期刊文献 > Bioinformatics期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (42)
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2023 Jan (171)
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2021 Aug (26)
2021 Jul (110)
2021 Jun (82)
2021 May (165)
2021 Apr (68)
2021 Mar (35)
2021 Feb (47)
2021 Jan (68)
1. Reprohackathons: promoting reproducibility in bioinformatics through training.
2023 Jun 30
Cokelaer T, Cohen-Boulakia S, Lemoine F.
2. Seeding with minimized subsequence.
2023 Jun 30
Li X, Shi Q, Chen K
3. Phylogenomic branch length estimation using quartets.
2023 Jun 30
Tabatabaee Y, Zhang C, Warnow T
4. Transfer learning for drug-target interaction prediction.
2023 Jun 30
Dalkıran A, Atakan A, Rifaioğlu AS
5. Reference panel-guided super-resolution inference of Hi-C data.
2023 Jun 30
Zhang Y, Blanchette M.
6. Effects of spaced k-mers on alignment-free genotyping.
2023 Jun 30
Häntze H, Horton P.
7. RNA design via structure-aware multifrontier ensemble optimization.
2023 Jun 30
Zhou T, Dai N, Li S
8. Phylogenetic diversity statistics for all clades in a phylogeny.
2023 Jun 30
Grover S, Markin A, Anderson TK
9. TSignal: a transformer model for signal peptide prediction.
2023 Jun 30
Dumitrescu A, Jokinen E, Paatero A
10. Coriolis: enabling metagenomic classification on lightweight mobile devices.
2023 Jun 30
Mikalsen AJ, Zola J.
11. Supervised biological network alignment with graph neural networks.
2023 Jun 30
Ding K, Wang S, Luo Y.
12. isONform: reference-free transcriptome reconstruction from Oxford Nanopore data.
2023 Jun 30
Petri AJ, Sahlin K.
13. Higher-order genetic interaction discovery with network-based biological priors.
2023 Jun 30
Pellizzoni P, Muzio G, Borgwardt K.
14. scKINETICS: inference of regulatory velocity with single-cell transcriptomics data.
2023 Jun 30
Burdziak C, Zhao CJ, Haviv D
15. Genome-wide scans for selective sweeps using convolutional neural networks.
2023 Jun 30
Zhao H, Souilljee M, Pavlidis P
16. Locality-preserving minimal perfect hashing of k-mers.
2023 Jun 30
Pibiri GE, Shibuya Y, Limasset A.
17. Characterizing alternative splicing effects on protein interaction networks with LINDA.
2023 Jun 30
Gjerga E, Naarmann-de Vries IS, Dieterich C.
18. Trap spaces of multi-valued networks: definition, computation, and applications.
2023 Jun 30
Trinh VG, Benhamou B, Henzinger T
19. Robust reconstruction of single-cell RNA-seq data with iterative gene weight updates.
2023 Jun 30
Sheng Y, Barak B, Nitzan M.
20. GAN-based data augmentation for transcriptomics: survey and comparative assessment.
2023 Jun 30
Lacan A, Sebag M, Hanczar B.
21. PlasBin-flow: a flow-based MILP algorithm for plasmid contigs binning.
2023 Jun 30
Mane A, Faizrahnemoon M, Vinař T
22. ArkDTA: attention regularization guided by non-covalent interactions for explainable drug-target binding affinity prediction.
2023 Jun 30
Gim M, Choe J, Baek S
23. SynBa: improved estimation of drug combination synergies with uncertainty quantification.
2023 Jun 30
Zhang H, Ek CH, Rattray M
24. A weighted distance-based approach for deriving consensus tumor evolutionary trees.
2023 Jun 30
Guang Z, Smith-Erb M, Oesper L.
25. AttOmics: attention-based architecture for diagnosis and prognosis from omics data.
2023 Jun 30
Beaude A, Rafiee Vahid M, Augé F
26. Scalable sequence database search using partitioned aggregated Bloom comb trees.
2023 Jun 30
Marchet C, Limasset A.
27. Privacy preserving identification of population stratification for collaborative genomic research.
2023 Jun 30
Dervishi L, Li W, Halimi A
28. Deriving spatial features from in situ proteomics imaging to enhance cancer survival analysis.
2023 Jun 30
Dayao MT, Trevino A, Kim H
29. SemiBin2: self-supervised contrastive learning leads to better MAGs for short- and long-read sequencing.
2023 Jun 30
Pan S, Zhao XM, Coelho LP.
30. KR4SL: knowledge graph reasoning for explainable prediction of synthetic lethality.
2023 Jun 30
Zhang K, Wu M, Liu Y
31. Cell type matching across species using protein embeddings and transfer learning.
2023 Jun 30
Biharie K, Michielsen L, Reinders MJT
32. Bakdrive: identifying a minimum set of bacterial species driving interactions across multiple microbial communities.
2023 Jun 30
Wang Q, Nute M, Treangen TJ.
33. COmic: convolutional kernel networks for interpretable end-to-end learning on (multi-)omics data.
2023 Jun 30
Ditz JC, Reuter B, Pfeifer N.
34. Gemini: memory-efficient integration of hundreds of gene networks with high-order pooling.
2023 Jun 30
Woicik A, Zhang M, Xu H
35. The impossible challenge of estimating non-existent moments of the Chemical Master Equation.
2023 Jun 30
Wagner V, Radde N.
36. CProMG: controllable protein-oriented molecule generation with desired binding affinity and drug-like properties.
2023 Jun 30
Li JN, Yang G, Zhao PC
37. CLARIFY: cell-cell interaction and gene regulatory network refinement from spatially resolved transcriptomics.
2023 Jun 30
Bafna M, Li H, Zhang X.
38. RNAMotifComp: a comprehensive method to analyze and identify structurally similar RNA motif families.
2023 Jun 30
Rahaman MM, Khan NS, Zhang S.
39. Themisto: a scalable colored k-mer index for sensitive pseudoalignment against hundreds of thousands of bacterial genomes.
2023 Jun 30
Alanko JN, Vuohtoniemi J, Mäklin T
40. A multilocus approach for accurate variant calling in low-copy repeats using whole-genome sequencing.
2023 Jun 30
Prodanov T, Bansal V.
41. PhaVIP: Phage VIrion Protein classification based on chaos game representation and Vision Transformer.
2023 Jun 30
Shang J, Peng C, Tang X
42. Deep statistical modelling of nanopore sequencing translocation times reveals latent non-B DNA structures.
2023 Jun 30
Hosseini M, Palmer A, Manka W
43. DeepCoVDR: deep transfer learning with graph transformer and cross-attention for predicting COVID-19 drug response.
2023 Jun 30
Huang Z, Zhang P, Deng L.
44. CellBRF: a feature selection method for single-cell clustering using cell balance and random forest.
2023 Jun 30
Xu Y, Li HD, Lin CX
45. SpatialSort: a Bayesian model for clustering and cell population annotation of spatial proteomics data.
2023 Jun 30
Lee E, Chern K, Nissen M
46. RawHash: enabling fast and accurate real-time analysis of raw nanopore signals for large genomes.
2023 Jun 30
Firtina C, Mansouri Ghiasi N, Lindegger J
47. PlasmoFAB: a benchmark to foster machine learning for Plasmodium falciparum protein antigen candidate prediction.
2023 Jun 30
Ditz JC, Wistuba-Hamprecht J, Maier T
48. Deep Local Analysis deconstructs protein-protein interfaces and accurately estimates binding affinity changes upon mutation.
2023 Jun 30
Mohseni Behbahani Y, Laine E, Carbone A.
49. A gated graph transformer for protein complex structure quality assessment and its performance in CASP15.
2023 Jun 30
Chen X, Morehead A, Liu J
50. SVJedi-graph: improving the genotyping of close and overlapping structural variants with long reads using a variation graph.
2023 Jun 30
Romain S, Lemaitre C.
51. AdenPredictor: accurate prediction of the adenylation domain specificity of nonribosomal peptide biosynthetic gene clusters in microbial genomes.
2023 Jun 30
Mongia M, Baral R, Adduri A
52. Getting 'ϕψχal' with proteins: minimum message length inference of joint distributions of backbone and sidechain dihedral angles.
2023 Jun 30
Amarasinghe PR, Allison L, Stuckey PJ
53. The NanoFlow Repository.
2023 Jun 1
Arce JE, Welsh JA, Cook S
54. Dicodon-based measures for modeling gene expression.
2023 Jun 1
Alonso AM, Diambra L.
55. Accelerated nanopore basecalling with SLOW5 data format.
2023 Jun 1
Samarakoon H, Ferguson JM, Gamaarachchi H
56. Optimization-based decoding of Imaging Spatial Transcriptomics data.
2023 Jun 1
Bryan JP, Binan L, McCann C
57. On the representativeness and stability of a set of EFMs.
2023 Jun 1
Guil F, Hidalgo JF, García JM.
58. Quartet Fiduccia-Mattheyses revisited for larger phylogenetic studies.
2023 Jun 1
Mim SA, Zarif-Ul-Alam M, Reaz R
59. BRGenomics for analyzing high-resolution genomics data in R.
2023 Jun 1
DeBerardine M.
60. ESPERANTO: a GLP-field sEmi-SuPERvised toxicogenomics metadAta curatioN TOol.
2023 Jun 1
Di Lieto E, Serra A, Inkala SI
61. AIRRSHIP: simulating human B cell receptor repertoire sequences.
2023 Jun 1
Sutherland C, Cowan GJM.
62. GIL: a python package for designing custom indexing primers.
2023 Jun 1
Mateyko N, Tariq O, Chen XE
63. The ACPYPE web server for small-molecule MD topology generation.
2023 Jun 1
Kagami L, Wilter A, Diaz A
64. Pygenomics: manipulating genomic intervals and data files in Python.
2023 Jun 1
Tamazian G, Cherkasov N, Kanapin A
65. S1000: a better taxonomic name corpus for biomedical information extraction.
2023 Jun 1
Luoma J, Nastou K, Ohta T
66. networkGWAS: a network-based approach to discover genetic associations.
2023 Jun 1
Muzio G, O'Bray L, Meng-Papaxanthos L
67. Cell shape characterization, alignment, and comparison using FlowShape.
2023 Jun 1
van Bavel C, Thiels W, Jelier R.
68. WarpSTR: determining tandem repeat lengths using raw nanopore signals.
2023 Jun 1
Sitarčík J, Vinař T, Brejová B
69. scME: a dual-modality factor model for single-cell multiomics embedding.
2023 Jun 1
Zhou B, Yang F, Zeng F.
70. Efficiently quantifying DNA methylation for bulk- and single-cell bisulfite data.
2023 Jun 1
Fischer J, Schulz MH.
71. IsoTools: a flexible workflow for long-read transcriptome sequencing analysis.
2023 Jun 1
Lienhard M, van den Beucken T, Timmermann B
72. Nonlinear data fusion over Entity-Relation graphs for Drug-Target Interaction prediction.
2023 Jun 1
Mazzone E, Moreau Y, Fariselli P
73. Deep single-cell RNA-seq data clustering with graph prototypical contrastive learning.
2023 Jun 1
Lee J, Kim S, Hyun D
74. MTM: a multi-task learning framework to predict individualized tissue gene expression profiles.
2023 Jun 1
He G, Chen M, Bian Y
75. mpwR: an R package for comparing performance of mass spectrometry-based proteomic workflows.
2023 Jun 1
Kardell O, Breimann S, Hauck SM.
76. RaggedExperiment: the missing link between genomic ranges and matrices in Bioconductor.
2023 Jun 1
Ramos M, Morgan M, Geistlinger L
77. Biologically informed variational autoencoders allow predictive modeling of genetic and drug-induced perturbations.
2023 Jun 1
Doncevic D, Herrmann C.
78. UNRES-GPU for physics-based coarse-grained simulations of protein systems at biological time- and size-scales.
2023 Jun 1
Ocetkiewicz KM, Czaplewski C, Krawczyk H
79. GRETTA: an R package for mapping in silico genetic interaction and essentiality networks.
2023 Jun 1
Takemon Y, Marra MA.
80. JUMP: replicability analysis of high-throughput experiments with applications to spatial transcriptomic studies.
2023 Jun 1
Lyu P, Li Y, Wen X
81. Cellenium-a scalable and interactive visual analytics app for exploring multimodal single-cell data.
2023 Jun 1
Jahn C, Ibrahim M, Busch J
82. NoVaTeST: identifying genes with location-dependent noise variance in spatial transcriptomics data.
2023 Jun 1
Abrar MA, Kaykobad M, Rahman MS
83. Similarity measures-based graph co-contrastive learning for drug-disease association prediction.
2023 Jun 1
Gao Z, Ma H, Zhang X
84. SEMtree: tree-based structure learning methods with structural equation models.
2023 Jun 1
Grassi M, Tarantino B.
85. Finding motifs using DNA images derived from sparse representations.
2023 Jun 1
Chu SK, Stormo GD.
86. Multiscale model of the different modes of cancer cell invasion.
2023 Jun 1
Ruscone M, Montagud A, Chavrier P
87. 3DMolMS: prediction of tandem mass spectra from 3D molecular conformations.
2023 Jun 1
Hong Y, Li S, Welch CJ
88. GraphscoreDTA: optimized graph neural network for protein-ligand binding affinity prediction.
2023 Jun 1
Wang K, Zhou R, Tang J
89. RaPID-Query for fast identity by descent search and genealogical analysis.
2023 Jun 1
Wei Y, Naseri A, Zhi D
90. Deep learning-based multi-functional therapeutic peptides prediction with a multi-label focal dice loss function.
2023 Jun 1
Fan H, Yan W, Wang L
91. MCPNet: a parallel maximum capacity-based genome-scale gene network construction framework.
2023 Jun 1
Pan TC, Chockalingam SP, Aluru M
92. MRGCN: cancer subtyping with multi-reconstruction graph convolutional network using full and partial multi-omics dataset.
2023 Jun 1
Yang B, Yang Y, Wang M
93. KNeMAP: a network mapping approach for knowledge-driven comparison of transcriptomic profiles.
2023 Jun 1
Pavel A, Del Giudice G, Fratello M
94. itol.toolkit accelerates working with iTOL (Interactive Tree of Life) by an automated generation of annotation files.
2023 Jun 1
Zhou T, Xu K, Zhao F
95. Consensus label propagation with graph convolutional networks for single-cell RNA sequencing cell type annotation.
2023 Jun 1
Lewinsohn DP, Vigh-Conrad KA, Conrad DF
96. A complete graph-based approach with multi-task learning for predicting synergistic drug combinations.
2023 Jun 1
Wang X, Zhu H, Chen D
97. HONMF: integration analysis of multi-omics microbiome data via matrix factorization and hypergraph.
2023 Jun 1
Ma Y, Liu L, Ma Y
98. Ensemble deep learning of embeddings for clustering multimodal single-cell omics data.
2023 Jun 1
Yu L, Liu C, Yang JYH
99. Mistle: bringing spectral library predictions to metaproteomics with an efficient search index.
2023 Jun 1
Nowatzky Y, Benner P, Reinert K
100. Interpretable deep learning architectures for improving drug response prediction performance: myth or reality?
2023 Jun 1
Li Y, Hostallero DE, Emad A.
101. DeepITEH: a deep learning framework for identifying tissue-specific eRNAs from the human genome.
2023 Jun 1
Zhang T, Li L, Sun H
102. MultiNEP: a multi-omics network enhancement framework for prioritizing disease genes and metabolites simultaneously.
2023 Jun 1
Xu Z, Marchionni L, Wang S.
103. NHGNN-DTA: a node-adaptive hybrid graph neural network for interpretable drug-target binding affinity prediction.
2023 Jun 1
He H, Chen G, Chen CY.
104. IndepthPathway: an integrated tool for in-depth pathway enrichment analysis based on single-cell sequencing data.
2023 Jun 1
Lee S, Deng L, Wang Y
105. CW-NET for multitype cell detection and classification in bone marrow examination and mitotic figure examination.
2023 Jun 1
Wang CW, Huang SC, Khalil MA
106. Multi-modal deep learning improves grain yield prediction in wheat breeding by fusing genomics and phenomics.
2023 Jun 1
Togninalli M, Wang X, Kucera T
107. Mutate and observe: utilizing deep neural networks to investigate the impact of mutations on translation initiation.
2023 Jun 1
Ozbulak U, Lee HJ, Zuallaert J
108. Reconstructor: a COBRApy compatible tool for automated genome-scale metabolic network reconstruction with parsimonious flux-based gap-filling.
2023 Jun 1
Jenior ML, Glass EM, Papin JA.
109. Consistency enhancement of model prediction on document-level named entity recognition.
2023 Jun 1
Jeong M, Kang J.
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