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2022 Mar (114)
2022 Jan (191)
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2021 Sep (157)
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2021 Mar (103)
2021 Jan (42)
1. A deep learning method for repurposing antiviral drugs against new viruses via multi-view nonnegative matrix factorization and its application to SARS-CoV-2.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Su X, Hu L, You Z
2. A novel convolution attention model for predicting transcription factor binding sites by combination of sequence and shape.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Zhang Y, Wang Z, Zeng Y
3. DeepDISOBind: accurate prediction of RNA-, DNA- and protein-binding intrinsically disordered residues with deep multi-task learning.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Zhang F, Zhao B, Shi W
4. HINGRL: predicting drug-disease associations with graph representation learning on heterogeneous information networks.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Zhao BW, Hu L, You ZH
5. Tumor immune microenvironment lncRNAs.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Park EG, Pyo SJ, Cui Y
6. CSM-carbohydrate: protein-carbohydrate binding affinity prediction and docking scoring function.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Nguyen TB, Pires DEV, Ascher DB.
7. SGNNMD: signed graph neural network for predicting deregulation types of miRNA-disease associations.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Zhang G, Li M, Deng H
8. Metrics for evaluating differentially methylated region sets predicted from BS-seq data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Peng X, Luo H, Kong X
9. Matrix factorization for biomedical link prediction and scRNA-seq data imputation: an empirical survey.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Ou-Yang L, Lu F, Zhang ZC
10. Combining power of different methods to detect associations in large data sets.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Li H, Zhang H, Jiang H.
11. Identifying correlations driven by influential observations in large datasets.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Bu K, Wallach DS, Wilson Z
12. NmRF: identification of multispecies RNA 2'-O-methylation modification sites from RNA sequences.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Ao C, Zou Q, Yu L.
13. HiC1Dmetrics: framework to extract various one-dimensional features from chromosome structure data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Wang J, Nakato R.
14. A systematic comparison of novel and existing differential analysis methods for CyTOF data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Arend L, Bernett J, Manz Q
15. sAMP-PFPDeep: Improving accuracy of short antimicrobial peptides prediction using three different sequence encodings and deep neural networks.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Hussain W.
16. Challenges and opportunities in network-based solutions for biological questions.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Guo MG, Sosa DN, Altman RB.
17. Quantitative model suggests both intrinsic and contextual features contribute to the transcript coding ability determination in cells.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Kang YJ, Li JY, Ke L
18. Deep learning-based advances and applications for single-cell RNA-sequencing data analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Bao S, Li K, Yan C
19. Study of transcription factor druggabilty for prostate cancer using structure information, gene regulatory networks and protein moonlighting.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Dey A, Sen S, Maulik U.
20. MathFeature: feature extraction package for DNA, RNA and protein sequences based on mathematical descriptors.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Bonidia RP, Domingues DS, Sanches DS
21. miRPreM and tiRPreM: Improved methodologies for the prediction of miRNAs and tRNA-induced small non-coding RNAs for model and non-model organisms.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Rawal HC, Ali S, Mondal TK.
22. Artificial intelligence in drug discovery: applications and techniques.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Deng J, Yang Z, Ojima I
23. A network-based method for brain disease gene prediction by integrating brain connectome and molecular network.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Wang W, Han R, Zhang M
24. Are dropout imputation methods for scRNA-seq effective for scATAC-seq data?
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Liu Y, Zhang J, Wang S
25. A similarity-based deep learning approach for determining the frequencies of drug side effects.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Zhao H, Wang S, Zheng K
26. A comprehensive review of the analysis and integration of omics data for SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Zhu Z, Zhang S, Wang P
27. Botanical drugs: a new strategy for structure-based target prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Wei X, Wu X, Cheng Z
28. Sensitive, reliable and robust circRNA detection from RNA-seq with CirComPara2.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Gaffo E, Buratin A, Dal Molin A
29. epitope3D: a machine learning method for conformational B-cell epitope prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
da Silva BM, Myung Y, Ascher DB
30. MAResNet: predicting transcription factor binding sites by combining multi-scale bottom-up and top-down attention and residual network.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Han K, Shen LC, Zhu YH
31. PKSPS: a novel method for predicting kinase of specific phosphorylation sites based on maximum weighted bipartite matching algorithm and phosphorylation sequence enrichment analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Guo X, He H, Yu J
32. Integration of pairwise neighbor topologies and miRNA family and cluster attributes for miRNA-disease association prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Xuan P, Wang D, Cui H
33. Dissecting and predicting different types of binding sites in nucleic acids based on structural information.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Jiang Z, Xiao SR, Liu R.
34. A survey on computational methods in discovering protein inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Liu Q, Wan J, Wang G.
35. Subtype-WESLR: identifying cancer subtype with weighted ensemble sparse latent representation of multi-view data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Song W, Wang W, Dai DQ.
36. A multi-step and multi-scale bioinformatic protocol to investigate potential SARS-CoV-2 vaccine targets.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Russo G, Di Salvatore V, Sgroi G
37. A versatile and scalable single-cell data integration algorithm based on domain-adversarial and variational approximation.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Hu J, Zhong Y, Shang X.
38. Comprehensive characterization genetic regulation and chromatin landscape of enhancer-associated long non-coding RNAs and their implication in human cancer.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Li X, Pan X, Zhou H
39. Rossmann-toolbox: a deep learning-based protocol for the prediction and design of cofactor specificity in Rossmann fold proteins.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Kamiński K, Ludwiczak J, Jasiński M
40. circRNA-binding protein site prediction based on multi-view deep learning, subspace learning and multi-view classifier.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Li H, Deng Z, Yang H
41. Deep learning in retrosynthesis planning: datasets, models and tools.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Dong J, Zhao M, Liu Y
42. Ferroptosis-related lncRNA pairs to predict the clinical outcome and molecular characteristics of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Tang R, Wu Z, Rong Z
43. Exploring the immune evasion of SARS-CoV-2 variant harboring E484K by molecular dynamics simulations.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Wu L, Peng C, Yang Y
44. How much can deep learning improve prediction of the responses to drugs in cancer cell lines?
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Chen Y, Zhang L.
45. Serverless computing in omics data analysis and integration.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Grzesik P, Augustyn DR, Wyciślik Ł
46. Benchmark of filter methods for feature selection in high-dimensional gene expression survival data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Bommert A, Welchowski T, Schmid M
47. DeepLncLoc: a deep learning framework for long non-coding RNA subcellular localization prediction based on subsequence embedding.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Zeng M, Wu Y, Lu C
48. A comparison of deep learning-based pre-processing and clustering approaches for single-cell RNA sequencing data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Wang J, Zou Q, Lin C.
49. ScCAEs: deep clustering of single-cell RNA-seq via convolutional autoencoder embedding and soft K-means.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Hu H, Li Z, Li X
50. Deep-AFPpred: identifying novel antifungal peptides using pretrained embeddings from seq2vec with 1DCNN-BiLSTM.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Sharma R, Shrivastava S, Kumar Singh S
51. DeepDDS: deep graph neural network with attention mechanism to predict synergistic drug combinations.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Wang J, Liu X, Shen S
52. Detection of transcription factors binding to methylated DNA by deep recurrent neural network.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Li H, Gong Y, Liu Y
53. Detection of minor variants in Mycobacterium tuberculosis whole genome sequencing data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Goossens SN, Heupink TH, De Vos E
54. Predicting miRNA-disease associations using an ensemble learning framework with resampling method.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Dai Q, Wang Z, Liu Z
55. Artificial intelligence in clinical research of cancers.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Shao D, Dai Y, Li N
56. Protein-RNA interaction prediction with deep learning: structure matters.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Wei J, Chen S, Zong L
57. PhosPiR: an automated phosphoproteomic pipeline in R.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Hong Y, Flinkman D, Suomi T
58. ResNet18DNN: prediction approach of drug-induced liver injury by deep neural network with ResNet18.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Chen Z, Jiang Y, Zhang X
59. Evaluating the state of the art in missing data imputation for clinical data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Luo Y.
60. eSCAN: scan regulatory regions for aggregate association testing using whole-genome sequencing data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Yang Y, Sun Q, Huang L
61. KGANCDA: predicting circRNA-disease associations based on knowledge graph attention network.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Lan W, Dong Y, Chen Q
62. Multiomics integration-based molecular characterizations of COVID-19.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Li CX, Gao J, Zhang Z
63. Dual-Network Collaborative Matrix Factorization for predicting small molecule-miRNA associations.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Wang SH, Wang CC, Huang L
64. Prediction of drug-disease associations by integrating common topologies of heterogeneous networks and specific topologies of subnets.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Gao L, Cui H, Zhang T
65. preMLI: a pre-trained method to uncover microRNA-lncRNA potential interactions.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Yu X, Jiang L, Jin S
66. SC-MEB: spatial clustering with hidden Markov random field using empirical Bayes.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Yang Y, Shi X, Liu W
67. A point cloud-based deep learning strategy for protein-ligand binding affinity prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Wang Y, Wu S, Duan Y
68. BioNet: a large-scale and heterogeneous biological network model for interaction prediction with graph convolution.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Yang X, Wang W, Ma JL
69. Calling small variants using universality with Bayes-factor-adjusted odds ratios.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Zhao X, Hu AC, Wang S
70. GraphCDR: a graph neural network method with contrastive learning for cancer drug response prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Liu X, Song C, Huang F
71. GVDTI: graph convolutional and variational autoencoders with attribute-level attention for drug-protein interaction prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Xuan P, Fan M, Cui H
72. Drug-drug interaction prediction with learnable size-adaptive molecular substructures.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Nyamabo AK, Yu H, Liu Z
73. A deep learning-based approach to model anomalous diffusion of membrane proteins: the case of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Maizón HB, Barrantes FJ.
74. Ensemble of kernel ridge regression-based small molecule-miRNA association prediction in human disease.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Wang CC, Zhu CC, Chen X.
75. A survey of circular RNAs in complex diseases: databases, tools and computational methods.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Xiao Q, Dai J, Luo J.
76. Genome optimization via virtual simulation to accelerate maize hybrid breeding.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Cheng Q, Jiang S, Xu F
77. Mining plant endogenous target mimics from miRNA-lncRNA interactions based on dual-path parallel ensemble pruning method.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Kang Q, Meng J, Su C
78. MOAI: a multi-outcome interaction identification approach reveals an interaction between vaspin and carcinoembryonic antigen on colorectal cancer prognosis.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Lin YD, Lee YC, Chiang CP
79. Drug-target interaction predication via multi-channel graph neural networks.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Li Y, Qiao G, Wang K
80. T4SEfinder: a bioinformatics tool for genome-scale prediction of bacterial type IV secreted effectors using pre-trained protein language model.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Xiong Y
81. PTMdyna: exploring the influence of post-translation modifications on protein conformational dynamics.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Shi XX, Wang ZZ, Wang YL
82. Improving cancer driver gene identification using multi-task learning on graph convolutional network.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Peng W, Tang Q, Dai W
83. Optimizing genomic control in mixed model associations with binary diseases.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Song Y, Yang L, Jiang L
84. Learning representation for multiple biological networks via a robust graph regularized integration approach.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Zhang X, Wang W, Ren CX
85. Advances, challenges and opportunities of phylogenetic and social network analysis using COVID-19 data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Wang Y, Zhao Y, Pan Q.
86. Prediction of RNA secondary structure including pseudoknots for long sequences.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Sato K, Kato Y.
87. Bioinformatics mentorship in a resource limited setting.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Jjingo D, Mboowa G, Sserwadda I
88. Stratified neural networks in a time-to-event setting.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Kuruc F, Binder H, Hess M.
89. A comprehensive review of online resources for microRNA-diseases associations: the state of the art.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Mahjoubin-Tehran M, Rezaei S, Jalili A
90. Representation of molecules for drug response prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
An X, Chen X, Yi D
91. Identifying pleiotropic genes for complex phenotypes with summary statistics from a perspective of composite null hypothesis testing.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Wang T, Lu H, Zeng P.
92. scDEA: differential expression analysis in single-cell RNA-sequencing data via ensemble learning.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Li HS, Ou-Yang L, Zhu Y
93. High-throughput single-cell RNA-seq data imputation and characterization with surrogate-assisted automated deep learning.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Li X, Li S, Huang L
94. ZoomQA: residue-level protein model accuracy estimation with machine learning on sequential and 3D structural features.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Hippe K, Lilley C, William Berkenpas J
95. scHiCStackL: a stacking ensemble learning-based method for single-cell Hi-C classification using cell embedding.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Wu H, Wu Y, Jiang Y
96. Integrating single-cell datasets with ambiguous batch information by incorporating molecular network features.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Dong J, Zhou P, Wu Y
97. Enhancing discoveries of molecular QTL studies with small sample size using summary statistic imputation.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Wang T, Liu Y, Yin Q
98. Network-based analysis revealed significant interactions between risk genes of severe COVID-19 and host genes interacted with SARS-CoV-2 proteins.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Qi HX, Shen QD, Zhao HY
99. DeepMotifSyn: a deep learning approach to synthesize heterodimeric DNA motifs.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Lin J, Huang L, Chen X
100. A general optimization protocol for molecular property prediction using a deep learning network.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Chen JH, Tseng YJ.
101. Using molecular embeddings in QSAR modeling: does it make a difference?
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Sabando MV, Ponzoni I, Milios EE
102. Heavy chain sequence-based classifier for the specificity of human antibodies.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Wang Y, Mai G, Zou M
103. MEANGS: an efficient seed-free tool for de novo assembling animal mitochondrial genome using whole genome NGS data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Song MH, Yan C, Li JT.
104. AMDE: a novel attention-mechanism-based multidimensional feature encoder for drug-drug interaction prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Pang S, Zhang Y, Song T
105. ChIP-AP: an integrated analysis pipeline for unbiased ChIP-seq analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Suryatenggara J, Yong KJ, Tenen DE
106. Immuno-informatics analysis predicts B and T cell consensus epitopes for designing peptide vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 with 99.82% global population coverage.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Shukla P, Pandey P, Prasad B
107. Computationally prioritized drugs inhibit SARS-CoV-2 infection and syncytia formation.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Serra A, Fratello M, Federico A
108. An integrated brain-specific network identifies genes associated with neuropathologic and clinical traits of Alzheimer's disease.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Lin CX, Li HD, Deng C
109. TMNP: a transcriptome-based multi-scale network pharmacology platform for herbal medicine.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Li P, Zhang H, Zhang W
110. FusionDTA: attention-based feature polymerizer and knowledge distillation for drug-target binding affinity prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Yuan W, Chen G, Chen CY.
111. Deep learning tackles single-cell analysis-a survey of deep learning for scRNA-seq analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Flores M, Liu Z, Zhang T
112. iCRISEE: an integrative analysis of CRISPR screen by reducing false positive hits.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Zhang T, Li Y, Yang Y
113. A tale of solving two computational challenges in protein science: neoantigen prediction and protein structure prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Tran NH, Xu J, Li M.
114. Accelerating bioactive peptide discovery via mutual information-based meta-learning.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
He W, Jiang Y, Jin J
115. Distant metastasis identification based on optimized graph representation of gene interaction patterns.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Su R, Zhu Y, Zou Q
116. DeNOPA: decoding nucleosome positions sensitively with sparse ATAC-seq data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Xu B, Li X, Gao X
117. FedSPL: federated self-paced learning for privacy-preserving disease diagnosis.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Wang Q, Zhou Y.
118. iRice-MS: An integrated XGBoost model for detecting multitype post-translational modification sites in rice.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Lv H, Zhang Y, Wang JS
119. A deep learning model to identify gene expression level using cobinding transcription factor signals.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Zhang L, Yang Y, Chai L
120. Network analytics for drug repurposing in COVID-19.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Siminea N, Popescu V, Sanchez Martin JA
121. Predicting drug-drug interactions by graph convolutional network with multi-kernel.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Wang F, Lei X, Liao B
122. Managing the life cycle of a portfolio of open data resources at the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Gabella C, Duvaud S, Durinx C.
123. Focused goodness of fit tests for gene set analyses.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Zhang M, Gelfman S, Martins Moreno CA
124. iProbiotics: a machine learning platform for rapid identification of probiotic properties from whole-genome primary sequences.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Sun Y, Li H, Zheng L
125. Two-stage-vote ensemble framework based on integration of mutation data and gene interaction network for uncovering driver genes.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Kan Y, Jiang L, Guo Y
126. Machine learning meets omics: applications and perspectives.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Li R, Li L, Xu Y
127. A roadmap for multi-omics data integration using deep learning.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Kang M, Ko E, Mersha TB.
128. StaBle-ABPpred: a stacked ensemble predictor based on biLSTM and attention mechanism for accelerated discovery of antibacterial peptides.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Singh V, Shrivastava S, Kumar Singh S
129. MZINBVA: variational approximation for multilevel zero-inflated negative-binomial models for association analysis in microbiome surveys.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Liu T, Xu P, Du Y
130. Somatic variant analysis suite: copy number variation clonal visualization online platform for large-scale single-cell genomics.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Chen L, Qing Y, Li R
131. Locus-specific expression analysis of transposable elements.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Schwarz R, Koch P, Wilbrandt J
132. Disease category-specific annotation of variants using an ensemble learning framework.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Cao Z, Huang Y, Duan R
133. Development of interactive biological web applications with R/Shiny.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Jia L, Yao W, Jiang Y
134. A protocol for dynamic model calibration.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Villaverde AF, Pathirana D, Fröhlich F
135. Differential RNA methylation using multivariate statistical methods.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Ayyala DN, Lin J, Ouyang Z.
136. Characterizing viral circRNAs and their application in identifying circRNAs in viruses.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Niu M, Ju Y, Lin C
137. Heterogeneous graph attention network based on meta-paths for lncRNA-disease association prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Zhao X, Zhao X, Yin M.
138. A cross-study analysis of drug response prediction in cancer cell lines.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Xia F, Allen J, Balaprakash P
139. Impact of mutations in SARS-COV-2 spike on viral infectivity and antigenicity.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Zhou W, Xu C, Wang P
140. The substitution spectra of coronavirus genomes.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Forni D, Cagliani R, Pontremoli C
141. A network embedding framework based on integrating multiplex network for drug combination prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Yu L, Xia M, An Q.
142. Genome sequencing data analysis for rare disease gene discovery.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Umlai UI, Bangarusamy DK, Estivill X
143. Machine learning methods, databases and tools for drug combination prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Wu L, Wen Y, Leng D
144. PHIAF: prediction of phage-host interactions with GAN-based data augmentation and sequence-based feature fusion.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Li M, Zhang W.
145. Prospects and challenges of cancer systems medicine: from genes to disease networks.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Karimi MR, Karimi AH, Abolmaali S
146. Addressing noise in co-expression network construction.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Burns JJR, Shealy BT, Greer MS
147. Ensemble modeling with machine learning and deep learning to provide interpretable generalized rules for classifying CNS drugs with high prediction power.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Yu TH, Su BH, Battalora LC
148. Active disease-related compound identification based on capsule network.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Yang B, Bao W, Wang J.
149. BML: a versatile web server for bipartite motif discovery.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Vahed M, Vahed M, Garmire LX.
150. AMDBNorm: an approach based on distribution adjustment to eliminate batch effects of gene expression data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Zhang X, Ye Z, Chen J
151. Molecular persistent spectral image (Mol-PSI) representation for machine learning models in drug design.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Jiang P, Chi Y, Li XS
152. Letter to the Editor: on the stability and internal consistency of component-wise sparse mixture regression-based clustering.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Zhang B, He J, Hu J
153. Prediction of disease-associated nsSNPs by integrating multi-scale ResNet models with deep feature fusion.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Ge F, Zhang Y, Xu J
154. Comprehensive assessment of deep generative architectures for de novo drug design.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Wang M, Sun H, Wang J
155. scIAE: an integrative autoencoder-based ensemble classification framework for single-cell RNA-seq data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Yin Q, Wang Y, Guan J
156. OPUS-Rota4: a gradient-based protein side-chain modeling framework assisted by deep learning-based predictors.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Xu G, Wang Q, Ma J.
157. A novel fast multiple nucleotide sequence alignment method based on FM-index.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Liu H, Zou Q, Xu Y.
158. META-DDIE: predicting drug-drug interaction events with few-shot learning.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Deng Y, Qiu Y, Xu X
159. High dimensionality reduction by matrix factorization for systems pharmacology.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Mehrpooya A, Saberi-Movahed F, Azizizadeh N
160. LR-GNN: a graph neural network based on link representation for predicting molecular associations.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Kang C, Zhang H, Liu Z
161. DeepCap-Kcr: accurate identification and investigation of protein lysine crotonylation sites based on capsule network.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Khanal J, Tayara H, Zou Q
162. Accurate protein function prediction via graph attention networks with predicted structure information.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Lai B, Xu J.
163. Epigenome signature as an immunophenotype indicator prompts durable clinical immunotherapy benefits in lung adenocarcinoma.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Pan X, Zhang C, Wang J
164. Computational anti-COVID-19 drug design: progress and challenges.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Wang J, Zhang Y, Nie W
165. Artificial intelligence in the prediction of protein-ligand interactions: recent advances and future directions.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Dhakal A, McKay C, Tanner JJ
166. Multi contact-based folding method for de novo protein structure prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Hou M, Peng C, Zhou X
167. Integrative COVID-19 biological network inference with probabilistic core decomposition.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Guo Y, Esfahani F, Shao X
168. EGFI: drug-drug interaction extraction and generation with fusion of enriched entity and sentence information.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Huang L, Lin J, Li X
169. Impact of computational approaches in the fight against COVID-19: an AI guided review of 17 000 studies.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Napolitano F, Xu X, Gao X.
170. Positive-unlabeled learning in bioinformatics and computational biology: a brief review.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Li F, Dong S, Leier A
171. MDF-SA-DDI: predicting drug-drug interaction events based on multi-source drug fusion, multi-source feature fusion and transformer self-attention mechanism.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Lin S, Wang Y, Zhang L
172. sciCNV: high-throughput paired profiling of transcriptomes and DNA copy number variations at single-cell resolution.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Mahdipour-Shirayeh A, Erdmann N, Leung-Hagesteijn C
173. Identifying multi-functional bioactive peptide functions using multi-label deep learning.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Tang W, Dai R, Yan W
174. BlockPolish: accurate polishing of long-read assembly via block divide-and-conquer.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Huang N, Nie F, Ni P
175. An overview of machine learning methods for monotherapy drug response prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Firoozbakht F, Yousefi B, Schwikowski B.
176. Assessing deep learning methods in cis-regulatory motif finding based on genomic sequencing data.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Zhang S, Ma A, Zhao J
177. Comparative analysis of machine learning-based approaches for identifying therapeutic peptides targeting SARS-CoV-2.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Manavalan B, Basith S, Lee G.
178. RNA-RNA interactions between SARS-CoV-2 and host benefit viral development and evolution during COVID-19 infection.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Zhang S, Amahong K, Zhang C
179. Characterization of gastric cancer stem-like molecular features, immune and pharmacogenomic landscapes.
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2022 Jan 17
Wei C, Chen M, Deng W
180. DeepHost: phage host prediction with convolutional neural network.
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2022 Jan 17
Ruohan W, Xianglilan Z, Jianping W
181. Consensus-based clustering of single cells by reconstructing cell-to-cell dissimilarity.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Wang C, Mu Z, Mou C
182. STALLION: a stacking-based ensemble learning framework for prokaryotic lysine acetylation site prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Basith S, Lee G, Manavalan B.
183. NiPTUNE: an automated pipeline for noninvasive prenatal testing in an accurate, integrative and flexible framework.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Duboc V, Pratella D, Milanesio M
184. Identification of potential therapeutic targets and mechanisms of COVID-19 through network analysis and screening of chemicals and herbal ingredients.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Wang H, Zhang J, Lu Z
185. GCRFLDA: scoring lncRNA-disease associations using graph convolution matrix completion with conditional random field.
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Fan Y, Chen M, Pan X.
186. mCNN-ETC: identifying electron transporters and their functional families by using multiple windows scanning techniques in convolutional neural networks with evolutionary information of protein sequences.
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2022 Jan 17
Ho QT, Le NQK, Ou YY.
187. Comparison of imputation and imputation-free methods for statistical analysis of mass spectrometry data with missing data.
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Taylor S, Ponzini M, Wilson M
188. ARIC: accurate and robust inference of cell type proportions from bulk gene expression or DNA methylation data.
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Zhang W, Xu H, Qiao R
189. Minimal information for chemosensitivity assays (MICHA): a next-generation pipeline to enable the FAIRification of drug screening experiments.
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2022 Jan 17
Tanoli Z, Aldahdooh J, Alam F
190. Graph representation learning in bioinformatics: trends, methods and applications.
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2022 Jan 17
Yi HC, You ZH, Huang DS
191. SIGNET: single-cell RNA-seq-based gene regulatory network prediction using multiple-layer perceptron bagging.
Brief Bioinform
2022 Jan 17
Luo Q, Yu Y, Lan X.
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