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2021 May (65)
2021 Apr (53)
2021 Mar (63)
2021 Feb (51)
2021 Jan (35)
1. Impact of concurrency on the performance of a whole exome sequencing pipeline.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 9
Dall'Olio D(#), Curti N(#), Fonzi E
2. lncEvo: automated identification and conservation study of long noncoding RNAs.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 9
Bryzghalov O, Makałowska I, Szcześniak MW.
3. ComHub: Community predictions of hubs in gene regulatory networks.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 9
Åkesson J, Lubovac-Pilav Z, Magnusson R(#)
4. Visual4DTracker: a tool to interact with 3D + t image stacks.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 8
Cordelli E, Soda P, Iannello G.
5. DRPnet: automated particle picking in cryo-electron micrographs using deep regression.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 8
Nguyen NP, Ersoy I, Gotberg J
6. Esmraldi: efficient methods for the fusion of mass spectrometry and magnetic resonance images.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 8
Grélard F, Legland D, Fanuel M
7. NGlyAlign: an automated library building tool to align highly divergent HIV envelope sequences.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 8
Akand EH, Murray JM.
8. In silico drug repositioning based on the integration of chemical, genomic and pharmacological spaces.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 8
Chen H, Zhang Z, Zhang J.
9. IUPACpal: efficient identification of inverted repeats in IUPAC-encoded DNA sequences.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 6
Alamro H, Alzamel M, Iliopoulos CS
10. Boolean implication analysis unveils candidate universal relationships in microbiome data.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 5
Vo D(#), Singh SC(#), Safa S(#)
11. Plant Co-expression Annotation Resource: a web server for identifying targets for genetically modified crop breeding pipelines.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 5
José Andrade Viana M, Zerlotini A, de Alvarenga Mudadu M.
12. Investigating the relevance of major signaling pathways in cancer survival using a biologically meaningful deep learning model.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 5
Feng J, Zhang H, Li F.
13. GMO Genetic Elements Thesaurus (GMO-GET): a controlled vocabulary for the consensus designation of introduced or modified genetic elements in genetically modified organisms.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 5
Adamse P, Dagand E, Bohmert-Tatarev K
14. Coupled mixed model for joint genetic analysis of complex disorders with two independently collected data sets.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 5
Wang H, Pei F, Vanyukov MM
15. ViR: a tool to solve intrasample variability in the prediction of viral integration sites using whole genome sequencing data.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 4
Pischedda E, Crava C, Carlassara M
16. GEOlimma: differential expression analysis and feature selection using pre-existing microarray data.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 3
Lu L, Townsend KA, Daigle BJ Jr.
17. Multi-dimensional data integration algorithm based on random walk with restart.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 27
Wen Y(#), Song X(#), Yan B
18. miTAR: a hybrid deep learning-based approach for predicting miRNA targets.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 27
Gu T, Zhao X, Barbazuk WB
19. Biomedical articles share annotations with their citation neighbors.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 26
Rodriguez-Esteban R.
20. Accurate and fast mitotic detection using an anchor-free method based on full-scale connection with recurrent deep layer aggregation in 4D microscopy images.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 26
Kitrungrotsakul T, Iwamoto Y, Takemoto S
21. Sparse data embedding and prediction by tropical matrix factorization.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 25
Omanović A, Kazan H, Oblak P
22. A base measure of precision for protein stability predictors: structural sensitivity.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 25
Caldararu O, Blundell TL, Kepp KP.
23. geneRFinder: gene finding in distinct metagenomic data complexities.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 25
Silva R, Padovani K, Góes F
24. Penalized partial least squares for pleiotropy.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 24
Broc C, Truong T, Liquet B.
25. Benchmarking workflows to assess performance and suitability of germline variant calling pipelines in clinical diagnostic assays.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 24
Krishnan V, Utiramerur S, Ng Z
26. Ontology-guided segmentation and object identification for developmental mouse lung immunofluorescent images.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 23
Masci AM(#), White S(#), Neely B(#)
27. Automatic reconstruction of metabolic pathways from identified biosynthetic gene clusters.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 23
Sulheim S, Fossheim FA, Wentzel A
28. CHARTS: a web application for characterizing and comparing tumor subpopulations in publicly available single-cell RNA-seq data sets.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 23
Bernstein MN, Ni Z, Collins M
29. Search for SINE repeats in the rice genome using correlation-based position weight matrices.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 2
Suvorova YM, Kamionskaya AM, Korotkov EV.
30. Grouping of genomic markers in populations with family structure.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 19
Wittenburg D, Doschoris M, Klosa J.
31. CANTARE: finding and visualizing network-based multi-omic predictive models.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 19
Siebert JC, Saint-Cyr M, Borengasser SJ
32. MeltingPlot, a user-friendly online tool for epidemiological investigation using High Resolution Melting data.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 18
Perini M, Batisti Biffignandi G, Di Carlo D
33. CeNet Omnibus: an R/Shiny application to the construction and analysis of competing endogenous RNA network.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 18
Wen X, Gao L, Song T
34. FiNGS: high quality somatic mutations using filters for next generation sequencing.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 18
Wardell CP, Ashby C, Bauer MA.
35. Empowering individual trait prediction using interactions for precision medicine.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 18
Gola D, König IR.
36. Statistical image processing quantifies the changes in cytoplasmic texture associated with aging in Caenorhabditis elegans oocytes.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 17
Imakubo M, Takayama J, Okada H
37. PartSeg: a tool for quantitative feature extraction from 3D microscopy images for dummies.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 17
Bokota G, Sroka J, Basu S
38. MQF and buffered MQF: quotient filters for efficient storage of k-mers with their counts and metadata.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 16
Shokrof M, Brown CT, Mansour TA.
39. WACS: improving ChIP-seq peak calling by optimally weighting controls.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 15
Awdeh A, Turcotte M, Perkins TJ.
40. cognac: rapid generation of concatenated gene alignments for phylogenetic inference from large, bacterial whole genome sequencing datasets.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 15
Crawford RD, Snitkin ES.
41. Multiple-testing correction in metabolome-wide association studies.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 12
Peluso A, Glen R, Ebbels TMD.
42. A graph-based algorithm for detecting rigid domains in protein structures.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 12
Dang TKL, Nguyen T, Habeck M
43. CHICKN: extraction of peptide chromatographic elution profiles from large scale mass spectrometry data by means of Wasserstein compressive hierarchical cluster analysis.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 12
Permiakova O, Guibert R, Kraut A
44. S-conLSH: alignment-free gapped mapping of noisy long reads.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 11
Chakraborty A, Morgenstern B, Bandyopadhyay S.
45. Detecting differentially methylated regions using a fast wavelet-based approach to functional association analysis.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 10
Denault WRP, Jugessur A.
46. ReCGBM: a gradient boosting-based method for predicting human dicer cleavage sites.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 10
Liu P, Song J, Lin CY
47. Ranking cancer drivers via betweenness-based outlier detection and random walks.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 10
Erten C, Houdjedj A, Kazan H.
48. DeepGRN: prediction of transcription factor binding site across cell-types using attention-based deep neural networks.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 1
Chen C, Hou J, Shi X
49. tidyMicro: a pipeline for microbiome data analysis and visualization using the tidyverse in R.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 1
Carpenter CM, Frank DN, Williamson K
50. IsomiR_Window: a system for analyzing small-RNA-seq data in an integrative and user-friendly manner.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 1
Vasconcelos AM, Carmo MB, Ferreira B
51. Selecting single cell clustering parameter values using subsampling-based robustness metrics.
BMC Bioinformatics
2021 Feb 1
Patterson-Cross RB, Levine AJ, Menon V.
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