期刊文献 > Brief Bioinform期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (6)
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2022 Mar (114)
2022 Jan (191)
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2021 Sep (157)
2021 Jul (128)
2021 May (110)
2021 Mar (103)
2021 Jan (42)
1. Decoding Connectivity Map-based drug repurposing for oncotherapy.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Zhao Y, Chen X, Chen J
2. Computational approaches for detecting disease-associated alternative splicing events.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Liu J, Lin CX, Zhang X
3. End-to-end interpretable disease-gene association prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Li Y, Guo Z, Wang K
4. Quantitative annotations of T-Cell repertoire specificity.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Luo J, Wang X, Zou Y
5. Decoding CRISPR-Cas PAM recognition with UniDesign.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Huang X, Zhou J, Yang D
6. Computational approaches for circRNAs prediction and in silico characterization.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Rebolledo C, Silva JP, Saavedra N
7. A survey on algorithms to characterize transcription factor binding sites.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Tognon M, Giugno R, Pinello L.
8. Machine learning for RNA 2D structure prediction benchmarked on experimental data.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Justyna M, Antczak M, Szachniuk M.
9. Short human eccDNAs are predictable from sequences.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Chang KL, Chen JH, Lin TC
10. Sars-escape network for escape prediction of SARS-COV-2.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Singh Bist P, Tayara H, To Chong K.
11. epitope1D: accurate taxonomy-aware B-cell linear epitope prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
da Silva BM, Ascher DB, Pires DEV.
12. Machine learning for synergistic network pharmacology: a comprehensive overview.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Noor F, Asif M, Ashfaq UA
13. Analysis of super-enhancer using machine learning and its application to medical biology.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Hamamoto R, Takasawa K, Shinkai N
14. A review of enzyme design in catalytic stability by artificial intelligence.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Ming Y, Wang W, Yin R
15. Concepts and methods for transcriptome-wide prediction of chemical messenger RNA modifications with machine learning.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Acera Mateos P, Zhou Y, Zarnack K
16. Evaluation of epitranscriptome-wide N6-methyladenosine differential analysis methods.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Duan D, Tang W, Wang R
17. Poincaré maps for visualization of large protein families.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Susmelj AK, Ren Y, Vander Meersche Y
18. Transformer-based anti-noise models for CRISPR-Cas9 off-target activities prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Guan Z, Jiang Z.
19. Cooperative driver pathways discovery by multiplex network embedding.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Wang J, Chen X, Wu Z
20. Translational informatics for human microbiota: data resources, models and applications.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Shen K, Din AU, Sinha B
21. Graph deep learning enabled spatial domains identification for spatial transcriptomics.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Liu T, Fang ZY, Li X
22. A survey on computational strategies for genome-resolved gut metagenomics.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Jia L, Wu Y, Dong Y
23. Evaluation of graphical models for multi-group metabolomics data.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Zhao H, Dai PY, Yu XJ
24. Estimation of non-equilibrium transition rate from gene expression data.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Chen F, Bai Y, Li C.
25. Using traditional machine learning and deep learning methods for on- and off-target prediction in CRISPR/Cas9: a review.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Sherkatghanad Z, Abdar M, Charlier J
26. SLHSD: hybrid scaffolding method based on short and long reads.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Luo J, Guan T, Chen G
27. SmartGate is a spatial metabolomics tool for resolving tissue structures.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Xiao K, Wang Y, Dong K
28. Improving drug-target affinity prediction via feature fusion and knowledge distillation.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Lu R, Wang J, Li P
29. TLimmuno2: predicting MHC class II antigen immunogenicity through transfer learning.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Wang G, Wu T, Ning W
30. Inter-domain distance prediction based on deep learning for domain assembly.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Ge F, Peng C, Cui X
31. InferLoop: leveraging single-cell chromatin accessibility for the signal of chromatin loop.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Zhang F, Jiao H, Wang Y
32. SoCube: an innovative end-to-end doublet detection algorithm for analyzing scRNA-seq data.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Zhang H, Lu M, Lin G
33. KGANSynergy: knowledge graph attention network for drug synergy prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Zhang G, Gao Z, Yan C
34. A strategy combining denoising and cryo-EM single particle analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Zhang H, Li H, Zhang F
35. FLAN: feature-wise latent additive neural models for biological applications.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Nguyen AP, Vasilaki S, Martínez MR.
36. SCREE: a comprehensive pipeline for single-cell multi-modal CRISPR screen data processing and analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Wei H, Han T, Li T
37. STMHCpan, an accurate Star-Transformer-based extensible framework for predicting MHC I allele binding peptides.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Ye Z, Li S, Mi X
38. A universal framework for single-cell multi-omics data integration with graph convolutional networks.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Gao H, Zhang B, Liu L
39. DiMo: discovery of microRNA motifs using deep learning and motif embedding.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Farhadi F, Allahbakhsh M, Maghsoudi A
40. P-CSN: single-cell RNA sequencing data analysis by partial cell-specific network.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Wang Y, Xuan C, Wu H
41. MetaHMEI: meta-learning for prediction of few-shot histone modifying enzyme inhibitors.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Lu Q, Zhang R, Zhou H
42. McAN: a novel computational algorithm and platform for constructing and visualizing haplotype networks.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Li L, Xu B, Tian D
43. CosTaL: an accurate and scalable graph-based clustering algorithm for high-dimensional single-cell data analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Li Y, Nguyen J, Anastasiu DC
44. Benchmarking of analytical combinations for COVID-19 outcome prediction using single-cell RNA sequencing data.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Cao Y, Ghazanfar S, Yang P
45. An automatic immunofluorescence pattern classification framework for HEp-2 image based on supervised learning.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Fang K, Li C, Wang J.
46. Leveraging developmental landscapes for model selection in Boolean gene regulatory networks.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Subbaroyan A, Sil P, Martin OC
47. rcCAE: a convolutional autoencoder method for detecting intra-tumor heterogeneity and single-cell copy number alterations.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Yu Z, Liu F, Shi F
48. Prioritizing prognostic-associated subpopulations and individualized recurrence risk signatures from single-cell transcriptomes of colorectal cancer.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Tong M, Lin Y, Yang W
49. Dimensionality reduction and visualization of single-cell RNA-seq data with an improved deep variational autoencoder.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Jiang J, Xu J, Liu Y
50. Matching single cells across modalities with contrastive learning and optimal transport.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Gossi F, Pati P, Chouvardas P
51. ExosomePurity: tumour purity deconvolution in serum exosomes based on miRNA signatures.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Wu T, Dai Y, Xu Y
52. NSRGRN: a network structure refinement method for gene regulatory network inference.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Liu W, Yang Y, Lu X
53. Accurate and interpretable gene expression imputation on scRNA-seq data using IGSimpute.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Xu K, Cheong C, Veldsman WP
54. miProBERT: identification of microRNA promoters based on the pre-trained model BERT.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Wang X, Gao X, Wang G
55. Artificial intelligence-enabled microbiome-based diagnosis models for a broad spectrum of cancer types.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Xu W, Wang T, Wang N
56. A novel heterophilic graph diffusion convolutional network for identifying cancer driver genes.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Zhang T, Zhang SW, Xie MY
57. UniDL4BioPep: a universal deep learning architecture for binary classification in peptide bioactivity.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Du Z, Ding X, Xu Y
58. Benchmark of embedding-based methods for accurate and transferable prediction of drug response.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Jia P, Hu R, Zhao Z.
59. BindingSite-AugmentedDTA: enabling a next-generation pipeline for interpretable prediction models in drug repurposing.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Yousefi N, Yazdani-Jahromi M, Tayebi A
60. ClusterX: a novel representation learning-based deep clustering framework for accurate visual inspection in virtual screening.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Chen S, Gao J, Chen J
61. LPAD: using network construction and label propagation to detect topologically associating domains from Hi-C data.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Liu J, Li P, Sun J
62. DaDL-SChlo: protein subchloroplast localization prediction based on generative adversarial networks and pre-trained protein language model.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Wang X, Han L, Wang R
63. Multi-modality attribute learning-based method for drug-protein interaction prediction based on deep neural network.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Dong W, Yang Q, Wang J
64. A comprehensive assessment and comparison of tools for HLA class I peptide-binding prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Wang M, Kurgan L, Li M.
65. A comprehensive benchmarking of differential splicing tools for RNA-seq analysis at the event level.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Jiang M, Zhang S, Yin H
66. ProsmORF-pred: a machine learning-based method for the identification of small ORFs in prokaryotic genomes.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Khanduja A, Kumar M, Mohanty D.
67. scAnno: a deconvolution strategy-based automatic cell type annotation tool for single-cell RNA-sequencing data sets.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Liu H, Li H, Sharma A
68. Potential of dissimilarity measure-based computation of protein thermal stability data for determining protein interactions.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Teitz J, Sander J, Sarker H
69. Quantitative model for genome-wide cyclic AMP receptor protein binding site identification and characteristic analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Chen Y, Lin YC, Luo Y
70. MKMR: a multi-kernel machine regression model to predict health outcomes using human microbiome data.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Li B, Wang T, Qian M
71. ATTIC is an integrated approach for predicting A-to-I RNA editing sites in three species.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Chen R, Li F, Guo X
72. TCMFP: a novel herbal formula prediction method based on network target's score integrated with semi-supervised learning genetic algorithms.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Niu Q, Li H, Tong L
73. DeepMiceTL: a deep transfer learning based prediction of mice cardiac conduction diseases using early electrocardiograms.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Liao Y, Xiang Y, Zheng M
74. Recent application of artificial intelligence on histopathologic image-based prediction of gene mutation in solid cancers.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Alam MR, Seo KJ, Abdul-Ghafar J
75. TripletCell: a deep metric learning framework for accurate annotation of cell types at the single-cell level.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Liu Y, Wei G, Li C
76. Fast and accurate protein function prediction from sequence through pretrained language model and homology-based label diffusion.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Yuan Q, Xie J, Xie J
77. iEssLnc: quantitative estimation of lncRNA gene essentialities with meta-path-guided random walks on the lncRNA-protein interaction network.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Zhang YY, Liang DM, Du PF.
78. IK-DDI: a novel framework based on instance position embedding and key external text for DDI extraction.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Dou M, Ding J, Chen G
79. AGAT-PPIS: a novel protein-protein interaction site predictor based on augmented graph attention network with initial residual and identity mapping.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Zhou Y, Jiang Y, Yang Y.
80. A feature extraction method based on noise reduction for circRNA-miRNA interaction prediction combining multi-structure features in the association networks.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Wang XF, Yu CQ, You ZH
81. A computational approach for the identification of distant homologs of bacterial riboswitches based on inverse RNA folding.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Mukherjee S, Retwitzer MD, Hubbell SM
82. Multi-task adaptive pooling enabled synergetic learning of RNA modification across tissue, type and species from low-resolution epitranscriptomes.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Song Y, Wang Y, Wang X
83. A scalable unsupervised learning of scRNAseq data detects rare cells through integration of structure-preserving embedding, clustering and outlier detection.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Mallick K, Chakraborty S, Mallik S
84. SSNMDI: a novel joint learning model of semi-supervised non-negative matrix factorization and data imputation for clustering of single-cell RNA-seq data.
Brief Bioinform
2023 May 19
Qiu Y, Yan C, Zhao P
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