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2021 Jan (35)
1. EMDLP: Ensemble multiscale deep learning model for RNA methylation site prediction.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 8
Wang H, Liu H, Huang T
2. Comprehensive study of semi-supervised learning for DNA methylation-based supervised classification of central nervous system tumors.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 8
Tran QT, Alom MZ, Orr BA.
3. Sfcnn: a novel scoring function based on 3D convolutional neural network for accurate and stable protein-ligand affinity prediction.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 8
Wang Y(#), Wei Z(#), Xi L.
4. ACO:lossless quality score compression based on adaptive coding order.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 7
Niu Y, Ma M, Li F
5. QuickPed: an online tool for drawing pedigrees and analysing relatedness.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 7
Vigeland MD.
6. An artificial intelligence-based risk prediction model of myocardial infarction.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 7
Liu R(#), Wang M(#), Zheng T
7. OptNCMiner: a deep learning approach for the discovery of natural compounds modulating disease-specific multi-targets.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 7
Shin SH, Oh SM, Yoon Park JH
8. phyloMDA: an R package for phylogeny-aware microbiome data analysis.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 6
Liu T, Zhou C, Wang H
9. CircPrimer 2.0: a software for annotating circRNAs and predicting translation potential of circRNAs.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 6
Zhong S, Feng J.
10. GridScore: a tool for accurate, cross-platform phenotypic data collection and visualization.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 6
Raubach S, Schreiber M, Shaw PD.
11. NODeJ: an ImageJ plugin for 3D segmentation of nuclear objects.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 6
Dubos T(#), Poulet A(#), Thomson G
12. Modeling binding specificities of transcription factor pairs with random forests.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 3
Antikainen AA, Heinonen M, Lähdesmäki H.
13. Multi-probe attention neural network for COVID-19 semantic indexing.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 29
Gu J, Xiang R, Wang X
14. Hyb4mC: a hybrid DNA2vec-based model for DNA N4-methylcytosine sites prediction.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 29
Liang Y, Wu Y, Zhang Z
15. DeepPN: a deep parallel neural network based on convolutional neural network and graph convolutional network for predicting RNA-protein binding sites.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 29
Zhang J, Liu B, Wang Z
16. A virus-target host proteins recognition method based on integrated complexes data and seed extension.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 28
Xia S, Xia Y, Xiang C
17. A state-of-the-art technique to perform cloud-based semantic segmentation using deep learning 3D U-Net architecture.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 24
Shaukat Z(#), Farooq QUA(#), Tu S
18. Moment estimators of relatedness from low-depth whole-genome sequencing data.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 24
Herzig AF, Ciullo M; FranceGenRef Consortium; Leutenegger AL, Perdry H.
19. SAPFIR: A webserver for the identification of alternative protein features.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 24
Zhou D, Tran Y, Abou Elela S
20. Predicting the pathogenicity of bacterial genomes using widely spread protein families.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 24
Naor-Hoffmann S(#), Svetlitsky D(#), Sal-Man N
21. RAE1 is a prognostic biomarker and is correlated with clinicopathological characteristics of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 24
Chi G, Pei JH, Li XQ.
22. Machine-learning algorithms based on personalized pathways for a novel predictive model for the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 23
Cheng B(#), Zhou P(#), Chen Y.
23. Identification of pan-kinase-family inhibitors using graph convolutional networks to reveal family-sensitive pre-moieties.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 22
Lin XY, Huang YW, Fan YW
24. RResolver: efficient short-read repeat resolution within ABySS.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 21
Nikolić V, Afshinfard A, Chu J
25. Using BERT to identify drug-target interactions from whole PubMed.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 21
Aldahdooh J, Vähä-Koskela M, Tang J
26. Super-taxon in human microbiome are identified to be associated with colorectal cancer.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 21
Dai W, Li C, Li T
27. Predicting miRNA-disease associations based on graph attention network with multi-source information.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 21
Li G, Fang T, Zhang Y
28. Exploring kinase family inhibitors and their moiety preferences using deep SHapley additive exPlanations.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 20
Fan YW(#), Liu WH(#), Chen YT
29. Comparing neural models for nested and overlapping biomedical event detection.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 2
Espinosa K(#), Georgiadis P(#), Christopoulou F
30. CoQUAD: a COVID-19 question answering dataset system, facilitating research, benchmarking, and practice.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 2
Raza S, Schwartz B, Rosella LC.
31. G4Boost: a machine learning-based tool for quadruplex identification and stability prediction.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 18
Cagirici HB, Budak H, Sen TZ.
32. rprimer: an R/bioconductor package for design of degenerate oligos for sequence variable viruses.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 18
Persson S, Larsson C, Simonsson M
33. Normalization of gene expression data revisited: the three viewpoints of the transcriptome in human skeletal muscle undergoing load-induced hypertrophy and why they matter.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 18
Khan Y, Hammarström D, Ellefsen S(#)
34. Explainable deep drug-target representations for binding affinity prediction.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 17
Monteiro NRC, Simões CJV, Ávila HV
35. A hierarchical spike-and-slab model for pan-cancer survival using pan-omic data.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 17
Samorodnitsky S, Hoadley KA, Lock EF.
36. Benchmarking imputation methods for network inference using a novel method of synthetic scRNA-seq data generation.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 17
Lasri A, Shahrezaei V, Sturrock M.
37. Multi-view heterogeneous molecular network representation learning for protein-protein interaction prediction.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 16
Su XR, Hu L, You ZH
38. Euclidean distance-optimized data transformation for cluster analysis in biomedical data (EDOtrans).
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 16
Ultsch A, Lötsch J.
39. Empowering the discovery of novel target-disease associations via machine learning approaches in the open targets platform.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 16
Han Y, Klinger K, Rajpal DK
40. Identifying network biomarkers of cancer by sample-specific differential network.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 15
Zhang Y(#), Chang X(#), Xia J(#)
41. Elucidating gene expression patterns across multiple biological contexts through a large-scale investigation of transcriptomic datasets.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 15
Figueiredo RQ, Del Ser SD, Raschka T
42. CancerNet: a unified deep learning network for pan-cancer diagnostics.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 13
Gore S, Azad RK.
43. GenErode: a bioinformatics pipeline to investigate genome erosion in endangered and extinct species.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 13
Kutschera VE, Kierczak M, van der Valk T
44. CARE 2.0: reducing false-positive sequencing error corrections using machine learning.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 13
Kallenborn F, Cascitti J, Schmidt B.
45. Global, highly specific and fast filtering of alignment seeds.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 10
Ebel M, Migliorelli G, Stanke M.
46. Multi-type feature fusion based on graph neural network for drug-drug interaction prediction.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 10
He C, Liu Y, Li H
47. Linear programming based gene expression model (LPM-GEM) predicts the carbon source for Bacillus subtilis.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 10
Thanamit K, Hoerhold F, Oswald M
48. Fitting Gaussian mixture models on incomplete data.
BMC Bioinformatics
2022 Jun 1
McCaw ZR, Aschard H, Julienne H.
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