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Chen X, Zhang S.
42. Requirements for mammalian promoters to decode transcription factor dynamics.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Antwi EB, Marrakchi Y, Çiçek Ö
43. CRISPRi-mediated tunable control of gene expression level with engineered single-guide RNA in Escherichia coli.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Byun G, Yang J, Seo SW.
44. Flap endonuclease Rad27 cleaves the RNA of R-loop structures to suppress telomere recombination.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Liu CC, Chan HR, Su GC
45. Catalytic mechanism and pH dependence of a methyltransferase ribozyme (MTR1) from computational enzymology.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
McCarthy E, Ekesan Ş, Giese TJ
46. Stable bulged G-quadruplexes in the human genome: identification, experimental validation and functionalization.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Papp C, Mukundan VT, Jenjaroenpun P
47. A novel role of TRIM28 B box domain in L1 retrotransposition and ORF2p-mediated cDNA synthesis.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Du Q, Stow EC, LaCoste D
48. A novel Cas9 fusion protein promotes targeted genome editing with reduced mutational burden in primary human cells.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Carusillo A, Haider S, Schäfer R
49. CSNK2B modulates IRF1 binding to functional DNA elements and promotes basal and agonist-induced antiviral signaling.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Matsumoto M, Modliszewski JL, Shinozaki K
50. An asymmetric structure of bacterial TrpRS supports the half-of-the-sites catalytic mechanism and facilitates antimicrobial screening.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Xiang M, Xia K, Chen B
51. Defense systems are pervasive across chromosomally integrated mobile genetic elements and are inversely correlated to virulence and antimicrobial resistance.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Botelho J.
52. Impact of stereopure chimeric backbone chemistries on the potency and durability of gene silencing by RNA interference.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Liu W, Iwamoto N, Marappan S
53. Structures, activity and mechanism of the Type IIS restriction endonuclease PaqCI.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Kennedy MA, Hosford CJ, Azumaya CM
54. RNA interactome capture in Escherichia coli globally identifies RNA-binding proteins.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Stenum TS, Kumar AD, Sandbaumhüter FA
55. A red light-triggered chemical tool for sequence-specific alkylation of G-quadruplex and I-motif DNA.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Cadoni E, De Paepe L, Colpaert G
56. Biochemical characterisation of Mer3 helicase interactions and the protection of meiotic recombination intermediates.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Altmannova V, Firlej M, Müller F
57. Excessive transcription-replication conflicts are a vulnerability of BRCA1-mutant cancers.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Patel PS, Algouneh A, Krishnan R
58. BACH1 deficiency prevents neointima formation and maintains the differentiated phenotype of vascular smooth muscle cells by regulating chromatin accessibility.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Guo J, Qiu J, Jia M
59. Oncogenic YAP mediates changes in chromatin accessibility and activity that drive cell cycle gene expression and cell migration.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Fetiva MC, Liss F, Gertzmann D
60. HPV integration generates a cellular super-enhancer which functions as ecDNA to regulate genome-wide transcription.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Tian R, Huang Z, Li L
61. RNA origami scaffolds facilitate cryo-EM characterization of a Broccoli-Pepper aptamer FRET pair.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Sampedro Vallina N, McRae EKS, Hansen BK
62. Locating, tracing and sequencing multiple expanded genetic letters in complex DNA context via a bridge-base approach.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Wang H, Zhu W, Wang C
63. Genome-encoded ABCF factors implicated in intrinsic antibiotic resistance in Gram-positive bacteria: VmlR2, Ard1 and CplR.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Obana N, Takada H, Crowe-McAuliffe C
64. A new method to synthesize multiple gRNA libraries and functional mapping of mammalian H3K4me3 regions.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Pan C, Li R, Shui L
65. A hybrid structure determination approach to investigate the druggability of the nucleocapsid protein of SARS-CoV-2.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Padroni G, Bikaki M, Novakovic M
66. POSTRE: a tool to predict the pathological effects of human structural variants.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Sánchez-Gaya V, Rada-Iglesias A.
67. Investigating RNA-RNA interactions through computational and biophysical analysis.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Mrozowich T, Park SM, Waldl M
68. Structural basis for guide RNA selection by the RESC1-RESC2 complex.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Dolce LG, Nesterenko Y, Walther L
69. Rolling circle extension-assisted loop-mediated isothermal amplification (Rol-LAMP) method for locus-specific and visible detection of RNA N6-methyladenosine.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Li J, Zhou J, Xia Y
70. BESST: a novel LncRNA knockout strategy with less genome perturbance.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 May 22
Zhang S, Chen Y, Dong K
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