期刊文献 > Bioinformatics期刊 选择月份
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2021 May (165)
2021 Apr (68)
2021 Mar (35)
2021 Feb (47)
2021 Jan (68)
1. genomepy: genes and genomes at your fingertips.
2023 Mar 1
Frölich S, van der Sande M, Schäfers T
2. linemodels: clustering effects based on linear relationships.
2023 Mar 1
Pirinen M.
3. On the effectiveness of compact biomedical transformers.
2023 Mar 1
Rohanian O, Nouriborji M, Kouchaki S
4. PATO: genome-wide prediction of lncRNA-DNA triple helices.
2023 Mar 1
Amatria-Barral I, González-Domínguez J, Touriño J.
5. SLEMM: million-scale genomic predictions with window-based SNP weighting.
2023 Mar 1
Cheng J, Maltecca C, VanRaden PM
6. DeepOM: single-molecule optical genome mapping via deep learning.
2023 Mar 1
Nogin Y, Detinis Zur T, Margalit S
7. Haptools: a toolkit for admixture and haplotype analysis.
2023 Mar 1
Massarat AR, Lamkin M, Reeve C
8. RSCanner: rapid assessment and visualization of RNA structure content.
2023 Mar 1
Mahadeshwar G, Tavares RCA, Wan H
9. Coverage-preserving sparsification of overlap graphs for long-read assembly.
2023 Mar 1
Jain C.
10. peaks2utr: a robust Python tool for the annotation of 3' UTRs.
2023 Mar 1
Haese-Hill W, Crouch K, Otto TD.
11. GENLIB: new function to simulate haplotype transmission in large complex genealogies.
2023 Mar 1
Rakesh M, Vézina H, Laprise C
12. PhaGAA: an integrated web server platform for phage genome annotation and analysis.
2023 Mar 1
Wu J, Liu Q, Li M
13. MeganServer: facilitating interactive access to metagenomic data on a server.
2023 Mar 1
Gautam A, Zeng W, Huson DH.
14. Generalizations of the genomic rank distance to indels.
2023 Mar 1
Pereira Zanetti JP, Peres Oliveira L, Chindelevitch L
15. Targeting tumor heterogeneity: multiplex-detection-based multiple instance learning for whole slide image classification.
2023 Mar 1
Wang Z, Bi Y, Pan T
16. TopEnzyme: a framework and database for structural coverage of the functional enzyme space.
2023 Mar 1
van der Weg KJ, Gohlke H.
17. GEOfetch: a command-line tool for downloading data and standardized metadata from GEO and SRA.
2023 Mar 1
Khoroshevskyi O, LeRoy N, Reuter VP
18. sBGC-hm: an atlas of secondary metabolite biosynthetic gene clusters from the human gut microbiome.
2023 Mar 1
Zou H, Sun T, Jin B
19. Regularized adversarial learning for normalization of multi-batch untargeted metabolomics data.
2023 Mar 1
Dmitrenko A, Reid M, Zamboni N.
20. SMITH: spatially constrained stochastic model for simulation of intra-tumour heterogeneity.
2023 Mar 1
Streck A, Kaufmann TL, Schwarz RF.
21. ExamPle: explainable deep learning framework for the prediction of plant small secreted peptides.
2023 Mar 1
Li Z, Jin J, Wang Y
22. NDEx IQuery: a multi-method network gene set analysis leveraging the Network Data Exchange.
2023 Mar 1
Pillich RT, Chen J, Churas C
23. NGenomeSyn: an easy-to-use and flexible tool for publication-ready visualization of syntenic relationships across multiple genomes.
2023 Mar 1
He W, Yang J, Jing Y
24. StonPy: a tool to parse and query collections of SBGN maps in a graph database.
2023 Mar 1
Rougny A, Balaur I, Luna A
25. Accurate and efficient protein sequence design through learning concise local environment of residues.
2023 Mar 1
Huang B, Fan T, Wang K
26. CFAGO: cross-fusion of network and attributes based on attention mechanism for protein function prediction.
2023 Mar 1
Wu Z, Guo M, Jin X
27. AGC: compact representation of assembled genomes with fast queries and updates.
2023 Mar 1
Deorowicz S, Danek A, Li H.
28. MetaProFi: an ultrafast chunked Bloom filter for storing and querying protein and nucleotide sequence data for accurate identification of functionally relevant genetic variants.
2023 Mar 1
Srikakulam SK, Keller S, Dabbaghie F
29. scGCL: an imputation method for scRNA-seq data based on graph contrastive learning.
2023 Mar 1
Xiong Z, Luo J, Shi W
30. vaRHC: an R package for semi-automation of variant classification in hereditary cancer genes according to ACMG/AMP and gene-specific ClinGen guidelines.
2023 Mar 1
Munté E, Feliubadaló L, Pineda M
31. Using graph neural networks for site-of-metabolism prediction and its applications to ranking promiscuous enzymatic products.
2023 Mar 1
Porokhin V, Liu LP, Hassoun S.
32. bvnGPS: a generalizable diagnostic model for acute bacterial and viral infection using integrative host transcriptomics and pretrained neural networks.
2023 Mar 1
Li Q, Zheng X, Xie J
33. CLAIRE: contrastive learning-based batch correction framework for better balance between batch mixing and preservation of cellular heterogeneity.
2023 Mar 1
Yan X, Zheng R, Wu F
34. ecmtool: fast and memory-efficient enumeration of elementary conversion modes.
2023 Mar 1
Buchner B, Clement TJ, de Groot DH
35. VirBot: an RNA viral contig detector for metagenomic data.
2023 Mar 1
Chen G, Tang X, Shi M
36. PFresGO: an attention mechanism-based deep-learning approach for protein annotation by integrating gene ontology inter-relationships.
2023 Mar 1
Pan T, Li C, Bi Y
37. BioPlexR and BioPlexPy: integrated data products for the analysis of human protein interactions.
2023 Mar 1
Geistlinger L, Vargas R, Lee T
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