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2023 Sep (6)
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2022 Mar (114)
2022 Jan (191)
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2021 Sep (157)
2021 Jul (128)
2021 May (110)
2021 Mar (103)
2021 Jan (42)
1. TIPS: trajectory inference of pathway significance through pseudotime comparison for functional assessment of single-cell RNAseq data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Zheng Z, Qiu X, Wu H
2. Comparative phylogenetic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-possibility effect on virus spillover.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Ghorbani A, Samarfard S, Eskandarzade N
3. IsAb: a computational protocol for antibody design.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Liang T, Chen H, Yuan J
4. Improving feature selection performance for classification of gene expression data using Harris Hawks optimizer with variable neighborhood learning.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Qu C, Zhang L, Li J
5. Insights into the evolutionary forces that shape the codon usage in the viral genome segments encoding intrinsically disordered protein regions.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Kumar N, Kaushik R, Tennakoon C
6. Developing intuitive and explainable algorithms through inspiration from human physiology and computational biology.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Turki H, Taieb MAH, Aouicha MB.
7. Is acupuncture effective in the treatment of COVID-19 related symptoms? Based on bioinformatics/network topology strategy.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Han Z, Zhang Y, Wang P
8. Deep drug-target binding affinity prediction with multiple attention blocks.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Zeng Y, Chen X, Luo Y
9. Bioinformatics and system biology approach to identify the influences of SARS-CoV-2 infections to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Mahmud SMH, Al-Mustanjid M, Akter F
10. Integrating multi-scale neighbouring topologies and cross-modal similarities for drug-protein interaction prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Xuan P, Zhang Y, Cui H
11. Network-based modeling of herb combinations in traditional Chinese medicine.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Wang Y, Yang H, Chen L
12. eQTLHap: a tool for comprehensive eQTL analysis considering haplotypic and genotypic effects.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Al Bkhetan Z, Chana G, Soon Ong C
13. Rank normalization empowers a t-test for microbiome differential abundance analysis while controlling for false discoveries.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Davis ML, Huang Y, Wang K.
14. DeepDRK: a deep learning framework for drug repurposing through kernel-based multi-omics integration.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Wang Y, Yang Y, Chen S
15. A spatial-temporal gated attention module for molecular property prediction based on molecular geometry.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Li C, Wang J, Niu Z
16. On the limits of active module identification.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Lazareva O, Baumbach J, List M
17. Inflated false discovery rate due to volcano plots: problem and solutions.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Ebrahimpoor M, Goeman JJ.
18. Multi-omics approaches for revealing the complexity of cardiovascular disease.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Doran S, Arif M, Lam S
19. Benchmarking network-based gene prioritization methods for cerebral small vessel disease.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Zhang H, Ferguson A, Robertson G
20. A comprehensive review of scaffolding methods in genome assembly.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Luo J, Wei Y, Lyu M
21. AlignGraph2: similar genome-assisted reassembly pipeline for PacBio long reads.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Huang S, He X, Wang G
22. Exploring TEAD2 as a drug target for therapeutic intervention of cancer: A multi-computational case study.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Pal R, Kumar A, Misra G.
23. Computational approaches to amino acid side-chain conformation using combined NMR theoretical and experimental results: leucine-67 in Desulfovibrio vulgaris flavodoxin.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
San Fabián J, Omar S, García de la Vega JM.
24. A comprehensive overview and critical evaluation of gene regulatory network inference technologies.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Zhao M, He W, Tang J
25. Anticancer peptides prediction with deep representation learning features.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Lv Z, Cui F, Zou Q
26. An end-to-end heterogeneous graph representation learning-based framework for drug-target interaction prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Peng J, Wang Y, Guan J
27. XGSEA: CROSS-species gene set enrichment analysis via domain adaptation.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Cai M, Hao Nguyen C, Mamitsuka H
28. ExonSkipAD provides the functional genomic landscape of exon skipping events in Alzheimer's disease.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Yang M, Ke Y, Kim P
29. Application of learning to rank in bioinformatics tasks.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Ru X, Ye X, Sakurai T
30. Integrated hybrid de novo assembly technologies to obtain high-quality pig genome using short and long reads.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Du H, Diao C, Zhao P
31. CNA2Subpathway: identification of dysregulated subpathway driven by copy number alterations in cancer.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Sheng Y, Jiang Y, Yang Y
32. Accuracy or novelty: what can we gain from target-specific machine-learning-based scoring functions in virtual screening?
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Shen C, Weng G, Zhang X
33. Analyzing master regulators and scRNA-seq of COVID-19 patients reveals an underlying anti-SARS-CoV-2 mechanism of ZNF proteins.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Qin S, Xu W, Wang C
34. CanDriS: posterior profiling of cancer-driving sites based on two-component evolutionary model.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Zhao W, Yang J, Wu J
35. Systems pharmacology: a combination strategy for improving efficacy of PD-1/PD-L1 blockade.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Zheng C, Xiao Y, Chen C
36. usDSM: a novel method for deleterious synonymous mutation prediction using undersampling scheme.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Tang X, Zhang T, Cheng N
37. TAD boundary and strength prediction by integrating sequence and epigenetic profile information.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Wang Y, Liu Y, Xu Q
38. NIDM: network impulsive dynamics on multiplex biological network for disease-gene prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Xiang J, Zhang J, Zheng R
39. Discovering novel cancer bio-markers in acquired lapatinib resistance using Bayesian methods.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Azad AKM, Alyami SA.
40. Elucidating transcriptomic profiles from single-cell RNA sequencing data using nature-inspired compressed sensing.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Yu Z, Bian C, Liu G
41. mi-IsoNet: systems-scale microRNA landscape reveals rampant isoform-mediated gain of target interaction diversity and signaling specificity.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Guo L, Li Y, Cirillo KM
42. Machine learning approach to gene essentiality prediction: a review.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Aromolaran O, Aromolaran D, Isewon I
43. Machine learning revealed stemness features and a novel stemness-based classification with appealing implications in discriminating the prognosis, immunotherapy and temozolomide responses of 906 glioblastoma patients.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Wang Z, Wang Y, Yang T
44. Persistent spectral hypergraph based machine learning (PSH-ML) for protein-ligand binding affinity prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Liu X, Feng H, Wu J
45. WEDGE: imputation of gene expression values from single-cell RNA-seq datasets using biased matrix decomposition.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Hu Y, Li B, Zhang W
46. Explainability in transformer models for functional genomics.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Clauwaert J, Menschaert G, Waegeman W.
47. Hierarchical mixed-model expedites genome-wide longitudinal association analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Zhang Y, Song Y, Gao J
48. Pharmacoinformatics and molecular dynamics simulation-based phytochemical screening of neem plant (Azadiractha indica) against human cancer by targeting MCM7 protein.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Ahammad F, Alam R, Mahmud R
49. Snipe: highly sensitive pathogen detection from metagenomic sequencing data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Huang L, Hong B, Yang W
50. Converting single nucleotide variants between genome builds: from cautionary tale to solution.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Ormond C, Ryan NM, Corvin A
51. NPI-GNN: Predicting ncRNA-protein interactions with deep graph neural networks.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Shen ZA, Luo T, Zhou YK
52. DeFusion: a denoised network regularization framework for multi-omics integration.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Wang W, Zhang X, Dai DQ.
53. Critical downstream analysis steps for single-cell RNA sequencing data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Zhang Z, Cui F, Lin C
54. Machine learning for phytopathology: from the molecular scale towards the network scale.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Wang Y, Zhou M, Zou Q
55. SGANRDA: semi-supervised generative adversarial networks for predicting circRNA-disease associations.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Wang L, Yan X, You ZH
56. PySmash: Python package and individual executable program for representative substructure generation and application.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Yang ZY, Yang ZJ, Zhao Y
57. PreDTIs: prediction of drug-target interactions based on multiple feature information using gradient boosting framework with data balancing and feature selection techniques.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Mahmud SMH, Chen W, Liu Y
58. MRCIP: a robust Mendelian randomization method accounting for correlated and idiosyncratic pleiotropy.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Xu S, Fung WK, Liu Z.
59. Current status and future perspectives of computational studies on human-virus protein-protein interactions.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Lian X, Yang X, Yang S
60. Knowledge-based classification of fine-grained immune cell types in single-cell RNA-Seq data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Liu X, Gosline SJC, Pflieger LT
61. A sequence-based deep learning approach to predict CTCF-mediated chromatin loop.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Lv H, Dao FY, Zulfiqar H
62. Comprehensive benchmarking of software for mapping whole genome bisulfite data: from read alignment to DNA methylation analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Nunn A, Otto C, Stadler PF
63. Why can deep convolutional neural networks improve protein fold recognition? A visual explanation by interpretation.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Liu Y, Zhu YH, Song X
64. Accurate prediction of multi-label protein subcellular localization through multi-view feature learning with RBRL classifier.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Zhang Q, Zhang Y, Li S
65. Computational resources for identifying and describing proteins driving liquid-liquid phase separation.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Pancsa R, Vranken W, Mészáros B.
66. GutBalance: a server for the human gut microbiome-based disease prediction and biomarker discovery with compositionality addressed.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Yang F, Zou Q, Gao B.
67. FifBase: a comprehensive fertility-associated indicators factor database for domestic animals.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Li H, Hou J, Chen Z
68. Pan-cancer analyses reveal regulation and clinical outcome association of the shelterin complex in cancer.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Luo Z, Liu W, Sun P
69. Oxford nanopore sequencing in clinical microbiology and infection diagnostics.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Sheka D, Alabi N, Gordon PMK.
70. Hypergraph-based persistent cohomology (HPC) for molecular representations in drug design.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Liu X, Wang X, Wu J
71. Analysis of selection in protein-coding sequences accounting for common biases.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Del Amparo R, Branco C, Arenas J
72. Riboexp: an interpretable reinforcement learning framework for ribosome density modeling.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Hu H, Liu X, Xiao A
73. MSIsensor-ct: microsatellite instability detection using cfDNA sequencing data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Han X, Zhang S, Zhou DC
74. Computational methods for the prediction of chromatin interaction and organization using sequence and epigenomic profiles.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Tao H, Li H, Xu K
75. Tools for time-course simulation in systems biology: a brief overview.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Musilova J, Sedlar K.
76. QSAR-assisted-MMPA to expand chemical transformation space for lead optimization.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Fu L, Yang ZY, Yang ZJ
77. GAERF: predicting lncRNA-disease associations by graph auto-encoder and random forest.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Wu QW, Xia JF, Ni JC
78. ADeditome provides the genomic landscape of A-to-I RNA editing in Alzheimer's disease.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Wu S, Yang M, Kim P
79. Progress and challenge for computational quantification of tissue immune cells.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Chen Z, Wu A.
80. New framework for recombination and adaptive evolution analysis with application to the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Wang Y, Zeng J, Zhang C
81. Deep learning of gene relationships from single cell time-course expression data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Yuan Y, Bar-Joseph Z.
82. ToxCodAn: a new toxin annotator and guide to venom gland transcriptomics.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Nachtigall PG, Rautsaw RM, Ellsworth SA
83. Hyperbolic relational graph convolution networks plus: a simple but highly efficient QSAR-modeling method.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Wu Z, Jiang D, Hsieh CY
84. Multilevel prioritization of gene regulators associated with consensus molecular subtypes of colorectal cancer.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Song K, Cai H, Zheng H
85. Bioinformatics and machine learning approach identifies potential drug targets and pathways in COVID-19.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Auwul MR, Rahman MR, Gov E
86. SMMPPI: a machine learning-based approach for prediction of modulators of protein-protein interactions and its application for identification of novel inhibitors for RBD:hACE2 interactions in SARS-CoV-2.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Gupta P, Mohanty D.
87. Letter to the Editor: Significant mutation enrichment in inverted repeat sites of new SARS-CoV-2 strains.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Bartas M, Goswami P, Lexa M
88. Inference of dynamic spatial GRN models with multi-GPU evolutionary computation.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Mousavi R, Konuru SH, Lobo D.
89. Systematic benchmark of ancient DNA read mapping.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Oliva A, Tobler R, Cooper A
90. A community-supported metaproteomic pipeline for improving peptide identifications in hydrothermal vent microbiota.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Chang Y, Fan Q, Hou J
91. DisBalance: a platform to automatically build balance-based disease prediction models and discover microbial biomarkers from microbiome data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Yang F, Zou Q.
92. siGCD: a web server to explore survival interaction of genes, cells and drugs in human cancers.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Cui X, Han L, Liu Y
93. Parallel computing for genome sequence processing.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Zou Y, Zhu Y, Li Y
94. Choice of assemblers has a critical impact on de novo assembly of SARS-CoV-2 genome and characterizing variants.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Islam R, Raju RS, Tasnim N
95. Deep embedded clustering with multiple objectives on scRNA-seq data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Li X, Zhang S, Wong KC.
96. ATSE: a peptide toxicity predictor by exploiting structural and evolutionary information based on graph neural network and attention mechanism.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Wei L, Ye X, Xue Y
97. Comprehensive characterization of alternative splicing in renal cell carcinoma.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Zhang Y, Wu X, Li J
98. MMRFBiolinks: an R-package for integrating and analyzing MMRF-CoMMpass data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Settino M, Cannataro M.
99. The landscape of different molecular modules in an immune microenvironment during tuberculosis infection.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Zhang N, Luo X, Huang J
100. Deep-ABPpred: identifying antibacterial peptides in protein sequences using bidirectional LSTM with word2vec.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Sharma R, Shrivastava S, Kumar Singh S
101. Multi-omic analysis suggests tumor suppressor genes evolved specific promoter features to optimize cancer resistance.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Huang D, Wang X, Liu Y
102. Advances in bulk and single-cell multi-omics approaches for systems biology and precision medicine.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Li Y, Ma L, Wu D
103. A map of mass spectrometry-based in silico fragmentation prediction and compound identification in metabolomics.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Krettler CA, Thallinger GG.
104. Machine learning on ligand-residue interaction profiles to significantly improve binding affinity prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Ji B, He X, Zhai J
105. RNA2HLA: HLA-based quality control of RNA-seq datasets.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Chelysheva I, Pollard AJ, O'Connor D.
106. Accurate prediction of inter-protein residue-residue contacts for homo-oligomeric protein complexes.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Yan Y, Huang SY.
107. The stacking strategy-based hybrid framework for identifying non-coding RNAs.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Wang X, Yang Y, Liu J
108. Feature extraction approaches for biological sequences: a comparative study of mathematical features.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Bonidia RP, Sampaio LDH, Domingues DS
109. Prediction and collection of protein-metabolite interactions.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Zhao T, Liu J, Zeng X
110. A comprehensive survey for human transcription factors on expression, regulation, interaction, phenotype and cancer survival.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Hu H, Zhang Q, Hu FF
111. HCC subtypes based on the activity changes of immunologic and hallmark gene sets in tumor and nontumor tissues.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Gong J, Li R, Chen Y
112. Locating transcription factor binding sites by fully convolutional neural network.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Zhang Q, Wang S, Chen Z
113. Comparison of methods for estimating genetic correlation between complex traits using GWAS summary statistics.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Zhang Y, Cheng Y, Jiang W
114. DSTG: deconvoluting spatial transcriptomics data through graph-based artificial intelligence.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Song Q, Su J.
115. NCBRPred: predicting nucleic acid binding residues in proteins based on multilabel learning.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Zhang J, Chen Q, Liu B.
116. DeepCNV: a deep learning approach for authenticating copy number variations.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Glessner JT, Hou X, Zhong C
117. Multigene editing: current approaches and beyond.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Peng H, Zheng Y, Zhao Z
118. Classification and gene selection of triple-negative breast cancer subtype embedding gene connectivity matrix in deep neural network.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Liu J, Su R, Zhang J
119. Bioinformatics and machine learning methodologies to identify the effects of central nervous system disorders on glioblastoma progression.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Rahman MH, Rana HK, Peng S
120. HISNAPI: a bioinformatic tool for dynamic hot spot analysis in nucleic acid-protein interface with a case study.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Mei LC, Wang YL, Wu FX
121. Pharmacometabonomics: data processing and statistical analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Fu J, Zhang Y, Liu J
122. Comprehensive review and evaluation of computational methods for identifying FLT3-internal tandem duplication in acute myeloid leukaemia.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Yuan D, He X, Han X
123. Bridging heterogeneous mutation data to enhance disease gene discovery.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Zhou K, Wang Y, Bretonnel Cohen K
124. iSMNN: batch effect correction for single-cell RNA-seq data via iterative supervised mutual nearest neighbor refinement.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Yang Y, Li G, Xie Y
125. Venn diagrams in bioinformatics.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Jia A, Xu L, Wang Y.
126. SAResNet: self-attention residual network for predicting DNA-protein binding.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Shen LC, Liu Y, Song J
127. A comprehensive review of the imbalance classification of protein post-translational modifications.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Dou L, Yang F, Xu L
128. Contribution of structural accessibility to the cooperative relationship of TF-lncRNA in myopia.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Wang H, Li J, Wang S
129. DeepDTAF: a deep learning method to predict protein-ligand binding affinity.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Wang K, Zhou R, Li Y
130. Reusability and composability in process description maps: RAS-RAF-MEK-ERK signalling.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Mazein A, Rougny A, Karr JR
131. Identification of active molecules against Mycobacterium tuberculosis through machine learning.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Ye Q, Chai X, Jiang D
132. ngsComposer: an automated pipeline for empirically based NGS data quality filtering.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Kuster RD, Yencho GC, Olukolu BA.
133. DECO: a framework for jointly analyzing de novo and rare case/control variants, and biological pathways.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Nguyen TH, He X, Brown RC
134. NMCMDA: neural multicategory MiRNA-disease association prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Wang J, Li J, Yue K
135. Comprehensive assessment of machine learning-based methods for predicting antimicrobial peptides.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Xu J, Li F, Leier A
136. SBGN Bricks Ontology as a tool to describe recurring concepts in molecular networks.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Rougny A, Touré V, Albanese J
137. Genome-resolved metagenomics using environmental and clinical samples.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Kayani MUR, Huang W, Feng R
138. MicroRNA annotation in plants: current status and challenges.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Zhao Y, Kuang Z, Wang Y
139. iDHS-Deep: an integrated tool for predicting DNase I hypersensitive sites by deep neural network.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Dao FY, Lv H, Su W
140. A survey on computational models for predicting protein-protein interactions.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Hu L, Wang X, Huang YA
141. Accurate feature selection improves single-cell RNA-seq cell clustering.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Su K, Yu T, Wu H.
142. Evaluation of machine learning approaches for cell-type identification from single-cell transcriptomics data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Huang Y, Zhang P.
143. m6A regulator-mediated methylation modification patterns and characteristics of immunity and stemness in low-grade glioma.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Du J, Ji H, Ma S
144. Implementing FAIR data management within the German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure (de.NBI) exemplified by selected use cases.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Mayer G, Müller W, Schork K
145. A transformer architecture based on BERT and 2D convolutional neural network to identify DNA enhancers from sequence information.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Le NQK, Ho QT, Nguyen TT
146. Machine learning application for patient stratification and phenotype/genotype investigation in a rare disease.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Spiga O, Cicaloni V, Dimitri GM
147. jSRC: a flexible and accurate joint learning algorithm for clustering of single-cell RNA-sequencing data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Wu W, Liu Z, Ma X.
148. Decoding the role of long noncoding RNAs in the healthy aging of centenarians.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Jiang J, Cheng L, Yan L
149. Prediction of RNA-binding protein and alternative splicing event associations during epithelial-mesenchymal transition based on inductive matrix completion.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Qiu Y, Ching WK, Zou Q.
150. MITGARD: an automated pipeline for mitochondrial genome assembly in eukaryotic species using RNA-seq data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Nachtigall PG, Grazziotin FG, Junqueira-de-Azevedo ILM.
151. Anthem: a user customised tool for fast and accurate prediction of binding between peptides and HLA class I molecules.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Mei S, Li F, Xiang D
152. Identification of haploinsufficient genes from epigenomic data using deep forest.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Yang Y, Li S, Wang Y
153. Exploring associations of non-coding RNAs in human diseases via three-matrix factorization with hypergraph-regular terms on center kernel alignment.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Wang H, Tang J, Ding Y
154. Deciphering the genetic code of DNA methylation.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Wang M, Ngo V, Wang W.
155. Towards deep phenotyping pregnancy: a systematic review on artificial intelligence and machine learning methods to improve pregnancy outcomes.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Davidson L, Boland MR.
156. iCysMod: an integrative database for protein cysteine modifications in eukaryotes.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Wang P, Zhang Q, Li S
157. SubLocEP: a novel ensemble predictor of subcellular localization of eukaryotic mRNA based on machine learning.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Sep 2
Li J, Zhang L, He S
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