期刊文献 > Bioinformatics期刊 选择月份
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2021 Jan (68)
1. Ionmob: A Python Package for Prediction of Peptide Collisional Cross-Section Values.
2023 Aug 4
Teschner D, Gomez-Zepeda D, Declercq A
2. Accessibility of covariance information creates vulnerability in Federated Learning frameworks.
2023 Aug 30
Huth M, Arruda J, Gusinow R
3. GraphCpG: Imputation of Single-cell Methylomes Based on Locus-aware Neighboring Subgraphs.
2023 Aug 30
Deng Y, Tang J, Zhang J
4. MULGA, a unified multi-view graph autoencoder-based approach for identifying drug-protein interaction and drug repositioning.
2023 Aug 23
Ma J, Li C, Zhang Y
5. Short-read aligner performance in germline variant identification.
2023 Aug 1
Wilton R, Szalay AS.
6. KOunt: a reproducible KEGG orthologue abundance workflow.
2023 Aug 1
Mattock J, Martínez-Álvaro M, Cleveland MA
7. Predicting thermostability difference between cellular protein orthologs.
2023 Aug 1
Fang J.
8. crosshap: R package for local haplotype visualization for trait association analysis.
2023 Aug 1
Marsh JI, Petereit J, Johnston BA
9. Prior information-assisted integrative analysis of multiple datasets.
2023 Aug 1
Wang F, Liang D, Li Y
10. Molecular property prediction by semantic-invariant contrastive learning.
2023 Aug 1
Zhang Z, Xie A, Guan J
11. dRFEtools: dynamic recursive feature elimination for omics.
2023 Aug 1
Benjamin KJM, Katipalli T, Paquola ACM.
12. Anomaly detection in mixed high-dimensional molecular data.
2023 Aug 1
Buck L, Schmidt T, Feist M
13. Protein-ligand binding affinity prediction exploiting sequence constituent homology.
2023 Aug 1
Abdel-Rehim A, Orhobor O, Hang L
14. Adjusting for gene-specific covariates to improve RNA-seq analysis.
2023 Aug 1
Jeon H, Lim KS, Nguyen Y
15. TranSyT, an innovative framework for identifying transport systems.
2023 Aug 1
Cunha E, Lagoa D, Faria JP
16. PACT: a pipeline for analysis of circulating tumor DNA.
2023 Aug 1
Webster J, Dang HX, Chauhan PS
17. ReCo: automated NGS read-counting of single and combinatorial CRISPR gRNAs.
2023 Aug 1
Wegner M, Kaulich M.
18. AARDVARK: an automated reversion detector for variants affecting resistance kinetics.
2023 Aug 1
Moreno T, Magana J, Quigley DA.
19. TALAIA: a 3D visual dictionary for protein structures.
2023 Aug 1
Alemany-Chavarria M, Rodríguez-Guerra J, Maréchal JD.
20. Predicted structural proteome of Sphagnum divinum and proteome-scale annotation.
2023 Aug 1
Davidson RB, Coletti M, Gao M
21. ICARUS: flexible protein structural alignment based on Protein Units.
2023 Aug 1
Cretin G, Périn C, Zimmermann N
22. NanopoReaTA: a user-friendly tool for nanopore-seq real-time transcriptional analysis.
2023 Aug 1
Wierczeiko A, Pastore S, Mündnich S
23. Gonomics: uniting high performance and readability for genomics with Go.
2023 Aug 1
Au EH, Fauci C, Luo Y
24. DEP2: an upgraded comprehensive analysis toolkit for quantitative proteomics data.
2023 Aug 1
Feng Z, Fang P, Zheng H
25. AtlasXplore: a web platform for visualizing and sharing spatial epigenome data.
2023 Aug 1
Barnett J, Sotudeh N, Rao P
26. NCOurd: modelling length distributions of NCO events and gene conversion tracts.
2023 Aug 1
Hardarson MT, Palsson G, Halldorsson BV.
27. Pretrained transformer models for predicting the withdrawal of drugs from the market.
2023 Aug 1
Mazuz E, Shtar G, Kutsky N
28. CoCoNat: a novel method based on deep learning for coiled-coil prediction.
2023 Aug 1
Madeo G, Savojardo C, Manfredi M
29. Cancer drug response prediction with surrogate modeling-based graph neural architecture search.
2023 Aug 1
Oloulade BM, Gao J, Chen J
30. LegNet: a best-in-class deep learning model for short DNA regulatory regions.
2023 Aug 1
Penzar D, Nogina D, Noskova E
31. simCAS: an embedding-based method for simulating single-cell chromatin accessibility sequencing data.
2023 Aug 1
Li C, Chen X, Chen S
32. MLNGCF: circRNA-disease associations prediction with multilayer attention neural graph-based collaborative filtering.
2023 Aug 1
Wu Q, Deng Z, Zhang W
33. PS-Net: human perception-guided segmentation network for EM cell membrane.
2023 Aug 1
Shi R, Bi K, Du K
34. CMMS-GCL: cross-modality metabolic stability prediction with graph contrastive learning.
2023 Aug 1
Du BX, Long Y, Li X
35. BEENE: deep learning-based nonlinear embedding improves batch effect estimation.
2023 Aug 1
Rahman MA, Tutul AA, Sharmin M
36. Block Aligner: an adaptive SIMD-accelerated aligner for sequences and position-specific scoring matrices.
2023 Aug 1
Liu D, Steinegger M.
37. MIX-TPI: a flexible prediction framework for TCR-pMHC interactions based on multimodal representations.
2023 Aug 1
Yang M, Huang ZA, Zhou W
38. DeepTraSynergy: drug combinations using multimodal deep learning with transformers.
2023 Aug 1
Rafiei F, Zeraati H, Abbasi K
39. FGCNSurv: dually fused graph convolutional network for multi-omics survival prediction.
2023 Aug 1
Wen G, Li L.
40. BERTrand-peptide:TCR binding prediction using Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers augmented with random TCR pairing.
2023 Aug 1
Myronov A, Mazzocco G, Król P
41. Flame (v2.0): advanced integration and interpretation of functional enrichment results from multiple sources.
2023 Aug 1
Karatzas E, Baltoumas FA, Aplakidou E
42. SHEPHARD: a modular and extensible software architecture for analyzing and annotating large protein datasets.
2023 Aug 1
Ginell GM, Flynn AJ, Holehouse AS.
43. Integrating multiomics and prior knowledge: a study of the Graphnet penalty impact.
2023 Aug 1
Chegraoui H, Guillemot V, Rebei A
44. ShinyBioHEAT: an interactive shiny app to identify phenotype driver genes in E.coli and B.subtilis.
2023 Aug 1
Wang C, Govindarajan H, Katsonis P
45. Single-cell Hi-C data enhancement with deep residual and generative adversarial networks.
2023 Aug 1
Wang Y, Guo Z, Cheng J.
46. quickBAM: a parallelized BAM file access API for high-throughput sequence analysis informatics.
2023 Aug 1
Pitman A, Huang X, Marth GT
47. PCGAN: a generative approach for protein complex identification from protein interaction networks.
2023 Aug 1
Pan Y, Wang Y, Guan J
48. Sub-Cluster Identification through Semi-Supervised Optimization of Rare-Cell Silhouettes (SCISSORS) in single-cell RNA-sequencing.
2023 Aug 1
Leary JR, Xu Y, Morrison AB
49. USNAP: fast unique dense region detection and its application to lung cancer.
2023 Aug 1
Wong SWH, Pastrello C, Kotlyar M
50. ggpicrust2: an R package for PICRUSt2 predicted functional profile analysis and visualization.
2023 Aug 1
Yang C, Mai J, Cao X
51. Chaining for accurate alignment of erroneous long reads to acyclic variation graphs.
2023 Aug 1
Ma J, Cáceres M, Salmela L
52. scNCL: transferring labels from scRNA-seq to scATAC-seq data with neighborhood contrastive regularization.
2023 Aug 1
Yan X, Zheng R, Chen J
53. Coherent pathway enrichment estimation by modeling inter-pathway dependencies using regularized regression.
2023 Aug 1
Jablonski KP, Beerenwinkel N.
54. ProtoCell4P: an explainable prototype-based neural network for patient classification using single-cell RNA-seq.
2023 Aug 1
Xiong G, Bekiranov S, Zhang A.
55. AlphaPeptStats: an open-source Python package for automated and scalable statistical analysis of mass spectrometry-based proteomics.
2023 Aug 1
Krismer E, Bludau I, Strauss MT
56. Few-shot biomedical named entity recognition via knowledge-guided instance generation and prompt contrastive learning.
2023 Aug 1
Chen P, Wang J, Lin H
57. CSI: Contrastive data Stratification for Interaction prediction and its application to compound-protein interaction prediction.
2023 Aug 1
Kalia A, Krishnan D, Hassoun S.
58. otargen: GraphQL-based R package for tidy data accessing and processing from Open Targets Genetics.
2023 Aug 1
Feizi A, Ray K.
59. XGDAG: explainable gene-disease associations via graph neural networks.
2023 Aug 1
Mastropietro A, De Carlo G, Anagnostopoulos A.
60. StarPep Toolbox: an open-source software to assist chemical space analysis of bioactive peptides and their functions using complex networks.
2023 Aug 1
Aguilera-Mendoza L, Ayala-Ruano S, Martinez-Rios F
61. pyCaverDock: Python implementation of the popular tool for analysis of ligand transport with advanced caching and batch calculation support.
2023 Aug 1
Vavra O, Beranek J, Stourac J
62. Prediction of pathogenic single amino acid substitutions using molecular fragment descriptors.
2023 Aug 1
Zadorozhny A, Smirnov A, Filimonov D
63. VAPEX: an interactive web server for the deep exploration of natural virus and phage genomes.
2023 Aug 1
Hepp B, Lorieux F, Degaugue A
64. iGRLDTI: an improved graph representation learning method for predicting drug-target interactions over heterogeneous biological information network.
2023 Aug 1
Zhao BW, Su XR, Hu PW
65. Investigating the human and nonobese diabetic mouse MHC class II immunopeptidome using protein language modeling.
2023 Aug 1
Hartout P, Počuča B, Méndez-García C
66. Exploitation of surrogate variables in random forests for unbiased analysis of mutual impact and importance of features.
2023 Aug 1
Voges LF, Jarren LC, Seifert S.
67. GradPose: a very fast and memory-efficient gradient descent-based tool for superimposing millions of protein structures from computational simulations.
2023 Aug 1
Rademaker DT, van Geemen KJ, Xue LC.
68. iCpG-Pos: an accurate computational approach for identification of CpG sites using positional features on single-cell whole genome sequence data.
2023 Aug 1
Park S, Rehman MU, Ullah F
69. libSBOLj3: a graph-based library for design and data exchange in synthetic biology.
2023 Aug 1
Mısırlı G.
70. A novel registration method for long-serial section images of EM with a serial split technique based on unsupervised optical flow network.
2023 Aug 1
Xin T, Lv Y, Chen H
71. Enhancing cryo-EM maps with 3D deep generative networks for assisting protein structure modeling.
2023 Aug 1
Maddhuri Venkata Subramaniya SR, Terashi G, Kihara D.
72. Bayesian multitask learning for medicine recommendation based on online patient reviews.
2023 Aug 1
Cheng Y, Xia Y, Wang X.
73. Dynamic applicability domain (dAD): compound-target binding affinity estimates with local conformal prediction.
2023 Aug 1
Oršolić D, Šmuc T.
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