期刊文献 > Bioinformatics期刊 选择月份
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2021 Jul (110)
2021 Jun (82)
2021 May (165)
2021 Apr (68)
2021 Mar (35)
2021 Feb (47)
2021 Jan (68)
1. Biomedical evidence engineering for data-driven discovery.
2022 Nov 30
Zhao S, Wang A, Qin B
2. ATLIGATOR: editing protein interactions with an atlas-based approach.
2022 Nov 30
Kynast JP, Schwägerl F, Höcker B.
3. CAMML with the Integration of Marker Proteins (ChIMP).
2022 Nov 30
Schiebout C, Frost HR.
4. Estimation of speciation times under the multispecies coalescent.
2022 Nov 30
Peng J, Swofford DL, Kubatko L.
5. GTDB-Tk v2: memory friendly classification with the genome taxonomy database.
2022 Nov 30
Chaumeil PA, Mussig AJ, Hugenholtz P
6. Tree2GD: a phylogenomic method to detect large-scale gene duplication events.
2022 Nov 30
Chen D, Zhang T, Chen Y
7. A novel pipeline for computerized mouse spermatogenesis staging.
2022 Nov 30
Lu H, Zang M, Marini GPL
8. MDSCAN: RMSD-based HDBSCAN clustering of long molecular dynamics.
2022 Nov 30
González-Alemán R, Platero-Rochart D, Rodríguez-Serradet A
9. Learning temporal difference embeddings for biomedical hypothesis generation.
2022 Nov 30
Zhou H, Jiang H, Yao W
10. Prediction of drug-likeness using graph convolutional attention network.
2022 Nov 30
Sun J, Wen M, Wang H
11. Improving and evaluating deep learning models of cellular organization.
2022 Nov 30
Sun H, Fu X, Abraham S
12. MSNet-4mC: learning effective multi-scale representations for identifying DNA N4-methylcytosine sites.
2022 Nov 30
Liu C, Song J, Ogata H
13. Evaluation of efficiency prediction algorithms and development of ensemble model for CRISPR/Cas9 gRNA selection.
2022 Nov 30
Chen Y, Wang X.
14. scHiCPTR: unsupervised pseudotime inference through dual graph refinement for single-cell Hi-C data.
2022 Nov 30
Lyu H, Liu E, Wu Z
15. Powerful and interpretable control of false discoveries in two-group differential expression studies.
2022 Nov 30
Enjalbert-Courrech N, Neuvial P.
16. CEDA: integrating gene expression data with CRISPR-pooled screen data identifies essential genes with higher expression.
2022 Nov 30
Zhao Y, Yu L, Wu X
17. scGNN 2.0: a graph neural network tool for imputation and clustering of single-cell RNA-Seq data.
2022 Nov 30
Gu H, Cheng H, Ma A
18. E-SNPs&GO: embedding of protein sequence and function improves the annotation of human pathogenic variants.
2022 Nov 30
Manfredi M, Savojardo C, Martelli PL
19. METAbolomics data Balancing with Over-sampling Algorithms (META-BOA): an online resource for addressing class imbalance.
2022 Nov 30
Hashimoto-Roth E, Surendra A, Lavallée-Adam M
20. Leveraging a pharmacogenomics knowledgebase to formulate a drug response phenotype terminology for genomic medicine.
2022 Nov 30
Zhao Y, Brush M, Wang C
21. AIscEA: unsupervised integration of single-cell gene expression and chromatin accessibility via their biological consistency.
2022 Nov 30
Jafari E, Johnson T, Wang Y
22. CoxMKF: a knockoff filter for high-dimensional mediation analysis with a survival outcome in epigenetic studies.
2022 Nov 30
Tian P, Yao M, Huang T
23. A penalized linear mixed model with generalized method of moments estimators for complex phenotype prediction.
2022 Nov 30
Wang X, Wen Y.
24. SATINN: an automated neural network-based classification of testicular sections allows for high-throughput histopathology of mouse mutants.
2022 Nov 30
Yang R, Stendahl AM, Vigh-Conrad KA
25. GBZ file format for pangenome graphs.
2022 Nov 15
Sirén J, Paten B.
26. Phytest: quality control for phylogenetic analyses.
2022 Nov 15
Wirth W, Mutch S, Turnbull R
27. wenda_gpu: fast domain adaptation for genomic data.
2022 Nov 15
Hippen AA, Crawford J, Gardner JR
28. Increasing confidence in proteomic spectral deconvolution through mass defect.
2022 Nov 15
Clasen MA, Kurt LU, Santos MDM
29. Discovering drug-target interaction knowledge from biomedical literature.
2022 Nov 15
Hou Y, Xia Y, Wu L
30. Integrating phylogenetic and functional data in microbiome studies.
2022 Nov 15
Douglas GM, Hayes MG, Langille MGI
31. Homologue series detection and management in LC-MS data with homologueDiscoverer.
2022 Nov 15
Mildau K, van der Hooft JJJ, Flasch M
32. Highly significant improvement of protein sequence alignments with AlphaFold2.
2022 Nov 15
Baltzis A, Mansouri L, Jin S
33. Lung cancer subtype diagnosis using weakly-paired multi-omics data.
2022 Nov 15
Wang X, Yu G, Wang J
34. SpaceX: gene co-expression network estimation for spatial transcriptomics.
2022 Nov 15
Acharyya S, Zhou X, Baladandayuthapani V.
35. SBbadger: biochemical reaction networks with definable degree distributions.
2022 Nov 15
Kochen MA, Wiley HS, Feng S
36. GeneNetTools: tests for Gaussian graphical models with shrinkage.
2022 Nov 15
Bernal V, Soancatl-Aguilar V, Bulthuis J
37. mHapTk: a comprehensive toolkit for the analysis of DNA methylation haplotypes.
2022 Nov 15
Ding Y, Cai K, Liu L
38. BioBulkFoundary: a customized webserver for exploring biosynthetic potentials of bulk chemicals.
2022 Nov 15
Sun D, Ding S, Cai P
39. WMSA: a novel method for multiple sequence alignment of DNA sequences.
2022 Nov 15
Wei Y, Zou Q, Tang F
40. CITEdb: a manually curated database of cell-cell interactions in human.
2022 Nov 15
Shan N, Lu Y, Guo H
41. Reproducible acquisition, management and meta-analysis of nucleotide sequence (meta)data using q2-fondue.
2022 Nov 15
Ziemski M, Adamov A, Kim L
42. RPPA SPACE: an R package for normalization and quantitation of Reverse-Phase Protein Array data.
2022 Nov 15
Shehwana H, Kumar SV, Melott JM
43. MPVNN: Mutated Pathway Visible Neural Network architecture for interpretable prediction of cancer-specific survival risk.
2022 Nov 15
Ghosh Roy G, Geard N, Verspoor K
44. scSemiGAN: a single-cell semi-supervised annotation and dimensionality reduction framework based on generative adversarial network.
2022 Nov 15
Xu Z, Luo J, Xiong Z.
45. EagleImp: fast and accurate genome-wide phasing and imputation in a single tool.
2022 Nov 15
Wienbrandt L, Ellinghaus D.
46. CGV: Cancer Genome Viewer, a web service for integrative cancer genome and pharmacogenomic data analysis.
2022 Nov 15
Choi JH, Choi HS, Cho SH
47. Drug-Protein interaction prediction by correcting the effect of incomplete information in heterogeneous information.
2022 Nov 15
Li Y, Sun C, Wei JM
48. Top-Down Crawl: a method for the ultra-rapid and motif-free alignment of sequences with associated binding metrics.
2022 Nov 15
Cooper BH, Chiu TP, Rohs R.
49. Predicting colorectal cancer tumor mutational burden from histopathological images and clinical information using multi-modal deep learning.
2022 Nov 15
Huang K, Lin B, Liu J
50. statgenMPP: an R package implementing an IBD-based mixed model approach for QTL mapping in a wide range of multi-parent populations.
2022 Nov 15
Li W, Boer MP, van Rossum BJ
51. SCAFE: a software suite for analysis of transcribed cis-regulatory elements in single cells.
2022 Nov 15
Moody J, Kouno T, Chang JC
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