期刊文献 > Bioinformatics期刊 选择月份
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2021 Jan (68)
1. Accelerating Big Data Analysis through LASSO-Random Forest Algorithm in QSAR Studies.
2022 Jan 3
Motamedi F, Pérez-Sánchez H, Mehridehnavi A
2. AutoCAT: automated cancer-associated TCRs discovery from TCR-seq data.
2022 Jan 3
Wong C, Li B.
3. SMILE: mutual information learning for integration of single-cell omics data.
2022 Jan 3
Xu Y, Das P, McCord RP.
4. XGBLC: an improved survival prediction model based on XGBoost.
2022 Jan 3
Ma B, Yan G, Chai B
5. Explainable nucleus classification using Decision Tree Approximation of Learned Embeddings.
2022 Jan 3
Amgad M, Atteya LA, Hussein H
6. Testing microbiome association using integrated quantile regression models.
2022 Jan 3
Wang T, Ling W, Plantinga AM
7. Continual knowledge infusion into pre-trained biomedical language models.
2022 Jan 3
Jha K, Zhang A.
8. ProFitFun: a protein tertiary structure fitness function for quantifying the accuracies of model structures.
2022 Jan 3
Kaushik R, Zhang KYJ.
9. CIndex: compressed indexes for fast retrieval of FASTQ files.
2022 Jan 3
Huo H, Liu P, Wang C
10. Image enhancement to leverage the 3D morphological reconstruction of single-cell neurons.
2022 Jan 3
Guo S, Zhao X, Jiang S
11. Hypergraph-based logistic matrix factorization for metabolite-disease interaction prediction.
2022 Jan 3
Ma Y, Ma Y.
12. metID: an R package for automatable compound annotation for LC-MS-based data.
2022 Jan 3
Shen X, Wu S, Liang L
13. Unipept Visualizations: an interactive visualization library for biological data.
2022 Jan 3
Verschaffelt P, Collier J, Botzki A
14. HoPhage: an ab initio tool for identifying hosts of phage fragments from metaviromes.
2022 Jan 3
Tan J, Fang Z, Wu S
15. TPWshiny: an interactive R/Shiny app to explore cell line transcriptional responses to anti-cancer drugs.
2022 Jan 3
Zhang P, Palmisano A, Kumar R
16. miRAnno-network-based functional microRNA annotation.
2022 Jan 3
Tokar T, Pastrello C, Abovsky M
17. FastqCLS: a FASTQ compressor for long-read sequencing via read reordering using a novel scoring model.
2022 Jan 3
Lee D, Song G.
18. FLINO: a new method for immunofluorescence bioimage normalization.
2022 Jan 3
Graf J, Cho S, McDonough E
19. TGSA: protein-protein association-based twin graph neural networks for drug response prediction with similarity augmentation.
2022 Jan 3
Zhu Y, Ouyang Z, Chen W
20. Viola: a structural variant signature extractor with user-defined classifications.
2022 Jan 3
Sugita I, Matsuyama S, Dobashi H
21. SGI: automatic clinical subgroup identification in omics datasets.
2022 Jan 3
Buyukozkan M, Suhre K, Krumsiek J.
22. PATHOME-Drug: a subpathway-based polypharmacology drug-repositioning method.
2022 Jan 3
Nam S, Lee S, Park S
23. VeloViz: RNA velocity-informed embeddings for visualizing cellular trajectories.
2022 Jan 3
Atta L, Sahoo A, Fan J.
24. MR-Corr2: a two-sample Mendelian randomization method that accounts for correlated horizontal pleiotropy using correlated instrumental variants.
2022 Jan 3
Cheng Q, Qiu T, Chai X
25. GAMMA: a tool for the rapid identification, classification and annotation of translated gene matches from sequencing data.
2022 Jan 3
Stanton RA, Vlachos N, Halpin AL.
26. ksrates: positioning whole-genome duplications relative to speciation events in KS distributions.
2022 Jan 3
Sensalari C, Maere S, Lohaus R.
27. purgeR: inbreeding and purging in pedigreed populations.
2022 Jan 3
López-Cortegano E.
28. rPanglaoDB: an R package to download and merge labeled single-cell RNA-seq data from the PanglaoDB database.
2022 Jan 3
Osorio D, Kuijjer ML, Cai JJ.
29. NetSolP: predicting protein solubility in Escherichia coli using language models.
2022 Jan 27
Thumuluri V, Martiny HM, Almagro Armenteros JJ
30. Graph2MDA: a multi-modal variational graph embedding model for predicting microbe-drug associations.
2022 Jan 27
Deng L, Huang Y, Liu X
31. KCOSS: an ultra-fast k-mer counter for assembled genome analysis.
2022 Jan 27
Tang D, Li Y, Tan D
32. Guide tree optimization with genetic algorithm to improve multiple protein 3D-structure alignment.
2022 Jan 27
Shegay MV, Švedas VK, Voevodin VV
33. COBREXA.jl: constraint-based reconstruction and exascale analysis.
2022 Jan 27
Kratochvíl M, Heirendt L, Wilken SE
34. minoTour, real-time monitoring and analysis for nanopore sequencers.
2022 Jan 27
Munro R, Santos R, Payne A
35. Toward the assessment of predicted inter-residue distance.
2022 Jan 27
Du Z, Peng Z, Yang J.
36. DD-GUI: a graphical user interface for deep learning-accelerated virtual screening of large chemical libraries (Deep Docking).
2022 Jan 27
Yaacoub JC, Gleave J, Gentile F
37. A2Sign: Agnostic Algorithms for Signatures-a universal method for identifying molecular signatures from transcriptomic datasets prior to cell-type deconvolution.
2022 Jan 27
Boldina G, Fogel P, Rocher C
38. ProSeqViewer: an interactive, responsive and efficient TypeScript library for visualization of sequences and alignments in web applications.
2022 Jan 27
Bevilacqua M, Paladin L, Tosatto SCE
39. MatrixQCvis: shiny-based interactive data quality exploration for omics data.
2022 Jan 27
Naake T, Huber W.
40. PheneBank: a literature-based database of phenotypes.
2022 Jan 27
Pilehvar MT, Bernard A, Smedley D
41. bollito: a flexible pipeline for comprehensive single-cell RNA-seq analyses.
2022 Jan 27
García-Jimeno L, Fustero-Torre C, Jiménez-Santos MJ
42. A comparison of rule-based and centroid single-sample multiclass predictors for transcriptomic classification.
2022 Jan 27
Eriksson P, Marzouka NA, Sjödahl G
43. Deep graph learning of inter-protein contacts.
2022 Jan 27
Xie Z, Xu J.
44. maplet: an extensible R toolbox for modular and reproducible metabolomics pipelines.
2022 Jan 27
Chetnik K, Benedetti E, Gomari DP
45. MoNET: an R package for multi-omic network analysis.
2022 Jan 27
Li J, Chen F, Liang H
46. Cryo-shift: reducing domain shift in cryo-electron subtomograms with unsupervised domain adaptation and randomization.
2022 Jan 27
Bandyopadhyay H, Deng Z, Ding L
47. Hubness reduction improves clustering and trajectory inference in single-cell transcriptomic data.
2022 Jan 27
Amblard E, Bac J, Chervov A
48. Uncovering complementary sets of variants for predicting quantitative phenotypes.
2022 Jan 27
Yilmaz S, Fakhouri M, Koyutürk M
49. Plasma protein binding prediction focusing on residue-level features and circularity of cyclic peptides by deep learning.
2022 Jan 27
Li J, Yanagisawa K, Yoshikawa Y
50. PIntMF: Penalized Integrative Matrix Factorization method for multi-omics data.
2022 Jan 27
Pierre-Jean M, Mauger F, Deleuze JF
51. MAGUS+eHMMs: improved multiple sequence alignment accuracy for fragmentary sequences.
2022 Jan 27
Shen C, Zaharias P, Warnow T.
52. metaSNV v2: detection of SNVs and subspecies in prokaryotic metagenomes.
2022 Jan 27
Van Rossum T, Costea PI, Paoli L
53. Limits and potential of combined folding and docking.
2022 Jan 27
Pozzati G, Zhu W, Bassot C
54. Scalable inference of transcriptional kinetic parameters from MS2 time series data.
2022 Jan 27
Bowles JR, Hoppe C, Ashe HL
55. Deep graph representations embed network information for robust disease marker identification.
2022 Jan 27
Maddouri O, Qian X, Yoon BJ.
56. T2-DAG: a powerful test for differentially expressed gene pathways via graph-informed structural equation modeling.
2022 Jan 27
Jin J, Wang Y.
57. AOP-helpFinder webserver: a tool for comprehensive analysis of the literature to support adverse outcome pathways development.
2022 Jan 27
Jornod F, Jaylet T, Blaha L
58. SigTools: exploratory visualization for genomic signals.
2022 Jan 27
Masoumi S, Libbrecht MW, Wiese KC.
59. LocalNgsRelate: a software tool for inferring IBD sharing along the genome between pairs of individuals from low-depth NGS data.
2022 Jan 27
Severson AL, Korneliussen TS, Moltke I.
60. Seq-SetNet: directly exploiting multiple sequence alignment for protein secondary structure prediction.
2022 Jan 27
Ju F, Zhu J, Zhang Q
61. TDFragMapper: a visualization tool for evaluating experimental parameters in top-down proteomics.
2022 Jan 27
Dhenin J, Borges Lima D, Dupré M
62. Idéfix: identifying accidental sample mix-ups in biobanks using polygenic scores.
2022 Jan 27
Warmerdam R, Lanting P; Lifelines Cohort Study; Deelen P, Franke L.
63. Variant Library Annotation Tool (VaLiAnT): an oligonucleotide library design and annotation tool for saturation genome editing and other deep mutational scanning experiments.
2022 Jan 27
Barbon L, Offord V, Radford EJ
64. Explainable multimodal machine learning model for classifying pregnancy drug safety.
2022 Jan 27
Shtar G, Rokach L, Shapira B
65. GADGETS: a genetic algorithm for detecting epistasis using nuclear families.
2022 Jan 27
Nodzenski M, Shi M, Krahn JM
66. Mian: interactive web-based microbiome data table visualization and machine learning platform.
2022 Jan 27
Jin BT, Xu F, Ng RT
67. The power of word-frequency-based alignment-free functions: a comprehensive large-scale experimental analysis.
2022 Jan 27
Cattaneo G, Ferraro Petrillo U, Giancarlo R
68. Clustering spatial transcriptomics data.
2022 Jan 27
Teng H, Yuan Y, Bar-Joseph Z.
69. CpG Transformer for imputation of single-cell methylomes.
2022 Jan 12
De Waele G, Clauwaert J, Menschaert G
70. A computational methodology to diagnose sequence-variant dynamic perturbations by comparing atomic protein structures.
2022 Jan 12
Pacini L, Lesieur C.
71. DULoc: quantitatively unmixing protein subcellular location patterns in immunofluorescence images based on deep learning features.
2022 Jan 12
Xue MQ, Zhu XL, Wang G
72. AncestralClust: clustering of divergent nucleotide sequences by ancestral sequence reconstruction using phylogenetic trees.
2022 Jan 12
Pipes L, Nielsen R.
73. BERT-Kcr: prediction of lysine crotonylation sites by a transfer learning method with pre-trained BERT models.
2022 Jan 12
Qiao Y, Zhu X, Gong H.
74. vcf2gwas: Python API for comprehensive GWAS analysis using GEMMA.
2022 Jan 12
Vogt F, Shirsekar G, Weigel D.
75. ImmuCellAI-mouse: a tool for comprehensive prediction of mouse immune cell abundance and immune microenvironment depiction.
2022 Jan 12
Miao YR, Xia M, Luo M
76. AlphaMap: an open-source Python package for the visual annotation of proteomics data with sequence-specific knowledge.
2022 Jan 12
Voytik E, Bludau I, Willems S
77. ORT: a workflow linking genome-scale metabolic models with reactive transport codes.
2022 Jan 12
Rubinstein RL, Borton MA, Zhou H
78. Importance-Penalized Joint Graphical Lasso (IPJGL): differential network inference via GGMs.
2022 Jan 12
Leng J, Wu LY.
79. Phylotranscriptomic patterns of network stochasticity and pathway dynamics during embryogenesis.
2022 Jan 12
Ko KY, Chen CY, Juan HF
80. TargetNet: functional microRNA target prediction with deep neural networks.
2022 Jan 12
Min S, Lee B, Yoon S.
81. Optimizing viral genome subsampling by genetic diversity and temporal distribution (TARDiS) for phylogenetics.
2022 Jan 12
Marini S, Mavian C, Riva A
82. HPODNets: deep graph convolutional networks for predicting human protein-phenotype associations.
2022 Jan 12
Liu L, Mamitsuka H, Zhu S.
83. WGA-LP: a pipeline for whole genome assembly of contaminated reads.
2022 Jan 12
Rossi N, Colautti A, Iacumin L
84. Multimodal medical image fusion using adaptive co-occurrence filter-based decomposition optimization model.
2022 Jan 12
Zhu R, Li X, Huang S
85. Accurate inference of gene regulatory interactions from spatial gene expression with deep contrastive learning.
2022 Jan 12
Zheng L, Liu Z, Yang Y
86. BalLeRMix +: mixture model approaches for robust joint identification of both positive selection and long-term balancing selection.
2022 Jan 12
Cheng X, DeGiorgio M.
87. Neuron segmentation using 3D wavelet integrated encoder-decoder network.
2022 Jan 12
Li Q, Shen L.
88. PMCE: efficient inference of expressive models of cancer evolution with high prognostic power.
2022 Jan 12
Angaroni F, Chen K, Damiani C
89. Multi-instance learning of graph neural networks for aqueous pKa prediction.
2022 Jan 12
Xiong J, Li Z, Wang G
90. MS2AI: automated repurposing of public peptide LC-MS data for machine learning applications.
2022 Jan 12
Rehfeldt TG, Krawczyk K, Bøgebjerg M
91. scMRA: a robust deep learning method to annotate scRNA-seq data with multiple reference datasets.
2022 Jan 12
Yuan M, Chen L, Deng M.
92. Multiomix: a cloud-based platform to infer cancer genomic and epigenomic events associated with gene expression modulation.
2022 Jan 12
Camele G, Menazzi S, Chanfreau H
93. preciseTAD: a transfer learning framework for 3D domain boundary prediction at base-pair resolution.
2022 Jan 12
Stilianoudakis SC, Marshall MA, Dozmorov MG.
94. CoCoPRED: coiled-coil protein structural feature prediction from amino acid sequence using deep neural networks.
2022 Jan 12
Feng SH, Xia CQ, Shen HB.
95. ConsAlifold: considering RNA structural alignments improves prediction accuracy of RNA consensus secondary structures.
2022 Jan 12
Tagashira M, Asai K.
96. DeepTrio: a ternary prediction system for protein-protein interaction using mask multiple parallel convolutional neural networks.
2022 Jan 12
Hu X, Feng C, Zhou Y
97. GPSmatch: an R package for comparing Genomic-binding Profile Similarity among transcriptional regulators using customizable databases.
2022 Jan 12
Dong A, Bao X.
98. dsRBPBind: modeling the effect of RNA secondary structure on double-stranded RNA-protein binding.
2022 Jan 12
Shatoff E, Bundschuh R.
99. MCRL: using a reference library to compress a metagenome into a non-redundant list of sequences, considering viruses as a case study.
2022 Jan 12
Tadmor AD, Phillips R.
100. The systems biology simulation core library.
2022 Jan 12
Panchiwala H, Shah S, Planatscher H
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