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2023 Sep (6)
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2022 Sep (136)
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2022 Mar (114)
2022 Jan (191)
2021 Nov (205)
2021 Sep (157)
2021 Jul (128)
2021 May (110)
2021 Mar (103)
2021 Jan (42)
1. Complex genome assembly based on long-read sequencing.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Zhang T, Zhou J, Gao W
2. Nonunique UPGMA clusterings of microsatellite markers.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Segura-Alabart N, Serratosa F, Gómez S
3. Bio-inspired chemical space exploration of terpenoids.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Zeng T, Hess BA Jr, Zhang F
4. Computational models, databases and tools for antibiotic combinations.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Lv J, Liu G, Hao J
5. IgIDivA: immunoglobulin intraclonal diversification analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Zaragoza-Infante L, Junet V, Pechlivanis N
6. Biological activities of drug inactive ingredients.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Zhang C, Mou M, Zhou Y
7. False discovery rate: the Achilles' heel of proteogenomics.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Aggarwal S, Raj A, Kumar D
8. Viral informatics: bioinformatics-based solution for managing viral infections.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Kumar S, Kumar GS, Maitra SS
9. OncoPubMiner: a platform for mining oncology publications.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Xu Q, Liu Y, Hu J
10. BioRED: a rich biomedical relation extraction dataset.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Luo L, Lai PT, Wei CH
11. Deciphering signatures of natural selection via deep learning.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Qin X, Chiang CWK, Gaggiotti OE.
12. Scalable batch-correction approach for integrating large-scale single-cell transcriptomes.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Shen X, Shen H, Wu D
13. Studying protein-protein interaction through side-chain modeling method OPUS-Mut.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Xu G, Wang Y, Wang Q
14. CellDrift: inferring perturbation responses in temporally sampled single-cell data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Jin K, Schnell D, Li G
15. ExsgRNA: reduce off-target efficiency by on-target mismatched sgRNA.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Hu WX, Rong Y, Guo Y
16. toxCSM: comprehensive prediction of small molecule toxicity profiles.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
de Sá AGC, Long Y, Portelli S
17. Improved drug-target interaction prediction with intermolecular graph transformer.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Liu S, Wang Y, Deng Y
18. Deep learning-based pseudo-mass spectrometry imaging analysis for precision medicine.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Shen X, Shao W, Wang C
19. Self-supervised contrastive learning for integrative single cell RNA-seq data analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Han W, Cheng Y, Chen J
20. Boosting single-cell gene regulatory network reconstruction via bulk-cell transcriptomic data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Shu H, Ding F, Zhou J
21. GE-Impute: graph embedding-based imputation for single-cell RNA-seq data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Wu X, Zhou Y.
22. Identifying and characterizing drug sensitivity-related lncRNA-TF-gene regulatory triplets.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Hu C, Xu Y, Li F
23. Letter on the results of the BASiNET method in the paper 'A systematic evaluation of computational tools for lncRNA identification'.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Martins Lopes F, Pimenta-Zanon MH.
24. Metric learning for comparing genomic data with triplet network.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Ma Z, Lu YY, Wang Y
25. Attention-wise masked graph contrastive learning for predicting molecular property.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Liu H, Huang Y, Liu X
26. Artificial intelligence and machine learning approaches using gene expression and variant data for personalized medicine.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Vadapalli S, Abdelhalim H, Zeeshan S
27. iLoc-miRNA: extracellular/intracellular miRNA prediction using deep BiLSTM with attention mechanism.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Zhang ZY, Ning L, Ye X
28. GLOBE: a contrastive learning-based framework for integrating single-cell transcriptome datasets.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Yan X, Zheng R, Li M.
29. deepGraphh: AI-driven web service for graph-based quantitative structure-activity relationship analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Gautam V, Gupta R, Gupta D
30. Replicability in cancer omics data analysis: measures and empirical explorations.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Wang J, Liang H, Zhang Q
31. Not all T cell epitopes are equally desired: a review of in silico tools for the prediction of cytokine-inducing potential of T-cell epitopes.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Dhanda SK, Malviya J, Gupta S.
32. Letter to the editor: evaluating computational tools for lncRNA identification on independent datasets.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Zheng H, Li X, Hu H.
33. A systematic review of analytical methods used in genetic association analysis of the X-chromosome.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Keur N, Ricaño-Ponce I, Kumar V
34. ToxinPred2: an improved method for predicting toxicity of proteins.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Sharma N, Naorem LD, Jain S
35. Updated review of advances in microRNAs and complex diseases: taxonomy, trends and challenges of computational models.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Huang L, Zhang L, Chen X.
36. A machine learning framework based on multi-source feature fusion for circRNA-disease association prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Wang L, Wong L, Li Z
37. Contrastive learning-based computational histopathology predict differential expression of cancer driver genes.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Huang H, Zhou G, Liu X
38. SCDD: a novel single-cell RNA-seq imputation method with diffusion and denoising.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Liu J, Pan Y, Ruan Z
39. FitDevo: accurate inference of single-cell developmental potential using sample-specific gene weight.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Zhang F, Yang C, Wang Y
40. Clover: tree structure-based efficient DNA clustering for DNA-based data storage.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Qu G, Yan Z, Wu H.
41. Portable sequencing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis for clinical and epidemiological applications.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Gómez-González PJ, Campino S, Phelan JE
42. AI for predicting chemical-effect associations at the chemical universe level-deepFPlearn.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Schor J, Scheibe P, Bernt M
43. A parameter-free deep embedded clustering method for single-cell RNA-seq data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Zeng Y, Wei Z, Zhong F
44. SFGAE: a self-feature-based graph autoencoder model for miRNA-disease associations prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Ma M, Na S, Zhang X
45. Prediction of biomarker-disease associations based on graph attention network and text representation.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Yang M, Huang ZA, Gu W
46. TPD: a web tool for tipping-point detection based on dynamic network biomarker.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Chen P, Zhong J, Yang K
47. TSomVar: a tumor-only somatic and germline variant identification method with random forest.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Shi S, Wang Q, Shang Y
48. A chronotherapeutics-applicable multi-target therapeutics based on AI: Example of therapeutic hypothermia.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Liu F, Jiang X, Yang J
49. DTSyn: a dual-transformer-based neural network to predict synergistic drug combinations.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Hu J, Gao J, Fang X
50. NeuroPred-CLQ: incorporating deep temporal convolutional networks and multi-head attention mechanism to predict neuropeptides.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Chen S, Li Q, Zhao J
51. RNMFLP: Predicting circRNA-disease associations based on robust nonnegative matrix factorization and label propagation.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Peng L, Yang C, Huang L
52. Detection of pan-cancer surface protein biomarkers via a network-based approach on transcriptomics data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Mercatelli D, Cabrelle C, Veltri P
53. ComABAN: refining molecular representation with the graph attention mechanism to accelerate drug discovery.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Yan H, Xie Y, Liu Y
54. CRISPRCasStack: a stacking strategy-based ensemble learning framework for accurate identification of Cas proteins.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Zhang T, Jia Y, Li H
55. DLF-Sul: a multi-module deep learning framework for prediction of S-sulfinylation sites in proteins.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Ning Q, Li J.
56. CBLRR: a cauchy-based bounded constraint low-rank representation method to cluster single-cell RNA-seq data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Ding Q, Yang W, Luo M
57. HLAncPred: a method for predicting promiscuous non-classical HLA binding sites.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Dhall A, Patiyal S, Raghava GPS.
58. Learning representations for gene ontology terms by jointly encoding graph structure and textual node descriptors.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Zhao L, Sun H, Cao X
59. Principal microbial groups: compositional alternative to phylogenetic grouping of microbiome data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Boyraz A, Pawlowsky-Glahn V, Egozcue JJ
60. NSCGRN: a network structure control method for gene regulatory network inference.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Liu W, Sun X, Yang L
61. Multiple similarity drug-target interaction prediction with random walks and matrix factorization.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Liu B, Papadopoulos D, Malliaros FD
62. Identifying the kind behind SMILES-anatomical therapeutic chemical classification using structure-only representations.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Cao Y, Yang ZQ, Zhang XL
63. SpotLink enables sensitive and precise identification of site nonspecific cross-links at the proteome scale.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Zhang W, Gong P, Shan Y
64. Clair3-trio: high-performance Nanopore long-read variant calling in family trios with trio-to-trio deep neural networks.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Su J, Zheng Z, Ahmed SS
65. A deep learning-based method for the prediction of DNA interacting residues in a protein.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Patiyal S, Dhall A, Raghava GPS.
66. PEcnv: accurate and efficient detection of copy number variations of various lengths.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Wang X, Xu Y, Liu R
67. Discovering trends and hotspots of biosafety and biosecurity research via machine learning.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Guan R, Pang H, Liang Y
68. A novel pathway mutation perturbation score predicts the clinical outcomes of immunotherapy.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Li X, He Y, Wu J
69. Large-scale comparison of machine learning algorithms for target prediction of natural products.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Liang L, Liu Y, Kang B
70. A merged molecular representation deep learning method for blood-brain barrier permeability prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Tang Q, Nie F, Zhao Q
71. Predicting ncRNA-protein interactions based on dual graph convolutional network and pairwise learning.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Zhuo L, Song B, Liu Y
72. DEMOC: a deep embedded multi-omics learning approach for clustering single-cell CITE-seq data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Zou G, Lin Y, Han T
73. Spatial transcriptomics prediction from histology jointly through Transformer and graph neural networks.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Zeng Y, Wei Z, Yu W
74. Implications of topological imbalance for representation learning on biomedical knowledge graphs.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Bonner S, Kirik U, Engkvist O
75. MAMnet: detecting and genotyping deletions and insertions based on long reads and a deep learning approach.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Ding H, Luo J.
76. Benchmarking methods for detecting differential states between conditions from multi-subject single-cell RNA-seq data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Junttila S, Smolander J, Elo LL.
77. A novel circRNA-miRNA association prediction model based on structural deep neural network embedding.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Guo LX, You ZH, Wang L
78. A framework for predicting variable-length epitopes of human-adapted viruses using machine learning methods.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Yin R, Zhu X, Zeng M
79. Learning global dependencies and multi-semantics within heterogeneous graph for predicting disease-related lncRNAs.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Xuan P, Wang S, Cui H
80. A network-based matrix factorization framework for ceRNA co-modules recognition of cancer genomic data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Wang Y, Zhou G, Guan T
81. Learning discriminative and structural samples for rare cell types with deep generative model.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Wang H, Ma X.
82. CHERRY: a Computational metHod for accuratE pRediction of virus-pRokarYotic interactions using a graph encoder-decoder model.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Shang J, Sun Y.
83. multi-type neighbors enhanced global topology and pairwise attribute learning for drug-protein interaction prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Xuan P, Zhang X, Zhang Y
84. Benchmarks in antimicrobial peptide prediction are biased due to the selection of negative data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Sidorczuk K, Gagat P, Pietluch F
85. Pathway integration and annotation: building a puzzle with non-matching pieces and no reference picture.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Agapito G, Pastrello C, Niu Y
86. A systematic evaluation of data processing and problem formulation of CRISPR off-target site prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Yaish O, Asif M, Orenstein Y.
87. Multi-modal optimization to identify personalized biomarkers for disease prediction of individual patients with cancer.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Liang J, Li ZW, Yue CT
88. Predicting miRNA-disease associations based on graph attention networks and dual Laplacian regularized least squares.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Wang W, Chen H.
89. Insights from analyses of low complexity regions with canonical methods for protein sequence comparison.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Jarnot P, Ziemska-Legiecka J, Grynberg M
90. Blood-based transcriptomic signature panel identification for cancer diagnosis: benchmarking of feature extraction methods.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Vijayan A, Fatima S, Sowmya A
91. R5hmCFDV: computational identification of RNA 5-hydroxymethylcytosine based on deep feature fusion and deep voting.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Shi H, Zhang S, Li X.
92. NASMDR: a framework for miRNA-drug resistance prediction using efficient neural architecture search and graph isomorphism networks.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Zheng K, Zhao H, Zhao Q
93. MDGF-MCEC: a multi-view dual attention embedding model with cooperative ensemble learning for CircRNA-disease association prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Wu Q, Deng Z, Pan X
94. SADeepcry: a deep learning framework for protein crystallization propensity prediction using self-attention and auto-encoder networks.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Wang S, Zhao H.
95. Profiling prediction of nuclear receptor modulators with multi-task deep learning methods: toward the virtual screening.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Wang J, Lou C, Liu G
96. MLysPRED: graph-based multi-view clustering and multi-dimensional normal distribution resampling techniques to predict multiple lysine sites.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Zuo Y, Hong Y, Zeng X
97. EVAtool: an optimized reads assignment tool for small ncRNA quantification and its application in extracellular vesicle datasets.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Xie GY, Liu CJ, Guo AY.
98. A GPU-accelerated compute framework for pathogen genomic variant identification to aid genomic epidemiology of infectious disease: a malaria case study.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Carpi G, Gorenstein L, Harkins TT
99. MGEGFP: a multi-view graph embedding method for gene function prediction based on adaptive estimation with GCN.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Li W, Zhang H, Li M
100. GraphCDA: a hybrid graph representation learning framework based on GCN and GAT for predicting disease-associated circRNAs.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Dai Q, Liu Z, Wang Z
101. Comparative studies of AlphaFold, RoseTTAFold and Modeller: a case study involving the use of G-protein-coupled receptors.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Lee C, Su BH, Tseng YJ.
102. Molormer: a lightweight self-attention-based method focused on spatial structure of molecular graph for drug-drug interactions prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Zhang X, Wang G, Meng X
103. Accelerating the discovery of anticancer peptides targeting lung and breast cancers with the Wasserstein autoencoder model and PSO algorithm.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Yang L, Yang G, Bing Z
104. LRTCLS: low-rank tensor completion with Laplacian smoothing regularization for unveiling the post-transcriptional machinery of N6-methylation (m6A)-mediated diseases.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Ma J, Liu H, Mao Y
105. A comparative analysis of amino acid encoding schemes for the prediction of flexible length linear B-cell epitopes.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Sahu TK, Meher PK, Choudhury NK
106. Performance evaluation of computational methods for splice-disrupting variants and improving the performance using the machine learning-based framework.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Liu H, Dai J, Li K
107. The genetic algorithm-aided three-stage ensemble learning method identified a robust survival risk score in patients with glioma.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Zhu S, Kong W, Zhu J
108. Scoring personalized molecular portraits identify Systemic Lupus Erythematosus subtypes and predict individualized drug responses, symptomatology and disease progression.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Toro-Domínguez D, Martorell-Marugán J, Martinez-Bueno M
109. A biomedical knowledge graph-based method for drug-drug interactions prediction through combining local and global features with deep neural networks.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Ren ZH, You ZH, Yu CQ
110. G-DIRT: a web server for identification and removal of duplicate germplasms based on identity-by-state analysis using single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Sahu TK, Singh AK, Mittal S
111. PLP_FS: prediction of lysine phosphoglycerylation sites in protein using support vector machine and fusion of multiple F_Score feature selection.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Sohrawordi M, Hossain MA, Hasan MAM.
112. Systematic assessment of pathway databases, based on a diverse collection of user-submitted experiments.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Gable AL, Szklarczyk D, Lyon D
113. GREAP: a comprehensive enrichment analysis software for human genomic regions.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Yang Y, Qian F, Li X
114. GASS-Metal: identifying metal-binding sites on protein structures using genetic algorithms.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Paiva VA, Mendonça MV, Silveira SA
115. Deciphering clonal dynamics and metastatic routines in a rare patient of synchronous triple-primary tumors and multiple metastases with MPTevol.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Chen Q, Wu QN, Rong YM
116. Differential performance of RoseTTAFold in antibody modeling.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Liang T, Jiang C, Yuan J
117. Computational methods to assist in the discovery of pharmacological chaperones for rare diseases.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Scafuri B, Verdino A, D'Arminio N
118. Evaluation of phenotype-driven gene prioritization methods for Mendelian diseases.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Jacobsen JOB, Kelly C, Cipriani V
119. fastDRH: a webserver to predict and analyze protein-ligand complexes based on molecular docking and MM/PB(GB)SA computation.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Wang Z, Pan H, Sun H
120. Detecting the critical states during disease development based on temporal network flow entropy.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Gao R, Yan J, Li P
121. Detecting sparse microbial association signals adaptively from longitudinal microbiome data based on generalized estimating equations.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Sun H, Huang X, Huo B
122. FIRM: Flexible integration of single-cell RNA-sequencing data for large-scale multi-tissue cell atlas datasets.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Ming J, Lin Z, Zhao J
123. Decoding multilevel relationships with the human tissue-cell-molecule network.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Hou S, Zhang P, Yang K
124. Predicting miRNA-disease associations via learning multimodal networks and fusing mixed neighborhood information.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Lou Z, Cheng Z, Li H
125. Refinement of computational identification of somatic copy number alterations using DNA methylation microarrays illustrated in cancers of unknown primary.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Blecua P, Davalos V, de Villasante I
126. Ensemble classification based signature discovery for cancer diagnosis in RNA expression profiles across different platforms.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Zhao X, Liu T, Wang G.
127. Identifying the critical states of complex diseases by the dynamic change of multivariate distribution.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Peng H, Zhong J, Chen P
128. MultiWaverX: modeling latent sex-biased admixture history.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Zhang R, Ni X, Yuan K
129. scCODE: an R package for data-specific differentially expressed gene detection on single-cell RNA-sequencing data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Zou J, Deng F, Wang M
130. DeepHisCoM: deep learning pathway analysis using hierarchical structural component models.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Park C, Kim B, Park T.
131. VIPPID: a gene-specific single nucleotide variant pathogenicity prediction tool for primary immunodeficiency diseases.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Fang M, Su Z, Abolhassani H
132. Balancing the transcriptome: leveraging sample similarity to improve measures of gene specificity.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Bondhus L, Varma R, Hernandez Y
133. Signaling repurposable drug combinations against COVID-19 by developing the heterogeneous deep herb-graph method.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Yang F, Zhang S, Pan W
134. HLAB: learning the BiLSTM features from the ProtBert-encoded proteins for the class I HLA-peptide binding prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Zhang Y, Zhu G, Li K
135. A Markov random field model-based approach for differentially expressed gene detection from single-cell RNA-seq data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Zhu B, Li H, Zhang L
136. scESI: evolutionary sparse imputation for single-cell transcriptomes from nearest neighbor cells.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Sep 20
Liu Q, Luo X, Li J
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