期刊文献 > Bioinformatics期刊 选择月份
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2021 Feb (47)
2021 Jan (68)
1. Accelerating in silico saturation mutagenesis using compressed sensing.
2022 Jul 11
Schreiber J, Nair S, Balsubramani A
2. Prediction of allosteric communication pathways in proteins.
2022 Jul 11
Haliloglu T, Hacisuleyman A, Erman B.
3. HyperGraphs.jl: representing higher-order relationships in Julia.
2022 Jul 11
Diaz LPM, Stumpf MPH.
4. Spectral clustering of single-cell multi-omics data on multilayer graphs.
2022 Jul 11
Zhang S, Leistico JR, Cho RJ
5. DeepLUCIA: predicting tissue-specific chromatin loops using Deep Learning-based Universal Chromatin Interaction Annotator.
2022 Jul 11
Yang D, Chung T, Kim D.
6. An adaptive direction-assisted test for microbiome compositional data.
2022 Jul 11
Zhang W, Liu A, Zhang Z
7. Effector-GAN: prediction of fungal effector proteins based on pretrained deep representation learning methods and generative adversarial networks.
2022 Jul 11
Wang Y, Luo X, Zou Q.
8. OverProt: secondary structure consensus for protein families.
2022 Jul 11
Midlik A, Hutařová Vařeková I, Hutař J
9. Looking at the BiG picture: incorporating bipartite graphs in drug response prediction.
2022 Jul 11
Hostallero DE, Li Y, Emad A.
10. meGPS: a multi-omics signature for hepatocellular carcinoma detection integrating methylome and transcriptome data.
2022 Jul 11
Wu Q, Zheng X, Leung KS
11. Deep learning for survival analysis in breast cancer with whole slide image data.
2022 Jul 11
Liu H, Kurc T.
12. scGAD: single-cell gene associating domain scores for exploratory analysis of scHi-C data.
2022 Jul 11
Shen S, Zheng Y, Keleş S.
13. Effective drug-target interaction prediction with mutual interaction neural network.
2022 Jul 11
Li F, Zhang Z, Guan J
14. Prior knowledge facilitates low homologous protein secondary structure prediction with DSM distillation.
2022 Jul 11
Wang Q, Wei J, Zhou Y
15. MIO: microRNA target analysis system for immuno-oncology.
2022 Jul 11
Monfort-Lanzas P, Gronauer R, Madersbacher L
16. Trying out a million genes to find the perfect pair with RTIST.
2022 Jul 11
Zhelezov G, Degnan JH.
17. VOC-alarm: mutation-based prediction of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern.
2022 Jul 11
Zhao H, Han K, Gao C
18. transferGWAS: GWAS of images using deep transfer learning.
2022 Jul 11
Kirchler M, Konigorski S, Norden M
19. CNpare: matching DNA copy number profiles.
2022 Jul 11
Chaves-Urbano B, Hernando B, Garcia MJ
20. ZipHiC: a novel Bayesian framework to identify enriched interactions and experimental biases in Hi-C data.
2022 Jul 11
Osuntoki IG, Harrison A, Dai H
21. WAT3R: recovery of T-cell receptor variable regions from 3' single-cell RNA-sequencing.
2022 Jul 11
Ainciburu M, Morgan DM, DePasquale EAK
22. gcFront: a tool for determining a Pareto front of growth-coupled cell factory designs.
2022 Jul 11
Legon L, Corre C, Bates DG
23. Palo: spatially aware color palette optimization for single-cell and spatial data.
2022 Jul 11
Hou W, Ji Z.
24. Metapone: a Bioconductor package for joint pathway testing for untargeted metabolomics data.
2022 Jul 11
Tian L, Li Z, Ma G
25. STracking: a free and open-source Python library for particle tracking and analysis.
2022 Jul 11
Prigent S, Valades-Cruz CA, Leconte L
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