期刊文献 > Bioinformatics期刊 选择月份
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2021 Jul (110)
2021 Jun (82)
2021 May (165)
2021 Apr (68)
2021 Mar (35)
2021 Feb (47)
2021 Jan (68)
1. scPretrain: multi-task self-supervised learning for cell-type classification.
2022 Mar 4
Zhang R, Luo Y, Ma J
2. Robust disease module mining via enumeration of diverse prize-collecting Steiner trees.
2022 Mar 4
Bernett J, Krupke D, Sadegh S
3. MedTator: a serverless annotation tool for corpus development.
2022 Mar 4
He H, Fu S, Wang L
4. SPEQ: quality assessment of peptide tandem mass spectra with deep learning.
2022 Mar 4
Gholamizoj S, Ma B.
5. Completing gene trees without species trees in sub-quadratic time.
2022 Mar 4
Mai U, Mirarab S.
6. GC-Profile 2.0: an extended web server for the prediction and visualization of CpG islands.
2022 Mar 4
Lai FL, Gao F.
7. MAINE: a web tool for multi-omics feature selection and rule-based data exploration.
2022 Mar 4
Gruca A, Henzel J, Kostorz I
8. DeepSVP: integration of genotype and phenotype for structural variant prioritization using deep learning.
2022 Mar 4
Althagafi A, Alsubaie L, Kathiresan N
9. AMC: accurate mutation clustering from single-cell DNA sequencing data.
2022 Mar 4
Yu Z, Du F.
10. BATL: Bayesian annotations for targeted lipidomics.
2022 Mar 4
Chitpin JG, Surendra A, Nguyen TT
11. GEnView: a gene-centric, phylogeny-based comparative genomics pipeline for bacterial genomes and plasmids.
2022 Mar 4
Ebmeyer S, Coertze RD, Berglund F
12. Gene set analysis with graph-embedded kernel association test.
2022 Mar 4
Qu J, Cui Y.
13. TMBleR: a bioinformatic tool to optimize TMB estimation and predictive power.
2022 Mar 4
Fancello L, Guida A, Frige G
14. Identifying cancer pathway dysregulations using differential causal effects.
2022 Mar 4
Jablonski KP, Pirkl M, Ćevid D
15. Mainzelliste SecureEpiLinker (MainSEL): privacy-preserving record linkage using secure multi-party computation.
2022 Mar 4
Stammler S, Kussel T, Schoppmann P
16. LipidOne: user-friendly lipidomic data analysis tool for a deeper interpretation in a systems biology scenario.
2022 Mar 4
Pellegrino RM, Giulietti M, Alabed HBR
17. HOMELETTE: a unified interface to homology modelling software.
2022 Mar 4
Junk P, Kiel C.
18. Towards a reproducible interactome: semantic-based detection of redundancies to unify protein-protein interaction databases.
2022 Mar 4
Melkonian M, Juigné C, Dameron O
19. Inferring gene regulatory network via fusing gene expression image and RNA-seq data.
2022 Mar 4
Li X, Ma S, Liu J
20. CRAM 3.1: advances in the CRAM file format.
2022 Mar 4
Bonfield JK.
21. ToxIBTL: prediction of peptide toxicity based on information bottleneck and transfer learning.
2022 Mar 4
Wei L, Ye X, Sakurai T
22. Chromosomal imbalances detected via RNA-sequencing in 28 cancers.
2022 Mar 4
Ozcan Z, San Lucas FA, Wong JW
23. Characterization of biofilm structure and properties via processing of 2D optical coherence tomography images in BISCAP.
2022 Mar 4
Narciso DAC, Pereira A, Dias NO
24. STonKGs: a sophisticated transformer trained on biomedical text and knowledge graphs.
2022 Mar 4
Balabin H, Hoyt CT, Birkenbihl C
25. CACONET: a novel classification framework for microbial correlation networks.
2022 Mar 4
Xu Y, Nash K, Acharjee A
26. TransportTools: a library for high-throughput analyses of internal voids in biomolecules and ligand transport through them.
2022 Mar 4
Brezovsky J, Thirunavukarasu AS, Surpeta B
27. MACA: marker-based automatic cell-type annotation for single-cell expression data.
2022 Mar 4
Xu Y, Baumgart SJ, Stegmann CM
28. CRPMKB: a knowledge base of cancer risk prediction models for systematic comparison and personalized applications.
2022 Mar 4
Ren S, Jin Y, Chen Y
29. Alpha-Tri: a deep neural network for scoring the similarity between predicted and measured spectra improves peptide identification of DIA data.
2022 Mar 4
Song J, Yu C.
30. MIMOSA2: a metabolic network-based tool for inferring mechanism-supported relationships in microbiome-metabolome data.
2022 Mar 4
Noecker C, Eng A, Muller E
31. Quantifying and correcting slide-to-slide variation in multiplexed immunofluorescence images.
2022 Mar 4
Harris CR, McKinley ET, Roland JT
32. Pairs and Pairix: a file format and a tool for efficient storage and retrieval for Hi-C read pairs.
2022 Mar 4
Lee S, Bakker CR, Vitzthum C
33. On the identifiability of the isoform deconvolution problem: application to select the proper fragment length in an RNA-seq library.
2022 Mar 4
Ferrer-Bonsoms JA, Morales X, Afshar PT
34. GPU-I-TASSER: a GPU accelerated I-TASSER protein structure prediction tool.
2022 Mar 4
MacCarthy EA, Zhang C, Zhang Y
35. Comparing transmembrane protein structures with ATOLL.
2022 Mar 4
Jacquemard C, Bret G, Grutter T
36. CoDNaS-RNA: a database of conformational diversity in the native state of RNA.
2022 Mar 4
González Buitrón M, Tunque Cahui RR, García Ríos E
37. CoV-Spectrum: analysis of globally shared SARS-CoV-2 data to identify and characterize new variants.
2022 Mar 4
Chen C, Nadeau S, Yared M
38. BioProfiling.jl: profiling biological perturbations with high-content imaging in single cells and heterogeneous populations.
2022 Mar 4
Vulliard L, Hancock J, Kamnev A
39. Benchmarking table recognition performance on biomedical literature on neurological disorders.
2022 Mar 4
Adams T, Namysl M, Kodamullil AT
40. Overcoming the inadaptability of sparse group lasso for data with various group structures by stacking.
2022 Mar 4
He H, Guo X, Yu J
41. Improving Confidence In Lipidomic Annotations By Incorporating Empirical Ion Mobility Regression Analysis And Chemical Class Prediction.
2022 Mar 31
Rose BS, May JC, Picache JA
42. PyLiger: Scalable single-cell multi-omic data integration in Python.
2022 Mar 31
Lu L, Welch JD.
43. InParanoid-DIAMOND: Faster orthology analysis with the InParanoid algorithm.
2022 Mar 31
Persson E, Sonnhammer ELL.
44. Interpretable-ADMET: a Web Service for ADMET Prediction and Optimization based on Deep Neural Representation.
2022 Mar 29
Wei Y, Li S, Li Z
45. TransPPMP: Predicting pathogenicity of frameshift and nonsense mutations by a transformer based on protein features.
2022 Mar 28
Nie L, Quan L, Wu T
46. Noise-Transfer2Clean: denoising cryo-EM images based on noise modeling and transfer.
2022 Mar 28
Li H, Zhang H, Wan X
47. Plotgardener: cultivating precise multi-panel figures in R.
2022 Mar 28
Kramer NE, Davis ES, Wenger CD
48. A deep dilated convolutional residual network for predicting interchain contacts of protein homodimers.
2022 Mar 28
Roy RS, Quadir F, Soltanikazemi E
49. LongPhase: an ultra-fast chromosome-scale phasing algorithm for small and large variants.
2022 Mar 28
Lin JH, Chen LC, Yu SC
50. A mixture model for determining SARS-Cov-2 variant composition in pooled samples.
2022 Mar 28
Valieris R, Drummond RD, Defelicibus A
51. GenomeTornadoPlot: a novel R package for CNV visualization and focality analysis.
2022 Mar 28
Hong C, Thiele R, Feuerbach L.
52. RawHummus: an R Shiny app for automated raw data quality control in metabolomics.
2022 Mar 28
Dong Y, Kazachkova Y, Gou M
53. SCONCE: a method for profiling copy number alterations in cancer evolution using single-cell whole genome sequencing.
2022 Mar 28
Hui S, Nielsen R.
54. End-to-end learning of evolutionary models to find coding regions in genome alignments.
2022 Mar 28
Mertsch D, Stanke M.
55. From viral evolution to spatial contagion: a biologically modulated Hawkes model.
2022 Mar 28
Holbrook AJ, Ji X, Suchard MA.
56. AlzCode: a platform for multiview analysis of genes related to Alzheimer's disease.
2022 Mar 28
Lin CX, Li HD, Deng C
57. An accurate method for identifying recent recombinants from unaligned sequences.
2022 Mar 28
Feng Q, Tiedje KE, Ruybal-Pesántez S
58. Telogator: a method for reporting chromosome-specific telomere lengths from long reads.
2022 Mar 28
Stephens Z, Ferrer A, Boardman L
59. A data-adaptive Bayesian regression approach for polygenic risk prediction.
2022 Mar 28
Song S, Hou L, Liu JS.
60. FUNKI: interactive functional footprint-based analysis of omics data.
2022 Mar 28
Hernansaiz-Ballesteros R, Holland CH, Dugourd A
61. NerLTR-DTA: drug-target binding affinity prediction based on neighbor relationship and learning to rank.
2022 Mar 28
Ru X, Ye X, Sakurai T
62. StructuralVariantAnnotation: a R/Bioconductor foundation for a caller-agnostic structural variant software ecosystem.
2022 Mar 28
Cameron DL, Dong R, Papenfuss AT.
63. EDTox: an R Shiny application to predict the endocrine disruption potential of compounds.
2022 Mar 28
Sakhteman A, Ghosh A, Fortino V.
64. fastANCOM: a fast method for analysis of compositions of microbiomes.
2022 Mar 28
Zhou C, Wang H, Zhao H
65. SeqWho: reliable, rapid determination of sequence file identity using k-mer frequencies in Random Forest classifiers.
2022 Mar 28
Bennett C, Thornton M, Park C
66. ABlooper: fast accurate antibody CDR loop structure prediction with accuracy estimation.
2022 Mar 28
Abanades B, Georges G, Bujotzek A
67. DisEnrich: database of enriched regions in human dark proteome.
2022 Mar 28
Medvedev KE, Pei J, Grishin NV.
68. ONTdeCIPHER: an amplicon-based nanopore sequencing pipeline for tracking pathogen variants.
2022 Mar 28
Cherif E, Thiam FS, Salma M
69. Struct-f4: a Rcpp package for ancestry profile and population structure inference from f4-statistics.
2022 Mar 28
Librado P, Orlando L.
70. Inverse Potts model improves accuracy of phylogenetic profiling.
2022 Mar 28
Fukunaga T, Iwasaki W.
71. Identify, quantify and characterize cellular communication from single-cell RNA sequencing data with scSeqComm.
2022 Mar 28
Baruzzo G, Cesaro G, Di Camillo B.
72. XPXP: improving polygenic prediction by cross-population and cross-phenotype analysis.
2022 Mar 28
Xiao J, Cai M, Hu X
73. ViruClust: direct comparison of SARS-CoV-2 genomes and genetic variants in space and time.
2022 Mar 28
Cilibrasi L, Pinoli P, Bernasconi A
74. kc-hits: A tool to aid in the evaluation and classification of chemical carcinogens.
2022 Mar 28
Reisfeld B, de Conti A, El Ghissassi F
75. metaboprep: an R package for preanalysis data description and processing.
2022 Mar 28
Hughes DA, Taylor K, McBride N
76. DeepUMQA: ultrafast shape recognition-based protein model quality assessment using deep learning.
2022 Mar 28
Guo SS, Liu J, Zhou XG
77. SPOT-Contact-LM: improving single-sequence-based prediction of protein contact map using a transformer language model.
2022 Mar 28
Singh J, Litfin T, Singh J
78. TMQuery: a database of precomputed template modeling scores for assessment of protein structural similarity.
2022 Mar 28
Price S, Tombeur S, Hudson A
79. ptairMS: real-time processing and analysis of PTR-TOF-MS data for biomarker discovery in exhaled breath.
2022 Mar 28
Roquencourt C, Grassin-Delyle S, Thévenot EA.
80. massNet: integrated processing and classification of spatially resolved mass spectrometry data using deep learning for rapid tumor delineation.
2022 Mar 28
Abdelmoula WM, Stopka SA, Randall EC
81. MeRIPseqPipe: an integrated analysis pipeline for MeRIP-seq data based on Nextflow.
2022 Mar 28
Bao X, Zhu K, Liu X
82. M&Ms: a versatile software for building microbial mock communities.
2022 Mar 28
García-García N, Tamames J, Puente-Sánchez F.
83. BioThings SDK: a toolkit for building high-performance data APIs in biomedical research.
2022 Mar 28
Lelong S, Zhou X, Afrasiabi C
84. Benchmarking the empirical accuracy of short-read sequencing across the M. tuberculosis genome.
2022 Mar 28
Marin M, Vargas R, Harris M
85. MS-Decipher: a user-friendly proteome database search software with an emphasis on deciphering the spectra of O-linked glycopeptides.
2022 Mar 28
Mao J, Zhu H, Liu L
86. ProSynAR: a reference aware read merger.
2022 Mar 28
Crysup B, Budowle B, Woerner AE.
87. RCDPeaks: memory-efficient density peaks clustering of long molecular dynamics.
2022 Mar 28
Platero-Rochart D, González-Alemán R, Hernández-Rodríguez EW
88. Functional analysis of the stable phosphoproteome reveals cancer vulnerabilities.
2022 Mar 28
Xiao D, Kim HJ, Pang I
89. BSDE: Barycenter Single-Cell Differential Expression for Case-Control Studies.
2022 Mar 25
Zhang M, Guo FR.
90. TopHap: Rapid inference of key phylogenetic structures from common haplotypes in large genome collections with limited diversity.
2022 Mar 24
Caraballo-Ortiz MA, Miura S, Sanderford M
91. Annotating regulatory elements by heterogeneous network embedding.
2022 Mar 24
Lu Y, Feng Z, Zhang S
92. EDGE COVID-19: A Web Platform to generate submission-ready genomes from SARS-CoV-2 sequencing efforts.
2022 Mar 24
Lo CC, Shakya M, Connor R
93. Network-based cancer heterogeneity analysis incorporating multi-view of prior information.
2022 Mar 23
Li Y, Xu S, Ma S
94. VIQoR: a web service for Visually supervised protein Inference and protein Quantification.
2022 Mar 23
Tsiamis V, Schwämmle V.
95. A comprehensive evaluation of regression-based drug responsiveness prediction models, using cell viability inhibitory concentrations (IC50 values).
2022 Mar 23
Park A, Joo M, Kim K
96. rbioapi: User-Friendly R Interface to Biologic Web Services' API.
2022 Mar 22
Rezwani M, Pourfathollah AA, Noorbakhsh F.
97. PacRAT: A program to improve barcode-variant mapping from PacBio long reads using multiple sequence alignment.
2022 Mar 21
Yeh CC, Amorosi CJ, Showman S
98. LPTD: A Novel Linear Programming-based Topology Determination Method for Cryo-EM Maps.
2022 Mar 21
Behkamal B, Naghibzadeh M, Pagnani A
99. SimSCSnTree: a simulator of single-cell DNA sequencing data.
2022 Mar 21
Mallory XF, Nakhleh L.
100. Analysing high-throughput sequencing data in Python with HTSeq 2.0.
2022 Mar 21
Putri GH, Anders S, Pyl PT
101. hacksig: a unified and tidy R framework to easily compute gene expression signature scores.
2022 Mar 18
Carenzo A, Pistore F, Serafini MS
102. Non-negative Independent Factor Analysis disentangles discrete and continuous sources of variation in scRNA-seq data.
2022 Mar 18
Mao W, Pouyan MB, Kostka D
103. Coarse-Graining Protein Structures into Their Dynamic Communities with DCI, A Dynamic Community Identifier.
2022 Mar 17
Kumar A, Khade P, Dorman K
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