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2021 Feb (47)
2021 Jan (68)
1. MAFFIN: metabolomics sample normalization using maximal density fold change with high-quality metabolic features and corrected signal intensities.
2022 Jun 27
Yu H, Huan T.
2. Conditional generative modeling for de novo protein design with hierarchical functions.
2022 Jun 27
Kucera T, Togninalli M, Meng-Papaxanthos L.
3. PeakBot: machine-learning-based chromatographic peak picking.
2022 Jun 27
Bueschl C, Doppler M, Varga E
4. Predicting protein-peptide binding residues via interpretable deep learning.
2022 Jun 27
Wang R, Jin J, Zou Q
5. SPRISS: approximating frequent k-mers by sampling reads, and applications.
2022 Jun 27
Santoro D, Pellegrina L, Comin M
6. Assessing and assuring interoperability of a genomics file format.
2022 Jun 27
Niu YN, Roberts EG, Denisko D
7. MINE 2.0: enhanced biochemical coverage for peak identification in untargeted metabolomics.
2022 Jun 27
Strutz J, Shebek KM, Broadbelt LJ
8. Powerful molecule generation with simple ConvNet.
2022 Jun 27
Yu HK, Yu HC.
9. Examining clustered somatic mutations with SigProfilerClusters.
2022 Jun 27
Bergstrom EN, Kundu M, Tbeileh N
10. AutoDC: an automatic machine learning framework for disease classification.
2022 Jun 27
Bai Y, Li Y, Shen Y
11. GLIDER: function prediction from GLIDE-based neighborhoods.
2022 Jun 27
Devkota K, Schmidt H, Werenski M
12. scPreGAN, a deep generative model for predicting the response of single-cell expression to perturbation.
2022 Jun 27
Wei X, Dong J, Wang F.
13. Photizo: an open-source library for cross-sample analysis of FTIR spectroscopy data.
2022 Jun 27
Grant-Peters M, Rich-Griffin C, Grant-Peters JE
14. webSCST: an interactive web application for single-cell RNA-sequencing data and spatial transcriptomic data integration.
2022 Jun 27
Zhang Z, Cui F, Su W
15. Transcriptome-wide prediction of prostate cancer gene expression from histopathology images using co-expression-based convolutional neural networks.
2022 Jun 27
Weitz P, Wang Y, Kartasalo K
16. Building alternative consensus trees and supertrees using k-means and Robinson and Foulds distance.
2022 Jun 27
Tahiri N, Fichet B, Makarenkov V.
17. ODGI: understanding pangenome graphs.
2022 Jun 27
Guarracino A, Heumos S, Nahnsen S
18. Sparse and skew hashing of K-mers.
2022 Jun 24
Pibiri GE.
19. A graph neural network approach for molecule carcinogenicity prediction.
2022 Jun 24
Fradkin P, Young A, Atanackovic L
20. Computing optimal factories in metabolic networks with negative regulation.
2022 Jun 24
Krieger S, Kececioglu J.
21. High-sensitivity pattern discovery in large, paired multiomic datasets.
2022 Jun 24
Ghazi AR, Sucipto K, Rahnavard A
22. Phage-bacterial contig association prediction with a convolutional neural network.
2022 Jun 24
Tang T, Hou S, Fuhrman JA
23. On the reliability and the limits of inference of amino acid sequence alignments.
2022 Jun 24
Rajapaksa S, Sumanaweera D, Lesk AM
24. Topsy-Turvy: integrating a global view into sequence-based PPI prediction.
2022 Jun 24
Singh R, Devkota K, Sledzieski S
25. Visualizing hierarchies in scRNA-seq data using a density tree-biased autoencoder.
2022 Jun 24
Garrido Q, Damrich S, Jäger A
26. Deep kernel learning improves molecular fingerprint prediction from tandem mass spectra.
2022 Jun 24
Dührkop K.
27. CALDERA: finding all significant de Bruijn subgraphs for bacterial GWAS.
2022 Jun 24
Roux de Bézieux H, Lima L, Perraudeau F
28. DECODE: a computational pipeline to discover T cell receptor binding rules.
2022 Jun 24
Papadopoulou I, Nguyen AP, Weber A
29. Semi-deconvolution of bulk and single-cell RNA-seq data with application to metastatic progression in breast cancer.
2022 Jun 24
Lei H, Guo XA, Tao Y
30. MeConcord: a new metric to quantitatively characterize DNA methylation heterogeneity across reads and CpG sites.
2022 Jun 24
Zhang X, Wang X.
31. DeepCRISTL: deep transfer learning to predict CRISPR/Cas9 functional and endogenous on-target editing efficiency.
2022 Jun 24
Elkayam S, Orenstein Y.
32. DeepMHCII: a novel binding core-aware deep interaction model for accurate MHC-II peptide binding affinity prediction.
2022 Jun 24
You R, Qu W, Mamitsuka H
33. The effect of genome graph expressiveness on the discrepancy between genome graph distance and string set distance.
2022 Jun 24
Qiu Y, Kingsford C.
34. Scaling multi-instance support vector machine to breast cancer detection on the BreaKHis dataset.
2022 Jun 24
Seo H, Brand L, Barco LS
35. Fast and interpretable genomic data analysis using multiple approximate kernel learning.
2022 Jun 24
Bektaş AB, Ak Ç, Gönen M.
36. DeepGOZero: improving protein function prediction from sequence and zero-shot learning based on ontology axioms.
2022 Jun 24
Kulmanov M, Hoehndorf R.
37. Characterizing domain-specific open educational resources by linking ISCB Communities of Special Interest to Wikipedia.
2022 Jun 24
Kilpatrick AM, Rahman F, Anjum A
38. Self-supervised learning of cell type specificity from immunohistochemical images.
2022 Jun 24
Murphy M, Jegelka S, Fraenkel E.
39. An approachable, flexible and practical machine learning workshop for biologists.
2022 Jun 24
Magnano CS, Mu F, Russ RS
40. BITES: balanced individual treatment effect for survival data.
2022 Jun 24
Schrod S, Schäfer A, Solbrig S
41. The minimizer Jaccard estimator is biased and inconsistent.
2022 Jun 24
Belbasi M, Blanca A, Harris RS
42. ReadBouncer: precise and scalable adaptive sampling for nanopore sequencing.
2022 Jun 24
Ulrich JU, Lutfi A, Rutzen K
43. PolarMorphism enables discovery of shared genetic variants across multiple traits from GWAS summary statistics.
2022 Jun 24
von Berg J, Ten Dam M, van der Laan SW
44. Markov chains improve the significance computation of overlapping genome annotations.
2022 Jun 24
Gafurov A, Brejová B, Medvedev P.
45. QuCo: quartet-based co-estimation of species trees and gene trees.
2022 Jun 24
Rabiee M, Mirarab S.
46. Do-calculus enables estimation of causal effects in partially observed biomolecular pathways.
2022 Jun 24
Mohammad-Taheri S, Zucker J, Hoyt CT
47. DEMA: a distance-bounded energy-field minimization algorithm to model and layout biomolecular networks with quantitative features.
2022 Jun 24
Weng Z, Yue Z, Zhu Y
48. Bridging the gaps in statistical models of protein alignment.
2022 Jun 24
Sumanaweera D, Allison L, Konagurthu AS.
49. Quintet Rooting: rooting species trees under the multi-species coalescent model.
2022 Jun 24
Tabatabaee Y, Sarker K, Warnow T.
50. Synthetic-to-real: instance segmentation of clinical cluster cells with unlabeled synthetic training.
2022 Jun 24
Zhao M, Wang S, Shi F
51. CMash: fast, multi-resolution estimation of k-mer-based Jaccard and containment indices.
2022 Jun 24
Liu S, Koslicki D.
52. Exploring automatic inconsistency detection for literature-based gene ontology annotation.
2022 Jun 24
Chen J, Goudey B, Zobel J
53. From drug repositioning to target repositioning: prediction of therapeutic targets using genetically perturbed transcriptomic signatures.
2022 Jun 24
Namba S, Iwata M, Yamanishi Y.
54. A LASSO-based approach to sample sites for phylogenetic tree search.
2022 Jun 24
Ecker N, Azouri D, Bettisworth B
55. Prediction of recovery from multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in pediatric sepsis patients.
2022 Jun 24
Fan B, Klatt J, Moor MM
56. psupertime: supervised pseudotime analysis for time-series single-cell RNA-seq data.
2022 Jun 24
Macnair W, Gupta R, Claassen M.
57. Reconstructing tumor clonal lineage trees incorporating single-nucleotide variants, copy number alterations and structural variations.
2022 Jun 24
Fu X, Lei H, Tao Y
58. Syotti: scalable bait design for DNA enrichment.
2022 Jun 24
Alanko JN, Slizovskiy IB, Lokshtanov D
59. Simulating domain architecture evolution.
2022 Jun 24
Cui X, Xue Y, McCormack C
60. Phylovar: toward scalable phylogeny-aware inference of single-nucleotide variations from single-cell DNA sequencing data.
2022 Jun 24
Edrisi M, Valecha MV, Chowdary SBV
61. DFBP: a comprehensive database of food-derived bioactive peptides for peptidomics research.
2022 Jun 13
Qin D, Bo W, Zheng X
62. RCSB Protein Data Bank 1D3D module: displaying positional features on macromolecular assemblies.
2022 Jun 13
Segura J, Rose Y, Bittrich S
63. Small molecule generation via disentangled representation learning.
2022 Jun 13
Du Y, Guo X, Wang Y
64. Imputing dropouts for single-cell RNA sequencing based on multi-objective optimization.
2022 Jun 13
Jin K, Li B, Yan H
65. Exodus: sequencing-based pipeline for quantification of pooled variants.
2022 Jun 13
Vainberg-Slutskin I, Kowalsman N, Silberberg Y
66. BioExcel Building Blocks REST API (BioBB REST API), programmatic access to interoperable biomolecular simulation tools.
2022 Jun 13
Bayarri G, Andrio P, Hospital A
67. QuasiSeq: profiling viral quasispecies via self-tuning spectral clustering with PacBio long sequencing reads.
2022 Jun 13
Jiao X, Imamichi H, Sherman BT
68. Detection of oncogenic and clinically actionable mutations in cancer genomes critically depends on variant calling tools.
2022 Jun 13
Garcia-Prieto CA, Martínez-Jiménez F, Valencia A
69. Tightly integrated multiomics-based deep tensor survival model for time-to-event prediction.
2022 Jun 13
Zhang JZ, Xu W, Hu P.
70. Exploiting deep transfer learning for the prediction of functional non-coding variants using genomic sequence.
2022 Jun 13
Chen L, Wang Y, Zhao F.
71. Nezzle: an interactive and programmable visualization of biological networks in Python.
2022 Jun 13
Lee D.
72. Genomic sequences and RNA-binding proteins predict RNA splicing efficiency in various single-cell contexts.
2022 Jun 13
Hou R, Huang Y.
73. REET: robustness evaluation and enhancement toolbox for computational pathology.
2022 Jun 13
Foote A, Asif A, Rajpoot N
74. A new approach to testing mediation of the microbiome at both the community and individual taxon levels.
2022 Jun 13
Yue Y, Hu YJ.
75. CLIN-X: pre-trained language models and a study on cross-task transfer for concept extraction in the clinical domain.
2022 Jun 13
Lange L, Adel H, Strötgen J
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