期刊文献 > Bioinformatics期刊 选择月份
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2021 Jul (110)
2021 Jun (82)
2021 May (165)
2021 Apr (68)
2021 Mar (35)
2021 Feb (47)
2021 Jan (68)
1. Multi-omic integration by machine learning (MIMaL).
2022 Oct 31
Dickinson Q, Aufschnaiter A, Ott M
2. SQuAPP-simple quantitative analysis of proteins and PTMs.
2022 Oct 31
Ergin EK, Uzozie AC, Chen S
3. MGPLI: exploring multigranular representations for protein-ligand interaction prediction.
2022 Oct 31
Wang J, Hu J, Sun H
4. dICC: distance-based intraclass correlation coefficient for metagenomic reproducibility studies.
2022 Oct 31
Chen J, Zhang X.
5. Manifold classification of neuron types from microscopic images.
2022 Oct 31
Liu L, Qian P.
6. Systematic replication enables normalization of high-throughput imaging assays.
2022 Oct 31
Hunt GJ, Dane MA, Korkola JE
7. AEON.py: Python library for attractor analysis in asynchronous Boolean networks.
2022 Oct 31
Beneš N, Brim L, Huvar O
8. ASTRAL-Pro 2: ultrafast species tree reconstruction from multi-copy gene family trees.
2022 Oct 31
Zhang C, Mirarab S.
9. CoDNaS-Q: a database of conformational diversity of the native state of proteins with quaternary structure.
2022 Oct 31
Escobedo N, Tunque Cahui RR, Caruso G
10. CANTATA-prediction of missing links in Boolean networks using genetic programming.
2022 Oct 31
Müssel C, Ikonomi N, Werle SD
11. PHi-C2: interpreting Hi-C data as the dynamic 3D genome state.
2022 Oct 31
Shinkai S, Itoga H, Kyoda K
12. HMI-PRED 2.0: a biologist-oriented web application for prediction of host-microbe protein-protein interaction by interface mimicry.
2022 Oct 31
Lim H, Tsai CJ, Keskin O
13. VRPharmer: bringing virtual reality into pharmacophore-based virtual screening with interactive exploration and realistic visualization.
2022 Oct 31
Liu S, Zhou J, Feng Z
14. Icolos: a workflow manager for structure-based post-processing of de novo generated small molecules.
2022 Oct 31
Moore JH, Bauer MR, Guo J
15. StrainDesign: a comprehensive Python package for computational design of metabolic networks.
2022 Oct 31
Schneider P, Bekiaris PS, von Kamp A
16. CCPLS reveals cell-type-specific spatial dependence of transcriptomes in single cells.
2022 Oct 31
Tsuchiya T, Hori H, Ozaki H.
17. The sequence context in poly-alanine regions: structure, function and conservation.
2022 Oct 31
Mier P, Elena-Real CA, Cortés J
18. dsMTL: a computational framework for privacy-preserving, distributed multi-task machine learning.
2022 Oct 31
Cao H, Zhang Y, Baumbach J
19. SD2: spatially resolved transcriptomics deconvolution through integration of dropout and spatial information.
2022 Oct 31
Li H, Li H, Zhou J
20. Systematic comparison of ranking aggregation methods for gene lists in experimental results.
2022 Oct 31
Wang B, Law A, Regan T
21. DRviaSPCN: a software package for drug repurposing in cancer via a subpathway crosstalk network.
2022 Oct 31
Wu J, Li X, Wang Q
22. GraphLoc: a graph neural network model for predicting protein subcellular localization from immunohistochemistry images.
2022 Oct 31
Hu JX, Yang Y, Xu YY
23. A machine learning-based method for automatically identifying novel cells in annotating single-cell RNA-seq data.
2022 Oct 31
Li Z, Wang Y, Ganan-Gomez I
24. MODIG: integrating multi-omics and multi-dimensional gene network for cancer driver gene identification based on graph attention network model.
2022 Oct 31
Zhao W, Gu X, Chen S
25. The phers R package: using phenotype risk scores based on electronic health records to study Mendelian disease and rare genetic variants.
2022 Oct 31
Aref L, Bastarache L, Hughey JJ.
26. ScanExitronLR: characterization and quantification of exitron splicing events in long-read RNA-seq data.
2022 Oct 31
Fry J, Li Y, Yang R.
27. CovidGraph: a graph to fight COVID-19.
2022 Oct 14
Gütebier L, Bleimehl T, Henkel R
28. expam-high-resolution analysis of metagenomes using distance trees.
2022 Oct 14
Solari SM, Young RB, Marcelino VR
29. ntHash2: recursive spaced seed hashing for nucleotide sequences.
2022 Oct 14
Kazemi P, Wong J, Nikolić V
30. GameRank: R package for feature selection and construction.
2022 Oct 14
Henneges C, Paulson JN.
31. Predicting cross-tissue hormone-gene relations using balanced word embeddings.
2022 Oct 14
Jadhav A, Kumar T, Raghavendra M
32. hCoCena: horizontal integration and analysis of transcriptomics datasets.
2022 Oct 14
Oestreich M, Holsten L, Agrawal S
33. Aclust2.0: a revamped unsupervised R tool for Infinium methylation beadchips data analyses.
2022 Oct 14
Oluwayiose OA, Wu H, Gao F
34. BERN2: an advanced neural biomedical named entity recognition and normalization tool.
2022 Oct 14
Sung M, Jeong M, Choi Y
35. MetaboAnnotator: an efficient toolbox to annotate metabolites in genome-scale metabolic reconstructions.
2022 Oct 14
Thiele I, Preciat G, Fleming RMT.
36. grenepipe: a flexible, scalable and reproducible pipeline to automate variant calling from sequence reads.
2022 Oct 14
Czech L, Exposito-Alonso M.
37. No means 'No': a non-improper modeling approach, with embedded speculative context.
2022 Oct 14
Tiwary P, Madhubalan A, Gautam A.
38. GTFtools: a software package for analyzing various features of gene models.
2022 Oct 14
Li HD, Lin CX, Zheng J.
39. Theory of local k-mer selection with applications to long-read alignment.
2022 Oct 14
Shaw J, Yu YW.
40. Single-cell mutation calling and phylogenetic tree reconstruction with loss and recurrence.
2022 Oct 14
Kuipers J, Singer J, Beerenwinkel N.
41. Differential RNA methylation analysis for MeRIP-seq data under general experimental design.
2022 Oct 14
Guo Z, Shafik AM, Jin P
42. Tangent normalization for somatic copy-number inference in cancer genome analysis.
2022 Oct 14
Gao GF, Oh C, Saksena G
43. Multi-way relation-enhanced hypergraph representation learning for anti-cancer drug synergy prediction.
2022 Oct 14
Liu X, Song C, Liu S
44. Microbench: automated metadata management for systems biology benchmarking and reproducibility in Python.
2022 Oct 14
Lubbock ALR, Lopez CF.
45. scFeatures: multi-view representations of single-cell and spatial data for disease outcome prediction.
2022 Oct 14
Cao Y, Lin Y, Patrick E
46. DeepToA: an ensemble deep-learning approach to predicting the theater of activity of a microbiome.
2022 Oct 14
Zeng W, Gautam A, Huson DH.
47. SEMgraph: an R package for causal network inference of high-throughput data with structural equation models.
2022 Oct 14
Grassi M, Palluzzi F, Tarantino B.
48. Heritability estimation for a linear combination of phenotypes via ridge regression.
2022 Oct 14
Li X, Feng X, Liu X.
49. pcnaDeep: a fast and robust single-cell tracking method using deep-learning mediated cell cycle profiling.
2022 Oct 14
Gui Y, Xie S, Wang Y
50. FastMix: a versatile data integration pipeline for cell type-specific biomarker inference.
2022 Oct 14
Zhang Y, Sun H, Mandava A
51. TVAR: assessing tissue-specific functional effects of non-coding variants with deep learning.
2022 Oct 14
Yang H, Chen R, Wang Q
52. APSCALE: advanced pipeline for simple yet comprehensive analyses of DNA metabarcoding data.
2022 Oct 14
Buchner D, Macher TH, Leese F.
53. propeller: testing for differences in cell type proportions in single cell data.
2022 Oct 14
Phipson B, Sim CB, Porrello ER
54. LipidMS 3.0: an R-package and a web-based tool for LC-MS/MS data processing and lipid annotation.
2022 Oct 14
Alcoriza-Balaguer MI, García-Cañaveras JC, Ripoll-Esteve FJ
55. ABEILLE: a novel method for ABerrant Expression Identification empLoying machine LEarning from RNA-sequencing data.
2022 Oct 14
Labory J, Le Bideau G, Pratella D
56. NetTIME: a multitask and base-pair resolution framework for improved transcription factor binding site prediction.
2022 Oct 14
Yi R, Cho K, Bonneau R.
57. Correction of image distortion in large-field ssEM stitching by an unsupervised intermediate-space solving network.
2022 Oct 14
He B, Zhang Y, Zhang F
58. I2b2-etl: Python application for importing electronic health data into the informatics for integrating biology and the bedside platform.
2022 Oct 14
Wagholikar KB, Ainsworth L, Zelle D
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