期刊文献 > Bioinformatics期刊 选择月份
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2021 Feb (47)
2021 Jan (68)
1. Automated classification of cytogenetic abnormalities in hematolymphoid neoplasms.
2022 Feb 7
Cox A, Park C, Koduru P
2. HDMC: a novel deep learning-based framework for removing batch effects in single-cell RNA-seq data.
2022 Feb 7
Wang X, Wang J, Zhang H
3. RCSB Protein Data Bank: improved annotation, search and visualization of membrane protein structures archived in the PDB.
2022 Feb 7
Bittrich S, Rose Y, Segura J
4. Predicting the multi-label protein subcellular localization through multi-information fusion and MLSI dimensionality reduction based on MLFE classifier.
2022 Feb 7
Liu Y, Jin S, Gao H
5. springD2A: capturing uncertainty in disease-drug association prediction with model integration.
2022 Feb 7
Wang W, Zhang X, Dai DQ.
6. HolistIC: leveraging Hi-C and whole genome shotgun sequencing for double minute chromosome discovery.
2022 Feb 7
Hayes M, Nguyen A, Islam R
7. scShaper: an ensemble method for fast and accurate linear trajectory inference from single-cell RNA-seq data.
2022 Feb 7
Smolander J, Junttila S, Venäläinen MS
8. pystablemotifs: Python library for attractor identification and control in Boolean networks.
2022 Feb 7
Rozum JC, Deritei D, Park KH
9. miRe2e: a full end-to-end deep model based on transformers for prediction of pre-miRNAs.
2022 Feb 7
Raad J, Bugnon LA, Milone DH
10. SCRIP: an accurate simulator for single-cell RNA sequencing data.
2022 Feb 7
Qin F, Luo X, Xiao F
11. TreeAndLeaf: an R/Bioconductor package for graphs and trees with focus on the leaves.
2022 Feb 7
Cardoso MA, Rizzardi LEA, Kume LW
12. Detecting spatially co-expressed gene clusters with functional coherence by graph-regularized convolutional neural network.
2022 Feb 7
Song T, Markham KK, Li Z
13. trfermikit: a tool to discover VNTR-associated deletions.
2022 Feb 7
McHale P, Quinlan AR.
14. DeepCEL0 for 2D single-molecule localization in fluorescence microscopy.
2022 Feb 7
Cascarano P, Comes MC, Sebastiani A
15. ProteoDisco: a flexible R approach to generate customized protein databases for extended search space of novel and variant proteins in proteogenomic studies.
2022 Feb 7
van de Geer WS, van Riet J, van de Werken HJG.
16. Isoform-level quantification for single-cell RNA sequencing.
2022 Feb 7
Pan L, Dinh HQ, Pawitan Y
17. spiralize: an R package for visualizing data on spirals.
2022 Feb 7
Gu Z, Hübschmann D.
18. A convolutional neural network for segmentation of yeast cells without manual training annotations.
2022 Feb 7
Kruitbosch HT, Mzayek Y, Omlor S
19. InDeep: 3D fully convolutional neural networks to assist in silico drug design on protein-protein interactions.
2022 Feb 7
Mallet V, Checa Ruano L, Moine Franel A
20. RNAglib: a python package for RNA 2.5 D graphs.
2022 Feb 7
Mallet V, Oliver C, Broadbent J
21. Generation of ENSEMBL-based proteogenomics databases boosts the identification of non-canonical peptides.
2022 Feb 7
Umer HM, Audain E, Zhu Y
22. PHIST: fast and accurate prediction of prokaryotic hosts from metagenomic viral sequences.
2022 Feb 7
Zielezinski A, Deorowicz S, Gudyś A.
23. EnGRaiN: a supervised ensemble learning method for recovery of large-scale gene regulatory networks.
2022 Feb 7
Aluru M, Shrivastava H, Chockalingam SP
24. Back translation for molecule generation.
2022 Feb 7
Fan Y, Xia Y, Zhu J
25. Identification, semantic annotation and comparison of combinations of functional elements in multiple biological conditions.
2022 Feb 7
Leone M, Galeota E, Masseroli M
26. PhyloCSF++: a fast and user-friendly implementation of PhyloCSF with annotation tools.
2022 Feb 7
Pockrandt C, Steinegger M, Salzberg SL.
27. DeepMP: a deep learning tool to detect DNA base modifications on Nanopore sequencing data.
2022 Feb 7
Bonet J, Chen M, Dabad M
28. SCANCell reveals diverse inter-cluster interaction patterns in systemic lupus erythematosus across the disease spectrum.
2022 Feb 7
Zhang L, Liu X, Chen X
29. RoDiCE: robust differential protein co-expression analysis for cancer complexome.
2022 Feb 7
Matsui Y, Abe Y, Uno K
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