期刊文献 > Bioinformatics期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (42)
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2023 Jul (46)
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2023 May (67)
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2023 Mar (37)
2023 Feb (34)
2023 Jan (171)
2022 Dec (30)
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2022 Oct (58)
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2021 Sep (55)
2021 Aug (26)
2021 Jul (110)
2021 Jun (82)
2021 May (165)
2021 Apr (68)
2021 Mar (35)
2021 Feb (47)
2021 Jan (68)
1. The adapted Activity-By-Contact model for enhancer-gene assignment and its application to single-cell data.
2023 Jan 27
Hecker D, Behjati Ardakani F, Karollus A
2. Unbiased pangenome graphs.
2023 Jan 1
Garrison E, Guarracino A.
3. Protein-to-genome alignment with miniprot.
2023 Jan 1
Li H.
4. CAPG: comprehensive allopolyploid genotyper.
2023 Jan 1
Kulkarni R, Zhang Y, Cannon SB
5. IMMerge: merging imputation data at scale.
2023 Jan 1
Zhu W, Chen HH, Petty AS
6. A Boolean algebra for genetic variants.
2023 Jan 1
Vis JK, Santcroos MA, Kosters WA
7. Tracing weak neuron fibers.
2023 Jan 1
Liu Y, Zhong Y, Zhao X
8. MIDAS2: Metagenomic Intra-species Diversity Analysis System.
2023 Jan 1
Zhao C, Dimitrov B, Goldman M
9. Hierarchical modelling of microbial communities.
2023 Jan 1
Glöckler M, Dräger A, Mostolizadeh R.
10. Cloud-native distributed genomic pileup operations.
2023 Jan 1
Wiewiórka M, Szmurło A, Stankiewicz P
11. EDIR: exome database of interspersed repeats.
2023 Jan 1
Vo Ngoc LDT, Osei R, Dohr K
12. Variable-selection ANOVA Simultaneous Component Analysis (VASCA).
2023 Jan 1
Camacho J, Vitale R, Morales-Jiménez D
13. Syllable-PBWT for space-efficient haplotype long-match query.
2023 Jan 1
Wang V, Naseri A, Zhang S
14. Clustering single-cell multi-omics data with MoClust.
2023 Jan 1
Yuan M, Chen L, Deng M.
15. Pharokka: a fast scalable bacteriophage annotation tool.
2023 Jan 1
Bouras G, Nepal R, Houtak G
16. htseq-clip: a toolset for the preprocessing of eCLIP/iCLIP datasets.
2023 Jan 1
Sahadevan S, Sekaran T, Ashaf N
17. PDBench: evaluating computational methods for protein-sequence design.
2023 Jan 1
Castorina LV, Petrenas R, Subr K
18. NGSNGS: next-generation simulator for next-generation sequencing data.
2023 Jan 1
Henriksen RA, Zhao L, Korneliussen TS.
19. Global FDR control across multiple RNAseq experiments.
2023 Jan 1
Liou L, Hornburg M, Robertson DS.
20. JBrowse Jupyter: a Python interface to JBrowse 2.
2023 Jan 1
De Jesus Martinez T, Hershberg EA, Guo E
21. SIMBSIG: similarity search and clustering for biobank-scale data.
2023 Jan 1
Adamer MF, Roellin E, Bourguignon L
22. Metadata retrieval from sequence databases with ffq.
2023 Jan 1
Gálvez-Merchán Á, Min KHJ, Pachter L
23. A heuristic algorithm solving the mutual-exclusivity-sorting problem.
2023 Jan 1
Vinceti A, Trastulla L, Perron U
24. Codetta: predicting the genetic code from nucleotide sequence.
2023 Jan 1
Shulgina Y, Eddy SR.
25. Attentive Variational Information Bottleneck for TCR-peptide interaction prediction.
2023 Jan 1
Grazioli F, Machart P, Mösch A
26. Easy NanoString nCounter data analysis with the NanoTube.
2023 Jan 1
Class CA, Lukan CJ, Bristow CA
27. Efficient querying of genomic reference databases with gget.
2023 Jan 1
Luebbert L, Pachter L.
28. CoMutDB: the landscape of somatic mutation co-occurrence in cancers.
2023 Jan 1
Jiang L, Yu H, Tang J
29. SAMStat 2: quality control for next generation sequencing data.
2023 Jan 1
Lassmann T.
30. PRAWNS: compact pan-genomic features for whole-genome population genomics.
2023 Jan 1
Javkar K, Rand H, Strain E
31. EWF: simulating exact paths of the Wright-Fisher diffusion.
2023 Jan 1
Sant J, Jenkins PA, Koskela J
32. benchdamic: benchmarking of differential abundance methods for microbiome data.
2023 Jan 1
Calgaro M, Romualdi C, Risso D
33. AlphaPulldown-a python package for protein-protein interaction screens using AlphaFold-Multimer.
2023 Jan 1
Yu D, Chojnowski G, Rosenthal M
34. Insane in the vembrane: filtering and transforming VCF/BCF files.
2023 Jan 1
Hartmann T, Schröder C, Kuthe E
35. Capturing variation in metagenomic assembly graphs with MetaCortex.
2023 Jan 1
Martin S, Ayling M, Patrono L
36. Treenome Browser: co-visualization of enormous phylogenies and millions of genomes.
2023 Jan 1
Kramer AM, Sanderson T, Corbett-Detig R.
37. Gos: a declarative library for interactive genomics visualization in Python.
2023 Jan 1
Manz T, L'Yi S, Gehlenborg N.
38. DiffCircaPipeline: a framework for multifaceted characterization of differential rhythmicity.
2023 Jan 1
Xue X, Zong W, Huo Z
39. SCExecute: custom cell barcode-stratified analyses of scRNA-seq data.
2023 Jan 1
Edwards N, Dillard C, Prashant NM
40. Discovering misannotated lncRNAs using deep learning training dynamics.
2023 Jan 1
Nabi A, Dilekoglu B, Adebali O
41. Poisson hurdle model-based method for clustering microbiome features.
2023 Jan 1
Qiao Z, Barnes E, Tringe S
42. DARTpaths, an in silico platform to investigate molecular mechanisms of compounds.
2023 Jan 1
Bhalla D, Steijaert MN, Poppelaars ES
43. mOWL: Python library for machine learning with biomedical ontologies.
2023 Jan 1
Zhapa-Camacho F, Kulmanov M, Hoehndorf R.
44. Vaa3D-x for cross-platform teravoxel-scale immersive exploration of multidimensional image data.
2023 Jan 1
Liang J, Deng L, Chen S
45. The COMER web server for protein analysis by homology.
2023 Jan 1
Dapkūnas J, Margelevičius M.
46. COVoc and COVTriage: novel resources to support literature triage.
2023 Jan 1
Caucheteur D, May Pendlington Z, Roncaglia P
47. dnadna: a deep learning framework for population genetics inference.
2023 Jan 1
Sanchez T, Bray EM, Jobic P
48. Dual Attention and Patient Similarity Network for drug recommendation.
2023 Jan 1
Wu J, Dong Y, Gao Z
49. SBML2HYB: a Python interface for SBML compatible hybrid modeling.
2023 Jan 1
Pinto J, Costa RS, Alexandre L
50. Insights from incorporating quantum computing into drug design workflows.
2023 Jan 1
Lau B, Emani PS, Chapman J
51. Global stabilizing control of large-scale biomolecular regulatory networks.
2023 Jan 1
An S, Jang SY, Park SM
52. Achieving improved accuracy for imputation of ancient DNA.
2023 Jan 1
Ausmees K, Nettelblad C.
53. Improving dynamic predictions with ensembles of observable models.
2023 Jan 1
Massonis G, Villaverde AF, Banga JR.
54. PEMT: a patent enrichment tool for drug discovery.
2023 Jan 1
Gadiya Y, Zaliani A, Gribbon P
55. STRIKE-GOLDD 4.0: user-friendly, efficient analysis of structural identifiability and observability.
2023 Jan 1
Díaz-Seoane S, Rey Barreiro X, Villaverde AF.
56. Robust genetic model-based SNP-set association test using CauchyGM.
2023 Jan 1
Kim Y, Chi YY, Shen J
57. The PRALINE database: protein and Rna humAn singLe nucleotIde variaNts in condEnsates.
2023 Jan 1
Vandelli A, Arnal Segura M, Monti M
58. Cytoscape.js 2023 update: a graph theory library for visualization and analysis.
2023 Jan 1
Franz M, Lopes CT, Fong D
59. GAVISUNK: genome assembly validation via inter-SUNK distances in Oxford Nanopore reads.
2023 Jan 1
Dishuck PC, Rozanski AN, Logsdon GA
60. syntenet: an R/Bioconductor package for the inference and analysis of synteny networks.
2023 Jan 1
Almeida-Silva F, Zhao T, Ullrich KK
61. VSTH: a user-friendly web server for structure-based virtual screening on Tianhe-2.
2023 Jan 1
Mo Q, Xu Z, Yan H
62. MacFrag: segmenting large-scale molecules to obtain diverse fragments with high qualities.
2023 Jan 1
Diao Y, Hu F, Shen Z
63. Efficient computation of contributional diversity metrics from microbiome data with FuncDiv.
2023 Jan 1
Douglas GM, Kim S, Langille MGI
64. igv.js: an embeddable JavaScript implementation of the Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV).
2023 Jan 1
Robinson JT, Thorvaldsdottir H, Turner D
65. A benchmark for automatic medical consultation system: frameworks, tasks and datasets.
2023 Jan 1
Chen W, Li Z, Fang H
66. Systematic analysis of alternative splicing in time course data using Spycone.
2023 Jan 1
Lio CT, Grabert G, Louadi Z
67. Synggen: fast and data-driven generation of synthetic heterogeneous NGS cancer data.
2023 Jan 1
Scandino R, Calabrese F, Romanel A.
68. PrioriTree: a utility for improving phylodynamic analyses in BEAST.
2023 Jan 1
Gao J, May MR, Rannala B
69. Integrating heterogeneous knowledge graphs into drug-drug interaction extraction from the literature.
2023 Jan 1
Asada M, Miwa M, Sasaki Y.
70. Interactive network-based clustering and investigation of multimorbidity association matrices with associationSubgraphs.
2023 Jan 1
Strayer N, Zhang S, Yao L
71. Prediction of drug side effects with transductive matrix co-completion.
2023 Jan 1
Liang X, Fu Y, Qu L
72. Vaeda computationally annotates doublets in single-cell RNA sequencing data.
2023 Jan 1
Schriever H, Kostka D.
73. End-to-end learning of multiple sequence alignments with differentiable Smith-Waterman.
2023 Jan 1
Petti S, Bhattacharya N, Rao R
74. Discovering research articles containing evolutionary timetrees by machine learning.
2023 Jan 1
Stanojevic M, Andjelkovic J, Kasprowicz A
75. PANACEA: network-based methods for pharmacotherapy prioritization in personalized oncology.
2023 Jan 1
Ulgen E, Ozisik O, Sezerman OU.
76. libRoadRunner 2.0: a high performance SBML simulation and analysis library.
2023 Jan 1
Welsh C, Xu J, Smith L
77. Active learning for efficient analysis of high-throughput nanopore data.
2023 Jan 1
Guan X, Li Z, Zhou Y
78. CAMR: cross-aligned multimodal representation learning for cancer survival prediction.
2023 Jan 1
Wu X, Shi Y, Wang M
79. Imbalanced classification for protein subcellular localization with multilabel oversampling.
2023 Jan 1
Rana P, Sowmya A, Meijering E
80. 3D-equivariant graph neural networks for protein model quality assessment.
2023 Jan 1
Chen C, Chen X, Morehead A
81. AptaMat: a matrix-based algorithm to compare single-stranded oligonucleotides secondary structures.
2023 Jan 1
Binet T, Avalle B, Dávila Felipe M
82. Improving protein structure prediction using templates and sequence embedding.
2023 Jan 1
Wu F, Jing X, Luo X
83. Updated site concordance factors minimize effects of homoplasy and taxon sampling.
2023 Jan 1
Mo YK, Lanfear R, Hahn MW
84. ManyFold: an efficient and flexible library for training and validating protein folding models.
2023 Jan 1
Villegas-Morcillo A, Robinson L, Flajolet A
85. PoDCall: positive droplet calling and normalization of droplet digital PCR DNA methylation data.
2023 Jan 1
Jeanmougin M, Brodal HP, Dietrichson Pharo H
86. LapTrack: linear assignment particle tracking with tunable metrics.
2023 Jan 1
Fukai YT, Kawaguchi K.
87. scFates: a scalable python package for advanced pseudotime and bifurcation analysis from single-cell data.
2023 Jan 1
Faure L, Soldatov R, Kharchenko PV
88. ASTER: accurately estimating the number of cell types in single-cell chromatin accessibility data.
2023 Jan 1
Chen S, Wang R, Long W
89. Scaling neighbor joining to one million taxa with dynamic and heuristic neighbor joining.
2023 Jan 1
Clausen PTLC.
90. bmVAE: a variational autoencoder method for clustering single-cell mutation data.
2023 Jan 1
Yan J, Ma M, Yu Z.
91. DrTransformer: heuristic cotranscriptional RNA folding using the nearest neighbor energy model.
2023 Jan 1
Badelt S, Lorenz R, Hofacker IL.
92. AccuVIR: an ACCUrate VIRal genome assembly tool for third-generation sequencing data.
2023 Jan 1
Yu R, Cai D, Sun Y.
93. Sc2Mol: a scaffold-based two-step molecule generator with variational autoencoder and transformer.
2023 Jan 1
Liao Z, Xie L, Mamitsuka H
94. TransFlow: a Snakemake workflow for transmission analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis whole-genome sequencing data.
2023 Jan 1
Pan J, Li X, Zhang M
95. Large-scale prediction of adverse drug reactions-related proteins with network embedding.
2023 Jan 1
Park J, Lee S, Kim K
96. CanMethdb: a database for genome-wide DNA methylation annotation in cancers.
2023 Jan 1
Zhao J, Qian F, Li X
97. Microbiome Toolbox: methodological approaches to derive and visualize microbiome trajectories.
2023 Jan 1
Banjac J, Sprenger N, Dogra SK.
98. Perceiver CPI: a nested cross-attention network for compound-protein interaction prediction.
2023 Jan 1
Nguyen NQ, Jang G, Kim H
99. PTMint database of experimentally verified PTM regulation on protein-protein interaction.
2023 Jan 1
Hong X, Li N, Lv J
100. Accurately modeling biased random walks on weighted networks using node2vec.
2023 Jan 1
Liu R, Hirn M, Krishnan A.
101. Integrative chromatin domain annotation through graph embedding of Hi-C data.
2023 Jan 1
Shokraneh N, Arab M, Libbrecht M.
102. Computational prediction and characterization of cell-type-specific and shared binding sites.
2023 Jan 1
Zhang Q, Teng P, Wang S
103. GWAS quality score for evaluating associated regions in GWAS analyses.
2023 Jan 1
Awasthi S, Chen CY, Lam M
104. Benchmarking and integration of methods for deconvoluting spatial transcriptomic data.
2023 Jan 1
Yan L, Sun X.
105. Pseudoalignment tools as an efficient alternative to detect repeated transposable elements in scRNAseq data.
2023 Jan 1
de Villarreal JM, Kalisz M, Piedrafita G
106. ViMRT: a text-mining tool and search engine for automated virus mutation recognition.
2023 Jan 1
Tong Y, Tan F, Huang H
107. NetSHy: network summarization via a hybrid approach leveraging topological properties.
2023 Jan 1
Vu T, Litkowski EM, Liu W
108. SBMLDiagrams: a python package to process and visualize SBML layout and render.
2023 Jan 1
Xu J, Jiang J, Sauro HM.
109. Comprehensive visualization of cell-cell interactions in single-cell and spatial transcriptomics with NICHES.
2023 Jan 1
Raredon MSB, Yang J, Kothapalli N
110. Biophysical informatics reveals distinctive phenotypic signatures and functional diversity of single-cell lineages.
2023 Jan 1
Chan TJ, Zhang X, Mak M.
111. TCRconv: predicting recognition between T cell receptors and epitopes using contextualized motifs.
2023 Jan 1
Jokinen E, Dumitrescu A, Huuhtanen J
112. KMCP: accurate metagenomic profiling of both prokaryotic and viral populations by pseudo-mapping.
2023 Jan 1
Shen W, Xiang H, Huang T
113. A unified mediation analysis framework for integrative cancer proteogenomics with clinical outcomes.
2023 Jan 1
Huang L, Long JP, Irajizad E
114. GeneticsMakie.jl: a versatile and scalable toolkit for visualizing locus-level genetic and genomic data.
2023 Jan 1
Kim M, Vo DD, Kumagai ME
115. Symbolic kinetic models in python (SKiMpy): intuitive modeling of large-scale biological kinetic models.
2023 Jan 1
Weilandt DR, Salvy P, Masid M
116. Accurate estimation of molecular counts from amplicon sequence data with unique molecular identifiers.
2023 Jan 1
Peng X, Dorman KS.
117. Revana: a comprehensive tool for regulatory variant analysis and visualization of cancer genomes.
2023 Jan 1
Ulrich E, Pfister SM, Jäger N.
118. Discovering comorbid diseases using an inter-disease interactivity network based on biobank-scale PheWAS data.
2023 Jan 1
Nam Y, Jung SH, Yun JS
119. DeepSom: a CNN-based approach to somatic variant calling in WGS samples without a matched normal.
2023 Jan 1
Vilov S, Heinig M.
120. GSEL: a fast, flexible python package for detecting signatures of diverse evolutionary forces on genomic regions.
2023 Jan 1
Abraham A, Labella AL, Benton ML
121. A framework for group-wise summarization and comparison of chromatin state annotations.
2023 Jan 1
Vu H, Koch Z, Fiziev P
122. screenwerk: a modular tool for the design and analysis of drug combination screens.
2023 Jan 1
Hanes R, Ayuda-Durán P, Rønneberg L
123. DFinder: a novel end-to-end graph embedding-based method to identify drug-food interactions.
2023 Jan 1
Wang T, Yang J, Xiao Y
124. DeepCellEss: cell line-specific essential protein prediction with attention-based interpretable deep learning.
2023 Jan 1
Li Y, Zeng M, Zhang F
125. Predicting protein stability changes upon mutation using a simple orientational potential.
2023 Jan 1
Hernández IM, Dehouck Y, Bastolla U
126. SEGCOND predicts putative transcriptional condensate-associated genomic regions by integrating multi-omics data.
2023 Jan 1
Klonizakis A, Nikolaou C, Graf T.
127. Inference of 3D genome architecture by modeling overdispersion of Hi-C data.
2023 Jan 1
Varoquaux N, Noble WS, Vert JP.
128. DeepPHiC: predicting promoter-centered chromatin interactions using a novel deep learning approach.
2023 Jan 1
Agarwal A, Chen L.
129. AutoDeconJ: a GPU-accelerated ImageJ plugin for 3D light-field deconvolution with optimal iteration numbers predicting.
2023 Jan 1
Su C, Gao Y, Zhou Y
130. RatesTools: a Nextflow pipeline for detecting de novo germline mutations in pedigree sequence data.
2023 Jan 1
Armstrong EE, Campana MG.
131. UPP2: fast and accurate alignment of datasets with fragmentary sequences.
2023 Jan 1
Park M, Ivanovic S, Chu G
132. GSEApy: a comprehensive package for performing gene set enrichment analysis in Python.
2023 Jan 1
Fang Z, Liu X, Peltz G.
133. GOThresher: a program to remove annotation biases from protein function annotation datasets.
2023 Jan 1
Joshi P, Banerjee S, Hu X
134. DeepRank-GNN: a graph neural network framework to learn patterns in protein-protein interfaces.
2023 Jan 1
Réau M, Renaud N, Xue LC
135. HyperHMM: efficient inference of evolutionary and progressive dynamics on hypercubic transition graphs.
2023 Jan 1
Moen MT, Johnston IG.
136. varAmpliCNV: analyzing variance of amplicons to detect CNVs in targeted NGS data.
2023 Jan 1
Kumar AA, Loeys B, Van De Beek G
137. EnDecon: cell type deconvolution of spatially resolved transcriptomics data via ensemble learning.
2023 Jan 1
Tu JJ, Li HS, Yan H
138. SCIBER: a simple method for removing batch effects from single-cell RNA-sequencing data.
2023 Jan 1
Gan D, Li J.
139. NanoSNP: a progressive and haplotype-aware SNP caller on low-coverage nanopore sequencing data.
2023 Jan 1
Huang N, Xu M, Nie F
140. HelixGAN a deep-learning methodology for conditional de novo design of α-helix structures.
2023 Jan 1
Xie X, Valiente PA, Kim PM.
141. konnect2prot: a web application to explore the protein properties in a functional protein-protein interaction network.
2023 Jan 1
Kumar S, Sarmah DT, Asthana S
142. AWOT and CWOT for genotype and genotype-by-treatment interaction joint analysis in pharmacogenetics GWAS.
2023 Jan 1
Zhang H, Mehrotra DV, Shen J.
143. sAMPpred-GAT: prediction of antimicrobial peptide by graph attention network and predicted peptide structure.
2023 Jan 1
Yan K, Lv H, Guo Y
144. A data processing pipeline for the AACR project GENIE biopharma collaborative data with the {genieBPC} R package.
2023 Jan 1
Lavery JA, Brown S, Curry MA
145. FungiExp: a user-friendly database and analysis platform for exploring fungal gene expression and alternative splicing.
2023 Jan 1
Liu J, Zhang Y, Shi Y
146. GeoWaVe: geometric median clustering with weighted voting for ensemble clustering of cytometry data.
2023 Jan 1
Burton RJ, Cuff SM, Morgan MP
147. Systematic identification of biochemical networks in cancer cells by functional pathway inference analysis.
2023 Jan 1
Badshah II, Cutillas PR.
148. ABSP: an automated R tool to efficiently analyze region-specific CpG methylation from bisulfite sequencing PCR.
2023 Jan 1
Denoulet M, Brulé M, Anquez F
149. Asteroid: a new algorithm to infer species trees from gene trees under high proportions of missing data.
2023 Jan 1
Morel B, Williams TA, Stamatakis A.
150. Evaluating impacts of syntenic block detection strategies on rearrangement phylogeny using Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates.
2023 Jan 1
Elghraoui A, Mirarab S, Swenson KM
151. DxFormer: a decoupled automatic diagnostic system based on decoder-encoder transformer with dense symptom representations.
2023 Jan 1
Chen W, Zhong C, Peng J
152. Evaluating homophily in networks via HONTO (HOmophily Network TOol): a case study of chromosomal interactions in human PPI networks.
2023 Jan 1
Apollonio N, Blankenberg D, Cumbo F
153. MiCellAnnGELo: annotate microscopy time series of complex cell surfaces with 3D virtual reality.
2023 Jan 1
Platt A, Lutton EJ, Offord E
154. GPGPS: a robust prognostic gene pair signature of glioma ensembling IDH mutation and 1p/19q co-deletion.
2023 Jan 1
Cheng L, Wu H, Zheng X
155. Visual Omics: a web-based platform for omics data analysis and visualization with rich graph-tuning capabilities.
2023 Jan 1
Li H, Shi M, Ren K
156. An approach of gene regulatory network construction using mixed entropy optimizing context-related likelihood mutual information.
2023 Jan 1
Lei J, Cai Z, He X
157. Digitally predicting protein localization and manipulating protein activity in fluorescence images using 4D reslicing GAN.
2023 Jan 1
Jiao Y, Gu L, Jiang Y
158. SysBiolPGWAS: simplifying post-GWAS analysis through the use of computational technologies and integration of diverse omics datasets.
2023 Jan 1
Falola O, Adam Y, Ajayi O
159. RaMP-DB 2.0: a renovated knowledgebase for deriving biological and chemical insight from metabolites, proteins, and genes.
2023 Jan 1
Braisted J, Patt A, Tindall C
160. A multi-view latent variable model reveals cellular heterogeneity in complex tissues for paired multimodal single-cell data.
2023 Jan 1
Wang Y, Lian B, Zhang H
161. Gene set proximity analysis: expanding gene set enrichment analysis through learned geometric embeddings, with drug-repurposing applications in COVID-19.
2023 Jan 1
Cousins H, Hall T, Guo Y
162. NcPath: a novel platform for visualization and enrichment analysis of human non-coding RNA and KEGG signaling pathways.
2023 Jan 1
Li Z, Zhang Y, Fang J
163. scAWMV: an adaptively weighted multi-view learning framework for the integrative analysis of parallel scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq data.
2023 Jan 1
Zeng P, Ma Y, Lin Z.
164. Distinguishing imported cases from locally acquired cases within a geographically limited genomic sample of an infectious disease.
2023 Jan 1
Didelot X, Helekal D, Kendall M
165. A pairwise strategy for imputing predictive features when combining multiple datasets.
2023 Jan 1
Wu Y, Ren B, Patil P.
166. An end-to-end multi-task system of automatic lesion detection and anatomical localization in whole-body bone scintigraphy by deep learning.
2023 Jan 1
Huang K, Huang S, Chen G
167. PScL-2LSAESM: bioimage-based prediction of protein subcellular localization by integrating heterogeneous features with the two-level SAE-SM and mean ensemble method.
2023 Jan 1
Ullah M, Hadi F, Song J
168. Deep learning of protein sequence design of protein-protein interactions.
2023 Jan 1
Syrlybaeva R, Strauch EM.
169. CATHe: detection of remote homologues for CATH superfamilies using embeddings from protein language models.
2023 Jan 1
Nallapareddy V, Bordin N, Sillitoe I
170. rGREAT: an R/bioconductor package for functional enrichment on genomic regions.
2023 Jan 1
Gu Z, Hübschmann D.
171. Paragraph-antibody paratope prediction using graph neural networks with minimal feature vectors.
2023 Jan 1
Chinery L, Wahome N, Moal I
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