期刊文献 > Bioinformatics期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (42)
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2023 Jul (46)
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2021 Aug (26)
2021 Jul (110)
2021 Jun (82)
2021 May (165)
2021 Apr (68)
2021 Mar (35)
2021 Feb (47)
2021 Jan (68)
1. CCIBP: a comprehensive cosmetic ingredients bioinformatics platform.
2023 Jul 1
Gong L, Zhang R, Han M
2. Building protein structure-specific rotamer libraries.
2023 Jul 1
Grybauskas A, Gražulis S.
3. JTK: targeted diploid genome assembler.
2023 Jul 1
Masutani B, Suzuki Y, Suzuki Y
4. AGHmatrix: genetic relationship matrices in R.
2023 Jul 1
Amadeu RR, Garcia AAF, Munoz PR
5. KG-Hub-building and exchanging biological knowledge graphs.
2023 Jul 1
Caufield JH, Putman T, Schaper K
6. Counting pseudoalignments to novel splicing events.
2023 Jul 1
Borozan L, Rojas Ringeling F, Kao SY
7. Plassembler: an automated bacterial plasmid assembly tool.
2023 Jul 1
Bouras G, Sheppard AE, Mallawaarachchi V
8. Information-incorporated sparse convex clustering for disease subtyping.
2023 Jul 1
Zhang X, Liu CT.
9. Generating interacting protein sequences using domain-to-domain translation.
2023 Jul 1
Meynard-Piganeau B, Fabbri C, Weigt M
10. LEGO-CSM: a tool for functional characterization of proteins.
2023 Jul 1
Nguyen TB, de Sá AGC, Rodrigues CHM
11. Understanding the complementarity and plasticity of antibody-antigen interfaces.
2023 Jul 1
Myung Y, Pires DEV, Ascher DB.
12. Evaluation of AlphaFold-Multimer prediction on multi-chain protein complexes.
2023 Jul 1
Zhu W, Shenoy A, Kundrotas P
13. LSMMD-MA: scaling multimodal data integration for single-cell genomics data analysis.
2023 Jul 1
Meng-Papaxanthos L, Zhang R, Li G
14. RNAenrich: a web server for non-coding RNA enrichment.
2023 Jul 1
Zhang S, Amahong K, Zhang Y
15. PyWGCNA: a Python package for weighted gene co-expression network analysis.
2023 Jul 1
Rezaie N, Reese F, Mortazavi A.
16. RDBridge: a knowledge graph of rare diseases based on large-scale text mining.
2023 Jul 1
Xing H, Zhang D, Cai P
17. MDSubSampler: a posteriori sampling of important protein conformations from biomolecular simulations.
2023 Jul 1
Oues N, Dantu SC, Patel RJ
18. BBmix: a Bayesian beta-binomial mixture model for accurate genotyping from RNA-sequencing.
2023 Jul 1
Vigorito E, Barton A, Pitzalis C
19. Cytocipher determines significantly different populations of cells in single-cell RNA-seq data.
2023 Jul 1
Balderson B, Piper M, Thor S
20. Inference of microbial covariation networks using copula models with mixture margins.
2023 Jul 1
Deek RA, Li H.
21. cellCounts: an R function for quantifying 10x Chromium single-cell RNA sequencing data.
2023 Jul 1
Liao Y, Raghu D, Pal B
22. MEDIPIPE: an automated and comprehensive pipeline for cfMeDIP-seq data quality control and analysis.
2023 Jul 1
Zeng Y, Ye W, Stutheit-Zhao EY
23. S-leaping: an efficient downsampling method for large high-throughput sequencing data.
2023 Jul 1
Kuwahara H, Gao X.
24. Hierarchical graph transformer with contrastive learning for protein function prediction.
2023 Jul 1
Gu Z, Luo X, Chen J
25. CodingDiv: analyzing SNP-level microdiversity to discriminate between coding and noncoding regions in viral genomes.
2023 Jul 1
Olo Ndela E, Enault F.
26. LPF: a framework for exploring the wing color pattern formation of ladybird beetles in Python.
2023 Jul 1
Lee D.
27. DREAM: an R package for druggability evaluation of human complex diseases.
2023 Jul 1
Federico A, Fratello M, Pavel A
28. Chromothripsis detection with multiple myeloma patients based on deep graph learning.
2023 Jul 1
Yu J, Chen N, Zheng Z
29. Feature weighted models to address lineage dependency in drug-resistance prediction from Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome sequences.
2023 Jul 1
Billows N, Phelan JE, Xia D
30. MDTips: a multimodal-data-based drug-target interaction prediction system fusing knowledge, gene expression profile, and structural data.
2023 Jul 1
Xia X, Zhu C, Zhong F
31. enviRule: an end-to-end system for automatic extraction of reaction patterns from environmental contaminant biotransformation pathways.
2023 Jul 1
Zhang K, Fenner K.
32. MOViDA: multiomics visible drug activity prediction with a biologically informed neural network model.
2023 Jul 1
Ferraro L, Scala G, Cerulo L
33. SBOannotator: a Python tool for the automated assignment of systems biology ontology terms.
2023 Jul 1
Leonidou N, Fritze E, Renz A
34. Modelling capture efficiency of single-cell RNA-sequencing data improves inference of transcriptome-wide burst kinetics.
2023 Jul 1
Tang W, Jørgensen ACS, Marguerat S
35. A novel approach to T-cell receptor beta chain (TCRB) repertoire encoding using lossless string compression.
2023 Jul 1
Konstantinovsky T, Yaari G.
36. ipaPy2: Integrated Probabilistic Annotation (IPA) 2.0-an improved Bayesian-based method for the annotation of LC-MS/MS untargeted metabolomics data.
2023 Jul 1
Del Carratore F, Eagles W, Borka J
37. Genetic fine-mapping from summary data using a nonlocal prior improves the detection of multiple causal variants.
2023 Jul 1
Karhunen V, Launonen I, Järvelin MR
38. Tau-typing: a Nextflow pipeline for finding the best phylogenetic markers in the genome for molecular typing of microbial species.
2023 Jul 1
Seabolt MH, Boddapati AK, Forstedt JJ
39. Testing phylogenetic signal with categorical traits and tree uncertainty.
2023 Jul 1
Ribeiro D, Borges R, Rocha AP
40. Plasmid permissiveness of wastewater microbiomes can be predicted from 16S rRNA sequences by machine learning.
2023 Jul 1
Moradigaravand D, Li L, Dechesne A
41. MEvA-X: a hybrid multiobjective evolutionary tool using an XGBoost classifier for biomarkers discovery on biomedical datasets.
2023 Jul 1
Panagiotopoulos K, Korfiati A, Theofilatos K
42. TopNEXt: automatic DDA exclusion framework for multi-sample mass spectrometry experiments.
2023 Jul 1
McBride R, Wandy J, Weidt S
43. COVRECON: automated integration of genome- and metabolome-scale network reconstruction and data-driven inverse modeling of metabolic interaction networks.
2023 Jul 1
Li J, Waldherr S, Weckwerth W.
44. ISRES+: an improved evolutionary strategy for function minimization to estimate the free parameters of systems biology models.
2023 Jul 1
Bandodkar P, Shaikh R, Reeves GT.
45. CNAsim: improved simulation of single-cell copy number profiles and DNA-seq data from tumors.
2023 Jul 1
Weiner S, Bansal MS.
46. Accelerating open modification spectral library searching on tensor core in high-dimensional space.
2023 Jul 1
Kang J, Xu W, Bittremieux W
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