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2022 Jan (191)
2021 Nov (205)
2021 Sep (157)
2021 Jul (128)
2021 May (110)
2021 Mar (103)
2021 Jan (42)
1. An approach to gene-based testing accounting for dependence of tests among nearby genes.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Yurko R, Roeder K, Devlin B
2. Functional meta-omics provide critical insights into long- and short-read assemblies.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Galata V, Busi SB, Kunath BJ
3. Molecular design in drug discovery: a comprehensive review of deep generative models.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Cheng Y, Gong Y, Liu Y
4. An integrated computational pipeline for designing high-affinity nanobodies with expanded genetic codes.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Padhi AK, Kumar A, Haruna KI
5. Matrix factorization-based data fusion for the prediction of RNA-binding proteins and alternative splicing event associations during epithelial-mesenchymal transition.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Qiu Y, Ching WK, Zou Q.
6. Comparative analysis of molecular fingerprints in prediction of drug combination effects.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Zagidullin B, Wang Z, Guan Y
7. APPTEST is a novel protocol for the automatic prediction of peptide tertiary structures.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Timmons PB, Hewage CM.
8. Data-driven identification of SARS-CoV-2 subpopulations using PhenoGraph and binary-coded genomic data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Yang ZK, Pan L, Zhang Y
9. A genomic data resource for predicting antimicrobial resistance from laboratory-derived antimicrobial susceptibility phenotypes.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
VanOeffelen M, Nguyen M, Aytan-Aktug D
10. Supervised application of internal validation measures to benchmark dimensionality reduction methods in scRNA-seq data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Koch FC, Sutton GJ, Voineagu I
11. Aperture: alignment-free detection of structural variations and viral integrations in circulating tumor DNA.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Liu H, Yin H, Li G
12. High-performance deep learning pipeline predicts individuals in mixtures of DNA using sequencing data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Phan NN, Chattopadhyay A, Lee TT
13. A novel framework integrating AI model and enzymological experiments promotes identification of SARS-CoV-2 3CL protease inhibitors and activity-based probe.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Hu F, Wang L, Hu Y
14. A systematic evaluation of the computational tools for lncRNA identification.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Zheng H, Talukder A, Li X
15. Selecting gene features for unsupervised analysis of single-cell gene expression data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Sheng J, Li WV.
16. Circular RNAs and complex diseases: from experimental results to computational models.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Wang CC, Han CD, Zhao Q
17. Demystifying emerging bulk RNA-Seq applications: the application and utility of bioinformatic methodology.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Thind AS, Monga I, Thakur PK
18. Addressing data imbalance problems in ligand-binding site prediction using a variational autoencoder and a convolutional neural network.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Nguyen TT, Nguyen DK, Ou YY.
19. High-resolution transcription factor binding sites prediction improved performance and interpretability by deep learning method.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Zhang Y, Wang Z, Zeng Y
20. Discovering common pathogenetic processes between COVID-19 and diabetes mellitus by differential gene expression pattern analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Rahman MR, Islam T, Shahjaman M
21. oncoPredict: an R package for predicting in vivo or cancer patient drug response and biomarkers from cell line screening data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Maeser D, Gruener RF, Huang RS.
22. QuantifyPoly(A): reshaping alternative polyadenylation landscapes of eukaryotes with weighted density peak clustering.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Ye C, Zhao D, Ye W
23. Computationally scalable regression modeling for ultrahigh-dimensional omics data with ParProx.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Ko S, Li GX, Choi H
24. TransRef enables accurate transcriptome assembly by redefining accurate neo-splicing graphs.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Yu T, Han R, Fang Z
25. Published anti-SARS-CoV-2 in vitro hits share common mechanisms of action that synergize with antivirals.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Xing J, Paithankar S, Liu K
26. Identification of viral-mediated pathogenic mechanisms in neurodegenerative diseases using network-based approaches.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Onisiforou A, Spyrou GM.
27. Porpoise: a new approach for accurate prediction of RNA pseudouridine sites.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Li F, Guo X, Jin P
28. DeepIPs: comprehensive assessment and computational identification of phosphorylation sites of SARS-CoV-2 infection using a deep learning-based approach.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Lv H, Dao FY, Zulfiqar H
29. EcTracker: Tracking and elucidating ectopic expression leveraging large-scale scRNA-seq studies.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Gautam V, Mittal A, Kalra S
30. Evaluation of in silico tools for the prediction of protein and peptide aggregation on diverse datasets.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Prabakaran R, Rawat P, Kumar S
31. Computational design of ultrashort peptide inhibitors of the receptor-binding domain of the SARS-CoV-2 S protein.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Pei P, Qin H, Chen J
32. Machine-learning scoring functions trained on complexes dissimilar to the test set already outperform classical counterparts on a blind benchmark.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Li H, Lu G, Sze KH
33. Human host status inference from temporal microbiome changes via recurrent neural networks.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Chen X, Liu L, Zhang W
34. Distinct effect of prenatal and postnatal brain expression across 20 brain disorders and anthropometric social traits: a systematic study of spatiotemporal modularity.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Jia P, Manuel AM, Fernandes BS
35. A transferable deep learning approach to fast screen potential antiviral drugs against SARS-CoV-2.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Wang S, Sun Q, Xu Y
36. Transcriptomic studies revealed pathophysiological impact of COVID-19 to predominant health conditions.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Nain Z, Barman SK, Sheam MM
37. A new approach to decode DNA methylome and genomic variants simultaneously from double strand bisulfite sequencing.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Liang J, Zhang K, Yang J
38. SSG-LUGIA: Single Sequence based Genome Level Unsupervised Genomic Island Prediction Algorithm.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Ibtehaz N, Ahmed I, Ahmed MS
39. TSSFinder-fast and accurate ab initio prediction of the core promoter in eukaryotic genomes.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
de Medeiros Oliveira M, Bonadio I, Lie de Melo A
40. A novel antibacterial peptide recognition algorithm based on BERT.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Zhang Y, Lin J, Zhao L
41. A systematic comparison of normalization methods for eQTL analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Yang J, Wang D, Yang Y
42. Global characterization of B cell receptor repertoire in COVID-19 patients by single-cell V(D)J sequencing.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Jin X, Zhou W, Luo M
43. Reconciling multiple connectivity scores for drug repurposing.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Samart K, Tuyishime P, Krishnan A
44. nhKcr: a new bioinformatics tool for predicting crotonylation sites on human nonhistone proteins based on deep learning.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Chen YZ, Wang ZZ, Wang Y
45. Integrative-omics for discovery of network-level disease biomarkers: a case study in Alzheimer's disease.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Xie L, He B, Varathan P
46. Exploring effectiveness of ab-initio protein-protein docking methods on a novel antibacterial protein complex dataset.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Zhang W, Meng Q, Tang J
47. EMNUSS: a deep learning framework for secondary structure annotation in cryo-EM maps.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
He J, Huang SY.
48. NSL2CD: identifying potential circRNA-disease associations based on network embedding and subspace learning.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Xiao Q, Fu Y, Yang Y
49. Comparison of sparse biclustering algorithms for gene expression datasets.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Nicholls K, Wallace C.
50. An effective self-supervised framework for learning expressive molecular global representations to drug discovery.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Li P, Wang J, Qiao Y
51. Systematic comparison of ligand-based and structure-based virtual screening methods on poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 inhibitors.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Zhao Y, Wang XG, Ma ZY
52. Forman persistent Ricci curvature (FPRC)-based machine learning models for protein-ligand binding affinity prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Wee J, Xia K.
53. MMFGRN: a multi-source multi-model fusion method for gene regulatory network reconstruction.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
He W, Tang J, Zou Q
54. REBET: a method to determine the number of cell clusters based on batch effect removal.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Fang ZY, Lin CX, Xu YP
55. Resolving complex structures at oncovirus integration loci with conjugate graph.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Jia W, Xu C, Li SC.
56. Detection algorithms and attentive points of safety signal using spontaneous reporting systems as a clinical data source.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Noguchi Y, Tachi T, Teramachi H.
57. Improved protein contact prediction using dimensional hybrid residual networks and singularity enhanced loss function.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Si Y, Yan C.
58. Mol2Context-vec: learning molecular representation from context awareness for drug discovery.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Lv Q, Chen G, Zhao L
59. Comparison of approaches to transcriptomic analysis in multi-sampled tumors.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Ku AT, Wilkinson S, Sowalsky AG.
60. Reviewing and assessing existing meta-analysis models and tools.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Makinde FL, Tchamga MSS, Jafali J
61. DLpTCR: an ensemble deep learning framework for predicting immunogenic peptide recognized by T cell receptor.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Xu Z, Luo M, Lin W
62. De novo generation of dual-target ligands using adversarial training and reinforcement learning.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Lu F, Li M, Min X
63. Mendelian randomization under the omnigenic architecture.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Wang L, Gao B, Fan Y
64. Drug repositioning based on the heterogeneous information fusion graph convolutional network.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Cai L, Lu C, Xu J
65. A heterogeneous network embedding framework for predicting similarity-based drug-target interactions.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
An Q, Yu L.
66. Machine learning approaches for drug combination therapies.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Güvenç Paltun B, Kaski S, Mamitsuka H.
67. Distance-guided protein folding based on generalized descent direction.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Wang L, Liu J, Xia Y
68. A comparative benchmark of classic DNA motif discovery tools on synthetic data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Castellana S, Biagini T, Parca L
69. Systematic evaluation of transcriptomics-based deconvolution methods and references using thousands of clinical samples.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Nadel BB, Oliva M, Shou BL
70. Tracing the evolution of aneuploid cancers by multiregional sequencing with CRUST.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Chattopadhyay S, Karlsson J, Valind A
71. iDeepSubMito: identification of protein submitochondrial localization with deep learning.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Hou Z, Yang Y, Li H
72. Improving distance measures between genomic tracks with mutual proximity.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Haschka T, Morlot JB, Carron L
73. ADEIP: an integrated platform of age-dependent expression and immune profiles across human tissues.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Liu X, Chen W, Fang Y
74. A comparison of metabolic labeling and statistical methods to infer genome-wide dynamics of RNA turnover.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Boileau E, Altmüller J, Naarmann-de Vries IS
75. Defining the functional divergence of orthologous genes between human and mouse in the context of miRNA regulation.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Cui C, Zhou Y, Cui Q.
76. Evotuning protocols for Transformer-based variant effect prediction on multi-domain proteins.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Yamaguchi H, Saito Y.
77. Exosomal ncRNAs profiling of mycobacterial infection identified miRNA-185-5p as a novel biomarker for tuberculosis.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Kaushik AC, Wu Q, Lin L
78. COSMIC Cancer Gene Census 3D database: understanding the impacts of mutations on cancer targets.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Alsulami AF, Torres PHM, Moghul I
79. DeepR2cov: deep representation learning on heterogeneous drug networks to discover anti-inflammatory agents for COVID-19.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Wang X, Xin B, Tan W
80. Quercetin for COVID-19 and DENGUE co-infection: a potential therapeutic strategy of targeting critical host signal pathways triggered by SARS-CoV-2 and DENV.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Zheng W, Wu H, Wang T
81. A multi-modal data harmonisation approach for discovery of COVID-19 drug targets.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Chen T, Philip M, Lê Cao KA
82. Methods of privacy-preserving genomic sequencing data alignments.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Lu D, Zhang Y, Zhang L
83. A comparative analysis of RNA-binding proteins binding models learned from RNAcompete, RNA Bind-n-Seq and eCLIP data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Tripto E, Orenstein Y.
84. Benchmarking association analyses of continuous exposures with RNA-seq in observational studies.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Sofer T, Kurniansyah N, Aguet F
85. An artificial neural network model based on DNA damage response genes to predict outcomes of lower-grade glioma patients.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Chen J, Qian X, He Y
86. Strand Orientation Bias Detector to determine the probability of FFPE sequencing artifacts.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Diossy M, Sztupinszki Z, Krzystanek M
87. Multi-omics data integration and network-based analysis drives a multiplex drug repurposing approach to a shortlist of candidate drugs against COVID-19.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Tomazou M, Bourdakou MM, Minadakis G
88. Bioinformatics and system biology approaches to identify the diseasome and comorbidities complexities of SARS-CoV-2 infection with the digestive tract disorders.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Nashiry MA, Sumi SS, Sharif Shohan MU
89. MHCBI: a pipeline for calculating peptide-MHC binding energy using semi-empirical quantum mechanical methods with explicit/implicit solvent models.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Ortiz-Mahecha CA, Agudelo WA, Patarroyo MA
90. Identification of multiple RNAs using feature fusion.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Singh D, Madhawan A, Roy J.
91. KCRR: a nonlinear machine learning with a modified genomic similarity matrix improved the genomic prediction efficiency.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
An B, Liang M, Chang T
92. Updates to HCOP: the HGNC comparison of orthology predictions tool.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Yates B, Gray KA, Jones TEM
93. Resilience function uncovers the critical transitions in cancer initiation.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Li Y, Zhang SW.
94. SSI-DDI: substructure-substructure interactions for drug-drug interaction prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Nyamabo AK, Yu H, Shi JY.
95. Learning to SMILES: BAN-based strategies to improve latent representation learning from molecules.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Wu CK, Zhang XC, Yang ZJ
96. DNAgenie: accurate prediction of DNA-type-specific binding residues in protein sequences.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Zhang J, Ghadermarzi S, Katuwawala A
97. An end-to-end heterogeneous graph attention network for Mycobacterium tuberculosis drug-resistance prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Yang Y, Walker TM, Kouchaki S
98. Detecting methylation quantitative trait loci using a methylation random field method.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Lyu C, Huang M, Liu N
99. Application of artificial intelligence and machine learning for COVID-19 drug discovery and vaccine design.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Lv H, Shi L, Berkenpas JW
100. High-dimensional generalized propensity score with application to omics data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Gao Q, Zhang Y, Liang J
101. FROGS: a powerful tool to analyse the diversity of fungi with special management of internal transcribed spacers.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Bernard M, Rué O, Mariadassou M
102. RefRGim: an intelligent reference panel reconstruction method for genotype imputation with convolutional neural networks.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Shi S, Qian Q, Yu S
103. XOmiVAE: an interpretable deep learning model for cancer classification using high-dimensional omics data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Withnell E, Zhang X, Sun K
104. Cell fate conversion prediction by group sparse optimization method utilizing single-cell and bulk OMICs data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Qin J, Hu Y, Yao JC
105. DeepFeature: feature selection in nonimage data using convolutional neural network.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Sharma A, Lysenko A, Boroevich KA
106. Genome-wide hierarchical mixed model association analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Hao Z, Gao J, Song Y
107. Identification of miRNA-disease associations via multiple information integration with Bayesian ranking.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Zhu CC, Wang CC, Zhao Y
108. PScL-HDeep: image-based prediction of protein subcellular location in human tissue using ensemble learning of handcrafted and deep learned features with two-layer feature selection.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Ullah M, Han K, Hadi F
109. GESLM algorithm for detecting causal SNPs in GWAS with multiple phenotypes.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Lyu R, Sun J, Xu D
110. bayesynergy: flexible Bayesian modelling of synergistic interaction effects in in vitro drug combination experiments.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Rønneberg L, Cremaschi A, Hanes R
111. ENNAVIA is a novel method which employs neural networks for antiviral and anti-coronavirus activity prediction for therapeutic peptides.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Timmons PB, Hewage CM.
112. Deep learning-based real-time detection of novel pathogens during sequencing.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Bartoszewicz JM, Genske U, Renard BY.
113. AVPIden: a new scheme for identification and functional prediction of antiviral peptides based on machine learning approaches.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Pang Y, Yao L, Jhong JH
114. In silico model for miRNA-mediated regulatory network in cancer.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Ahmed KT, Sun J, Chen W
115. Chromatin loop anchors predict transcript and exon usage.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Zhang Y, Cai Y, Roca X
116. Comprehensive analysis of partial methylation domains in colorectal cancer based on single-cell methylation profiles.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Huang Y, Wang P, Zhou W
117. Improved prediction of protein-protein interaction using a hybrid of functional-link Siamese neural network and gradient boosting machines.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Mahapatra S, Sahu SS.
118. Identifying complex motifs in massive omics data with a variable-convolutional layer in deep neural network.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Li JY, Jin S, Tu XM
119. A novel graph attention model for predicting frequencies of drug-side effects from multi-view data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Zhao H, Zheng K, Li Y
120. MIMIC: an optimization method to identify cell type-specific marker panel for cell sorting.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Zou M, Duren Z, Yuan Q
121. A comprehensive comparative assessment of 3D molecular similarity tools in ligand-based virtual screening.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Jiang Z, Xu J, Yan A
122. A new method to accurately identify single nucleotide variants using small FFPE breast samples.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Fortunato A, Mallo D, Rupp SM
123. Shall genomic correlation structure be considered in copy number variants detection?
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Qin F, Luo X, Cai G
124. Single-cell multi-omics sequencing: application trends, COVID-19, data analysis issues and prospects.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Huo L, Jiao Li J, Chen L
125. Deep learning model reveals potential risk genes for ADHD, especially Ephrin receptor gene EPHA5.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Liu L, Feng X, Li H
126. Detecting SARS-CoV-2 and its variant strains with a full genome tiling array.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Jiang L, Guo Y, Yu H
127. DITHER: an algorithm for Defining IntraTumor Heterogeneity based on EntRopy.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Li L, Chen C, Wang X.
128. PCLasso: a protein complex-based, group lasso-Cox model for accurate prognosis and risk protein complex discovery.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Wang W, Liu W.
129. A predictive paradigm for COVID-19 prognosis based on the longitudinal measure of biomarkers.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Chen X, Gao W, Li J
130. Assessing the performance of computational predictors for estimating protein stability changes upon missense mutations.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Iqbal S, Li F, Akutsu T
131. HelPredictor models single-cell transcriptome to predict human embryo lineage allocation.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Liang P, Zheng L, Long C
132. WEVar: a novel statistical learning framework for predicting noncoding regulatory variants.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Wang Y, Jiang Y, Yao B
133. Machine learning builds full-QM precision protein force fields in seconds.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Han Y, Wang Z, Wei Z
134. A machine learning framework to predict antibiotic resistance traits and yet unknown genes underlying resistance to specific antibiotics in bacterial strains.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Sunuwar J, Azad RK.
135. ARAMIS: From systematic errors of NGS long reads to accurate assemblies.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Sacristán-Horcajada E, González-de la Fuente S, Peiró-Pastor R
136. Characterization and comparison of gene-centered human interactomes.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Mosca E, Bersanelli M, Matteuzzi T
137. DeepImmuno: deep learning-empowered prediction and generation of immunogenic peptides for T-cell immunity.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Li G, Iyer B, Prasath VBS
138. Structure-based drug repurposing against COVID-19 and emerging infectious diseases: methods, resources and discoveries.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Masoudi-Sobhanzadeh Y, Salemi A, Pourseif MM
139. Network-based identification of key master regulators associated with an immune-silent cancer phenotype.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Mall R, Saad M, Roelands J
140. WDNE: an integrative graphical model for inferring differential networks from multi-platform gene expression data with missing values.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Ou-Yang L, Cai D, Zhang XF
141. NeuroPred-FRL: an interpretable prediction model for identifying neuropeptide using feature representation learning.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Hasan MM, Alam MA, Shoombuatong W
142. Pan-cancer application of a lung-adenocarcinoma-derived gene-expression-based prognostic predictor.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Nacer DF, Liljedahl H, Karlsson A
143. Prediction of tumor purity from gene expression data using machine learning.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Koo B, Rhee JK.
144. PreTP-EL: prediction of therapeutic peptides based on ensemble learning.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Guo Y, Yan K, Lv H
145. Leveraging the attention mechanism to improve the identification of DNA N6-methyladenine sites.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Zhang Y, Liu Y, Xu J
146. DeepDRIM: a deep neural network to reconstruct cell-type-specific gene regulatory network using single-cell RNA-seq data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Chen J, Cheong C, Lan L
147. Recent omics-based computational methods for COVID-19 drug discovery and repurposing.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Tayara H, Abdelbaky I, To Chong K.
148. Prediction of RBP binding sites on circRNAs using an LSTM-based deep sequence learning architecture.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Wang Z, Lei X.
149. Single-cell Hi-C data analysis: safety in numbers.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Galitsyna AA, Gelfand MS.
150. Predicting potential small molecule-miRNA associations based on bounded nuclear norm regularization.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Chen X, Zhou C, Wang CC
151. A systematic comparison of data- and knowledge-driven approaches to disease subtype discovery.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Rintala TJ, Federico A, Latonen L
152. NeuroPpred-Fuse: an interpretable stacking model for prediction of neuropeptides by fusing sequence information and feature selection methods.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Jiang M, Zhao B, Luo S
153. Drug sensitivity prediction from cell line-based pharmacogenomics data: guidelines for developing machine learning models.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Sharifi-Noghabi H, Jahangiri-Tazehkand S, Smirnov P
154. Identifying complex gene-gene interactions: a mixed kernel omnibus testing approach.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Liu Y, Gao Y, Fang R
155. Elucidation of dynamic microRNA regulations in cancer progression using integrative machine learning.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Dogan H, Hakguder Z, Madadjim R
156. A gentle introduction to understanding preclinical data for cancer pharmaco-omic modeling.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Piyawajanusorn C, Nguyen LC, Ghislat G
157. Deep fusion learning facilitates anatomical therapeutic chemical recognition in drug repurposing and discovery.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Wang X, Liu M, Zhang Y
158. Artificial intelligence and machine learning methods in predicting anti-cancer drug combination effects.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Fan K, Cheng L, Li L.
159. Local ancestry inference in heterogeneous populations-Are recent recombination events more relevant?
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
van Eeden G, Uren C, van der Spuy G
160. Network-guided identification of cancer-selective combinatorial therapies in ovarian cancer.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
He L, Bulanova D, Oikkonen J
161. Genetic mechanisms of COVID-19 and its association with smoking and alcohol consumption.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Rao S, Baranova A, Cao H
162. scAdapt: virtual adversarial domain adaptation network for single cell RNA-seq data classification across platforms and species.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Zhou X, Chai H, Zeng Y
163. Deep learning methods for biomedical named entity recognition: a survey and qualitative comparison.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Song B, Li F, Liu Y
164. Recognizing binding sites of poorly characterized RNA-binding proteins on circular RNAs using attention Siamese network.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Wu H, Pan X, Yang Y
165. AniAMPpred: artificial intelligence guided discovery of novel antimicrobial peptides in animal kingdom.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Sharma R, Shrivastava S, Kumar Singh S
166. Tripal, a community update after 10 years of supporting open source, standards-based genetic, genomic and breeding databases.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Staton M, Cannon E, Sanderson LA
167. DISMIR: Deep learning-based noninvasive cancer detection by integrating DNA sequence and methylation information of individual cell-free DNA reads.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Li J, Wei L, Zhang X
168. Performance evaluation of transcriptomics data normalization for survival risk prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Ni A, Qin LX.
169. A new thinking: extended application of genomic selection to screen multiomics data for development of novel hypoxia-immune biomarkers and target therapy of clear cell renal cell carcinoma.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Gui CP, Wei JH, Chen YH
170. Improving protein fold recognition using triplet network and ensemble deep learning.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Liu Y, Han K, Zhu YH
171. Integrative machine learning framework for the identification of cell-specific enhancers from the human genome.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Basith S, Hasan MM, Lee G
172. Tracking the pipeline: immunoinformatics and the COVID-19 vaccine design.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Rezaei S, Sefidbakht Y, Uskoković V.
173. LSTM-PHV: prediction of human-virus protein-protein interactions by LSTM with word2vec.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Tsukiyama S, Hasan MM, Fujii S
174. Consensus clustering of single-cell RNA-seq data by enhancing network affinity.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Cui Y, Zhang S, Liang Y
175. An integrated approach for copy number variation discovery in parent-offspring trios.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Liu Y, Wu X, Wang Y.
176. Understanding structural malleability of the SARS-CoV-2 proteins and relation to the comorbidities.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Sen S, Dey A, Bandhyopadhyay S
177. Predicting MHC class I binder: existing approaches and a novel recurrent neural network solution.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Jiang L, Yu H, Li J
178. Co-mutation modules capture the evolution and transmission patterns of SARS-CoV-2.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Qin L, Ding X, Li Y
179. PSSP-MVIRT: peptide secondary structure prediction based on a multi-view deep learning architecture.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Cao X, He W, Chen Z
180. Likelihood-based tests for detecting circadian rhythmicity and differential circadian patterns in transcriptomic applications.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Ding H, Meng L, Liu AC
181. The accurate prediction and characterization of cancerlectin by a combined machine learning and GO analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Tang F, Zhang L, Xu L
182. Web repositories of natural agents promote pests and pathogenic microbes management.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Jin Y, Wang Z, Dong AY
183. DevOmics: an integrated multi-omics database of human and mouse early embryo.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Yan Z, An J, Peng Y
184. iAMP-CA2L: a new CNN-BiLSTM-SVM classifier based on cellular automata image for identifying antimicrobial peptides and their functional types.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Xiao X, Shao YT, Cheng X
185. Large scale RNA-binding proteins/LncRNAs interaction analysis to uncover lncRNA nuclear localization mechanisms.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Huang Y, Qiao Y, Zhao Y
186. A multiple network-based bioinformatics pipeline for the study of molecular mechanisms in oncological diseases for personalized medicine.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Dotolo S, Marabotti A, Rachiglio AM
187. COVID-19 biomarkers and their overlap with comorbidities in a disease biomarker data model.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Gogate N, Lyman D, Bell A
188. ProtCHOIR: a tool for proteome-scale generation of homo-oligomers.
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2021 Nov 5
Torres PHM, Rossi AD, Blundell TL.
189. Utilizing graph machine learning within drug discovery and development.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Gaudelet T, Day B, Jamasb AR
190. In silico binding profile characterization of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and its mutants bound to human ACE2 receptor.
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2021 Nov 5
Zhang Y, He X, Zhai J
191. Chrom-Lasso: a lasso regression-based model to detect functional interactions using Hi-C data.
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2021 Nov 5
Lu J, Wang X, Sun K
192. Identification of genetic variations associated with drug resistance in non-small cell lung cancer patients undergoing systemic treatment.
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2021 Nov 5
Luo R, Ge C, Xiao X
193. MDA-GCNFTG: identifying miRNA-disease associations based on graph convolutional networks via graph sampling through the feature and topology graph.
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2021 Nov 5
Chu Y, Wang X, Dai Q
194. ConsRM: collection and large-scale prediction of the evolutionarily conserved RNA methylation sites, with implications for the functional epitranscriptome.
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2021 Nov 5
Song B, Chen K, Tang Y
195. Integration and interplay of machine learning and bioinformatics approach to identify genetic interaction related to ovarian cancer chemoresistance.
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2021 Nov 5
Chen K, Xu H, Lei Y
196. Knowledge bases and software support for variant interpretation in precision oncology.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Borchert F, Mock A, Tomczak A
197. ProTICS reveals prognostic impact of tumor infiltrating immune cells in different molecular subtypes.
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2021 Nov 5
Liu S, Zhang Y, Shang X
198. StackIL6: a stacking ensemble model for improving the prediction of IL-6 inducing peptides.
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2021 Nov 5
Charoenkwan P, Chiangjong W, Nantasenamat C
199. Multi-view Multichannel Attention Graph Convolutional Network for miRNA-disease association prediction.
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2021 Nov 5
Tang X, Luo J, Shen C
200. Anti-bias training for (sc)RNA-seq: experimental and computational approaches to improve precision.
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2021 Nov 5
Davies P, Jones M, Liu J
201. A novel computational framework for genome-scale alternative transcription units prediction.
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2021 Nov 5
Wang Q, Liu Z, Yan B
202. The peripheral and core regions of virus-host network of COVID-19.
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2021 Nov 5
Wang B, Dong X, Hu J
203. MG-BERT: leveraging unsupervised atomic representation learning for molecular property prediction.
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2021 Nov 5
Zhang XC, Wu CK, Yang ZJ
204. Improving Single-Cell RNA-seq Clustering by Integrating Pathways.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Zhang C, Gao L, Wang B
205. Polyadenylation-related isoform switching in human evolution revealed by full-length transcript structure.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Nov 5
Li Y, Shen QS, Peng Q
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