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2023 Sep (6)
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2022 Mar (114)
2022 Jan (191)
2021 Nov (205)
2021 Sep (157)
2021 Jul (128)
2021 May (110)
2021 Mar (103)
2021 Jan (42)
1. Genome-wide discovery of pre-miRNAs: comparison of recent approaches based on machine learning.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Bugnon LA, Yones C, Milone DH
2. TERL: classification of transposable elements by convolutional neural networks.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
da Cruz MHP, Domingues DS, Saito PTM
3. FS-GBDT: identification multicancer-risk module via a feature selection algorithm by integrating Fisher score and GBDT.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Zhang J, Xu D, Hao K
4. Comparison of high-throughput single-cell RNA sequencing data processing pipelines.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Gao M, Ling M, Tang X
5. Scanning window analysis of non-coding regions within normal-tumor whole-genome sequence samples.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Torcivia JP, Mazumder R.
6. Extended application of genomic selection to screen multiomics data for prognostic signatures of prostate cancer.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Li R, Wang S, Cui Y
7. Large-scale benchmark study of survival prediction methods using multi-omics data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Herrmann M, Probst P, Hornung R
8. Microsatellite instability status differentially associates with intratumoral immune microenvironment in human cancers.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Zhang P, Liu M, Cui Y
9. LncAS2Cancer: a comprehensive database for alternative splicing of lncRNAs across human cancers.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Deng Y, Luo H, Yang Z
10. Prognosis and personalized treatment prediction in TP53-mutant hepatocellular carcinoma: an in silico strategy towards precision oncology.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Yang C, Huang X, Li Y
11. LncR2metasta: a manually curated database for experimentally supported lncRNAs during various cancer metastatic events.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Zhang S, He X, Zhang R
12. Microbes and complex diseases: from experimental results to computational models.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Zhao Y, Wang CC, Chen X.
13. Integrative biomarker detection on high-dimensional gene expression data sets: a survey on prior knowledge approaches.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Perscheid C.
14. Irinotecan and vandetanib create synergies for treatment of pancreatic cancer patients with concomitant TP53 and KRAS mutations.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Kaushik AC, Wang YJ, Wang X
15. Exploring transcriptional switches from pairwise, temporal and population RNA-Seq data using deepTS.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Qiu Z, Chen S, Qi Y
16. Genome-wide circadian rhythm detection methods: systematic evaluations and practical guidelines.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Mei W, Jiang Z, Chen Y
17. A large-scale investigation and identification of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus based on peaks binning of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight MS spectra.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Wang HY, Chung CR, Wang Z
18. Metabolic networks of the Nicotiana genus in the spotlight: content, progress and outlook.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Foerster H, Battey JND, Sierro N
19. Predicting microRNA-disease associations from lncRNA-microRNA interactions via Multiview Multitask Learning.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Huang YA, Chan KCC, You ZH
20. Normal tissue content impact on the GBM molecular classification.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Madurga R, García-Romero N, Jiménez B
21. Using deep neural networks and biological subwords to detect protein S-sulfenylation sites.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Do DT, Le TQT, Le NQK.
22. Gene-based mediation analysis in epigenetic studies.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Fang R, Yang H, Gao Y
23. DeepTorrent: a deep learning-based approach for predicting DNA N4-methylcytosine sites.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Liu Q, Chen J, Wang Y
24. A comprehensive integrated drug similarity resource for in-silico drug repositioning and beyond.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Azad AKM, Dinarvand M, Nematollahi A
25. Joint reconstruction of cis-regulatory interaction networks across multiple tissues using single-cell chromatin accessibility data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Dong K, Zhang S.
26. Predicting the stability of mutant proteins by computational approaches: an overview.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Marabotti A, Scafuri B, Facchiano A.
27. Scoring functions for drug-effect similarity.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Struckmann S, Ernst M, Fischer S
28. Beware of the generic machine learning-based scoring functions in structure-based virtual screening.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Shen C, Hu Y, Wang Z
29. Current development of integrated web servers for preclinical safety and pharmacokinetics assessments in drug development.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Hsiao Y, Su BH, Tseng YJ.
30. Deep-belief network for predicting potential miRNA-disease associations.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Chen X, Li TH, Zhao Y
31. Boosting predictabilities of agronomic traits in rice using bivariate genomic selection.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Wang S, Xu Y, Qu H
32. scCancer: a package for automated processing of single-cell RNA-seq data in cancer.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Guo W, Wang D, Wang S
33. How bioinformatics resources work with G4 RNAs.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Miskiewicz J, Sarzynska J, Szachniuk M.
34. Challenges in gene-oriented approaches for pangenome content discovery.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Bonnici V, Maresi E, Giugno R.
35. The microRNA target site landscape is a novel molecular feature associating alternative polyadenylation with immune evasion activity in breast cancer.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Kim S, Bai Y, Fan Z
36. RNA-binding protein recognition based on multi-view deep feature and multi-label learning.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Yang H, Deng Z, Pan X
37. The functional determinants in the organization of bacterial genomes.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Liu Z, Feng J, Yu B
38. Vertical integration methods for gene expression data analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Wu M, Yi H, Ma S.
39. An in silico approach to identification, categorization and prediction of nucleic acid binding proteins.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Xu L, Jiang S, Wu J
40. A powerful framework for an integrative study with heterogeneous omics data: from univariate statistics to multi-block analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Duruflé H, Selmani M, Ranocha P
41. Recent advances of automated methods for searching and extracting genomic variant information from biomedical literature.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Lee K, Wei CH, Lu Z.
42. FoldRec-C2C: protein fold recognition by combining cluster-to-cluster model and protein similarity network.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Shao J, Yan K, Liu B.
43. Mutations in transmembrane proteins: diseases, evolutionary insights, prediction and comparison with globular proteins.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Zaucha J, Heinzinger M, Kulandaisamy A
44. SCEBE: an efficient and scalable algorithm for genome-wide association studies on longitudinal outcomes with mixed-effects modeling.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Yuan M, Xu XS, Yang Y
45. Testing cell-type-specific mediation effects in genome-wide epigenetic studies.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Luo X, Schwartz J, Baccarelli A
46. Prostate cancer early diagnosis: circulating microRNA pairs potentially beyond single microRNAs upon 1231 serum samples.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Liu HP, Lai HM, Guo Z.
47. Computationally predicting binding affinity in protein-ligand complexes: free energy-based simulations and machine learning-based scoring functions.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Wang DD, Zhu M, Yan H.
48. PredCID: prediction of driver frameshift indels in human cancer.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Yue Z, Chu X, Xia J.
49. RNCE: network integration with reciprocal neighbors contextual encoding for multi-modal drug community study on cancer targets.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Chen J, Wong KC.
50. Dr AFC: drug repositioning through anti-fibrosis characteristic.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Wu D, Gao W, Li X
51. RaacLogo: a new sequence logo generator by using reduced amino acid clusters.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Zheng L, Liu D, Yang W
52. Computational principles and practice for decoding immune contexture in the tumor microenvironment.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Zhang Z, Bao S, Yan C
53. In silico prediction of host-pathogen protein interactions in melioidosis pathogen Burkholderia pseudomallei and human reveals novel virulence factors and their targets.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Loaiza CD, Duhan N, Lister M
54. mUSP: a high-accuracy map of the in situ crosstalk of ubiquitylation and SUMOylation proteome predicted via the feature enhancement approach.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Xu HD, Liang RP, Wang YG
55. CeRNASeek: an R package for identification and analysis of ceRNA regulation.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Zhang M, Jin X, Li J
56. Proteome-scale analysis of phase-separated proteins in immunofluorescence images.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Yu C, Shen B, You K
57. Interpretation of deep learning in genomics and epigenomics.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Talukder A, Barham C, Li X
58. A survey on predicting microbe-disease associations: biological data and computational methods.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Wen Z, Yan C, Duan G
59. State-of-the-art web services for de novo protein structure prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Abriata LA, Dal Peraro M.
60. MiRACLe: an individual-specific approach to improve microRNA-target prediction based on a random contact model.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Wang P, Li Q, Sun N
61. Modular arrangements of sequence motifs determine the functional diversity of KDM proteins.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Wang Z, Liu D, Xu B
62. DTI-MLCD: predicting drug-target interactions using multi-label learning with community detection method.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Chu Y, Shan X, Chen T
63. TEnGExA: an R package based tool for tissue enrichment and gene expression analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Rawal HC, Angadi U, Mondal TK.
64. Analysis, identification and visualization of subgroups in genomics.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Völkel G, Laban S, Fürstberger A
65. AlzRiskMR database: an online database for the impact of exposure factors on Alzheimer's disease.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Wang Z, Meng L, Liu H
66. Discerning novel drug targets for treating Mycobacterium avium ss. paratuberculosis-associated autoimmune disorders: an in silico approach.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Garg A, Singhal N, Kumar M.
67. Integrative, normalization-insusceptible statistical analysis of RNA-Seq data, with improved differential expression and unbiased downstream functional analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Fanidis D, Moulos P.
68. DeepATT: a hybrid category attention neural network for identifying functional effects of DNA sequences.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Li J, Pu Y, Tang J
69. Integrated omics analysis reveals the alteration of gut microbe-metabolites in obese adults.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Li R, Huang X, Liang X
70. AntiCP 2.0: an updated model for predicting anticancer peptides.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Agrawal P, Bhagat D, Mahalwal M
71. Distance-based phylogenetic inference from typing data: a unifying view.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Vaz C, Nascimento M, Carriço JA
72. Predicting human microbe-disease associations via graph attention networks with inductive matrix completion.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Long Y, Luo J, Zhang Y
73. Benchmarking variant callers in next-generation and third-generation sequencing analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Pei S, Liu T, Ren X
74. Bioinformatics toolbox for exploring protein phosphorylation network.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Shi XX, Wu FX, Mei LC
75. ExoBCD: a comprehensive database for exosomal biomarker discovery in breast cancer.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Wang X, Chai Z, Pan G
76. SMNN: batch effect correction for single-cell RNA-seq data via supervised mutual nearest neighbor detection.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Yang Y, Li G, Qian H
77. Letter to the Editor: Methods for mapping quantitative trait loci in autotetraploid species.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Chen J, Leach LJ, Luo Z.
78. Disease characterization using a partial correlation-based sample-specific network.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Huang Y, Chang X, Zhang Y
79. Recent advances in biomedical literature mining.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Zhao S, Su C, Lu Z
80. Towards multi-omics characterization of tumor heterogeneity: a comprehensive review of statistical and machine learning approaches.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Lee D, Park Y, Kim S.
81. A comprehensive survey of regulatory network inference methods using single cell RNA sequencing data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Nguyen H, Tran D, Tran B
82. The winning methods for predicting cellular position in the DREAM single-cell transcriptomics challenge.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Pham VVH, Li X, Truong B
83. Ori-Finder 3: a web server for genome-wide prediction of replication origins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Wang D, Lai FL, Gao F.
84. DeepAtomicCharge: a new graph convolutional network-based architecture for accurate prediction of atomic charges.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Wang J, Cao D, Tang C
85. Evaluating assembly and variant calling software for strain-resolved analysis of large DNA viruses.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Deng ZL, Dhingra A, Fritz A
86. Federated sharing and processing of genomic datasets for tertiary data analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Canakoglu A, Pinoli P, Gulino A
87. Spatial density of open chromatin: an effective metric for the functional characterization of topologically associated domains.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Jiang S, Li H, Hong H
88. In silico tools for accurate HLA and KIR inference from clinical sequencing data empower immunogenetics on individual-patient and population scales.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Chen J, Madireddi S, Nagarkar D
89. Meta-i6mA: an interspecies predictor for identifying DNA N6-methyladenine sites of plant genomes by exploiting informative features in an integrative machine-learning framework.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Hasan MM, Basith S, Khatun MS
90. ProtFold-DFG: protein fold recognition by combining Directed Fusion Graph and PageRank algorithm.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Shao J, Liu B.
91. Scopy: an integrated negative design python library for desirable HTS/VS database design.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Yang ZY, Yang ZJ, Lu AP
92. Depiction of tumor stemlike features and underlying relationships with hazard immune infiltrations based on large prostate cancer cohorts.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Zhang C, Chen T, Li Z
93. Expression profile of immune checkpoint genes and their roles in predicting immunotherapy response.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Hu FF, Liu CJ, Liu LL
94. Heritability jointly explained by host genotype and microbiome: will improve traits prediction?
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Awany D, Chimusa ER.
95. Publishing reproducible dynamic kinetic models.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Porubsky V, Smith L, Sauro HM.
96. An approach for normalization and quality control for NanoString RNA expression data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Bhattacharya A, Hamilton AM, Furberg H
97. MolAICal: a soft tool for 3D drug design of protein targets by artificial intelligence and classical algorithm.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Bai Q, Tan S, Xu T
98. SurvivalMeth: a web server to investigate the effect of DNA methylation-related functional elements on prognosis.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Zhang C, Zhao N, Zhang X
99. Spatial molecular profiling: platforms, applications and analysis tools.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Zhang M, Sheffield T, Zhan X
100. Recent advances in user-friendly computational tools to engineer protein function.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Sequeiros-Borja CE, Surpeta B, Brezovsky J.
101. Tensor decomposition with relational constraints for predicting multiple types of microRNA-disease associations.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Huang F, Yue X, Xiong Z
102. Investigations of sequencing data and sample type on HLA class Ia typing with different computational tools.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Yi J, Chen L, Xiao Y
103. DeepVF: a deep learning-based hybrid framework for identifying virulence factors using the stacking strategy.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Xie R, Li J, Wang J
104. Using off-target data from whole-exome sequencing to improve genotyping accuracy, association analysis and polygenic risk prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Dou J, Wu D, Ding L
105. Evaluation of gene-drug common module identification methods using pharmacogenomics data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Huang J, Chen J, Zhang B
106. A novel privacy-preserving federated genome-wide association study framework and its application in identifying potential risk variants in ankylosing spondylitis.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Wu X, Zheng H, Dou Z
107. Sequence repetitiveness quantification and de novo repeat detection by weighted k-mer coverage.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Feng C, Dai M, Liu Y
108. Deep4mC: systematic assessment and computational prediction for DNA N4-methylcytosine sites by deep learning.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Xu H, Jia P, Zhao Z.
109. Survey and comparative assessments of computational multi-omics integrative methods with multiple regulatory networks identifying distinct tumor compositions across pan-cancer data sets.
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Wei Z, Zhang Y, Weng W
110. Reconstruction of plasmids by shotgun sequencing from environmental DNA: which bioinformatic workflow?
Brief Bioinform
2021 May 20
Hilpert C, Bricheux G, Debroas D.
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