期刊文献 > Brief Bioinform期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (6)
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2022 Sep (136)
2022 Jul (90)
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2022 Mar (114)
2022 Jan (191)
2021 Nov (205)
2021 Sep (157)
2021 Jul (128)
2021 May (110)
2021 Mar (103)
2021 Jan (42)
1. scDeepInsight: a supervised cell-type identification method for scRNA-seq data with deep learning.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 31
Jia S, Lysenko A, Boroevich KA
2. Contrastively generative self-expression model for single-cell and spatial multimodal data.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 28
Zhang C, Yang Y, Tang S
3. A comprehensive assessment of hurdle and zero-inflated models for single cell RNA-sequencing analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 28
Cui T, Wang T.
4. A dual-modal graph learning framework for identifying interaction events among chemical and biotech drugs.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 28
Ru Z, Wu Y, Shao J
5. A biology-driven deep generative model for cell-type annotation in cytometry.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 27
Blampey Q, Bercovici N, Dutertre CA
6. AtacAnnoR: a reference-based annotation tool for single cell ATAC-seq data.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 27
Tian L, Xie Y, Xie Z
7. AFEI: adaptive optimized vertical federated learning for heterogeneous multi-omics data integration.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 27
Wang Q, He M, Guo L
8. Generative Adversarial Matrix Completion Network based on Multi-Source Data Fusion for miRNA-Disease Associations Prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 24
Wang S, Li Y, Zhang Y
9. Explainable AI for Bioinformatics: Methods, Tools and Applications.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 21
Karim MR, Islam T, Shajalal M
10. HiC4D: forecasting spatiotemporal Hi-C data with residual ConvLSTM.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 21
Liu T, Wang Z.
11. HMMPolish: a coding region polishing tool for TGS-sequenced RNA viruses.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 21
Yu R, Abdullah SMU, Sun Y.
12. UNMF: a unified nonnegative matrix factorization for multi-dimensional omics data.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 21
Abe K, Shimamura T.
13. HNSPPI: a hybrid computational model combing network and sequence information for predicting protein-protein interaction.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 21
Xie S, Xie X, Zhao X
14. Precision oncology: a review to assess interpretability in several explainable methods.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Gimeno M, Sada Del Real K, Rubio A.
15. Comprehensive evaluation of deep and graph learning on drug-drug interactions prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Lin X, Dai L, Zhou Y
16. An overview on nucleic-acid G-quadruplex prediction: from rule-based methods to deep neural networks.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Elimelech-Zohar K, Orenstein Y.
17. Evaluation of sequence-based predictors for phase-separating protein.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Liao S, Zhang Y, Qi Y
18. Census of exposed aggregation-prone regions in proteomes.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Falgarone T, Villain E, Richard F
19. A Bayesian approach to estimate MHC-peptide binding threshold.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Liu R, Hu YF, Huang JD
20. Deep transfer learning for clinical decision-making based on high-throughput data: comprehensive survey with benchmark results.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Toseef M, Olayemi Petinrin O, Wang F
21. An interpretable block-attention network for identifying regulatory feature interactions.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Prakash A, Banerjee M.
22. DCiPatho: deep cross-fusion networks for genome scale identification of pathogens.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Jiang G, Zhang J, Zhang Y
23. PharmBERT: a domain-specific BERT model for drug labels.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
ValizadehAslani T, Shi Y, Ren P
24. Large-scale predicting protein functions through heterogeneous feature fusion.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Zheng R, Huang Z, Deng L.
25. ProJect: a powerful mixed-model missing value imputation method.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Kong W, Wong BJH, Hui HWH
26. Improved the heterodimer protein complex prediction with protein language models.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Chen B, Xie Z, Qiu J
27. Network integration and protein structural binding analysis of neurodegeneration-related interactome.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Chen H, Zhou Y, Liu Y
28. scDFC: A deep fusion clustering method for single-cell RNA-seq data.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Hu D, Liang K, Zhou S
29. DBGRU-SE: predicting drug-drug interactions based on double BiGRU and squeeze-and-excitation attention mechanism.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Zhang M, Gao H, Liao X
30. Improving comparative analyses of Hi-C data via contrastive self-supervised learning.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Li H, He X, Kurowski L
31. Predicting chromosomal compartments directly from the nucleotide sequence with DNA-DDA.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Lainscsek X, Taher L.
32. Machine learning modeling of RNA structures: methods, challenges and future perspectives.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Wu KE, Zou JY, Chang H.
33. DeepAlgPro: an interpretable deep neural network model for predicting allergenic proteins.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
He C, Ye X, Yang Y
34. scHiMe: predicting single-cell DNA methylation levels based on single-cell Hi-C data.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Zhu H, Liu T, Wang Z.
35. iBT-Net: an incremental broad transformer network for cancer drug response prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Zhan Y, Guo J, Philip Chen CL
36. iDRPro-SC: identifying DNA-binding proteins and RNA-binding proteins based on subfunction classifiers.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Yan K, Feng J, Huang J
37. Attention-based cross domain graph neural network for prediction of drug-drug interactions.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Yu H, Li K, Dong W
38. ProgCAE: a deep learning-based method that integrates multi-omics data to predict cancer subtypes.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Liu Q, Song K.
39. MPCLCDA: predicting circRNA-disease associations by using automatically selected meta-path and contrastive learning.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Liu W, Tang T, Lu X
40. MCFF-MTDDI: multi-channel feature fusion for multi-typed drug-drug interaction prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Han CD, Wang CC, Huang L
41. Predicting potential small molecule-miRNA associations utilizing truncated schatten p-norm.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Wang S, Liu T, Ren C
42. A novel statistical method for decontaminating T-cell receptor sequencing data.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Li R, Altan M, Reuben A
43. MPI-VGAE: protein-metabolite enzymatic reaction link learning by variational graph autoencoders.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Wang C, Yuan C, Wang Y
44. CIForm as a Transformer-based model for cell-type annotation of large-scale single-cell RNA-seq data.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Xu J, Zhang A, Liu F
45. TRAmHap: accurate prediction of transcriptional activity from DNA methylation haplotypes in bisulfite-sequencing data.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Gao S, Zhu H, Cai K
46. CMGN: a conditional molecular generation net to design target-specific molecules with desired properties.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Yang M, Sun H, Liu X
47. Fast and accurate protein intrinsic disorder prediction by using a pretrained language model.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Song Y, Yuan Q, Chen S
48. iEnhance: a multi-scale spatial projection encoding network for enhancing chromatin interaction data resolution.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Li K, Zhang P, Wang Z
49. ZetaDesign: an end-to-end deep learning method for protein sequence design and side-chain packing.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Yan J, Li S, Zhang Y
50. Spatially aware self-representation learning for tissue structure characterization and spatial functional genes identification.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Zhang C, Li X, Huang W
51. CATAD: exploring topologically associating domains from an insight of core-attachment structure.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Peng X, Li Y, Zou M
52. Integrating massive RNA-seq data to elucidate transcriptome dynamics in Drosophila melanogaster.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Hu Qian S, Shi MW, Wang DY
53. Deep enhanced constraint clustering based on contrastive learning for scRNA-seq data.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Gan Y, Chen Y, Xu G
54. MATTE: a pipeline of transcriptome module alignment for anti-noise phenotype-gene-related analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Cai G, Zhao W, Zhou Z
55. MMSMAPlus: a multi-view multi-scale multi-attention embedding model for protein function prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Wang Z, Deng Z, Zhang W
56. SC-AIR-BERT: a pre-trained single-cell model for predicting the antigen-binding specificity of the adaptive immune receptor.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Zhao Y, Su X, Zhang W
57. iAMPCN: a deep-learning approach for identifying antimicrobial peptides and their functional activities.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Xu J, Li F, Li C
58. Predicting potential microbe-disease associations based on multi-source features and deep learning.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Wang L, Wang Y, Xuan C
59. GraphGPSM: a global scoring model for protein structure using graph neural networks.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
He G, Liu J, Liu D
60. Rigorous benchmarking of T-cell receptor repertoire profiling methods for cancer RNA sequencing.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Peng K, Nowicki TS, Campbell K
61. From contigs towards chromosomes: automatic improvement of long read assemblies (ILRA).
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Ruiz JL, Reimering S, Escobar-Prieto JD
62. Improving the identification of miRNA-disease associations with multi-task learning on gene-disease networks.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
He Q, Qiao W, Fang H
63. An integrated deep learning framework for the interpretation of untargeted metabolomics data.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Tian L, Yu T.
64. GCFMCL: predicting miRNA-drug sensitivity using graph collaborative filtering and multi-view contrastive learning.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Wei J, Zhuo L, Zhou Z
65. A feature extraction free approach for protein interactome inference from co-elution data.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Chen YH, Chao KH, Wong JY
66. TIMER is a Siamese neural network-based framework for identifying both general and species-specific bacterial promoters.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Zhu Y, Li F, Guo X
67. E-value: a superior alternative to P-value and its adjustments in DNA methylation studies.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Yang Y, Liu H, Liu Y
68. IEPAPI: a method for immune epitope prediction by incorporating antigen presentation and immunogenicity.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Deng J, Zhou X, Zhang P
69. DAmiRLocGNet: miRNA subcellular localization prediction by combining miRNA-disease associations and graph convolutional networks.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Bai T, Yan K, Liu B.
70. A systematic review of computational methods for designing efficient guides for CRISPR DNA base editor systems.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Giner G, Ikram S, Herold MJ
71. An interpretable single-cell RNA sequencing data clustering method based on latent Dirichlet allocation.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Yang Q, Xu Z, Zhou W
72. Uni-GBSA: an open-source and web-based automatic workflow to perform MM/GB(PB)SA calculations for virtual screening.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Yang M, Bo Z, Xu T
73. Integrating multiple traits for improving polygenic risk prediction in disease and pharmacogenomics GWAS.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Zhai S, Guo B, Wu B
74. Improved structure-related prediction for insufficient homologous proteins using MSA enhancement and pre-trained language model.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Meng Q, Guo F, Tang J.
75. MITNet: a fusion transformer and convolutional neural network architecture approach for T-cell epitope prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Darmawan JT, Leu JS, Avian C
76. C-RCPred: a multi-objective algorithm for interactive secondary structure prediction of RNA complexes integrating user knowledge and SHAPE data.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Ibéné M, Legendre A, Postic G
77. Structure-based pathogenicity relationship identifier for predicting effects of single missense variants and discovery of higher-order cancer susceptibility clusters of mutations.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Wang B, Lei X, Tian W
78. Leveraging trans-ethnic genetic risk scores to improve association power for complex traits in underrepresented populations.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Lu H, Zhang S, Jiang Z
79. Phen2Disease: a phenotype-driven model for disease and gene prioritization by bidirectional maximum matching semantic similarities.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Zhai W, Huang X, Shen N
80. DeepSTF: predicting transcription factor binding sites by interpretable deep neural networks combining sequence and shape.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Ding P, Wang Y, Zhang X
81. DKADE: a novel framework based on deep learning and knowledge graph for identifying adverse drug events and related medications.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Feng ZY, Wu XH, Ma JL
82. Recent trends in RNA informatics: a review of machine learning and deep learning for RNA secondary structure prediction and RNA drug discovery.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Sato K, Hamada M.
83. emPDBA: protein-DNA binding affinity prediction by combining features from binding partners and interface learned with ensemble regression model.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Yang S, Gong W, Zhou T
84. Structural interaction fingerprints and machine learning for predicting and explaining binding of small molecule ligands to RNA.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Szulc NA, Mackiewicz Z, Bujnicki JM
85. WMSA 2: a multiple DNA/RNA sequence alignment tool implemented with accurate progressive mode and a fast win-win mode combining the center star and progressive strategies.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Chen J, Chao J, Liu H
86. Orchestrating information across tissues via a novel multitask GAT framework to improve quantitative gene regulation relation modeling for survival analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 20
Duan M, Wang Y, Zhao D
87. RNA trafficking and subcellular localization-a review of mechanisms, experimental and predictive methodologies.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 18
Wang J, Horlacher M, Cheng L
88. Predicting metabolite-disease associations based on auto-encoder and non-negative matrix factorization.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 18
Gao H, Sun J, Wang Y
89. Zero-shot-capable identification of phage-host relationships with whole-genome sequence representation by contrastive learning.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 18
Zhang YZ, Liu Y, Bai Z
90. Spatial-MGCN: a novel multi-view graph convolutional network for identifying spatial domains with attention mechanism.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Jul 18
Wang B, Luo J, Liu Y
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