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1. B-to-A transition in target DNA during retroviral integration.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Jóźwik IK, Li W, Zhang DW
2. A versatile Cas12k-based genetic engineering toolkit (C12KGET) for metabolic engineering in genetic manipulation-deprived strains.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Cui Y, Dong H, Tong B
3. Alteration of DNA supercoiling serves as a trigger of short-term cold shock repressed genes of E. coli.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Dash S, Palma CSD, Baptista ISC
4. TET1 regulates gene expression and repression of endogenous retroviruses independent of DNA demethylation.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Stolz P, Mantero AS, Tvardovskiy A
5. DNA circuits compatible encoder and demultiplexer based on a single biomolecular platform with DNA strands as outputs.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Xie T, Deng Y, Zhang J
6. Top3α is the replicative topoisomerase in mitochondrial DNA replication.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Hangas A, Kekäläinen NJ, Potter A
7. Staggered intercalation of DNA duplexes with base-pair modulation by two distinct drug molecules induces asymmetric backbone twisting and structure polymorphism.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Satange R, Kao SH, Chien CM
8. Functional editing of endogenous genes through rapid selection of cell pools (Rapid generation of endogenously tagged genes in Drosophila ovarian somatic sheath cells).
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Meng Q, Stoyko D, Andrews CM
9. SMG-6 mRNA cleavage stalls ribosomes near premature stop codons in vivo.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Kim JH, Modena MS, Sehgal E
10. Modeling splicing outcome by combining 5'ss strength and splicing regulatory elements.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Müller L, Ptok J, Nisar A
11. Resistance of mitochondrial DNA to cadmium and Aflatoxin B1 damage-induced germline mutation accumulation in C. elegans.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Leuthner TC, Benzing L, Kohrn BF
12. Structural basis of DNA packaging by a ring-type ATPase from an archetypal viral system.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Fung HKH, Grimes S, Huet A
13. Molecular basis of anti-CRISPR operon repression by Aca10.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Lee SY, Birkholz N, Fineran PC
14. Robust counterselection and advanced λRed recombineering enable markerless chromosomal integration of large heterologous constructs.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Bubnov DM, Yuzbashev TV, Khozov AA
15. sRNA-controlled iron sparing response in Staphylococci.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Coronel-Tellez RH, Pospiech M, Barrault M
16. Identification of a novel deFADding activity in human, yeast and bacterial 5' to 3' exoribonucleases.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Sharma S, Yang J, Doamekpor SK
17. MPP6 stimulates both RRP6 and DIS3 to degrade a specified subset of MTR4-sensitive substrates in the human nucleus.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Fujiwara N, Shigemoto M, Hirayama M
18. A phage parasite deploys a nicking nuclease effector to inhibit viral host replication.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
LeGault KN, Barth ZK, DePaola P
19. Widespread repression of anti-CRISPR production by anti-CRISPR-associated proteins.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Shehreen S, Birkholz N, Fineran PC
20. Molecular dynamics of DNA translocation by FtsK.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Pajak J, Arya G.
21. Strand switching mechanism of Pif1 helicase induced by its collision with a G-quadruplex embedded in dsDNA.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Valle-Orero J, Rieu M, Tran PLT
22. Mammalian RNase H1 directs RNA primer formation for mtDNA replication initiation and is also necessary for mtDNA replication completion.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Misic J, Milenkovic D, Al-Behadili A
23. Single base-pair resolution analysis of DNA binding motif with MoMotif reveals an oncogenic function of CTCF zinc-finger 1 mutation.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Lebeau B, Zhao K, Jangal M
24. Intratracheally administered LNA gapmer antisense oligonucleotides induce robust gene silencing in mouse lung fibroblasts.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Shin M, Chan IL, Cao Y
25. SOX9 reprograms endothelial cells by altering the chromatin landscape.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Fuglerud BM, Drissler S, Lotto J
26. The L1-ORF1p coiled coil enables formation of a tightly compacted nucleic acid-bound complex that is associated with retrotransposition.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Cashen BA, Naufer MN, Morse M
27. Organization of gene programs revealed by unsupervised analysis of diverse gene-trait associations.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Mizikovsky D, Naval Sanchez M, Nefzger CM
28. Detecting TAD-like domains from RNA-associated interactions.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Zhang YW, Chen L, Li SC.
29. Inference of cell state transitions and cell fate plasticity from single-cell with MARGARET.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Pandey K, Zafar H.
30. Structural assembly of the nucleic-acid-binding Thp3-Csn12-Sem1 complex functioning in mRNA splicing.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Kuang Z, Ke J, Hong J
31. The convergent xenogeneic silencer MucR predisposes α-proteobacteria to integrate AT-rich symbiosis genes.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Shi WT, Zhang B, Li ML
32. CRISPR-RNAa: targeted activation of translation using dCas13 fusions to translation initiation factors.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Otoupal PB, Cress BF, Doudna JA
33. Nonlinear manipulation and analysis of large DNA datasets.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Cui M, Zhao X, Reddavide FV
34. The expression of aminoglycoside resistance genes in integron cassettes is not controlled by riboswitches.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Hipólito A, García-Pastor L, Blanco P
35. SRRM2 organizes splicing condensates to regulate alternative splicing.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Xu S, Lai SK, Sim DY
36. Role for DNA double strand end-resection activity of RecBCD in control of aberrant chromosomal replication initiation in Escherichia coli.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Goswami S, Gowrishankar J.
37. FOXL2 and FOXA1 cooperatively assemble on the TP53 promoter in alternative dimer configurations.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Choi Y, Luo Y, Lee S
38. FACT subunit SUPT16H associates with BRD4 and contributes to silencing of interferon signaling.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Zhou D, Wu Z, Park JG
39. CGG repeats trigger translational frameshifts that generate aggregation-prone chimeric proteins.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Wright SE, Rodriguez CM, Monroe J
40. The HDAC7-TET2 epigenetic axis is essential during early B lymphocyte development.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Azagra A, Meler A, de Barrios O
41. RBFOX2-regulated TEAD1 alternative splicing plays a pivotal role in Hippo-YAP signaling.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Choi S, Lee HS, Cho N
42. A novel, rapid and sensitive flow cytometry method reveals degradation of promoter proximal paused RNAPII in the presence and absence of UV.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Bay LTE, Syljuåsen RG, Landsverk HB.
43. ShapeSorter: a fully probabilistic method for detecting conserved RNA structure features supported by SHAPE evidence.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Tsybulskyi V, Meyer IM.
44. Precise tuning of bacterial translation initiation by non-equilibrium 5'-UTR unfolding observed in single mRNAs.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 26
Ray S, Dandpat SS, Chatterjee S
45. Reconfiguration of DNA nanostructures induced by enzymatic ligation treatment.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Bai T, Zhang J, Huang K
46. R-loop-induced irreparable DNA damage evades checkpoint detection in the C. elegans germline.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Hicks T, Koury E, McCabe C
47. Zinc controls PML nuclear body formation through regulation of a paralog specific auto-inhibition in SUMO1.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Lussier-Price M, Wahba HM, Mascle XH
48. Double-stranded RNA drives SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein to undergo phase separation at specific temperatures.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Roden CA, Dai Y, Giannetti CA
49. Cap-independent translation and a precisely located RNA sequence enable SARS-CoV-2 to control host translation and escape anti-viral response.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Slobodin B, Sehrawat U, Lev A
50. Elucidation of structure-function relationships in Methanocaldococcus jannaschii RNase P, a multi-subunit catalytic ribonucleoprotein.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Phan HD, Norris AS, Du C
51. Hyper-swivel head domain motions are required for complete mRNA-tRNA translocation and ribosome resetting.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Nishima W, Girodat D, Holm M
52. Reconstructing physical cell interaction networks from single-cell data using Neighbor-seq.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Ghaddar B, De S.
53. Small molecule-based detection of non-canonical RNA G-quadruplex structures that modulate protein translation.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Katsuda Y, Sato SI, Inoue M
54. The stability and number of nucleating interactions determine DNA hybridization rates in the absence of secondary structure.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Hertel S, Spinney RE, Xu SY
55. Spliceosomal SL1 RNA binding to U1-70K: the role of the extended RRM.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Gopan G, Ghaemi Z, Davis CM
56. mRNA- and factor-driven dynamic variability controls eIF4F-cap recognition for translation initiation.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Çetin B, O'Leary SE.
57. Decoding YAP dependent transcription in the liver.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Biagioni F, Croci O, Sberna S
58. Structural basis of Streptomyces transcription activation by zinc uptake regulator.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Yang X, Wang Y, Liu G
59. Role of EXO1 nuclease activity in genome maintenance, the immune response and tumor suppression in Exo1D173A mice.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Wang S, Lee K, Gray S
60. Enhancement of CRISPR/Cas12a trans-cleavage activity using hairpin DNA reporters.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Rossetti M, Merlo R, Bagheri N
61. PHF20 is crucial for epigenetic control of starvation-induced autophagy through enhancer activation.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Park SW, Kim J, Oh S
62. G-quadruplex structural transition driven by a platinum compound.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Liu W, Zhu BC, Liu LY
63. Oligo targeting for profiling drug resistance mutations in the parasitic trypanosomatids.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Altmann S, Rico E, Carvalho S
64. Notch-dependent and -independent functions of transcription factor RBPJ.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Friedrich T, Ferrante F, Pioger L
65. SUPT3H-less SAGA coactivator can assemble and function without significantly perturbing RNA polymerase II transcription in mammalian cells.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Fischer V, Hisler V, Scheer E
66. Structural basis of AlpA-dependent transcription antitermination.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Wen A, Zhao M, Jin S
67. Staphylococcal self-loading helicases couple the staircase mechanism with inter domain high flexibility.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Qiao C, Debiasi-Anders G, Mir-Sanchis I.
68. Systematic comparison of CRISPR-based transcriptional activators uncovers gene-regulatory features of enhancer-promoter interactions.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Wang K, Escobar M, Li J
69. Melanoma RBPome identification reveals PDIA6 as an unconventional RNA-binding protein involved in metastasis.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Mestre-Farràs N, Guerrero S, Bley N
70. The silencing of ets-4 mRNA relies on the functional cooperation between REGE-1/Regnase-1 and RLE-1/Roquin-1.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Sobańska D, Komur AA, Chabowska-Kita A
71. vRhyme enables binning of viral genomes from metagenomes.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Kieft K, Adams A, Salamzade R
72. A transcriptional roadblock protects yeast centromeres.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Hedouin S, Logsdon GA, Underwood JG
73. Cooperative engagement and subsequent selective displacement of SR proteins define the pre-mRNA 3D structural scaffold for early spliceosome assembly.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Saha K, Ghosh G.
74. HDAC1 and PRC2 mediate combinatorial control in SPI1/PU.1-dependent gene repression in murine erythroleukaemia.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Gregoricchio S, Polit L, Esposito M
75. LncRNA CTBP1-DT-encoded microprotein DDUP sustains DNA damage response signalling to trigger dual DNA repair mechanisms.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Yu R, Hu Y, Zhang S
76. Exploration of DNA processing features unravels novel properties of ICE conjugation in Gram-positive bacteria.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Laroussi H, Aoudache Y, Robert E
77. Enhanced polymerase activity permits efficient synthesis by cancer-associated DNA polymerase ϵ variants at low dNTP levels.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Barbari SR, Beach AK, Markgren JG
78. Structure of the human RAD17-RFC clamp loader and 9-1-1 checkpoint clamp bound to a dsDNA-ssDNA junction.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Day M, Oliver AW, Pearl LH.
79. Induction of senescence upon loss of the Ash2l core subunit of H3K4 methyltransferase complexes.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Bochyńska A, Stenzel AT, Sayadi Boroujeni R
80. In vitro reconstitution reveals a key role of human mitochondrial EXOG in RNA primer processing.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Karlowicz A, Dubiel AB, Czerwinska J
81. NURF301 contributes to gypsy chromatin insulator-mediated nuclear organization.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Chen S, Rosin LF, Pegoraro G
82. DBC1 is a key positive regulator of enhancer epigenomic writers KMT2D and p300.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Kim HJ, Moon SJ, Hong S
83. Strand annealing and motor driven activities of SMARCAL1 and ZRANB3 are stimulated by RAD51 and the paralog complex.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Halder S, Ranjha L, Taglialatela A
84. Inert Pepper aptamer-mediated endogenous mRNA recognition and imaging in living cells.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Wang Q, Xiao F, Su H
85. Cell type identification in spatial transcriptomics data can be improved by leveraging cell-type-informative paired tissue images using a Bayesian probabilistic model.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Zubair A, Chapple RH, Natarajan S
86. Integrating convolution and self-attention improves language model of human genome for interpreting non-coding regions at base-resolution.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Yang M, Huang L, Huang H
87. Flipped over U: structural basis for dsRNA cleavage by the SARS-CoV-2 endoribonuclease.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Frazier MN, Wilson IM, Krahn JM
88. Insights into innate immune activation via PS-ASO-protein-TLR9 interactions.
Nucleic Acids Res
2022 Aug 12
Pollak AJ, Zhao L, Vickers TA
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