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2023 Sep (6)
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2021 Jan (42)
1. Single-cell causal network inferred by cross-mapping entropy.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 7
Li L, Xia R, Chen W
2. HiBrowser: an interactive and dynamic browser for synchronous Hi-C data visualization.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 7
Li P, Liu H, Sun J
3. A workflow to study mechanistic indicators for driver gene prediction with Moonlight.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 7
Nourbakhsh M, Saksager A, Tom N
4. Identifying spatial domains of spatially resolved transcriptomics via multi-view graph convolutional networks.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 7
Shi X, Zhu J, Long Y
5. A model-agnostic framework to enhance knowledge graph-based drug combination prediction with drug-drug interaction data and supervised contrastive learning.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 7
Gu J, Bang D, Yi J
6. Multimodal deep learning approaches for single-cell multi-omics data integration.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 31
Athaya T, Ripan RC, Li X
7. Sequence pre-training-based graph neural network for predicting lncRNA-miRNA associations.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 31
Wang Z, Liang S, Liu S
8. MpbPPI: a multi-task pre-training-based equivariant approach for the prediction of the effect of amino acid mutations on protein-protein interactions.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 31
Yue Y, Li S, Wang L
9. SnapHiC-D: a computational pipeline to identify differential chromatin contacts from single-cell Hi-C data.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 30
Lee L, Yu M, Li X
10. HiFun: homology independent protein function prediction by a novel protein-language self-attention model.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 30
Wu J, Qing H, Ouyang J
11. Sequence-based prediction model of protein crystallization propensity using machine learning and two-level feature selection.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 30
Le NQK, Li W, Cao Y.
12. InDEP: an interpretable machine learning approach to predict cancer driver genes from multi-omics data.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 30
Yang H, Liu Y, Yang Y
13. Deep multi-view contrastive learning for cancer subtype identification.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 3
Chen W, Wang H, Liang C.
14. DELFMUT: duplex sequencing-oriented depth estimation model for stable detection of low-frequency mutations.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 3
Wu G, Song M, Wang K
15. HEAP: a task adaptive-based explainable deep learning framework for enhancer activity prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 3
Liu Y, Wang Z, Yuan H
16. The shape of chromatin: insights from computational recognition of geometric patterns in Hi-C data.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 29
Raffo A, Paulsen J.
17. DeepICSH: a complex deep learning framework for identifying cell-specific silencers and their strength from the human genome.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 29
Zhang T, Li L, Sun H
18. A systematic benchmark of machine learning methods for protein-RNA interaction prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 26
Horlacher M, Cantini G, Hesse J
19. Systematic investigation of the homology sequences around the human fusion gene breakpoints in pan-cancer - bioinformatics study for a potential link to MMEJ.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 26
Kim P, Kumar H, Yang C
20. MFPred: prediction of ncRNA families based on multi-feature fusion.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 23
Chen K, Zhu X, Wang J
21. Predicting ion mobility collision cross sections using projection approximation with ROSIE-PARCS webserver.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 22
Turzo SMBA, Seffernick JT, Lyskov S
22. PredLLPS_PSSM: a novel predictor for liquid-liquid protein separation identification based on evolutionary information and a deep neural network.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 22
Zhou S, Zhou Y, Liu T
23. TransFoxMol: predicting molecular property with focused attention.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 21
Gao J, Shen Z, Xie Y
24. Differential variability analysis of single-cell gene expression data.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 20
Liu J, Kreimer A, Li WV.
25. ETLD: an encoder-transformation layer-decoder architecture for protein contact and mutation effects prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 20
Wang H, Zang Y, Kang Y
26. Self-supervised learning with chemistry-aware fragmentation for effective molecular property prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 20
Xie A, Zhang Z, Guan J
27. A fast and globally optimal solution for RNA-seq quantification.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 18
Yi H, Lin Y, Chang Q
28. Benchmarking multi-platform sequencing technologies for human genome assembly.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 18
Wang J, Veldsman WP, Fang X
29. A denoised multi-omics integration framework for cancer subtype classification and survival prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 18
Pang J, Liang B, Ding R
30. OTTM: an automated classification tool for translational drug discovery from omics data.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 18
Yang X, Zhang B, Wang S
31. HimGNN: a novel hierarchical molecular graph representation learning framework for property prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 18
Han S, Fu H, Wu Y
32. TMKit: a Python interface for computational analysis of transmembrane proteins.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 17
Sun J, Kulandaisamy A, Ru J
33. Toward the functional interpretation of somatic structural variations: bulk- and single-cell approaches.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 16
Yi D, Nam JW, Jeong H.
34. NCAE: data-driven representations using a deep network-coherent DNA methylation autoencoder identify robust disease and risk factor signatures.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 16
Martínez-Enguita D, Dwivedi SK, Jörnsten R
35. KGETCDA: an efficient representation learning framework based on knowledge graph encoder from transformer for predicting circRNA-disease associations.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 16
Wu J, Ning Z, Ding Y
36. Splicing defects in rare diseases: transcriptomics and machine learning strategies towards genetic diagnosis.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 14
Wang R, Helbig I, Edmondson AC
37. Approximate estimation of cell-type resolution transcriptome in bulk tissue through matrix completion.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 1
Wang W, Zhou X, Wang J
38. Exploration of whole genome amplification generated chimeric sequences in long-read sequencing data.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 1
Lu N, Qiao Y, An P
39. Multi-task prediction-based graph contrastive learning for inferring the relationship among lncRNAs, miRNAs and diseases.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 1
Sheng N, Wang Y, Huang L
40. ReProMSig: an integrative platform for development and application of reproducible multivariable models for cancer prognosis supporting guideline-based transparent reporting.
Brief Bioinform
2023 Aug 1
Zhao T, Cao L, Ji J
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