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2022 Mar (114)
2022 Jan (191)
2021 Nov (205)
2021 Sep (157)
2021 Jul (128)
2021 May (110)
2021 Mar (103)
2021 Jan (42)
1. A model for pH coupling of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein open/closed equilibrium.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Warwicker J.
2. Lysosome activation in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and prognostic significance of circulating LC3B in COVID-19.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Fang S, Zhang L, Liu Y
3. Comparison of the binding characteristics of SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 RBDs to ACE2 at different temperatures by MD simulations.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Yan FF, Gao F.
4. Functional alterations caused by mutations reflect evolutionary trends of SARS-CoV-2.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Cheng L, Han X, Zhu Z
5. Genome annotation of disease-causing microorganisms.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Dong Y, Li C, Kim K
6. HVIDB: a comprehensive database for human-virus protein-protein interactions.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Yang X, Lian X, Fu C
7. An integrated approach to determine the abundance, mutation rate and phylogeny of the SARS-CoV-2 genome.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Desai S, Rashmi S, Rane A
8. Bioinformatics and system biology approach to identify the influences of COVID-19 on cardiovascular and hypertensive comorbidities.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Nashiry A, Sarmin Sumi S, Islam S
9. Serial co-expression analysis of host factors from SARS-CoV viruses highly converges with former high-throughput screenings and proposes key regulators.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Pérez-Pulido AJ, Asencio-Cortés G, Brokate-Llanos AM
10. Bioinformatics resources facilitate understanding and harnessing clinical research of SARS-CoV-2.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Ahsan MA, Liu Y, Feng C
11. A review on viral data sources and search systems for perspective mitigation of COVID-19.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Bernasconi A, Canakoglu A, Masseroli M
12. Design of an epitope-based peptide vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2: a vaccine-informatics approach.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Alam A, Khan A, Imam N
13. Deep learning in systems medicine.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Wang H, Pujos-Guillot E, Comte B
14. A computational toolset for rapid identification of SARS-CoV-2, other viruses and microorganisms from sequencing data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Chen S, He C, Li Y
15. Adverse events associated with potential drugs for COVID-19: a case study from real-world data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Jing Y, Diao L, Han L.
16. Integrative pharmacological mechanism of vitamin C combined with glycyrrhizic acid against COVID-19: findings of bioinformatics analyses.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Li R, Wu K, Li Y
17. Identifying drug-target interactions based on graph convolutional network and deep neural network.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Zhao T, Hu Y, Valsdottir LR
18. Prediction of drug adverse events using deep learning in pharmaceutical discovery.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Lee CY, Chen YP.
19. TOD-CUP: a gene expression rank-based majority vote algorithm for tissue origin diagnosis of cancers of unknown primary.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Shen Y, Chu Q, Yin X
20. GPS-Palm: a deep learning-based graphic presentation system for the prediction of S-palmitoylation sites in proteins.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Ning W, Jiang P, Guo Y
21. DeepCPP: a deep neural network based on nucleotide bias information and minimum distribution similarity feature selection for RNA coding potential prediction.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Zhang Y, Jia C, Fullwood MJ
22. RFPR-IDP: reduce the false positive rates for intrinsically disordered protein and region prediction by incorporating both fully ordered proteins and disordered proteins.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Liu Y, Wang X, Liu B.
23. Cooperative driver pathway discovery via fusion of multi-relational data of genes, miRNAs and pathways.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Wang J, Yang Z, Domeniconi C
24. idenPC-MIIP: identify protein complexes from weighted PPI networks using mutual important interacting partner relation.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Wu Z, Liao Q, Liu B.
25. Exploration of databases and methods supporting drug repurposing: a comprehensive survey.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Tanoli Z, Seemab U, Scherer A
26. How do we share data in COVID-19 research? A systematic review of COVID-19 datasets in PubMed Central Articles.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Zuo X, Chen Y, Ohno-Machado L
27. Identification of biomarkers and pathways for the SARS-CoV-2 infections that make complexities in pulmonary arterial hypertension patients.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Taz TA, Ahmed K, Paul BK
28. Unsupervised and self-supervised deep learning approaches for biomedical text mining.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Nadif M, Role F.
29. Virtual screening and molecular dynamics simulation study of plant-derived compounds to identify potential inhibitors of main protease from SARS-CoV-2.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Mahmud S, Uddin MAR, Paul GK
30. DrugRepV: a compendium of repurposed drugs and chemicals targeting epidemic and pandemic viruses.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Rajput A, Kumar A, Megha K
31. Evolutionary and codon usage preference insights into spike glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Malik YS, Ansari MI, Kattoor JJ
32. The impact of structural bioinformatics tools and resources on SARS-CoV-2 research and therapeutic strategies.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Waman VP, Sen N, Varadi M
33. SARS-CoV-2 hot-spot mutations are significantly enriched within inverted repeats and CpG island loci.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Goswami P, Bartas M, Lexa M
34. Inferring microenvironmental regulation of gene expression from single-cell RNA sequencing data using scMLnet with an application to COVID-19.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Cheng J, Zhang J, Wu Z
35. Robots as intelligent assistants to face COVID-19 pandemic.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Seidita V, Lanza F, Pipitone A
36. Deep learning for brain disorders: from data processing to disease treatment.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Burgos N, Bottani S, Faouzi J
37. Bioinformatic analysis of SMN1-ACE/ACE2 interactions hinted at a potential protective effect of spinal muscular atrophy against COVID-19-induced lung injury.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Li Z, Li X, Shen J
38. Biological network analysis with deep learning.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Muzio G, O'Bray L, Borgwardt K.
39. Network Pharmacology and bioinformatics analyses identify intersection genes of niacin and COVID-19 as potential therapeutic targets.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Li R, Li Y, Liang X
40. A review on drug repurposing applicable to COVID-19.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Dotolo S, Marabotti A, Facchiano A
41. Web tools to fight pandemics: the COVID-19 experience.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Mercatelli D, Holding AN, Giorgi FM.
42. A diagnostic genomic signal processing (GSP)-based system for automatic feature analysis and detection of COVID-19.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Naeem SM, Mabrouk MS, Marzouk SY
43. Application of Bayesian phylogenetic inference modelling for evolutionary genetic analysis and dynamic changes in 2019-nCoV.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Shao T, Wang W, Duan M
44. Integrating multi-network topology for gene function prediction using deep neural networks.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Peng J, Xue H, Wei Z
45. Virtual screening web servers: designing chemical probes and drug candidates in the cyberspace.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Singh N, Chaput L, Villoutreix BO.
46. SG-LSTM-FRAME: a computational frame using sequence and geometrical information via LSTM to predict miRNA-gene associations.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Xie W, Luo J, Pan C
47. Toward a high-quality pan-genome landscape of Bacillus subtilis by removal of confounding strains.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Wu H, Wang D, Gao F.
48. Biomedical data and computational models for drug repositioning: a comprehensive review.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Luo H, Li M, Yang M
49. Identification and characterization of circRNAs encoded by MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Cai Z, Lu C, He J
50. Whole genome analysis of more than 10 000 SARS-CoV-2 virus unveils global genetic diversity and target region of NSP6.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Saha I, Ghosh N, Pradhan A
51. A molecular modelling approach for identifying antiviral selenium-containing heterocyclic compounds that inhibit the main protease of SARS-CoV-2: an in silico investigation.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Rakib A, Nain Z, Sami SA
52. Data science in unveiling COVID-19 pathogenesis and diagnosis: evolutionary origin to drug repurposing.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Kumar Das J, Tradigo G, Veltri P
53. Roles of host small RNAs in the evolution and host tropism of coronaviruses.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Meng Q, Chu Y, Shao C
54. Exploration of natural compounds with anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity via inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 Mpro.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Bharadwaj S, Dubey A, Yadava U
55. iDMer: an integrative and mechanism-driven response system for identifying compound interventions for sudden virus outbreak.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Wei Z, Gao Y, Meng F
56. Text mining approaches for dealing with the rapidly expanding literature on COVID-19.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Wang LL, Lo K.
57. Next generation sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 genomes: challenges, applications and opportunities.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Chiara M, D'Erchia AM, Gissi C
58. A review of COVID-19 biomarkers and drug targets: resources and tools.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Caruso FP, Scala G, Cerulo L
59. Computational strategies to combat COVID-19: useful tools to accelerate SARS-CoV-2 and coronavirus research.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Hufsky F, Lamkiewicz K, Almeida A
60. Compositional diversity and evolutionary pattern of coronavirus accessory proteins.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Shang J, Han N, Chen Z
61. MCCS: a novel recognition pattern-based method for fast track discovery of anti-SARS-CoV-2 drugs.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Feng Z, Chen M, Xue Y
62. Computer-aided prediction and design of IL-6 inducing peptides: IL-6 plays a crucial role in COVID-19.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Dhall A, Patiyal S, Sharma N
63. Unveiling COVID-19-associated organ-specific cell types and cell-specific pathway cascade.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Dey A, Sen S, Maulik U.
64. Potential inhibitors for the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2).
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Han Y, Wang Z, Ren J
65. Deep learning meets metabolomics: a methodological perspective.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Sen P, Lamichhane S, Mathema VB
66. The Cellular basis of loss of smell in 2019-nCoV-infected individuals.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Gupta K, Mohanty SK, Mittal A
67. Virus-CKB: an integrated bioinformatics platform and analysis resource for COVID-19 research.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Feng Z, Chen M, Liang T
68. Discovery of G-quadruplex-forming sequences in SARS-CoV-2.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Ji D, Juhas M, Tsang CM
69. MPTherm: database for membrane protein thermodynamics for understanding folding and stability.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Kulandaisamy A, Sakthivel R, Gromiha MM.
70. The mechanistic, diagnostic and therapeutic novel nucleic acids for hepatocellular carcinoma emerging in past score years.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Zhang S, Zhou Y, Wang Y
71. Drug repositioning by prediction of drug's anatomical therapeutic chemical code via network-based inference approaches.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Peng Y, Wang M, Xu Y
72. Homoeologous gene expression and co-expression network analyses and evolutionary inference in allopolyploids.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Hu G, Grover CE, Arick MA
73. An absolute human stemness index associated with oncogenic dedifferentiation.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Zheng H, Song K, Fu Y
74. Biological applications of knowledge graph embedding models.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Mohamed SK, Nounu A, Nováček V.
75. Network analyses in microbiome based on high-throughput multi-omics data.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Liu Z, Ma A, Mathé E
76. The miRNA: a small but powerful RNA for COVID-19.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Zhang S, Amahong K, Sun X
77. Integrated network analysis reveals new genes suggesting COVID-19 chronic effects and treatment.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Pavel A, Del Giudice G, Federico A
78. Diseasome and comorbidities complexities of SARS-CoV-2 infection with common malignant diseases.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Satu MS, Khan MI, Rahman MR
79. Identifying anti-coronavirus peptides by incorporating different negative datasets and imbalanced learning strategies.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Pang Y, Wang Z, Jhong JH
80. Ligand-based approach for predicting drug targets and for virtual screening against COVID-19.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Yang Y, Zhu Z, Wang X
81. Health informatics and EHR to support clinical research in the COVID-19 pandemic: an overview.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Dagliati A, Malovini A, Tibollo V
82. Transcriptome analysis of cepharanthine against a SARS-CoV-2-related coronavirus.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Li S, Liu W, Chen Y
83. Bioinformatics resources for SARS-CoV-2 discovery and surveillance.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Hu T, Li J, Zhou H
84. SARS-CoV-2 3D database: understanding the coronavirus proteome and evaluating possible drug targets.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Alsulami AF, Thomas SE, Jamasb AR
85. A comprehensive drug repurposing study for COVID19 treatment: novel putative dihydroorotate dehydrogenase inhibitors show association to serotonin-dopamine receptors.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Berber B, Doluca O.
86. Identifying the natural polyphenol catechin as a multi-targeted agent against SARS-CoV-2 for the plausible therapy of COVID-19: an integrated computational approach.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Mishra CB, Pandey P, Sharma RD
87. Deep learning approaches for neural decoding across architectures and recording modalities.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Livezey JA, Glaser JI.
88. Gene expression profiling of SARS-CoV-2 infections reveal distinct primary lung cell and systemic immune infection responses that identify pathways relevant in COVID-19 disease.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Moni MA, Quinn JMW, Sinmaz N
89. Key residues influencing binding affinities of 2019-nCoV with ACE2 in different species.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Fang S, Zheng R, Lei C
90. Drug repurposing for COVID-19: could vitamin C combined with glycyrrhizic acid be at play by the findings of Li et al.'s database-based network pharmacology analysis?
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Huang YX, Wang WX, Tang YP
91. Network-based identification genetic effect of SARS-CoV-2 infections to Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) patients.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Taz TA, Ahmed K, Paul BK
92. Systemic effects of missense mutations on SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein stability and receptor-binding affinity.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Teng S, Sobitan A, Rhoades R
93. Comparative host-pathogen protein-protein interaction analysis of recent coronavirus outbreaks and important host targets identification.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Khan AA, Khan Z.
94. Pathogenetic profiling of COVID-19 and SARS-like viruses.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Nain Z, Rana HK, Liò P
95. Computational prediction and interpretation of both general and specific types of promoters in Escherichia coli by exploiting a stacked ensemble-learning framework.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Li F, Chen J, Ge Z
96. Deep learning for biological age estimation.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Ashiqur Rahman S, Giacobbi P, Pyles L
97. DNA sequence symmetries from randomness: the origin of the Chargaff's second parity rule.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Fariselli P, Taccioli C, Pagani L
98. Addressing the heterogeneity in liver diseases using biological networks.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Lam S, Doran S, Yuksel HH
99. Proteoform characterization based on top-down mass spectrometry.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Zhong J, Sun Y, Xie M
100. The bioinformatics toolbox for circRNA discovery and analysis.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Chen L, Wang C, Sun H
101. A survey of gene expression meta-analysis: methods and applications.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Toro-Domínguez D, Villatoro-García JA, Martorell-Marugán J
102. A computational platform to identify origins of replication sites in eukaryotes.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Dao FY, Lv H, Zulfiqar H
103. TRlnc: a comprehensive database for human transcriptional regulatory information of lncRNAs.
Brief Bioinform
2021 Mar 22
Li Y, Li X, Yang Y
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