期刊文献 > Bioinformatics期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (42)
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2021 Aug (26)
2021 Jul (110)
2021 Jun (82)
2021 May (165)
2021 Apr (68)
2021 Mar (35)
2021 Feb (47)
2021 Jan (68)
1. Structure-aware protein self-supervised learning.
2023 Apr 3
Chen CS, Zhou J, Wang F
2. K-RET: knowledgeable biomedical relation extraction system.
2023 Apr 3
Sousa DF, Couto FM.
3. mlf-core: a framework for deterministic machine learning.
2023 Apr 3
Heumos L, Ehmele P, Kuhn Cuellar L
4. Phenonaut: multiomics data integration for phenotypic space exploration.
2023 Apr 3
Shave S, Dawson JC, Athar AM
5. Multivariate genome-wide association analysis by iterative hard thresholding.
2023 Apr 3
Chu BB, Ko S, Zhou JJ
6. Decomposing mosaic tandem repeats accurately from long reads.
2023 Apr 3
Masutani B, Kawahara R, Morishita S.
7. dipwmsearch: a Python package for searching di-PWM motifs.
2023 Apr 3
Mille M, Ripoll J, Cazaux B
8. sInterBase: a comprehensive database of Escherichia coli sRNA-mRNA interactions.
2023 Apr 3
Cohen S, Maximof E, Rokach S
9. streammd: fast low-memory duplicate marking using a Bloom filter.
2023 Apr 3
Leonard C.
10. Identification of protein-protein interaction bridges for multiple sclerosis.
2023 Apr 3
Yazıcı G, Kurt Vatandaslar B, Aydin Canturk I
11. ChemGAPP: a tool for chemical genomics analysis and phenotypic profiling.
2023 Apr 3
Doherty HM, Kritikos G, Galardini M
12. eccDB: a comprehensive repository for eccDNA-mediated chromatin contacts in multi-species.
2023 Apr 3
Yang M, Qiu B, He GY
13. An expectation-maximization framework for comprehensive prediction of isoform-specific functions.
2023 Apr 3
Karlebach G, Carmody L, Sundaramurthi JC
14. Multiscale adaptive differential abundance analysis in microbial compositional data.
2023 Apr 3
Wang S.
15. AdaLiftOver: high-resolution identification of orthologous regulatory elements with Adaptive liftOver.
2023 Apr 3
Dong C, Shen S, Keleş S.
16. Prediction and curation of missing biomedical identifier mappings with Biomappings.
2023 Apr 3
Hoyt CT, Hoyt AL, Gyori BM.
17. The DynaSig-ML Python package: automated learning of biomolecular dynamics-function relationships.
2023 Apr 3
Mailhot O, Major F, Najmanovich R.
18. excluderanges: exclusion sets for T2T-CHM13, GRCm39, and other genome assemblies.
2023 Apr 3
Ogata JD, Mu W, Davis ES
19. Graph convolutional network-based feature selection for high-dimensional and low-sample size data.
2023 Apr 3
Chen C, Weiss ST, Liu YY.
20. HiCube: interactive visualization of multiscale and multimodal Hi-C and 3D genome data.
2023 Apr 3
Ye T, Hu Y, Pun S
21. Modular response analysis reformulated as a multilinear regression problem.
2023 Apr 3
Borg JP, Colinge J, Ravel P.
22. Population-based change-point detection for the identification of homozygosity islands.
2023 Apr 3
Prates L, Lemes RB, Hünemeier T
23. kb_DRAM: annotation and metabolic profiling of genomes with DRAM in KBase.
2023 Apr 3
Shaffer M, Borton MA, Bolduc B
24. IntestLine: a shiny-based application to map the rolled intestinal tissue onto a line.
2023 Apr 3
Yuzeir A, Bejarano DA, Grein S
25. Con-AAE: contrastive cycle adversarial autoencoders for single-cell multi-omics alignment and integration.
2023 Apr 3
Wang X, Hu Z, Yu T
26. NEREL-BIO: a dataset of biomedical abstracts annotated with nested named entities.
2023 Apr 3
Loukachevitch N, Manandhar S, Baral E
27. SpliceAI-10k calculator for the prediction of pseudoexonization, intron retention, and exon deletion.
2023 Apr 3
Canson DM, Davidson AL, de la Hoya M
28. methylR: a graphical interface for comprehensive DNA methylation array data analysis.
2023 Apr 3
Volpe M, Das J.
29. Primerdiffer: a python command-line module for large-scale primer design in haplotype genotyping.
2023 Apr 3
Ren X, Shao Y, Zhang Y
30. Flex Meta-Storms elucidates the microbiome local beta-diversity under specific phenotypes.
2023 Apr 3
Zhang M, Zhang W, Chen Y
31. Discriminative pattern discovery for the characterization of different network populations.
2023 Apr 3
Fassetti F, Rombo SE, Serrao C.
32. Boolean network sketches: a unifying framework for logical model inference.
2023 Apr 3
Beneš N, Brim L, Huvar O
33. PreTP-2L: identification of therapeutic peptides and their types using two-layer ensemble learning framework.
2023 Apr 3
Yan K, Guo Y, Liu B.
34. DNAscan2: a versatile, scalable, and user-friendly analysis pipeline for human next-generation sequencing data.
2023 Apr 3
Marriott H, Kabiljo R, Al Khleifat A
35. Foldcomp: a library and format for compressing and indexing large protein structure sets.
2023 Apr 3
Kim H, Mirdita M, Steinegger M.
36. SmoothT-a server constructing low-energy pathways from conformational ensembles for interactive visualization and enhanced sampling.
2023 Apr 3
Staritzbichler R, Ristic N, Stapke T
37. Summary statistics-based association test for identifying the pleiotropic effects with set of genetic variants.
2023 Apr 3
Bu D, Wang X, Li Q.
38. STGRNS: an interpretable transformer-based method for inferring gene regulatory networks from single-cell transcriptomic data.
2023 Apr 3
Xu J, Zhang A, Liu F
39. Effective and efficient active learning for deep learning-based tissue image analysis.
2023 Apr 3
Meirelles ALS, Kurc T, Kong J
40. Identifying B-cell epitopes using AlphaFold2 predicted structures and pretrained language model.
2023 Apr 3
Zeng Y, Wei Z, Yuan Q
41. scMCs: a framework for single-cell multi-omics data integration and multiple clusterings.
2023 Apr 3
Ren L, Wang J, Li Z
42. Pocket to concavity: a tool for the refinement of protein-ligand binding site shape from alpha spheres.
2023 Apr 3
Kudo G, Hirao T, Yoshino R
43. A high-performance deep-learning-based pipeline for whole-brain vasculature segmentation at the capillary resolution.
2023 Apr 3
Li Y, Liu X, Jia X
44. MARSY: a multitask deep-learning framework for prediction of drug combination synergy scores.
2023 Apr 3
El Khili MR, Memon SA, Emad A.
45. Interpretable meta-learning of multi-omics data for survival analysis and pathway enrichment.
2023 Apr 3
Cho HJ, Shu M, Bekiranov S
46. De novo drug design by iterative multiobjective deep reinforcement learning with graph-based molecular quality assessment.
2023 Apr 3
Fang Y, Pan X, Shen HB.
47. POIROT: a powerful test for parent-of-origin effects in unrelated samples leveraging multiple phenotypes.
2023 Apr 3
Head ST, Leslie EJ, Cutler DJ
48. Self-supervised semantic segmentation of retinal pigment epithelium cells in flatmount fluorescent microscopy images.
2023 Apr 3
Yu H, Wang F, Teodoro G
49. DEGGs: an R package with shiny app for the identification of differentially expressed gene-gene interactions in high-throughput sequencing data.
2023 Apr 3
Sciacca E, Alaimo S, Silluzio G
50. Using language models and ontology topology to perform semantic mapping of traits between biomedical datasets.
2023 Apr 3
Liu Y, Elsworth BL, Gaunt TR.
51. The hidden factor: accounting for covariate effects in power and sample size computation for a binary trait.
2023 Apr 3
Zhang Z, Sun L.
52. WAVES (Web-based tool for Analysis and Visualization of Environmental Samples)-a web application for visualization of wastewater pathogen sequencing results.
2023 Apr 3
Triska P, Amman F, Endler L
53. OutSingle: a novel method of detecting and injecting outliers in RNA-Seq count data using the optimal hard threshold for singular values.
2023 Apr 3
Salkovic E, Sadeghi MA, Baggag A
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