期刊文献 > Bioinformatics期刊 选择月份
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2021 Jul (110)
2021 Jun (82)
2021 May (165)
2021 Apr (68)
2021 Mar (35)
2021 Feb (47)
2021 Jan (68)
1. deepSimDEF: deep neural embeddings of gene products and gene ontology terms for functional analysis of genes.
2022 May 26
Pesaranghader A, Matwin S, Sokolova M
2. HiFine: integrating Hi-C-based and shotgun-based methods to refine binning of metagenomic contigs.
2022 May 26
Du Y, Sun F.
3. Comprehensive comparison of two types of algorithm for circRNA detection from short-read RNA-Seq.
2022 May 26
Liu H, Akhatayeva Z, Pan C
4. Methylartist: tools for visualizing modified bases from nanopore sequence data.
2022 May 26
Cheetham SW, Kindlova M, Ewing AD.
5. SpatialExperiment: infrastructure for spatially-resolved transcriptomics data in R using Bioconductor.
2022 May 26
Righelli D, Weber LM, Crowell HL
6. CnnPOGTP: a novel CNN-based predictor for identifying the optimal growth temperatures of prokaryotes using only genomic k-mers distribution.
2022 May 26
Wang S, Li G, Liao Z
7. A3D database: structure-based predictions of protein aggregation for the human proteome.
2022 May 26
Badaczewska-Dawid AE, Garcia-Pardo J, Kuriata A
8. Quantification of transcription noise's impact on cell fate commitment with digital resolutions.
2022 May 26
Jiao F, Tang M.
9. GEInfo: an R package for gene-environment interaction analysis incorporating prior information.
2022 May 26
Wang X, Liu H, Ma S.
10. KIMGENS: a novel method to estimate kinship in organisms with mixed haploid diploid genetic systems robust to population structure.
2022 May 26
Wang YW, Ané C.
11. GMHCC: high-throughput analysis of biomolecular data using graph-based multiple hierarchical consensus clustering.
2022 May 26
Lu Y, Yu Z, Wang Y
12. Continuous chromatin state feature annotation of the human epigenome.
2022 May 26
Daneshpajouh H, Chen B, Shokraneh N
13. Deephos: predicted spectral database search for TMT-labeled phosphopeptides and its false discovery rate estimation.
2022 May 26
Na S, Choi H, Paek E.
14. iSFun: an R package for integrative dimension reduction analysis.
2022 May 26
Fang K, Ren R, Zhang Q
15. PltDB: a blood platelets-based gene expression database for disease investigation.
2022 May 26
Zou D, Yuan Y, Xu L
16. An atlas of human viruses provides new insights into diversity and tissue tropism of human viruses.
2022 May 26
Ye S, Lu C, Qiu Y
17. DRUMMER-rapid detection of RNA modifications through comparative nanopore sequencing.
2022 May 26
Abebe JS, Price AM, Hayer KE
18. scGraph: a graph neural network-based approach to automatically identify cell types.
2022 May 26
Yin Q, Liu Q, Fu Z
19. The ENDS of assumptions: an online tool for the epistemic non-parametric drug-response scoring.
2022 May 26
Amiryousefi A, Williams B, Jafari M
20. ATHENA: analysis of tumor heterogeneity from spatial omics measurements.
2022 May 26
Martinelli AL, Rapsomaniki MA.
21. Simulation and annotation of global acronyms.
2022 May 26
Filimonov M, Chopard D, Spasić I.
22. Kernel-based hierarchical structural component models for pathway analysis.
2022 May 26
Hwangbo S, Lee S, Lee S
23. Robust and accurate estimation of cellular fraction from tissue omics data via ensemble deconvolution.
2022 May 26
Cai M, Yue M, Chen T
24. Steer'n'Detect: fast 2D template detection with accurate orientation estimation.
2022 May 26
Uhlmann V, Püspöki Z, Depeursinge A
25. teff: estimation of Treatment EFFects on transcriptomic data using causal random forest.
2022 May 26
Cáceres A, González JR.
26. scSampler: fast diversity-preserving subsampling of large-scale single-cell transcriptomic data.
2022 May 26
Song D, Xi NM, Li JJ
27. Scoring protein sequence alignments using deep learning.
2022 May 26
Shrestha B, Adhikari B.
28. ELIXIR biovalidator for semantic validation of life science metadata.
2022 May 26
Liyanage I, Burdett T, Droesbeke B
29. findPC: An R package to automatically select the number of principal components in single-cell analysis.
2022 May 13
Zhuang H, Wang H, Ji Z.
30. Boost-RS: boosted embeddings for recommender systems and its application to enzyme-substrate interaction prediction.
2022 May 13
Li X, Liu LP, Hassoun S.
31. Impact of protein conformational diversity on AlphaFold predictions.
2022 May 13
Saldaño T, Escobedo N, Marchetti J
32. TRANSDIRE: data-driven direct reprogramming by a pioneer factor-guided trans-omics approach.
2022 May 13
Eguchi R, Hamano M, Iwata M
33. Relational graph convolutional networks for predicting blood-brain barrier penetration of drug molecules.
2022 May 13
Ding Y, Jiang X, Kim Y.
34. OMAMO: orthology-based alternative model organism selection.
2022 May 13
Nicheperovich A, Altenhoff AM, Dessimoz C
35. InParanoid-DIAMOND: faster orthology analysis with the InParanoid algorithm.
2022 May 13
Persson E, Sonnhammer ELL.
36. SimSCSnTree: a simulator of single-cell DNA sequencing data.
2022 May 13
Mallory XF, Nakhleh L.
37. A comprehensive evaluation of regression-based drug responsiveness prediction models, using cell viability inhibitory concentrations (IC50 values).
2022 May 13
Park A, Joo M, Kim K
38. Design and application of a knowledge network for automatic prioritization of drug mechanisms.
2022 May 13
Mayers M, Tu R, Steinecke D
39. Fast and accurate inference of gene regulatory networks through robust precision matrix estimation.
2022 May 13
Passemiers A, Moreau Y, Raimondi D.
40. BFF and cellhashR: analysis tools for accurate demultiplexing of cell hashing data.
2022 May 13
Boggy GJ, McElfresh GW, Mahyari E
41. CBNplot: Bayesian network plots for enrichment analysis.
2022 May 13
Sato N, Tamada Y, Yu G
42. Integrative analysis of relative abundance data and presence-absence data of the microbiome using the LDM.
2022 May 13
Zhu Z, Satten GA, Hu YJ.
43. VIQoR: a web service for visually supervised protein inference and protein quantification.
2022 May 13
Tsiamis V, Schwämmle V.
44. Interpretable-ADMET: a web service for ADMET prediction and optimization based on deep neural representation.
2022 May 13
Wei Y, Li S, Li Z
45. PacRAT: a program to improve barcode-variant mapping from PacBio long reads using multiple sequence alignment.
2022 May 13
Yeh CC, Amorosi CJ, Showman S
46. Analysing high-throughput sequencing data in Python with HTSeq 2.0.
2022 May 13
Putri GH, Anders S, Pyl PT
47. MOSS: multi-omic integration with sparse value decomposition.
2022 May 13
Gonzalez-Reymundez A, Grueneberg A, Lu G
48. BIODICA: a computational environment for Independent Component Analysis of omics data.
2022 May 13
Captier N, Merlevede J, Molkenov A
49. Network-based cancer heterogeneity analysis incorporating multi-view of prior information.
2022 May 13
Li Y, Xu S, Ma S
50. TransPPMP: predicting pathogenicity of frameshift and non-sense mutations by a Transformer based on protein features.
2022 May 13
Nie L, Quan L, Wu T
51. Supervised graph co-contrastive learning for drug-target interaction prediction.
2022 May 13
Li Y, Qiao G, Gao X
52. EDClust: an EM-MM hybrid method for cell clustering in multiple-subject single-cell RNA sequencing.
2022 May 13
Wei X, Li Z, Ji H
53. PyLiger: scalable single-cell multi-omic data integration in Python.
2022 May 13
Lu L, Welch JD.
54. Airpart: interpretable statistical models for analyzing allelic imbalance in single-cell datasets.
2022 May 13
Mu W, Sarkar H, Srivastava A
55. BSDE: barycenter single-cell differential expression for case-control studies.
2022 May 13
Zhang M, Guo FR.
56. Non-negative Independent Factor Analysis disentangles discrete and continuous sources of variation in scRNA-seq data.
2022 May 13
Mao W, Pouyan MB, Kostka D
57. TPpred-ATMV: therapeutic peptide prediction by adaptive multi-view tensor learning model.
2022 May 13
Yan K, Lv H, Guo Y
58. AMIGOS III: pseudo-torsion angle visualization and motif-based structure comparison of nucleic acids.
2022 May 13
Shine M, Zhang C, Pyle AM.
59. SASpector: analysis of missing genomic regions in draft genomes of prokaryotes.
2022 May 13
Lood C, Correa Rojo A, Sinar D
60. tRNAstudio: facilitating the study of human mature tRNAs from deep sequencing datasets.
2022 May 13
Murillo-Recio M, Martínez de Lejarza Samper IM, Tuñí I Domínguez C
61. EDGE COVID-19: a web platform to generate submission-ready genomes from SARS-CoV-2 sequencing efforts.
2022 May 13
Lo CC, Shakya M, Connor R
62. MorphoTools2: an R package for multivariate morphometric analysis.
2022 May 13
Šlenker M, Koutecký P, Marhold K.
63. Improving confidence in lipidomic annotations by incorporating empirical ion mobility regression analysis and chemical class prediction.
2022 May 13
Rose BS, May JC, Picache JA
64. LPTD: a novel linear programming-based topology determination method for cryo-EM maps.
2022 May 13
Behkamal B, Naghibzadeh M, Pagnani A
65. Annotating regulatory elements by heterogeneous network embedding.
2022 May 13
Lu Y, Feng Z, Zhang S
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