期刊文献 > Bioinformatics期刊 选择月份
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2021 Aug (26)
2021 Jul (110)
2021 Jun (82)
2021 May (165)
2021 Apr (68)
2021 Mar (35)
2021 Feb (47)
2021 Jan (68)
1. Robust identification of temporal biomarkers in longitudinal omics studies.
2022 Aug 2
Metwally AA, Zhang T, Wu S
2. Identifying interactions in omics data for clinical biomarker discovery using symbolic regression.
2022 Aug 2
Christensen NJ, Demharter S, Machado M
3. matOptimize: a parallel tree optimization method enables online phylogenetics for SARS-CoV-2.
2022 Aug 2
Ye C, Thornlow B, Hinrichs A
4. DrawTetrado to create layer diagrams of G4 structures.
2022 Aug 2
Zurkowski M, Zok T, Szachniuk M.
5. SPEAR: Systematic ProtEin AnnotatoR.
2022 Aug 2
Crown M, Teruel N, Najmanovich R
6. hapCon: estimating contamination of ancient genomes by copying from reference haplotypes.
2022 Aug 2
Huang Y, Ringbauer H.
7. NanoSplicer: accurate identification of splice junctions using Oxford Nanopore sequencing.
2022 Aug 2
You Y, Clark MB, Shim H.
8. Batch alignment via retention orders for preprocessing large-scale multi-batch LC-MS experiments.
2022 Aug 2
Malinka F, Zareie A, Prochazka J
9. A rarefaction-without-resampling extension of PERMANOVA for testing presence-absence associations in the microbiome.
2022 Aug 2
Hu YJ, Satten GA.
10. MarkerMAG: linking metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) with 16S rRNA marker genes using paired-end short reads.
2022 Aug 2
Song W, Zhang S, Thomas T.
11. Shepherd: accurate clustering for correcting DNA barcode errors.
2022 Aug 2
Tavakolian N, Frazão JG, Bendixsen D
12. MetBP: a software tool for detection of interaction between metal ion-RNA base pairs.
2022 Aug 2
Roy P, Bhattacharyya D.
13. Estimation of cancer cell fractions and clone trees from multi-region sequencing of tumors.
2022 Aug 2
Zheng L, Niknafs N, Wood LD
14. ggtranscript: an R package for the visualization and interpretation of transcript isoforms using ggplot2.
2022 Aug 2
Gustavsson EK, Zhang D, Reynolds RH
15. MIAMI: mutual information-based analysis of multiplex imaging data.
2022 Aug 2
Seal S, Ghosh D.
16. The Practical Haplotype Graph, a platform for storing and using pangenomes for imputation.
2022 Aug 2
Bradbury PJ, Casstevens T, Jensen SE
17. Figbird: a probabilistic method for filling gaps in genome assemblies.
2022 Aug 2
Tarafder S, Islam M, Shatabda S
18. riboCleaner: a pipeline to identify and quantify rRNA read contamination from RNA-seq data in plants.
2022 Aug 2
Huang P, Davis E, Cao X
19. PrISM: precision for integrative structural models.
2022 Aug 2
Ullanat V, Kasukurthi N, Viswanath S.
20. NetRAX: accurate and fast maximum likelihood phylogenetic network inference.
2022 Aug 2
Lutteropp S, Scornavacca C, Kozlov AM
21. Sequence tagging for biomedical extractive question answering.
2022 Aug 2
Yoon W, Jackson R, Lagerberg A
22. Globally Accessible Distributed Data Sharing (GADDS): a decentralized FAIR platform to facilitate data sharing in the life sciences.
2022 Aug 2
Vazquez P, Hirayama-Shoji K, Novik S
23. Outlier detection for multi-network data.
2022 Aug 10
Dey P, Zhang Z, Dunson DB.
24. gofasta: command-line utilities for genomic epidemiology research.
2022 Aug 10
Jackson B.
25. microbiomeMarker: an R/Bioconductor package for microbiome marker identification and visualization.
2022 Aug 10
Cao Y, Dong Q, Wang D
26. MobilityTransformR: an R package for effective mobility transformation of CE-MS data.
2022 Aug 10
Salzer L, Witting M, Schmitt-Kopplin P.
27. ProtNAff: protein-bound Nucleic Acid filters and fragment libraries.
2022 Aug 10
Moniot A, Guermeur Y, de Vries SJ
28. Improving candidate Biosynthetic Gene Clusters in fungi through reinforcement learning.
2022 Aug 10
Almeida H, Tsang A, Diallo AB.
29. ChromDMM: a Dirichlet-multinomial mixture model for clustering heterogeneous epigenetic data.
2022 Aug 10
Osmala M, Eraslan G, Lähdesmäki H.
30. Ab-CoV: a curated database for binding affinity and neutralization profiles of coronavirus-related antibodies.
2022 Aug 10
Rawat P, Sharma D, Prabakaran R
31. MSRCall: a multi-scale deep neural network to basecall Oxford Nanopore sequences.
2022 Aug 10
Yeh YM, Lu YC.
32. HSMotifDiscover: identification of motifs in sequences composed of non-single-letter elements.
2022 Aug 10
Singh VK, Misra R, Almo SC
33. RAPPPID: towards generalizable protein interaction prediction with AWD-LSTM twin networks.
2022 Aug 10
Szymborski J, Emad A.
34. Topological analysis as a tool for detection of abnormalities in protein-protein interaction data.
2022 Aug 10
Nowakowska AW, Kotulska M.
35. Random field modeling of multi-trait multi-locus association for detecting methylation quantitative trait loci.
2022 Aug 10
Lyu C, Huang M, Liu N
36. InterpolatedXY: a two-step strategy to normalize DNA methylation microarray data avoiding sex bias.
2022 Aug 10
Wang Y, Gorrie-Stone TJ, Grant OA
37. HiC-TE: a computational pipeline for Hi-C data analysis to study the role of repeat family interactions in the genome 3D organization.
2022 Aug 10
Lexa M, Cechova M, Nguyen SH
38. Hierarchical reinforcement learning for automatic disease diagnosis.
2022 Aug 10
Zhong C, Liao K, Chen W
39. Mirage 2.0: fast and memory-efficient reconstruction of gene-content evolution considering heterogeneous evolutionary patterns among gene families.
2022 Aug 10
Fukunaga T, Iwasaki W.
40. mapDATAge: a ShinyR package to chart ancient DNA data through space and time.
2022 Aug 10
Liu X, Orlando L.
41. A unifying network modeling approach for codon optimization.
2022 Aug 10
Karaşan O, Şen A, Tiryaki B
42. TIMSCONVERT: a workflow to convert trapped ion mobility data to open data formats.
2022 Aug 10
Luu GT, Freitas MA, Lizama-Chamu I
43. ClearCNV: CNV calling from NGS panel data in the presence of ambiguity and noise.
2022 Aug 10
May V, Koch L, Fischer-Zirnsak B
44. Predicting RNA distance-based contact maps by integrated deep learning on physics-inferred secondary structure and evolutionary-derived mutational coupling.
2022 Aug 10
Singh J, Paliwal K, Litfin T
45. i6mA-Caps: a CapsuleNet-based framework for identifying DNA N6-methyladenine sites.
2022 Aug 10
Rehman MU, Tayara H, Zou Q
46. PScL-DDCFPred: an ensemble deep learning-based approach for characterizing multiclass subcellular localization of human proteins from bioimage data.
2022 Aug 10
Ullah M, Hadi F, Song J
47. ResPAN: a powerful batch correction model for scRNA-seq data through residual adversarial networks.
2022 Aug 10
Wang Y, Liu T, Zhao H.
48. Vfold-Pipeline: a web server for RNA 3D structure prediction from sequences.
2022 Aug 10
Li J, Zhang S, Zhang D
49. Single-cell generalized trend model (scGTM): a flexible and interpretable model of gene expression trend along cell pseudotime.
2022 Aug 10
Cui EH, Song D, Wong WK
50. Improving biomedical named entity recognition by dynamic caching inter-sentence information.
2022 Aug 10
Tong Y, Zhuang F, Zhang H
51. CancerCellTracker: a brightfield time-lapse microscopy framework for cancer drug sensitivity estimation.
2022 Aug 10
Jiang Q, Sudalagunta P, Silva MC
52. Variational Bayes for high-dimensional proportional hazards models with applications within gene expression.
2022 Aug 10
Komodromos M, Aboagye EO, Evangelou M
53. Deep learning models for RNA secondary structure prediction (probably) do not generalize across families.
2022 Aug 10
Szikszai M, Wise M, Datta A
54. EasyGDB: a low-maintenance and highly customizable system to develop genomics portals.
2022 Aug 10
Fernandez-Pozo N, Bombarely A.
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