期刊文献 > Bioinformatics期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (42)
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2023 May (67)
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2023 Jan (171)
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2021 Aug (26)
2021 Jul (110)
2021 Jun (82)
2021 May (165)
2021 Apr (68)
2021 Mar (35)
2021 Feb (47)
2021 Jan (68)
1. BUSZ: compressed BUS files.
2023 May 4
Einarsson PH, Melsted P.
2. EBD: an eye biomarker database.
2023 May 4
Zhang X, Kong L, Liu S
3. AcrNET: predicting anti-CRISPR with deep learning.
2023 May 4
Li Y, Wei Y, Xu S
4. pyGOMoDo: GPCRs modeling and docking with python.
2023 May 4
Ribeiro RP, Giorgetti A.
5. NanoPack2: population-scale evaluation of long-read sequencing data.
2023 May 4
De Coster W, Rademakers R.
6. TRASH: Tandem Repeat Annotation and Structural Hierarchy.
2023 May 4
Wlodzimierz P, Hong M, Henderson IR.
7. Predicting allosteric pockets in protein biological assemblages.
2023 May 4
Kumar A, Kaynak BT, Dorman KS
8. ROptimus: a parallel general-purpose adaptive optimization engine.
2023 May 4
Johnson NAG, Tamon L, Liu X
9. LENS: Landscape of Effective Neoantigens Software.
2023 May 4
Vensko SP, Olsen K, Bortone D
10. ODNA: identification of organellar DNA by machine learning.
2023 May 4
Martin R, Nguyen MK, Lowack N
11. copMEM2: robust and scalable maximum exact match finding.
2023 May 4
Grabowski S, Bieniecki W.
12. A co-adaptive duality-aware framework for biomedical relation extraction.
2023 May 4
Zhang W, Chen C, Wang J
13. CscoreTool-M infers 3D sub-compartment probabilities within cell population.
2023 May 4
Zheng X, Tran JR, Zheng Y.
14. matchRanges: generating null hypothesis genomic ranges via covariate-matched sampling.
2023 May 4
Davis ES, Mu W, Lee S
15. High-quality, customizable heuristics for RNA 3D structure alignment.
2023 May 4
Zurkowski M, Antczak M, Szachniuk M.
16. RING-PyMOL: residue interaction networks of structural ensembles and molecular dynamics.
2023 May 4
Del Conte A, Monzon AM, Clementel D
17. Genome mining for anti-CRISPR operons using machine learning.
2023 May 4
Yang B, Khatri M, Zheng J
18. epiTCR: a highly sensitive predictor for TCR-peptide binding.
2023 May 4
Pham MN, Nguyen TN, Tran LS
19. GTExVisualizer: a web platform for supporting ageing studies.
2023 May 4
Guzz PH, Lomoio U, Veltri P.
20. Metapaths: similarity search in heterogeneous knowledge graphs via meta-paths.
2023 May 4
Noori A, Li MM, Tan ALM
21. CNV-ClinViewer: enhancing the clinical interpretation of large copy-number variants online.
2023 May 4
Macnee M, Pérez-Palma E, Brünger T
22. PyHMMER: a Python library binding to HMMER for efficient sequence analysis.
2023 May 4
Larralde M, Zeller G.
23. nf-core/isoseq: simple gene and isoform annotation with PacBio Iso-Seq long-read sequencing.
2023 May 4
Guizard S, Miedzinska K, Smith J
24. ppBAM: ProteinPaint BAM track for read alignment visualization and variant genotyping.
2023 May 4
Paul R, Wang J, Reilly C
25. PascalX: a Python library for GWAS gene and pathway enrichment tests.
2023 May 4
Krefl D, Brandulas Cammarata A, Bergmann S.
26. A framework for high-throughput sequence alignment using real processing-in-memory systems.
2023 May 4
Diab S, Nassereldine A, Alser M
27. Kimma: flexible linear mixed effects modeling with kinship covariance for RNA-seq data.
2023 May 4
Dill-McFarland KA, Mitchell K, Batchu S
28. gExcite: a start-to-end framework for single-cell gene expression, hashing, and antibody analysis.
2023 May 4
Grob L, Bertolini A, Carrara M
29. STEMSIM: a simulator of within-strain short-term evolutionary mutations for longitudinal metagenomic data.
2023 May 4
Zhou B, Li H.
30. Molecular property prediction by contrastive learning with attention-guided positive sample selection.
2023 May 4
Wang J, Guan J, Zhou S.
31. spongEffects: ceRNA modules offer patient-specific insights into the miRNA regulatory landscape.
2023 May 4
Boniolo F, Hoffmann M, Roggendorf N
32. twas_sim, a Python-based tool for simulation and power analysis of transcriptome-wide association analysis.
2023 May 4
Wang X, Lu Z, Bhattacharya A
33. VirPipe: an easy-to-use and customizable pipeline for detecting viral genomes from Nanopore sequencing.
2023 May 4
Kim K, Park K, Lee S
34. bootRanges: flexible generation of null sets of genomic ranges for hypothesis testing.
2023 May 4
Mu W, Davis ES, Lee S
35. fimpera: drastic improvement of Approximate Membership Query data-structures with counts.
2023 May 4
Robidou L, Peterlongo P.
36. AIONER: all-in-one scheme-based biomedical named entity recognition using deep learning.
2023 May 4
Luo L, Wei CH, Lai PT
37. FAS: assessing the similarity between proteins using multi-layered feature architectures.
2023 May 4
Dosch J, Bergmann H, Tran V
38. HOTSPOT: hierarchical host prediction for assembled plasmid contigs with transformer.
2023 May 4
Ji Y, Shang J, Tang X
39. DIGGER-Bac: prediction of seed regions for high-fidelity construction of synthetic small RNAs in bacteria.
2023 May 4
Philipp N, Brinkmann CK, Georg J
40. CONNECTOR, fitting and clustering of longitudinal data to reveal a new risk stratification system.
2023 May 4
Pernice S, Sirovich R, Grassi E
41. Efficient short read mapping to a pangenome that is represented by a graph of ED strings.
2023 May 4
Büchler T, Olbrich J, Ohlebusch E.
42. Predicting the pathogenicity of missense variants using features derived from AlphaFold2.
2023 May 4
Schmidt A, Röner S, Mai K
43. A maximum kernel-based association test to detect the pleiotropic genetic effects on multiple phenotypes.
2023 May 4
Wang J, Long M, Li Q.
44. pyInfinityFlow: optimized imputation and analysis of high-dimensional flow cytometry data for millions of cells.
2023 May 4
Ferchen K, Salomonis N, Grimes HL.
45. ICAT: a novel algorithm to robustly identify cell states following perturbations in single-cell transcriptomes.
2023 May 4
Hawkins DY, Zuch DT, Huth J
46. DeepMicroGen: a generative adversarial network-based method for longitudinal microbiome data imputation.
2023 May 4
Choi JM, Ji M, Watson LT
47. Deciphering associations between gut microbiota and clinical factors using microbial modules.
2023 May 4
Wang R, Zheng X, Song F
48. uORF4u: a tool for annotation of conserved upstream open reading frames.
2023 May 4
Egorov AA, Atkinson GC.
49. Accurate flux predictions using tissue-specific gene expression in plant metabolic modeling.
2023 May 4
Kaste JAM, Shachar-Hill Y.
50. Atomic protein structure refinement using all-atom graph representations and SE(3)-equivariant graph transformer.
2023 May 4
Wu T, Guo Z, Cheng J.
51. Finite mixtures of matrix variate Poisson-log normal distributions for three-way count data.
2023 May 4
Silva A, Qin X, Rothstein SJ
52. FISHFactor: a probabilistic factor model for spatial transcriptomics data with subcellular resolution.
2023 May 4
Walter FC, Stegle O, Velten B.
53. Neither random nor censored: estimating intensity-dependent probabilities for missing values in label-free proteomics.
2023 May 4
Li M, Smyth GK.
54. DFHiC: a dilated full convolution model to enhance the resolution of Hi-C data.
2023 May 4
Wang B, Liu K, Li Y
55. Scrooge: a fast and memory-frugal genomic sequence aligner for CPUs, GPUs, and ASICs.
2023 May 4
Lindegger J, Senol Cali D, Alser M
56. ViralConsensus: a fast and memory-efficient tool for calling viral consensus genome sequences directly from read alignment data.
2023 May 4
Moshiri N.
57. Effective design and inference for cell sorting and sequencing based massively parallel reporter assays.
2023 May 4
Gilliot PA, Gorochowski TE.
58. HAMPLE: deciphering TF-DNA binding mechanism in different cellular environments by characterizing higher-order nucleotide dependency.
2023 May 4
Wang Z, Xiong S, Yu Y
59. A functional analysis of omic network embedding spaces reveals key altered functions in cancer.
2023 May 4
Doria-Belenguer S, Xenos A, Ceddia G
60. ConsAlign: simultaneous RNA structural aligner based on rich transfer learning and thermodynamic ensemble model of alignment scoring.
2023 May 4
Tagashira M.
61. Digital PCR cluster predictor: a universal R-package and shiny app for the automated analysis of multiplex digital PCR data.
2023 May 4
De Falco A, Olinger CM, Klink B
62. LogBTF: gene regulatory network inference using Boolean threshold network model from single-cell gene expression data.
2023 May 4
Li L, Sun L, Chen G
63. Evolink: a phylogenetic approach for rapid identification of genotype-phenotype associations in large-scale microbial multispecies data.
2023 May 4
Yang Y, Jiang X.
64. PepGM: a probabilistic graphical model for taxonomic inference of viral proteome samples with associated confidence scores.
2023 May 4
Holstein T, Kistner F, Martens L
65. Fixing molecular complexes in BioPAX standards to enrich interactions and detect redundancies using semantic web technologies.
2023 May 4
Juigné C, Dameron O, Moreews F
66. 3D-MSNet: a point cloud-based deep learning model for untargeted feature detection and quantification in profile LC-HRMS data.
2023 May 4
Wang R, Lu M, An S
67. Signed Distance Correlation (SiDCo): an online implementation of distance correlation and partial distance correlation for data-driven network analysis.
2023 May 4
Monti F, Stewart D, Surendra A
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