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1. The tRNA identity landscape for aminoacylation and beyond.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 6
Giegé R, Eriani G.
2. PTBP1 controls intestinal epithelial regeneration through post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 6
Chembazhi UV, Tung WS, Hwang H
3. LINE-1 retrotransposon expression in cancerous, epithelial and neuronal cells revealed by 5' single-cell RNA-Seq.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 6
McKerrow W, Kagermazova L, Doudican N
4. Anti-CRISPR AcrIIC5 is a dsDNA mimic that inhibits type II-C Cas9 effectors by blocking PAM recognition.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 6
Sun W, Zhao X, Wang J
5. Regulatory and structural mechanisms of PvrA-mediated regulation of the PQS quorum-sensing system and PHA biosynthesis in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 6
Pan X, Liang H, Zhao X
6. Mechanism of strand displacement DNA synthesis by the coordinated activities of human mitochondrial DNA polymerase and SSB.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 6
Plaza-G A I, Lemishko KM, Crespo R
7. Versatile strategy using vaccinia virus-capping enzyme to synthesize functional 5' cap-modified mRNAs.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 3
Ohno H, Akamine S, Mochizuki M
8. Structural predictions of protein-DNA binding: MELD-DNA.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 2
Esmaeeli R, Bauzá A, Perez A.
9. Species-specific regulation of XIST by the JPX/FTX orthologs.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 2
Rosspopoff O, Cazottes E, Huret C
10. The impact of nucleosome structure on CRISPR/Cas9 fidelity.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 2
Handelmann CR, Tsompana M, Samudrala R
11. Recovering false negatives in CRISPR fitness screens with JLOE.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 2
Dede M, Hart T.
12. Activatable G-quadruplex based catalases for signal transduction in biosensing.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 2
Iwaniuk EE, Adebayo T, Coleman S
13. DIS3L2 ribonuclease degrades terminal-uridylated RNA to ensure oocyte maturation and female fertility.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 2
Wu D, Pedroza M, Chang J
14. Ribosomes lacking bS21 gain function to regulate protein synthesis in Flavobacterium johnsoniae.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 2
McNutt ZA, Roy B, Gemler BT
15. P-TEFb promotes cell survival upon p53 activation by suppressing intrinsic apoptosis pathway.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 2
Wang Z, Mačáková M, Bugai A
16. Predictive model of transcriptional elongation control identifies trans regulatory factors from chromatin signatures.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 2
Akcan TS, Vilov S, Heinig M.
17. SMAD3 promotes expression and activity of the androgen receptor in prostate cancer.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 2
Jeon HY, Pornour M, Ryu H
18. A clade of RHH proteins ubiquitous in Sulfolobales and their viruses regulates cell cycle progression.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 2
Xuyang L, Cristina LM, Laura MA
19. eIF4A1-dependent mRNAs employ purine-rich 5'UTR sequences to activate localised eIF4A1-unwinding through eIF4A1-multimerisation to facilitate translation.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 2
Schmidt T, Dabrowska A, Waldron JA
20. Simultaneous inhibition of endocytic recycling and lysosomal fusion sensitizes cells and tissues to oligonucleotide therapeutics.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 2
Finicle BT, Eckenstein KH, Revenko AS
21. Nanopore sequencing for N1-methylpseudouridine in RNA reveals sequence-dependent discrimination of the modified nucleotide triphosphate during transcription.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 2
Fleming AM, Burrows CJ.
22. Characterization of an atypical but widespread type IV secretion system for transfer of the integrative and conjugative element (ICEclc) in Pseudomonas putida.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 2
Daveri A, Benigno V, van der Meer JR.
23. Ultradeep characterisation of translational sequence determinants refutes rare-codon hypothesis and unveils quadruplet base pairing of initiator tRNA and transcript.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 2
Höllerer S, Jeschek M.
24. Negatively charged, intrinsically disordered regions can accelerate target search by DNA-binding proteins.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 13
Wang X, Bigman LS, Greenblatt HM
25. Recipient UvrD helicase is involved in single- to double-stranded DNA conversion during conjugative plasmid transfer.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 11
Shen M, Goldlust K, Daniel S
26. Genomic targets of the IRE1-XBP1s pathway in mediating metabolic adaptation in epithelial plasticity.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 11
Qiao D, Skibba M, Xu X
27. Role of the histone tails in histone octamer transfer.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 11
Lorch Y, Kornberg RD, Maier-Davis B.
28. Systematic identification of factors involved in the silencing of germline genes in mouse embryonic stem cells.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 11
Al Adhami H, Vallet J, Schaal C
29. Mousepost 2.0, a major expansion of the resource.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 10
Timmermans S, Vandewalle J, Libert C.
30. Using single cell atlas data to reconstruct regulatory networks.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 10
Song Q, Ruffalo M, Bar-Joseph Z.
31. Identification of a novel 5-aminomethyl-2-thiouridine methyltransferase in tRNA modification.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 10
Cho G, Lee J, Kim J.
32. Strand specificity of ribonucleotide excision repair in Escherichia coli.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 10
Łazowski K, Faraz M, Vaisman A
33. A riboswitch separated from its ribosome-binding site still regulates translation.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 10
Schroeder GM, Akinyemi O, Malik J
34. Epigenetic and chromosomal features drive transposon insertion in Drosophila melanogaster.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 10
Cao J, Yu T, Xu B
35. DNA methylation entropy is associated with DNA sequence features and developmental epigenetic divergence.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 10
Fang Y, Ji Z, Zhou W
36. Transcriptional pause extension benefits the stand-by rather than catch-up Rho-dependent termination.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 10
Song E, Hwang S, Munasingha PR
37. The Ku complex promotes DNA end-bridging and this function is antagonized by Tel1/ATM kinase.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 10
Rinaldi C, Pizzul P, Casari E
38. Target search by an imported conjugative DNA element for a unique integration site along a bacterial chromosome during horizontal gene transfer.
Nucleic Acids Res
2023 Feb 10
Arbel-Goren R, McKeithen-Mead SA, Voglmaier D
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