期刊文献 > Bioinformatics期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (42)
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2021 Aug (26)
2021 Jul (110)
2021 Jun (82)
2021 May (165)
2021 Apr (68)
2021 Mar (35)
2021 Feb (47)
2021 Jan (68)
1. The FASTQ+ format and PISA.
2022 Sep 30
Shi Q, Liu S, Kristiansen K
2. YAMACS: a graphical interface for GROMACS.
2022 Sep 30
Sarkar A, Santoro J, Di Biasi L
3. Metagenomic binning with assembly graph embeddings.
2022 Sep 30
Lamurias A, Sereika M, Albertsen M
4. Isoform function prediction by Gene Ontology embedding.
2022 Sep 30
Qiu S, Yu G, Lu X
5. Detection of orthologous exons and isoforms using EGIO.
2022 Sep 30
Ma J, Wu JY, Zhu L.
6. Comparing Petri net-based models of biological systems using Holmes.
2022 Sep 30
Szawulak B, Radom M, Formanowicz P.
7. FastRemap: a tool for quickly remapping reads between genome assemblies.
2022 Sep 30
Kim JS, Firtina C, Cavlak MB
8. Detecting and quantifying antibody reactivity in PhIP-Seq data with BEER.
2022 Sep 30
Chen A, Kammers K, Larman HB
9. MultiGran-SMILES: multi-granularity SMILES learning for molecular property prediction.
2022 Sep 30
Jiang J, Zhang R, Zhao Z
10. MICER: a pre-trained encoder-decoder architecture for molecular image captioning.
2022 Sep 30
Yi J, Wu C, Zhang X
11. massDatabase: utilities for the operation of the public compound and pathway database.
2022 Sep 30
Shen X, Wang C, Snyder MP.
12. mBrainAligner-Web: a web server for cross-modal coherent registration of whole mouse brains.
2022 Sep 30
Li Y, Wu J, Lu D
13. Deep Local Analysis evaluates protein docking conformations with locally oriented cubes.
2022 Sep 30
Mohseni Behbahani Y, Crouzet S, Laine E
14. 3D GAN image synthesis and dataset quality assessment for bacterial biofilm.
2022 Sep 30
Wang J, Tabassum N, Toma TT
15. DBFE: distribution-based feature extraction from structural variants in whole-genome data.
2022 Sep 30
Piernik M, Brzezinski D, Sztromwasser P
16. Structural analogue-based protein structure domain assembly assisted by deep learning.
2022 Sep 30
Peng CX, Zhou XG, Xia YH
17. Beacon v2 Reference Implementation: a toolkit to enable federated sharing of genomic and phenotypic data.
2022 Sep 30
Rueda M, Ariosa R, Moldes M
18. Neural Collective Matrix Factorization for integrated analysis of heterogeneous biomedical data.
2022 Sep 30
Mariappan R, Jayagopal A, Sien HZ
19. Hierarchical deep learning for predicting GO annotations by integrating protein knowledge.
2022 Sep 30
Merino GA, Saidi R, Milone DH
20. scWMC: weighted matrix completion-based imputation of scRNA-seq data via prior subspace information.
2022 Sep 30
Su Y, Wang F, Zhang S
21. Prediction of gene co-expression from chromatin contacts with graph attention network.
2022 Sep 30
Zhang K, Wang C, Sun L
22. Guided interactive image segmentation using machine learning and color-based image set clustering.
2022 Sep 30
Friebel A, Johann T, Drasdo D
23. Fec: a fast error correction method based on two-rounds overlapping and caching.
2022 Sep 30
Zhang J, Nie F, Huang N
24. medna-metadata: an open-source data management system for tracking environmental DNA samples and metadata.
2022 Sep 30
Kimble M, Allers S, Campbell K
25. Stitching and registering highly multiplexed whole-slide images of tissues and tumors using ASHLAR.
2022 Sep 30
Muhlich JL, Chen YA, Yapp C
26. Graph attention network for link prediction of gene regulations from single-cell RNA-sequencing data.
2022 Sep 30
Chen G, Liu ZP.
27. HNOXPred: a web tool for the prediction of gas-sensing H-NOX proteins from amino acid sequence.
2022 Sep 30
Jiang S, Abdalla HB, Bi C
28. Predicting cancer drug response using parallel heterogeneous graph convolutional networks with neighborhood interactions.
2022 Sep 30
Peng W, Liu H, Dai W
29. MMGraph: a multiple motif predictor based on graph neural network and coexisting probability for ATAC-seq data.
2022 Sep 30
Zhang S, Yang L, Wu X
30. A spatial attention guided deep learning system for prediction of pathological complete response using breast cancer histopathology images.
2022 Sep 30
Duanmu H, Bhattarai S, Li H
31. Omnibus and robust deconvolution scheme for bulk RNA sequencing data integrating multiple single-cell reference sets and prior biological knowledge.
2022 Sep 30
Chen C, Leung YY, Ionita M
32. CLNN-loop: a deep learning model to predict CTCF-mediated chromatin loops in the different cell lines and CTCF-binding sites (CBS) pair types.
2022 Sep 30
Zhang P, Wu Y, Zhou H
33. RNAloops: a database of RNA multiloops.
2022 Sep 2
Wiedemann J, Kaczor J, Milostan M
34. DockingPie: a consensus docking plugin for PyMOL.
2022 Sep 2
Rosignoli S, Paiardini A.
35. Flashfm-ivis: interactive visualization for fine-mapping of multiple quantitative traits.
2022 Sep 2
Zhou F, Butterworth AS, Asimit JL.
36. ANISE: an application to design mechanobiology simulations of planar epithelia.
2022 Sep 2
Rodríguez Cerro Á, Sancho S, Rodríguez M
37. BubbleGun: enumerating bubbles and superbubbles in genome graphs.
2022 Sep 2
Dabbaghie F, Ebler J, Marschall T.
38. GenBank as a source to monitor and analyze Host-Microbiome data.
2022 Sep 2
Ramanan V, Mechery S, Sarkar IN.
39. Pkgndep: a tool for analyzing dependency heaviness of R packages.
2022 Sep 2
Gu Z, Hübschmann D.
40. Biological Random Walks: multi-omics integration for disease gene prioritization.
2022 Sep 2
Gentili M, Martini L, Sponziello M
41. Avoiding C-hacking when evaluating survival distribution predictions with discrimination measures.
2022 Sep 2
Sonabend R, Bender A, Vollmer S.
42. CovRadar: continuously tracking and filtering SARS-CoV-2 mutations for genomic surveillance.
2022 Sep 2
Wittig A, Miranda F, Hölzer M
43. TogoID: an exploratory ID converter to bridge biological datasets.
2022 Sep 2
Ikeda S, Ono H, Ohta T
44. Identification of cell-type-specific spatially variable genes accounting for excess zeros.
2022 Sep 2
Yu J, Luo X.
45. PCN-Miner: an open-source extensible tool for the analysis of Protein Contact Networks.
2022 Sep 2
Guzzi PH, Di Paola L, Giuliani A
46. LRLoop: a method to predict feedback loops in cell-cell communication.
2022 Sep 2
Xin Y, Lyu P, Jiang J
47. Needle: a fast and space-efficient prefilter for estimating the quantification of very large collections of expression experiments.
2022 Sep 2
Darvish M, Seiler E, Mehringer S
48. CondiS web app: imputation of censored lifetimes for machine learning-based survival analysis.
2022 Sep 2
Wang Y, Flowers CR, Li Z
49. SLPred: a multi-view subcellular localization prediction tool for multi-location human proteins.
2022 Sep 2
Özsarı G, Rifaioglu AS, Atakan A
50. CompAIRR: ultra-fast comparison of adaptive immune receptor repertoires by exact and approximate sequence matching.
2022 Sep 2
Rognes T, Scheffer L, Greiff V
51. HARIBOSS: a curated database of RNA-small molecules structures to aid rational drug design.
2022 Sep 2
Panei FP, Torchet R, Ménager H
52. Predicting and explaining the impact of genetic disruptions and interactions on organismal viability.
2022 Sep 2
Al-Anzi BF, Khajah M, Fakhraldeen SA.
53. DeepGenGrep: a general deep learning-based predictor for multiple genomic signals and regions.
2022 Sep 2
Liu Q, Fang H, Wang X
54. Docking cyclic peptides formed by a disulfide bond through a hierarchical strategy.
2022 Sep 2
Tao H, Zhao X, Zhang K
55. IIFDTI: predicting drug-target interactions through interactive and independent features based on attention mechanism.
2022 Sep 2
Cheng Z, Zhao Q, Li Y
56. Optimization of synthetic molecular reporters for a mesenchymal glioblastoma transcriptional program by integer programing.
2022 Sep 2
Breitenbach T, Schmitt MJ, Dandekar T.
57. StabilitySort: assessment of protein stability changes on a genome-wide scale to prioritize potentially pathogenic genetic variation.
2022 Sep 2
Chuah A, Li S, Do A
58. DiffChIPL: a differential peak analysis method for high-throughput sequencing data with biological replicates based on limma.
2022 Sep 2
Chen Y, Chen S, Lei EP.
59. High-dimension to high-dimension screening for detecting genome-wide epigenetic and noncoding RNA regulators of gene expression.
2022 Sep 2
Ke H, Ren Z, Qi J
60. Identifying modifications on DNA-bound histones with joint deep learning of multiple binding sites in DNA sequence.
2022 Sep 2
Li Y, Quan L, Zhou Y
61. Gene regulatory network inference methodology for genomic and transcriptomic data acquired in genetically related heterozygote individuals.
2022 Sep 2
Pomiès L, Brouard C, Duruflé H
62. DEMoS: a deep learning-based ensemble approach for predicting the molecular subtypes of gastric adenocarcinomas from histopathological images.
2022 Sep 2
Wang Y, Hu C, Kwok T
63. DelaySSAToolkit.jl: stochastic simulation of reaction systems with time delays in Julia.
2022 Sep 2
Fu X, Zhou X, Gu D
64. This is GlycoQL.
2022 Sep 16
Hayes C, Daponte V, Mariethoz J
65. SALAI-Net: species-agnostic local ancestry inference network.
2022 Sep 16
Oriol Sabat B, Mas Montserrat D, Giro-I-Nieto X
66. Discovering significant evolutionary trajectories in cancer phylogenies.
2022 Sep 16
Pellegrina L, Vandin F.
67. MERRIN: MEtabolic regulation rule INference from time series data.
2022 Sep 16
Thuillier K, Baroukh C, Bockmayr A
68. Improved NSGA-II algorithms for multi-objective biomarker discovery.
2022 Sep 16
Cattelani L, Fortino V.
69. CRISPRtracrRNA: robust approach for CRISPR tracrRNA detection.
2022 Sep 16
Mitrofanov A, Ziemann M, Alkhnbashi OS
70. GNN-SubNet: disease subnetwork detection with explainable graph neural networks.
2022 Sep 16
Pfeifer B, Saranti A, Holzinger A.
71. Design centering enables robustness screening of pattern formation models.
2022 Sep 16
Solomatina A, Cezanne A, Kalaidzidis Y
72. Exploiting pretrained biochemical language models for targeted drug design.
2022 Sep 16
Uludoğan G, Ozkirimli E, Ulgen KO
73. Insights into performance evaluation of compound-protein interaction prediction methods.
2022 Sep 16
Yaseen A, Amin I, Akhter N
74. Linking cells across single-cell modalities by synergistic matching of neighborhood structure.
2022 Sep 16
Hristov BH, Bilmes JA, Noble WS.
75. Improving bacterial genome assembly using a test of strand orientation.
2022 Sep 16
Greenberg G, Shomorony I.
76. PiLSL: pairwise interaction learning-based graph neural network for synthetic lethality prediction in human cancers.
2022 Sep 16
Liu X, Yu J, Tao S
77. Small compound-based direct cell conversion with combinatorial optimization of pathway regulations.
2022 Sep 16
Nakamura T, Iwata M, Hamano M
78. Efficient permutation-based genome-wide association studies for normal and skewed phenotypic distributions.
2022 Sep 16
John M, Ankenbrand MJ, Artmann C
79. Cross-modality and self-supervised protein embedding for compound-protein affinity and contact prediction.
2022 Sep 16
You Y, Shen Y.
80. DrDimont: explainable drug response prediction from differential analysis of multi-omics networks.
2022 Sep 16
Hiort P, Hugo J, Zeinert J
81. SimBu: bias-aware simulation of bulk RNA-seq data with variable cell-type composition.
2022 Sep 16
Dietrich A, Sturm G, Merotto L
82. DeepZF: improved DNA-binding prediction of C2H2-zinc-finger proteins by deep transfer learning.
2022 Sep 16
Aizenshtein-Gazit S, Orenstein Y.
83. APPRIS principal isoforms and MANE Select transcripts define reference splice variants.
2022 Sep 16
Pozo F, Rodriguez JM, Martínez Gómez L
84. NSF4SL: negative-sample-free contrastive learning for ranking synthetic lethal partner genes in human cancers.
2022 Sep 16
Wang S, Feng Y, Liu X
85. Group-walk: a rigorous approach to group-wise false discovery rate analysis by target-decoy competition.
2022 Sep 16
Freestone J, Short T, Noble WS
86. 3CAC: improving the classification of phages and plasmids in metagenomic assemblies using assembly graphs.
2022 Sep 16
Pu L, Shamir R.
87. Detecting DNA of novel fungal pathogens using ResNets and a curated fungi-hosts data collection.
2022 Sep 16
Bartoszewicz JM, Nasri F, Nowicka M
88. DistilProtBert: a distilled protein language model used to distinguish between real proteins and their randomly shuffled counterparts.
2022 Sep 16
Geffen Y, Ofran Y, Unger R.
89. ColocQuiaL: a QTL-GWAS colocalization pipeline.
2022 Sep 15
Chen BY, Bone WP, Lorenz K
90. CPRiL: compound-protein relationships in literature.
2022 Sep 15
Qaseem A, Günther S.
91. PanTools v3: functional annotation, classification and phylogenomics.
2022 Sep 15
Jonkheer EM, van Workum DM, Sheikhizadeh Anari S
92. TargetMine 2022: a new vision into drug target analysis.
2022 Sep 15
Chen YA, Allendes Osorio RS, Mizuguchi K.
93. MIB2: metal ion-binding site prediction and modeling server.
2022 Sep 15
Lu CH, Chen CC, Yu CS
94. Overcoming selection bias in synthetic lethality prediction.
2022 Sep 15
Seale C, Tepeli Y, Gonçalves JP.
95. ToxSTAR: drug-induced liver injury prediction tool for the web environment.
2022 Sep 15
Shin HK, Chun HS, Lee S
96. ASURAT: functional annotation-driven unsupervised clustering of single-cell transcriptomes.
2022 Sep 15
Iida K, Kondo J, Wibisana JN
97. Identification of bacteriophage genome sequences with representation learning.
2022 Sep 15
Bai Z, Zhang YZ, Miyano S
98. MOCHI: a comprehensive cross-platform tool for amplicon-based microbiota analysis.
2022 Sep 15
Zheng JJ, Wang PW, Huang TW
99. BioCaster in 2021: automatic disease outbreaks detection from global news media.
2022 Sep 15
Meng Z, Okhmatovskaia A, Polleri M
100. tmVar 3.0: an improved variant concept recognition and normalization tool.
2022 Sep 15
Wei CH, Allot A, Riehle K
101. Identifying cellular cancer mechanisms through pathway-driven data integration.
2022 Sep 15
Windels SFL, Malod-Dognin N, Pržulj N.
102. PanExplorer: a web-based tool for exploratory analysis and visualization of bacterial pan-genomes.
2022 Sep 15
Dereeper A, Summo M, Meyer DF.
103. The K-mer File Format: a standardized and compact disk representation of sets of k-mers.
2022 Sep 15
Dufresne Y, Lemane T, Marijon P
104. REALGAR: a web app of integrated respiratory omics data.
2022 Sep 15
Kan M, Diwadkar AR, Saxena S
105. SpikePro: a webserver to predict the fitness of SARS-CoV-2 variants.
2022 Sep 15
Cia G, Kwasigroch JM, Rooman M
106. ViReMaShiny: an interactive application for analysis of viral recombination data.
2022 Sep 15
Yeung J, Routh AL.
107. Mocafe: a comprehensive Python library for simulating cancer development with Phase Field Models.
2022 Sep 15
Pradelli F, Minervini G, Tosatto SCE.
108. ShinySyn: a Shiny/R application for the interactive visualization and integration of macro- and micro-synteny data.
2022 Sep 15
Xiao Z, Lam HM.
109. LanceOtron: a deep learning peak caller for genome sequencing experiments.
2022 Sep 15
Hentges LD, Sergeant MJ, Cole CB
110. An improved residual network using deep fusion for identifying RNA 5-methylcytosine sites.
2022 Sep 15
Li X, Zhang S, Shi H.
111. TEspeX: consensus-specific quantification of transposable element expression preventing biases from exonized fragments.
2022 Sep 15
Ansaloni F, Gualandi N, Esposito M
112. Prediction of HIV sensitivity to monoclonal antibodies using aminoacid sequences and deep learning.
2022 Sep 15
Dănăilă VR, Buiu C.
113. SECEDO: SNV-based subclone detection using ultra-low coverage single-cell DNA sequencing.
2022 Sep 15
Rozhoňová H, Danciu D, Stark S
114. BioADAPT-MRC: adversarial learning-based domain adaptation improves biomedical machine reading comprehension task.
2022 Sep 15
Mahbub M, Srinivasan S, Begoli E
115. DiNAMIC.Duo: detecting somatic DNA copy number differences without a normal reference.
2022 Sep 15
Walter V, Choi HY, Zhao X
116. NMRpQuant: an automated software for large scale urinary total protein quantification by one-dimensional 1H NMR profiles.
2022 Sep 15
Takis PG, Vuckovic I, Tan T
117. Best templates outperform homology models in predicting the impact of mutations on protein stability.
2022 Sep 15
Pak MA, Ivankov DN.
118. Human mitochondrial protein complexes revealed by large-scale coevolution analysis and deep learning-based structure modeling.
2022 Sep 15
Pei J, Zhang J, Cong Q.
119. CoGO: a contrastive learning framework to predict disease similarity based on gene network and ontology structure.
2022 Sep 15
Chen Y, Hu Y, Hu X
120. Automatic DNA replication tract measurement to assess replication and repair dynamics at the single-molecule level.
2022 Sep 15
Li L, Kolinjivadi AM, Ong KH
121. Multidrug representation learning based on pretraining model and molecular graph for drug interaction and combination prediction.
2022 Sep 15
Ren S, Yu L, Gao L.
122. PLCOjs, a FAIR GWAS web SDK for the NCI Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer Genetic Atlas project.
2022 Sep 15
Ruan E, Nemeth E, Moffitt R
123. Quasi-Entropy Closure: a fast and reliable approach to close the moment equations of the Chemical Master Equation.
2022 Sep 15
Wagner V, Castellaz B, Oesting M
124. Detecting retinal neural and stromal cell classes and ganglion cell subtypes based on transcriptome data with deep transfer learning.
2022 Sep 15
Madadi Y, Sun J, Chen H
125. Incorporating family disease history and controlling case-control imbalance for population-based genetic association studies.
2022 Sep 15
Zhuang Y, Wolford BN, Nam K
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