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2021 Jan (42)
1. Immune infiltration and clinical significance analyses of the coagulation-related genes in hepatocellular carcinoma.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
He Q, Yang J, Jin Y.
2. circRIP: an accurate tool for identifying circRNA-RBP interactions.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Dong X, Chen K, Chen W
3. Structural landscapes of PPI interfaces.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Rodrigues CHM, Pires DEV, Blundell TL
4. Hiplot: a comprehensive and easy-to-use web service for boosting publication-ready biomedical data visualization.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Li J, Miao B, Wang S
5. Statistical challenges in longitudinal microbiome data analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Kodikara S, Ellul S, Lê Cao KA.
6. Disease spreading modeling and analysis: a survey.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Hiram Guzzi P, Petrizzelli F, Mazza T.
7. Network approaches for modeling the effect of drugs and diseases.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Rintala TJ, Ghosh A, Fortino V.
8. Heterogeneous data integration methods for patient similarity networks.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Gliozzo J, Mesiti M, Notaro M
9. Virus finding tools: current solutions and limitations.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Privitera GF, Alaimo S, Ferro A
10. PIWI-interacting RNAs in human diseases: databases and computational models.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Zhang T, Chen L, Li R
11. Contexts and contradictions: a roadmap for computational drug repurposing with knowledge inference.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Sosa DN, Altman RB.
12. Machine-designed biotherapeutics: opportunities, feasibility and advantages of deep learning in computational antibody discovery.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Wilman W, Wróbel S, Bielska W
13. Prediction of allosteric druggable pockets of cyclin-dependent kinases.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Ning S, Wang H, Zeng C
14. idenMD-NRF: a ranking framework for miRNA-disease association identification.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Zhang W, Wei H, Liu B.
15. Application of non-negative matrix factorization in oncology: one approach for establishing precision medicine.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Hamamoto R, Takasawa K, Machino H
16. DeepSCP: utilizing deep learning to boost single-cell proteome coverage.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Wang B, Wang Y, Chen Y
17. Evaluation of propensity score methods for causal inference with high-dimensional covariates.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Gao Q, Zhang Y, Sun H
18. ConSIG: consistent discovery of molecular signature from OMIC data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Li F, Yin J, Lu M
19. Evaluating hierarchical machine learning approaches to classify biological databases.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Rezende PM, Xavier JS, Ascher DB
20. ELSSI: parallel SNP-SNP interactions detection by ensemble multi-type detectors.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Wang X, Cao X, Feng Y
21. Chinese medical dialogue information extraction via contrastive multi-utterance inference.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Dai J, Jiang C, Peng R
22. A comprehensive benchmarking of WGS-based deletion structural variant callers.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Sarwal V, Niehus S, Ayyala R
23. Resolving single-cell copy number profiling for large datasets.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Ruohan W, Yuwei Z, Mengbo W
24. BETA: a comprehensive benchmark for computational drug-target prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Zong N, Li N, Wen A
25. Secondary structure prediction of long noncoding RNA: review and experimental comparison of existing approaches.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Bugnon LA, Edera AA, Prochetto S
26. Accurate identification of bacteriophages from metagenomic data using Transformer.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Shang J, Tang X, Guo R
27. Evaluation of different computational methods for DNA methylation-based biological age.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Di Lena P, Sala C, Nardini C.
28. Multiphysical graph neural network (MP-GNN) for COVID-19 drug design.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Li XS, Liu X, Lu L
29. A comprehensive analysis of the IEDB MHC class-I automated benchmark.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Trevizani R, Yan Z, Greenbaum JA
30. Quantitative estimation of intracellular oxidative stress in human tissues.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Bai J, Tan R, An Z
31. Deep generative model for therapeutic targets using transcriptomic disease-associated data-USP7 case study.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Pereira T, Abbasi M, Oliveira RI
32. Bioinformatics strategies for studying the molecular mechanisms of fungal extracellular vesicles with a focus on infection and immune responses.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Saravanakumar K, Santosh SS, Ahamed MA
33. SYSMut: decoding the functional significance of rare somatic mutations in cancer.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Khalighi S, Joseph P, Babu D
34. TSNAPred: predicting type-specific nucleic acid binding residues via an ensemble approach.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Nie W, Deng L.
35. STNN-DDI: a Substructure-aware Tensor Neural Network to predict Drug-Drug Interactions.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Yu H, Zhao S, Shi J.
36. Propensity score matching enables batch-effect-corrected imputation in single-cell RNA-seq analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Xu X, Yu X, Hu G
37. Adaptive sequencing using nanopores and deep learning of mitochondrial DNA.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Danilevsky A, Polsky AL, Shomron N.
38. PRES: a webserver for decoding the functional perturbations of RNA editing sites.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Lv D, Xu K, Yang C
39. DSEATM: drug set enrichment analysis uncovering disease mechanisms by biomedical text mining.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Luo ZH, Zhu LD, Wang YM
40. Mitigating cold-start problems in drug-target affinity prediction with interaction knowledge transferring.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Nguyen TM, Nguyen T, Tran T.
41. BatchDTA: implicit batch alignment enhances deep learning-based drug-target affinity estimation.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Luo H, Xiang Y, Fang X
42. Best practice and reproducible science are required to advance artificial intelligence in real-world applications.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Liu Z, Li T, Connor S
43. ViBE: a hierarchical BERT model to identify eukaryotic viruses using metagenome sequencing data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Gwak HJ, Rho M.
44. Addressing barriers in comprehensiveness, accessibility, reusability, interoperability and reproducibility of computational models in systems biology.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Niarakis A, Waltemath D, Glazier J
45. DURIAN: an integrative deconvolution and imputation method for robust signaling analysis of single-cell transcriptomics data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Karikomi M, Zhou P, Nie Q.
46. De novo molecular design with deep molecular generative models for PPI inhibitors.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Wang J, Chu Y, Mao J
47. Pf-Phospho: a machine learning-based phosphorylation sites prediction tool for Plasmodium proteins.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Gupta P, Venkadesan S, Mohanty D.
48. Systematic evaluation of cell-type deconvolution pipelines for sequencing-based bulk DNA methylomes.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Jeong Y, de Andrade E Sousa LB, Thalmeier D
49. PolyAtailor: measuring poly(A) tail length from short-read and long-read sequencing data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Liu M, Hao L, Yang S
50. LmTag: functional-enrichment and imputation-aware tag SNP selection for population-specific genotyping arrays.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Thanh Nguyen D, Hoang Nguyen Q, Thuy Duong N
51. Entropy-based inference of transition states and cellular trajectory for single-cell transcriptomics.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Gan Y, Guo C, Guo W
52. Associating pathways with diseases using single-cell expression profiles and making inferences about potential drugs.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Sharma M, Jha IP, Chawla S
53. iDRNA-ITF: identifying DNA- and RNA-binding residues in proteins based on induction and transfer framework.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Wang N, Yan K, Zhang J
54. Discovering gene regulatory networks of multiple phenotypic groups using dynamic Bayesian networks.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Suter P, Kuipers J, Beerenwinkel N.
55. iACVP: markedly enhanced identification of anti-coronavirus peptides using a dataset-specific word2vec model.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Kurata H, Tsukiyama S, Manavalan B.
56. PCfun: a hybrid computational framework for systematic characterization of protein complex function.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Sharma VS, Fossati A, Ciuffa R
57. ggmsa: a visual exploration tool for multiple sequence alignment and associated data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Zhou L, Feng T, Xu S
58. A deep learning method for predicting metabolite-disease associations via graph neural network.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Sun F, Sun J, Zhao Q.
59. Transfer learning in proteins: evaluating novel protein learned representations for bioinformatics tasks.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Fenoy E, Edera AA, Stegmayer G.
60. AttentionSiteDTI: an interpretable graph-based model for drug-target interaction prediction using NLP sentence-level relation classification.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Yazdani-Jahromi M, Yousefi N, Tayebi A
61. RBP-TSTL is a two-stage transfer learning framework for genome-scale prediction of RNA-binding proteins.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Peng X, Wang X, Guo Y
62. BioAutoML: automated feature engineering and metalearning to predict noncoding RNAs in bacteria.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Bonidia RP, Santos APA, de Almeida BLS
63. FL-DTD: an integrated pipeline to predict the drug interacting targets by feedback loop-based network analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Lu D, Pan R, Wu W
64. Online in silico validation of disease and gene sets, clusterings or subnetworks with DIGEST.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Adamowicz K, Maier A, Baumbach J
65. BayeshERG: a robust, reliable and interpretable deep learning model for predicting hERG channel blockers.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Kim H, Park M, Lee I
66. CProtMEDIAS: clustering of amino acid sequences encoded by gene families by MErging and DIgitizing Aligned Sequences.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Zhang Z, Zhu M, Xie Q
67. Deepening the knowledge of rare diseases dependent on angiogenesis through semantic similarity clustering and network analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Pagano-Márquez R, Córdoba-Caballero J, Martínez-Poveda B
68. Three-nucleotide periodicity of nucleotide diversity in a population enables the identification of open reading frames.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Jiang M, Ning W, Wu S
69. Cell-cell communication inference and analysis in the tumour microenvironments from single-cell transcriptomics: data resources and computational strategies.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Peng L, Wang F, Wang Z
70. A penalized linear mixed model with generalized method of moments for prediction analysis on high-dimensional multi-omics data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Wang X, Wen Y.
71. The prediction approach of drug-induced liver injury: response to the issues of reproducible science of artificial intelligence in real-world applications.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Chen Z, Jiang Y, Zhang X
72. Exploring the kinase-inhibitor fragment interaction space facilitates the discovery of kinase inhibitor overcoming resistance by mutations.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Wang ZZ, Wang MS, Wang F
73. Multi-omics to characterize the functional relationships of R-loops with epigenetic modifications, RNAPII transcription and gene expression.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Pan X, Huang LF.
74. MorbidGCN: prediction of multimorbidity with a graph convolutional network based on integration of population phenotypes and disease network.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Dong G, Zhang ZC, Feng J
75. Protein complex structure prediction powered by multiple sequence alignments of interologs from multiple taxonomic ranks and AlphaFold2.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Si Y, Yan C.
76. Generating and screening de novo compounds against given targets using ultrafast deep learning models as core components.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Zhang H, Saravanan KM, Yang Y
77. HDIContact: a novel predictor of residue-residue contacts on hetero-dimer interfaces via sequential information and transfer learning strategy.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Zhang W, Meng Q, Wang J
78. High-quality pan-genome of Escherichia coli generated by excluding confounding and highly similar strains reveals an association between unique gene clusters and genomic islands.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Yang T, Gao F.
79. m 6  Aexpress-BHM: predicting m6A regulation of gene expression in multiple-groups context by a Bayesian hierarchical mixture model.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Zhang T, Zhang SW, Feng J
80. Evaluating methylation of human ribosomal DNA at each CpG site reveals its utility for cancer detection using cell-free DNA.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Zhang X, Jia X, Zhong B
81. A computational framework to unify orthogonal information in DNA methylation and copy number aberrations in cell-free DNA for early cancer detection.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Wei Q, Jin C, Wang Y
82. COVID-19 vaccine design using reverse and structural vaccinology, ontology-based literature mining and machine learning.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Huffman A, Ong E, Hur J
83. KLFDAPC: a supervised machine learning approach for spatial genetic structure analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Qin X, Chiang CWK, Gaggiotti OE.
84. A heterogeneous network-based method with attentive meta-path extraction for predicting drug-target interactions.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Wang H, Huang F, Xiong Z
85. Persistent spectral simplicial complex-based machine learning for chromosomal structural analysis in cellular differentiation.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Gong W, Wee J, Wu MC
86. PSnoD: identifying potential snoRNA-disease associations based on bounded nuclear norm regularization.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Sun Z, Huang Q, Yang Y
87. A comprehensive comparison on cell-type composition inference for spatial transcriptomics data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Chen J, Liu W, Luo T
88. TACOS: a novel approach for accurate prediction of cell-specific long noncoding RNAs subcellular localization.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Jeon YJ, Hasan MM, Park HW
89. Comparative analysis of machine learning algorithms on the microbial strain-specific AMP prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Vishnepolsky B, Grigolava M, Managadze G
90. Characterizing and explaining the impact of disease-associated mutations in proteins without known structures or structural homologs.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jul 18
Sen N, Anishchenko I, Bordin N
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